#so I have literally never chewed a Host lol
gratiae-mirabilia · 5 months
I saw your post talking about chewing on the Eucharist and I am still confused by it because I thought it was okay to chew it a little so if I was receiving the Blood that I wouldn't have the Eucharist all over my tongue, but it would be swallowed. So is using your teeth whatsoever bad?
hi this is a good question and I’m not entirely sure if it has an answer lol. obviously all of us should be consuming the Eucharist in a reverent way. if you choose to chew, just make sure you chew reverently (ie, not with your mouth open or making loud chewing noises or anything like that lol). my post was mostly a joke though, don’t take me too seriously :)
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shadowthief78 · 1 year
Going for Dim Sum w/BLLK
I just finished eating i’m so full rn
Just some hcs while i digest.
ISAGI: Good boi, keeps refilling your teacup. Accidentally burns his tongue on xiao long tang bao and whimpers about it. Pretty adventurous, willing to try most stuff, really likes the siu mai and egg tarts (like literally everyone else inthe world does) (egg tart haters dni w/author [lol]).
BACHIRA: Tries to eat at least one of everything even after you warn him that’s a terrible idea. Passes out halfway through one of those huge lotus-leaf-wrapped glutinous rice boiled dumplings and only revives after you dribble half a cup of the degreasing, digestive tea into his mouth with his spoon.
CHIGIRI: Keeps slipping food onto your plate when you aren’t looking. Likes sipping the soup out of the xiao long tang dumplings with the ginger and vinegar. Looks super elegant while doing it as well.
KUNIGAMI: Mouth consistently full of cha sau bao. Eats heartily and keeps reamarking on how well you’ve chosen the dishes. “Here, try this”-es you a lot, like you’re not the one who’s got the most experience.
RIN: Keeps trying to puzzle out what the dishes mean based on their meanings in Kanji. Unfortunately, since kanji and Chinese don’t always match, it leads to some weird questions for you. That’s “beef noodles,” not “beef face” (牛肉面) (yes i know that’s technically not rlly dim sum just let me turn brain off ok?).
REO: Foots the bill. Insists on ordering way too much, probably gets some expensive abalone thing you’ve never tried before. Visibly preens when you refil his teacup or puts food on his plate. Making friends with all the waitresses pushing the carts full of food around by the end.
NAGI: Asks for congee or something since it’s simple and he doesn’t know what he likes (trying new things is a hassle...). Eventually gets entranced with peeling the steamed bao and nibbling on the outsides (aka you hand-feeding him the peels). Asks for dessert soup and pouts when he discovers ginko nut is bitter.
BAROU: Keeps trying to outhost you, the host. You can’t eat all this food. Barou, stop, that’s enough! Have another siu mai or something and let other people have a taste, okay?
KURONA: Munch munch munch. Doesn’t talk much but always chewing when you look over. Gives you the thumbs-up whenever he finds something he likes. Particularly enamored with those super-crispy fried yam balls with mincemeat in the filling.
HIORI: Asks questions about everything and always responds with something along the lines of, “Ah, that’s cool!” Likes the crystal shrimp dumplings (ha gao) the best.
ZANTETSU: Tries to claim the skins of chee cheong fan are something like the remains of silkmaking until you stare at him for too long. No, they’re like a giant steamed rice noodle...
IGARASHI: Distracted by the people rolling out, filling, and pinching dumplings shut in the kitchen.
GAGAMARU: No, he cannot try and carve the Peking duck himself. That’s the waiter’s job. Stares too long at the lobsters and fish in the tanks. No, you will *not* be organizing an aquatic jailbreak of any sort today. Does he want to order something else, or...? Uncanny knack for figuring out what food is in which cart by smell alone.
NANASE: Woah, look at all this new food! So exicitng! Cheeks stuffed all the time, looks adorable while doing it, would probably eat a gravel dumpling if you asked him to. (But it really is all super good, don’t worry about him!)
YUKIMIYA: Tries to communicate in gestures to the staff. Resorts to just smiling a lot. Ends up finishing most of the carrot cake even though he’s not super fond of the yammy taste.
NIKO: Looks like he’s not doing much then when you look back, two full steamer baskets are empty. Salted egg custard supremacy.
KAISER: Tries to get you to feed him by claiming he can’t use chopsticks. You flag down the waitress and ask her for a fork. He gets the only fork they have, a tiny plastic one with a cartoon lion on it, meant for toddlers, and a matching teaspoon + plate. Visibly crestfallen.
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heyyyharry · 3 years
Deep End - Chapter 4: Royal Ball
…in which Ezi causes trouble at the Styles' manor.
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Word count: 6.1k
AU: famous!harry, siren!mc, adult modern retelling of the little mermaid? lol, fake dating, enemies to lovers.
All chapters / Synopsis / Moodboard / Playlist
Wattpad link
A/N: Please let me know what you think. I need feedback to feel motivated. Also, what do you expect to happen in the next chapter?
When Harry came to the guest room this morning and couldn’t find Ezi, he had hoped that something had happened overnight, and she’d magically returned to where she’d come from, and he, at last, could have his old life back. But no. He was immensely disappointed to find her sitting cross-legged on the edge of his pool, just staring blankly at the water like she was in a sad music video. What did he expect? It wasn’t like she could grow some wings to fly all the way home.
“Good morning!”
Ezi flinched at the sound of his voice. She pulled her feet out of the water and frantically stood up as Harry approached.
He held out his hand to ask her to stay. “It’s okay. You can use the pool. I rarely go swimming anyway.”
Ezi’s brows furrowed slightly as she tucked a strand behind her ear and stared anxiously at the blue water. “How can you swim in this pond? It smells funny.”
“It’s not a pond. It’s a swimming pool. There’s chemicals in it; that’s why it smells like that.”
Ezi cocked her head, seemingly confused. “Why you gotta make your own pond and put chemicals in it? Why do humans have to make their own versions of everything that’s already available in nature?”
“It’s cleaner and safer to swim in pools,” Harry pointed out.
