#i feel like it's my fault tho for turning off reblogs normally u guys are chattier in the tags so i will just suffer in silence
heich0e · 6 months
OK I DID IT!! I GOT THROUGH ALL THE WIP ASKS!! 20 (EDIT: 21 i just posted another lmao) WIP SNIPPETS POSTED!! i feel like i ran a marathon lmaoooo
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imbumkyung · 5 years
I Saw It In A Movie One Time (ch. 1) - My
(twilight x reader)
Pairing: undecided
Chapter 2
Warnings: none! But this doesnt include the twilight world just yet
Most of her days were being spent like this lately. At home, walk the dogs, help out mom with the house, say she’ll do this and that— but doesn’t. Except on the rare occasions that she does. Thats why even after a whole month of not going out with her friends and ninety percent of her day being spent at home, her room was only getting messier. And honestly, in 2019, cell phone addictions are to blame.
Hours in her room dressing up with nowhere to go, and even more hours on instagram watching how much fun everyone else was having. In truth, it was a hole she dug on her own, rejecting invites and not creating them. She knew she needed to lose weight before going into the military because let’s face it— she can’t succeed in life any other way if education was never going to work out for her. She needed some sort of security for her future and if college wasn’t going to do it, the military would have to. Or at least that’s what her parents told her.
Though she was content, there was the part of her that wished there was some other way. But there wasn’t. She tried a whole dreadful year of college as an art major, and through that year she prioritized anything but school. She prioritized dancing and her social life. It hit her like a car crash that she couldn’t live on like this especially the the angel on her shoulder telling to her make the right decisions or her parents would find out about her antics. So when the car crash happened while she was supposed to be in school— instead she was on her way to get her nails done— it was the last straw for mom and dad.
The only thing that really made her want to stay away from the military was the boy she was talking to earlier in the year. That stupid boy. Long story short, the heartbreak he gave her really made her realize how strong she wanted to be, and let her dad know she wanted to see a recruiter the very next day. A maybe it was impulsive, but definitely rational.
So there she was, in her room at twelve noon, telling her long time friend Soren that she couldn’t hang with him because “her mom was mad at her and won’t let her go out”.
“It’s all good” he texted back.
Kaileia sighed. The only thing she could do was go to the beach, walk her dogs, go to the gym or wish she was as happy as she saw her friends were on instagram. Until her family vacation to California that was to happen in two weeks from now, passing time would be a burden. Deciding she’d soak in a bit of the Hawaii sun before coming back to her room only to be on her phone some more and possibly make some art, she peeled herself off the bed, prepared herself for the day and took her dogs out for a walk.
Besides the stressful pull of the leash her Border Collie– Athena– provided every time she saw another dog, these walks were always peaceful and provided much headspace. Hawaii was a beautiful combination for magnificent islands and Kauai was no exception. The humidity was just right, the sun was warm enough, the waters were usually friendly just as the people were. With so much headspace, her thoughts had everywhere to go.
“The population of Native Hawaiians are going dangerously low—I’m really no exception. I’m not even full Hawaiian. Poi donuts sound great right now. How are my sister and her boyfriend going to handle a long distance relationship? I wonder if if Kai actually likes football. Does he have a girlfriend? Whoever gets my little brother will be so lucky. I wonder if Keiki is doing okay in middle school. Mom has work tonight. Having two jobs and four kids is so stressful. Let’s not forget that Dad is going to school too— for the sole purpose of making money. The military pays him for it.
I wonder what Mark saw in Jennika that he didn’t see in me.
Her expression clouded, not wanting to remember him. They ended on a good note, but upon seeing that he decided to pursue a relationship with her and not him, it hurt her pride. A lot.
Snapping out of it and watching her two dogs happily walking along the beach, tongues out and frolicking about, she smiled. “These two have my whole heart” She thought.
What if life was different? If I had friends who texted me more than once in a blue moon. If I wasn’t on instagram all the time and I was actually out in the world. If I actually had people to shop with— okay maybe not that one. Shopping with other people around is distracting. But still, I wish I was closer with people.
