#i feel like it could be j a n c y shippers who maybe think that cause steve was in the way of their ship
samgelina-jolie · 2 years
I see a lot of ppl who talk about Steve "still being an asshole still in early s2" but i don't really get it? Like what did he do that makes him still an asshole pre-Dustin? He's barley there pre-Dustin
S2 Steve has less of the of an antagonistic love interest in the triangle who your obviously supposed to root against vibe like in s1, its more like he's the boyfriend in a Hallmark movie the lead girl is with before she moves back home, promptly forgets him and marries her childhood sweetheart in my opinion
Like yeah I guess he's a mid boyfriend (though I don't think anything to do with Steve was the main issue in Stancy's relationship) but hes not a bad guy by that point. So I don't get people who are like "I still don't like early season 2 steve but he's good by the end" when early season 2 Steve is just some guy by that point.
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clotpole-art · 3 years
Retrospective: Illustrated Merlin Alphabet Challenge
Finally finished the Merlin Alphabet Challenge, so here's the artist notes no one asked for! See below the cut for comments on each piece by order of creation. Be warned folks, it's a long post.
Before we begin: credit to @merlin-gifs for the challenge, which can be found here. It's awesome, go do it.
First thing you should know is I did probably 80-90% of these while on phone calls or in Zoom meetings and that's reflected in the simplicity of most pieces -- the compositions aren't complicated, the lines aren't refined, the coloring is slapdash. If you noticed variation in quality of the pieces, that's why!
Second: I tried to focus on trying something new for each drawing. Didn't always happen, but this challenge did succeed in helping me push me out of my own comfort zone.
Without further ado...
A is for Arthur Pendragon
Textures, baby! Brushed metal of his armor, scratchy linen texture of his shirt, wispy softness of hair and skin. I'd recently gotten my tablet out of storage after a year of figuring out where the hell I was going to live and this was one of the first pieces of digital art I spent time on. Glad it was Arthur kicking us off!
B is for the Beginning of the End (1x08)
Fun fact, I did not draw this with my tablet. I drew it with my work computer's touchscreen. It was awful, would not recommend.
C is for Camelot
I wanted to get used to different brushes, so landscape of the castle it was! There are brushes that help with drawing grass; I did not use said brushes and my wrist hurt afterward. That being said, I really enjoyed working on this and it was one of the few pieces I didn't do while multitasking.
D is for Daegal
Also drawn on my work computer's touchscreen, not my tablet. I didn't learn my lesson from B and the experience was even worse. This is my least favorite piece which sucks because it's Daegal so I'm slated to redo this sometime in the near future. Gotta do our boy justice.
E is for Elyan
Oh, I adored drawing this. Elyan often gets shafted in terms of fandom appreciation so I made sure to choose Elyan for this prompt and to participate in the Elyan fest. Plus, I love a good ghost story and figuring out a way to include the druid spectre was fun. Didn't multitask on this piece because Elyan deserved my full attention.
F is for Freya
Ho boy. This piece. I have such mixed feelings on this drawing. Really really didn't like it after I'd decided it was done and very nearly scrapped the whole thing. I had a vision in my head that I just couldn't render into reality and it frustrated me SO MUCH. Looking back, I like it much better than I did when I first created it.
G is for Gwaine
What can I say, he's pretty when he's cold. I didn't stretch too much with this one -- it's my normal drawing style, I was just trying to find a brush that mimicked the softness of pencil.
H is for Hunith
Another one that didn't stray too far from my comfort zone. I was stupid sick and slammed at work, so a motherly Hunith manifested herself. I blame the bad brush choice on the cold medicine.
I is for Isolde
I woke up and chose violence! Tried to vary my figure drawing style a little in this piece but my brain resisted, resulting in... this. Not mad at it, but not happy with it either. Poor Isolde.
J is for Juggling
Ah, this lovely piece was drawn during a particularly vexing meeting at work. Fun fact, there's another version of this line art that's less about Merlin's stress and more about mine.
K is for Knights of Camelot
Continuing the theme of doodling through bad news and shit meetings. Like I said above, normally meeting doodles aren't complex because I'm concentrating on something else. This one was more involved because I didn't want to concentrate on the meeting. I have a few issues with this from a technical standpoint (perspective, my nemesis) but it's still one of my favorites. Tried some funky coloring technique, didn't hate it.