Ezi couldn’t look more offended by his remark. “The ocean was clean before you trashed it with your chemicals.”
“I didn’t trash the ocean,” Harry corrected, pointing to his chest. “How many times do I have to tell you that I’m not responsible for environmental pollution?”
Ezi folded her arms and glared at him. “Why are you afraid of the ocean?”
“You’re literally a killing machine.”
“You people make machines that shoot fire and blow up each other’s ships, and yet we’re the killing machines.”
“Well, the ocean is scary anyway. It’s deep and dark.”
“It’s literally water,” argued Ezi. “Water is the driving force of all nature, and you’re afraid of it.”
“Forget it.” Harry exhaled as he tossed his hands in the air. “I can never win an argument with you.”
“Good,” Ezi said with a slight shrug.
“Anyway.” Harry rolled his eyes. “Come inside for breakfast. I have something to discuss with you while you eat.”
“Your maid brought you something this morning,” Ezi said when Harry was about to walk away.
Slowly, he turned back to face her with his eyebrows raised. “Who?”
“Your maid,” she said with a straight face. “The girl with green hair. I think she brought you some clothes and put them in the room next to mine.”
“That’s Amy, my assistant!” cried Harry as he gripped his own hair. “You two didn’t have a conversation, right? Please tell me you didn’t call her a maid to her face!”
Ezi looked rather amused when she saw how distressed Harry was. How could she be smiling? He wouldn’t be the only one who’d be in trouble if her identity was revealed. Fuck that. What if the government found out that he was keeping her here and locked him up, too? Was it a crime to keep a mythical creature in your house? Could he be executed for that?
“No,” Ezi calmly said while Harry could feel the blood draining from his face. “She just brought you some clothes and left. Though I could barely see her face, she didn’t seem very friendly.”
Harry pressed a palm to his chest, feeling his heart thundering as he let out a sigh of half-formed relief. Once he’d regained his composure, he told Ezi, “Amy is friendly to everyone. Maybe it’s just you.”
Ezi didn’t look at all bothered by that. She shrugged. “I’m not here to make friends. I don’t care if Amy likes me.”
Harry found it funny that one moment she could look and talk like a human girl with human feelings, and the next she acted as cold as the ocean she’d come from. But she was right. They weren’t friends, and there was no reason for them to be more than just civilised to one another.
“You sure you didn’t talk to Amy?”
“Yes, I’m sure.”
“Good,” Harry nodded. “Come inside. The food’s getting cold.”
It seemed like Ezi got hungry very quickly. She finished the hard scrambled eggs Harry had made for her and even asked him for more. Harry didn’t mind feeding her. It was better to keep her full. After all, she had shown him her predator side, and he’d prefer to never see it again.
“So what’s something you want to tell me?” she asked with her mouth full while stuffing it more with another big bite.
Chilli was sitting at Ezi’s feet, staring up at her as a way of asking for a taste, but Ezi just ignored the cat and continued to enjoy her breakfast.
Harry knitted his hands on the table and straightened his back as he began, “Well, I actually wanted to ask you for a favour.”
Ezi stopped chewing immediately. She swallowed hard, her face contorted. “I’m not doing you a favour.”
“You don’t even know what it is.”
“But I already know that I don’t want to do it.”
“Of course you want to do it.”
“No, I don’t!”
Harry sucked in a breath and held up a finger to stop her from interrupting him again. “I promise you’ll like this. Just hear me out.”
Ezi folded her arms in front of her chest and pouted like an angry little girl as she sank into her chair.
Harry’s lips curled into a smile. “You like those Disney movies, right?”
Ezi nodded, and Harry watched in content as the line between her brows eased.
“Good. So what if I tell you that you can be a Disney princess for one night.”
“What do you mean?” Ezi frowned again as she sat up straight. “Are you messing with me?”
Harry shook his head. “No, I’m being dead serious. I’ll take you to a ball.”
“A ball?”
“Yeah. I’m invited to a royal ball that’s held in a real ballroom, like the one in Beauty and the Beast.”
He would’ve said Cinderella, but she hadn’t watched it yet. It would’ve been a better reference. Still, Ezi’s eyes lit up when she heard about the ball. “Like...in a castle?”
“Y-Yeah.” Harry worked up a bright smile as he nodded fast. “A castle.” To be fair, his mother’s manor was as huge as a castle. It was twice the size of his house, so that’d be more than enough to convince the naive siren.
“Do I get to wear a pretty dress?”
“Yeah. Who do you think the clothes Amy brought here are for?”
The realisation washed over Ezi’s face, and her mouth fell open in shock as she slammed her hands on the table, rattling the silverware and startling Chilli. “You’re not messing with me?”
She bit her lip and arched an eyebrow. “What’s the favour then?”
“That’s the favour -- You going to the ball with me,” Harry said. “It’s tomorrow night.”
“What’s in it for you?”
“Nothing, to be honest,” Harry said with a weak shrug. “Maybe getting back in my mother’s good graces. She’s hosting the ball, and so many people are invited.”
“Is she the Queen?”
“No, but she thinks she is.”
“So she’s like my sister Koa.”
Harry chuckled at how serious Ezi looked when she said that. “Well, maybe not as bad as your sister. My mother loves me.”
Ezi pursed her lips as she focused on fidgeting with the fork in her hand. Harry leaned forward on the table. “So?” he asked. “Can you help me?”
Ezi blew out her cheeks as she locked eyes with him again. “Fine,” she said. “Not because I want to help you, though. I just want to go to a ball.”
“Good enough for me.” Harry smiled.
While Ezi continued eating, Harry gave her a few rules that she would have to follow when they arrived at his family’s event. He could not risk having her interact with anyone without his supervision. He’d nearly had a heart attack when he heard that she’d met his assistant when he wasn’t there. He was sure that Amy had only assumed Ezi was another girl Harry regularly hooked up with. Money didn’t really matter to him, so he usually spoiled his friends and the girls he fucked. However, he couldn’t risk having anyone find out that Ezi was actually living here.
