#i fucked up my shoulder real bad a couple days ago so im gonna pop some tylenol and zzzzzz
bledf1rst · 1 year
i would like to point out that the rockstar, in fact, did nothing and i still proceeded to take a 2 hour nap in the middle of the afternoon
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headcanon-cafe · 4 years
South Park- How you meet
I hope you enjoy!
Eric Cartman
Well, you met at the South Supermarket, you had to get groceries while your parents were at work. You were getting annoyed because you were having a goddamn hard time finding the Cheesy Poofs. As you kept walking around you finally passed a group of 4 boys who had about twelve boxes in their cart. You stop and you tapped the tallish boy's shoulder (or tried to considering how tall he is). The guy had heavyset, football player body type. He looked about to be over 6ft and hey, he was really good looking not gonna lie. Definitely not sexy or even hot but he was attractive. "Umm excuse me, mister, I was wondering what isle the Cheesy Poofs were on??" They turn towards you, the ones with the blue and red hat and the dude with a parka snickered and started making some jokes, while the guy in the green hat went back to looking for what he was looking for. The tall guy just glares at you then smirks. "Isle 14 sweetheart, all out of stock." You sweat drop and looked at his cart than back at him. "A-all out of stock??" He nods still looking at you. "Yep." He pops the p. "All our of stock. Now if you could leave us the fuck alone that would be fan-fucking-tastic." You glare at him feeling annoyed as fuck and accidentally having a little meltdown "Fuck you to FATASS!! Your moms probably a whore and your dad an asshole considering you are a WHORE LOT OF ASSHOLE!"
His 3 friends are rolling on the ground laughing while he's staring at you eyebrows raise and mouth slightly open trying to hold back a smile. You cover your face in embarrassment and quickly finishing up shopping to get out of here as soon as possible. It took you a couple of minutes of rushing around the store to find everything and trying to avoid the group as much as possible. What a day...
Kyle Broflovski
Where the fuck is the library?!?! You've been looking for the last half an hour. You are what people call book and geek smart. Common sense is not your forte tho. This whole time you've been looking you never once thought to ask someone or check google maps. A straight A student not bothering to actually think, how funny. Anyway, you kept stomping around town getting really annoyed that you couldn't find the place when you bumped into a boy, he was pretty cute... tall about 6”, had a green trapper hat and also had a few red curly hair strands sticking out. The bump causing you to fall down although him just stumbling forward a bit. You being your awkward self forgot to say words and just kept staring at him. "Umm hey there... you new here??" No answer from you AT ALL. "Hello?? You're not retarded are you??" You shake your head no and smile still staring at him. "Okay..." you nod and repeat him without knowing "Okay!" He backs away slowly and smiles like he wants anything more than to walk away now realizing how stupid you sound. Before you could apologize, he awkwardly shuffled away before saying "Nice to meet you but I have to go do uhh... do anything else." Walking away before anything else could happen. You just sat there on the ground hating yourself with a passion.
Kenny McCormick
You were new to South Park and you decided 'hey, why not explore' so for the last few hours you've been nothing but site seeing and exploring to get used to the place. You were at the final place of the night, for its 1 AM, (not like your parents care.) in short, you're from a rich family. And they trust you too much. They never ask where your going, hows your day been, what you did, how you feel or what your grades are! In fact, they trust you to make your own food so you have to make all of your own meals yourself. You can ask for as much money as you want and they have NEVER asked what it was for. Some people might say this is child Neglect (including you) they say they just trust you and is just busy. Anyway it was around 1 in the morning and you have just arrived at the lake when you noticed a person with blonde hair and a heavy coat, it almost looked like a parka. You carefully walked up to the person trying to figure out if you should run or talk to them. Finally deciding to talk to them you spoke up. "Um hello...?" As soon as you said that he quickly put his hood up and jumped up. A cigarette falling out of his mouth. He looks to where the cigarette fell and cursed now stepping on it. "You know, as much as I hate living here I'm surprised I haven't burned it down yet." It sounded really muffled with the coat, it sounded as though he was mostly talking to himself. Deciding to answer "Why haven't you?" He looked at you surprised and then sighs "All my friends and my little sister live here. Don't wanna risk it." You smile, shove your hands in your pockets and give a shrug. "Hey man, sometimes you just gotta break the law, it's an urge." He looks at you smirking "Oh yeah and what laws have you broke, missy?" "You know the occasional Grand Theft Auto, maybe some shoplifting." He raises an eyebrow. "Really?" "Definitely...! Yeah, no. The only thing I've ever shoplifted was a bar of soap from some Bed and Breakfast Hotel..." he laughs and shakes his head "Thought so." Well after about 45 minutes of talking you finally were about to leave. "Well it was nice meeting you..." "(Y/n) (L/n)." "(Y/n), that’s cool." “And you are??" "Kenny... Kenny McCormick." You guys shake hands smile at each other and then go your separate ways.
Stan Marsh (This was soo hard. I had really bad writer's block for Stan.)
You just arrived at South Park and it was now 7 AM' Ehhhhh it's too earrrrly for this shit.' So what better way to wake up than coffee from your friendly neighborhood coffee shop. Right as you entered you got knocked down by someone. Before you could yell at him you could see the sadness and embarrassment in his eyes. "A-are you okay??" He pulls his blue hat down more and looks down, avoiding eye contact. "Sorry, yeah I'm fine." 'He obviously isn't' you stand up and offer him a hand smiling. "I'm (Y/n), I'm new here! Think after I get a coffee you could show me around a bit. Maybe some pointers on this town and the people?? No offense but I heard people here are a little weird." He smiles awkwardly looking up at you for a bit before taking your hand. "And you heard correctly. Everyone here is either mentally insane, morally insane or hang out with one of the two groups. Sadly for me, I fall into the third one and a lot of the times they fall into each other. I'm Stan." You shake his hand "A pleasure to meet you." You day smiling. He gives a weird side smirk rolling his eyes. "I'm sure it is."
Butters Stotch (Also he's a little outa character for this sorry 😐)
"Oh my god, the first day of school in a new town. Are these people even sane?? Will they like me?? DO I EVEN LIKE ME?? FUCK!! Alright! Just smile it will all be okay! SHIT!! DID I EVEN BRUSH MY TEETH?!?!? FUCK FUCK FUCK!!" While you were silently freaking out in your mind you felt a tap. You turned around to see a boy who looked to be around 18. With beautiful blonde hair. Although he had a baby face obviously had some maturity in him. You smile awkwardly at him. "Heyyy... OMG IM NOT IN YOUR WAY AM I?!?!" You take a step to the side knocking into someone "Hey, watch it looser!" Someone snaps at you. "S-sorry!!" 'Ohh my god... all I am is a fuck up." The guy who tapped you a second ago frappes your arm pulling you a little closer to him "Yeah uhm stay away from him... That's Eric, and although he kinda funny he doesn't really make you feel too great about yourself." You run the back of your neck "Oh okay." He smiles standing up straight "I'm Butters!! I could help you around if you want! I realize it could be kinda stressful here. H-heck, I'm always stressed and I'm not even new here." You smile your hand still rubbing your neck. "Yeah... that would be awesome actually." "Awesome! Follow me!!" You stop for a sec "Is Butters your real name?" "Yeah kinda I guess now come on, it's Lucy and I wanna talk to you why I can!"
