#ive got 8 drafts in queue!!!!!!!!!!!!
bledf1rst · 1 year
i would like to point out that the rockstar, in fact, did nothing and i still proceeded to take a 2 hour nap in the middle of the afternoon
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byllsbytch · 5 months
Time for night night
Its nearly 1 in the morning rn which is pretty late for me, like ive been on Tumblr for like 5hr (which is nothing but still) oh my days... where does the time go? But it kinda shows ngl got 8 drafts done within that 5hrs and they just sitting there waiting to be refined. But I'll try and fix em up then queue them cuz im working 9-5 for the next 4 days RIP so they'll upload routinely without me having to do it :)
School holidays is both a blessing (cause I don't have to go to school and devote myself to tumblr duh) and a curse (work decides to pull this shit on me *cri*... at least good schmoney)
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thedevilliers · 3 years
Hey, I've been reading your story for a while, and I'm enjoying it very much. Following the De Villiers has been so fun, and you've inspired me to create my own royal Simblr!
Can you maybe share some tips about what to do with your royals? I'll be posting my family within the next few weeks, and I have already planned out several engagements + events, including visits to parks/schools/hospitals, parties, and news surrounding a royal pregnancy. I've also planned out the first arc. I don't know what else to do, and I've barely started! If you have any tips related to the beginning of your Simblr that you didn't cover in your other post, I would so appreciate them. I want to get all this nailed down *before* posting, so my blog is the best that it can be.
Also, if you have any advice on how to make things as efficient as possible (especially regarding posing sims, editing/writing posts, etc.), I would love that! I want to cut down on time wasted wherever I can.
Thank you!! :-)
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AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 me?!!?!?! ME ??????? omg 🧍‍♀️ thank u for reading my story 🥺 and AAAAAAAAAAAA your own royal simblr !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ill answer everythin under the cut !!!!! spoilers: it got long sorry
first of all, remember we ALL started somewhere. you can look at my first like... fifteen and even MORE posts and they are BAD. oh my gawd idk why i thought they were good, but hey! i learned things from them. you will more than likely change your mind about certain things from the beginning of your blog to who knows, four months from now. don’t focus and worry a lot on ‘perfection’ and setting up ‘high standards’ from the beginning. treat it like a learning curve! this is something we all do for fun, so don’t get stressed a lot on it. you can always change and adapt things and that’s no problem!
i love lists, so im gonna list a few things of advice/tips basing myself on what you said!!!
i personally don't do engagements anymore, so i can't really help you in this regard of even more activities you could do 🧍‍♀️ what i could recommend for people to get to know your characters' personalities and private lives and grow attached to them, add in BTS posts.
continuing on my BTS’ post thing, they are a GREAT way to show more than what the public sees for your royals. because from a press and public point of view, you don't really know 'what goes on behind closed doors'. they could be all happy in public, but in privatE??!??!!?!?
as i said in my starting out guide, i did have around ~15 drafts done before i started posting. just so i could not stress about “oh my god i dont have any posts for tomorrow”. a LOT of ppl do posts and queue them as they go, and they have MANY posts done and usually they start accumulating and they are MONTHS in advance compared to what they’re currently posting. if this method works for you, you can definitely use it!
please, please please read your dialogue OUT loud. is it possible to say a 2093023902 word sentence without a singular use of punctuation? do people in this age and era really talk this way? also please if possible use correct grammar. just a little pet peeve, it can take a reader out of the immersion your story gives them.
we all have our lil dialogue habits. mine is starting sentences with “oh” and the infamous dash “—”. others use ellipses. just make sure you aren’t overdoing it. for example, doing a sentence like “oh— there you are. i was uhm— looking for you. how—how are you? its—i mean where have you uhm— been? yes—ive—ive been fine. you? i mean— your mom” ....just no 😔 it doesnt read well at ALL
you can always do lil filler posts, dont tell anyone tell you otherwise. post a little simstagram post, a little family portrait, updated portraits post, family hanging out, kids hanging out, etc.
