#i fw the idea of her getting wings like her dad
sethdomain · 7 months
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ayothepizzahere4 · 2 months
OH OKAY CAN YOU DO TF2 MERCENARIES IM A MHA WORLD. YOU CAN RANT WHATEVER YOU WANT LIKE WHAT KIND OF QUIRK WOULD WHICH TF2 MERCENARY HAVE. or like who would be civilian villian hero (let's be honest none of them would be heros lmao) etc etc go wild!!!!!
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Heavy is a civilian that would help people in need if there isn't a hero nearby
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NEDICCC!!!! Medic can definitely fly and has wings of a dove a HUNDRED PERCENT. He can also drink blood/eat flesh to strengthen himself kinda like Toga. Oh he can also talk to birds SPECIFICALLY :3
he's probably a villain in the hero's eyes but he's just a civilian tryna get a drink y'know (he killed many)
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DEMO :33333333 Demoman has an explosion quirk where if her hits someone hard enough an explosion can happen between the two (high-five = explosion) luckily he doesn't have the quirk where his sweat can explode things
He's a civilian lets be honest he does NOT have the energy to do allat
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(definitely not based off my kny post) SCOUT HAS SUPERSPEED AND IF JE RUNS FAST ENOUGH HE CAN TURN INTO A STRIKE OF LIGHTNING, TRAVELLING RLLY FAST :3 (also if he collided into someone in lightning form they are DEAD)
He's a hero for shits and giggles honestly (or just a civilian that likes to fw the hero's/villains work)
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Engineer can turn into a gun/sentry. not really but he can transform PARTS of his body into guns (I know what y'all are thinking 🙁) also he has telekinesis/clairvoyance/mind control but with machines (I FORGOT WHAT THEY'RE CALLED IM SORRY ☹️😞)
Engineer is a hero!!! :3 his hero name is definitely something corny like machine man or something 😭 (I love making engineer having humor like a dad) also he had been convinced multiple times to join the villains
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Honest to God I don't think he'd have a quirk ☹️ BUT if he did he'd definitely be able to make fireworks with whatever the hell typa things are in his body
Civilian, would be a villain with a quirk
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He'd definitely be able to look through walls and have heightened senses if he had a quirk but I don't think he would have one honestly but I DONT CARRERE HE HAS A QUIRRRKKK 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️✊✊✊
I don't think he'd be a villain but definitely not a PRO hero either so I think he just likes saving people like heavy when heroes aren't around
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Pyro DEFINITELY has a quirk that can deform their body and face. Also can produce fire from their mouth!!! So coool!!! :3333
Also they think they're a hero but they're actually a villain ☹️
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Invisibility. That's it. Also he can make other people have delusions :3
civilian he does NOT wanna do all that (he was forced to be a villain)
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tippenfunkaport · 3 years
Glimmer or Bow hcs you don't fw?
Oh, you really want to open up that can of worms, huh? OK, buckle in, its unpopular opinion time...
Disclaimer that these are just my opinions, feel free to do whatever you want, your headcanons are just as valid, etc etc.
I've written before about how I hate when people have Bow call her "Glim" as a nickname. If it was something he called her, it would have happened in canon so it always sounds OOC. Plus it always makes me think of "glib" which makes me think of Tom Cruise and Matt Lauer and I do not ever want either of them in my brain, thanks.
"Glimmer's sparkles are gone in the future because she's pregnant and so she's lost her magic." OK, no. The whole "a woman has to lose her powers to become a mother" trope can go die in a fire. She gets to keep her powers forever and be OP even if she has kids, don't you DARE add sexism to my queer princess power fantasy show!
While we're at it? You can go ahead and launch all your fertility / pregnancy trauma "because Glimmer's half angel" into the blaze too. There is something about the need to add these patriarchal trauma tropes onto one of the most powerful female characters in the story that DRASTICALLY rubs me the wrong way.
