#i finally made fanart on time for once orz
seasicksilver · 1 year
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oekaki-chan · 2 years
hello c! you are one of my fave artists on social media since before!! i know you don't do it totally full time but if it's fine to ask, at around how many followers were you able to get some decent income from your art? and just general tips on trying to start to earn with your art online? i understand it varies for different people but would just like for your insight as someone doing fanart too! thank you so much!!
I didn't use Paypal until 2018 (I think it's because I made one long ago and I had forgotten the password 😭) and from the beginning of my online art journey until 2018 I didn't get any income from drawing even tho I already have a decent amount of followers on tumblr and twitter (I joined few zine projects but since I couldn't access my paypal they paid me with free copies of the zines orz) I finally started taking commission once I got my Paypal password, my first client was some people from a certain fandom.
Once you start trying to monetize art you need to follow the market demand (sadly) and it includes art style, anime art style or semi-realistic tends to be more popular with the market, but that doesn't eliminate the probability of other art styles gaining their own audience as well. You can also do a simple icon commission or adoptables if you're also into character design, the suspiciously wealthy furries will pay a handsome amount of money for some adoptables with good designs!
People also love to have their OC drawn so you need to branch out your availability, I honestly would love to get commissioned to draw the blorbo from my shows but it's hard to be picky if you want to get money from doing commission so that's another thing to consider as well 😭
And I know some people might disagree with this and that's fine! As you said it'll vary from person to person. If you're still new to opening commission, don't disinterest people with high rates, you can do some quick research to determine the average rates other commission artists set up for their art and decide how much you're gonna set your rates!
Another way to get income from doing art is to sell doujinshi/artbook online, but it's pretty risky to do this because sometimes the show isn't really well known and you'll risk all the time and effort you put into working on the book in exchange for a low profit :') So yeah, in conclusion the very first thing you need to do to make money off of your art is to know your audience and their interest!
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prince-of-elsinore · 3 years
I was tagged by @stanfordsweater for this getting to know you game. Thanks so much for the tag! 😊💕 There’s a clean copy at the end for people who want to do this.
1. why did you choose your url?
It was already my user name on AO3 (and maybe some other sites, can't recall) and I wanted consistency across platforms (since I joined tumblr for fandom). And here's the pretentious part: if you didn't know, it's a reference to Hamlet, which is one of my favorite written works ever. Elsinore is the name of the castle where it takes place, so the prince of Elsinore is Hamlet ^^;
2. any sideblogs? if you have them, name them and why you have them.
I have two, though I'm not gonna name them lol (they're not exactly secret but they're old news). When I first joined I wanted my main to be not totally fandom-dominated (whoops so much for that) so I made a side blog for my main fandom at the time (Hetalia), where I now reblog fanart every once in a blue moon. And I made another side blog for my fic. I still occasionally post on the fic blog but since my main is now basically completely spn anyway, I've just been posting my spn fic on main.
3. how long have you been on tumblr?
Since... 2012, I think? But not consistently. I hadn't used tumblr much in years before last fall and even considered deleting my blog multiple times, but spn ending (and the pandemic) brought me back stronger than ever ^^;
4. do you have a queue tag?
#q  (i'm lazy and it's just quickest that way 🙈)
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?
If only I could remember... Well, it was for fandom (mostly--also some history blogging) but I don't remember the specific impetus. As mentioned my main fandom was Hetalia at the time, and within that mostly German bros stuff. I also distinctly remember lurking on a lot of Sherlock blogs prior to joining 😬(my how tastes things change)
6. why did you choose your icon/pfp?
It's a Leyendecker illustration! I love his work so so much (so many dapper men, so much homoeroticism 👌). The piece is Easter-themed and I don't actually know why I chose it. This fop is a far cry from his usual suave dudes, but idk, I guess I liked how ott and fancy it is. It also matched the old flowery aesthetic of my blog before I changed the theme.
7. why did you choose your header?
Lol ok so that's a photo I took (on my first visit maybe?) at Sans Souci palace in Potsdam, Germany. It was the residence of Frederick the Great, King of Prussia, who--as anyone will know if they remember my blog days of yore--is my favorite historical figure! The glove is not mine. I found it like that :)
8. what’s your post with the most notes?
