#i find it very cool especially juxtaposed to legion (saint)
beevean · 1 year
An incredibly petty nitpick, but I hated Legion in the Netflix show. It wasn't even Legion! Legion is the demon that surrounds itself with a shell of zombies that it controls. The "Legion" in NC was just a bunch of mind controlled people (not even zombies!) that were levitated (why does mind control also grant telekinesis?) into a sphere for absolutely no reason. Would it really have been so hard to just have Isaac create Legion proper instead of doing THAT to the coolest monster in the games?
And this is what the visual references amount to: all flash, but without a deeper understanding :D
To be fair, sometimes the references are cool. I didn't expect to see Gergoth or Malphas. I sure didn't expect to see the statues from the various save rooms! And I don't mind the idea of bringing back some iconic bosses, even in a shallow "look at this!" way, and from what I remember from the fight, it was pretty well done. It helps that it's by far the best part of S3E9, compared to the frankly boring Trevor&Sypha section and... whatever the fuck they did to Alucard and Hector.
But, when you take everything into account, Legion, N!Isaac's boss at the end of S3, was... a dude. A completely random, nameless, voiceless, not-foreshadowed foe that only stood in the way of N!Isaac and the solution to his bigger problem, a solution which he had learned about two episodes prior by a woman he randomly met. The magician, and Legion by default, had no meaning to him. The people that made it were just random humans that N!Isaac had no qualms in finishing off; and of course, he was too Cool to succumb to the Magician's spell, so much for a wizard who can literally levitate hundreds of people.
... lol, imagine if he had to fight Nuculais like in CoD. Now that would have been a treat. C'mon, a holy monster spawned from darkness in a blasphemous place of worship would have been perfect for your CHURCH BAD series. But that would require deeper research :P
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