#╰ 【 catalogued under . . . 】 ━━━ 。『 starters 』
bereaved-x · 2 years
( status ) ━━ open starter ! ( location ) ━━ somewhere near a gross alley lolol !
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❛ ━━━━maybe—if it were a different day; if zehra had gotten up on the left side instead of the right side of the bed; if it had been sunny instead of dark and dreary and drizzling; if if the pizza she stole were better than it is; if she weren’t a fucking widow—maybe then things would be better.  not good, because there was a distinct understanding in the back of her her mind that things could never be good, but just a little more tolerable.
today has been intolerable, however. all she wants is to break windows or set a governmental building on fire ( because, honestly, what is the p o i n t of all of those administrative buildings if every single suit-and-tie is under the oppressive thumb of one of the gangs ). but—that’s not allowed, neither legally nor morally; zehra only cares because she wants to at least try and meet her spouse on the other side instead of diving headfirst in the fiery pits the moment she takes her final breath.
so, as a compromise, she steals a box of cheese pizza—even though she’s lactose intolerant—and settles down beside another who’s about to get caught in the rain, maybe sans umbrella like her.
“it’s ass,” she says, offering the box to the other while holding onto a greasy slice herself.  “no, really, it tastes exactly like ass, but it’s warm, so, if you want one, help yourself to a piece.” as she chews, she looks up to the sky, finally darkening enough to where one can confidently say it’d rain, rather than the looming dreariness of the entire day.  “god, i hate this weather,” zehra announces.  “i know some romantic poet out there in the city absolutely eats this shit up, but i hate how icky it makes me feel.  doesn’t it make you look back and reflect on your life?  it’s not just me, right? it’s the worst. and look, as if that wasn’t bad enough, my hair’s getting frizzy, too.  ugh.”  she paws at her her head, trying to smooth her hair out with her cleaner hand.  “so, what brings you out here, to this corner of a piss-smelling alley with some subpar pizza?”
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drconstellation · 7 months
The Assistant Book Seller
Edit 1 Dec 2023 - added missing information on the "ribbon pattern."
Edit: 3 Dec 2023 - correct information about middle pattern from creator
GABRIEL: Greetings! I'm Jim! It's short for James, but I don't need to keep telling everyone that. I'm an assistant book seller.
I'm sorry. Before I do anything else, I need to apologize for something I need to write further in. I didn't plan to write it, I just kind of bumped into it and, well, I can't ignore it. So...sorry. It's said. Forgive me for what needs to be done.
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Although he arrived with nothing but a cardboard box and Rodney the Stunt Fly, Aziraphale made sure Jim was clothed in appropriate raiment while under his protection. We'll forgive him that he took a step back about, oh, fifty years or so to the 1970's, as Jim's overall look is a nod to the famous old sitcom "Open All Hours." So if he looks a little bit out of place, or, a little bit familiar, even, that's why.
While we are used to seeing angels in overcoats, it's Jim's vest that is the particular feature here. But I will take a moment to comment on the overcoat - not just the colour but its lapels. Aziraphale has obviously given him a colour with an earthly connection and one that indicate that he has bought Jim under his protection, but the lapels look quite neutral, with one up and one down. (Muriel is the same in their Inspector uniform, btw) This is the first indication they are between two things at the moment.
Onto the vest.
There is so, so much work and thought put into this vest! It was a one-off commission for the show, and the creator, Sandy Higgins, has said she is not allowed to give away the final design pattern. I have tried to contact her, and I'm waiting for a reply, so in the mean time I thought I would ask my keen knitter of a sister-in-law about one of the patterns I'm not sure about. "Well, that's Fair Isle knitting," she said, but she knew nothing about the individual line pattern I was interested in. Hmm, I kind of know that already, its in the notes that are guiding me for this meta, but hey, why not do a broader search and see what comes up?
So once I got back home I did. "Fair Isle knitting patterns" hmm...Wikipedia page for starters...what on *earth* is that at the bottom of the page...? YOU ARE. FRIKKING. KIDDING ME!!!!!!!
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"See also: Gumbys"
oh ffs
I am so sorry that needs must make me mention Monty Python yet again, but here we are. And we must mention them, because this link is just too...unbelievably, deliciously good.
If you aren't familiar with the Monty Python catalogue, and don't recognize the mention of Gumbys, they were a set of characters that dressed and spoke in a certain way but the main points to take away were they wore woolen vests in the Fair Isle knitted style and their catch-phrase was - wait for it - "My brain hurts!"
I think we've heard that somewhere before?
CROWLEY: When you first arrived, you said you were here because they were planning to do 'Something Terrible' to you. So you remembered it then. Remember it now. GABRIEL: It hurts to remember. My head isn't built for that.
Right. Now we've got that out of the way...back to the serious stuff.
The colours used in the vest are not your typical angel colours. There is a base of angelic off-white and there are some bits of purple for his royalty around the shoulder area - sometimes you need to look carefully for it. Otherwise it is dominated by vintage shades of red and green. Well. Who's an agent of change driven by love, then?
The horizontal stripe pattern is partly to remind us of the classic biblical robes with stripes that ran along them, much like the style of Crowley's black and red robe in the Job minisode, but is also part of the traditional Fair Isles pattern work. And each row only has two colours, but up around the shoulder area we do see purple start to sneak in as a third colour.
