#i followed mileapo through twitter
nattaphum · 2 years
I wasn’t here in the past days for something going on in my personal life (in my head specifically) and the final show of kinnporsche definitely didn’t help.
It’s been pretty much hell but im feeling better now… i needed a break even if i missed this place a lot. I think i still need some kind of break tho, im not sure. I hope you’re doing ok <3
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matan4il · 1 year
omg, you’re a mileapo stan, hi!!! i had to leave twitter i used mainly for ma bc of the sheer number of insane bloodthirsty shit that started flooding out from ppl i followed on there who i thought were normal??? i’ve been seeing the dehumanization of Israelis and the antisemitism over time but i gullibly thought that was due to the shitshow twitter is right now, but holy fuck, the response to the terrorist attack has been so fucking shocking. I can’t stop thinking about how these people who love to virtue signal their progressive stance would turn is in to the nazis for internet points. what the fuck
Hi Nonnie! *hugs*
Yes, I am! :D I hope you enjoy my silly Mileapo posts, they do make me smile a bit even during these dark days, because they represent this deep, beautiful love to me, and we can't give up on that, especially now, can we?
I feel you so much. I avoided Twitter for months, even before this massacre, because I just couldn't handle looking at the antisemitism I'd seen there before. It says something about how much I love Mileapo that eventually I did venture there. But right now? Every social media site has some good people, and each one has vile, inhumane justification for the murder and abuse of innocent people. I just saw someone whose url on Tumblr is the name of a Jewish character, siding with Hamas. The same Hamas that has called for a day of rage today, calling upon Arabs everywhere to kill Jews. I mean... at least have the decency to not use a Jewish character in your url if you're totally cool with real Jews being raped, mutilated and killed just for being Jewish.
I hope you unfollowed/blocked every single person who is justifying the beheading of kids and burning of babies alive. If you can, speak up, but I know that can be too much sometimes. So also take care of yourself! You matter!
I wish I had more encouraging words. The fact that the supposedly liberal crowd, the people who are meant to uphold humanist values and the rights of marginalized groups, are excluding Jews from the right to a humane fate (and ignoring a lot of Jewish history and the persecution of Jews to do so), it's hard to process. What they're doing is unconscionable. All we can do is speak up where we can, remind people that we ARE human beings deserving of basic human decency, get through this, and then have a long memory, make sure that even when the attacks on Israelis are stopped, that we don't forget this and we don't stop calling out antisemitism in ALL of its forms, whenever it comes from ANY camp.
Sending you lots of hugs and love! xoxox
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here. And if you're in need of a Mileapo smile, click here)
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aeternallis · 2 years
God, I want your optimism for KinnPorsche season 2... I wish it wasn't so hard to know that Jeff left BOC, even if I wish him the best. It hurt so much to see our Barcode cry like that..
Dearest nonnie, I have a rule in my life that I try to live by as best as I can and it's this: never talk/think in absolutes. You never know what the future may hold.
I'm still hopeful for a KinnPorsche Season 2 because the story itself is not over. If we never get one however, that's okay too, I personally like where the story ended and being a KimChay fan, I got my semi-canon happy ending. Lol All I really needed was some sort of confirmation that Chay would give Kim second chance; we got that, so I'm satisfied.
It doesn't take much to make me happy, alas~
But I also know that we were never going to get an announcement this year, considering as I've said before, there's so much emotional and financial baggage that went into making KinnPorsche, yknow? BOC needs to regroup for a bit and take on smaller projects, before they tackle KP again.
And there’s a few factors that I’m not sure people realize that needed to be considered before a season 2 could be announced:
The second part of the story has not been published yet. With Yok and Poi leaving DAEMI House (and all the baggage that came with these two, jfc), we don’t even know if they have a working script yet.
Money – this is a no brainer. KP—due to its production quality alone—was an expensive production to make. Mile and Pond will need to hunt down some good sponsors, and this takes time. It’s not that surprising that MileApo are doing all these brand events to get their names out there, both together and separately. The more their name are out there, the better chances they have of sponsors knocking on their doors.
Utilize the other actors – as much as it hurts to see Jeff and Build leave BOC, they needed to break up the pairings eventually anyway in order for the other boys to shine. The circumstances under how it happened were not the best (Build's situation being forced, basically), but it needed to happen either way. I won't be surprised if eventually, MileApo are broken up too. BOC wasn’t just made up of 6 actors, there were 16 of them originally. The other boys deserve a chance to shine too. Hell, maybe they can even pair up some of the boys; personally, it’d be interesting to see Barcode and Ta paired up for a drama, since they get along quite well in RL. I’m also very curious about the new recruits.
Future of the other actors - Build is a different story, but tbh, I’m not sure where the idea came from that Jeff is retiring from acting entirely? He’s mainly a musician who sometimes acts, not the other way around. He deserves to shine through his music, since it's obvious that it's his passion in life and he's wickedly talented. I’m sure if he’s interested enough in a project, he’d be willing to act again. KP was his breakthrough in getting his name out there, and Kim is very much a character he made his own; I can’t picture anyone else playing him, imo. We can only hope that if KP season 2 is ever a thing, he’ll be willing to take on the role again.
