#i forgot to post this last night
amphirrhvx · 6 months
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sb!kenshi but bite-sized :)
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wrestlezaynia · 11 months
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He protec.
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4kayz · 2 years
Hello, can I request a The Lamb x Gender neutral reader relationship headcanons(fluff)?
I'm sorry if it's not too specific it's my first time requesting.
I love your writing! Remember drink water and rest when you need it, have a nice day (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)
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tysm! You too :3
REQUESTED BY: anonymous
CATEGORY: fluffy relationship hcs
SUMMARY: just some headcanons featuring the lamb :3
PAIRING: the lamb/reader
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- In a relationship, The Lamb is a very lovable person, showering you in gifts, kisses, and just about anything you like. They really want you to feel comfortable and happy in their cult and they do everything they can to make sure your living conditions are safe and homey.
- They make sure their s/o is heard, respected, and noticed. That means, if anybody walks all over you or were to make fun of you, The Lamb would have to quickly deal with that and make sure your comfy being yourself around others.
- If your ever feeling down, The Lamb would take notice right away and give you little gifts and surprise hugs to lighten your mood. If that doesn't work, they'll try to speak to you about your issues.
- The Lamb listens to everything and anything you say and makes sure you know that you could always tell them how you feel inside.  They're the best person to go to if you want to be cuddled, loved, or just need to vent to.
- Even though they don't have the best advice or responses, know that they care about you in their own, socially awkward, way.
- And you're loved! :)
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nocaffeineforlevi · 3 months
POV Thoschei Server:
You open up the server
There's 100+ new messages in general
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leolaroot · 11 months
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horsebeast · 6 months
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l0reenthusiast · 2 years
~A Birthday to Remember~
I've decided that I will write this for Venti and all of my top 10 characters when it's their birthday
yes yes i know i'm a day late shhhhh
Venti x Gn!Reader
Word count- 1,155
"Can you take your hands off of my eyes yet? Please?"
"Not yet Venti! Be patient!" You said with a chuckle, covering your best friend's eyes with your hands. Today was his birthday, and you wanted to surprise him! Sure, you've done this countless times since you're the leader of the Four Winds, but you think a birthday should be memorable no matter what! "Okay, and... here you go!" You exclaimed, taking your hands off of his eyes, a smile appearing on your friend's face.
"Aww Y/N, you really did this for me?" Venti spoke, a blush appearing on his face as the teal tips of his braids glowed under the starlight sky. Before the both of you was Dvalin, and beneath him a picnic blanket laid out with apple cake, plates, forks, two wine glasses and a knife to cut the cake. Neither of you exactly knew how, but you had always managed to do something different for Venti's birthday every year, you don't know why after all this time you had never thought of a something as simple as this though.
"Well duh! You're my best friend! Now come on, I didn't have the Traveller spend a week teaching me how to make this cake for us to not eat it!" You spoke, taking his hand and sitting down on the red and white checkered blanket. "Oh! Before I forget..." You spoke, happily walking over to the giant dragon that lay on the ground with you, lifting up one of his wings to reveal a pale foam green box with a white ribbon to seal it and a bouquet Cecilias. "Here you go, picked these myself." You said, sitting back down and handing him the gifts. "Hope you like it."
The bard looked at your gifts in excitement, gently placing down the Cecilias, taking the box in both hands and removing the ribbon. You grinned, blushing as he laughed and pulled some vintage bottles of Dandelion Wine from the box. Venti turned to you, a look of shock and happiness present on his face.
"How did you even afford this Y/N? these look awfully expensive." he questioned, turning to you.
"Oh, I just saved up for a while using the Mora we get from performing in Mondsta-"
"You broke into Dawn Winery, didn't you?"
"Yup. Kaeya's the only reason I didn't get caught." The green clad bard burst into laughter at your response, you yourself joining in right after him. You both had broken in and gotten out of Dawn Winery a few times successfully with the Cavalry Captain's help on only one other occasion for Rosaria's birthday. "Here, let me open one for you." You said in between laughs. You reached into your pocket and pulled a winged corkscrew to take the cork out of the bottle. You then grabbed Venti's glass and poured him some of the wine, pouring yourself some as he took a drink of the refreshing liquid. After you finished, you took a knife and a fork and cut a slice of the cake for your friend, then one for yourself.
"You really don't have to do things like this for me, you know. Besides, I really don't think my birthday is important with how old we both are." He spoke, his mouth full of the Apple Cake that you made.
"I know, I know, you tell me this every year. I still want to though, why would I want to let my best friend's birthday go uncelebrated? Even if he's well over 2,000 years old." A small part of you hurt at calling him your 'best friend'. Truth be told, you've been in love with him for quite some time now, and you've been far too afraid to say anything. You went to take a sip of the wine, but before you could, Dvalin roared, sending himself into the air as he had found a wind current. "Oh shit, Dvalin don't break it!" You shouted, spitting out the wine and hurriedly running over to where the record player you had asked Jean to borrow was thrown into the air. You stumbled backwards a bit as you caught it, sighing with relief. You hadn't realized that Venti chased after you until he put your hand on your shoulder, making you whip your head around to face him.
