#i gave johnny a beauty mark to match operetta
freaky-flawless · 2 years
Hear me out Sarah Screams,Johnny spirt, and Operetta listening to music on a record player
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This was more meant to be a character design challenge, but now that I have their designs down, maybe I'll revisit your idea! As for now though, here's Scarah And Johnny!
I'm gonna put this under a read more because in turned into a lot.
For Scarah I tried to lean a lot more into the 60's mod fashion for her, and tried to limit the olive green in her clothes (I always though it was kind of an odd choice)
I don't really ship her with Invisibilly. They always seemed to be together out of convenience rather than actual attraction. Scarah isn't really into the dating scene, but she does have a not-so-slight crush on her beastie Iris, and can't stand seeing her with that meathead Manny Taur.
She's very studious, and tutors the underclassmen at Monster High. As such she becomes quite close with Twyla, and the two bond over their introverted natures, though Scarah does want to break out of her shell a bit. She learned telepathy so her peers wouldn't freak out whenever she opened her mouth, but somehow the rumor spread that she could actually read minds, so a lot of her classmates still avoid her anyway. (Huh, wonder who spread that rumor...)
Regardless she still has her beasties Iris and Hoodude to depend on.
Now onto Johnny
Dude is a super loner. It could have something to do with spending so long in detention, though rumor has it that he was always that way. The only monster he seems to genuinely enjoy spending time with is Operetta. Anyone else, he'll only hang around to get something out of them. (He'll tolerate Heath for a few moments if he forgot his lighter at home)
That cigarette does nothing for him. He only smokes them to look cool. He'll tell anyone who asks that he died from lung cancer and then blow smoke directly in their face. No one knows if its true or not, dude lies all the time.
Everyone refers to him as "Johnny Spirit". Operetta is the only one who just calls him "Johnny".
I don't know why, but I feel like he and Romulus would have beef. For whatever reason they just don't vibe, and everybody around school is just waiting for them to brawl. As a proud pack leader, Romulus hates how much of a lone wolf Johnny is, and Johnny just doesn't respect his supposed role whatsoever.
He also finds Spectra incredibly annoying, as she's always trying to dig into his business. He has a mild respect for Toralei, but rejects any of her efforts to become friends. Other than Operetta, Invisibilly is the only other monster he regards as something close to a friend. He finds his pranks entertaining and will try to get in on them from time to time.
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