#i feel like other countries you're gonna get stared down harder for wearing the stupider parx merch they sell in the us than in the us
waterparksdrama · 1 year
do they ever sell randomly exclusive merch elsewhere?? theres a shirt that was only available on the uk leg of the property tour that ive been iso foreverrrr but ive yet to even see anyone mention it anywhere ???
yeah that seems to be the case. there's usually variants of merch in different countries (i.e. the funeral grey hoodie in their last eu tour compared to the funeral grey longsleeve for sad summer in the usa) i know for the eu tour opening for you me at six they sold sweaters and shirts that weren't available on the property tour because. the album hadn't even come out yet + it wasn't seasonal - iz
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tadpole-san · 4 years
poison ;  j.t.
pairing: titans!jason todd x reader, pre-established relationship, best friends
warnings: mentions/allusions to (attempted) suicide, jason just needing someone in his corner, spoilers for titans s2e12
a/n: 1000/10 this is meant for  @cipheress-to-k-pop, kudos to her for inspiring this and simping over jason peter todd with me - so here’s an exploration of what happened between jason leaving rose and showing up to donna’s funeral
Gotham is, by no means, a small city. And it's easy to come back to, after everything.
After the Titans disband - again, and you’re honestly left with nothing to do and nowhere to go.
After your best friend gets kidnapped, tortured, and thrown off a roof.
After you find him driven to another roof, ready to step off with nothing to catch him, because he’s ready to go somewhere you know you can’t follow.
And after Jason Todd leaves on a motorcycle with Rose Wilson, because he is going somewhere you think you can’t follow. Except can’t isn’t the right word - you shouldn’t follow him, you think. Because Dick was the one to talk him off the roof, like a brother is supposed to, and all you can remember is the wind roaring in your ears and blocking everything out except that Jason wants to jump, Jason wants to die,  I don’t know how to help him. The words die in the back of your throat, and if Dick hadn’t been there-
You don’t want to think about if Dick didn’t make it up there when he did. So you’re avoiding Jason - which is all too easy to do when he’s supposed to be on the other side of the country. Until he calls you and you realize he’s here. In Gotham. The two of you are still connected by the same city.
He doesn’t say where the two of you need to meet, but you know exactly where to find him in the vastness of Gotham’s skyscrapers and abandoned warehouses.
By the time you make it to the top of - surprise, a skyscraper - your legs and lungs are burning. It makes it all the more apparent that you haven’t gotten the same level of Batman-training, and that a busted elevator forcing you to take the stairs is already a sign of bad luck. When you’re able to push the door leading to the rooftop open, you spot the gargoyle first, and it somehow manages to make you smile. All the years you’ve known Jason, the guy who’s become your best friend, and you’ve lost count of the number of times you’ve been able to find him hunched up next to the stone monster. Even now, the shades of yellow on his hoodie stand out like muted sunlight.
“Hey.” The sound of your voice and the opening door gets him to turn around. His legs are dangling over the edge of the roof. You know he’s just sitting there - just sitting, nothing else - but it’s suddenly harder for you to take another breath, and when you move towards him, it’s in a sprint. There’s a spot left for you between him and the gargoyle, one that you take without hesitation as your hand grabs at his jacket. He’s taken aback, you can tell - his eyebrows furrow and he opens his mouth to say something, only to close it a second later. This close, and you can see how his eyes are rimmed with red. Like he’d been crying.
There’s a stinging sensation at your eyes that makes you think you must look the same. Your fingers tighten around worn fabric, and it grounds you. Jason wasn’t wearing the hoodie that day. This isn’t the same as that.
“Are you okay?” you finally ask, pulling your knees up towards your chest instead of dangling them over the edge. You’re too close to the edge already. “Where’s Rose?”
When Jason finally speaks, his voice is rough in the way that it gets when he’s had a few beers. You know this voice well, the same way he knows his way arounds brews, and this takes you back to the first time you'd met him when you were kids, at the bars that your dad and his uncle would get together at.