"Bow is everyone's therapist after the war because he's the only one that's well adjusted and not traumatized." NOTHING annoys me more than the popular trope in fanfics where Bow is just Mr. Nice Guy here to serve and support everyone else with no needs or wants of his own. Many Catradora writers do this with Glimmer as well but it's particularly bad with Bow. God forbid we allow him to be a rounded, realistic character and not just a cheerful prop! And the idea that he's well adjusted and has no trauma... this is the man who literally made up an entire fake life rather than face his dads, who buried everything down for the equivalent of almost two years of narrative time until he snapped, who witnessed his friends and the girl he was in love with almost die multiple times, who had to be brought back from the brink of death by magic and who fought in a freaking war for his entire life. On what possible planet would he emerge from that without any trauma of his own?
"Glimmer is immortal and has to watch everyone she loves die, including Bow." No. Absolutely not. Get out of here with that.
"Bow can't really be bi! He has to be pan because he's trans." That's... literally not how this works. That's not how any of this works. Trans people can be bi? Bi people are attracted to all genders which includes trans people? I cannot even begin to follow this logic. It just makes literally no sense and yet it just keeps coming up.
See Also: "Bow can't be bi because he's too nice so he must be pan!" Again, not how this works.
"Glimmer gets wings!" Listen. Can we be real here? Wings are in every single way a downgrade from teleporting. Not to mention she has literally no need for them. Add to this that they would get in the way of cuddling and undermine the physical contrast between her and her mother and I am just not a fan. You want wings? Give a pair to one of their kids, that ought to cause some chaos!
"Bow's siblings are all brothers!" This one just generally irritates me because it feels like your garden variety gender bias. The show only says he is the youngest of thirteen and mentions an older brother. The "Bow has all brothers" thing is purely fanon. It's far more realistic and interesting if he has a variety of brothers, sisters and non-binary siblings rather than defaulting them all to male.
I'm surprised that's all I had, watch me remember more later and add to this.
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verecunda · 4 years
🐬 Sutcliff Ask Meme 🐬
Because it’s my meme, and I’ll answer it if I want to. :P Under a cut for long-windedness.
Rules: answer the questions, tag anyone who you think might want to play along, and - if you like - add a question of your own.
1. Your favourite work by Sutcliff.
This is such a tough choice, but I think in the end I have to go with The Eagle of the Ninth. It’s been a part of my life for so long, and it’s one of those books I know I can always return to and get lost in.
2. Your favourite bearer of the dolphin ring.
ALL OF THEM. It’s a tie between Marcus and Alexios. They are my Boys. <3
3. A supporting or background character you love.
Again, a tough one, but I think I’ll go with one I’ve never seen anyone else talk about: Helen, the madam turned thrall turned rebel leader at Eburacum in Sword at Sunset. She’s the one who plans with Jason the smith to keep watch for Artos and his Companions pursuing the Saxons to the city walls, so they and their fellow thralls can fall on the defenders from the rear and keep the gates open to let the Companions in. When Jason tells Artos about it, I was like goodforher.jpg. :) I’d love to know more about what happened to her!
4. Your favourite animal companion.
Cub, surely. Though I also have a great soft spot for Shan the wildcat from Mark of the Horse Lord. :D
5. Is there any setting you find especially memorable?
So many! The farm on the Downs, of course, since we follow its whole life, from the first dream of it at the end of Eot9, to the cosy, welcoming sanctuary it is in The Silver Branch, then its death in The Lantern Bearers.
But I love ruins, like the spooky chapter in Trimontium in Eagle, and I’m still captivated by the last scene of Dawn Wind, with the Wild gently taking over the abandoned city of Viroconium.
6. Wild geese flighting and striped native rugs: is there a classic Sutcliff motif that never fails to warm your heart when it appears?
The green plover calling. I don’t know why, but it’s one of the details that always makes me go, “ah yes, here we are.”
7. The natural world is a vivid presence in all her work. Is there any particular nature description that sticks in your mind?
So many! Especially sunsets. I adore the way she describes sunsets. But I’ll put this one from The Silver Branch, since to me it encapsulates the general theme of Sutcliff’s work so well:
But the night itself was very still, behind the sounds of the camp. A wonderful night, up here above the mist; the bracken of the hillside frozen into silver stillness below the dark fleece of thorn-scrub that covered the higher slopes on either side, the moon still low in a glimmering sky that seemed brushed over with a kind of moth-wing dust of gold. Somewhere far down the widening valley a vixen called to her mate, and somehow the sound left the silence empty.