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fiftyshadesgrl · 4 years
Part two of my brantley gilbert series! I hope everyone enjoys it.
Tumblr media
I wake up to find myself tangled up around Brantley. Hes still asleep and its dark outside. I hear a humming sound then a bump. I realize the bus is moving. I jump up, "oh my god!"
Brantley sits up in a panic, "what is it baby?"
I pull the sheet up around me suddenly feeling vulnerable. "The bus is moving. I cant go anywhere! I have to go home."
He wraps me in his arms to comfort me. "Its okay baby girl. Why dont you just stay for the next couple of shows then if you still wanna go home, Ill make sure you get there."
"I have to work. I cant just give everything up to be a groupie."
"Hey." He said making me look at him. "You will never be a groupie. You are way better than that and you know it. Just give us some time, give me some time to show you that this time will be different."
I sigh, "what about my work?"
"Call them and tell them you need some time off."
I snicker, "the real world doesnt work like that. We cant all be Brantley Gilbert."
He lays back down and smiles, "Hell Ill call em myself." I laughed at that and can actually see him doing that. I shake my head and turn my phone on and find its only 2 in the morning. I quickly text my boss and tell him that Im taking my vacation early and Id be back in two weeks. I turn my phone back off and lay back down cuddling up to brantley.
He wraps his arms around me and kisses me. I moan and crawl on top of him. "Damn baby girl, youre gonna wear me out." He says smiling. I smiled back down at him, I cant believe I have him all to myself but the memory of three years ago comes flooding back to me.
3 years ago.....
I was out with mama becky trying to find the right dress that made me feel beautiful. I wanted to blow brantleys mind in a couple months when we say I do. Mama becky turns to me as we pull into the driveway, "hows he been lately?" I sigh and shake my head. "He has his good days and bad days."
His mama had tears in her eyes, "these days its more bad than good." I nodded but pasted a smile on my face.
"Dont worry mama, things will get better. Hopefully he will sober up by the wedding." I said hopeful but doubt still clung heavily in my mind and heart.
I hugged her and jumped out of the truck. "Ill come back this way in a couple of days to talk about the flowers and everything." Mama becky said and I nodded and waved as she pulled out of mine and brantleys driveway.
The house was unusually quiet, brantley usually had music blaring or playing his guitar chugging beer out on the front porch. I unlocked the door and walked in. "Brantley, Im back." Not one word, I walked towards the bedroom where the door was cracked open. I peeked through the crack and saw brantley laying on his stomach in bed sleeping.
I smiled at the sight of him, no matter what we go through he always and will forever hold my heart. I decided I would jump on him and wake him up that way. As I pushed the door open I gasped at what I saw. Amber, his ex laying on my side of the bed with my fiancee'.
Clothes, both his and hers, thrown everywhere meaning they were naked under the thin sheet that lay on top of them. I stood there just staring, I couldnt believe he would do this to me. He promised he would never hurt me.
I got my wits about me and finally spoke. "What the hell brantley!" He flipped over but amber still lay there sleeping. I wanted nothing more than to drag her by the hair of her head out of my house and beat her ass.
He jumped up out of bed and pulled his boxers up. I wanted to throw something at him, slap him, do something but I stood froze to the spot. He stumbled over to me and grabbed my arm and walked outside of our bedroom shutting the door.
I stopped just a few steps from the bedroom door and pulled away from him. "What the hell? Im gone for one day and youve got that whore in our bed!"
He held up his finger to his lips, "shhh."
That pissed me off that much more. "You want me to be quiet!? So I dont disturb that homewreckers sleep! I dont give a fuck if she sleeps good or not. You and her both are very lucky I dont beat both of your asses!" I got right up in his face and dared him to tell me to be quiet again.
"Look," he said holding his hands up, "I got bored last night and you wasnt here again, so I went out to the bar. She was there and I was lonely. Youre never around anymore I need some love every now and then."
I slapped him across his face hard. His head snapped back but I didnt care. "Youre a asshole, I have been planning OUR wedding that you didnt want to help with. You wouldnt be alone if you would stop popping pills and drinking and come with me and help."
He looked back at me but there was no emotion on his face. Thats what worried me most. He wasnt feeling anything. "You know I would disappoint you at our wedding if I helped. Id get something wrong."
"Well you can forget about the wedding. It seems like you got all you need right in there." I pointed towards the bedroom door. I walked towards it and slung it open. Amber was standing beside the bed just pulling brantleys shirt over her body.
I pointed at her, "you say a god damn word and Ill fuckin stomp a mudhole in your ass. I advise you to get the fuck out before I change my mind and do it anyway." She grabbed her pants and pulled them on and headed out of the room.
I grabbed a duffle bag and started shoving my clothes in it. "What are you doing?" I heard brantley say behind me. I gave a humorless chuckle and kept stuffing clothes in it.
"What does it fuckin look like?" I threw over at my shoulder.
"Looks like your making the biggest mistake of your life." He said emotionless.
Before I knew what I was doing I picked up one of his heavy boots and threw it. The boot connected with the aide of his face. "Mistake!? You think Im making a mistake. No honey you made the biggest mistake of YOUR life the moment you picked that whore up and brought her to our house!"
I kept packing my clothes and when the duffle bag was full I zipped it up and threw it over my shoulder. "Ill send kolby or mama becky to get the rest of my stuff. Dont call me when you get sober." I walked out towards the front door but stopped before I walked outside.
My heart was breaking into a million pieces. The love of my life cheated on me and doesnt seem to care. I heard his footsteps behind me.
"You walk out that door, dont you ever come back." He said, I dropped my bag and turned towards him. He smiled thinking I had decided to stay.
The tears started flowing freely then. Seeing how cold he was towards me, no emotion no love in his eyes. "What happened to us? We used to be so happy. When did things go bad?" I asked almost in a whisper.
He shrugged, "I dont know. I guess I fell out of love with you a long time ago. I dont want you anymore, Im moving on to better things. Keep the ring, pawn it, sell it whatever you wanna do."
I nodded and took the ring off my finger that I thought would never come off. I placed it in the palm of his hand and closed his hand around it. "Take care of yourself brantley." I walked back over to the door and picked my bag up and walked out to my old mustang sitting in the driveway.
I threw my bag in the back seat and slammed my car door. I started my car and drove down the driveway. I looked in my rearview mirror and saw brantley standing on the porch staring at my ring in his hand.
I drove all night that night until I made it to florida. I stopped at the first hotel and checked in. I called mama becky as soon as I was settled and told her what had happened. After that phone call I texted brantleys brother kolby and asked him to pick my stuff up from brantleys. He said he would and asked if I was okay. I replied with a simple 'I will be.' I turned my phone off and curled up on the bed crying myself to sleep.