KP Copyright – at this point, we don’t know who holds the rights to KP. Is it possible BOC bought the rights from DAEMI House? Who knows, there’s a lot of logistics to muggle through, and this too takes time.
Again, I was never expecting KP Season 2 to be announced this year, but it doesn’t mean that there’s no hope for the BOC 2024 line up or BOC 2025 line up or whenever, yknow?
As for Jeff leaving and Barcode being heartbroken about it; don't let it get to you too much, they'll be fine. Jeff and Barcode are not KimChay, they'll talk it out (if they haven't already), and they're gonna be wonderful in Wuju Bakery, so let's support them on their current endeavors.
Finally nonnie, please disengage to the best of your ability. I follow Jeff and Barcode on twitter and ngl, I have them both muted right now. I also follow BOC, and they've been muted as well; I'm not checking the JeffBarcode, JeffSatur, or BarcodeTin hashtag either. A lot of the fans are still sad and that's valid and all, but it's not good for anyone's mental health when some people are posting BibleBuild and JeffBarcode images with Build and Jeff grayed out like they've died or something. Nor is it healthy that people keep posting the video of Barcode crying his heart out, jfc.
Honestly, it's disturbing and only creates an unhealthy feedback loop.
Take care of yourself nonnie, you'll be okay! <3
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discluded · 1 year
What would you say the interfan vs local fan breakdown for Mile and Apo would be very very roughly? For some reason to me it seems like Mile 's local fan base seems substantially lower while, Apo's seems higher but that could just be because Apo is a very familiar face on TV who has been in a variety of shows already which also help him reach more demographics but that might also be due to KP being hosted in a streaming service vs local television
What are you talking about? KPTS had a local television version?? There's even a TV-13 version of it on iQIYI that's up to episode 11?
I'll be honest, and I don't mean this in a rude way, I have no clue what you're saying. Are you saying Apo's fans seem more disproportionately local? Or international? The former? Based on what? Number of IG/twitter followers? (the same number for the most part). The number of people who follow their fan clubs on Twitter and IG (Apo is winning there)?
Yes, I would say Apo had a strong fanbase even before the Channel 3 hiatus because he was in a number of shows and now those fans are more active because there are more events where he's featured whereas Mile's body of work is smaller. It might also be because Mile personally is more online than Apo, so it's easier to engage with him directly instead of having to go through fan clubs to engage in projects to keep him trending.
That being said, I don't think this materially matters. Being chronically online is in a fandom doesn't mean anything. During a lot of last year, the BBB fans trended quite a bit for their projects, but BBB's ability to move product locally wasn't particularly great. Inversely, there are plenty of actors whose projects I don't follow throughout the filming process and go to see their films because they're involved. And/or they don't even have a social media presence. (see: Daniel Craig. Mads Mikkelsen. Ben Whishaw. Tom Hardy.)
The main thing that matters to camera-facing entertainers who work in the industry is: (1) are they able to book projects / have a robust fan bases who will view the projects they're in and (2) are brands happy with the return on investment of signing them on as spokespeople/brand ambassadors/shooting them for the cover? I think both Mile and Apo are doing fine in that sense, individually and together (MileApo-as-a-brand). If you want to split hairs over analyzing who is more popular, don't come to me. I'm not interested in that.
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ndcgalitzine · 2 years
Hello :) I've just started following your blog but been an admirer of it for a while. I would like your opinion on something Mile Apo related. I watched their old interviews today as KP was finished filming and promo. They were so playful and flirty, it's incredible and lovely to see. Their concerts are full of cute MA bits as well. I just wondered in their daytime trips today, we don't get much selfies of those two now when they're not working which is something we used to get, it's now Apo with other particular cast i.e. Bible or Build. Do you think the MA friendship has changed over the pat few months into being not as close but still friends?
Thank you for that sweetie 🥰🥰😘😘
Regarding your question, I don't really feel my opinions are ever that interesting but I'll try to answer as best as I can.
putting this under a cut because it ended up longer than I had thought it would
Honestly, I think the MileApo fandom reads wayyyy to much into any interactions MA have with other people! This is a large cast, with all guys between the ages 18-30, and from what I can tell, they're all great friends, after everything they've been through to get this show made, not to mention the world tour 💖
MA have talked about the fact that they don't want to share selfies they take because to them they are very personal photos, meant for only them. We do get selfies when they're promoting the show or other products, but I honestly believe they have hundreds or even thousands of selfies and photos of each other on their phones, considering how much time they spend together, (and Apo seems to be constantly taking pictures of Mile 🥰)
I saw people on twitter talking about what you mentioned, that they didn't interact much today... but considering how much time they spent together lately, rehearsing for the concert, and all the promoting they've been doing lately, I'd say it's completely normal for them to want to catch up with all their other friends when they have time off.
I do think their friendship has changed in the last few months, and I think it has changed for the better. I feel like at the beginning, they got along amazingly well, but they were still a bit nervous around each other. Whereas now they're so comfortable with each other, and know each other sooo well, it's okay for them to not be joined at the hip 24/7, they always know at the end of they day they'll be there for the other if they need them.
There is not a single doubt in my mind that they love each other, (platonically or romantically idk and idc, that's their business and not ours) no matter what some trolls out there say, that their interactions are scripted??? lmao what a joke!!!
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