As I suspected, this one I made defending Jared's "controversial" comments post-finale. Sort of funny because I'm not even a Jared stan 🤷‍♂️
9. how many mutuals do you have?
No idea
10. how many followers do you have?
Just passed 550, which I know isn't many relatively speaking but wow I certainly never expected to see the day! I've gained about 300 followers since I started posting about spn, which utterly baffles me, but hey I'm glad if you guys are enjoying yourselves!
11. how many people do you follow?
Oh, wow, I just looked and it's over 1,000 😳 I guess b/c over the years I've gone on multiple following sprees and only unfollow if people really really annoy me or if I just get really tired of their content (I do continue to follow a lot of people who post about fandoms I'm not in). I feel like I usually see the same <50 blogs on my dash, though, so I'm guessing about 900 of the blogs I follow must be completely inactive lol.
12. have you ever made a shitpost?
Yes 🙃
13. how often do you use tumblr each day?
Varies. Over the past months I would check it every hour or more, felt like (not v conducive to getting work done orz). Recently (due to being away from my computer more often, now that the semester and my old job are finished) only a couple times a day, mostly at night.
14. did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? who won?
Hm, not really. Nothing more than a couple snarky or passive-aggressive asks, and not for years (aside from that anon anti hate I got sort of recently--my first ever! I would say I win that one by default, y'know, just for not being the person sending anon hate). I did get into a pretty drawn-out debate with a Dean stan about Dean's death and Jared's comments on it--see above--but I wouldn't classify it as an argument.
15. how do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?
Very Tired and skeptical
16. do you like tag games?
Yes they're great! Always make me smile (even if I don't participate I always appreciate the tag!) 😊
17. do you like ask games?
Yes, although I have to be careful about posting them because while I love getting asks in theory, getting them means I have to answer them! And I tend to be very slow at that because I want to put so much thought into it! (Send me asks any time, really! Might just take me forever to respond ^^;) ((Oh gosh this reminds me I still never finished some headcanon asks I got aaages ago. Maybe someday...))
18. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
I don't have a good sense of what constitutes tumblr famous. My fave blogs are all stars in my eyes 🤩😇
19. do you have a crush on a mutual?
Haha no. Maybe with a few I just have a little cherished hope that they think I'm cool and smart 🥺
20. tags?
Hmm I pick @theregoestheneighbourhood, @doilycoffin, @decadent-prince, and @fallcolorspringrapid if you want to!!
clean copy:
1. why did you choose your url?
2. any sideblogs? if you have them, name them and why you have them.
3. how long have you been on tumblr?
4. do you have a queue tag?
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?
6. why did you choose your icon/pfp?
7. why did you choose your header?
8. what’s your post with the most notes?
9. how many mutuals do you have?
10. how many followers do you have?
11. how many people do you follow?
12. have you ever made a shitpost?
13. how often do you use tumblr each day?
14. did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? who won?
15. how do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?
16. do you like tag games?
17. do you like ask games?
18. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
19. do you have a crush on a mutual?
20. tags?
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srl541 · 4 years
Week 3: Stars
Two months late, but I finally got this done! I started this back in mid-May but got a little overwhelmed (making music like this in a week was a bit much I guess orz). I gave up on the musical references to DP because they felt forced and instead wrote a short one-shot:
The beginning (drabble)
"3, 2, 1, . . ."
With each count voiced over the comms, Danny felt his heart pound harder. His core was a tangled mess of excitement and worry, amplified by the agitated state he could sense in his crewmates.
The shuttle quivered. He felt as if a weight pressed his whole self toward the floor, even as his anticipation soared through the ceiling.
His dream, at last. Humanity was another step further in space exploration, and he would directly contribute.
When the weight disappeared and congratulations were passed, he let himself relax. He was glad they hadn't required his unique "skills."
1 month later (one-shot)
"Danny, when you have the chance, can you come check this out? The ecto-scanner is giving some odd readings."
"Sure, give me a minute." Danny carefully secured the glowing-green flask he had been inspecting and jotted a few notes in his lab notebook. In seconds, he was heading toward the cockpit.