“I don’t know,” he says. Then he laughs. “I don’t care, you know? Fuck Rose-”
“Could you scoot back?” The question almost rips itself out of your throat, despite your efforts to keep it in until he’s finished telling you what happened. But all you can see are his shoes dangling over the edge, stories above the street, and when you look at the street, you’re imagining his body leaving its impact on it. You can feel Jason’s eyes on you, and you wait for him to tell you to stop being a pussy.
Instead, he mirrors your position and pulls his feet up, tucking them in as he pulls himself away from the edge.
You can breathe again.
“Sorry,” you mutter, finally making eye contact with him again. “I just - I’m sorry.”
I’m sorry I wasn’t there.
I’m sorry I’m such a coward.
I’m sorry I couldn’t help you.
I’m sorry I’m such a bad friend.
“Why the hell are you sorry?” Jason asks, brows furrowing. Now he’s really looking at you, and it’s so heartfelt that you need to drag a hand down your face so you can hide. At the same time, it makes you so angry, because all you can remember is a room full of broken and awful heroes, painting him a villain who would drag out their darkest secrets, their deepest pains, to taunt and jab them with.
How could people do that to a kid? How could they do that to Jason, who - sure, he was rough around the edges, and cocky, and he went out of his way to be a little unlikable sometimes, but he was good. He was one of the best goddamn people you knew, even if you were saying that with bias.
You’re pulled out of the daze you’re in when he calls your name, and you try to speak around the words that are lodged in your throat, clogging it up. “I’m sorry,” you repeated, and the Vice around your throat tightens. “I wasn’t there when it mattered. With you. At the Tower. When they - and you-“ At this point, you have to suck in a deep, shuddering breath. One that has you keeling forward, head falling between your knees.
“Woah. Woah, woah, hold on-“ Jason wrestles his arm out of the sleeve you’re holding onto, and then you feel him pulling you back from the edge. It’s his turn, and he does it with ease, like you’re nothing but air. There’s that training again. “Jesus fuck, you - come on.” Just like that, the two of you are collapsing and folding in on each other.
Jason has gone so incredibly still, like he doesn’t know what he should be doing, and it makes you want to cry - except you don’t. You don’t know if you can feel anything else besides being scared or pissed off - at the Titans, at him - that couldn’t possibly be fair - at yourself. He’s so still it’s like he’s a corpse. “You get hurt somewhere?” he asks, and you shake your head, even as he’s awkwardly patting you over. “Someone pull some shit on you when you ditched the Tower?” You shake your head again, and you register that you're holding onto his hand.  You squeeze, tight. It’s warm. He’s warm. There’s blood flowing through his veins.
He’s okay. He’s alive.
Jason’s hand is squeezing yours just as tight, and it grounds you - he’s keeping you grounded - long enough that you can start to breathe again. Enough that you can keep talking.
“I fell asleep.” The words are eerily similar to Gar’s own sentiments when the two of you wandered into the kitchen  to find an already-fractured team. “I didn’t - I didn’t sleep for two days, you know that? You don’t really get any of that when there’s a psychopath torturing your friend and it’s your fault.”
“It ain’t your fucking fault,” Jason’s quick to say, words frosted with the kind of accent that’s married to a childhood down in Crime Alley. You haven’t grown out of yours, but his has gone sparse since Bruce Wayne picked him out. “Don’t fucking say-”
“Gar and I were supposed to have your back down there.” You press your lips in a thin line, eyes meeting his. “I’m supposed to have your back.”
“I was being a stupid little shit. Hank was right.” Fucking Hank. You think you could attack him, probably. Pick a stupid fight.
“We always think it’s our fault.” Now your words are deliberate. “And we always think we’re the fucking poison. ‘Cept we’re not.” Jason groans, and you can feel him start to pull away. You don’t let your grip loosen, so he uses his other hand to push his hair back roughly and pull the hood over his head, yanking the fabric down so you can’t make out his expression.
“I wasn’t gonna jump.”
“Yeah, you were.”
“I mean just now. I saw your face. I know what you’re thinking.”