On to the incorporated symbols! I'm going to go from bottom to top.
On the lowest two we feature Crowley and Aziraphale. We have Crowley's demon satyr tail from the Good Omens logo on the lowest stripe - the double-headed arrow.
The next stripe is Aziraphale, with a variation of the classic OXO pattern ("hugs and kisses.") The X is meant to represent his angel wings, and the O is modified to mimic the "o" with a halo in the Good Omens logo. I've highlighted all three in the image on the right.
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The third row up is a Sumerian Star pattern that represents one of the flowers associated with Gabriel, the lily. They are supposed to represent the purity of Mary, mother of Jesus, as he had one in his hand when he visited her during the Annunciation.
The row above that is what I believe to be a Byzantium pattern, and is included to show "an Angel's ability to be timeless."
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The next three rows are still under a bit of a question mark as I write this. I plan to come back and edit it in if I find the answer.
The bottom of the three is the Duke of Buccleuch pattern, "to celebrate the long and necessary contribution that the cottage industry of hand knitted items."
The middle one - ? (perhaps you, the reader, know? It looks like a spiralling ribbon if I stand back, but that isn't sparking any connections, either.)
Edit: @noneorother tells me in a reblog (below) that this pattern represents the shoelace from the magic incantation Aziraphale uses "Banana Fish Gorilla Shoelace." So it is ribbon-like! This then points to the Second Coming, as it the shoelace references the end of the book, and the last paragraph of the book references Yeats poem "The Second Coming" as well as the novel 1984. To me it is then also telling us there is a cycle occurring, or a cycle that needs to be renewed. This fits in with some other clues other meta-writers have been picking up.
Edit 2: Turns out none of that was correct - I heard back from the creator herself and it's actually the double-ended satyr tail pattern again! It just seems to make a bit of an illusion of a ribbon or shoelace.
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The pattern below is a modified OXO pattern.
The top one looks like two rams horns facing each other. A hollowed out rams horn can be used as a trumpet, and is known as a shofar in Jewish religion. Gabriel was traditionally known to carry a trumpet.
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The ancient meander pattern would be recognized by most people, included as another classic timeless pattern found all over the world. For some it symbolizes eternity and endless flow.
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The wheels here appear to be Michael's ophanim wheels, that would have eyes around the rims.
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The hourglass is to remind us that time is running out. Memento mori - "Remember that you die." It is a major theme in both series.
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Right up high, just before we lose the rest of the vest inside the overcoat, we get a glimpse of a large diamond-shaped icon. I wonder if this is another stylized set of angel wings, like we saw in the Job minisode on Aziraphale's golden collar.
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To finish off the outfit, he is wearing dark gray trousers with sneakers! I'm sure that's so he could keep sneaking up on Aziraphale in the shop, haha. His shirt seems a little too large for him and the tie is knotted too high and is not settled along his centerline. It's all at odds with his previous neat and sharp appearance as Supreme Archangel Gabriel.
I'd like to say a big thank you to @aduckwithears for helping me with information on the vest and finding the creator's other social media sites. You can see their two posts about it here and here.
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kentomilk · 7 months
ᴺᴬᴺᴬᴹᴵ ᴷᴱᴺᵀᴼ ᴵᴺ
𝐇𝐎𝐖 𝐈𝐓'𝐋𝐋 𝐁𝐄 ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
it seems there is never an activity too lackluster or intimate for this couple to find pleasure in each other's company with their busy lives.
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husband!nanami kento x wife fem!reader.
catalogue. fluff, slice of life content, non-sorcery au/ non-curse, modern au, salaryman!kento, sick & soft kento, (1) mentions of praise kink. wc: 1.95k thea’s preamble. inspired by this incredible art, i must admit i look at this at least once a day. → ✨ also this is my first published work, it's a bit rough but hopefully with time it gets better. thank u for reading <3
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kento is a man of routine and order, we all knew that. he wakes up at a set time, kisses his beautiful sleeping wife, carries out his morning routine of showering and oral hygiene, dons his best suit, light breakfast, and is out the door by 8 AM. the evenings he returns home aren’t any less lax, whether he’s home at 6 PM on the dot or late by a few hours, he’ll always greet and kiss his beautiful wife, have dinner in his study whilst he continues more work while the lovely missus reads on the chaise or continues unfinished work of her own as well, then shower and oral hygiene, sleep. 
perhaps that was an oversimplification, but don’t be fooled one may think the man adopts and follows this lifestyle out of a need for security, financial or otherwise. or that he loves the unrelenting and perpetual cycle of working painstakingly 10-hour days, he certainly isn’t given highly-coveted tasks for being a slacker. he’s grateful for what the occupation provides, the salary and bonus that come with his overtime, to lavishly spoil his family, but that's all.
he has no ambition to climb the ladders that will put him in places he doesn't care to be, to rub elbows and kiss ass with scummy executives, leeches, and conceited thugs, only to trash talk and scheme against the moment he steps foot in his home.
all he asks is for saturdays and sundays, as they happen to be Kento’s favourite.
the days he has off from his draining 9-to-5, to be spent properly with his lovely wife. who was ever so patient with him, ever so supportive, and ever so his to love and cherish so as long as his body would allow him. even if his body was battered down to a pulp, he’d find alternatives as necessary, but let’s hope it never comes to that.