1 year later....
I was working at a local diner as a waitress working nights mostly but whenever someone called in I would be the first to take their shift. I was run down but I needed the money.
It was a little after 1 in the morning and there was no one in the diner. I took that moment to walk outside for a smoke break. My eyes felt heavy and I probaly got a total of 4 hours of aleep over the past 36 hours. Rent had to be paid so I sucked it up and done what had to be done. I walked back into the diner and I heard on the speakers a voice from the local radio dj.
'Here is the new single from the newest and hottest thing in country music today. Heres shes my kinda crazy by brantley gilbert.' 
My heart stopped as I heard his beautiful voice coming through the speakers. I closed my eyes and the lyrics just broke my heart. I have missed him so much and I still think about the day that everything changed. The bell above the door rang as someone came in the diner.
Sal the night manager walked out feom behind the counter. "Sit anywhere you like sir, our waitress will be with you shortly." I was still stuck in a daze but I cleared my head and pulled out my paper and pen ready to take the order.
I turned and walked over to the booth where the man was sitting. I couldnt believe my eyes. Brantley sitting there drumming his fingers on the table. Watching me. I stumbled a bit but remembered what happened a year ago. I stood straighter and walked over, not looking at him.
"What can I get you?" I said very coldly.
"How bout a smile darlin." He said smoothly.
I rolled my eyes. "We only serve food and drinks here. You want a smile theres a bar right across the way there. Im sure you will find lots of them there."
I still had my eyes glued to my pad of paper, my pen hovering waiting for him to say what he really wanted. After a few minutes I turned my back "let me know when you decide."
That statement was about more than just his food choices. I was wanting ro see if he really had changed. I took the rag from behind the counter and started wiping tables down that were already squeaky clean. I just wanted to keep busy. I wanted to keep my mind off of brantley.
I saw movement from the corner of my eye. I looked up and brantley was motioning for me. I walked over pulling my pen and paper pad out again. "Finally decide on something?"
I still wouldnt look at him, he sighed "yeah burger, fries, and a mountain dew."
I scribbled it down and ripped the paper off. "Alright be right back with your drink." I said turning before he could say anything else. I gave the order to the cook and got his drink ready. I waited until his food was done before I took it to him.
"Heres your food and your drink. Enjoy." I said trying to turn away but he grabbed my wrist.
"Why dont you have a seat? Looks like im your only customer so you cant be busy."
I growled and plopped down on the other side of the booth looking at anywhere but at him. I kept quiet, the only sound was the music comig from the speakers and the hum from the fridge behind the counter.
"Would you just look at me (Y/N)? Please?" He said sounding exhausted. I sighed and looked him dead in the eyes. Shutting off all emotions. I waited for him to speak, he sighed and closed his eyes. He shook his head, "you look tired."
I chuckled humorlessly, "wow thanks. Thats a nice way of saying I look like shit."
He shook his head, "no I meant it just like it came out. You look tired. But youre still beautiful."
I snickered and rolled my eyes. "Rents gotta be paid brantley. I have to work to make rent." He nodded and he opened his mouth but before he could speak I cut him off. "Why the hell are you here brantley?"
He grabbed for my hand but I pulled back. "I came to see you darlin."
I rolled my eyes, "well you saw me. Now can I get back to work?"
I went to get up but this time he did grab my hand. "Please just talk to me. Its been a year. Im sober now. Thinking clearly for the first time."
I smiled at that, "thats great brantley." I pulled my hand from his and stood up. "Im really happy that you have turned your life around. I heard your song on the radio right before you came in. Its great, just hate that its about that damn whore." I said the last part through gritted teeth. He shook his head and opened his mouth as if to say something but the bell rang above the door before he could.
I turned to see a young couple that looked weary from a road trip come in. "Hey yall sit anywhere you want. Ill be right there." I turned back towards brantley who still hadnt touched a bite of his food. I shrugged, "duty calls. Heres your check, if you want anything else let me know and Ill adjust it. If not sal can ring you up when youre done. Bye brantley, take care of yourself."
The younger couple ordered breakfast platters and coffee so I was pretty busy with refilling their cups and everything. Right as my shift ended an hour later I walked outside and lit me a much needed cigarette. I started walking over to my mustang but slowed up when I noticed brantleys truck parked right beside it. Brantley was leaning against the side of it casually smoking a cigarette himself.
I walked over just as he threw his cigarette to the ground. "There you are." He said smiling.
I fished my keys out of my purse and went to unlock my door. Brantley stopped me before I could climb in. "Hey, I was hoping we could talk for a minute." He said, his voice filled with hope.
I sighed and slumped against my car. "Im very tired brantley. I wanna go home and go to bed. Make it quick." I sighed glancing at my watch.
"Okay, look I know things ended bad between us and everything." I raised one of my eyebrows at him and crossed my arms. "Whats your point brantley?"
He sighed, "I dont know what Im trying to say. Look, mama told me where you were and I wanted to bring some stuff to you. I thought you might want it." He handed me a box the size of a shoe box. I took it and nodded.
"I uh, got a show the next town over. If you want Ill leave you a ticket at will call." He said rubbing the back of his neck.
I turned and climbed in my car and placed the box beside me in the seat. "Thanks but no thanks. Im swamped at work and I cant afford to take off."
He nodded and leaned down, "I know I just thought...."
I cut him off before he could speak. "Nothings changed brantley. Now if youll excuse me Im going home to get some sleep before my next shift in a few hours."
I cranked my car and didnt give him a chance to reply. I knew if he did then I would probably break. It was hard enough seeing him tonight and trying to act like I didnt care. All I wanted to do was throw myself in his arms and let him kiss away this last miserable lonely year.
Also in the back of my mind was what he did. He cheated when he promised he never would. He promised he would always love me but he told me that day he fell out of love with me. I could never forget that.
I drove back to my small apartment and headed straight for the bed. Sleep came easy but those blue eyes haunted my dreams.
