#i feel the pharaos curse
eebie · 1 year
drawing daves fursona
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ao3feed-kurotsuki · 4 years
How a cat fell in love with the moon
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3kYVT68
by DieroteRosine
"Kuroo, thank you very much for showing up so early. You can look up."
Kuroo did as he was told, but when his eyes wandered up his breath hitched.
Next to the Pharaoh, on a small wooden chair, sat a person he had never seen before.
The man in front of him was tall, taller than Kuroo, probably even taller than the Pharaoh himself, and looked down at him from above - golden curls fell over the boy's face, behind which golden brown topaz-eyes gleamed curiously at Kuroo.
---------- 1374 B.C.: Kuroo Tetsurou, High Priest at the court of the Pharaoh, gets a new student, but something feels kinda off with the blonde man. And before Kuroo knows it, the young man pulls him under his spell and turns Kuroo's quiet life upside down.
Words: 12029, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 3 of Kuroo Week 2020
Fandoms: Haikyuu!!
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Kuroo Tetsurou, Tsukishima Kei, Bokuto Koutarou, Akaashi Keiji, Kozume Kenma
Relationships: Kuroo Tetsurou/Tsukishima Kei, mentioned Akaashi Keiji/Bokuto Koutarou
Additional Tags: kuroo week 2020, Day 3: Historical AU / Doctor, Alternate Universe - Historical, Ancient Egypt, Ancient History, Pharao, Thebes, High Priest Kuroo, Student Tsukishima, Teacher Akaashi, Clerk Kenma, Goldsmith Bokuto, Alternate Universe - Gods & Goddesses, Fantasy, Half-Gods, Getting Together, Smut, Anal Sex, Skin Worship, Curses, every analogy I could find for Tsukishima's skin and the sun/moon, Sun God, Moon Goddess - Freeform, Alternate Universe - Ancient Egypt, Ancient Egyptian Literature & Mythology, Romance, Fluff
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3kYVT68
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jorzuela · 4 years
15, 25, 31, 44 :D
15. personality description
Yours? Uses too many commas and and uses as many words as possible to describe a simple thought or action jist to aggravate me 🤧
Mine: makes impressions of most people (usually famous but i will roast you to your face as well), annoying (usually on purpose), likes to make jokes that have my group chats face-palming and threatening to kill me, usually not serious unless strictly required, curses a lot, can and will take grudges to the tomb, PETTY, will still call you out for something you did in 1995 and quote what you said word for word, doesn't care when people insults her but can and will make anyone who did a friend wrong CRY and enjoy it. Enjoys enemies or people who have been extremely rude to her without a reason coming to beg for help, listening to their requests with a big gentle smile on her face and will usually help the person above and beyond anything they need while enjoying throughly the fact that they needed her and that they will more than likely never dare speak ill of her ever again. Overall: I'm too much. Incredibly amounts of patience are required to deal with me.
25. Role model
My grandpa: he came from a very very poor upbringing, he went to school up to 4th grade which was what the school in his area was offering, like there was nothing else to learn there. He worked even as a child, always tried his best in life, moved accross the country with my grandma. He wasn't in love with her but she got pregnant so they got married and had 2 other children. They had to leave their children with different people in the family and went to work from monday to monday in plantations in different states until they collected enough money to move to buenos aires and built their house with their own hands. He never stopped learning or encouraging us to learn until the day he died. 2 of the last things he told me was to never quit uni even though i had been struggling to finish for years and to never marry or move in with a useless man (he didn't want me to have to be the guy's mom or maid).
31. 3 random facts
King Tut was the son of the pharao (akhenaton) with one of his secondary wives since Nefertiti gave him only daughters. (you know they always blamed it on the women).
Very simple but people here forget it all the time, like literally: planet earth travels around the sun while also spining on its axis at an angle and this is what causes everything that is bellow the Ecuador to have a different season. Meaning that the sun hits the planet differently depending on where and how we are spinning. (we are Sandra Bullock).