“I thought you were gonna fall.” His lips twist into a grimace, and you let go of his hand to shove your own into your pockets. Your fingertips are cold.
“I would’ve caught myself.” Finally, the traces of Robin Jason - cocky, uncaring, cool - are coming back. “Could teach you how, if you want.”
“Do you want to catch yourself?” you ask, not quite ready to fall back into lopsided and carefree with him. “‘Cuz if you don’t, I gotta be the one doing the catching, Jason. Even when you’ve got some kind of - I don’t fucking know, a Superboy doing it.”
“Why?” The little shit has the audacity to smirk. “You jealous?” Incredulous, you stare at him. And then you take your bag and you swing it at his shoulder, only for him to smack it away.
“I’m being serious.” It amazes you how Jason does that - switches at the flip of a coin so as to replace the real shit he’s going through with throwaway comments like that. Sometimes, he’s a real asshole. Even as he’s staring at you with an entirely different expression now, one that makes you wonder just how much he knows about how he makes you feel.
“You need me to catch you?”
“Sometimes,” you admit, turning your head as he shifts closer to you, enough that your knees bump against one another. You push against him, and it turns into an exchange that lasts until your knee is sore. By the end of it, you can feel Jason laughing in your ear. His eyes aren’t red anymore. You take the sleeve he’d shrugged out of and get your arm through it, leaving the two of you awkwardly cramped against one another, and he laughs even more.
“Why can’t we do this shit at the tower?”
“Because you get - you’re all moody, you ass. It’s weird.” You can feel the weight of him on your shoulder and it makes you sigh. “You - look, we gotta talk. For real, you know that?”
“We did,” he mutters, a bit more sullen now. But there’s another elbow to your side, so you think that maybe it’s a bit better. For all that Gotham is home to the world’s evils, you can still love it if it can bring this out in Jason. “You know I say shit to you that I’m not saying to anyone else.” That elicits a half-hearted grin out of you, and you knock your fist against his. His eyes rake over bruised knuckles.
“You asked me if I was okay,” he says, thumb brushing over them. “Are you-”
“Someday,” you interrupt, because it’s a fruitless question. There’s no being okay, and you realize how your own question from earlier is naive. “I’ll get past the fact that we’re gonna keep almost dying. Like the shitshow with Deathstroke. And the fact that the assholes that are supposed to be heroes are full of shit.” Jason’s expression is all-too knowing, and you wonder if he’s figured out that the reason you went to San Francisco had nothing to do with wanting to be a hero and everything to do with not being able to handle Gotham alone. Maybe it’s better to just have yourself - to not have to lean on anyone else to keep on living, but then you look at the boy in front of you. And you know that if Jason only had himself, you wouldn’t be sitting with him right now.
He’s probably figured you out already. He’s Robin. For all that you poke at him for being boneheaded, you know that Batman’s taught him all the ways to see through a person. Even without x-ray vision.
Then he gives you a lopsided smirk, and you know he’s chosen not to say anything. Instead, he hauls himself to his feet - and you with him - with graceful ease, letting you link your arm with his in a way that has your hands brushing together.
“You still haven’t told me what happened with Rose,” you say. At that, he makes a face. One that draws another laugh out of you, because it has his features scrunched up in a scowl that departs from the betrayal you’d found him drowning in when you’d first gotten here.
“You wouldn’t fucking believe - come on.” He uses his foot to toss his bag in the air, catching it with one hand and slinging it over his shoulder. “I’m not doing this unless we’re getting a burger or some shit.”
“What, she break your heart, big boy?” You manage to catch the elbow that’s headed for you, even as Jason kicks you in the back of the knee for that comment. It’s quips and banters that are coming back, a routine the two of you fall into even after weeks apart. Jason’s shouldered the door to the stairwell open - losers first - and you find yourself casting one final look to the lone gargoyle before you step inside.
Gotham is, by no means, a small city. She’s unforgiving and cruel, and her metal arches and stone beams are interwoven with a history of poison. Some days, you wonder if it’s too late - if you’ve already got it in your veins, running through your blood and killing you from the inside. Leaving a city like her was easy.