When Ezi finished eating, Harry went upstairs to get the bath ready. He’d have to figure out a way to give Ezi a bath without having to touch her. How would she feel about hot water, though? His cat Chilli always left at least one or two scratches on his legs and his shirt whenever he tried to give her a bath. He could imagine Ezi doing the same.
Harry whipped his head to the bathroom door and found Ezi standing there in his joggers and Mickey Mouse t-shirt that flowed down to her thighs. He must admit that she looked cute when she wasn’t frowning or roasting him. If only she’d lost her voice like Ariel did in the movie.
“Stop staring at me, human!”
Exactly his point.
Sighing, Harry got up from the edge of the bathtub. “We’ll let the water run,” he told her. “In the meantime, I’ll show you your new clothes.”
Ezi said nothing and followed him down the hall to his walk-in closet. It was actually a room with big windows, a shiny tiled floor, and white-cushioned sofas. Harry took a deep breath of the comforting perfumed air only to see Ezi covering her mouth and nose with her palm.
“It smells weird in here,” she complained.
“Just like living with my mum,” Harry whispered to himself. To her, he said, “Speaking of smells.”
Ezi looked horrified as Harry leaned in and started sniffing her.
“Why don’t you smell?” he asked, stepping back.
Her eyes went wide. “Am I supposed to?”
“Well, yeah.” He nodded. “You literally came from the ocean. No offence but...you’re supposed to smell fishy.”
“Do humans say no offence before they offend you?”
“Yeah, pretty much. Or maybe I’m just blunt because I’m British. Anyway,” Harry sucked in a breath, “it’s weird that you don’t smell. You don’t have a smell at all. When you first came on land, I could still smell a bit of the ocean on you, but now you don’t smell, and you haven’t showered.”
Ezi shrugged. “I don’t know. It’s not like I could ask my mother why her curse didn’t give me a smell.”
“True.” Harry sighed. “Anyway. That’s good. Don’t want no fishy-smelling girl walking around my house.”
“I will scoop out your eyeballs right now.”
“Just kidding.” Harry chuckled. “But please don’t do that.”
“I’ll try.” Ezi put her hands on her hips and swept her eyes around the room. “Why do you have so many clothes?”
“They make me look good. I’m a public figure, so I care about my appearance.”
“Maybe you should focus on fixing what’s inside you and not your appearance.”
“I like you better when you don’t talk,” Harry said, then brushed past her to grab the Chanel shopping bag Amy had left on the white marble counter. He pulled out a sparkling silver slip dress and held it up to show Ezi. “This is for you. It comes with a pair of high heels. I’ll definitely have to teach you to walk in them, but baby steps.”
Ezi took the dress with both hands and was being as careful as possible as if she was afraid she might rip it. Although she didn’t let it show, he could make out the excitement in the way her eyes twinkled. He’d made sure to ask for a dress that looked similar to the one Ariel had worn in The Little Mermaid when she’d come from the ocean.
“Before you try this on,” he said when Ezi lifted her bright blue eyes up to him. “Repeat what I told you earlier.”
Ezi clutched the dress to her chest and glanced up at the ceiling. A line appeared between her brows as she recited Harry’s words, “Do not talk to anyone there unless you ask me to. Never leave your side. If I have questions, ask you in private. Um...what else? Oh! Avoid your mother at all costs.”
Harry nodded. “My mother and Dawson.”
“Who’s Dawson?”
“You’ll know.” With a sigh, Harry thrust his hands into his pockets. “Now, I’ll leave you here to change. I could only guess your measurements, so if it doesn’t fit, we can have it fixed as soon as possible.”
“Measurements?” Ezi looked down at her body, confused.
Harry cleared his throat and waved his hand at her. “Just hurry up and change. Let me know when you’re done.”
With a cute little pout, she asked, “Can you put it on me?”
Harry was shocked for a second when he heard that, but then he remembered that Ezi had never worn a dress before, let alone one with so many...strings.
“Here.” He took the dress from her and tried his best to demonstrate. “So this is the front. This is the back. This string goes over your right shoulder–No, wait, your left. Wait, is it? Hold on. Fuck.”
Ezi breathed out a laugh and covered her mouth with her hands, making Harry glare at her. “Fine,” he huffed. “I’ll help you put it on.”
Before Harry could even say a word, Ezi pulled his oversized t-shirt that she was wearing over her head, and Harry let out the most inhuman scream as he looked away and covered his eyes. She was naked underneath his shirt. Completely naked.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck,” he chanted into his palm when he heard the sound of the shirt falling to the floor.
“What is it?” Ezi asked.
“Oh, God.” Harry shrugged her hand away as she tried to take his.
“Why are you being weird?” She giggled as if she wasn’t standing fully naked in front of him. “You’ve seen me without clothes, and I’ve seen you,” she said.
“Fuck. I know that.” He exhaled. “But…” Harry stopped and took a deep breath. With one hand over his eyes, he calmly told her, “You need lingerie.”
“Ooooh. I learned this word today from a movie,” Ezi said with confidence. “Laundry means–”
“No, not laundry.” Harry sighed. “Lingerie.”
“Okay, you know what? Put the shirt back on. I’ll return with more clothes for you.”
“More clothes?” Ezi cried with frustration as Harry turned his back to her. He heard her put the shirt on, and she tapped him on the shoulder when she was done. “I hate being humans,” she complained, looking cross. “Clothes are so uncomfortable.”
“I know, right?” Harry chuckled and patted her on the head. He liked seeing her face scrunch up whenever he did that, because he knew that she couldn’t harm him. “Be a good siren and stay here. I’ll be right back.”
“And help me put on clothes?”
He sighed and turned away. “I will.”
“And launderey?”
The question stopped Harry at the door. He pinched his eyes shut and pressed a fist to his forehead. “Yes.” He let go of a defeated long breath. “That, too.”
Harry managed to find a brand new pair of underwear in his bedroom drawer. It was an embarrassing story, but he’d bought it as a gift for a girl he used to sleep with, then he found out she’d been lying to him about not having a boyfriend when she’d already been engaged. So now he just happened to have a set of new lingerie lying in his drawer.