Scott waved him over. "We're approaching an area with higher ecto-readings, but it doesn't look dense enough to be a formed entity. What do you think?"
Danny rubbed his neck as he scrolled through the readings. "Yeah, the ecto-energy looks a little weak. But I'd say the pattern is a little strange. See how it's clustered in a path and not spread out evenly? I'll prep and be on the lookout in case."
"Good point. We still have an hour, so you have some time." Scott gave him a friendly shoulder pat and turned back to the navigation instruments. He conferred with Commander Kay and announced a warning over the comms.
Danny checked the Fenton thermos clipped to his suit and headed back to crew quarters to change, as well as to hand out backup ecto-blasters.
When he returned, he stared at the view out the front. Even weeks into the journey, the stars looked too clear to be real.
He almost hadn't made it to space. Not because of what he'd initially feared. When NASA had found out about his ghost half, they had instead been ecstatic about the new scientific possibilities his powers introduced. No, his struggle came from his crewmates. NASA wouldn’t let a contentious crew on a mission.
"You feeling alright?" Danny asked.
"Yeah, I'm good."
The emotions picked up by his core confirmed Scott's calmness. He had come a long way from his fears.
"You know, I'm really glad you're here to deal with this ghost stuff. I don’t think I’ve said it enough.”
“Well, that’s my gig. Semi-professional ghost hunter here,” Danny quipped. “Of course, my real job is jar-opening. Can’t forget that.”
Scott chuckled. “Right, you helped Jenny with her stuck jar this morning. Intangibility really seems handy.”
Danny grinned. NASA particularly didn’t mind having someone who could make things intangible on hand. Flight was also an invaluable tool.
He was beyond fortunate; his crew had mostly been understanding about his secrets. Mostly.
It took a long time, but patience and a lot of conversation helped mitigate fears about the supernatural and repave trust. All that work led to a closer friendship. Scott was one of the easiest for him to approach now.
Danny felt a rush of cold air come up through his throat. He squinted at the view, now glowing a slight green, and pressed the button for the comms. “Actually, I think there is something. Kay, do I have permission to leave the ship?”
An affirmative was returned. He re-checked his gear, gave a jaunty salute to his friend, and phased out of the cockpit.
The wide expanse never failed to amaze him, but he had a job to do. He zoomed ahead of the ship and reached his senses out, following paths that looked slightly greener than others.
There. Danny floated closer. A bare wisp of a ghost, a faint echo of what must have been a powerful being to get so far from Earth.
Or at least, that was what he assumed. Theoretically, the ghost world was a reflection of the human world.
He spoke into his comms. “There actually is a ghost here. They’re too weak to do anything, though. Must have wandered too far away from Earth and ran out of energy to figure out a way back.”
“Alright, so there’s no danger. What is your recommendation?” Kay asked.
Danny unclipped his Fenton thermos. “I’m taking them back home. The ectoplasm they left behind is really cool, too. Some of it is stable enough for testing. Might give some great data for the energy source experiments.”
“That sounds great. Be careful.”
Sucking the ghost into the Fenton thermos was as easy as breathing. With oxygen, at least. He gathered some samples by the time the ship caught up, and then he phased back in.
Scott gave him a thumbs up. Danny smiled back, content with how helpful his skills were for the mission.
It was as if his space journey was written in the stars.
An invisible shape loomed, observing the earthlings. The ectoranium asteroids would shield it from detection until it was too late for the small crew. It was true that the ghost wisp had once been powerful, but its fall hadn’t been straying too far from Earth.  
More notes: I tried to add more instruments to make the sound fuller, but maybe it was too much? Or maybe the reverb blurred things together excessively? I had liked the echo-y sound, but it might have been the wrong choice. I still have a lot to learn about mixing/mastering, haha (and I’m not even recording stuff yet I’m just using VSTs). 
Inspiration for this piece was mainly from the Space theme from Overcooked!. The hyper-space travel background of the video was from #AAfvx (https://www.youtube.com/dvdangor2011).
