#i freaking love assimil i swear... best language courses out there
ververa · 5 years
Wilhemina Venable x reader
Words: 2.520
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To say that you freaked out, when your parents told you, that you’re going to the new school, would be a misunderstanding. You went totally crazy. A catholic private school was where you’re supposed to continue your education. And all that was because they had found out you’re gay.
They had caught you making out with your best friend, who was actually your girlfriend. Since then everything changed. Your life was slowly turning into hell. Your girlfriend wasn’t your girlfriend any more. Instead she began to hate you, because your mother, of course, told her parents what the two of you had done.
Your miserable holidays passed quicker than you supposed and soon you’re on your way to the new school.
As the headmistress was talking with your parents, you took a chance and slipped out. You needed a break, for the last time before you become a student of that terrible place. You ended up in some kind of a park, right next to school. It seemed to be a peaceful and safe place. First you took your phone and tried to call your girlfriend, but she didn’t answer.
“Babe, please… It wasn’t my fault. You fucking know it…” you hung up and not thinking much you lit a cigarette.
You slowly dragged it and tried to relax. You wanted to forget about all your problems – even if only for a few minutes.
“It’s forbidden to smoke here” you jumped hearing a strict female voice
You rolled your eyes. You’re too tired to care.
“I don’t see any signs, so you can bite me, lady” you snapped not looking at her
The woman didn’t seem to be touched by your words. If you had known what she had been through, you would probably think twice before saying anything. But you didn’t.
She remained silent and sat down on the bench. You didn’t turn, but you could swear she was looking at you.
Wilhemina already knew who you were. They were all informed that a new student’s going to arrive and that they’re supposed to keep an eye on you. She didn’t care. She was minding her own business, until she spotted you.
The school’s garden; that wooden bench – was her favourite place to spend her free time. She wasn’t fond of meeting new people. Actually, she barely tolerated any intruders, who were interrupting her. But there you were. She saw you and for the first time since very very long, she desired something that she couldn’t have. She knew that this time it’s going to be hard for her to flee. But she played it cool. She sat down and opened her book, as if you weren’t there. She was hoping that eventually you would go away, but you didn’t.
Instead you finished your cigarette and turned back to look at her. That’s the first time you saw her. The woman was dressed in a black dress and had her dark hair put in a bun. She was the most beautiful woman you had ever seen. There’s nothing that could be compare to her beauty, because nothing could equal it.
You swallowed hard and sat down next to her. Though she didn’t look at you. She seemed to be too preoccupied with the book – which happened to be your favourite one.
“I love it” you said averting your eyes
“Excuse me?”
“The book” you stated
She nodded and went back to reading, or rather pretending, because in reality she was only waiting for your next move.
“I’m sorry” you said after a while “I don’t act like that normally. I just… It’s a hard time for me” you said not daring to look at her
“It’s alright. I understand”
If there was anyone, who could know how exactly you felt, it was Wilhemina, She knew the pain and suffering. She was well aware how hard existence could be, because she was experiencing all that on her own.
“I’m Y/N by the way”
“It’s nice to meet you. I’m Wilhemina”
“That’s my pleasure, madam” you smiled
She smiled back, as your eyes met. And you felt as if you’re melting from inside. That smile. Those eyes. How were you supposed not to fall?
You desired nothing more, but to stay there with her and chat some more, however your mother called you.
“I have to go” you said standing up “Once again, I’m sorry. And it was really nice to meet you”
Wilhemina watched as you’re moving in the direction of the building. She may not know you long enough, actually she didn’t know you at all, but she already knew you’re different than the rest.
For obvious reason, you were put in a class with boys only. They were sure that it’s the best solution to the problem, but was it for real?
The thought of spending a whole year with them was making your stomach turn. You’re frustrated and you weren’t going to hide it.
Forcing you to attend classes with the group of 20 boys was the first mistake they made. You were too witty, impulsive and not the one to mess up with. About what they found out rather soon.
