#i find nolan the most annoying tho idk why
lionofstone · 1 year
im watching the rook/ie and honestly. nolan annoys me so much
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pumpkinstrawbrew · 1 year
how do you feel about nolan’s batman/scarecrow?
i’m not fully sure what you mean here. like, as in how i feel about the characters in that movie or that version of the pairing? 
but either way, i don’t hate it! i don’t hate any of batman movies tbh. no matter, how different or hella campy they are compared to source material, i still can see smth redeeming in them. i’m generally somewhat lax n’ chill with superhero movies/games. in most cases, i’d be more nitpicky toward cartoons/newer comics, than i’ll ever be toward cinema or video games. nolan’s batman falls into that category too. it’s not my fav batman movie by any means, but it has its moments.
besides, i believe that it was the first dc’s newer *2000 era* cinematic project back then, n’ i happen to watch it as a kid, so i have somewhat nostalgic memories about it as well. i also must say, that the tone of nolan's dark knight was very different compared to more campy, playful batman movies till that point. so it was nice change too. very unexpected turn in a way.
personally, for me it was hit in some places n' a fairly big miss in the others. for one, i get why a lot of people were annoyed with who nolan chose to play the scarecrow, since yes, it is strange to see a character, who canonically was considered to be far from pretty *to put it mildly* suddenly becoming basically an opposite of it. but tbh, i usually not very sold on who they pick to play characters in those movies. so it’s not like i tend to be 100% pleased in that aspect. n’ i do find it somewhat amusing, that for once, jonathan can be a real ‘princess’, both in manners n’ looks. it took some getting used to for sure, but i’m not super-duper upset about that change! i feel like i would have more inner dissonance if that batman movie, where nicolas cage was about to play crane had actually happened lol. i mean, it could have been interesting tbh, bc i cannot imagine cage being tame in his performance, esp back then. so maybe it's actually too bad that it didn't happened, bc we might have gotten the most over the top jonathan crane, who ever existed. like, you see jim carrey's riddler n' there is still no riddler to this day to top his exaggerated, campy performance lol. n' i have this vibe here too. i can bet 10$, that nick would have improvised in some scenes, n' like licked batman's face or smth. .... ah man, now i kinda wish that it had happened, dang.
but uh err, back to nolan's movies. if i’m being completely honest here, my main pet-peeve with nolan’s scarecrow wasn’t his looks per say, but rather how little he was presented in those movies in itself, and how nothing was really going on there for him. it really rubs me the wrong way, that he wasn’t even his own thing, just a pawn for another batman villain to use. he was never allowed to play a major role in anything, despite *might be wrong here tho* how nolan said that he considers the scarecrow to be batman’s real arch-nemesis not the joker, so this is why he used the scarecrow first. the scarecrow being batman's real fuel is smth i’m 100% sold on, and it all considering, that i actually love the joker as character. but like, the clown gimmick is basically antipod to literally everything lol. him being batman's 'fuel' always felt kinda idk, a bit lazy to me. at least, make the black mask or two-face his arch-enemy, this would be way more nuanced vs the clown, who's just hella insane n' have zero morals. so if nolan was also one of those people, who felt that the joker can be put aside for a moment or two, n' let another old batman's rogue shine, welp, he didn't implemented said sentiment very well in his movies.
there was a lot of room to do smth with crane’s character. to flash him out in newer ways or craft him more specifically for the setting, that they had going on. batman 2022 actually got this bit right. their edward was still very riddler-like, while also possessing enough ‘original’ elements to make him exist within the movie’s narrative/tone perfectly. he felt like that movie's main villain specifically n’ he played the part. n’ it all considering how he also was on the screen for idk, 20 minutes at max. but his presence was important n’ left an impact. not hannibal lector from silence of the lamb level, of course, *you cannot beat a suspense masterpiece after all* but still, it was smth. n' it was one of those things, that made me like the movie way more, than i expected.
