thegoldenpen00 · 11 months
"The tunnel of love" by xylodemon is a good one
hey guys in honor of destiel day could you please reblog this and drop your favorite fics, my personal goal for today is to read and comment on as many fics as i can today in celebration. also INCLUDING YOUR OWN FICS TOO, self promotion baby!!
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thegoldenpen00 · 11 months
Happy Destiel Day! Friendly reminder that they are married and love each other.
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thegoldenpen00 · 3 years
It physically makes me sick to know that Dean and Cas could have been the greatest love story EVER (An angel rebels for a human he has fallen in love with, a middle age man finally comes to terms with his bisexuality after years of suppressing. I mean, come on!) but CW said no! No gayness! It will scare away our viewership! Can’t loose the homophobes! Can’t loose the money!
It kinda just shows how love doesn’t conquer all. In the end it’s all about money. Even if the money is homophobic.
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thegoldenpen00 · 3 years
On this day one year ago, the angel Castiel confessed his ROMANTIC love for Dean Winchester. Dean Winchester loved him back in a ROMANTICLY non-brotherly way, but CW couldn’t say it out loud because then they would lose the homophobic viewers. So they silenced him, never made Dean address the confession and forgot Cas existed in the last two episodes.
The evidence that Dean and Cas loved each other romanticly has been shown a hundred times over on the show in such a way that all but the homophobes would notice. Why else would they pararell Dean and Cas to Cain and his wife? Why else would they write them as a couple the entirety of season 12? Give Dean a widower arc in the beginning of season 13? Have Dean search for Cas in purgatory for a year? Make Dean carry Cas trench coat around in season 7? Mixtape? “In love with humanity”? Breakup in 15.03? And so on.
Also, Dean and Castiel Winchester are happily married, ROMANTICLY in love, and live together with Sam and Eileen (also married) in the bunker.
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thegoldenpen00 · 5 years
Arya Stark of Winterfell, Princess of the North, The she-wolf, Faceless man, Night-kingslayer, Savior of mankind and Destroyer of the army of the dead
Feel free to ad more titles!
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thegoldenpen00 · 5 years
Who will die at the Battle of Winterfell predictions
This is my predictions for who will die and who will live in the episode 3 of Season 8 Game of thrones!
Jon Snow: Live
Daenerys: 50/50 chance of survival and death
Ser Brienne: Live
Tormund: Die, protecting Ser Brienne
Jaime: Die, in the arms of Ser Brienne
Davos: Die, the odds are not in his favor
Tyrion: Live
Sansa: Live
Bran: Die, one of the Starks must die in this episode and I think it will be him
Arya: Live, she hasn’t seen the red woman yet again
Gendry: Live
Jorah Mormont: Die, maybe protecting Lyanna or Daenerys
Lyanna Mormont: 50/50 chance of survival and death
Grey worm: Die, he talked about settling down after the war, he’s a dead man walking
Theon: Die, protecting either Bran or Sansa
Missandei: Live
Edd: Die
The hound: Die, protecting Arya
Beric: Die
Samwell: Live
Little Sam: Live
Gilly: Live
Rheagal and Drogon: One will die, one will live
Night King: Live, we didn’t see him in the end of episode 2 when the whites came, he probably wont be there
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