#i fucking spelt new jersey wrong
ed89 · 2 years
i need more bands that i love so much that i can obsessively search for every single damn song they have ever made and actually enjoy every song theyve ever made too. because so far its only been mcr and queen
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istanhenrywinter · 6 years
The validity of US states
guest starring my 1 am opinions
Alabama- not valid. Guns aren’t chill.
Alaska- VALID. but it should be Canada.
Arizona- just passing valid but only because of iced tea
Arkansas- not valid. See “I am confusion”
California- valid. Disney, surfing, movies, gay rights?? FUCK YEAH
Colorado- not valid. I’ve never heard about it other than ‘I’m a giraffe!’
Delaware- what
Florida- valid only for that period in Brooklyn 99.
Georgia- not valid because they spelt feminist icon Atalanta’s name wrong
Hawaii-valid, but not as a us state.
Idaho- good for self esteem, and potatoes are important but not valid bc i dont like it
Illinois-Chicago’s cool so valid.
Indiana- valid. literally only because of the lesbians in trials of apollo and mr. jones
Iowa-not valid. I don’t care about how waluigi is doing at the bank
Kansas-not valid. If you have a place called ___ city, THATS YOUR FUCKING CAPITAL
Kentucky-I met a nice lady from Kentucky once. Valid
Maine-I thought it was a city in Florida until I watched once upon a time. Not valid.
Maryland- not valid. Baltimore has more mass shootings monthly than Canada has per year
Masssacchhuussetsts- not valid because I can’t spell it. Move Boston to New York and call it a day.
Michigan- whomst
Minnesota- valid only because of the mini soda joke
Mississippi- not valid bc it’s not interesting
Missouri-peter quills from there but honestly not valid.
Montana- not valid because it sucks
Nebraska- are you rhyming your states or not. Not valid I don’t know where tf it is
Nevada-I went to Las Vegas once it sucked. Not valid.
New Hampshire-if you’re independent then why are all your places named after England you freedom fucks. Not valid.
New Jersey- valid because salt water taffy
New York-valid. But it needs to be renamed. I vote yew nork
North Carolina- what’s the difference between north and south Carolina? Not valid. Merge the two.
North Dakota- not valid
Ohio- not valid. What happens there? It is real? Experts say no
Oklahoma-valid but only if there is officially an exclamation mark
Oregon- valid I guess?
Pennsylvania- not valid. If Alexander Hamilton can’t spell it it’s spelt wrong.
Rhode Island- wtf is that. Not valid
South Carolina- see north.
South Dakota- not valid the name makes me extremely uncomfortable and I don’t know why
Tennessee- only ever said by creeps who think they’re smooth. Not valid
Texas- valid because it’s the size of fucking Australia and I’m scared they’ll hurt me otherwise
Utah-not valid the Mormon religion is weird
Vermont- I saw it in a Christmas movie and it’s essentially Quebec. Not valid.
Virginia- valid only because it’s named after queen Elizabeth I
Washington- valid because of my best friend
West Virginia- what the fuck
Wisconsin- not valid i dont like it
Wyoming- not valid bc its not real.
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