Smoke always travels up and never down unless it has no other place to go. If you are in a fire stick to the ground while scaping to avoid monoxide poisoning. If you have inhaled smoke in any context and feel sleepy go to a hospital, you require urgent oxygen. Do not go into a smoking building even if you don't see fire, you'll die. (this has saved my life since my monkey brain opened an apartment door to pitch black smoke and thought i bet i can just open the patio door and solve this, luckily i remembered seeing a docu about people dying of smoke inhalation because they climbed up away from the smoke instwad of down).
44. age you get mistaken for
The gap keeps decreasing, it used to be 6 to 7 years younger but now it depends. I'm 34 and I'm usually confused to be 27 to 30 depemding on what I'm wearing, my makeup and if it's a picture and it's just me acting stupid live. I think the worse guess was a phannie friend's mom thinking i was like 20 when we are like maybe 4 years apart. Latin people just look younger overall i think. Only asian people can pas better than us.
I don't know 2hat prompted you to send me 4 questions Niki but I hope you have learned your lesson 😂😂😂😂😘
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sn-nw · 5 years
The Ba-Problem
In the Assassin’s Creed Origins DLC “The Curse of the Pharaos” Bayek has to enter the afterlife, where the Ba can be found, birds with a human head. The Ba in ancient egypt was one of the five parts of a dead person. I like that they were included in the game but there is a problem.
When you go into the afterlife you can kill the birds to get their feathers. The Ba however is a part of a human being. So what happens if you kill a dead person in the egyptian afterlife? They die a second time and that means they stay dead. So, killing these birds technically means killing a human being. And while you do kill a lot of people in AC you actually don’t kill civilians. So, doing this feels incredible weir, especially since Bayek is a defender of the egyptian people. 
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xolaanii · 3 years
making those gifs of the curse of the pharaos really just reminded me of the feeling of 'oh shit oh shitohshitohshit oh sh-' i felt when ramesses ii rose from his throne. i was overleveled af and had unblocked all skills and still i felt like i was about to get my ass handed to me in three platters
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dumbfinntales · 6 years
I’ve finally done it. I’ve finished Assassins Creed: Origins. It took me so bloody long to finish it because I insisted on doing a lot of side content (and holy fuck there’s a lot of it) and the DLC’s. I finished the last DLC just today, and I feel like I’m done with this game. Much like with the Witcher 3 the game lasted long. But for some reason it didn’t feel like a sweet adventure that came to it’s end. AC: Origins is a good game, but it lacks something that makes it special. Perhaps the characters and the story?
Let me start off by saying that the first thing I noticed when playing this game was the movement. It’s so smooth and traversing the world feels good. Climbing on things feels good. The climbing and parkour mechanics are extremely simple, but they just feel real nice. Sometimes it gets wonky and Bayek just sits there without moving or he starts climbing over shit as I try to loot, but most of the time it feels buttery smooth. There’s a mountain in the way of your objective? Just climb over it, man. Much like in the Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild, but a bit faster.
The new combat is also mmmm, pretty good. The combat was really the only reason why I even gave this game a chance. I never cared for Assassins Creed before this game, because honestly, I thought the previous games looked dull. It’s pretty unfair to say that about a video game franchise with multiple entries, but I won’t sugarcoat my words. I genuinely do not care for the other games. I only ever played the first AC and it bored me to tears. Back to the combat, it’s obviously somewhat inspired by dark souls. They even use R1 and R2 for attacking. You don’t need to stealth in this game, although the stealth method makes fights easier. The combat also has a very satisfying feel to it and it’s just real fun to hack guys up, but there are things which I dislike. Enemies can stunlock you, as in if you get hit once an enemy can hit you multiple times without you being able to get out of the combo. You do the same to the enemies, but it still feels frustrating. I also fucking HATE the finishing moves. They’re always automatic when you kill the last enemy and while they look flashy they just waste your time. Because of this I killed most of my enemies with a bow or by setting them on fire, then you don’t need to watch those finishers.