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desiror · 7 years
My Letter To You
From day one you caught my eye You made me crazy but i never tried Cuz my homie was talkin shit constantly So i rejected you unconsciously And kept my feelings to myself Till i find the strength to tell you how i felt By the end of sec 5 Ive dated a couple girls, and you a couple guys But none of them are even comparable To these feelings that are unbearable Fuck it, im gonna tell you i got too Im about to, till my bestfriend calls dibs on you... First semester and were closer than ever Were both dating others, but were always together You're in love with this guy, guess i gotta stay as a friend I put my emotions aside, till your relationship ends That was the plan, till you say you had feelings for me before What the fuck man, now i just love you even more... Im still with her, and you're still with him I have no other choice but to keep my emotions hidden It was all workin till one day Your boyfriend moved far away I figured i couldnt miss another opportunity To make this finally just you n me For the first time, we chilled outside of college At this point, my feelings for her have abolished It all happened when we went clubbing Holding your hand, our bodies touching Sparked the feeling ive always been searching for The one that confirmed my heart is yours One day we got high, and you came over You were having a bad vibe, so i gave you my shoulder Suddenly my heart start ed to beat Faster than when you pop ecstacy We started gettin touchy, then things got out of hands No time to think, our hands are down eachothers pants Felt so overjoyed when i woke up I felt happier then when i smoke up Cant stop smiling, im so in love It felt like a dream, for sure it was You even said that you love me, it cant get better We talked about us in the future, being together No regrets, but it does feel wrong Ive been waiting for this so long Now theres no way i can stay with her I put it to an end, didnt expect it to feel so bitter I feel heart broken, this is so hard But the thought of our future, fixes my heart No interest in other girls, im just waitin You're my first priority, i aint playin Imma help you through it, no problem You asked about my feelings for her, how i stopped em I didnt say, but girl you're the answer I thought of how happy ill be with you after I know we said we'd both take our time But baby you're always on my mind Whats also on my mind is the fact That you're the one fighting for his stupid ass Yet you keep telling me how much you hate him Then why dont you drop him? Stop debatin Damn, it felt like years but its finally ova You gonna be so much happier baby imma show ya The only thing right now in my head Is to make you the happiest girl, till the day im dead But theres only one thing that i ask Please baby, dont go back to your past.. i held you tight in my arms and felt you cry I said to you alright just forget this guy You answered no, i cry because im scared to lose you Im so lost tho, howd this even come up to you? You just broke up and thats what you have to say I cant let you use me to get over him this way Exams are keeping me busy, i cant be there all the time You're going through a lot you gotta keep yourself occupied But the way you resorted to is worse Partying and doing drugs till you're out of this universe But as long as i know you're gonna be there for me When summer comes, "this"ll all just be in your memory We havent spoken to eachother in a long time Just sittin here, waiting for you to become mine I hear about you through a friend of ours So what you do now is tinder and get nailed for hours?! I been shaking all day but thats not even why I feel like everything you ever said to me was just a big lie I thought i was addicted to smoking cigs Until i realized what a real addiction is Just the thought of you gives me the worst shakes Quitting got me trembling, but you give me earthquakes The smoke stops the flow of my blood when i grow old But you just froze my blood and made it go cold Right now i cant feel nothing else but hatred I thought we had something but i guess you faked it You were scared to lose me as a friend But in the end you lost all of me cuz now im dead i cant belive you went back to the person you were I knew it was gonna happen, i shouldve backed out sooner You lied to me, and fucked me over bad But for real, thats not what got me this mad Im angry at the fact you didnt say nothing I guess while i was waiting you thought i was gone or something Cuz you didnt even say we werent gonna happen You left me to wait, while you were with other guys laughin I havent yet told you whats on my mind We havent been alone in a long ass time You act like nothing ever happened and it kills me So much hatred inside, seeing you just fills me But i cant stop myself from seeing you Losing you would be worse than us being through Alright so were gonna act like nothing happened But dont expect me to be often laughin And dont you fuckin dare say that it meant nothing "Not like i had feelings for him we were just fucking" Bitch ill fuckin kill you why you doin this shit Stop lying, everything that comes out of you is fiction I expected you to fall before we be together But then i thought youd rise and be with me forever But thats where i fucked up thinking this through Cuz instead of only "this" in your memory, you put me too I dont want to believe that im just some other guy But i am, once again i fell for another lie Were going out for a birthday, i got a lot of shit to say I havent seen you in days, but i wont say it today Cuz i need to speak to you once were alone So lets just enjoy this night like we did a long time ago Im looking for other girls but you're the only one i see While you're with other guys, grinding behind me Grinding was fine but now you're hookin up I keep drinking but i dont think i took enough All i see is you constantly kissing him I just wish it was me i guess im missing it And to worsen it you bring him with us all night Being all cligny next to me, how can you think this is alright? Every once in a while i get a message from you "I miss you homie", but you never come through If i say it back ill be the only one to mean it And that i know for a fact so i wont repeat it Im trying to scar but you keep coming back to press On this wound that you inflicted as you left For some reason i was still hopin youd become mine But now you have a boyfriend im fully done tryin You said you didnt wanna start over with a new guy "I want someone im close to" bitch you lied Dating a dude you just met i dont understand Am i not exactly what you want according to wut ur sayin Its like you enjoy putting yourself in misery Ill never understand i guess itll stay a mystery You left me once again for a random dude Im done thinking of this im changing my attitude Im done suffering bitch finally this pain's over Im done waiting bitch now its game over -Anonymous
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bucketofchum · 8 years
I legit just fell asleep for 20 minutes and had a hyper-realistic dream that I was starting a possible budding cute possibly romantic thing with Simone Biles.
I was in a study room with a couple people (an older middle aged white woman (55-60) who was REALLY invested in her son’s relationship status and was upset that he just lost his girl – showed all of us his texts with her and she dumped him cuz he legit had a lewd website and was advertising himself and it was 100% his fault, but this lady was REALLY upset about it; there were probably two black guys? and maybe like a white girl and some Asian people, and me - and I’m just trying to do my work) and we had somehow eventually solved the mystery that this lady was The Murderer and was running this sort of black widow (and black widower?) scheme where she was trying to hook herself up with people and get their money and also hook her son up with people and get their money. idk it was weird. 
Anyhow, earlier in this dream, Simone had given me a pack of enormous crayons as a gift and I was??? So surprised?? cuz like 1) who gives me things and 2) she knew who I was?? okk. She is also best friends with Malia Obama, who, in this dream!verse, is also a smol gymnast and not 6 foot 1 like she is in real life (and looked a lot more like Sasha in this dream but even smoller). Anyhow, this verse, they are besties and almost always together and I’m just?? dumfounded okay. But it was a really random thing cuz like the whole interaction was like 3 seconds. “Hey, I heard it’s your birthday and you like art right? So I got you these crayons.” She hands them to me, and as Im just stammering there holding them in my hands, she and Malia are gone. I’m just…”did that really just happen”
So anyway later, I’m back at the study room - or a study room - and I’m working on a science project with…these crayons. They are freaking huge - like a single crayon is almost the length of my forearm with and the girth is a little thicker than my forearm. And I strip off the paper on the crayon and it’s got all these intricately shaped things carved into it and it looks like it’s like…a built in inkjet printer just…crayon shaped…idk I’m trying to figure this out when Simone comes in and is like “Hey whatcha doin?” or like “Hey how’re you?” and I’m so alarmed I have the dumbest response like “Oh yeah uh today is going great! Someone gave me these crayons, and–”
and she’s just interjects like “Yeah I got those for you”
and I’m nervous as hell and like “HAHAHHA YEAH! YOU DID. Thank you!!”