"You alright?" He questioned, his attention caught between you and the record player.
"I'm alright. I just asked Jean if I could borrow this today, and it would've sucked if it broke. And I know that we perform in Mondstadt all the time, but we haven't danced by ourselves for a while. Soo, I thought it'd be nice to do that." You muttered, placing the record player down and fidgeting with your hands while avoiding eye contact with the smiling bard.
"Of course, I'd dance with you any time! Here, let me turn it on." Venti spoke enthusiastically, kneeling down and turning on the record player. "Here, take my hand." You slowly made eye contact with your friend, taking his hand sheepishly with a smile. With his right hand on your waist, your left hand on his shoulder, and your right hand intertwining with his left, the music began to play.
For the thousands of years you've been with Venti, the moments where you would be dancing with him would always be your favorite. Sure, you liked dancing to his songs in Mondstadt, and especially in Angel's share, but you always did prefer this. You often lost yourself in the moment, your eyes admiring his features, drowning the sound around you out. Even now, you still couldn't break the habit. A gentle smile crossed your face as the sound of your footsteps slowly faded out. The way his eyes seemed to always glow when you would dance at night. The way his hair, braided or not, swayed beautifully with every motion. His oh, so gorgeous smile that his lips formed each and every time you had these moments. Your love for him grew with every moment, and you were convinced that one day it would all pour out like a flood. You would be right, as before you could even stop yourself the words flew out of your mouth;
"I love you, Venti."
On cue, the two of you stopped dancing, a look of pure shock on Venti's face as you quickly let go of him. You clasped your hands over your mouth as Venti stood still, pink completely dusting his cheeks. Meanwhile, regret filled your entire body as you took your hands away from your mouth, lowering them for a moment. "I'm sor-" You tried to say but you were quickly cut off as Venti took your hands in his, crashing your lips together. Small tears pricked the corners of his eyes as he broke the kiss, smiled and said;
"I love you too."
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fabioquartararhoe · 1 year
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bayern every two years
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gabbieperera · 10 months
gabbie 💬 aslan
GABBIE: heeeey GABBIE: i was just wondering if you have good lawyers and are you willing to share them? GABBIE: i may or may not punched the weather guy and he didn't stop yapping about police.
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forcebookish · 11 months
how did i not notice before that when gun asks cher if he loves him, gun uses "phi"
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suhyeos · 2 years
top five pauney moments 🫶 but u can also do top five billlie moments 🫶
anything for my mapsi 🫶 top 5 pauney moments will be under a read more so i dont embarrass ourselves too much ..
top 5 billlie moments
the entirety of this suhyeon + haram vlog but especially the part at around 2 mins when she's at the café and haram walks in to surprise her and suhyeo just starts crying
not rly a single occasion but i love when variety show hosts asks them about their personal talents and they just. start making fucked up noises? like siyoon's crow noises, sheon's train whistle, tsuki's elk and whatever tf suhyeo is always doing qkmzkqmznx
the slumber party dance cover
billlie's gingaminga school life when they see the zombie in the classroom and suhyeo starts crying (again). also i can't remember the exact ep but when they're in the library and they're supposed to be quiet bc there's a girl studying and she asks them like 'are u here just to play???' and tsuki is like no we are here to eat snacks
their last ring x ring stage which was also their first ever stage with sheon.. a moment in bistory (billlie history)
top 5 pauney moments
when ur twitter got hacked and i had to tell u AKZMAKXNAK
finding out our birthdays are on may 13 / 31 ..
us talking through tags bc we were too shy to dm each other .. and saying we would bail each other out of jail after sharing bubble pics
the birth of bbl onlyoneof
the most important one, a moment in pauney history, finding out we both speak spanish and immediately becoming 10 times more stupid
an extra one bc i can, when we went to la ruta de la caca together (real)
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barbiecarlo · 2 years
christian vázquez best catcher to ever do it
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ggstarterblog · 6 months
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Here is a list of all the most recent starters. Starting with the wedding threads.
Wedding Event Starters:
Jordan Barnes
Frankie Astor
Non Event Starters:
Adrianna Barnes
Sarah Cameron
John B.
Brandon Adams
Tim Riggins
Kai Jordans
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10archive · 9 months
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leia put ur boobs away
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midorigakkou · 10 months
august 17, 2023 || day 4/30
not many assignments, but very time consuming
♫ fleet foxes - fleet foxes
to do:
english project
german flashcards
read chapter 2 of us history book
kumon n36
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cherubytes · 4 months
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