#i finally got around to putting up a starter hahahahahah
bereaved-x · 2 years
( status ) ━━ open starter ! ( location ) ━━ somewhere near a gross alley lolol !
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❛ ━━━━maybe—if it were a different day; if zehra had gotten up on the left side instead of the right side of the bed; if it had been sunny instead of dark and dreary and drizzling; if if the pizza she stole were better than it is; if she weren’t a fucking widow—maybe then things would be better.  not good, because there was a distinct understanding in the back of her her mind that things could never be good, but just a little more tolerable.
today has been intolerable, however. all she wants is to break windows or set a governmental building on fire ( because, honestly, what is the p o i n t of all of those administrative buildings if every single suit-and-tie is under the oppressive thumb of one of the gangs ). but—that’s not allowed, neither legally nor morally; zehra only cares because she wants to at least try and meet her spouse on the other side instead of diving headfirst in the fiery pits the moment she takes her final breath.
so, as a compromise, she steals a box of cheese pizza—even though she’s lactose intolerant—and settles down beside another who’s about to get caught in the rain, maybe sans umbrella like her.
“it’s ass,” she says, offering the box to the other while holding onto a greasy slice herself.  “no, really, it tastes exactly like ass, but it’s warm, so, if you want one, help yourself to a piece.” as she chews, she looks up to the sky, finally darkening enough to where one can confidently say it’d rain, rather than the looming dreariness of the entire day.  “god, i hate this weather,” zehra announces.  “i know some romantic poet out there in the city absolutely eats this shit up, but i hate how icky it makes me feel.  doesn’t it make you look back and reflect on your life?  it’s not just me, right? it’s the worst. and look, as if that wasn’t bad enough, my hair’s getting frizzy, too.  ugh.”  she paws at her her head, trying to smooth her hair out with her cleaner hand.  “so, what brings you out here, to this corner of a piss-smelling alley with some subpar pizza?”
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creepychippy · 5 years
Luigi's Mansion 3 - Tickling Drabbles (Part 6)
Luigi/Kruller: Security Check  Expect for some small noises like the humming of security cameras, the squeaking of a chair and some pages of a book being flicked through, the room was entirely silent.  When Kruller wasn't doing his usual patrolling around the mall, he would be sitting in his office and absentmindely read a book during his break, sometimes even giving a glance towards the green tinted screens, the occasional flicker dividing his attention away from the string of words that the security guard was holding in his hands.  Currently, the first beams of sunshine were making their entrance in the morning sky, which meant that most guests of the Last Resort were either having their sips of coffee to properly wake up or going back to the realm of dreams, depending if they were an early bird rubbing the sleep from their eyes, or a night owl believing that sleep is for the weak.  As a result because of this, only a handful of tired ghosts were strolling around the shopping centre, most of them making themselves comfortable on some chairs outside the shop and holding small talk with another one of their kind, the casual giggle ringing through the air here and there.  Nothing could seem to break this quiet and calm peace...- until out of nowhere a sudden knock on the door pierced the silence, giving the security officer a small shock, since it caught him off-guard.  "Come in."  The door was opened and a familiar face stepped into Kruller's workplace, holding a plate with a donut and cup that contained what seemed to be freshly made coffee.  "Mornin', Kruller. Steward was a lil' bit-a busy, so I thought-a I lend him a hand and-a bring your breakfast to you-a, instead.", announed the green clothed plumber leaning against the doorway, who has decided to expand his vacation with his friends in this hotel a little bit longer, since a peculiar 'incident' interrupted them at the beginning of their visit. "Ah, that's very nice of you. Steward probably appreciates your help, even though he's an workaholic and would rather done it by himself, as I know...him..."  Laying his book aside him, Kruller stared at Luigi in a skeptical way - something was off about the plumber today, he just couldn't put his finger on it.  That's when the watchman noticed said something, however.  The former ghost hunter's speech was kind of slurred, his movements were rather sluggish and executed in a shakingly manner, which could be observed while he was putting down the tableware on the desk, and the most notable point are the big dark circles that had appeared under his eyes. While Kruller might not be the brightest when it comes to a lot of things that were more or less complex, it didn't mean that he wasn't attentive and mindful when specific subjects were being displayed right in front of him, especially those that he had certain past experiences with.  "Had a nightmare?"  "..."  Propping himself against the doorway and using it as a support for his drowsy body, Luigi stopped dead in his tracks, taking a moment to formulate a response in his head, a particular guard waiting patiently and watching him.  "...'s nothing, don't-a-worry about it."  "Are you sure you don't want to talk about it, not even a little bit? I do not want to pressure you to do anything that you don't want to do, of course, but sometimes it's just...relieving to have someone hear about your thoughts and worries, you know?"  "..."  Sighing, the green plumber slowly closed the door behind him, taking a chair out of a corner from the room and positioning it in front of the table in such a way so that he could rest his arms on top of it.  "Well, you-a-see..."  Luigi took his sweet time describing in detail what had happened in his nightmares and what bothered him, although he stammered and mixed his words up quite a lot along the way.  Meanwhile, Kruller silently listened to the poor boy's worries, which went from 'King Boo tried to capture everyone again', 'Everyone hated and abandoned me' and finally to 'I even killed my brother in one dream, because I was brainwashed'.  