The story and the characters? The story is very cliche and kinda boring. Bad guys get your son killed and you go on a revenge journey to kill everyone involved. Also something about a powerful relic that fucks with your mind. Deepest AC lore I assume. But Bayek? I loved him. Bayek was a really good character. He was a tough as nails intimidating warrior, but at the same time a fun loving softie. While he can get really angry and brutal he can also show a really light side, a joyous side. He’s a good man, and a man of honor. He wasn’t just some one dimensional angry dude on a revenge mission, just one really broken man seeking something. As for other characters? I didn’t really care for anyone else. Aya was cool I guess but not very interesting. I kinda liked that Greek poet? And the ginger guy from the last DLC was pretty cool, there was like one funny scene with him.
AC: Origins also tried it’s hands at boss battles. They were alright I guess? Nothing remarkable. I do like how they play around with some of the humanoid bosses. Like there’s one guy that does crazy teleporting thanks to the relic, and there’s this one guy with chain weapons that was cool. I like the ideas, but I wish they were executed a bit better.
There are also some things in the game that kinda bother me. One thing that I abhorred was the in-game shop. It’s true that the microtransactions aren’t intrusive, but that bloody shop locks up so many cool outfits and mounts behind it, and yes even weapons. Yes I know they can also be acquire in game, but guess through what? A fucking loot box. A loot box that you need to grind for and even then you have a slight chance to get some marketplace items. And there’s always a chance that you will get a duplicate, so the best bet is to either use real money or farm your ass off for that cool loot. In my 100+ hour playthourgh I got like 4 unique armors from buying the loot boxes. Some duplicate weapons and mounts too. They’re not intrusive, but they’re fucking bollocks either way. The outfits you can acquire in-game all look the same and aren’t anywhere near exciting or cool looking as the marketplace ones. Only in the last DLC you can find some unique looking armors within the game.
The games sidequests are also a bore. Yeah. Some of them are slightly intriguing, but most of them are just dull. Someone has a problem so you solve it by retrieving something or saving someone. The sidequests eventually start blending together and become a bore. At one point I was just doing them to check something off a list that was in my head. Same goes for a lot of the side stuff in the world. You just repeat a lot of the same shit. The only side activity that I always loved was tomb exploring, and that was because it was limited and interesting. It wasn’t plastered all over the map like those camps and treasure places. Although I did like taking out some of those camps. Surprisingly fun.
But you know what made the game for me? Curse of the Pharaos. I’m not joking when I say that this DLC is BETTER than the main game itself. It had everything I wanted from a game set in ancient egypt. Curses and cool looking Pharaoh bosses. I loved the designs of ALL the Pharaos and I loved exploring the four afterlives. Duat and the field of reeds were phenomenal. Exploring the Egyptian equivalent for afterlife was and amazing experience. The field of reeds was beautiful and dream like, while the Duat was magical like a fantasy world. The randomly appearing Pharao Shadows in the main world were really fun to deal with too and I just, ahhh, loved this DLC so much. It took the best parts of the main game, made them better and mixed it with new interesting ideas. This DLC gets a 10/10 from me, best content in the game.
How about the Hidden Ones DLC? Unremarkable. Pretty much the same as the main game. Didn’t care for the characters or the bad guys, and the story was so uninteresting that I can’t even remember it anymore.
So overall? AC: Origins is a pretty good game. It’s not exceptional, but it’s a lot of fun and has one of the coolest and most fun open worlds that I’ve played. Although there’s a lot of boring repetition, but still. Exploring ancient Egypt as a medjay was a blast. Is the game worth it? If you like a big open world games where you can get lost for hundreds of hours, it’s very much worth it. As an AC game? Can’t comment on that. But it’s the only AC game I actually like. I enjoyed the time I spent with this game this summer, so it gets a recommendation from me. I’d give it like a 7/10. It’s good, but could use a lot of improving. Now let’s hope Odyssey fixes these issues, eh? I doubt it. But at least I get to explore ancient Greece, my other dream video game setting.
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