for posing sims, i do try and remember where MOST of my poses are in the ingame list. usually creators’ correctly naming the poses helps a lot. for example i need a Mel Bennet pose; hers are usually ALL in the same spot and have the same lil aqua bg so i can easily find them. sometimes, i dl pose packs VERY specifically for a certain scene. am i gonna use them again? no. so i open the .package file in sims4studio and rename them to “00 for emi scene [rest of the og name” so when i open my game, they are around the top of the list! no more scrolling and i easily know what i need it for.
dont be scared to plan things that are happening MONTHS from now or anything in detail. some ppl dont like planning things in detail, or even dont like planning things AT ALL or things that arent happening say, in over 2 weeks because idk, they get bored. i recommend at LEAST having a list of things that HAVE to happen so you have ‘goals’ and you slowly plan out how you’re gonna get there. at LEAST theres some level of planning there. if you’re posting and PLANNING as you go, there’s gonna be holes. and it’s gonna be obvious.
editing wise, i don’t do much. my reshade does most of the work, i just add in my psd, add text and done! this is easily the fastest thing you will ever do.
if you get inspired by someone else doing, idk, a certain layout for the portraits, them adding little things to their captions, a certain edit, etc. if you want to do something similar and you ARE very much aware you were inspired by them, credit them in the caption. i beg. its free, its the nice thing to do, bc if not its rude.
if you get inspired by a certain storyline someone else did and you notice yours is gonna be similar, go ahead and send them a message to let them know and if they have any tips or feel uncomfortable with you doing this. simply put, if you don’t, you’re gonna look bad. we are all bound to do same storylines, such as assassinations, shooty shooty’s, stalkers, first loves, accidental babies, etc. but what changes is how each person approaches it. no ones gonna do it the same way as you and others. if you CONSCIOUSLY start copying else, stop it. and you could even be unconsciously be inspired by someone else too. it happens! just make sure you are able to look at the bigger picture and realize “hey, i’m doing something wrong”
same thing with dialogue. you like a line someone else said in their story? don’t just... steal it and incorporate it into yours word BY WORD
OVERALL: you can be inspired. give credit where it’s due. and don’t copy because someone else is doing ‘something others like’ and you want others to like your story. no no no !
im adding this AFTER i posted it but, be yourself. in the way you interact with others and send questions, etc. don’t try and copy someone else’s personality because they are liked and essentially absorb them. be yourself and i’m sure a lot of ppl will like you the way you are : D
for my writing dialogue etc, this goes back to my point 8. i use milanote, its free and you get 200 free thingies to use, and i plan out how every single one of my posts is gonna go. so i just have to go ingame and i already know what im gonna do. no thoughts, just taking screenshots. for example, this is how a part of my part 2, chapter 3 posts layout looks like. every square is a post that has what is happening, who is in it, what is gonna be said very vaguely, etc:
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11. and the most important tip! don’t compare yourself to others. i did it at the beginning. i think we all did at one point. its not good for you at all. please always remember we all are here for share our lil stories with each other and it’s not easy get a following. you’ll get there and its gonna take time. be patient, be nice!!! and i cant wait to see your story!!!!!!!!!!
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an0nymousghost · 3 years
my answers to simblr asks v1 because i don’t think i did a mass post like this. 
1. how big is your mods folder? 15 gb, i don’t have my giant hair folder in rn
2. how would you describe your style? maxis-match, reshade/cartoony/dof aesthetic
3. what is your favorite challenge? 100bc obviously. and those completionist ones that take 400 years to finish
4. do you make cc? if so, what kind? age conversions of hair and recolors. and once in a blue moon i convert earrings or something
5. what type of cc do you hoard? hair, always and forever. my hair folder is sooo organized but i dont keep it in my game because it is very hard to find anything; there’s literally over 1000 items in the catalogue. also this is just female hair, for kids/toddler i use my own stuff and there’s really not enough male hair for me to mass hoard
6. what default eyes and skin do you use? intoxicated v2 - i’ll use this for the rest of my life emerald eyes by forgottengrotto
7. how many urls have you had, and what are the meanings behind them?
i have had 4:
celeschul - a play on “celestial” because that’s how you pronounce it an0nymousghost - the 8th level of the criminal: oracle career stardze - relating to astrology (star daze) teauke - sounds cool i guess; also i really wanted a short name
i don’t think i’ll change my url anytime in the future because it would be very annoying with all the broken links. i personally hate it when blogs have broken links so i don’t want to add to the problem. also, an0nymousghost is such a nice simblr url, it’s actually got a connection to the actual game. it is already confusing enough with the an0nymousghost/celeschul thing, but that’s mainly just because an0nymousghost is a long url and doesn’t really fit on package titles or thumbnails
8. who is your favorite gameplay blog? i have a personal blog and on there i only follow my faves: @leafykii, solarlemonade, ratboysims, @simprising​, myshunos, @aridridge, @whimsyblue. 