“I don’t know if this would fit, but I’ll get you new ones tomorrow.” Harry froze in the doorway when he found his closet empty. “Chili, where’s the crazy girl?” he asked his black cat, who didn’t even bother to reply as she kept licking her little paw. Ugh, lucky for her, she was cute.
“Ezi! Where are you?!” Harry shouted as he padded down the hall.
“I’m here!” Ezi shouted back, her voice echoing from the bathroom.
It was only then that Harry remembered he’d left the water running, but when he got there, he found Ezi sitting in the bubble bath with a bright smile on her face; his joggers and Mickey Mouse t-shirt had been discarded on the floor.
He leaned a shoulder against the doorframe, arms crossed, smiling at her.
“I love this room!” she exclaimed, gathered bubbled in her palms and blew at them.
So, Harry was wrong. She liked warm baths.
“Water was spilling out, so I turned it off and gave myself a bath,” she told him.
“You know how?”
“I saw Ariel take a bath in the movie.”
Her response made him laugh. “Wow, you learn so much from Disney films.”
Ezi folded her arms on the edge of the tub as Harry sat down on it beside her. She glanced up at him, chin on her arm. It would be a lie to say Harry didn’t feel anything watching her covered in soap and naked in his bathtub. The steam made him sweat, dampening his shirt as it stuck to his skin. He wasn’t a sex addict or anything, but he’d been so stressed out lately and hadn’t been able to find a release with his unpaid babysitting job. It wouldn’t be a problem if Ezi’s human form wasn’t so attractive.
“Stop doing that,” Ezi’s voice pulled him back to reality.
He blinked at her. “Doing what?”
“You sometimes stare at me without saying anything.”
He pressed his lips into a smirk. “Aren’t you a clever girl? Just read my mind.”
“Can’t.” She shrugged while unconsciously spreading the bubbles across the edge of the tub. “Even if I could, I wouldn’t want to know what’s going on in that dirty little head of yours?”
The way she’d said it without the intention of making it flirty was so funny to Harry.
“Your head is dirty and little,” he teased.
“No. Yours.”
“Your head can literally fit between my palms,” said Harry as he cupped the sides of her heads to demonstrate. For the first time, Ezi burst out laughing and tried to shove him off. He didn’t let go of her, and they kept pushing back and forth until Harry lost his balance and fell headfirst into the tub.
The water splashed all over. When Harry realised what had happened, he found himself kneeling in the water between Ezi’s legs. Frantically, he pushed away, but the tub was so slippery that he landed back down on his butt. Laughter crackled out of Ezi as Harry managed to escape from the sticky situation and grabbed a towel to cover himself with. Most of the water had spilt outside the tub, revealing Ezi’s soapy breasts, which gave Harry an instant boner.
He grabbed another towel and held it up and open as he ordered. “Bathtime’s over. Get out.”
“You’re such an idiot,” Ezi said, still laughing as she stood up and let him wrap the towel around her body.
Harry frowned at her playful grin. “You’re the idiot,” he said, but his face was red. “Rinse yourself. I’ll wait.”
Then he waddled out of the bathroom, quietly cursing himself.
To not make the same mistake, Harry taught Ezi how to put on underwear by having her put it on over her clothes first, then letting her do it herself when he wasn’t there. She was a fast learner, so it didn’t take long until she’d learned how to put on clothes and tie her shoes. He could now imagine how hard it must be for single parents to raise a kid all by themselves. He was lucky that he didn’t have to work this week and could stay home to take care of Ezi. But starting from next week, he would have to go back to his busy celebrity life, and Ezi living with him would become a bigger problem than he’d expected. He could only hope that her mother would just take her back before the following Monday. It didn’t seem possible, though. He should never have brought her to London.
Anyway, first things first.
He’d have to get through his mother’s event without anyone suspecting a thing, and then he’d try to figure out what he should do next.
This was why he didn’t want kids. At least Ezi had common sense.
“Hey, there will be so many humans tonight at the ball. What if one of them triggers me? I can’t even threaten them?”
Forget what he’d just said.
“No, you’re not allowed to threaten anyone,” he told her from outside her room and blew out his cheeks as he checked his watch. “Hurry up. Our ride is almost here.”
The door was pulled open. Ezi emerged in her sparkling silver dress with her hair in a messy bun and subtle makeup but enough to accentuate her unique features. Harry didn’t know he was gawking until she gave him a playful smack on the cheek to bring him back to Earth. He blinked and caught her big round eyes. The silvery glitter on her eyelids made the blue in her eyes stand out even more. A sudden chill rushed down his spine as he squared his shoulders and fixed his black tie. “Y-You did your hair and makeup?”
Ezi nodded enthusiastically. “The girl in the magic board taught me!”
“You were watching those makeup tutorials?”
Harry swore he had never seen her so happy. She smiled so big that her eyes crinkled at the corners. “Thank you for that board, by the way.”
“It’s an iPad. But you’re welcome.”
Yes, he’d got her an iPad so she could watch YouTube videos and play dumb games and not be all up in his business. He was a single dad now. First to Chilli. Now to Ezi.
“An iPad,” Ezi mumbled to herself. He thought it was cute how her eyebrows would furrow every time she learned a new word and tried to memorise it.
Realising that he was about to simp, Harry shook off those pleasant thoughts about the fish girl and put on a nonchalant expression as he looked down at her white ballerina flats. He’d got her a nice pair of high heels to wear with this dress, but she’d kept falling and broken a vase in the living room, so he’d given up and got her these flats instead. Well, as long as she was comfortable and still looked cute and appropriate.
“Ready?” he asked her.
She took a deep breath; determination lit up her eyes. “Ready.”
“Hold on.” He held her shoulder, took a nice look at her, then let down two strands from her bun, so they nicely framed her face. “Better.” He smiled and pinched her cheek. “You look like someone I would date.”