On the short fic, I don’t really sci-fi and I still feel super rusty with writing, but hopefully it tells a story that can go along with the musical piece. The extra didn’t fit with the music but I think would fit more with DP fanfics, maybe? XD
I’m really glad this event was held since it really motivated me to create things again! There was a ton of talent in the fanart and fanfic I saw. But, I’ve realized that though I still enjoy the fanworks I’ve mostly moved on from the Phandom. I might go back to leaving anonymous reviews here and there. <3
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wingroad · 7 years
end of year review fic meme
under a cut bc long af 
Chronological breakdown:
·       January 
Pining/Dawn 04/01 | kagakuro | PG | drabble school reunion 05/01 | kagakuro | PG-13 | drabble | au now you see me au 08/01 | kagakuro | PG-13 | drabble | au genie au 12/01 | kagakuro | PG-13 | drabble | au First Frost 31/01 | kagakuro | PG-13 | 3k+ | Kagami and Kuroko don't always fight, but when they do it's like this
·       February 
Can we pretend I didn’t just say that? 08/02 | kagakuro | PG | drabble Is it? 14/02 | kagakuro | PG | drabble Once in a lifetime encounter: Chapter 1: The encounter  08/02 | kagakuro | PG | au| Ficlets inspired by NBA X KNB collab (proper summary one day maybe) Are you flirting with me?   08/02 | aomomo | PG | drabble snapshots and glimpses  22/02 | aomomo | PG-13 | 1k+| one sentence fics
·       March
Delirium 01/03 | kagakuro | PG | 2k+| Kagami doesn't get sick except when he does present 08/03 |kagakuro | PG | drabble morning 10/03 |kagakuro | PG| drabble vows 10/03 |kagakuro | PG | drabble what's mine is yours 11/03 | kagakuro | PG-13 | 9k+ | What Kuroko wants is what Taiga wants. stubble 13/03 |kagakuro | PG | drabble movie 17/03 |kagakuro | PG | drabble What Comes Next 17/03 | kagakuro | PG-13 | 2k+ |Kagami wakes up and wonders what's next. dance 18/03 |kagakuro | PG | drabble stripes 25/03 |kagakuro |PG | drabble pie 28/03 |kagakuro aomomo|PG-13 | drabble pink 31/03 |kagakuro |PG  | drabble Once in a lifetime encounter: Chapter 2: Trice's a pattern 13/03 | kagakuro | PG | au | Ficlets inspired by NBA X KNB collab (proper summary one day maybe) expecting 31/03 | aomomo | PG | drabble
·       April
eyes  03/04 | kagakuro | PG | drabble visit  06/04 | kagakuro | PG-13 | drabble selfie 07/04 | kagakuro | PG | drabble tie 07/04 | kagakuro | PG | drabble Hush  22/04| kagakuro | NC-17| 1k+ | The view was perfect to wake up to. not at first sight 22/04| kagakuro |PG| 1k+ | A casual conversation about something not casual just for you 25/04| kagakuro | PG | 1k+ | Kagami makes something just for Kuroko bouquet 26/04 | kagakuro | PG | drabble trials 28/04 | kagakuro | PG | drabble
·       May
Once in a lifetime encounter: Chapter 3: Pure coincidence  07/05 | kagakuro | PG | au|  Ficlets inspired by NBA X KNB collab (proper summary one day maybe) The deep blue sea  22/05 | kagakuro | PG-13 | au | ficlet Kagami-kun is terrible  24/05 | kagakuro | PG-13 | drabble Grabby Hands 28/05 | kagakuro | PG-13 | drabble
·       June
Tetsuya you little shit!  03/06 | kagakuro | PG-13 | drabble Taste of Summer  15/06 | kagakuro | PG-13 | drabble
·       July 
They grow up so fast  04/07 | kagakuro | PG-13 | drabble Better luck next time  |28/07 | kagakuro | PG-13 | drabble Short people problems  29/07 | kagakuro | PG-13 | drabble
·       August 
From first to last   02/08 | kagakuro | PG-13 | 6k+ | Glimpses into some important vacations Kagami and Kuroko spend over the years  Sharing is caring (sometimes)  17/08 | kagakuro | PG-13 |drabble Sight of the sun  21/08 | kagakuro | PG-13 | ficlet | au Little things  22/08 | kagakuro | PG-13 | ficlet Don’t ignore me  23/08 | kagakuro | PG-13 | drabble
·       September
Terrible teacher 02/09 | kagakuro | PG-13 | drabble Accidents happen  07/09 | kagakuro | PG-13 | drabble
·       October
Blind Fate 02/10 | kagakuro | PG | 4k+ | au | Kagami and Kuroko get set up for a blind date, but it doesn't go according to plan, except it does. Heartthrob 10/10 | kagakuro | PG | 3k+ | Kuroko is a real heartthrob. The sword and the stone 12/10 | kagakuro | PG | 2k+ | au | Kagami and Kuroko travel together and find themselves in a...situation. Interesting times 22/10 | kagakuro | PG-13 | 1k+ | au | Tetsuya is in an impossible position and Kagami only makes it worse by trying to make it better.