And it’s easy to come back to, despite everything. Because if Jason isn’t poison, then maybe you’re not, either.
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the-dead-skwad · 4 years
He left X Reader X Damien Haas
So after a long time of staring at an empty page I have finally wrote something again. This request: Hey! I don’t know if you’re taking requests, but if your are then could I request an imagine where reader and Damien Haas break up and they’re sad and stuff, so the rest of the smosh fam try to get them back together, please? @lula132 
I’m so sorry it too so long.. but here is one of two ideas I had. I can post the other when I finish it. I finally got over my writer block. 
You were lying face first on the sofa yet again. In the background you could hear some anime show playing but you had no energy to move and actually watch it. Swimming in your own thoughts the sound of your front door opening made you jump.
"Jesus Christ!" Courtney's voice boomed across your open plan living room.
You lifted you head revealing two wet patches from your tears. "Hey." You sniffled.
"Awhh buddy." She pushed your gross tissues off the sofa with a pen and sat down next to you. "How you feeling?" She wrapped an arm around you and pulled you in for a cuddle.
"Erm.. I'm gonna be honest, not so great." You sniffled again "I feel like my heart got shit on."
"I don't understand man.. None of us do." She squeezed you tighter.
"He just left.. No reason, no sorry, just gone."
"He's in Japan at the moment."
"I know, I saw his instagram." You snuggled closer into her "Maybe he met someone over there the last time he went. That's literally the only thing I could think of."
"I never thought he would ever do that to you man... Did he leave any of his things here?"
"A few hoodies, some games, not much." You pulled on the jumper you were wearing "I swear this one stills smells like him."
"No offence dude, but you straight up smell like beer and Cheetos."
You half smiled at her "You're an asshole."
"But Ian said you were coming back in tomorrow."
"Yeah, I am. I can't stay away forever."
"Okay then, " She pulled away from the cuddle "Lets sort your stinky ass out. Get a shower, clean up this place, get you outside, fresh and ready for tomorrow."
"Christ." You sighed as you stood up "I guess I have to."
The beeping of Courtney's car snapped you out of you day dream, almost spilling your coffee. You picked up your work bag, placed your mug in the sink and headed out. She sat in the car smiling and waving like a mad man as you locked the door.
She wound the window down and music blasted out. She sung at the top of her voice, while you prayed none of your neighbors were watching you.
"Oh jesus!" The creepy old lady that lived next door popped up from behind her fence scaring the life out of you. "Good morning Mrs Kersh."
"Nice to see you out of your pajamas, not crying."
"Thanks!... You nosey old bitch." The last part was under your breath.
You jumped in the car, "Who the hell is that?" Courtney tried looking around you at the old lady.
"One of the noseyest old bags I've ever met." You slapped your knees "Anyway, lets do this.. I'm ready to go back to my shared office, that I share with the man you broke my heart."
"No!" Courtney shouted at you "You got 3 days before he's back from Japan. None of this sad shit. We are all coming together to cheer you up."
"Fine." You smiled at her.
The first thing you saw as you pulled into the parking lot was Shayne’s smiling face. You jumped out the car and he ran to you squeezing you as tight as he could.  "Oh" he spoke into your jumper "I wanted to come see you.. but I didn't want to upset you."
"It's okay man. I understand, he's your best friend." You squeezed him a little tighter till you both let go.  
Walking into the office everyone was smiling at you but in such a weird way. You walked to the ballpit and sat at your desk. You were faced with a photo of you and him just smiling your dumb faces off. "Ugh jesus." You put your head on your desk.
"Hey." Noah's sweet little voice came from behind you "I made you a coffee."
"Oh thanks.. That’s super sweet."
"How are you?"
You smiled "I'm fine man.. yanno its a break up. Yeah he broke my heart but I'm not dying. Everyone is just looking at me super weird."
"Yeahhh, they just don't want to upset you. It's a difficult situation."
"I'm just going to get my head down today, got so many emails and scripts to look at at."
"Good, if you need anything." He gently patted you on the back.