there would be times when not much would differ from the previous weekend, and well into the next, spent doing the same activities, or nothing at all. he never wanted to take for granted the time you spent together, and sometimes that meant not always making the most of those days, and he’s okay with that.
whether the two of you lazed in bed until the afternoon or spent a whole day cooking a feast completely from scratch, starters to dessert. visiting the farmers market to cook said feast, reading in your cozy home library, or even the sudden bouts of spring cleaning. 
there is always a welcome invite for spontaneity, a picnic under the stupendous aspen tree you simply adored at the local park. a quick overnight trip to a scenic and quaint town, whether your destination is reached by train, plane, automobile, or even boat. the occasional painting date has become a more frequent activity as of late. but there is one “special” activity that some might consider, unique. one that is relatively low cost, that is done from the comforts of your humble abode, that further advances the intimacy (according to kento), and is reserved solely for you, one that kento absolutely adored, shaving. 
usually, it was something he’d done alone after showers with either a rechargeable or disposable razor or by his barber when it came time for his bi-monthly hair trim. but recently it became a task that you’d undertake by kento’s request, sort of.
while you didn’t mind what would grow from a days of not shaving, he preferred maintaining a clean shave for the clean-cut classification for a man of his occupation, it also became supplemental to his hygiene routine that he grew to love.
it wasn’t something you saw often, kento so dishevelled with the most tragic undereye bags from the lack of sleep from what you’d think was months suffering from insomnia, condensed into a few days. a coarse stubble emerged from the days he’d spent in bed, and his nose was flushed with how often he’d been blowing it with the nearly empty box of tissues that was full just the night before. his eyes were dull and watering, a sight you truly hated. 
"honey, have you seen my hard drive?" he'd sorely asked for the 3rd time today, "it's in the laptop, kento." you called back, changing the towels in your bathroom.
he was delirious, with a runny nose and little to no comprehension of where he was or what day it was, thanks to the combination of flu medicine and kento’s determination to finish a work proposal whilst in bed, common sense would also call it overworking. despite your gentle commands that he needed rest, there was no triumph on your end, as duty calls. he was relentless, in his defense there was a conference that was meant to be held in person had it not been for his sudden ailment. though a live video conference was able to be arranged, owing to the urgency of the matter at hand. 
so you figured the fastest way to get the man back into bed was to help him complete this ordeal swiftly, that meant helping him in the shower, given his sore muscle ached. applying small dots of concealer under his eyes as to not bring attention to his fatigued face, deterring from the presentation at hand.
dressing him in his warmest wool suit, but only the upper half, kento was sound enough to know there was no need to abandon his fleecy Pompompurin pajama pants. the executives were only to see from the shoulders up after all. and lastly ridding him of a heavy five o'clock shadow that was speckled with smears of dried rice from the porridge you had made him earlier. 
“ok, that should be enough,” you whispered, carefully taking off the damp towel that no longer retained warmth, and squeezing out the shaving cream from the canister into your hand.
you proceed to spread the milky foam in a thin layer across the lower half of his face, letting out a soft chuckle at the finished outcome. you picked up the brand-new razor from the counter, puffing your cheeks and letting out a deep breath.
“i trust you.” kento whispered, his voice scratchy and hushed. 
you smiled in response, quietly informing him that you were starting. you crouched to his eye level, pulling his cheek upward with one hand, so the skin where you would shave would be taut. you intently watched his face as well as the area that you had just removed facial hair, making sure that there were no nicks or alter in his relaxed expression, verging on sleep. once you gained confirmation of such, you proceeded to shave the next row, and the next, working inwards towards his lips. 
rinsing the razor after each use, and wiping on a towel you had draped on the counter. though nerve-wracking for a first try, it had been executed well and was quite therapeutic. your eyes were attentive and your hands steady with every down stroke. as you continued to rinse and repeat, literally, you looked up into the bathroom mirror to see your husband rotating his head to view the work that had been done, then looking straight at you with a simple grin and tired eyes, asking what he thought so far.
“you’re doing so good, my love.” he plainly states, but those watery eyes said otherwise with an innuendo you couldn’t miss, in a singular eyebrow raise. stupid praise kink, you thought, looking him up and down, wondering how even in this state, where he acquired the audacity. it wasn’t long until the two of you burst into a fit of laughter, kento being cautious as to not rub off the shaving cream with one hand that covered his eyes as he leaned back in the chair. 
“what even are you.” you snickered, quickly calming yourself with the reminder of the razor in your hand.
you proceeded to shave, on the brink of completion, now focusing above his lip, where you took even more caution than you had before, due to the sensitivity of his skin in that area. opting to sit on his lap, nearly chest-to-chest with his sore arms that maintained enough strength to have a secure hold on you, even though your knees were bent, and your feet touched the heated floor effortlessly. 
a few stolen kisses on kento’s behalf, and nothing more than a restrained smile that he was fighting from getting any bigger as you finished the last few strokes. in his mind, it was anticipated that the minute kento finally got better, you were going to contract what he had afterward anyway. and in turn, he’d take care of you. 
so what's the harm in a few more kisses?
“so my dear husband, how would you like to start our weekend?” you asked, still cozily tucked under the blankets, looking at your husband who was similarly bundled under the toasty blankets, with your hand situated on top of his, placed gently on your cheek.