9. who is your favorite storytelling blog? idk i dont follow stories
10. who is your favorite cc creator? im not super involved in cc rn but aharris00britney and clumsyalienn who does those beautiful hair strands. oh yes and myself of course 
11. how do you edit your photos? reshade + action + psd. it’s complicated but the reshade takes 0 effort and ive struggled with editing forEVER im happy with this one
12. what is the last screenshot you took? idk im on my macbook 
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this is the last screenshot on my mac LUL. rip to this hair which has been a wip for 10 million years. 
13. what do you do when you are unmotivated? nothing; right now is a good example. i have a queue so you probably can’t tell, but i’m super unmotivated to do anything. like i could make cc or play ts4 but i really just don’t want to (that’s why im writing this). idk why, but either it’ll pass or my blog will be dead forever. xo
14. who is your current favorite sim? i said the fae sisters for my other post but i really like noelle’s husband claye! i think my female sims are always wayyy more attractive than my male sims, but claye might pull in front of noelle tbh. he looks much better with the emerald eyes (the cartoony ones) 
also i consider all my sims to be good people, and claye’s kindness comes from him always taking care of leila and israel because noelle is off at work and such. oh and noelle’s way more...experienced than him when it comes to relationships
15. who is your current favorite sim that is not by you? no one really comes to mind, i haven’t been focused on like one specific sim lately
16. recreate someone else’s sim in your style. nah
17. do you talk about sims with people in real life? yeah. i don’t want to keep secrets from my friends (i used to have a secret ig account and it was a cause of major stress) so i just mention it in passing. honestly if they’re not cool with me having a sims blog, we can’t be friends. none of my irl friends play sims tho :( 
18. how many of the packs do you own? 23/38 or something along those lines
19. how many posts do you have on your blog currently? 1665. i have more followers than posts, something that i never achieved ever on my old blog because i had like 4 gazillion posts
20. how many drafts do you have on your blog currently? 7, they’re all just shitposts or asks 
21. how many posts are in your queue currently? 17
22. have you ever moved blogs? 2 times. celeschul -> stardze -> an0nymousghost. also i moved my multifandom sideblog once but that url has changed soo many times
23. are you in any sims related discord servers? yeah. though, i cant stand discord for a totally-unrelated-to-sims reason
24. what are your thoughts on the most recent pack? (paranormal) this is an outdated question but i still do not care about this pack. lol
25. how many hours have you played sims? 1039 hours
26. if you play gameplay, do you play with mods? yes, a lot
27. what’s the farthest you’ve gotten in a challenge? 100bc, i got to like 56/100 kids in my first attempt. this is TECHNICALLY farther than random nightmares, which i feel like i completed more of but i only did 50% of that challenge. i wrote on my blog that i completed random nightmares but in my heart, it’s not complete until 10 generations. so i just said that to make myself feel better. i’ll do a season 2 sometime...sometime
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stillnotajedimaster · 3 years
I’m bored and curious sooo 1-41! 😏 Goooo!
oof alright lets do this lmao
1)Do you have siblings? How many? 1 older brother
2)What was you favourite toy as a child? hmmm probably my action figures lol
3)Last thing that made you laugh? a podcast i was watching made me laugh
4)last thing that made you cry? idk off the top of my head but probably just my dog being sick making me sad
5) What traits do you like about yourself? hmm idk maybe im polite i guess
6) What’s your last text that you sent (do not give any context) "LMAO no way its white as white can be!"