At the end, a sympathetic expression has made itself clear on the purple spectra's face, due to some mentioned aspects being fairly relatable and also stirring up some past memories within him.  "...I guess you were-a-right, it was kind of-a-relieving to talk about it. I'm-a feelin' better, thanks..."  Sure, to any outsider's eye, Luigi's statement could have been taken as nothing but the truth.  The years of paying close attention to behaviours and certain cues from people and being watchful in general, however, told the slightly overweight guard that this was not the case at all. There was still this lingering feeling of guilt and melancholia that was emitted by the plumber's eyes, no matter how hard he tried to conceal it.  Letting Luigi leave in such condition was out of the question, no doubt, but what exactly was the best method to cheer up a grieving plumber?  Kruller took a second to ponder, making an effort not to take to long to hatch a plan in case the former ghost hunter was getting impatient, which luckily didn't appear to be the case at least.  As soon as an idea popped up inside of the watchman's head, he could've sworn that if he was in a cartoon, a light bulb would have certainly flashed above his head.  "Hey, uh, Luigi, if you don't mind, how about we play a little game?"  "...Why?"  "Ah, well, I don't get a lot of company around here in the morning and nothing interesting happens in that time period anyway, so I thought we could kill some time together."  The green plumber seemed to be considering the offer, having his head drowsily raised from his arms a bit in a curious manner.  Please let this work.  "What-a-exactly is this-a-game called?"  "Oh, uh, it's called... 'Security Check', right."  "And what do I-a-do in this-a-game?"  "Well, for starters you have to stand up and spread your arms out in a T-Shape."  Standing up, the green hero followed the named steps, albeit doing it somewhat sluggishly, while the taller spectra, who was now floating behind the tired boy, assisted him to some extend.  "Okay, what-a-do I do next?"  "Laugh."  "...Wait wha-hahahahahat?!"  Before Luigi could even process what was happening to him, ghostly fingers were already being scribbled into his sides, sending shockwaves throughout his body and making the plumber clamp down his arms out of reflexes. "K-kruhuhuhullehehehahahar, w-w-whahahahahat ahahaharehehe-ahahahaha y-yohohohuhuhuh doho-hahahaha-dohohohoihihihihihihng ahahahahaha?!!"  "What does it look like? Performing a security check on you, silly."  The redeemed ghost hunter was immediatly torn out of his fatigued state, wobbily pushing against the bigger spectra's wriggling hands but to no avail, his feet weakly pounding against the ground. "Pleheheheheh-hahahahahah-heheheheahahahasehehehehe, nohohohohohahahahahat ahahahahahahaha-hehehehehehehehehehe t-thehehehehehrehehehehehehe!!"  "Not there? Got it." Deciding the sides were becoming a repetitive place to drill his fingers into, Kruller instead went on to work on the fidgeting plumber's ribs, gaining him now a more high pitched chuckling instead of giggling.  "Ahahahhaha-AHAHAHA K-KRUHUHUHLLAHAHAHA W-WHAHAHAHAHIHIHIT, NOHOHOHOHOHOHO-HAHAHAHAHA!!!"  "Sir, please stop squirming so much. I have to ensure the safety of every citizen around here, after all.~"  "AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA S-STOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO-HAHAHAHAHAHAP!!!"  A giddy Luigi attempted to flee from the mischievous spectra's grasp, but was instantly restrained by one arm and punished by the other hand who had snaked his way into his armpit and was currently spidering said area, causing the poor boy to blush in a deeper shade of red.  "Ah, ah, ah.~ Has no one ever taught you to not disrespect the law? Since you dared to resist an officer's instructions, I now have to take proper action to ensure no further resistance.~"  "W-WHAHAHAHAHAHAHIHIHIHIHIHIT-AHAHAHAHAHAHA; I-IHIHIHIHI AHAHAHAHM S-SOHOHOHO-HAHAHAHAHAHARRYHIHIHIHIHI!!!!"  "Tell it to the judge."  "AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH-HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE-HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Realizing that escape was futile, the writhing ghost hunter let himself lean into the spectra's body which in turn promptly earned him squeezing against his belly and light scratching against his neck, making him shriek and wheeze with bubbled up laughter even more. "EHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE-HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA N-N-NOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!"  "I'm sorry sir, but depending on your actions you have to suffer the consequences for it.~"  "WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA-HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE S-S-STOHOHOHOHOHOHA-HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE-HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!" After switching from spidering against his neck, squeezing against his sides, scribbling away his ribs and basically tickling every tiniest laughter out of the plumber, Kruller noticed the tears that had formed in Luigi's eyes, prompting him to seize all attacks, giving the blushy and shivering mess of a plumber finally a chance to catch his breath.  "Ah, uh, I...I didn't overdo it now, did I...?"  Having eventually revovered to a degree that he was able to talk again, the green ghost hunter who had still a hint of red in his face quietly gazed at the worried ghost before finally answering.  "Hey, Kruller. You said-a-this was-a-game, right?"  "U-uh, yeah, I did...Why?"  "Well, that would-a-theoratically mean that the roles of-a-the players can be switched up, right?"  The ghost of the security guard, who was backing up into a wall behind him, didn't like where this was going, especially that playful glare and smirk that the plumber was giving him.  "I-ah u-uh, I t-think I've got t-t-to go!"  "Before you do-a-that, I still have-a-one question to ask-a-you."  "...Y-y-yes?"  Luigi was now standing in front of a very flustered Kruller, his blue eyes piercing the spectra's very being and his fingers wriggling teasingly towards him. "Are-a-ghosts ticklish?" Ah, well. At least Kruller was able to cheer Luigi up.
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