“well dear wife, it’s been days since i’ve last shaved.” he simpered, looking down at you with sly eyes.
it was something the both of you saw coming, once again he hadn’t been shaving for a while, but of course, it was deliberate. you softly laugh in response with your voice still heavy in slumber, “i’ll go get the facial steamer— in a few minutes, i want to savor every second of this vacation.” further burrowing yourself into his chest.
it had been a few months since the first time you had to shave kento’s while he was recovering, the proposal went flawlessly if you omit the booming sneezes that startled the executives even through the screen.
you had since made the switch to a straight blade like the ones you’d see used in old school barber shops, watching tutorials on methods exercised by professionals for efficiency and safety. 
invested in a proper kit that supplied everything you’d need. from shave oil, pre-shave oil, shave cream, a velvety brush to spread the lather, after-shave (which smelled phenomenal), and blade replacements.
it’s been even longer since his barber last gave him a proper shave after a haircut, and that time will only continue to be prolonged. he loved how close you’d be when focusing, but time after time you’d only grown to relax the tension in your muscles. you’d sit on his lap for more of the session, and those sessions would only go longer from the last.
where there would be conversation taking place about your lives, now and the future. sometimes there would be easy-listening music playing from the speakers that would lay the cornerstones of an “impromptu” dancing session, where kento’s hands would be politely placed on your lower back, and his hand strong in yours, waltzing all around your bathroom for what felt like forever.
he was shirtless, and truth be told a little chilly, and you were wearing an old shirt of his, to him you always looked beautiful. even though there was still plenty of shaving cream on his face, it would eventually be smeared on yours. there wasn’t much more he wanted in life.
if you ask him, any weekend is well-spent, even if you do spend the entirety of it in bed, painting beautiful sceneries, cooking your favourite dishes, dancing with ardour despite having taken one class on ballroom waltz, or you shaving his grown-out stubble. as long as you're by his side, nothing is ever a waste of time. that’s how it’s been, that’s how is it, and that’s how it’ll be.
and who knows, maybe next time kento will convince you to cut his hair.
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[interactions] reblogs, comments & likes are appreciated ₊˚⊹♡
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ofdarkestdesires · 1 year
Open RP Starter: Lost and Found
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“Oh goddess, this is extraordinary! If I’m right, these ruins are dated even further back than the Divine Beasts, predating the first Calamity 10,000 years ago! This is astounding!”
A bright spark of excitement filled Zelda’s chest as she stared in wonder at the ancient carvings and structures—to think that something this ancient had been under the castle this whole time! She slowly wandered deeper into the ruins, her eyes eagerly staring at all of the strange carvings and images on the walls…and utterly unaware of the faint glow as something ancient stirred to life.
“I absolutely must catalogue this for my further research,” she declared, “Link! Could you hand me the Sheikah Slate?”
She glanced back over her shoulder, hand outstretched, before recoiling in shock. The figure behind her was not her knight.
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shmorp-mcdurgen · 1 year
Man i just found your blog and whatever au you got going on looks so interesting i just have no idea what's going on. Do you have like a post or something explaining exactly what it is :')
I had one, but I can’t find it so I’ll just start a sorta. Starter pack/master post for all of my main Mandela Catalogue aus, and will be updating this post with any new ones I make.
This is gonna be long, so. Bear with me.
The Alternate AU
The alt au is, in its simplest terms, a swap au, basically swapping the alternate characters and the human characters. (Making the humans alternates and vice versa.)
The main plot is thus: Mark Heathcliff after the events of TMC Vol 1, comes back from the dead, furious at Cesar for leaving him to die and “causing” his death. Cesar has an encounter with Alt Mark, fleeing Mandela and living in Bythorne, joining the BPS eight years after that incident, meeting Sarah Heathcliff, and Seth Greer. (the leader of the bps and this aus version of six. Though he. May as well be an oc knowing how different they are.)
There are of course other storylines that happen in this au, involving Adam, Jonah, Thatcher, and Ruth. Here are some screenshots of basic character info:
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(More info relating to the characters can be found here)
This au also has fan fictions I’ve written portraying the aus main events, and I’ll link them below in recommended reading order:
1. Prologue
2. Wellness Check
3. Winter break 1998
4. New beginnings
5. Fateful reunion
6. Reluctant Allies
Additional ones that have no specific reading order:
Intruder alert — Turning point — Remembrance - Awake
There are fan-made aus of this au you might’ve seen on my blog, that are not canon in the slightest, such as:
return AU: all turned Alts are turned back into humans
Gemini AU: characters are fused together into singular beings
Monster au: everything’s the same but the human characters are monsters. Halloween themed kinda
Additional info can be seen in the #tmc alternate au tag on my blog, or the specific character tags I’ll put on this post. There’s so much to this au that. I can’t put it all here otherwise we’d be here all day. /lh
The Mandela Prophet AU
This au, which is smaller in scale to the one above, is centered on Adam Murray, and takes place directly after the events of vol 2.
After being left behind by Jonah, Adam is approached by alternate Gabriel, and is given an offer that he’ll get all the knowledge he wants, as long as he follows Gabriel. Adam in his desperate want for the truth, accepts Gabriel’s offer, but is betrayed when they instead inflict him with a supernatural alternate parasite, that takes over his body and gives victims M. A. D.