7) Dream place to live? somewhere away form people
8) Favourite quote from a tv show? That guy fed me Spongebob Squarepants and now I'm gonna die like in 'Alien'! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=us4n7EJzuWI
9)Favourite quote from a movie? ummmmmmmmm yeah idk
10) Last person you called? my mom
11) First app you check when you wake up? depends but i guess snapchat
12)s there anything in your drafts/queue lmaoooo lotta stuff not for public consumption
13) Favourite school subject history n gym
14)What high school stereotype were/are you? idk its been forever
15) Do you think your teachers liked you in school? eh some did but i was loud and annoying (imagine that...)
16) Favourite article of clothing? hmmm probably my hockey jerseys
17) Fashion fears? ripping my pants in public
18) What is one skill you want to learn? blacksmithing would be sick as fuck
19) Have you learnt anything in self isolation? i fuckin wish
20) Have you fulfilled any goals you had for 2020? damn i guess i havent
21)Any goals for 2021? ive got a few
22)How much do you think you fit into the description of your star sign? ummmm sure
23) What would you say your aesthetic is? im not sure lol
24)You can change one physical trait about yourself what would it be? hmm maybe be a little bit taller
2Last person you had a dream about?5) You can change one of your personality traits, what would it be? i wish i was less fuckin awkward (idk if that fits or not lol)
26) Finish the sentence : “My favourite thing about tumblr is...” ummmmmmmm
27) What is the last assumption you made?
28) The last mistake you made? i fuck up a lot so idk
29) Would you rather live in the Sahara or Antarctic? hmmm antarctic
30) Favourite animal? penguin
31) What is ‘your’ emoji? umm i guess the laughing face (im on my computer so no emojis)
32) Last thing you bought that was so bad that it was good? idk about that but the last thing i bought was a sweatshirt n some pants today lol
33) Something you bought but were never able to wear because of covid? nothing
34) What is the best piece of advice you received? think positive be positive
35) Is love something that scares you? no i dont think so
36) Do you believe in love at first sight? no
37) What would a romantic partner say is your best quality? no idea
38) What does the person that is physically the closest to you right at this moment mean to you? a lot
39) Favourite place to be kissed? umm i just wanna be kissed its been forever
40) Last person you had a dream about? i dont remember
41) Kinda stupid but... cupcakes or donuts? both but donuts
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aximili · 3 years
drafted this from @dominocity ages ago and forgot abt it until i was procrastinating just now :0
check in tag game ✅
1. why did you choose your url?
went by axx for a very long time (incredibly this actually had nothing to do with aximili-esgarrouth-isthill even tho i did grow up loving animorphs. i had an OC who used the online handle axolotl.... something... i cant remember.... and i thought it sounded cool so i started using it. wow i had actually forgotten this info until just now! lore!) anyway someone on tumlr reminded me how much i loved animorphs and i wanted a new url at the time. someone just had it saved and wasnt using it so i was like fuck it, why not ask. politely messaged the blog and they were like oh ya i forgot abt this and freed it up
2. any side blogs? if you have them name and them and why you have them.
i have like 6 but i no longer use any of them & havent for years lmaoooo
3. how long have you been on tumblr?
i think its a decade this year. and ive never changed blogs once. im like a fungal infection here they cant get rid of me
4. do you have a queue tag?
i have never queued and i never will. you get my posts when you get em.
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?
a lot of my friends on deviantart (yes dear god) were becoming more active here and i started checking some humour blogs daily until i was eventually like why not just make an account
6. why did you choose your icon/pfp?
Him. (from the cover of #8 the alien, the first ax pov book, which i found in a 2nd hand bookshop as a kid and was soooo excited bc i could normally only read animorphs at the library, they were never in shops. still a treasured possession.)
7. why did you choose your header?
it just really describes my emotional state at any given time
8. what’s your post with the most notes?
unfortunately i believe it's this, which is not even my original content nor even the OP's original content, as it turned out. but "online job application form" dnd joke is probably second
9. how many mutuals do you have?
who the got damn hell is keeping track of this?
10. how many followers do you have?
1439. its been around this number for like 2 years i really just stagnated at a certain point but idm
11. how many people do you follow?
968. to paraphrase lydia, i suppose i should follow 1 more. (im sure that at least half of those are inactive. i have been here for a decade.)