Justin thought, ‘If we are killed tomorrow, the vixen will still call across the valley to her mate. Maybe she has cubs somewhere among the root-tangle of the woods. Life goes on.’ And the thought was somehow comforting.
8. Biggest tearjerker. (Happy or sad tears!)
The end of The Lantern Bearers, for sure. The perfect ending to such a long, hard journey! I read it last December, and I’m still not over it.
9. How did you first discover Sutcliff?
Through loving Roman Britain. I grew up near the line of the Antonine Wall (on the north side - beyond the frontier!), so I’ve always been pretty fascinated by the idea of Romans being just down the road omg, and I remember my dad telling me the story of the lost legion once while we were out walking. It was only a matter of time before I found out about Sutcliff, really! Though, oddly, although I was aware of the book for a long time, I only ended up reading it in my teens, after I’d rekindled my love for Roman history.
10. What is it about her work that appeals to you the most?
So much! She’s absolutely one of my favourite writers. The atmospheric flair of her prose, her endearing characters; her deft skill at incorporating mythological symbolism into her stories in a way that’s rich but not at all intrusive; her consummate ability to wrench the heartstrings, always tempered by the humour and compassion and nuances she brings to her characters and narrative... 
Ultimately, however, she’s the writer who speaks to that part of me that goes about aware (consciously or unconsciously) of that lost ancient world just on my doorstep, and brings it to life for me.
11. A book that deserves more love.
The Silver Branch. Outside fandom, it seems to get passed over as being a bit more of a straightforward “boy’s own” type of adventure, while I suspect that from a fannish POV, it doesn’t have the shippy appeal that, say, Eot9 or Frontier Wolf have. 
But while I’d agree it’s not perhaps not as rich as other entries in the series, it’s much more than a simple adventure story. The characters are wonderfully drawn - it was more than ten years between my first and second readings, but I still had very vivid memories of how lovable Justin and Flavius were, and how awesome Aunt Honoria was! Even more than that, the world of TSB is very much a forerunner to the world of The Lantern Bearers. Overgrown altars stand alone in the wild, and monuments to Rome’s past glories are broken up to shore up defences against the incoming Saxons, while Carausius looks ahead to the time that the lights go out. It’s a very melancholy book beneath the battles and skulduggery. 
12. A book you haven’t read yet, but want to.
Sun Horse, Moon Horse. It’s never been one that was high on my Gotta Read list, but after Sword at Sunset - where the White Horse is the scene for Artos’ crowning - I’d like to read it to get a fuller sense of its history and significance in the Sutcliffverse.
13. Which book(s) would you love to get a film or TV adaptation?
Frontier Wolf!!! I also think Outcast in particular would make a great CBBC serial - you know, the ones that are officially for kids but the adults sit glued to as well.
14. Is there any historical period, incident, or figure you wish she’d written about?
Too many to list! But after reading Sword Song, with its gorgeous little description of the sea around Iona, and Dawn Wind, featuring the coming of St Augustine, I’m rather sad she never wrote anything featuring St Columba. His story has lots of elements that I think would appeal to her - conflict and alliances between Dalriada and the Picts, old religions and new (and the places where they’re not very different after all), the whole idea of creating something new and great out of the ashes of exile and disgrace. And I’d love to see her take on some of the set-pieces in Adomnán, like the conflict with Broichan, the Pictish druid. I think she would have had a really interesting take on my favourite bellicose Irish saint!
15. Rec a Sutcliff-themed fanwork (fic, art, vid, etc.) to share with fellow fans.
There is so much that’s brilliant in Sutcliff fandom omg. But for the purposes of this meme, I’m going to rec one of my gifts from last year’s Yuletide, The Sun Rises, as being perfect for the time of year. FW, Alexios/Hilarion. It’s a lovely introspective piece, with a very nice sense of setting, Mithraic references and light symbolism, and the bond drawn between Alexios and Hilarion is understated and perfect. The intimacy of the moment where their wolfskins brush together makes me go !!!! every time. <3
And lastly, just out of interest… how far is it from Venta to the mountains?
All of two hundred miles, but you didn’t hear that from me......
And I’ve previously tagged some folks, but again, if you’re reading this, consider yourself tagged!
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