·       November
People like us 06/11 | kagakuro | M | 12k+ | slight au |There is but one rule which people have to obey. Don't fall in love with someone other than your assigned partner. Kuroko Tetsuya falls in love with someone who is not his assigned partner.
·       December
Spoons  10/12 | kagakuro | PG-13 | drabble Once a day  16/12 | kagakuro | drabble | au Green eyed monster 19/12 | aomomo | PG | ficlet Acceptance is hard 27/12 | kagakuro | PG | ficlet
Overall Thoughts:
most productive months: March, April 
least productive months: September, November 
ofc this counts the number of fics posted. I only posted one fic in Novenber which was supposed to go for the kagakuro au month but I am terrible and didn’t make it. orz 
full fics: 15
drabbles/ficlets: 40
I wanna thank @steffelchen for being a total sweetheart and drawing me wonderful fanart for my fics this past year and for leaving long and detailed comments. 
Thank you for all the people I wrote fic for <3 It means a lot to me that you liked my writing.
Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you’d predicted?
Hard to say since I haven’t counted last years’ writing and forgive me but I don’t feel like doing it anyway lmao. I think I wrote a bit less. I definitely did not wrote all the fics I planned and predictably I started new wips heh and some shorter pieces gave me ideas for more longer fics/snippet fics.
 What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January? 
Uh, none? I wrote 99% kagakuro and 1% was aomomo lol. I DID have a brief moment when I wanted to write for the mentalist bc I finished the series finally, but somehow…it never happened. Meh
 What’s your own favorite story of the year? 
From full/longer fics: the aomomo one sentence fics definitely.
From short drabbles: Sharing is caring
 Did you take any writing risks this year?
I guess. I wrote a bit more angst and some not really fluffy and shippy pieces, which were still concerning pairings I liked so…yeah.
 Do you have any fanfic or profic goals for the new year? Eeeh, I wanna write more in general, I wanna write my other knb ships, I wanna write more gen and maybe try writing other fandoms I am in forever. That’s all.
 From my past year of writing, what was…
My best story of this year:
You tell me lol. I have no idea.
 My most popular story of this year:
That’s kind of hard to say bc the most traction get my drabbles/ficlets bc I write them most frequent, but it’s hard to tell which of those got the most traction in 2017. Going by the amunts of notes on tumblr would be the valentine’s day ficlet Is it? which gets 49 notes. Also it’s such a random fics lol.
The second one is Hush (you pervs. But also really??? That fic? Lmao)
 Story of mine most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion: THE FICS I STRUGGLED WITH THE MOST:
What’s mine is yours
People Like us
 Most fun story to write:
The Aomomo one sentence fics.
 Story with the single sexiest moment: lmao. Considering I only wrote one smut…but I liked the uh ‘sex’ scene in People like us.
 Most “holy crap, that’s wrong, even for you” story: n/a
 Story that shifted my own perceptions of the characters: n/a
 Hardest story to write:
People Like us. I…sort of lost the drive in the middle bc I started to think about the subject matter more than I should and bc it was taking soooo looong.
Also Hush because I realized as always I just can’t write porn lol
Biggest disappointment: 
What’s mine is yours. I really liked writing it, and It was kind of a big project yet it just seemed not many people cared : (
Biggest surprise: Dunno
Most unintentionally telling story: idk
Highlights + Wrap-up: Favourite Opening Lines (3):
1.       Kagami thinks he’s got this. He can keep his calm even when he’s buzzing around in his seat for the past three hours of the delay, but then he sees him and he loses it.
