#i forgot to blur the name but i think thats not gonna be a Problem right?
i am gonna jump
"ursa is not a bad mom she loved azula" and THEN admit she favored zuko is crazy
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dakotafinely · 4 years
Can I get some headcannons of the mud dogs having a s/o that got bit by a oozequitoes turning into a cute animal like a rabbit or deer?Like they're like "it's bad that you got bit from one but you're even cuter now not that you were as a human."something like that.
Oh mi gosh!! Yas!!!
Also, I think I've seen @bootyyy-shaker9000 answer a question similar to this one! (They only did Leonard tho but still) So you could go check them out if you haven't already!
Also, this gets super long so-
Word spreads fast about stuff like mutants in the Hidden City
Especially since a lot of them move down there with no place else to go
So needless to say anytime you went topside, he was worried
He'd overheard a mutant talking about their transformation and how painful it was and he-
He couldn't bear to know you'd gone through that
Even months after the whole oozesquito thing died down he still tried to be catious for you
You went on a hiking trip with some friends, they'd been begging you for months to come and you finally broke down and gave in
Leonard reminded you five times to pack bug spray
Whats the one thing you'd forgotten to take with you? Bug spray
Who cares anyways, you swear most of the time it doesn't even work for you.
You had a lot of fun on your trip, saw a large flock if birds fly right past you and even got a deer to let you come close enough to touch and pet it.
You got as many pictures as possible to show Leonard tomorrow
And as you were capturing a beautiful sunset picture, thats when it struck.
You felt like you were being stabbed by a thousand needles. Then it began to feel as though you dropped into a mixture of lemon juice and salt.
The pain was so bad your body passed out as a reflex
When you awoke is when you heard shouting.
"There! There it is!" Your friend shouted, as blinding lights began to block your vision. You began backing up, lightly bumping into the tree begind you
"Monster!" Another friend gasped in surprise. Looking dead at you.
Monster? What monster?
You try to turn your head to look around only for it to be caught in branchs
More specifically your antlers were caught in branchs
Oh... oh no
You run off, followed by the shouts of your friends. You eventually out run them and make it to your apartment.
You pass out again on your bed hoping it was just the weirdest dream you'd ever have. Only to wake up and realize it wasn't.
You were staring at yourself in the mirror, staring at the dark brown fur that covered your body. And your newly found antlers, that actually only leveled about five inches above your head, the way they twirled and sat made it look like some kind of surreal crown on you.
But you couldn't focus on anything other than the fact that
Loathsome was gonna kill you
Or at least thats what you thought.
A week passed with no contact from you. It worried Loathsome to his core
Heck, even on weeks whete you became unexpectedly busy you'd at least give him a text briefing him on whats going on.
But nothing, just radio silence.
Finally, he'd gained the nerve to break into your apartment (again)
He called out for you, slowly making his way toward your room.
When he'd tried to open it only to have you shut as quickly as possible he was partially relieved
You weren't dead oh thank anything above!!
But then came the next problem, you were actively avoiding him
"Babe?" He called out "Whats wrong?"
"Nothing!" You shouted, cementing yourself as the worst lair Loathsomes ever known
A beat of silence goes by before you sigh
"Okay, just... don't be mad."
"Mad? Why would I- oh"
Your ears twitched a bit as you waited for him to respond. Him staring at you liked he'd never seen you before.
"Im sorry!" You finally blurt out "I know you said to be catious and to take bug spray and then I forgot and-"
"(Y/N), I'm not mad."
"Your... your not?"
"No, why would I be? I'm glad your okay, and... you look extremely cute as a deer babe."
With that, you tackled him down with kisses
Yeah, sure he’s heard about mutants, even met a few! But he doesn’t think it’s that big of deal
I mean, it’s been a solid while since that was even happening so you should be all good right?
Plus you’re a photographer so it’s not like you’re not already outside a lot if you were meant to get bitten by now it would’ve happened right?
You were doing a pregnancy photo shoot. A lovely lesbian couple heard of you through a mutual friend and asked for your help.