12. have you ever made a shitpost?
by no means. none of my posts are shit
13. how often do you use tumblr each day?
uhhhhhhhh i probably open it and glance at activity/briefly glance at my dash llike 5 times a day? a lot less now that i use locked twitter for socialisation
14. did you have a fight/argument with a blog once? who won?
god no i am incredibly nonconfrontational. a couple times in my younger and more vulnerable years id post some stupid uninformed take and someone would rightfully disagree, and occasionally vice versa, but i honestly can't recall a "fight"
15. how do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this’ posts?
it's good to only follow adults the dashboard becomes a peaceful place
16. do you like tag games?
yes i like talking about myself 😊 but i never tag anyone bc im lazy oops.
17. do you like ask games?
i rarely do them bc i would usually not get any lmao, but they can be fun
18. which of your tumblr mutuals do you think is famous?
alma my friend alma seems to get a lot of nonsense in their inbox even tho they only post abt yugioh. eliza was definitely my most famous mutual but she freed herself from this place to become a real author, godspeed. and logan really blew up with "your dad looks gnc af" most recently
i think i have some more well known mutuals (again. been here 10 years.) but i cant think of them rn lmao sorry if ur a famo and i excluded u.
generally people think i have a lot more followers than i actually have? it's hard to gauge whether that's a compliment or not, but i take it as one.
19. do you have a crush on a mutual?
i have crushes on like everyone i meet it's called being bisexual </3
20. tags?
i tag...... YOU yes you. if u want!
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mustardcustardworks · 3 years
Tag game holy crap the last time i did one of these it saved as a draft and i didn't realize until a month later OOPSIES. thank you to @hello-yue-here for tagging me.
1.) why did you choose your url?
Its actually just so that people from archive can not be confused when they come to find me, and that was inspired by the following
i was just thinking of some one day and i wanted it to be atla related... so i thought of Aang's egg custard... so we got this disgusting monstrosity that is nowhere close to avatar.
2) any sideblogs?
nope! im a multi fandom gal, but i keep everything on here.
3) how long have you been on tumblr?
i remember it was chapter three of "oh my bubbles" that i got here bc i was proud and wanted to share it (it sucks) so i think February... i can't go look because my dumbass orphaned the work and then had to copy and paste that shit back in.
4) do you have a queue tag?
nah. its all spontaneity.
5) why did you start your blog in the first place?
i wanted to reach a wider audience for my fics, because archive tags are shit at sharing things and then i was knocked by the amount of people in the zukka community on here like holy shit
6) why did you choose your icon/pfp?
its catra. its fucking catra being excited to blow something up. how can i not put her in?
7) why did you choose your header?
its leaves from the vine I think (i should prob change it) and i was just being a basic bitch but i honestly have no clue what else to change it to its bad
8) whats your post with the most notes?
the "when we get married ill be firelord" zukka one. which i typed out at like 3 AM how does it have 2k notes
9) how many mutuals do you have?
like.. two ;-;
like people if you chat with me I WILL FOLLOW YOU. COME TALK TO ME.
10) how many followers do you have?
11)how many people do you follow?
14... I know I said theres so many in this community i just get so overwhelmed with posts on my dash. Like i said if you chat with me ill follow you, but im embarrassed to say i mainly follow the "famous" people of the Zukka community... if any smaller creators were to reach out to me, even just to say "hey i think you'd enjoy my fic and id appreciate if you'd check it out" I WILL FOLLOW THEM
12)have you ever made a shitpost
half my posts are shitposts that i delete in a minute
13) how often do you use tumblr in a day?
i have strict parents who control my phone (yes im in hs and they do this) so i work out of an incog window on my laptop. Whenever I have free time and have the patience to log in, i come on here. That can either be all day, or in between weeks at a time. Its not the best, but im working with what ive got
14) did you ever have a fight/argument with another blog?
never. I am very focused on a positive and healthy environment with everyone. If i were to instigate a fight it would be for comedic purposes, and i would put /j at the end to make sure the creator knows i mean no harm or malice
15) how do you feel about ‘you need to reblog’ posts?
to support a cause, love them. for example it was "reblog this post to make non-binary people aware that they are safe on your blog" and i did it, because thats positive and empowering. but others like "mary anne will die tonight if you dont rb" i hate with a burning passion
16) how do you feel about tag games?
love them! even if we dont chat, feel free to tag me!
