#i generally find it more reverent to let the Host sort of dissolve on your tongue
gratiae-mirabilia · 2 months
I saw your post talking about chewing on the Eucharist and I am still confused by it because I thought it was okay to chew it a little so if I was receiving the Blood that I wouldn't have the Eucharist all over my tongue, but it would be swallowed. So is using your teeth whatsoever bad?
hi this is a good question and I’m not entirely sure if it has an answer lol. obviously all of us should be consuming the Eucharist in a reverent way. if you choose to chew, just make sure you chew reverently (ie, not with your mouth open or making loud chewing noises or anything like that lol). my post was mostly a joke though, don’t take me too seriously :)
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slime-beast · 4 years
As written by Oliver Midas, Adept Wizard -
Magic is a rather complex and frankly uninteresting concept at its very core, but yet I find myself compelled to detail its generalized categories and workings in this document for the ease of access and research by my many students. Note that this isn't an exhaustive guide in every type of magic, or a guide on all the specific ways each type of magic can be used and evoked. As I said, it is a complex topic and not every facet is very well explored (most often due to rarity of examples or, in rare cases, changes in the fundamental laws by which we assume magic to operate). If the above is understood, then please make sure you read the complete document before you come knocking on my door with any follow-up questions, you little pests dear students.
Types of magic can be split into two larger categories, inherent and non-inherent. We will begin by discussing the inherent categories of magic. I will do my best to provide examples of each.
Adepts - I myself am an adept. Adepts are perhaps the rarest and most powerful magicians out there. While we tend to keep the method of our magic a secret to prevent exploitation, I am getting up in my years and will graciously expose the depth of my power. The term adept is used to describe a unique and variable talent that can theoretically be used to accomplish any magical feat, one time and one time only. Each adept has their own particular way of evoking their magic and no two are the same. Mine is poetry, for example. If I were to write a poem about, say, a very good sandwich and then read this poem out loud, a sandwich matching the description in my poem would be conjured before me. I would then be unable to reread this poem to the same effect, and would become unable to recreate the same sandwich. Creativity is more or less the limit. The only other thing of note when it comes to adepts is that our power is inherited. I have no children of my own, but if I did, one would have gained my ability upon my death, albeit in slightly different form. Perhaps it would have been songs. It is impossible to say.
Unique - This is used to describe any magical talent that manifests itself in a way that has never been seen before. Generally less useful than adept type abilities, as this person is usually unable to use any magic beyond their unique talent. An excellent example of this is our very own Maybelle Threeis, who's talent has been dubbed "Mirror Magic". Her ability lets her sort of 'chameleon' any non unique, non adept magical ability from any person she can see. This can make her either a fierce magician or a completely useless on the field, depending on who is with her. Talents like these are curious as we don't know how or why they come to be. They can be born from people with no prior magical history in the family, and don't seem to follow the basic rules of any of the other categories.
Mantel Abilities - Terribly powerful, one note abilities that get passed on either as a gift from one person to another, or by random magical selection. These are the kinds of things that get people labelled as "chosen ones" and the like. I only know of one person with an ability like this, and I dare not speak of them in this document. Powers like these compound in strength over generations and while they are only capable of one thing, that one thing is likely to be more powerful than anything even I can muster.
Basic Talent - This is the most common form of inherent magical ability. At a young age, someone who is descended from someone else with a basic talent has the potential to manifest their own latent magical aura. A standard example of this standard talent is current student, Desmond Daedalus. His magical aura manifested in the form of ice magic. Right now he is limited to things he can accomplish with ice alone, and by his own strength. As he ages, he will be able to branch out into things like fire or physic abilities, but ice will always remain the easiest. His mother has a reputation for being a rather powerful "wind" based magician, and Desmond's own offspring are also likely to manifest in an elemental way, but this is far from the only option. Other examples include those who's talents manifest via divination tactics, or perhaps pure kinetic energy. There is no exhaustive catalog, but similar talents tend to run in family trees.
There are potentially many more forms of inherent magical abilities, but those above are the most well documented. Now, let us delve into the much less interesting world of non-inherent abilities.
Basic ritual magic - This is a magic fueled entirely on the foundation of belief. In order for it to function, one must have a circle to contain either the subject or the energy being dealt with, and a selection of materials to operate as focuses to keep the mind from straying too far from the spell at hand. This type of magic is messy, weaker, and much more limited than other categories, but it is unique in that it can theoretically be learned by anyone.
Artifact magic - This is magic that operates exclusively through focuses. It takes a particular kind of brain for this kind of thing to work, but if a person's mind is insistent enough and with proper training, magical effects can be imprinted on physical items. This is how we get potions, talismans, amulets and glamours. The person creating these things can put a clause of activation on the artifact being generated (usually to prevent others from activating them), or they can be left 'open source' so to speak. Examples of these activation clauses include magic words, blood, consumable organic materials and rare metals. This is one of my favorite non inherent forms because it comes with a lot of just delightful applications in the form of traps. Perhaps a brick that explodes when a specific person steps on it, or a door that turns into a goblin when touched by anyone who isn't wearing wool socks. Such fun to be had.
Possessive - Some people have the distinct displeasure to become mediums to magical beings. Most typically various demons that reside within people in order to sap their strength, as per some sort of contract. Normally this would just be all terrible, but in some cases the contract made allows for the host to make use of some of said demon's personal magical abilities, in some twisted symbiosis. This type of magic varies widely depending on the parasite within the person, and is usually rather painful to evoke, as the parasite has to sap the person's own strength in order to use magic. Another caveat is that if the demon saps enough strength or gets banished, the person who was hosting is left powerless. Magic can be rather intoxicating to use, so this is rarely a fun time for the host.
There are three final forms of magic to discuss, and I didn't feel right to include them in the above categories. These are the inherent or absorbed abilities of certain creatures, locations and non artifice objects.
Monsters of all varieties have their own slew of magical properties, and the only thing to really be said about them is tread carefully. Even monsters you've dealt with in the past can have unique talents all their own. They don't tend to be as powerful as human talents, but they do tend to be a whole lot more efficient and violent. They also tend to come with more serious drawbacks. Example, vampires live forever, but will explode in the sunlight.
Locations can absorb raw life energy and latent magical energy, and can then use that energy in magical ways, usually shaped by those around them. Houses have thresholds as a result of this phenomena. If a person sees a place as a safe home, then a magical barrier will form to keep most non corporeal beings out. These things can generally dissolve with time though, and as such abandoned houses tend to be flocking points for various monster packs.
And finally, if an object is revered as sacred or powerful by enough people, this magical essence will manifest in all sorts of interesting ways. I've seen rocks that bring men to tears, body parts that grant wishes and books that can kill very specific forms of vampire. It's the type of magic most heavily influenced by perspective, and is one of the least understood categories.
And that is a light summary of the main types of categorized magic. I hope this helps you get a good score on your exams. Now please, leave me be.
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