Here is a small sorta medical sheet that kinda explains said parasite, along with the Prophets official design:
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1. Long walk home
2. Sleepless nights
3. Parasite
4: Intuition (non canon)
5: Buried Memories
6: Confrontation
Any other info on this au is found in the tag #mandela prophet
LabRats AU
The basic premise of this au is thus:
The characters of TMC are put through experiments in a scientific facility (Mandela BioTech), which is owned by Gabriel, a scientist obsessed with "perfection" and Dave Lee, a man that's reluctant, but willingly ignorant to the horrid acts happening under his watch. The main characters are mutated, given sometimes supernatural abilities. More info is in the #tmc Labrats au tag, so I recommend you start there, as this explanation is. pretty short.
Interview fics (can be read in any order): #02: Cesar
#04: Mark
Home Sweet Home au
In this au, it takes the whole. "Cesar's house is an alternate" theory and runs with it. Mark feels. oddly attached to the House, subconsciously always wanting to stay there and. make himself comfortable. While Cesar remains unaware that his Home is alive, and that he's been living in the belly of the beast for his entire life.
This au is still in production, meaning I recommend looking through the tag #tmc Home sweet Home au to get more info. plus, here's a link to the prologue!!
-Home is where the heart is
-Leah Heathcliff Interview
-Arthur Heathcliff interview
-Radio silence
I'm always up for questions about my aus, so feel free to send them in if you have any! :)
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leveragehunters · 9 months
So...you can basically play Animal Crossing in Fortnite (yes, the shooty multiplayer game)
Not the actual AC game, obviously, there's a distinct lack of bugs, fish, and capitalist racoons, but the island building, decorating, and designing? That's a hell yes.
Turns out Fortnite has a Creative mode where you can just build and design an island with access to a massive catalogue of items and terrain. Everything that exists in the shooty game itself, as far as I can tell. There's galleries of individual items, about anything you could think of, plus prefab buildings/sets you can just plonk down.
Building/designing is pretty intuitive, and you can fly while you do it, which makes it simple to get everything where you want it.
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[A pic of a tiny part my first island - it started out completely bare.]
It's seriously fun and scratches the same itch as AC. Highly recommend to anyone who wants to chill out building and designing.
Best part, it's free!
[More info and some example islands under the cut]
Islands people have made using Creative:
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If you want to give it a try just install Fortnite (I think it's available on just about every platform/device that exists) and once it starts you'll be in the lobby, looking at your randomly generated character (note: you can't change them without spending money). There's a box on the right hand side of the screen with 'change' at the top (it probably also says 'Battle Royale'). Click it, pick Creative from the options, then Back, then Play. It'll say a bunch of stuff about matchmaking, don't worry about it, then drop you into your My Island rift.
Run up to the display panel, interact with it to pick your island starter type, then run through the golden rift and you'll fall onto your island.
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[I suggest going into settings while you're still in the lobby and changing all the social stuff to off, ie set everything in social privacy and game privacy to off/friends only.]
This is a basic guide to using Creative: https://www.pcgamesn.com/fortnite/creative-mode-guide-tips (clickable link).
This is a browser of every available item ('prop'): https://www.fortnitecreativehq.com/prop-browser/ (clickable link)
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byanyan · 5 months
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♡⋆:°* open starter.
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ㅤㅤ" all right. "ㅤstepping over to their workstation and dropping a little too casually into their chair, the books tucked under their arm are brought around to rest in their lap as byan's attention finally lifts from the screen of their phone. gaze drifts to the client who's been waiting for them and they offer a nod of acknowledgement, slipping their phone into their back pocket.
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ㅤㅤ" what're we doin'? "ㅤclearly, their appointment book is not what had their focus the entire five minutes they've been running late — they're not sure if this is a consultation, a walk-in, or an actual appointment to get a tattoo started. regardless, they look intrigued, even as they lean back in their seat and tuck a strand of hair behind their ear that's fallen free of their messy ponytail.ㅤ" you got a design idea with you, or're you wantin' to look through my catalogue? "ㅤa tap of a painted nail on the binder that sits atop the sketchbook in their lap, and their head tilts slightly in question.ㅤ" —or did i design somethin' for you already? definitely got a couple'a those today, but i don't always remember who's who, y'know? "
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bereaved-x · 2 years
( status ) ━━ open event starter ! ( location ) ━━ at the gala buffet table !
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❛ ━━━━zehra is a woman on a mission. she has no interest in the decor, the chandelier, the people clad in fabrics worth ten times her rent while she dons an old halloween costume.  she crosses the dance floor without a second glance at the couples that have to irritably step aside to avoid her colliding into them.
there are workers dressed in their finest bowties and masks, carrying silver trays with glass drinks that don’t smudge with your fingertips and hors d’oeurves that she can neither identify nor pronounce.  but she has her eyes on the fucking prize: the longest table she’s ever seen with a quantity of food that could feed the entire city and a quality where she could die happy.  the food is laid out for all guests to feast upon, both with their eyes and hungry mouths.  fancy schmancy parties for the rich always have the best vegetarian foods.  
zehra pops a stuffed mushroom in her mouth; the flavors melt against her taste-buds and she moans under her breath.  “oh my god, that’s good,” she says, and then takes a napkin from the table, wraps up 8 of the mushrooms, and shoves it in her purse. this was a great idea, she thinks. 
she takes a bite of a stuffed jalapeño bigger than her palm next and rolls her head back at the flurry of flavors and textures, both unaware of her obnoxiousness and uncaring.  “have you tried the stuffed jalapeño yet?” she says to the person beside her, shaking the jalapeño in her hand for emphasis.  “they’re stuffing it with crack, i swear to god.  i’m surprised they don’t have silverware here . . . perhaps because it’s all finger food, or maybe someone came before me and snagged it all.”  she sees someone set another tray.  “fuck, is that fried goat cheese?  that shit’s gonna go fast.”  she grabs a handful with a napkin and, with a thought of compromise, she turns back to the person and says, “here.  hurry up, before they see.  shove it in your pockets or your bag, whatever you’ve got.  it’s wrapped in a napkin; it’s fine! we’ve got the rest of the table to check out—quickly!”