The classes were boring and teachers, the same as your classmates were annoying.
Boys, especially two of them, kept on joking or making inappropriate comments about you. But you were making much of an effort not to do anything about it. You’re trying to convince yourself that you didn’t care, though after 3 days you’re fed up with them. They activated your mean side and even though you knew you’re going to have troubles because of it, you couldn’t hold it al back.
So, when during one break between classes the boy approached you and began joking again you almost hit him. Actually you almost did. Between his face and you fist were only a few inches, when unexpectedly someone caught you by your wrist. The hold was strong enough to stop you, but not to cause you any pain. You immediately turned back and saw no other than Wilhemina. Your eyes widened as they met hers. You wanted to explain, but she didn’t even ask. All that she said was:
“Take your sit, Y/N. You too, Mr Thompson”
You did as she told you and the lesson began. You’re a bit surprised, as you had no idea she’s a teacher there.
“You’re only to refer to me as Miss Venable. I’m going to be your new ethics and literature teacher, so we’ll meet every Wednesday and Friday. Any questions or can we move on to the lesson?”
“I have a question, Miss Venomous…” the same boy, who you had almost hurt spoke up
Wilhemina looked at him, but before she had a chance to say anything you interfered  
“It’s Venable, you piece of shit. How did you manage to get here being an illiterate arsehole?”
“At least I’m normal and don’t need treatment like you. By the way I’m sure I can help you with the process of healing. Me and my friend are ready any time”
“Headmistress’ office! Now!” Wilhemina said strictly pointing at the door
“There is no but, Mr Thompson. Out of my classroom, now!”
“She started it!”
“Did she?”
“She waned to hit me”
“Did she do that?”
“She was about to!”
“But did she do that?”
“So I suggest you hurry up, before I change my mind and decide to assist you”
He growled something that you couldn’t understand and taking his stuff he left the classroom.
After that the lesson went rather smoothly and soon it came to the end.
“Y/N, I’d like to speak to you. Stay in the classroom” she said
You only nodded obediently waiting for the rest to leave.
“Yes, Miss Venable?” you asked when you’re alone
“You cannot hit people, you know that?”
“Yes, Miss Venable”
“Also don’t use such a vulgar language at school”
“Of course” you said looking at the floor
“We don’t want you to get in troubles, do we?”
“No, Miss Venable”
“Good. You’re free to go now”
“Thank you” you said still not daring to look at her
Wilhemina smiled
“I see you can be a well-mannered person. That’s good. Don’t let them provoke you”
“I’ll try”
Days, then weeks and months were passing. You slowly assimilated to the school and all new surrounding. And Wednesdays and Fridays became your favourite days, for obvious reason – namely lessons with Venable. You knew it was unrealistic that woman like her could ever notice you or look at you as someone more than just a student, but still you loved her classes. You adored spending time around her, so you even signed up for some extra classes with her.
Little did you know that she was feeling the same. Wilhemina was never good when it came to feelings. But it was different with you. She despised the majority of people – other teachers and students – but not you. You’re so different. Intelligent, smart and beautiful. She knew it’s inappropriate. She knew she shouldn’t, but still she was falling for you harder and harder. She wanted you. She desired you more and more in every possible way. She loved spending time with you – when you’re speaking about literature or even more, when you two were alone and you let yourself open up to her. You confided in her and that’s when she fell for you completely. But at the same time her behaviour changed. She stopped being nice and supportive. It felt as if she didn’t care any more. Actually, it was quite the opposite, though she didn’t know how to express it.
Wilhemina felt sick. She couldn’t sleep and wasn’t able to eat either. She had been always cautious and was afraid to lose that. Her reputation and position were always the most important, but then you appeared and destroyed her perfectly organised life. The woman was insecure. She was constantly worried that she may hurt you, so she tried to distance herself – not realising that by doing this she was doing what she tried not to – she was hurting you.
You began to think she’s just like the rest. That she betrayed you, so once again your mean and rebellious self took over the control.