17)how do you feel about ask games?
ive done like one and no one gave me an ask. please guys. they give me sm serotonin. my only ask was abt what picrew i used for the atla characters. thats it...
18) which of your tumblr mutuals do you think are famous?
im sorry but she has like double my following and so many good fic ideas and fics if you arent following her go do that rn.
19) do you have a crush on a mutual?
platonically? absolutely.
Im tagging @betrothedzukka bc she's my only other moot, and if she doesn't ant to do it, thats perfectly fin
so many of my ys arnt oring rn snd hp
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dullanyan · 3 years
tagged by @motherfucker-unlimited​ !!! thank u <33
1. Why did you choose your url?
like u know. nya
(its after an old oc of mine!! a dullahan cat)
2. Any side blogs?
a few!! ive got @fairyoctopus​ which is a flight rising (dragon neopets) blog and @polteageistplush​ which was originally a splatoon blog but ive since changed it to an in-general vidya blog! ive also got @ghost-ttype​ which is just an aesthetic side blog. basically for me to scroll thru and not be anxious
3. How long have you been on tumblr?
Oof i think. since 2012-2013? i made my blog and then didnt know how to use tumblr and didnt start being active til late 2013
4. Do you have a queue tag?
i used to but now all i do is come on here, maybe reblog one or 2 things and then leave so theres not really a point! but i do have like 35 drafts which im too lazy to go thru and actually post them
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place?
to see what the hype for tumblr was. and then i got into some... anime that i no longer like. the remnants still exist on my blog sadly but im too lazy to delete it
6. Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
cuz that me -_-
its my vtuber sona!! you know, for my vtuber model and hobby ive yet to actually start. the icon is fitting tho <:3
7. Why did you choose your header?
i couldnt think of anything else and this gengar face was funny :3
8. What’s your post with the most notes?
apollo animal crossing birthday and  sans
9. How many mutuals do you have?
oh man... so many?? i cant rly count. and i imagine like only half of them are still active on this site now
10. How many followers do you have?
793 but most of them, once again, are inactive!
11. How many people do you follow?
303, i try to clean out my following count sometimes for inactive blogs, but other times i keep following them just for nostalgia!
12. Have you ever made a shit post?
I Mean. I Guess
13. How often do you use tumblr a day?
too much </3
14. Did you ever have a fight/argument with another blog?
i mostly block people but uh.
to keep things brief, one time someone was... Weirdly Angry about art that i made of dragons on flight rising (the ice element dragon makes hot food, and the fire element makes cold food. you know, a cute little gimmick for ocs)
and when i talked to them about it, thwy came to an understanding that it was a very uncalled-for comment. thus making me have the most BIZARRE interaction ive ever had to date
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genuinely this haunts me every day. theres MUCH more to the conversation but they legitimately sounded like an anime antagonist
15. How do you feel about the ‘you need to reblog’ posts?
i simply do not reblog them <3
16. Do you like tag games?
theyre rly fun!!!! i enjoy them
17. Do you like ask games?
those are also very fun!! i dont rb them much anymore but still :3
18. Which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
enecoo and lmaonade definitely. also motherfucker-unlimited i consider you tumblr famous! i see quite a few of your posts float around from time to time. and cornsnoot has a rly popular snake blog !!
19. Do you have a crush on a mutual?
a really long time ago i did. fun fact there was a period of time i had a VERY slight crush on like 3 different mutuals, all at different times ofc (none of them even use this site anymore) and like within 2 weeks of me being like ‘woah theyre cute’ they got into a relationship. 3 separate times
its just my power i guess nhjfkdnhjdfk
and now im gonna tag some ppl!! u dont have to if u dont want to!!
and @ other mutuals i didnt tag bc i wasnt sure if u would enjoy this or not, feel free to do it and say i tagged you!!
@minatheangel​ @illumeow​ @sheepytina​ @cornysnoot​ @mangotigerr​
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