You had done it outside in a large open space with many wild flowers and surprisingly wild animals to help make the lucky ladies look magical
Heck when you guys were meant to be taking a lunch break a small group of rabbit’s came up  and surrounded the pregnant one. Once you had a picture you lured one over with a piece of your sandwich and got in a pet before the small pack ran off
As you were packing up, the couple having already left with your assurance you’d be alright on your own, it happened.
Bit right as another rabbit came up to sniff if you had more food on you. You let out a large screech in the empty field. You hunched over to find a way to dull the pain.
You don’t pass out until you look at your own hands as they grow a brown and white marble mix of hair.
You woke up in the evening and immediately opened the camera on your phone
Yup, that was you, with long rabbit ears and brown and white fur covering you whole
What else could you but run over to your boyfriends? Not like anyone topside wouldn’t scream at the sight of mutant rabbit
You call him, telling him you’re heading over and that something happened
Without explanation btw, you basically gave the boy a heart attack
So needless to say when he just finds out that you’ve turned into a mutant- and a cute bunny no less -was probably one of the better outcomes he could’ve hoped for with a call like that
“Toots, I get it, and I’m sorry that this has happened. But at least you got lucky but turning into a cute rabbit.”
“That’s not the... I’m cute?”
Venison Jerky, of the Muntjac variety
A childhood delight of your friends and something you’d become obsessed with ever since they introduced it to you
You were heading over to Mickey to share some with him after you two had been talking about the weirdest things you’ve ever tried (He beat you by a long shot but that’s aside from the point)
You’d been swatting away flies the whole way over, you’re not sure why as the bag of venison was sealed tightly and the jerky didn’t even smell bad
You’d swatted away the oozesquito several times before it could actually get a bite on you.
Transforming you into a Muntjac of course
You stumbled in the alley way from the unexpected pain, knocking over a couple of trash cans as your vision blurred due to the pain
Mickey was coming through the portal, something he’d begun to do after you’d been chased by some no-named losers who didn’t know what “no” means
An watching you hold your head and stumble around was not something he was expecting
Same with watching light brown fur cover your body and small horns grow on your head.
Catching you as you pass out from the pain he quickly takes you to a yokai hospital
He’s actually quiet worried, mainly because that’s the freakiest thing his seen in a while. And you looked kinda like you were dying
So when you wake up seemingly fine (aside of from being mutated) he’s relieved beyond all belief
However it was not a relief for you when you realized what you’d become
Not that you didn’t like yokai’s, just that you never expected to be one
“Think about it this way (Y/N)! Now we can spend even more time together!”
“I suppose that’s a fair point, but I’m still mutated Mickey!”
“Aw! But I think you look extra cute this way!”
That gets a giggle out of you, and he grins wide
Heya! Sorry this took so long to get out! Ya know, life and stuff. But I hope ya’ll like it!!
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jassieajoc · 7 years
I can still remember the very first time I had an anxiety attack. It was a morning on the way to school, I was with my kuya and our driver. I was still in 3rd Grade that time and I can still remember the sudden anxious feeling, It was like the whole world was swallowing me alive. I can still remember myself being so confused. I didn’t know what was happening to me, I was doing okay and the next time I knew I was being paranoid. I felt shitty that day. That day something grew in me. Something foolish and dark. And I didnt know that that something would be the start of my fucking life.
The first time I hurt myself was when I reached High School. Freshman year. Still so clueless of the world ahead of me. Still so innocent of the things I havent tried yet. So eager to try. So naive to care. I was having so fun but deep inside I was lost. I was scared. I was too ignorant that I forgot to think that there would always be a consequence. You see, thats the downside of having fun. The downside of being so happy. There would always be a fucking consequence. I got so insecure. I got so selfish. I thought my family didnt love me anymore. I thought I was going so bad that I became mad and then I got rebellious. I started cutting myself. I tried drinking alcohol. It was the start of losing myself. Sophomore Year came. I was doing okay. I wasnt as bad as I was. But I was as lost as before. The sad nights were still there. I got called names. Bitch. Slut. I got called names for being too friendly. For trying to distract myself from my evil self. Now im back again on hurting myself. This time, I would stay up all night thinking foolish thoughts. I would cut myself again but this time I cut my legs so that its easy to hide. I did foolish things in school again. But it was the kind of fun that makes you forget you are sad. I was doing okay after that but im still lost as ever.
