#i found this in my drafts from my acomaf reread
shallyne · 2 years
So, I am writing this post on October 2 but it will just post after all my other drafts are posted. That will be in about 50 days
Today, October 2, I finished my acotar reread with A Court of Frost and Starlight. I began this reread on June 1 or June 2, I don't remember. It was the start of June. It took me this long because I slid in and out of reading slumps and it took me over a month to pick up ACOFAS
I still liked that reread and I tabbed for the first time. It's a huge chaos and doesn't make sense because I didn't color code anything. I didn't expect to tab so much
My thoughts about the books didn't really change on this reread. Though I didn't find Nesta as annoying in acowar as expected. Nesta from the middle of acowar - the end of acowar was actually pretty cool, I kind of liked her.
It backed up my ranking of all the books
I absolutely love acofas. It is my comfort read, even if it took me so long to pick it up.
My love for Feysand just grew through this reread, I love my babies.
What also grew is my High Queen Feyre list. Just a list with points why I think Feyre will be High Queen
And my theories list grew too. A lot of unhinged theories found their way there
Back to the tabbing, if you think about tabbing: do it. Even if you don't have any order behind it and you just tab what you like, do it. You will read slower and you will find things that you didn't realize on your first read(s). And I think acotar is a perfect series to try tabbing.
Another thing that I learned while rereading, that I want to give you on your way: do not stress yourself. Read in your pace. If you can't read for a few weeks because you don't have any motivation or life just gets in the way, that's okay! No one is stressing you out about reading, only you. It's okay if you don't read as fast as other people. Reading is a hobby and it's there for people to enjoy it. It's not supposed to be a race about how fast you can read and how many books you can fit in a month or a year. It's great if you reach your goal but it isn't the end of the world if you don't ❤️
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My all time favorite part of re-reading ACOMAF is how Rhys is constantly letting Feyre know very boldly that he is interested in her/thinks shes hot/would do everything to her with little provocation etc etc
And Feyre is thinking, wow, he is such a good friend
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