with this in mind, now compare it to how we had to sit through a long ass movie, where we were teased with the scarecrow being the main antagonist. only for it to turn out to be a lie. instead, crane was taking the back seat to ra al ghul. just degist this sentence. he wasn't even bested by the joker or bane. but by ra flipping al ghul. like out of curiosity, i asked a couple of people, who have very limited n' slight knowlege of batman's media as whole, but who watched nolan's movies, n' i asked them who was the villain in the first movie. and they all were like 'the scarecrow'. no one even remembers ghul. an' it's not bc crane did smth big in the movie, but it's bc no one really cares about that past lore, where ghul was bruce's teacher. everyone only remember, that he kinda died or smth, when the cave/building collapsed lol. granted, i’m also bias here, bc ra al ghul is one of those batman’s villains, who personally bore me. and naturally, him stealing the spotlight from crane doesn’t win him any brownie points with me. but like, idk. this is just so unfair to the scarecrow. i mean, his iconic fear toxin wasn’t even released by him or on purpuse, which had me like ??? as a kid. bc it just made zero sense. it would have been the same, if i dunno, a clock king in btas had released joker’s laughing gas, all while the joker himself was just sorta/kinda there. just idling in the background without any proper input, aside from being the one who created the said gas lol. this is what had happened there. so yeah, it was a very awkward way to make bruce's old asshole teacher revelant again. also jonathan being a drug dealer *kind of* an' having a 'business plan' is so hiliriously opposite of what he usually did in the comics/btas. maybe, he could have shared his knowlege of how to make money with other cranes, who are usually broke as hell lol.
n’ well, if i had to be nitpicky here, i also was disappointed with how little thought they put into crane’s scarecrow costume. the excuse of ‘they tried to make it more realistic’ doesn’t work on me, bc catwoman in burton’s batman was designed with the same idea in mind, n’ her costume was freaking awesome n’ creative. but oh well…it is what it is.
as for nolan’s scarebat version, well, i don’t mind it. i love comic/btas crane n’ bruce the most. love jon as that socially inept, unsightly, closeted gremlin, n’ bruce as a low-key emotionally stunted, but still sympathetic hero. but aside from that, i can see an appeal in a good-looking scarecrow, who might have the power to sway batman with one smokey look. granted, jonathan already acted all whorish around the bat in the movie, so it’s not hard to picture him trying to seduce his way out of an encounter with batman just bc he feels that he can do it. so just this one time, crane can have it ‘easy’, when it comes to wooing the big bad bat. there is also smth funny about people expecting the fearsome scarecrow to look literally anything, but how nolan’s one looks. an' i also must add, that i've read a few of nolanverse scarebat fics an' usually the authors doing a better job at flashing out crane, than the movie did lol. so props to them for that!
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leviiackrman · 7 years
This is for "get to know me". Number 1-60 please 😗😗. For number 60: god i have no idea 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 Ok surprise me
WOW! All of them?? Okay.. this’ll take a minute haha
1. selfie
Here, have my ugly mug ft. sam top and alistair theirin:
Tumblr media
2. what would you name your future kids?
I have a few names for each already but the ones I know I wanna use first for either are Natalie and Hayden. The others I love and would use are Nolan, Nathan, Tobin, Elijah, Avery (for either), Stanley, Arthur, Willow, Astrid, Judith and Lara!
3. do you miss anyone?
Uh yeh I do, a few people.
4. what are you looking forward to?
Ummm, ngl not a lot atm. I was excited for uni but now it’s just stressing me out. I guess my birthday? But that’s still months away…
5. is there anyone who can always make you smile?
My bff. Sam Drake, Alistair Theirin, Fenris, Cullen Rutherford: literally my husbands haha! My sister tends to make me smile too
6. is it hard for you to get over someone?
Uhh, kind of? Depends on how they impacted my life, because if it’s a close friend then its really really hard. If it’s someone I know who never cared for me like I cared for them, then it’s not that hard tbh.
7. what was your life like last year?
Hard. Stressed to the moon and back, sad most of the time, pretty lonely too. I had some really great moments but they were short lived. I did realise I had all the people in my life that I needed tho, which made things a lot easier and I made a lot of amazing friends on here!
8. have you ever cried because you were so annoyed?
Yes, not that long ago actually. I get pissed off pretty easy atm haha
9. who did you last see in person?
My sister because she’s sat right next to me haha
10. are you good at hiding your feelings?
Yeh, surprisingly well which isn’t a good thing. I just find it hard to be open fully to people ngl
11. are you listening to music right now?
Nope, but I might do! My sister is watching the spongebob movie so she might get mad at me because “she can hear it” haha
12. what is something you want right now?
A hug from sam drake. enough money to not be stressed about anything, a relationship for once. Idk.
13. how do you feel right now?
Tired, bored, lonely, sad, stressed. Today isn’t a good day tbh.
14. when was the last time someone of the opposite sex hugged you?
A couple days after christmas with a close family friend haha
15. personality description
Friendly, quite confident (only around certain people), I can be quite funny I guess? Idk today isn’t a good day to say nice things about myself haha
16. have you ever wanted to tell someone something but you didn’t?
Uh yeh, like every time I talk to my bff. I wish I could tell him how I feel but it wouldn’t end well
17. opinion on insecurities.