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museincarnate · 5 months
any advice for a newcomer to tumblr roleplay? ( you're the first blog i came across. )
//if you write multiple muses, I'd advise writing under a multimuse blog, so you don't have to account hop or anything. Reblog memes / starters and send asks to people you follow who ALSO reblog memes too, to get something going. Not all interactions will come to you, and putting out the effort to reach out will probably help in the long run!
Use tags to catalogue who you write with, reply to, which character you use, or whatever you think is necessary, if you ever want to look back or through your replies and posts to find something specific.
Just have fun, and try to make an interest tracker too, even if it took me a long time to do it. :)
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myhiraeth · 10 months
I keep writing @headstrongblake short stories disguised as drabbles/starters and I'm so sorry lol [ king arthur verse - all kids ]
Something was different today. She could feel it, and she knew Octavia and Mbege both felt it too when she woke at the sound of the clanging bell and instantly sought out their eyes. Something in the air was different, and when the kids were herded out of the sleeping quarters, it was clear why. 
In all the time they’d been here, the Roman Army hadn’t ever visited. They were in training, they were told that all day, every day for the last four years. They were nothing, not yet, but if they survived the training they’d be warriors, a piece of Rome’s vast army. The older kids that picked up quickly, like Nick, or who had prior training like Octavia’s Styxx, they had already been allowed to work on specialities, to hone their skills in a way lesser trained or younger conscripts weren’t capable of yet. The rest of them just learned how to survive under the worst of conditions, learned to set aside hunger and exhaustion and pain and keep picking up a sword and keep swinging it. Bonds were the only thing keeping most of the kids alive. Those that didn’t find reasons to keep going quickly succumbed to the exhaustion and despair that seeped into every crevice of the isolated training facility.
Fox was the only one of her age group that had survived this far. 
When the kids lined up and it was announced that the kids were to be divided into smaller contingents for their final months of training, her hand immediately reached out to find Mbege’s. Chaos erupted as soldiers divided up the kids, some going quietly, some going loudly, some refusing to go at all. Bonds were all they had. Each other was all they had. They had no guarantee of food, or warmth, or shelter, or even life from day to day, but they had each other. 
She was called to one group, Mbege to a second and she looked to the others she’d grown to trust- Octavia was being led away from Louis, who was raging from where he was trapped behind the arms of a Roman soldier, Styxx was quietly conversing with yet another soldier, and Nick’s eyes were cataloguing everyone as a soldier went down his line, waiting to see where he too would be sent. She hadn’t moved, and a soldier came over to grab Mbege by the shoulder and shove him in the direction Octavia had been led, but Fox was close on his heels, chasing after him and twisted her fingers desperately in his shirt. “ No, no we can’t- can we go together? ” 
The soldier laughed, but his attention was distracted at a cry of fury from Louis’ direction as he took out the knee of the soldier holding him, quickly throwing his head back to slam into the soldier’s face. Get your hands off her- Octavia! The soldier with Mbege and Fox stalked away, drawing his sword and giving Fox a chance to bury herself against Mbege’s chest, pleading with him to let her stay with him. 
Mbege’s hands grasped her shoulders. He’d seen Nick be pointed in the direction that Fox was supposed to go, and desperately caught the other boy’s eyes, pleading silently for him to come over and get Fox. He pulled her away from his chest and held her by her shoulders as Nick trotted over. “ Listen to me- I’ll be okay, and so will you. Nick’s with you, he’ll watch out for you, and I’ll watch out for Octavia. But you have to stop- you’re going to get yourself hurt if you refuse. ” He looked up again, away from her tearstained face, sighing at the sight of Styxx holding Louis back and trying to reason with the soldiers for the younger boy’s life, and back down to Fox, pushing back toward Nick. “ Go with Nick, you’ll be okay. ” he repeats, looking up at the blue-eyed boy. take care of her? His expression asks. 
Once Fox is safely held in place by Nick, Mebge turns and walks his way to where Octavia is standing, deliberately not reacting to the scene her best friend and sometimes more is causing. “ Styxx’ll quiet him down. ” He reassures as he settles at her side. A quick glance ensures there aren’t any army eyes on them at the moment, and he leans in to bump her shoulder with his in an almost playful manner. “ Guess it’s just you and me now, huh? ” 
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jonahxrivas · 1 year
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#JustJonahThings — Pokémon
Type: Water and Ice
Starter: Squirtle  
Favourite: Lapras
Trainer Class: Professor (future)
While he may fight on the occasion if need be, Jonah usually avoids it. He’s prefers to explore, research and catalogue different types of Pokémon rather than battle and only catches and trains ones relevant to his interests.