As expected, Ezi responded to his compliment with a frown and smacked his hand away. “Touch my face again, and I’ll make sure you won’t be able to touch anything again.” Then she shoved past him and hurried down the stairs.
Ezili felt ashamed.
She had been looking forward to the ball tonight. She’d been so excited that she’d stayed up to watch those...what did Harry call them again? Oh, makeup tutorials. Just to look like those human girls with sparkling eyelids. The mermaids back home would be so impressed, but her mother certainly wouldn’t. She didn’t even want to imagine her mother’s reaction to her look tonight.
Harry had pointed out that human Ezili didn’t have a smell. In an animal kingdom, the signature smell set those animals apart from the other kinds and acted as proof that they were a part of a community, that they belonged. Human Ezili not having a smell was a reminder from her mother that she was not a siren right now, but she was not human either, and so she should finish her mission as soon as possible to return to the sea and be with her kind.
Ezili could not be distracted from her mission anymore. Harry had invited her to the ball, which meant there was no competition for her at this point. She was already making progress being the only female in his radar. Tonight, she hoped the romantic atmosphere of the ball would make him fall in love with her.
With her arm around his, they ascended the red-carpeted stairs of the castle leading to the ballroom. Ezili was amazed by the guests in fancy attires and expensive decorations sparkling silver and gold. The ballroom was impressive, with crystal chandeliers spiralling down from the arching sky-blue ceiling, illuminating the glimmering walls and a floor so polished it looked like a frozen winter lake.
Harry said their names to a servant at the door, and he bowed to Harry and Ezili as if they were royalty. Ezili didn’t show it, but she enjoyed being treated like the princess she knew she was.
“Finally, someone showing respect to me,” she mumbled as they followed the other guests inside.
Harry laughed at her remark. “I respect you.”
“You don’t even respect yourself,” she said, glaring at him.
“Can you just not insult me tonight? You’re pretending to be my date.”
“What’s a date?”
“Like...lovers,” Harry said, flicking his eyes around like the prey trying to spot a predator.
She thought she should calm him down, so she squeezed his forearm and said, “Do you wanna dance?”
Harry shook his head. “No, not the time.”
Confused, Ezili’s eyes followed Harry’s worried gaze to the lady in a seaweed coloured dress that fanned out at her feet. She was beautiful, with features resembling Harry's. That must be Harry’s mother -- the host of the ball.
“Remember what I told you,” Harry said, squeezing Ezili’s cold hands. “Do not say a word to my--Mother!”
“Oh, my darling son, you came!”
Harry let go of Ezili to hug his mother. The woman pulled away and turned to Ezili with the same dimpled smile as her son’s. “Ahh, this must be Ezili,” she said, and Ezili shook her hands like how humans did in movies.
“Yes.” Harry cleared his throat as he laced his fingers with Ezili’s. “This is my date -- Ezili Hans.”
His mother smiled at him. “I was afraid you were gonna bring Niall with a wig.”
“Didn’t work the last time,” Harry said. “Never do it again.”
Harry’s mother laughed before turning back to Ezili. “It’s so nice to meet you. You may call me Mrs Styles, or Annalise. What do you think about this event?”
Ezili flicked her helpless gaze to Harry, who quickly spoke on her behalf, “She thinks it’s great. Very s-shiny.” Seeing Annalise’s smile vanished, Harry added, “Sore throat. The doctor says she has to stay silent for a week. Also, do you mind if I show her around and introduce her to the other guests?”
“Wait, but we haven’t--”
“Love you, Mum.”
Harry pecked his mother on the cheek, grabbed Ezili’s hand and pulled her with him. They finally made it outside to the garden’s fountain, where the guests were chatting in groups and sipping on wine. Harry released Ezili’s hand and exhaled through his mouth. “That was scary.”
“That was awful!” She hit him on the arm. “You almost blew our covers.”
“I know. I’m always anxious around my mum,” he said, looking distressed. “When I was little, she could always tell when I was lying.”
“Maybe you’re not a good liar.”
“Not as good as you,” he chuckled, putting his hands on his hips. “You know what? Changing plans. You’re allowed to talk, but just say simple things like ‘hello’, ‘how are you?’, ‘it’s wonderful’, bla bla.”
Ezili nodded. “Got it.”
Harry opened his mouth to say something else but suddenly froze; his eyes went wide. “Shit, that’s Aunt Beatrice.” Ezili looked over her shoulder to see a chubby late laughing with a group of people and being the loudest. “Super annoying,” Harry said. “Everyone in my family hates her.” He turned to Ezili and patted her on the shoulder. “Stay here. I’ll be right back.”
“Let me come with you.”
“Not when I’m talking to Satan. I mean, Aunt Beatrice. Just stay here and don’t talk to anyone.”
Harry already left.
Ezili muttered curses at him under her breath. She had no choice but to sit by the fountain and wait for him to return. She saw him approaching the woman he hated with just a happy attitude as he’d had when talking to his mother. Fake. Humans were all pretentious and fake. They disgusted her. All these people.
“Hey, may I sit here?”
Ezili’s heart nearly jumped out of her chest when she heard the voice. She looked up and went stiff when she locked eyes with a tall handsome man. The black frame of glasses sat nicely on his high nose. His high cheekbones raised as he offered a polite smile. “Sorry. Am I bothering you?”
Ezili was thinking of what to say to him when she saw what was in his hand.
“An iPad!” she exclaimed. “I got one! Harry gave me one yesterday!”
The man looked at the iPad in his hand and chuckled. “Oh yeah, I brought it with me to read because I don’t really like these events.”
Ezili nodded fast. “I don’t, either. I’m so glad I’m not the only one.”
The man smiled again; his dark eyes twinkled with the fairy lights above their heads. “May I sit with you.”
“Sure!” Ezili hurriedly scooted over for the man to sit. Forget Harry. He’d told her never to leave his side then left her here all on her own, so who cared if she talked to one stranger? At least this one didn’t want to be here, either.
“What do you read on your iPad?” she asked him.
“I’d say books to impress you, but I’m actually reading a manga,” he said and chuckled. “Attack on Titan. Have you heard of it?”
