#i found slightly mixed results for lithromantic flag so i included the acespec and arospec to be safe
mikodrawnnarratives · 2 months
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Headcanoning Max as aroace and Maggie as Lithromantic. I think Max might be hesitantly wonder if he's aromantic for a while but be like "BUT I was in quarantine my whole life till now so MAybE I hAVen't FoUND thE RIghT PeRsoN"
But no in actuality he's just aroace regardless of the quarantine
And then Lithromantic: "A lithromantic person feels romantic love toward others but doesn't want those feelings reciprocated" or other definitions will be along those lines (quote from grindr)
I think another orientation that could fit Maggie is I think the term is Frayromantic, where you can feel romantic attraction to someone at first and it fades over time when you get to know them
Marissa Meyer is likely gonna go the romantic route for these two if/once the series gets an extra book. Seeing as Maggie has a crush on Max from what has been written at the end of Supernova and in Cinder's Adventure (which isn't canon but it's probably hints of what's to come). So. Tsudere Maggie. Not great, marginally different from Nodrian in my opinion. but whatever is written next for Maggie and Max, I'll pick it apart, take what I want for my platonic headcanons, and leave the rest for the shippers
While I'm here at the end of Aromantic Awareness Week I'll remind you all that we NEED to keep signing petitions, emailing and calling our representatives to STOP the Kosa bill from being passed!! It will cause massive censorship on the Internet and affect EVERYONE.
This post and this post have good links that you can use and most of these will take only a couple minutes if not less!
I know I say this on a post to a pretty small fandom on Tumblr from what I've seen but hopefully it'll still reach people
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