And she goes to show me this cool thing that they can do and goes to put the big crayon in the thing I was working on and pushes the whole set up out the window - weird things happen - and it comes back in, and she takes the crayon out and seems disappointed that whatever she wanted to happen didn’t happen. I say, “Yeah I’m still trying to figure that out” and now she seems a bit let down and awkward and she goes “Okay I’m just gonna head out now”
As she turns to head out, her body brushes against all my binders and papers and everything kinda goes flying and I’m so fucking embarrassed. She seems a little flustered too and offers to help, but it’s clear she’s got somewhere to be, so I assure her I’ve got it so she can dip.
I’m really pretty stressed out about all my papers and clipping out of order (it was a really really big complicated project I was working on, so I’m trying to concentrate on this thing), but Simone is still around and she tells me about her competitions and whatnot (she’s retired now in this verse I think - but like. Very recently. Like she just had a competition like 2 days ago and is now retired?? because she started to get these seizures.) I want to pay attention to what she’s saying but I can’t really focus because - GAH the papers and everything is ahhhh…! I have a very hard time concentrating on anything cuz I’m trying to both engage in conversation with her but my mind and eyes are at my mess of work and my ears are on her so I kinda just get neither done (like I could have given her my full attention or my work but nothing really worked out).
Eventually, she heads off and I’m left to sort myself out and regain composure.
Some time must had passed because I’m back to full concentration on my work. But as I’m working, I am vaguely mulling over what she was saying to me while I couldn’t pay attention. Out of the corner of my eye (and literally around the corner) - also because I could hear, I realise that Simone is just in the adjacent room that doesn’t really have a door so okay it’s the same room but it’s an inverted L shape  and I’m on the bottom leg of the L and she’s at the top. She’s standing to the right of the table, talking happily with a friend (not Malia haha) who is at the table working on writing some stuff, and I just watch her talk for a bit.
I probably watch her talk for only like 2-3 seconds before something looks a little wrong. She’s leaning forward and her eyes are unblinking. It almost looks like time has frozen and I’m trying to figure out what’s going on. My mind is trying to decide if she is having a seizure? (Didn’t she mention she was dealing with seizures now?) or if she is trying really hard to express something and can’t figure out how to say it. If I run over right now I can catch her before she falls and possibly injures herself IF she is having a seizure. BUT if she is not having a seizure and I run over and scoop her up, I would literally just die of social embarrassment cuz honestly can you imagine you’re in the middle of talking just fine and then out of no where someone zooms in and grabs you - that’d be fucking weird.
So all of those thoughts occur in…less than 1 second of real time. And finally I decide not to zip in like a fucking dumbass and embarrass myself to death. But once I make that decision I look up again and see her topple over. I run over but JUST too late to catch her and she just…thunk - faceflat into the ground. 
FUCKKKKkkk I should have caught her. I should have known it was a seizure - FUCK she TOLD me she was having seizures fuckkk fuck fuck fuck. ugh fuckk fuck fuck okay. I know that when people are having seizures you need to turn them around – stop. Pause time. She wasn’t seizing up - she just fainted. She literally just froze and fell over. This wasn’t going through my head but I just kinda recognised it on the spot? but I didn’t have the words come to me on the spot - usually the causes of fainting is a loss of blood pressure and thus a decrease of blood in the brain – so first, I turn her over. God, she’s so limp like a dead body I’m so fucking scared. She folds like a doll with the consistency of dough and I’m horrified. Her face is pale - like WHITE, and I straighten her neck and cradle her head first to make sure her neck is stabilised (I’ve had first responder training okay so this is kind of muscle memory). She looks better once her head is stabilised. I lift up her legs slightly so that blood can go back to her brain, and then…it finally occurs to me that I should tell someone to get help. The girl who was at the table talking with her had jumped up and ran into the other room in shock, but I tell her to go get help and she runs off.
[In retrospect while writing this, I realise I should not have asked the girl to call 911 because seizures/epilepsy/fainting spells, especially for people who have told you they have those tendencies experience them often and can recover from them fine, and unless there is clear damage, 911 i not necessary. But also, when I flipped her over, in this horrifying dreamverse, her head had shrunk to like fetal size and was basically folded into her neck so like???!! I think Dreamverse me did a good call about the 911 request for emergency service cuz that looked really really fucking bad and I was freaking HORRIFIED.
Oh wait I fucking forgot to mention okay.. when she fell, she looked SLAUGHTERED okay. So her right arm dislocated HORRIBLY at her shoulder and also at the elbow. The entire right wrist and thumb on that hand were also dislocated and some other fingers. I managed to pop everything back into place (horrified while doing so), all except her pinky finger and shoulder. God, I tried with the shoulder. It was a horror show okay I was very scared. Nevermind i take it back - I’m GLAD I had someone call 911 cuz that seemed serious.]
Anyhow, she is now laying on her back (which is not recommended for seizure cases but recall she is just fainted and not having a seizure), and I am at her legs/feet, kneeling with her legs resting on top of mine and I’m kind of rocking a little to facilitate gravitational blood flow. My mind is kinda all jumbled but at the same time it has reached a calm point because I know right now it’s just…waiting. Waiting for either help to arrive or for confirmation that Simone is okay, so I’m just sitting there quietly rocking.
Eventually Simone comes to, and I profusely apologise for letting her fall and explain the whole situation (probably too much explaining cuz I also explained to her my dilemma that eventually led to her falling face first smack into hard linoleum tile), but she seems to have a good laugh about it (I don’t), and we’re kinda just chatting and laughing now, her lying on her back and my chillin at her feet (I’ve moved it now her legs are kinda bent at the knees and her feet are on my hips) and we’re kinda having a decent time about it now, despite the weird situation. 
She suddenly slides back and props herself up on her elbows. Her colour has returned back to her skin and she looks relatively normal and her head is no longer creepy white fetus doll looking, and she seems okay.
So anyhow, she gets up (we’re both standing now) and I remember her shoulder and finger and ask if she’s okay. Yeah she’s perfectly fine. She popped them back in with no problem. I need to check to make sure cuz I saw how bad it looked and it certainly did not look like no problem, and I inspect her all over. Her finger…s??? she has like 3 amputated fingers? I never noticed this and I don’t know how I didn’t notice it before. her middle and ring finger on the her right hand are amputated at the first and second knuckle and her ring finger on her left hand is just missing the tip. Huh. I don’t make a comment, but I also notice she’s got a lot of scars on the underside her arms (now that her colour has come back to and scars are more visible) that look almost like scars on a whale’s body. I also make no comment.
Anyhow I make sure she’s okay, still super dubious and she assures me she is. I ask a dumb question that I know people who dislocate their shoulders a lot get (does that happen a lot? :/ are you sure you’re okay?) and she seems okay with my dumb questions. “Okay…” I’m kind of really awkward now and I tuck my hands in my pockets. I shrug my shoulders, still kinda awkwardly talking with her and start slinking off. She didn’t appear anywhere near as awkward as I felt then, so I guess that was a good sign.
And then someone called me and I woke up from the longest 20 minute nap I’ve ever had.