Ezili shook her head. “Do they have something like this for The Little Mermaid?”
“I don’t know. But I’m sure they have a manga for everything these days, so you might find one about mermaids, too,” the man said and put the iPad down on his lap. “What’s your name?”
“Ezili...Hans. Ezili Hans,” said Ezili as she offered her hand.
The man shook it with another warm smile. “I’m Dawson Styles.”
It took Ezili a second to recognise that name. “Harry told me not to talk to you,” she mumbled, frowning.
However, Dawson didn’t look bothered by it. “Oh, right, you came here with Harry,” he said. “He gave you an iPad, right?”
“Yeah. He’s my...date.”
“So why are you here all by yourself?”
Ezili crossed her arms and rolled her eyes. “He needed to talk to that loud lady over there. He said she was evil.”
Dawson leaned forward to look past her, and when he spotted Harry with his aunt, his mouth curled slightly. “Yup, that lady is scary. We’re all scared of her.”
“You know her?”
“Yeah, she’s my mum.”
Ezili flinched, her eyes shot open. “Oh...sorry.”
Dawson just laughed. “Well, Harry wasn’t wrong. My mother could be scary sometimes.”
“All mothers are,” muttered Ezili, but she wasn’t sure if Dawson had heard her.
“You’re from the States?” he asked.
She blinked. “What?”
“Your accent.”
“Oh. Y-Yeah.”
“How long have you been in London?”
“Just three days.”
“How do you like it?”
The answer made Dawson cackle. “Yeah, it is.” He lowered his head and adjusted his glasses. “Bet it’s way more sunnier where you’re from.”
Ezili lifted her shoulders. “I don’t like the sun that much either, so it’s all good.”
Dawson nodded. They sat in silence for two seconds, then he said, “You look beautiful, by the way.”
“Thank you.” She smiled, not knowing what else to respond.
“How did you know Harry?”
Ezili was about to answer when she realised that Harry hadn’t taught her what to answer for this question. He’d probably assumed that they would be together all night, so he wouldn’t have to prepare her to lie about such basic information. Helplessly, she looked back to find Harry, but he wasn’t there anymore. Both he and Dawson’s mother had disappeared.
Ezili jumped to her feet. “Sorry, I have to go. It was nice talking to you, Dawson.” Without paying him a second look, she ran off to look for Harry.
He couldn’t have abandoned her, right? At least not here at his family’s ball. But how could she be so sure? She’d witnessed him being courteous to his enemy. That man could not be trusted.
Why were there so many people?
Where was she?
Ezili was too busy cursing Harry in her head that she hadn’t paid attention to where she was going. Now she found herself standing in an empty hall. She could hear the muffled sound of the ballroom behind her, so she intended to return to it.
“Hey, baby,” said a blond-haired man she ran into at a turn. She tried to sidestep him, but he was in her way. She blocked her nose with a finger and took a step back to keep a distance from him. He smelled funny. Why were his eyes red?
“H-Have you seen Harry?” she asked the man with the buzzcut. “Tall. Curly hair. Walks and talks slowly. Acts like he’s better than you when he’s not.”
“Harry?” The man snorted, his eyelids fluttered as if he might pass out any moment. He put a hand on the wall to keep his balance. “Damn, that motherfucker always lands the hotties.”
Ezili guessed that this man was not in his right mind to tell her where Harry was, so she pushed him aside to go. Suddenly, he caught her by the wrist and yanked her into him. “Hey, where are you going, baby?”
“Let me go!” she screamed and tried to shove him off. It seemed like all of her strength had disappeared with her tail. She felt helpless against this man. He managed to take both her wrists and pinned them above her head and her against the wall.
“Leave Harry,” he whispered into her ear, his breath hot and foul-smelling. She felt like she might throw up. “He’s trash anyway. The rat of the family. Can’t believe he’s getting all this when his mother dies.”
Ezili was trapped between the man’s stinky body and the wall. She knew she’d promised Harry not to attack anyone tonight, but she needed to fight for herself. Without hesitation, her teeth went straight for the man’s neck. He screamed and jumped back, losing his balance and dropping to the floor. Ezili could taste blood on her tongue as she licked her lip and gazed down at the terrified man. The bite mark on his neck was bleeding, staining the white collar of his suit.
“You bitch!”
Ezili whipped her head and found Harry, so she ran to him as the evil man clumsily got to his feet.
“What happened?” he asked her, his face pallid with fright.
“This bitch bit me!” the man shouted, pointing the finger at Ezili.
Harry turned back to her with rage in his eyes. “You bit my cousin?! I told you not to hurt anyone! What’s wrong with you?!”
“I didn’t have a choice,” she yelled back, angry that he’d believed the words of this bastard. “He was touching me! I don’t like being touched!”
The realisation flashed across Harry’s face. He put his hands on her shoulders; his eyebrows sloped as he swept his eyes from her head to toes. “Where did he touch you?”
“I didn’t do anything to your whore.”
Before Ezili could even react to those words, Harry went straight to him with his foot in his cousin’s stomach and again when his cousin tried to say something. Ezili had to grab his arm and pulled him away before he murdered someone. She didn’t care if he did, though. She just didn’t want to draw more attention to herself and get exposed in front of all the other guests.
Panting, Harry adjusted his tie and stabbed a finger at the man on the floor. “If I see you put your hands on a woman again, I’ll beat your ass and make sure you’ll never get to set foot back into this family again. You hear me?”
The man couldn’t speak, only whimper.
Ezili opened her mouth to question, but Harry stopped her by taking her hand. “Come with me.”
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dhwty-writes · 4 years
I've had 'Just give me a reason' by pink stuck in my head all day lol, I humbly offer it as a song prompt if it sparks anything :D
“If it sparks anything”... Fam, I just astralprojected back to 2013 and my first kiss! I had a lot of fun with it (although I got a bit distracted midway through, I’m sorry!)