V is for Vibrant Colors
And here is where we said fuck the rules and started going out of alphabetical order! This one was really fun to do and I loved kicking off Albion Party with this as my first submission. The colors were a challenge (as I hoped they would be) and this is the first time I had to do some color tweaking midway though and after finishing the coloring process. Vibrant Arthur, my beloved. This started as a multitask doodle but took dedicated time to finish.
O is for Old Religion
The concept for this one was buzzing in my head for a bit before a quote-prompt solidified it. I adore the thought of more visible, tangible representations of Merlin as the son of the elements, of "magic itself" -- not just sun-gold eyes, but sea-water hair and sandstone-skin. A complement to the vibrant Arthur portrait.
S is for Sorcerers
When I said I wanted to challenge myself, I wasn't kidding. Ho boy, this was fun but frustrating. I wanted to completely illustrate a gif. So I did. Will I do something like this again? Maybe. A while from now.
M is for Morgause
See above -- same illustrated gif style so at least I was able to reuse some drawings. Poor Morgause ended up looking a little wretched here because I was mentally done with this when I was drawing her. Love the concept of tarot cards + Merlin but others are doing it so I won't continue this series.
Z is for Zzzz
This one was specifically done to test out some custom brushes I made in Krita to make abstract background drawing easier for me. I think they turned out well! Plus who doesn't love bb iridescent Aithusa.
L is for Leon, P is for Percival
Quick, minimal doodles of the boys! Mentally, I was going for a Brady's-style retro ensemble cast TV show credits feel. Not mad at it! Some boys look closer to their actors than others (I think my brain broke drawing Percy, my apologies to Tom Hopper).
T is for Tristan
It wasn't until after I posted this that I realized there was more than one Tristan in Merlin. Could have drawn Isolde's bf but I drew Ygraine's dumb jock undead brother instead. Had some fun with dark greys and blacks here regardless.
Q is for Queen Annis
Best royal in Albion, bar none. I tried a different coloring technique here and I kinda like it! may make it my go-to but we'll see. Old habits are hard to break. Also: our queen deserved more badass clothes.
X is for Arthur X Merlin
Oh, be still my shipper heart. Doodled and colored during a meeting. I had hoped to spend more time on it outside of multitasking but alas, work is a bitch. This one is slated for a rework sometime in the future; I adore the concept too much to let it go without creating another version of this that isn't an utter mess.
U is for Uther's Ward
And here's my attempt at forgoing line art. Not fun, do not like.
Y is for Young Warlock
Channeled some pain into this one. Those are the dead eyes of someone who had been told that he'd succeeded when his friend died. That the destiny he'd been expecting to carry on his shoulders into old age was done and dusted before he turned 30. Grief plus the existential dread of the aimless immortal. Oof. One of my favs.
N is for Nimueh, R is for Rising Sun, W is for Will
And we end on this sorry offering. I was away from home for a while without my tablet and I just got tired of waiting. So, pen doodles at the airport. This was a challenge in its own right because 1. pen only and 2. I wasn't able to pull Netflix up for a reference on the fly. Which is why Will's face is obscured and Nimueh looks.... not like Nimueh lol.
In summary: this was a goddamn joy to do. I finished 26 letter prompts in approximately 21 weeks, which exceeded my own unspoken goal of filling one letter per week. I found a good, happy corner of the Merlin fandom after a years-long hiatus away from being a fandom creator. If you did make it this far with me, thanks for reading my inane comments and giving this little project even a moment of your time -- I'm so grateful.
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lgvalenzuela · 4 years
Thanks to @annabelle-tanaka-official for the tag
A: Attractive (What do they find attractive about the other?)
Barnaby finds Morgana’s patience and compassion extremely compelling, the way she listens to you without ever interrupt you, taking in account everything you say, and always gives you good advice. The way she loves to learn and teach, she will listen and talk about everything. He also loves her laugh. Physically he finds her really pretty, but the thing he likes the most is that how she’s apparently always blushing.
Morgana loves the way she can really feel like a teenager without responsibilities with him, do things that are simply fun, that he’s the funniest person she knows. But also, that he yearns to improve, he wants to be better and really work for it. Physically she can’t help herself; she likes how strong he is.