Main Dex:
Glaceon (Ice) - Eevee evolution. Jonah was almost frozen when he first encountered Glaceon's snowfall as it has the ability to freeze the atmosphere around it, but quickly snapped out it and caught it soon after. He’s fascinated by how it can completely freeze its fur to make hair stand out like needles as a form of protection.
Milotic (Water) - Initially a bit upset when his Feebas evolved, Jonah didn't care much for Milotic's beauty but seeing as it has the ability to calm any angry feelings, he now treasures it because he too would prefer to not fight and just peacefully live at the bottom of lakes.
Alolan Vulpix (Ice) - After getting lost in the snowcapped mountains of Alola, Jonah was luckily guided out by a Ninetales, but a curious little Vulpix followed him back. With icy breath reaching up to -58 degrees Fahrenheit and fully fascinated by how small ice particles spring up from its hair when looked at under a microscope, Jonah happily added this Vulpix to his dex.
Magikarp (Water) - Jonah very much identifies with Magikarp as he too just flops and splashes around amounting to not much. But despite the 'useless' connotation associated with Magikarp, it actually is a very hardy Pokémon that can survive in any body of water no matter how polluted it is.
Corsola (Water/Rock) - With Jonah making the study of Coral his life's work, of course Corsola would be in his dex. Found in the clean Southern Seas, this Pokémon has the ability to shed and regrow the branches on its head and has been great help with research.
Squirtle (Water) -  With the ability to launch incredible water attacks and swim at high speeds, this tiny turtle had his heart from the beginning. While he caught and evolved other Squirtle's, the starter he chose remains unevolved and he'd never abandon it (but he did buy his Squirtle cool sunglasses after they encountered the Squirtle Squad)
Wingull (Water/Flying) - One among his many catch, study and release Pokémon, Jonah was interested in its flight and how it uses the updrafts of wind to make it seems like its skating across the sky. He’s caught many Wingulls too, as they are extremely useful to spot where fish are.
Not pictured but important:
Lapras (Water/Ice) - With Jonah being a gentle and helpful person by nature, it wasn't surprising he'd gravitate towards Lapras. With its ability to understand human speech and himself having played a part in conservation efforts to bring the species back from near-extinction, Jonah and Lapras just want to help people.
Suicune (Water) - Having the power to purify polluted water with just a touch, Suicune is a Pokémon that if Jonah even just saw it, he'd consider his life made.
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laughingmagi · 1 year
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     “Piss off.”
     Despite the rudeness of his words, his tone sounded more wearied. He should have known better than to sneak up to the bar’s rooftop to have a cigarette. Finding a bar that allowed smoking was wildly few and far between, especially in America. While the brash friendliness of the average Yank was oddly endearing, the national tendency toward prudishness was irritating at best. Truthfully, John was used to having to step out for a fag by now, but he didn’t like the stares. Hence why he’d clamored up the narrow staircase to the roof. A moment’s peace with a nice view.
    Well — until he heard the soft sound of boots on the concrete rooftop, anyway. Mentally he catalogued which one it would be. One of the Bats probably. The Birds were louder, in their own way. He rubbed his brow tiredly.
     “Sorry. It’s just that I ain’t even been in town f’alf a day,” John huffed softly. “So either John Constantine is files under interrogate on sight or y’need somethin’ from me.”
starter for @batinstincts​
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dannyknowscomics · 1 year
Pokémon Legends Kyurem Chapter 1
There is a bright light everything begins to shake and spin…..then your eyes open and you find yourself at lake
The air is crisp and cleaner than you have ever breathed, someone calls out to you, “Your Highness! I’ve been looking all over for you!” A concerned voice yells, you turn to find Ser Willem (a possible ancestor of Binaca perhaps?)
He informs you that your father the king has been waiting for you to arrive, the two of you journey toward the castle
As you arrive at the gates you are confronted by Ser Cyril (a possible ancestor of Cheren) who scolds Ser William for allowing you to leave the castle grounds unaccompanied, his tirade is introduced by your elder brother Agar (who is a spitting image of N)
He informs Ser Cyril that he gave you permission to leave the castle grounds and if Ser Cyril should be angry at anyone it should be him
Ser Cyril is taken a back and his bluster soon vanishes as he escorts both of you back to the castle
You are brought to your father, King Alaric’s throne room, where he scolds you for being late especially on such a special day as this
Your coronation day
The throne room fills with important peoples, various knights who will serve you and the hand of the king, The Sorceress Nimue (who suspiciously looks like Ghetsis)
Your father has you kneel as he placed a crown on your head, you are old enough to become part of the line of succession, old enough to serve the realm
As he placed his sword of both your shoulders he then asks all but Agar and Nimue to vacate his throne room,
He explains the path to proving yourself worthy of his throne and the magic that protects his kingdom, will be difficult and you must be selfless, brave and true to your path
He says however you need not walk the path alone and brings out three Pokémon
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He explains that these three Pokémon were found by the kings guards and have been tended to by the Old Sage Jareth
Once you chose your partner your father hands you an amulet
(The amulet works just like a poke ball and will be this medieval version)
He then explains that you and your brother are both tasked with cataloguing a bestiary for the region
Whoever completes it first will be one step closer to becoming king when your father passes, however he also tasked you two with serving the realm, he explains that while the kingdom of Isshuian have a tentitive harmony with the pokemon that live along the borders there are still times when the harmony is at risk, so he encourages you both to protect your people and task both Ser Willem and Ser Cyril to assist you both in your journey.