The first time I had a suicidal thought was when I was still 11 yrs. old. Following the first time I started hurting myself. I had it all planned. I would hang myself and leave my suicide note below me. I already even wrote the fucking note when my mom went inside my room and saw it. And it was the first time I saw my mom, broken. I broke my mom. After it happened, people knew about it. I was more ashamed when they told me I was being stupid. They thought I was just fooling around that time. That I did it to have the things that I want. They told me I was just being spoiled. That Im too young to take things seriously. Too young to feel sad. Thats when I started being careful. Every time I feel lonely and sad, I would keep it all to myself. Scared that people might tell me im stupid again. I dont wanna broke my mom again. I dont wanna be a burden just because im thinking I really am a burden.
It was Junior Year when I got called names again. This time it was more hurtful. Sometimes they would tell it to my face. Sometimes just by the look from their faces I would already know —“what a bitch”. Maybe I was really a bitch. Maybe they were right. Maybe they’re not ones who were insecure, maybe I was. I started blaming myself. “Stop fooling yourself” “You’re not good enough” “You dont have the right to feel bad. You’re the one who’s doing it to yourself”. Then that was the time i realized, I have the shittiest self-esteem ever. Ive tried a lot of things this year. Lots of firsts. Crazy, fun, dangerous, and shitty things. I also started making myself look good. Feel good. But in the midst of all that, Im still losing myself. I was lost than before. I wanted everyone to love me. I wanted them to notice me. What the hell am I doing? “This wasn’t me”, I tell to myself. No matter how hard I try to be better, self-hate always wins. I was still hurting myself during these moments but this time it was quite different ‘cause a friend knows and im glad that despite all this negative things, someone cares. Up until this very moment Im still thankful for that friend. You know who you are, and God knows how grateful I am to have a friend like you. I couldn’t remember some serious (negative) things during Senior Year. It was a smooth sail. But not the smoothest ‘cause i still had fights with my ex boyfriend. I got so worried about my grades. I was stressed doing schoolworks. But to add it all up it was a great year. So great that I thought I was doing okay. I thought I had overcome that feeling. But little did I know, it was just hiding at the back of my mind.  
The first time I tried killing myself was when I reached College. Funny how the older I get, the more serious it became. See when I said I thought I was doing okay? Wrong. Little bitch was just resting. Waiting to attack me. It was gone for a year but the moment it came back, it was stronger. It was all over me. Now that Ive been carrying this bitch for almost 6 years now I think its time for me to give it a name. Lets call it, Dim. Why Dim? Well you see, the word dim means having a limited or insufficient amount of light, seen indistinctly, perceived by the senses or mind indistinctly or weakly. And dim is the perfect word to describe what im feeling all these years. The feeling of darkness. Dim wasn’t really that strong at first. He was quiet. He was as if trying to be friends with me. It was my first year of college so I was busy doing homeworks. Trying to figure out how college life works. First sem done and I thought I became friends with Dim already. Until he betrayed me. My boyfriend that time and I broke up. My whole world was shuttered. I was so down and Dim was the only one who was always there with me, so I let him take over my life. That was the time when I started avoiding people. I refused to go out, I stopped going to my classes. I was so scared. 2nd sem was a blur. A complete blur. Summer came and it was… okay. I guess. It was the start of fucking up my life. Walwal dito, walwal doon. Landi doon, landi dito. I was sooo lost that I forgot to have some respect for myself. All I can say is, that was the wildest summer that I had. I bet ya’ll waiting for the part where I tried to kill myself. Then here you go. January 2017, I had the worst anxiety attack ever. It was so bad I thought I was going insane. I called the suicide hotline but guess what they told me? THEY TOLD ME TO GO TO THE NEAREST HOSPITAL. Great. There I was crying hysterically on my bed. Alone. There I was wanting to end my fucking life and ya’ll gonna tell me to go to the nearest hospital? Crazy. So yeah, I had the pills on my hand when I thought “Am I really gonna end my life just because Im scared? Just because I didnt know what was happening to me?” Then I called 911. They asked me whats the problem and I only told them one word, “suicide”. They asked me who and that was the moment I broke down, I told them, “ako po”. I can hear them panicking and then there was silence on the other line. Then an another woman talked to me. I told her everything I felt that day and she told me nice things to make me feel better. We had a good talk and I was crying the whole time. She somehow convinced me that suicide is not always the answer. I owe her my life. Fast forward to March 2017, I got sick. I got bacterial infection —not STD,  from someone whom I loved so much. For the second time, my mom cried in front of me. For the second time, I saw my mom broken. I broke my mom, again. I became lost more than ever. I was so ashamed of myself. I was so angry. Why do I always fuck up? Ganyan na ba talaga ako ka bobo?