Both love feeling like they really understand each other.
B: Baby (Do they want a family? Why/Why not?)
They were extremely excited about the prospect of having a big (probably beautiful given their genes) family. But that idea quickly got shut down after having their first and only child after some horrible things happened during the war Morgana was unable to have more children. They thought it was probably for the best, since the first pregnancy was very traumatic and Morgana was busy after the war, but it was one of the saddest things that happened during their adulthood.
C: Cuddle (How do they cuddle?)
Morgana is really private, to the point that no one saw them kiss on the lips until their wedding, but everyone notices they get attracted to one another like magnets whenever they’re in the same room together, they stand as close as possible to each other and maybe Morgana holds his arm. If Morgana is incredibly stressed maybe they would see Barnaby give her a little shoulder massage, or the other way around.
D: Dates (What are dates with them?)
They usually go to the farmers market or going antique shopping, because they’re like a boring old married couple, but they have fun. They just enjoy each other’s company, going on walks together, going to the zoo…no matter how soft and boring it sounds, they just like it. They also go to all the fairs that they can so Barnaby can win her as much plushies as humanly possible.
E: Everything  (You are my ____ (e.g. my life, my world…))
Both agree: You are my future.
F: Feelings (When did they know they were in love?)
Damien told Barnaby he was obviously in love with Morgana, since he always talked about her with such care and love. He was very confused until he heard Morgana tell two judgemental Ravenclaws (that asked her what did she like of being friends with Barnaby if she couldn’t engage intellectually) that they’ve obviously never talked with Barnaby about something he was genuinely interested in, and she didn’t partake of the kind of intellectual dishonesty of believing you’re superior to others.
Morgana isn’t actually sure when it happened, it was slow, gentle and imperceptible, she just one day knew she would do anything if it meant Barnaby could be happy. She just knew at the begginig of Year 4 and she’s been smitten ever since.
G: Gentle (Are they gentle? If so, how?)
Very much so. It’s more noticeable with the affectionate way they touch and stroke each other’s faces. But Morgana also softly grips on his clothes or take his arm, so she won’t lose him. Barnaby is more forward he kisses her face a lot and puts their foreheads together so they can look into each other’s eyes.
H: Hands (How do they like to hold hands?)
Intertwining their fingers.
I: Impression (What was their first impression?)
Morgana thought he was really funny, and Barnaby though she was really sweet.
J: Jealousy (Do they get jealous?)
K: Kiss (How do they kiss? Who initiated the first kiss?)
Morgana initiated the first Kiss because Barnaby gave her all the time, she needed to overcome her shyness a little. Their kisses are…private.
L: Love (Who’s says ‘I love you’ first?)
M: Memory (What’s their favourite memory together?)
Kissing for the first time, because they tried for six months and they had a really deep and meaningful conversation before it happened.
N: Nickle (Do they spoil one another? Do they buy the person they love everything?)
They’re more of an arts and crafts, doing something from the heart kind of couple.
O: Orange (What colour reminds them of their other half?)
For Morgana is autum colors or blue, for Barnaby is jade.
P: Pet names (What pet names do they use?)
Very classical, like the old married couple that they are: my love, dear, darling…
Q: Quaint (What is their favourite non-modern thing?)
Morgana: China tea sets.
Barnaby: Postcards.
R: Rainy day (What do they like to do on a rainy day?)
They go to the field or the countryside to see all the creatures that only go outside when it rains. And after they curl up together on the coach with a blanket, so Morgana can read them a book.
S: Sad (How do they cheer each other up?)
They understand each other very well, so mostly they hug tightly and talk openly about their problems, try to give each other good advice. Morgana also brings him to see puffskins, nifflers…cute things that would make Barnaby happy. And Barnaby makes her tea and sweets.
T: Talking (What do they talk about?)
Whatever comes to mind, which leads to the weirdest topics sometimes.
U: Unencumbered (What helps them relax?)
A good cup of tea and a book for Morgana, petting various cute creatures for Barnaby.
V: Vaunt (What do they like to show off? What are they proud of?
Barnaby likes to show off his muscles and how many things he can win for Morgana on fairs, he’s really proud of how strong he is. Morgana likes to show of her knowledge of various topics and her ingenuity to think of spells (and sometimes cute dresses), she’s really proud of her planning skills.