People are entitled to have insecurities, I have plenty myself. But it’s never okay for someone to judge or point out someone else’s insecurities.
18. do you miss how things were a year ago?
God NO. This time last year I was in a mad rush to move house, everyone in my family was stressed and mad at everything and I was trying to juggle college work as well. It just wasn’t fun tbh.
19. have you ever been to New York?
No I haven’t, but my sister has! I would quite like to go, but it’s not at the top of my list of places to visit :)
20. what is your favourite song at the moment?
Umm probably “I’m So Sorry” by Imagine Dragons
21. age and birthday?
I’m 18 and I’m gonna be 19 on April 16th :)
22. description of crush.
Ho boy: tall, blonde, nice fashion sense, good taste in films (who else do you think I scream about star wars with ;) ) adorable laugh. Y’know, thats why I love him as a bff so much I guess.. idk man, thats normal crus stuff I guess haha.
23. fear(s)
Spiders, slugs, ghosts, zombies and being alone forever
24. height
Last time I checked I was 5′11″ but I think I’m taller now
25. role model
My mum :’)
26. idol(s)
Carrie Fisher, Cate Blanchett, Natalie Portman and others as well
27. things i hate
Rude people, loud people, PEOPLE IN GENERAL!
28. i’ll love you if…
You hugged me and played with my hair, didn’t treat me like everyone else I’ve known has and judged me by my looks.
29. favourite film(s)
Star wars, how to train your dragon, lord of the rings/the hobbit, the breakfast club, the full monty, scream, 10 things i hate about you, any disney film ever, the goonies, singing in the rain - to name a few haha.
30. favourite tv show(s)
game of thrones, orange is the new black, buffy the vampire slayer, the walking dead, race to the edge, the imbetweeners, friends, supernatural, friday night dinner
31. 3 random facts
My ears are weirdly small
I grate my knuckles on the grater more often than you’d think
I can’t stand Cher for the life of me
32. are your friends mainly girls or guys?
Mix of the 2 I think, can’t say it’s more one way or the other
33. something you want to learn
Elvish is something I want to learn SO BAD!!
34. most embarrassing moment
Umm.. being bitten on the ass by a dog when I was 4 wasn’t fun haha. Not that embarrassing tho, so idk.
35. favourite subject
I’d say art, but not art in general? I love graphics and film studies :)
36. 3 dreams you want to fulfill?
Have a family and be loved
Travel to new zealand
be emotionally and financially stable
37. favourite actor/actress
Carrie Fisher, Cate Blanchett, Natalie Portman, Hayden Christensen, Elijah Wood, Jay Baruchel, the entire star wars, lotr and httyd casts. Also any actors from GoT and my fave tv programs as well haha, theres too many to list!!
38. favourite comedian(s)
I’m not really into comedians? I guess Jack Whitehall?
39. favourite sport(s)
Basketball or rounders haha (the only things I liked doing at school) and gymnastics, diving and figure skating
40. favourite memory
Going to disney world when I was younger :’)
41. relationship status
Single but hoping desperately that that changes soon.
42. favourite book(s)
Art of books haha! But nah I love The Hobbit and LOTR, and I hope I enjoy the DA books that I got for christmas as well!
43. favourite song ever
Bohemian Rhapsody - Queen
44. age you get mistaken for
I think most people think I’m older, but now I look mostly my age haha
45. how you found out about your idol
Through my fave films and stuff I guess haha?
46. what my last text message says
It’s part of a RP rn I’m doing of sam, but it’s smutty so I’m not sharing haha
47. turn ons
No idea tbh, haven’t had the chance to find out yet.
48. turn offs
Again idk.
49. where i want to be right now
Happily stable and stress free with someone who loves me
50. favourite picture of your idol
Tumblr media
51. starsign
52. something i’m talented at
Drawing? The only thing going for me haha
53. 5 things that make me happy
These things are so basic but it’s true haha
My husbands
My friends
Video games
My bed
54. something thats worrying me at the moment
Not having enough money to accomplish the things I want to/need to in order to find a good job in my field
55. tumblr friends
All my mutuals! I can’t be fucked to tag everyone okay?
56. favourite food(s)
57. favourite animal(s)
Liger (lion and tiger) or just any big cat and red pandas
58. description of my best friend
Same as my crush one haha. But ngl I have 3 best friends, my closest doesn’t live in this country tho :(
59. why i joined tumblr
I wanted every social media available at the time haha, and it looked fun
60. ask me anything you want
Ya left it blank so I’ll just say thank you for this nonny, it helped distract me :)
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