"Thanks Noah." You smiled as he walked over to his desk. You put your head phones in and focused on your computer.
Only a few minutes had passed and you were trying to ignore the commotion going off behind you. Usually it was just Shayne doing something stupid. But then again you could do with cheering up a bit. You took your head phones out and spun in your office chair. Looking across the office everyone was stood in a group. That's when your heart fell out of your ass. He was stood there smiling as though nothing had happened. Your mouth was dry and you felt cemented to your chair. 'I gotta get out of here.' You thought to yourself. As you stood you felt as though the whole room had shrunk and everyone was looking at you. It wasn't true, you grabbed your mug and ran to the kitchen as fast as your could.
While the coffee machine did it's thing you stood with your hands on the counter, just staring at nothing. Your heart was pounding out your chest when someone in the door way made you jump "I'm making coffee!" You almost screamed it.
"Okay dude.." Luckily it was Courtney.
"Sorry, I'm just freaking out..." You looked at her "Like bad."
She ran over to you and hugged you  "Awhh, I didn't know he was going to be back today. I'm sorry."
"Its okay." You hugged her back. "Do you reckon I could sneak out the window?"
"This is your work as much as it is his." She put both her hands on your arms holding you in place "Now, get out there, flip that hair and show you are a strong woman!"
"Sir yes sir.." You mocked her. She kicked you as you left the room. You ran back into the kitchen.
"What! Do I need to walk out there with you?"
"No, I forgot my coffee." Taking the mug you left again. You took a deep breath and held your head high. Making no eye contact with anyone you sat at your desk.
"Jesus.. I swear like 5 people have made me jump today." You turned to the person on the desk next to you and your smile dropped.
"You look nice." Damien tried to smile at you.
You took a breath to gather some courage "What are you doing?"
"Y/N I'm sorry but.."
You cut him off "You don't get to say anything, look I don't want to argue or even talk about this while we're surrounded by all our friends and colleges. But I know we have to talk so.." You looked around "I know Smosh games is empty because Mari said she won't be back for a few days."
"Okay, I'll go put my lunch in the fridge and I'll meet you there."
You had been waiting for around 10 minutes and you were getting more and more wound up. Going over all the things you wanted to say to him. The door opened and the look on hias face just stopped all that anger instantly.
You groaned "This is so much harder than I thought it was going to be."
"What?" He sat in his gaming chair.
You sat in yours that was of course right next to his. "Well, we had this whole life together. A house, cats, we wear each others clothes, we work basically on each others knee everyday, we even have the same friends." You sighed "How can we possibly live normally with out being together? And I know we did it before but..."
"Y/N" He cut you off this time "Stop talking... Just for a second and breathe." He took both of your hands in his, you wanted to pull away but your heart was aching for him "I know I messed up really bad but I still love you."
"How can you say that?" A tear fell down your left cheek "You left me alone in our house, went to another country with out even a good bye. No explanation, nothing." You sniffled and looked at him dead in the eye "You broke my heart Damien."
"I am so so sorry." His voice was low "I panicked and I wish I could change what I did. I know how much I hurt you and it hurts me knowing I was the person to make you feel like this. But I pray deep down that one day you can forgive me for leaving you."
"What do you mean you panicked? Damien... We've been together for 4 years. Nothing new was going off."
"The day before I left I bought this." He reached into the front pocket pf his bag and passed you a small box.
"What the flying fuck is this?" You opened it and was faced with a beautiful engagement ring. "Are you serious?"
"Look.." He sounded panicked "I don't want to to answer but I bought this then I freaked out and I just fucked up big time. I don't even know if we're actually together right now but just hold onto it and I stay in our spare room for now."
"Okay.." You put the ring on your pocket "I suppose I'll think about it." You walked over to the door and pulled the handle down but the door was locked "What the hell?" You pulled on the door a bit to no avail.
"Sorry guys!" Courtney's voice came from the other side of the door "You're not coming out till you sort this out."
"You were made for each other so fix it!" Shayne screamed at you.
You turned and smiled and Damien "Fuck."
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