I also couldn’t decide whether I wanted to do a post-mountain fix-it fic or a modern AU, so you’ll get both! Here’s the angsty one (that’s way longer than expected) :)
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The unfairness of it all as he staggered down the steep mountainside was overwhelming. Twenty years of his life for... what exactly? For nothing at all!
Over half of his measly human life he'd spent trailing after that grumpy... horse's arse of a witcher. He poured his heart and soul into a song cycle just to change Geralt's undeserved horrible reputation! (And to get rich, of course, but that was neither here nor there.) By rights he should claim ten percent of Geralt's income, but did he? No, of course not!
He'd never asked anything in return. Nothing but company, a friend, a tiny bit of affection even. Not love, of course. He might be delusional and a hopeless romantic, but not that much of an imbecile.
He knew Geralt loved Yennefer and that the affection was mutual. It was pretty much obvious for about anyone who saw them together. And Jaskier wasn't just anyone. He and the witcher shared just about anything — food, coin, clothes, beds sometimes, when it was cold or there was only one room left. And, though the witcher denied that fervently, Geralt talked in his sleep sometimes.
Jaskier had discovered that one freezing night in a tavern in Kovir, when he'd woken up because he was uncomfortably warm. Additionally, to the heap of quilted blankets they laid under, Geralt had draped himself over him, too, clutching him tight against his chest. 'Cute,' Jaskier had thought, 'Geralt's a cuddler.'
But then he had started talking, and it had been torture of the most exquisite kind. Most of his ramblings were unintelligible, but those he could understand were unbearably sweet. "Don't go," Geralt would say whenever Jaskier tried to move away. Or "C'mere" and tug him closer to his chest. There were plenty of "Y'smell good"s and, on one memorable occasion an "I love you". None of them were meant for him, of course. But, oh, how he wanted them to be.
Jaskier had fallen for Geralt the moment he'd spotted him in that tavern, grumpily nursing his tankard of ale. He'd been absolutely smitten as soon as they walked free from Filavandrel and Geralt smiled at his "Respect doesn't make history" nonsense, thinking he wouldn't see. They had travelled together for the better part of a month, before destiny had parted them again. At an inn at the crossroads Jaskier had stolen a pretty lad's virginity and Geralt had ridden off into the sunset, not knowing he had stolen Jaskier's heart in turn. 'Good old days.'
Only that they weren't good anymore. Jaskier heaved a sigh that sounded more like a sob than anything else. What had previously been a rose-and-gold-coloured fantasy of a memory, seemed now rather dull, truth be told.
After a few weeks going their separate way, Jaskier had heard of a witcher near Hagge and gone to seek him out. They had travelled again, on and off. Most of the time it had been him, who had actively looked for Geralt, tracking down rumours about white-haired monster hunters. But not always.
Right before the whole child surprise ordeal, it had been him performing in a tavern and Geralt barrelling inside, interrupting him mid-song. "Jaskier!" the witcher had shouted. "There you are. I've got a contract, come with me?"
Or that other time in early fall. He'd gotten himself a comfortable place for the winter in the home of some noble lady, who he'd been entertaining with music, poems and other uses of his silver tongue alike, when one early evening a servant knocked on their door, quite adamantly insisting there was a visitor for the troubadour. His host had been none too pleased when he'd gotten up and dressed to greet a witcher of all people. "What the fuck were you thinking, bard," Geralt had growled, "not showing up all summer. I thought you were dead."
All in all, Jaskier had thought that his affection was, at least to some extent, reciprocated. And now this.
After twenty years the moment he'd dreaded had finally come. Twenty years of lavishing Geralt with love. Geralt, the person who'd been told he couldn't feel, mustn't feel. Twenty years of shouting his adoration to the heavens, to finally be told that it was unwanted.
To borrow Geralt's words: "Fuck." He needed a drink.
Geralt of Rivia was an idiot and he knew it. The revelation had dawned on him almost instantly after his foolish outbreak. Well, not entirely instantly. He had a feeling, at the very least, although he hadn't expected the bard to take his words literally. 
He hadn't been able to get rid of him with his gruff exterior before, so he hadn't thought he would now. The realisation that Jaskier was truly gone dawned on him, when he reached the base of the mountain a few days later and the bard was nowhere to be found.
Roach was still there, as were Geralt's bags. Their content wasn't. After twenty years of carrying frivolous outfits, chewed-on quills tattered notebooks that smelled of lavender, they were uncomfortably light.
"Fuck," Geralt said quietly. He didn't know why, but some part of him had hoped to find Jaskier there. 'Where he belongs,' his brain supplied unhelpfully. He frowned deeply, trying to rid himself of that thought. Jaskier wasn't some kind of possession to be owned.
But when he settled down for the night that evening, the forest devoid of any melodic chattering, of joyful laughter, of life, he knew it was true. Jaskier might not belong to him, he mused as he crawled into his bedroll. 'But he belongs to my side all the same.'
Somewhere along the twenty years of companionship — gods, was it truly twenty years? It was nothing for him, but such a long time for humans, who aged so fast — Jaskier had managed to firmly worm himself under Geralt's skin, to the point where there was something missing now that he was truly gone.
Geralt slept terribly that night. When the sun rose the next morning, he set out on another hunt. Not for a monster, that time, but the best thing destiny had ever given to him, that he had chased away with his brashness.
The scavenger hunt led him halfway across the continent, until he stumbled into another tavern on the coast of Temeria. Jaskier's trail hadn't been too hard to follow. Apparently, his friend had been fucking and drinking his way through three kingdoms.
And the bard looked as if he was doing a good job of adding a fourth one. He was more than just a little tipsy, sitting rather than standing on the stage. An agonised look passed over his face when he saw Geralt. He wanted to rush over and pull him into a hug, but then Jaskier started singing and the witcher was just frozen in place. It was the most heart-wrenching ballad yet. It took him only about three lines to realise who it was about. 'Fuck,' he thought.
All his instincts told him to flee. He wasn't prepared for this. He couldn't do this. But Jaskier had seen him already. No getting out of it now.