As you two are dismissed Ser Willem suggests your hone your skills at capturing pokemon, he present you a red circular gem and explains that it is a tumblestone enchanted by the deep magic of witches and that you should be able to use them to capture various pokemon to assist you on your journey, after the catching tutorial, Ser Willem explains there has been a commotion in the forrests, he suggests the two of you check it out and the two of you head off on Rapidashes (your first mount pokemon) and head off to see what's the commotion.
as you journey in the forest you find a bunch of trees knocked down and burned to ash, Ser Willem draws his sword and is barely able to deflect the torrent of flames.
Hydreigon emerges and attacks, Ser Willem releases his partner pokemon, Musharna, he tries to put Hydreigon to sleep, but him and his partner are both defeated by a Hyper Beam.
You are forced to battle with your partner pokemon and try as you might Hydreigon is too powerful and easily defeats you two.
Agar and Ser Cyril emerge, with them sounding out there partner pokemon Ser Cyril's Gigalith and Agar's starter (2nd stage one strong against yours), however both are overwhelmed by the dragon.
Hydreigon fires off another Hyper Beam and pins the four of you under a tree, it glows with a purple aura as it charges another Hyper Beam
"ENOUGH!" the voice yells, you are shocked as your father the king arrives, he stares Hydreigon down and doesn't flinch as it begins to charge it's attack
He holds his hand up to the sky as the pendent around his neck crackles with black and white lighting "Kyrurem I Summon Thee!"
A loud roar is heard that shakes the forrest as Original Form Kyurem arrives.
Kyurem charges it's attack a pure white beam of energy with black lightning crackled around it.
Hydreigon is defeated and Kyrurem swipes the downed tree off of the four of you, your father picks you up and promises you'll be alright.
To Be Continued
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dcybrck · 1 year
closed starter !  who: koray aksakal ! @ofthethorned when: under the mountain !
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  the river nymph had existed long enough to know to maintain a collected composure when under the mountain, a mostly neutral expression permanently etched on his face. it flickers to occasional disinterest when eyes meet his own, former clients who recognize deron but remain polite enough to keep their lips sealed. a blessing from the mother, it would be exhausting to sift through the careful catalogue he kept of those memories to seek out who's blood they had demanded. deron's skin crawled ever so slightly, shaking the idea out of his mind with a grimace as he turned the corner that he recalled seeing his friend turn down earlier. the door soon came into view, a grin tugging at his lips when he was able to slip into the room with little noise. eyes swept quickly over the space till he saw another door, quick steps till he reached the door and let himself into the adjoining bath room. 
      deron hummed happily to himself and set to work immediately, hands flitting about till the tub is full of water. the male sunk into it with a soft sound of contentment, eyes shut as he drifted in the water. he'd not bother to shed his clothes before climbing in, so when his ears caught the noise of the door creaking open he didn't bother to move. " i've been expecting you," deron spoke, opening his eyes to half grin up at koray who stood in the doorway. a laugh comes from his chest, shifting to sit up in the tub. " there's enough room for both of us if you want to join. you smell like you could use it."
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bitofthisandthat · 2 years
So, as of NOW... Eris is no longer available on here. Done.
I took down all her information on the bios and prefs pages. I also took her off the muse request form. Any open starters under her tag on this blog or yours, will not be answered in the future. 
I am obviously leaving up all her old stuff for posterity, as this blog was created in 2012 and I don’t delete writings, even from partners I no longer write with. Nor do I delete anything from interactions from muns I had “blog break-ups” with, because I believe in treating this blog like a library, a catalogue of everything we all did together. I only delete ooc, old memes, or repeated aesthetics. 
Please DO NOT request Eris anymore.
All her relationships and threads are officially dropped. If you unfollow me because you only wanted Eris, like I told my charming anon, I will understand and bare no grudge. Feel free to bolt without me saying a word, because that’s what sane people do. 
If you still want to stick around and be pals and just enjoy each other’s dash, amazeballs, glad you’re still here.
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elainefm · 2 years
who: closed starter for @thezevking​ what: elaine is totally hanging out with zev because she likes his company and not because she has no other friends (maybe a little of both) where: Archer Mansion 
Elaine had been in a mood ever since everyone returned from their weekend at the lake, for obvious reasons. Putting the trio of now-ex friends aside, the injury she’d sustained during her little high adventure (if you could call it that!) was totally putting a damper on things. Not only was it hindering her ability to practice her cheerleading skills, therefore putting her behind on potential-captain preparation, the blood had also stained the clothes she was wearing. And if there was one thing Elaine hated, it was losing clothing. 
She’s yet again flipping through a magazine, though this time it’s a Ralph Lauren catalogue, a sharpie at the ready to circle items she’s planning to send away for. She’s invited Zev over under the guise of keeping up appearances, though really its because she’d usually invite Zahra over to do this sort of thing, and that was obviously a no-go. God, it sucked that there were so few actually cool people in Cherry and that the second-coolest (next to Elaine herself, of course!) had gone and sunk a machete her in the back. She doubts Zev has any good opinions on fashion, considering what she’s seen him in, but it doesn’t stop her from seeking a second opinion. “Do you think plaid skirts are in or out this season? I’m going for a Rachel from Friends sort of thing, but is that so last year or?” 
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