W: Wedding (When, how, where do they propose?)
Barnaby planned (with the help of Andre and Mercy, avid Morgaby shippers) a really cute proposal where he would take her to the place where they had their first date and give the staff a cup of tea where ‘Will you marry me’ was written at the bottom. Anyway, everything went wrong, he even made it sound like he was breaking up with her and forgot the ring.
So when his intentions were clear enough, Morgana proposed instead.
They married in 1999 in their own house, their wedding was garden/tea/antique themed.
X: Xylophone (What’s their song?)
You matter to me from Waitress.
Y: Yes (Do they ever think of getting married/proposing?)
Yes, especially after having their child.
Z: Zebra (If they wanted a pet, what would they get?)
After moving in together they have a cat, a dog, a niffler, a thestral and Barnaby Junior still lives with them.
For Damien and Ben
For Mercy, Penny, Talbott, Badeea and Diego.
For Emily and Merula
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clary-jace · 7 years
a-z :D
ohh alright anon we’re just gonna go there and do all of them!!! alright!!! let’s do this!!! 
A: Your current OTP. 
well, as y’all know i’m always on my rucas shipping bullshit because i’m me and i’m literally always thinking about them, but i’m also currently really into glenn/maggie, like i’ve shipped them for years but i’m in a Mood™ with them recently, so i’d say them. 
(gonna continue these under the cut bc this is probs gonna be long) 
B: A pairing you initially didn’t consider but someone changed your mind. 
this isn’t necessarily true anymore bc i kind of don’t care abt any ships from this universe and i stopped watching all these shows but back in the Day aka like 2014, i was watching arrow and the flash and phoebe ( @justiceleague2017dirzacksnyder ) turned me into a barry/felicity shipper. 
C: A pairing you wish you shipped, but just can't. 
there are very few ships that i actively wished that i shipped but a lot of the time i wish that i shipped a ship that was more popular in a lot of my fandoms, like i like the pairing itself but i wish that just ONCE i could ship the most popular ship in a fandom for all the content 
D: What was the first thing you ever contributed to a fandom? 
looking back on my ff.net account, which was my first Online account, the first thing i ever contributed to any fandom was a sonny with a chance fanfiction back in july of 2009. 
E: Have you added anything stupid/cracky/hilarious to your fandom, if so, what? 
ajflkdasf i definitely have, i have this han solo edit that was kind of my first “cracky” edit that i ever posted and then i have the best post i ever made (my riley “look what you made me do” edit) and i also think my girl meets world incorrect quotes would also fall under this category 
F: What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom? What fandom was it? 
hm, i would maybe say the walking dead? i’ve considered myself part of the fandom for like 3 years even tho there was a solid like 9 months where i didn’t post any original content, i’ve been a fan for a long time and have plenty of original content to show for my time in the fandom 
G: What was your first fandom? 
honestly?? probably like late 2000s disney/nick shows ajkfldjasf, that’s what all my earliest fandom contributions are for and considering i was joining the internet fandoms at like age 13, it makes sense 
H: Do you prefer real-life TV shows or animated TV shows? 
real life! the only animated show i’ve ever been super into is bob’s burgers, which is like my favorite show of all time, but most of my other favorite shows are real life, not animated. 
I: Has tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why? 
tumblr has never ruined an entire tv show fandom for me but it’s definitely ruined ships/shipping fandoms for me, like a lot of times if a shipping fandom is really like rude towards one of my favorite characters that’ll make me stop being a fan of that ship/that ship fandom.
J: Name a fandom you didn’t care/think about until you saw it all over tumblr. 
tbh most fandoms that i join, i join them because of tumblr like i distinctly remember the walking dead being all over my tumblr and originally having no desire to watch it but all the gifs and edits that i saw made me really interested eventually so i caved and watched it. the same kind of goes for girl meets world too. 
K: How do you feel about the other people in your current fandom(s). 
I HAVE TO SAY that most people in the rucas fandom are pretty wonderful and all things considered the rucas fandom is probably the nicest shipping fandom i’ve ever been in like obviously there are sour apples in every fandom, but most rucas shippers are pretty sweet, i will also say that i’ve never met a mean gleggie shipper which i’m Thankful for. 