Life right now was lonely for her. Soren’s invitation was one he sent for the first time in 2 months. Not that it’s his fault. She’d turn down his last one because she was too heartbroken by Mark to see anybody.
Nearing halfway through her route, she whipped out her phone to put on Pokémon Go! After all, it’d be a waste to pass all these pokestops even if she wasn’t planning on catching anything at the moment.
It was 1 p.m. and she was back from the walk. The sound of two little girls and a baby filled the house as they ran around pretending to be Elsa and Aurora in their pink and blue dresses.
She took out a mug and began to steep white tea. After a few minutes of this, she boiled 2 eggs, ate a banana, and made toast to put peanut butter on later.
“Going to the gym later?”, her mom, Mahealani questioned, holding the baby on her hip. She ran an at-home day care while working at a restaurant after 5p.m.
Kaileia cast an annoyed look for a quick second before muttering a “yeah”.
Ever since the emotional conversation to her mom about not wanting to pursue college, her mom made sure she knew that the military would be secure, and that she had to go as soon as possible in order to retire early. Mahea wanted the best for her daughter. The idea was always in her air, but Kaileia wanted to try out college first.
3p.m. Go to the gym because mom told you to
4p.m. Just a few more sets and we’ll go home.
Text from: Miko
Hey do you wanna go to Na Pali later? CJ and Li are coming too
Kaileia smiled, she loved that coast and the fish she could swim with that were within 4 feet high of the ocean
Text to: Miko
I’m down what time tho?
Text from: Miko
We’re gonna go at like 6 do u need a ride
Text to: Miko
”Should I take a shower? I just worked out but I’m gonna go in the ocean,” Kaileia asked Miko over the phone
“Just dont wash your hair I guess honestly I dont know,” Miko replied
“Bitch what if I infect the ocean,” Kaileia jokingly exclaimed
“Bitch, I don’t know! The fish will die I guess!” Miko laughed.
“Amazing,” Kaileia deadpanned.
“Oh and Li’s not coming anymore,” Miko mentioned
“I don’t know I think him and his mans are gonna do crackhead things,”
“I’m surprised,” Kaileia said sarcastically
“Same,” Miko said
Kaileia, CJ, and Miko walked in their swimsuits and towels along the coast, finding their usual spot before running right in. The two girls hair flowing behind them in the wind while CJ’s curls bounced with him.
The trio finally walked out of the water, feeling as if gravity was pulling them harder than usual.
Sitting on the towels, Kaileia suddenly asked, “Do you guys ever wish life was different?”
“Shit is it sad girl hours already?” CJ asked, earning a short chuckle from Miko.
“I honestly don’t even know like— the ocean has me feeling some type of way,” Kaileia explained.
“I wish I didnt have a nicotine addiction,” CJ suddenly joked, while taking a hit from his vape. The girls both laughed. “I don’t wanna be gay no more this shit making me stupid I swear” they laughed even harder at his half-assed excuses.
“Shut up hoe you love being gay,” Miko swatted him while taking a hit
“You right though,” he aknowledged
“You guys radiate crackhead energy like 24/7,” Kaileia said
And it was true. Out of the four— Li being absent— Kaileia was the most “normal” one. Not to say she wasn’t as crazy as them, she just was normal at more times than they were.
The rest of the night was filled with vine references, creating tik tocs on the beach, and taking “Hot Girl Summer” beach photos. Though it was dark, Kaileia decided to go for one last swim, taking Miko with her. CJ stayed behind to enjoy the night time coast while the girls ran in. Kaileia ran faster, underestimating the tide as she was already in 4feet deep and still being pulled in as she was deeper now and the wave aggressively towering over her at 7 feet. Stunned, she held her breath and braced herself.
“Kai!” Miko yelled, panicked
The only thing Kaileia heard after that was the gargling sounds of the unforgiving ocean before everything went black.
Tag list : @sunflowerspectre
Heres the first chapter! Before jumping into the Twilight world, I kinda wanted you guys to know the character a little bit. Thank you for reading! Likes, Reblogs, Suggestions / Recommendations & Critiques are appreciated!!
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