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Drunken Confessions
Whew man! So I did a poll on DA basically asking what kind of LostxXans oneshot I should try. ‘Bringing home a drunk friend from the bar’ was the winner so~ here you all go!
Lost is mine and Xans belongs to @jeyawue
Drunken Confessions
Xans hummed as he walked down the street, the streetlights slowly beginning to flicker on as the sun set. "Heh, bet Lost is gonna be thrilled ta see this shit." He smirked as he looked at the small, neatly wrapped present. "He's been wantin' this for awhile." He stopped as he waited for the light to change. "Normally I'd just teleport over there, but eh~ I don't feel like it." He frowned a little as he looked at the streetlight. Although...he's been kinda down lately. Wonder why that is?
Lost had been his friend for several years, ever since they had both been in middle school. He knew he could count on his friend to have his back, no matter what. So when he decided to ask someone out several months ago Lost had supported him. Ever since then though, they had both grown a little distant. Not to mention Xans had broken up with said person just as quickly as asking them out.
Since then, he'd been shamelessly sleeping around. As the light turned green he made his way down the street, keeping the present close to his chest. Yeah, I'd be stupid to miss his birthday though. He chuckled a little. I can't wait to see that shocked look on his face! His eyes always get so big they're like damned dinner plates! The simple thought had him smiling as he made his way to a small, two story house. Granted he's been studying a lot lately, college and all that. Fucking nerd.
He dug around under the ugly garden gnome sitting next to the door, an April Fools day gift from a couple years ago and nabbed the spare key. He unlocked the door and headed inside, kicking the door shut. "Oi, Lost! I'm fucking hungry!" He snickered and hid the present by the coat rack. "Lost~? C'mon, I want a sandwich!" He frowned as he looked around the house. "Huh....thought he'd be home." He made his way through the dark house, his frown growing as he shivered a bit. "Cold in here too...has he been gone all day? Usually that little weirdo has the house kinda warm. Although I'll admit, it's pretty cozy." He opened the door to the spare bedroom he usually would crash in, only to be met with nothing. "So...not here, not downstairs....his room?"
He made his way down the hall, stopping just inches from the closed door. Wait.....is this right? I feel like a fucking snoop. He frowned and looked at the floor, sighing. But if he is home....and he's this quiet....maybe something's wrong. He took a deep breath and opened the door, being met only with darkness. "Well...shit. He really isn't here. Usually he'd be studying right now." 
He turned on the light and his stomach dropped. Lost's bed was a messy tangle of sheets, pictures of him and Xans strewn across the floor. "Fuck dude, since when were you this messy? I'm the messy asshole, not ya Lost." He looked around the room, picking up all the pictures and putting them back in the shoebox labelled 'Hangouts'. "So...where the fuck is-"
'When I was six years old I broke my leg~ I was running from my brother and his friends~'
Xans grabbed his cellphone and answered the call. "Lost, where the fu-"
"Are you a friend of this kid?" A familiar voice filtered through the speaker, just not the one Xans wanted to hear.
"Yeah, I am. Why the fuck ya callin' me Grillby?" He scowled. "He isn't there....is he?"
"Yup, he is, and 100% wasted." Xans frowned, his stomach churning slightly. Wasted? Since when did Lost even drink?! "Can ya keep 'im there? I'll head over as soon as I can."
"Good, because I'm sick of listening to his bellyaching." Grillby hung up and Xans headed out the door.
Can't teleport to the other side of town! Fuck Lost, why the hell are ya there?!
Lost grumbled as he clung to an empty ketchup bottle. "Why'd ya have to take my cellphone? That isn't fair~...."
"Kid, you're wasted and you're too damned nice for this place." Grillby hummed, cleaning out a small shot glass. His firey body flickered slightly as Lost just waved his hand. "No, you're not getting another one."
"Aww c'mon~." Lost shifted in  the barstool, letting out a small hiccup. "I just wanna drown it...please lemme drown it out...." He let out a tired, sad sigh as he dragged his finger along the bar. "Why does it hurt so much Grillby?"
"I mean, he was happy! I helped him get with the guy and then he just....he just...dumps him? Sleeps around like a whore?! H-He's better than that! I know he is but....but...." He let out another , weak hiccupped sob and slowly stood up. "I'm just gonna go home....I don't wanna see him..."
"Lost, get your ass back in that stool."
"Nope~!" Lost turned and stuck his tongue out, his feet staggering as he clumsily made it to the door. "And you're not stopping me, ya hot asshole~!" He opened the door, listening to the bell chime. "Hee hee, jingle tinkle~..." He left the bar and began a slow, wobbly walk down the sidewalk. "Fucking asshole.....he's soooo late for everything nowadays~! Always 'too busy' or 'at work' or 'hanging with the boyfriend'....load a shit he is!"  He shuffled along as the streetlight above him suddenly popped and blew, making him yelp. "F-Fuck you too electricity! Heh...this little light of mine....it isn't gonna shine~..."
"Well lookie here boys." Lost stopped when he glanced around, frowning.
When did I get to this alley? Ugh, cities are so confusing....
"And where do you think you're headed?" A tall, scrawny man grabbed Lost by his hood and spun him around, glaring at his flushed face. "Yer five sheets to the wind, aren't ya boy?"
"Mmmhmm~...." Lost let out a tired, sad giggle. "And right now I'm kinda lonely...." He leaned heavily against the man as he grinned. "Are ya lonely too~?"
"Heh, he really is just a  wasted kid." Another guy chuckled. "Well he is rather pretty for a boy...whaddya wanna do?"
"I think we should make sure he'd sell well." Lost blinked slowly and felt a hand tug at his black, white tipped hair.
"O-Ow~.....sorry, but pain isn't my thing here...."
"Aww don't worry about that...we'll make sure you feel real nice." The man pinned Lost to a wall, his hands grabbing Lost's butt and squeezing. "Fairly nice build, hmm?"
"Heh, nah....too scrawny~....No one wants that...they want nice built guys like....like Xans. He....he's got a good body...all muscles and-ah!" A hand gripped his semi hard member and he began to push slightly. "O-On second thought, I don't wanna....lemme go...." When the man ignored him, he could feel his heart hammering faster. "I...I said lemme go!"
"Now hold on a moment, didn't ya say ya were lonely~?" The man grinned, grabbing both of Lost's wrists and pinning them above his head. He struggled weakly as the man checked his pockets, grabbing his wallet. "Well you can just buy our entertainment if you want."
"Let go! S-Someone, he-mmmmph?!" He felt lips being forced onto his and he screamed as a tongue was shoved in his mouth. He bit down, making the man yell and back up as he panted. "HELP! SO-" A hand landed harshly against his cheek, sending him sprawling to the ground.  He coughed as a harsh kick slammed into his stomach and he curled up, covering his head. They're...they're gonna hurt me.....no...please!
"Now...that ain't a very polite thing to do guys." Lost's hazy eyes looked up to see Xans standing at the open end of the alley, leaning against a wall. "Fer starters, he's drunk off his ass, and secondly, he said no. Don'tcha know what the word means?"