L: Your favorite fanartist/author gives you one request, what do you ask for? 
considering my favorite gifmaker AND fanfic author is maggie @friarlucas aka my bestie, i like to think that i have more than one request BUT if i only had one and am not allowed to request the next chapter of atlp, i would request a follow up to her hp au fic where lucas fell off his broom 
M: A person who got you into a fandom and what fandom they pulled you in to. 
at the beginning of our friendship, samantha @jakeamys kinda pulled me into the dylan o’brien fandom tbh, that’s really the only time i can think of something like that happening tho 
N: Your favorite fandom (for the people; not the thing you fangirl over). 
HONESTLY probably the gleggie fandom, when i was more firmly in that fandom every single person that i met was an angel and i also have to say that i always felt like most gleggie shippers loved both glenn and maggie and truly just wanted to see them together and just genuinely loved their scenes and that’s all you can ask for which i love, i hope all my gleggie shippers out there are doing well bc i love them all 
O: Choose a song at random, what ship does it remind you of? 
i’m sorry i can’t think of any song randomly ajfkljdaf i’m really bad at questions like this i’m sorry i failed you 
P: Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas). 
OK so an au i’ve had on my mind for like a week that i have yet to post abt is a zombie apocalypse au for riley and lucas where the apocalypse happens when they’re in college (+ dating long distance) so riley is in nyc and lucas is in texas so obviously they have no way to contact each other and they’re really far apart and they have no idea if the other one is still alive and then like a year or two into the apocalypse riley is living at this community/camp and one day lucas randomly shows up bc like he was wandering around the area and ended up getting hurt and needed help and he has no idea riley is there and wow they reunite and it’s beautiful 
Q: A ship you’ve abandoned and why. 
i used to be really into riley and maya and i just kind of lost interest in them, i realized that i just didn’t like them as much as i thought i did so i don’t really consider myself a shipper of them anymore 
R: A pairing you ship that you don’t think anyone else ships.  
i don’t know if i’m necessarily the Only shipper but i feel like i’m one of the few people who ships zay and lucas romantically, same goes for maggie and sasha like i don’t think i’m the only one but i’m one of the few that’s for sure 
S: What's a headcanon you have? 
i literally have been sitting here for like 10 minutes trying to come up with a hc but like i can’t think of anything i’m so sorry anon for failing you i’ll try and do better next time 
T: What are your favorite male/male ships or female/female ships? 
i’ll admit that i don’t have many m/m ships but i really love zay/lucas (girl meets world) and adam/ronan (the raven cycle), as for f/f ships i love maggie/sasha (the walking dead), riley/smackle (girl meets world), malia/lydia (teen wolf) and spencer/emily (pretty little liars) 
U: What are your favorite male/female ships? 
my top five m/f ships are riley/lucas (girl meets world), glenn/maggie (the walking dead), han/leia (star wars), matt/julie (friday night lights) and rich/grace (skins) 
V: Do you have any 3-way ships? If so, what?
riley/lucas/zay!!!! the ot3 we were robbed of!!!!!!!!!!! they’re really all i can think of tho. 
W: 5 favorite characters from 5 different fandoms. 
riley matthews (girl meets world), maggie greene (the walking dead), julie taylor (friday night lights), han solo (star wars) and spencer hastings (pretty little liars) 
X: 3 OTPs from 3 different fandoms. 
riley/lucas (girl meets world), glenn/maggie (the walking dead), han/leia (star wars) 
Y: A fandom you’re in but have no ships from. 
i truthfully ship in pretty much any fandom that i’m in but i would say that i have pretty much no ships when it comes to bob’s burgers like, obviously, i love bob and linda but like outside of that i don’t really “ship” anything???
Z: What's a ship that you want to ship publicly, but everyone on tumblr hates it so you keep your mouth shut about it?
i literally can’t think of anything for this one??? like yeah tumblr hates a lot of my ships but i’m also not like ashamed of any of them so like???? i can’t say there’s anything that i don’t talk abt shipping if that makes any sense 
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midgardiannerd · 7 years
A: Your current OTP. 
Fabien Marchal & Claudine Masson from Versailles. I was binge watching the two seasons since last week.
B: A pairing you initially didn’t consider but someone changed your mind.
Sherstrade. Actually, I was liking them as father/son dynamic but then I spot the Sherstrade fandom and the truth has been shown to me. 