You started to skip her classes, because you couldn’t stand looking at her knowing she didn’t care about you any more.
Venable on the other hand began to miss you. Every time you’re absent she found herself starring blankly at your seat. It was lasting for a few weeks, until she was done.
You’re in the garden. The exactly same place, where you had met her for the first time. You’re smoking instead of attending Wilhemina’s classes. You missed her. The old version of her. You missed seeing her, but you carried on avoiding her. And you did that successfully, until that very moment.
“It’s not allowed to smoke here”
“Here we go again” you rolled your eyes “Now you care again?!”
“Oh, leave me alone. I’m not in the mood”
Wilhemina clenched her hands into fists. She didn’t realise that she was pushing you away for all that time. She knew you had a right to be mad at her. Actually, she was mad with herself as well. But as she saw you something inside her broke. She showed you her soft side – the one that was reserved only for you probably. Though at that very moment, she couldn’t or rather didn’t know how to make it all work again. So, she went in one of the most harsh and strict of her tones.
“Y/N Y/L/N my classroom, now!” she said not leaving your place for disagreement
You finished your cigarette and followed her.
“What?!” you snapped as you closed the door
“I hate brats” she growled “I reckon that someone needs to put you in your place”
You’re too shocked to say or do anything.
“Take off your panties”
“Don’t make me repeat. You heard what I said, so you had better oblige”
You looked at her serious face expression. For a while you thought she was only joking, but she didn’t. With your shaking hands you slowly took off your panties. Meanwhile Wilhemina sat down on the chair putting her cane on the desk.
“Come here” she patted her knees. Bent over”
“Miss Venable, I-”
“For fuck’s sake, can you follow the order for once?!”
You moved towards her and not daring to look at her you did as you’re told. Wilhemina rolled up your skirt and without any warning she slapped you, at what you whined loudly.
“Be quiet or you’ll get a double punishment” she warned “You’ll get 20 slaps. And you’re going to count. If you won’t I’ll start all over again. Understood?”
“Yes, Miss Venable”
And with that she began. You’re counting out loud at the same time trying not to be too loud. By the 15th slap, which were pretty strong you’re on the verge of crying. You’re fighting the tears and trying to stop the sobs by biting your lip.
“Sixteen… seventeen… eigh-t-teen… nineteen… twe-twenteen” you sighed with relief at the last number
Before you could process what’s going on Wilhemina made you sit down and pulled you closer to herself. She embraced you and hugged you tight.
“I’d hate to do that again, so don’t you ever skip my classes again. I hate those morons and I miss you so much” she whispered “I’m sorry, I acted like that. I know… It’s just hard for me. I’m not good with feelings”
“F-feelings?” you pulled away to look at her with your red from tears eyes
Wilhemina nodded.
“W-what do you mean?”
“I…” she hesitated, but then looked deep into your eyes and kissed you “I love you” she said
“That’s why you were such an arsehole? Because you love me?!” you’re hurt and you didn’t even try to hide it any more
“I was… Look, I’m sorry”
“You’re sorry?! I though I did something and you hate me” you hit her arm trying to fight the tears that were springing into your eyes
You didn’t know whether you’re more happy or upset
“Y/N, please”
“How could you do that to me?!” the tears began to escape your eyes
Wilhemina looked at you surprised. She didn’t know what to do. She was confused and scared at the same time. She was sure she had already lost you, but she fought back those thoughts and embraced you again. She kept you close and let you cry gently stroking your hair.
“I’m sorry. I truly am. I was afraid that I may lose you. But then I realised that it’s already happening and that it’s all my fault. Please, forgive me, darling”
You sobbed miserably hugging her tighter.
“Don’t do that again”
“I won’t. I promise”
You pulled away to look at her again. Wilhemina froze cautiously watching your moves. She held her breath and let go of it only when you supped her cheeks.
“I love you too” you said and kissed her
Tag list:
@misssmephisto, @cakexblankett, @cordwliagoode, @tasyahilker
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