2.       Kagami stared at the simple bento box held out to him and then at Kuroko.
3.       After turning thirty, Daiki noticed that there were a lot more things which were pissing him off about the world, but one thing which was at the top of the list was spending ~quality~ time with Tetsu-kun and Kagamin as Satsuki still insisted on calling them.
Favourite Closing Lines (4):
1.       Whatever, he had a few months to make the best damn vanilla shake in the world.
2.       "Hey." Taiga said and brushed the last stray tears from his eyes.
"Let's get a kid."
The brilliant smile was all he need as an answer.
3.       Yes, parents should get involved. He didn’t care anymore that their daughter didn’t express almost any personal interest in basketball, but hey at least she was doing something sport related, right?
Just…did it really have to be baseball?
4.       "Let's go." He said and pulled Tetsuya down under water with him, where they both explored the secrets of the deep blue sea.
Favorite 5 Line(s) from Anywhere:
1.       The only thing which was missing was a kiss." Tatsuya mused and then looked at Kagami.
"Or did you? Kiss I mean."
"No!" Kagami yelled scandalized, finally out of his daze. His face felt like it was on fire.
2.       And despite the edge of the table digging uncomfortably into his stomach it was the first kiss in a long while which made Tetsuya’s heart flutter instead of making his stomach sink.
3.       Satsuki knew that Aomine was fast, but it was still incredible how he bolted when the light changed from red to green.
4.       “Daiki.” She only ever used his full name when she thought he was exceptionally annoying or stupid. “I’m pregnant. You can’t be more girly than that.”
5.       “It seems that Kagami-kun is having improper thoughts.” Kuroko said lips nibbling on his sweet treat. “And in public.” He added as if he was disappointed but it was obvious he was making fun of him.
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izazaa · 7 years
[sniperspy] x3
another comment!fic on Date Night 
flower shop au + two clones walk into a bar (the fics i’m actually working on are awful -- tentaspy (lo), sex pollen (lmao), and pseudo slave fic (o no) -- so i was hoping to start on something more decent, but.)
comment!fic to the prompt, "gift giving or holidays”
In some strange facsimile of a normal company, the goings-on of RED slow down during the winter holidays, and its mercenaries are left to languish in the rec room, no bloody mission to entertain them. On one such slow day, crammed together on a couch in the back, watching their teammates' hijinks, Spy leans over and drawls into Sniper's ear, "I suppose your accuracy only extends to bullets."
He's turned to Sniper, and his face is so close – they are pressed so close on this couch, how did this happen? – that it makes Sniper's heart hitch, but he's got on this idle expression, as though he's already dismissed the possibility of Sniper's skill, and Sniper cannot abide by that. So keeping eye contact the entire time, Sniper plucks the toothpick from his sandvich, and whips it at the dart board across the room. It whistles through the air, and thocks soundly in the dead centre of the bullseye.
The corner of Spy's mouth twitches, an almost smile, almost delighted. From his jacket, he discreetly pulls out a small knife, and, inexplicably, a sprig of mistletoe. "The doorway on the right. As soon as Miss Pauling takes two steps towards it."
It's tricky, with the added weight and resistance of the mistletoe, but again, it hits its target precisely, just as Miss Pauling reaches it, and just as Scout returns from his toilet break. The both of them look up, and their eyes widen, and then Miss Pauling has to shield herself with her clipboard from Scout's bluster.
Sniper cracks up, shaking with silent laughter. Beside him, pressed up against his side, Spy finally smiles, smug.
There is an outbreak of mistletoe on base after that. The sprigs appear as if by magic, even in places that were empty just a second ago, and their other teammates are happy to bully its latest victim into compliance. Heavy is made to kiss Natasha twice. Pyro headbutts Engie hard enough that the muzzle of his mask sends Engie's hard hat flying. In her efforts to avoid Scout, Miss Pauling has kissed so far, a can of Bonk!, a sandvich, a lvl 2 sentry, and Archimedes, instead of him.