"Tsk, look at that, another pasty ass freak." One of the guys taunted. Xans just sighed and walked over.
"So, I'm gonna guess that ya aren't gonna just simply leave, eh? That's fine." His eyes glowed in the dark, the grin on his face unsettling. "That means I can give ya both a real fucking bad time!" The next few moments were blur for Lost as the alley glowed with magic. His vision was swimming and he struggled to stay conscious as Xans dodged the men, a grin on his face. As soon as he landed the first punch, Lost felt darkness claim his mind.
Xans grumbled as he readjusted his jacket. "Damn...one had a knife." He sighed. "Fuckers....think they can get away with that shit?" He turned to Lost and knelt down next to him, his stomach churning with worry. "Oi, Lost...ya ok?" He propped the limp young man against the wall, gently patting his cheeks. "Hello~? I'm not gonna be able ta carry yer ass all the way home without a little help." 
When he received no response, he frowned. "Ok then~...." He lifted Lost's shirt up and blew a giant raspberry into it, making Lost jerk awake and yell.
"Goddamn asshole!" Lost quickly yanked his shirt down, cheeks still flushed red from the alcohol. "M...my head hurts...." He whimpered, rubbing his forehead. "X...Xans? Is that you?"
"Yup. Did ya lose yer memory of the past ten minuets or are ya that blackout drunk?" Xans sighed and slung one of his arms over his shoulder. "C'mon Lost....I'm gettin' yer ass home and in bed."
"Don't...don't wanna go back yet....still have a drink to finish...." Lost mumbled as Xans slowly stood up. Lost's feet dragged slightly under him as Xans began to slowly walk them both out of the alley. "Tired of....of studying and....and bein' alone...." Xans frowned and simply shrugged.
"Ya ain't alone, stupid. I came by today ta see ya, and yer house was all dark." He explained. He held Lost by the waist and dragged him along the sidewalk until they were near his house. "Alright, gonna teleport inside ok? Please don't throw up on me."
"Heh heh....then you'd be a stinker...." Xans rolled his eyes and his left eye flashed. For a moment, then two were falling through darkness. Xans let out a deep sigh as he held Lost close. His eye flashed again and he landed on Lost's bed. Lost groaned and made a beeline for the bathroom, the sound of wretching filling Xans's ears.
I'd rather hear that than... He frowned as he recalled Lost's panicked cries for help, his shout of pain from being kicked. Fuck...if I hadn't gotten there in time, he'd....he could've....goddamnit Lost since when were ya so careless?! Lost stumbled into the room, tilting to the right and Xans had to almost jump off the bed to catch him. "Holy shit Lost, yer really drowning in alcohol, aren't ya?"
"S-Since when did...y-you begin to care again?" Lost mumbled, his body shaking. "J-Just go away...." Xans frowned and slowly slid Lost's hoodie off. 
"No~...w-we're not dating~..."
"Shut up Lost. Ya sound stupid." Xans grumbled, reaching down and taking off Lost's untied tennis shoes and socks.
"....You wouldn't wanna...." Xans frowned and looked up at Lost, hanging his hoodie from a hook on the back of his door.
"Now c'mon Lost, we've been through this. There ain't nothin' wrong with ya. Ya just need to go out and-"
"I-I don't want to go out and just 'get lucky' like you did!" Lost snapped, his red and blue eyes wide and shining. "And...and you dumped him anyways! I fucking supported you and you just...just....fuck you!"
"Hey, calm yer tits Lost. What the fu-"
"No, you shut up!" Lost gripped the bedsheets under him, his entire body trembling. "You've lied to me for the past three months! You didn't tell me you broke up, then I heard from Grillby that you were sleeping around town! Why?! Why the fuck would-"
"I needed the money, ok?" Xans sighed, running a hand through his white hair. "Look, ya need sleep, lemme just-"
"DON'T WALK AWAY FROM ME XANS!" Xans turned, eyes wide as Lost stood up, his hands balled into fists and his eyes filled with anger. "I'm tired of you dodging my questions! You wouldn't answer your cellphone, you stopped coming over, no one knew what was going on with you! Why-"
"I just wanted ta buy ya somethin' nice fer yer birthday!"
"MY BIRTHDAY WAS A MONTH AGO!!!!" Xans froze as Lost sighed, holding himself. "It...it was last month....and you promised you'd be here and you never showed.....s-so...."
Fuck...fuck was it? This is October so...fuck...oh my fucking god.... "Lost, look, I'm sorry I-"
"No. Just...just stop it. Stop stringing me along." Xans walked over to Lost and grabbed his shoulders. "Quit leading me on with kindness....if you don't want to be here with me anymore than just fucking grow a pair and say so."
"Now hold the fuck on. Who the hell said anything about leaving ya here alone? Yer drunk as shit and someone nearly....well, I ain't leavin' ya here alone." Lost's shoulders began to shake and Xans pulled him close. "It's alright....I'm right 'ere ok?"
"It...it just isn't....isn't fair....." Lost sobbed against him, gripping the front of his shirt tight. "And...and I could never tell you....I just wanted a chance to....to tell you...." Xans tilted his head as he felt his shirt slowly stain with tears.
No, don't pry. He's drunk. He's so fucking wasted right now.... He thought. A good friend wouldn't pry. But... He rubbed soothing circles along Lost's back and he let out a tired sigh. I'm already a shitty friend. "Whaddya mean Lost?"
"I...I never got to tell you how I felt. Knowing you wanted someone else and I just...just couldn't. Then wh-when you started avoiding me I thought it was because I fucked up...or you...you didn't want to hang out anymore or...." Lost continued on, his voice slurred slightly from his sobs. "But I love you and-" He stopped and backed up, covering his mouth. "S-Shit I... I didn't- I'm just drunk and I...I need to-" Xans pressed a finger against his lips, looking into wide, frantic eyes.
He....he loves me... He frowned sadly as he took in Lost's disheveled appearance. His clothes were wrinkled, his skin seemed duller than the last time he had seen him. There were dark bags under his eyes, and his usually shiny hair was dull and flat. He loves me...the shitty asshole of a friend that forgot his damned birthday....who left him alone.... "Why? How long?"
"I....I don't know." Lost whispered quietly, his voice tiny and sad. "But.....since high school. I just...realized it one day, that's all. But you never seemed interested so I just never bothered to confess in the open. So I asked Muffet for help and she helped me leave those dounuts...."
"Wait, those were you?" He frowned. "Those were my favorite flavor... Berry Contrary."
"It still sounds stupid." Lost mumbled. "I guess it was all wasted then, wasn't it? So...now you know." He let out a shaky sigh and turned around. "....Just leave. Please...leave me alone." Xans frowned and looked at Lost.