The second time I tried killing myself was 2 months later, I started falling for this guy. Who lied to me. I was a mistress the whole time, and I didnt know. My mom eventually knew about it because the wife was a pyscho —Sorry not sorry. I disappointed my parents. AGAIN. Only in a span of 2 months I was a disappointment, again. You see, Dim was winning this time. He was already bigger than me. He was all over my room. He was all over the building. He was all over me. That was when I took the pills. I can only remember myself falling asleep and the next thing I know I was at the hospital. After 7 years of dealing with that bitch Dim, I was finally diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder. After 7 years of trying to hide the pain, my parents finally knew about it. After 7 years, my friends finally realized that I wasn’t fooling around. I wasn’t being overdramatic. There were pros and cons to this situation. Pros, they finally knew about my depression so they were overly understanding. I felt free. It felt like nothing is holding me back anymore. It felt like I finally won over Dim. I felt stronger than Dim. Cons, they finally knew about my depression so they were overly protective and hella paranoid, thinking I might blew up in any moment. Even though I felt free and stronger than Dim, I can still feel his presence. I still feel weak. Ive been seeing my doctor every 2 weeks now. Im taking meds. People are helping me. Months have passed and I thought I was really okay now. I thought I had it under control until 3 months later, I can feel him all over me again. It seems like the pills are not working anymore. I started keeping secrets from my doctor. I started telling lies to my family and friends just so they wont worry about me anymore. Im even back on hurting myself. I cut my wrists and legs. I tried overdosing myself again. Twice this time.   It gets worse everyday. Its seems like Dim knows my weak spots now, he knows where and when to hurt me. I keep blaming myself even on the smallest things. Sometimes I think, what if Im going insane? What if Im never going to be okay? I dont even know anymore.
I didnt write any of these so that you’ll pity me. I didnt write any of these to make ‘papansin’. I didnt write any of these so that you’ll know my story. I wrote this so that all of you people who are reading this can understand. I want you guys to understand that depression is never a joke. Depression isn’t easy, it never was. I want you to understand that even the smallest things can hurt a person a thousand more. I want you to understand that depression isn’t just a bad day. It is a never ending battle between you and your mind. Depression isn’t just being tired because you had a shitty day. It is a different feeling piling up until one day you cant deal with it anymore, you’ll blow up. Depression isn’t just being lazy. It is the thoughts and the paranoia that makes you feel so tired you can’t get out off your bed. It is the heavy feeling that sinks you deeper, makes you not wanting to wake up, hoping you can sleep the sadness away. If you know someone dealing with depression, help them. Support them. Sometimes, presence helps. Just being there for them helps. Even a simple hug can make them feel a little better. Listen. Dont say anything. Just listen to them and hug them.
This is for the ones who fought and never survived, Im sorry. Im really, really sorry. Wherever your souls are right now, I hope you now have the happiness you pretend to have. The happiness you truly deserve. For the ones who are still struggling from their demons, I am here. We are here. Its okay to cry, its okay to lose your shit but sweetie, just remember to never ever let your Dim beat you. You are stronger than him.
A small act can change a person’s life. Right this moment, somewhere, someone needs your help. Ask. Because sometimes, you can either save a person’s life or be a minute late.
And right now, you’re too late.
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