C: A pairing you wish you shipped, but just can't.
Hartwin. Hartwin shippers are really creative and productive and as a Merlahad shipper, I’m jealous that they have so much to read or to enjoy when we have so few. Unfortunately, I can’t conceive Eggsy in a relationship with Harry other than mentor/protégé. 
D: What was the first thing you ever contributed to a fandom?
Fanfiction. I’m better with words than with pencils. Even if I would love to be a productive fan artist. 
E: Have you added anything stupid/cracky/hilarious to your fandom, if so, what?
Sometimes I share silly head canons in the Kingsman fandom because that’s just an hilarious fandom. 
F: What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom? What fandom was it?G: What was your first fandom?
5 years. Sherlock.
H: Do you prefer real-life TV shows or animated TV shows?
Real-life TV shows.
I: Has tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why?
Sherlock. Mainly because the TJLC shippers. Johnlock has just become THE ship that even people outside the fandom are convinced that everyone ships it. And their agressive behavior is fucking exhausting. I’m just talking with Sherstraders now. Because Sherlock fandom is now TJLCers against everybody else. No anymore metas without ships involved. 
J: Name a fandom you didn’t care/think about until you saw it all over tumblr.
The West Wing.
K: How do you feel about the other people in your current fandom(s).
I love Kingsman people. I love people in the Darkpilot fandom. And I love people in the Sherstrade fandom. They’re all great. 
L: Your favorite fanartist/author gives you one request, what do you ask for?
Writing an AU about one of my ships based on one of my fav films. 
M: A person who got you into a fandom and what fandom they pulled you in to.
@sithofren dragged me in the Darkpilot fandom. I could never be thankful to anyone else than DC. 
N: Your favorite fandom (for the people; not the thing you fangirl over).
I think it goes to Kingsman. Creative, funny and wonderful people. And maybe I’m not enough involved but ship wars in Kingsman are inexistant. 
O: Choose a song at random, what ship does it remind you of?
Maybe I’m amazed_ Paul McCartney & The Wings. For Darkpilot. All the way.
P: Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas).
A going alone to watch a movie at the theater. The room being crowed, A is obligated to take the only free seat next to B. The movie is bad and B is bitching all the way about it. A finds his reactions hilarious. Other people are enjoying the movie and not liking someone bitching about it so loudly. B is fired from the room. A is following B because A doesn’t want to waste any more time on this awful movie and is really interesting about what B was saying. 
Q: A ship you’ve abandoned and why.
Steve Rogers & Phil Coulson. Got over my MCU obsession. 
R: A pairing you ship that you don’t think anyone else ships.
Paul & Steve from Fever Pitch. Blame my obsession with Firthstrong. Or better, blame Mark Strong & Colin Firth to have so much chemistry in every movie they play together. 
S: What's a headcanon you have?
Merlin & Harry are together since the 80s. Everybody suspects it and is acting like they’re in couple even when they never had the confirmation of it. 
T: What are your favorite male/male ships or female/female ships?
Merlahad. Darkpilot. Benwash. Sherstrade. 
U: What are your favorite male/female ships?
Romelza. Abigail & John André. George Washington & Martha Washington. Fabien/Claudine. Mary Poppins/ Bert. 
V: Do you have any 3-way ships? If so, what?
Not really. I’m not a poly or multi shipper and sometimes it really frustrates me. Maybe Merhartwin. Or Bucky/Sam/Nat.
W: 5 favorite characters from 5 different fandoms.
Merlin from Kinsgman. Greg Lestrade from Sherlock. Kylo Ren from Star Wars. Benjamin Tallmadge from TURN amc. Lucille Sharpe from Crimson Peak.
X: 3 OTPs from 3 different fandoms.
Ardeth/ Jonathan from The Mummy movies. Gwaine/Leon from Merlin. Benjamin Tallmadge & George Washington from TURN amc.
Y: A fandom you’re in but have no ships from.
Don’t know. I’m always ending with shipping. But in fact, I love when there is no romance in canon. 
Z: What's a ship that you want to ship publicly, but everyone on tumblr hates it so you keep your mouth shut about it?
Lucille & Thomas Sharpe (Sharpecest) from Crimson Peak. I know how problematic it is with incest and abuse. But I ship it. I love their dynamic. 
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