He seems so small....scared..... He let out a long sigh as his Soul seemed to pound hard in his ribs. I...I can't leave him like this. And...when I saw him in the alley... His stomach churned and seemed to boil again at the thought of those men touching Lost in the way they had. Fuck it... "I ain't leavin." He walked over and turned Lost around. He gripped his chin, making their eyes lock. "And how on earth could I be so blindly stupid as to have never noticed yer feelings? I'm a shitty ass friend...and I don't deserve ya." He moved in closer, enjoying the blush on Lost's face. Fuck...how on earth did I ignore this? "But....ya know? I don't care. I'm also selfish...and I'mma about to either royally fuck up....or fix a mistake." He then leaned in close and placed a gentle kiss against Lost's pale, chapped lips.
This...this isn't happening.... Lost thought as Xans's warm, moist lips moved against his own. He responded almost instantly, tilting his head to let Xans's tongue in as he deepened the kiss. I'm hallucinating....I'm still in that filthy alley...I have to be.... When they finally moved apart, Lost had his eyes closed. "I'm asleep...right?"
"I know I'm dreamy and all that shit, but yer not sleepin' Lost." Xans chuckled. Lost opened his eyes and Xans smiled. "Now...c'mon. Smile fer me eh? Ya know, I never realized how nice your smile truly is..." Lost laughed quietly, resting his forehead against his chest. "There...ya see? All be-" He was caught off guard as Lost gave him a needy, sloppy kiss. Lost wrapped his arms around Xans's waist and they slowly moved, flopping backwards onto Lost's bed. "Lost, are ya-"
"Please Xans." Lost whispered against his lips. "I...I want you. I've wanted you for so long....please while I'm still drunk."
"Ya know, that's possibly the worst idea ya've ever had." Xans smirked. "I like it..." He moved off of Lost, taking off his hoodie, but stopping when Lost grabbed his hand. "Hmm?"
"C-Can I...undress you?" Lost blushed darkly, the alcohol still stirring in his blood. Xans nodded and he very slowly took off Xans's shirt. His hands trailed along Xans's torso, gentle slim fingers almost feathery against his white skin.
"Go ahead Lost....touch all ya want."
"I just...I'm just afraid that I'll really wake up..."
"Again, this ain't a dream." Xans took his hands and kissed the knuckles gently. "Tonight...I'm yers." Lost nodded and felt Xans's hands slide under his shirt. 
"Now....yer turn." He carefully pulled Lost's white shirt over his head, sighing as he looked at his chest. He could see his ribs slightly and he couldn't help the concerned glance he gave. "Lost....have ya been eating properly?"
"Please, can't this wait until morning?" Lost all but begged, wrapping his arms around Xans's neck. "Tonight, I just want you....let me have this." Xans nodded and he felt Lost's lips against his neck, kissing slowly. Xans sighed at the gentle touches, moving and placing a hand in his locks and tugging softly. "Ngh~..."
"If yer as hard as I think ya are, why are we still wearin' pants?" Lost chuckled a little, his fingers reaching down to play with the elastic waistband of Xans's shorts. He slowly slid them down along with his boxers and gasped when he was greeted with Xans's semi-hard erection. "Now c'mon Lost....yer jus' goin' slow on purpose...." Lost blinked and knelt down. "Lost, wh-oh fuck~..." He felt lips around his member, his tongue slowly wrapping around his member. “Shiiiit....."
"Mmmnph...." Lost hummed a little as he slid his tongue around Xans, sucking and nipping gently. One of his hands reached up and began to fondle Xans's sac, pale hands tugging harshly at his hair. "Nnh!" Xans tried not to buck in 
Lost's mouth but as Lost gave a harsh suck he thrusted his hips in response and forced Lost to swallow even more of his thick length. Lost coughed slightly before hollowing his cheeks and sucking hard. Xans moaned and felt Lost's hand give a squeeze on his sac and he sucked at the same time and he came hard in Lost's mouth. "Mmmhmm....." Lost swallowed his cum, slowly standing up to look into Xans's eyes.
"Fuck...yer like a little succubus when yer horny." Xans chuckled. "I quite like this side of ya." Lost simply smiled and he leaned in closer, licking a trail of cum that had dribbled down his chin.
"Ah...Xans please...."
"Please what?"
"I-I want you to fuck me..." He whispered as Xans bit his neck. "Gh!" He licked and sucked on his neck, leaving a dark, growing bruise. "Please~...."
"Heh, yer wish is my command, birthday boy." He chuckled as he slowly slid Lost's pants and boxers off, leaving them both bare in the moonlight bedroom. He watched as Lost fumbled on his bedside table, grabbing a tube. "Oh you dirty little minx...so that's why mah pics were all over yer bed~..." He blushed and Xans chuckled. "It's alright....we both get the real thing now, eh?" Lost shoved the tube against his chest and he smirked. He squeezed the lube out and onto his member, rubbing until it was smooth and slick. "Alright, ya ready?"
"I-I've been ready since high school..." Lost admitted, blushing harder. Xans chuckled and carefully entered Lost, feeling his legs twitch slightly. "Nnnh! F-fuck..."
"Yer s-so tight Lost...relax a bit...." Xans whispered, leaning down to place a gentle kiss to his forehead. "I won't hurt ya." He slid out and then back in, going past the first ring of muscle and easily into the next. "Shit...so tight and wet....yer such a fucking perfect fit fer me...."
"X-Xans...faster...I want more..." Lost whimpered, bucking his hips to get Xans in deeper. His legs came up and wrapped themselves around Xans's waist, trying to force him in further. "Hngh~!!!" As Xans thrusted further in, Lost gasped as he hit his prostate deep inside him. "X-Xans! Fuck, Xans!"
"Heh, maybe another day." Xans chuckled. "G-God yer so fucking good and tight....shit...." He felt Lost clamp around his member and he groaned as Lost came all over him, his hot cum mixing with the sweat on his body. "S-Shit...." He came hard in Lost, feeling Lost jerk slightly at the sensation. "Heh....not used ta it, eh Lost?"
"Uhh, Lost?" He withdrew himself from the young man under him to look at his face. "Pfft.....damn." Lost had passed out, mouth wide open as he drooled onto his pillow. He let out soft, gentle snores as he laid there, cum leaking out of him. 
"Man, aren't ya a sight." He left the room to get a wet washcloth. Wiping himself down, he went back to the bathroom and slowly cleaned Lost up.
"Mngph....don't want fries.....want burger....." Lost muttered in his sleep. "Goes good with....with mustard.....mmmm...." Xans pulled his cellphone out and quietly recorded Lost's sleepy mumbles.
"Heh, this is just golden." Xans snickered. He put his phone away and carefully tucked Lost in. He turned to leave when a hand grabbed his wrist.
"....Stay. Please stay." He sighed softly, turning to look at Lost's face and pleading eyes.
"....Alright." Xans walked to the other side of the bed, curling up under the covers. He felt Lost curl close to his chest, mumbling incoherently as he fell back to sleep. "We seriously need ta talk in the mornin' Lost."
"But I swear ta god...you'd better not throw up on me when ya get up."
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