It's the most festive fun he's had since Christmas on the farm all those years ago, sneaking around the base with Spy, armed with the tiny bow and arrow set that he'd procured from god knows where. But as with all good things, it has to come to an end; Spy soon runs out of mistletoe.
In a secluded corner of the base, Sniper holds up an arrow forlornly, the last sprig dangling from its tip. "I hope you have something planned for the grand finale."
"Ah, I did have something in mind," says Spy, then leans in and kisses his cheek. His nose nudges Sniper's sunglasses crooked. He chuckles at the sight it makes, then pushes further into Sniper's space, one hand at his face ostensibly to fix it. "That grand enough for you?"
Sniper stabs the arrow into the wall behind Spy so that the mistletoe hangs above them proper, and then presses Spy up against the wall. "Grander," he demands, then leans in to kiss Spy proper.
flower shop au (i once saw fanart of this au, wherein spy inexplicably had his mask on still -- it was hilarious, but i never found it again orz)
When Mundy storms into the flower shop, slams down twenty dollars, and makes his demands, he feels less like an unreasonable asshole customer when the florist turns, and what Mundy thought was a head scarf, is actually an equally unreasonable blue ski mask, wrapped around his entire head, and down his neck.
"What." Sniper looks around but the newly opened flower shop remains just that, with its bright bursts of colourful blossoms, and lush leaves. Nothing suspect about it, save the blue masked man behind the counter, whose name, when Sniper squints at the tag pinned to his matching blue apron, is Spy.
Spy furrows his brow at him. "I believe those words are mine. Could you repeat your request?"
Sniper repeats, enunciating carefully, "I need flowers that say fuck you."
"Ah," says Spy blandly, very professional. It endears him to Sniper immediately, mask or no mask. "Of course. Might I inquire the recipients...?"
"My parents."
To his further credit, Spy still doesn't even bat an eyelid, only slides out from behind the counter to regard his shelves of flowers. "Family feud?" he asks absently, plucking long stemmed flowers and placing them on brown paper.
Mundy shrugs, then decides, what the hell. It isn't like he'll ever need the services of a florist again, what with his toddling love life and the way his relationship with his biological parents is going. "We'd been estranged for 30 years. I only just found them. Doesn't make for a chummy relationship."
"I'm sure they had their reasons." Inexplicably, Spy's chosen this part of his story to stiffen. He stares resolutely at a single yellow carnation, and says with practiced informality, "After all, did they not ultimately reach out to you?"
"I reached out to them," Sniper grumbles, but concedes, "I'm not sayin' leaving your child makes you a bad person, but if your child tracks you down through no effort of your own, and the first thing you ask for is money, that might."
On a more expressive, non ski mask clad person, Spy's face might have read yikes. Instead, he goes, "ah," again and busies himself with arranging the chosen flowers into a small bouquet. "Yellow carnation, a fanciful way of saying 'you have disappointed me,'" he explains, slender fingers nimbly bundling them together and securing them with a ribbon, "foxglove for insincerity, and lastly, an orange lily for hatred."
The bouquet glows gold when it is completed. Sniper isn't a flower type of person, but even he can tell it's a job well done. He thanks Spy earnestly as he pays.
"Glad to hear it. And I hope your meeting goes well," Spy offers.
Sniper knows it won't, but with his bouquet in hand, he isn't dreading it quite as much as he had before.
two clones walk into a bar
It takes the BLU Sniper a good half year to sort through the nonsense left in his head after Medic's brain scooping, matching half remembered memories scrapped together with what he could dig out of his… original's file, so by the time he makes it to the house, it is dilapidated, and his parents are dead.
He sinks to his knees in front of their tombstones, traces the inscriptions in the hand carved stone. They were not his parents, technically, only the parents of the man he was cloned from, but they were good people either way, and worthy of grieving over. This is what Sniper has to tell himself when his vision begins to blur and fat tears drop onto his fists, clenched tight atop his knees.
There is a rustle behind him and it may well be twigs to a fire because Sniper is snarling with blistering fury as he launches himself at the intruder, kukri drawn. His rifle is left before the graves; he wants a fight.
