#i feel so cringe having a self-insert oc for this im so sorry to everyone ever
crayaks · 3 months
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a bunch of granblue fantasy. mostly cagliostro and my danchou oc/self-insert.
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finniestoncrane · 1 year
hi hi again finnie! ik it’s been a while since I’ve popped back up and im sorry about that life caught up with me and all that! but i just wanted to pop by and say as a self shipper myself seeing you post self ship positivity posts and me go :) and feels very seen thank you!!
I also hope you’re doing ok and having a good day/night! sorry i haven’t been around recently!
- 🎃💊
hey don't ever be sorry, everyone is in my heart forever u-u 💚 i hope everything is ok though!!
also i think i've literally always been a self-shipper, i just didn't realise there was a name for it, or that what i did was self-shipping lmao so you'll never see anything but positive posts about it here
i don't give a fuck what you're doing as long as you're not hurting yourself (irreperably) or others then what you do is beautiful and valid and never cringe. please take my warning on this, i spent my entire life until 29 years old pretending not to be into things that were "too nerdy" to please people i no longer even speak to because they were trash in other ways, and the fact i couldn't be authentically myself around them should have been enough of a red flag
ship yourself, make some f/0s, have some self-insert ocs, be dorky and nerdy and geeky and dweeby and wear that with pride 💚
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branchofcinnamon · 4 years
Ty for the asks! I kinda wrote a lot so i put it under a cut ^^’’
💘- 3 ways to win your heart?
1. liking the same obscure stuff as me lmao 
2. idk just talking to me. im shy irl and online so im rly bad at making conversation/initiating conversation 
3. being nice? idk lol. i can’t stand rude ppl. even when my irl friends are rude about my interests im kinda just >:( it’s a wonder im still on this site... 
🔪- scariest/creepiest experience?
this isn’t the scariest thing that’s ever happened to me but i guess i’ll tell this story. i’d never told anyone this before (that sounds so dramatic lol) SO. 
There was a convention i was at in 2013, i was around 17. On the last day of the con i had to take a shuttle from the hotel to the convention center. I had to take the shuttle alone so i was really nervous because 1. im awful with directions so i was scared i was gonna get lost. and 2. the fact that i was alone. I remember clutching my backpack like it was my lifeline. There was a guy on the bus next to me in a Doctor Horrible cosplay... I don’t remember who talked to who first, it was probably me pointing out who he’s dressed as. You probably know where this is going but we were talking and i don’t remember what he said but i remember feeling uncomfortable. I think he started singing for some reason? Singing a doctor horrible song. Like idk dude i dont wanna rain on anyone's parade but twice its happened where dudes have randomly sang to me at a con and i just feel uncomfortable when ppl do that. Part of it is probably the embarrassment/the attention. But anyway! That’s not really the “bad” part. 
We got off the bus and went to the convention center. He.. was following me around like we were friends. Of course I didn’t want to be rude so I didn’t say anything. So it was whatever i just walked around with him and figured he’d leave eventually. THEN. As we were walking he asked me if he could put his arm around me?! (At least he asked? right? (sarcasm)) So. I am so glad in that moment i didn’t give into my nature to say “yes” to everyone and i flat out told him no. He was like “oh so you don’t want me to mess up your cosplay right?” I awkwardly laughed like “Yep... my cosplay...” Then I told him i have to meet up with a friend and i left. 
Phew... sorry that was long lol. So yeah I know not a big deal compared to other girls experiences but it sure freaked me the heck out :/ 
🍓- one secret about yourself 
uhhh... when i was like 12 or something i had a self-insert/OC “fanfiction/story?” that were about friends in a rock band and I used pictures of generic anime girls to represent the characters. I also used pics of haruhi suzumiya to be the “villian” in the story (had no idea who she was or what the anime was i just found the pics on google lol) i cringe whenever i see haruhi suzumiya now. i remember there was a part of the story where *I* was pushed into a big hole by whatever-i-named-haruhi-suzumiya-girl and i had to go to the hospital. *Insert that spongebob inhale meme* Also “me” and the characters that were my friends all had boyfriends with the same hair color as each of us. because oF cOuRsE. 
I posted this on the website Kupika. which is like. hmm.... bad. 4chan vibes? idk. i just searched it and i am sHOCKED its still active.
🌈- things I find attractive in girls/guys
🤔... oh! freckles! lmao legit... i think freckles are v cute. (i was sitting here trying to think of something lol) 
🦄- how do you perceive yourself?
...uh... not great tbh lol. I’m in my 20s [exact age redacted] and im still not confident enough to drive by myself, im taking college classes AGAIN even though i do have a BA degree but i ended up hating the thing i majored in so i am BACK IN SCHOOL. and i dont know if its cuz of zoom school or the content but i DONT LOVE IT. and ARGH. what am i gonna do with my life? pathetic. deep down i know i want to be a writer but i dont have the brain cells to put together a whole book rn. 
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