The intruder parries his blade, but not before it slices through the thick fabric of his mask. With a grunt, both men topple over from Sniper's momentum. Sniper takes a blow to his shoulder hard enough that it knocks his kukri out of his grip, but he twists and slams the intruder's hand into the ground to dislodge his knife, and then they are grappling like children in the dirt.
Despair makes his movements sloppy and the mam bores Sniper into the earth. As Sniper thrashes under his weight, they locks eyes for a split second, and all the fight drains from him. With the last of his strength, he plants a boot into his stomach and punts him to the side. Then he lies there, gasping for breath, staring blankly at the sky. Taking his lack of resistance as cue, the intruder collapses down next to him.
For a moment, all is quiet. There is only the wind hissing across the expansive land, and their harsh breathing.
"Feeling better?"
The voice though feathered and panting is painfully familiar. Sniper would laugh if he had the breath for it. Of course it is the BLU Spy. That idiot of a clone who had the audacity to make passes at him before he decided against a counterfeit, then returned to mooning over his original, the RED Sniper, for the rest of their years as teammates.
Despite his better judgement, Sniper demands, "What are you doing here?"
"There are not many of us left."
That is true. Medic and Engineer had been terminated permanently for knowing too many of the company's secrets. There hadn't been enough of Solder to piece back together after that horrific experiment to fragment hikm into an army.  Pyro hadn't resisted the purge, and the rest had disappeared before the robot war began. Not a lot left, indeed.
"Why'd you come here?"
"The RED Spy locked me out of my – his contacts. I do not have any money nor property to return to."
It doesn't answer his question, but Sniper decides he doesn't want to press for answers. "As if that would stop you," he says instead.
"As a matter of fact, I have a suite in town." Despite his two broken fingers, Spy fishes out a cigarette and holds it delicately between his thumb and forefinger. "It is easily large enough should I bring back a guest."
Sniper prickles with distaste at the heavy suggestion in his tone. "Why the bloody hell would I go with you?"
"For old time's sake?" At Sniper's scoff, Spy shrugs easily. "Why would you stay here?"
Sniper cannot answer that, and it unsettles him so much that when Spy rises, brushes himself off, and offers him a hand, he takes it.
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meekochan-art · 7 years
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~ The End of the Beginning ~
[ WARNING: Spoiler for Wintersong by S. Jae-Jones. ]
I straightened my shoulders. The Goblin King and I held each other’s gaze for the last time. I would not look back. I would not regret. He smiled at me and pressed his fingers to his lips in farewell.
Then I turned and walked away, into the world above, and into the dawn.
*stares into the abyss*
It... Is... Finally... Done...!
Well, as done as it’s gonna get from me. *small voice* Shouldn’t have attempted this without more planning and testing things first… *cries at how unreal and inaccurate everything looks* I’ll spare you the boring rants of my digital oil painting experiment without consulting any sort of reference.
*rubs eyes* Alrighty, onto the 100% zoom shots--or whatever tumblr resizes it to outside the dashboard--of my failed expressive digital brushstokes! (Plus corresponding passages I worked with.)
Once there was a little girl who played her music for a little boy in the woods. She was small and dark, he was tall and fair, and the two of them made a fancy pair as they danced together, dancing to the music the little girl heard in her head. [...] As the seasons turned and the years passed, [...] She washed the dishes, cleaned the floors, brushed her sister’s hair, yet still ran to the forest to meet her old friend in the grove.
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[ Art process rant ] Kept imagining young Liesl in a white dress with loose wild hair and bare feet. I have no idea why but went with it in the end.
“Don’t look back,” he said. [...] He smiled at me and pressed his fingers to his lips in farewell.
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[ Art process rant ] Lack of planning resulted in one of the twelve bloody alder trees blocking his head. Sowwy... orz ...and yes, there’s TWELVE trees encircling the grove...when I started, at least. Sure some got hidden. (The thirteen in the foreground is part of the forest...the forest I completely omitted from the rest of the background. *so damn lazy* )
Then I turned and walked away, into the world above, and into the dawn.
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[ Art process rant ] Unsure about the teardrop. Would Liesl have silently wept?
(Pst! Just two more fanart to finish then I’ll stop with the spamming.)
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