So, he shouldered his way through the crowd Jaskier always attracted and tried to hide in some secluded corner of the tavern. It took incredibly long for the bard to finally finish his set, and even then he made no attempt to seek Geralt out. Instead, he languidly leaned onto the bar, flirting with the barmaid behind it.
He barely suppressed a growl. 'Fine,' he thought and got up to confront his mistakes. He slammed his tankard down next to Jaskier, scaring the barmaid off in the process. "Jaskier," he greeted him.
"Oh, great," he sneered in response. "There goes my bed for the night."
"Hmm," he answered and ducked his head. "I'm sorry."
"What, for chasing off my newest conquest? I fucking hope you are!"
"No, Jaskier," he answered honenstly. "I'm sorry for what I said to you."
"Hmph, you need to do a lot better than that," he said and reached over the bar for a bottle of strong-smelling liquor. He poured himself a glass and knocked it back. Without pause he continued: "Because you know what? I'm fucking angry, Geralt."
"Do we have to do this here?" he hissed. They were attracting glares. Never a good thing for a witcher.
"No," Jaskier admitted and stood up. Bottle in hand he walked towards the stairs. "You're paying for the room."
"Sure," he grumbled and flagged down the innkeep. By the time he had managed to acquire a key, Jaskier had already dragged himself upstairs and drained a good portion of the bottle.
Geralt snorted and unlocked the door, but didn't comment on it. "What I've been trying to say-" he began, and was promptly interrupted:
"How about trying to shut up?" Jaskier hissed and kicked the door shut. "How about trying to listen to me after twenty fucking years?!"
"Jaskier, what I said-"
"This isn't about what you said! Don't you understand? What you said is only the tip of the figurative dragon mountain. I thought you actually liked me! I thought we were friends."
'Shit,' Geralt thought and ground his teeth. "Hmm."
Jaskier laughed hoarsely. "Oh, great. That same old story again. Why am I even bothering...?" He drank straight from the bottle, swaying a bit on his feet.
"You're drunk," he tried to say as neutrally as possible.
"And you're shutting me out again," he countered. Neither of them were wrong.
"I don't know what to say," Geralt tried.
Jaskier wasn't impressed: "Evidently." He made no attempt to follow that up with anything.
After a few moments of silence, Geralt realised that it was his turn to try and fix this mess with words of all things. "I can't sleep," he tried. "Not since you left."
"Poor you," Jaskier mocked cruelly. "I can't either."
"I can't sleep without you," he tried again. "It's cold. I'm dreaming. And when I wake up I'm alone. Roach is a horrible conversationalist and my camps are too big."
Jaskier put the bottle down slowly, gaping at him.
"I walked the path for decades without you and it was fine. It's not anymore. I can't do it any longer. And I guess... I guess I was scared." The words weren't any less intimidating once he'd finally said them. "You said I talk in my sleep?"
"You do."
"I don't. It's been beaten out of me in Kaer Morhen."
He closed his eyes as tightly as he could. It was stupid, he knew. Childish, even. But he couldn't look at Jaskier for this. "So, I meant it. Every word of it."
No reaction.
"Please, Jaskier, I need you to forgive me."
"Give me one reason and I just might." He could hear him come closer. "Say it," he demanded. "Look me in the eye and say it."
It took him every ounce of his discipline to open his eyes and look at Jaskier, barely two feet away from him. "I love you," he said quietly.
"I love you. I've loved you for years, and it scared me, so I couldn't let you know. Witchers aren't supposed to be scared, and that scared me even more, and-"
The rest of his words was silenced by Jaskier's lips. The bard practically leapt at him, snaking his arms around his neck and pulling him close. "You're an idiot," he said when he pulled away. "A fool, a nitwit, an absolute imbecile. The stupidest man alive!"
"I am," he agreed, looping his arms around his waist.
"Why, oh why, do I have to love you of all people?"
"You love me?"
He laughed a teary laugh. "I do, I do. For years and years. How didn't you notice?"
"Because I'm a fool," Geralt said and kissed him again. He just couldn't resist.
"I'm still angry," Jaskier informed him.
"That's alright. But you don't hate me?"
"Far from it."
"And when I wake up on the morrow, you'll be there?"
"Yes," Jaskier promised with another kiss.
Geralt couldn't help but grin. "Good."
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elatedmarvel · 5 years
No Use Crying Over Spilled Coffee
Word Count: Word Count: Steve Rogers x Reader
Summary: You keep bumping into Steve Rogers, literally. 
Word Count: 2364
Warnings: None, not even a swear word (weird I know) she’s a fluffy one
A/N: Remember when I said I was going on a 2 week hiatus? Lol what a joke. Sorry life keeps happening, but I’m going to try and be better about posting. I have so many ideas! Thank you so much for reading! ~J
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The day you met him was unremarkable. 
You got up, got dressed, and headed to work like any other day. But, something possessed you to stop at that coffee shop. You had gotten up early, it was a bright morning, and you were early for work. You figured one cup of coffee from that fancy coffee shop down the way could truly make this Monday morning a good morning. 
You hummed the song playing in the coffee shop softly under your breath and stared at the specials. The choices all had your mouth watering and it was hard to make a decision. There seemed to be some commotion outside as you stepped up to order, but you paid no mind, it was a daily occurrence in NY. 
The barista handed you your drink, and just smelling it made you smile. Just as you were about to take your first sip, the front window was shattered as someone was thrown through- taking you and your coffee down with him.
“I’m so sorry” he panted out of breath, quickly scrambling off of you. You barely heard him, staring as you saw your precious coffee in a puddle on the floor. The sight alone could make you tear up, never mind the cuts and bruises you could feel start to form on your body. 
A hand came into view, and the world seemed to rush back to you. You looked up and there he was. Captain America.
“You spilled my coffee” was all you could respond.
“I’m sorry ma’am, but I didn’t really have a choice on the landing.” he tried to joke, clearly uncomfortable at your wide eyed gaze. 
“But my coffee…” was all you could utter again. Looking around you realized you were still sitting on the floor. You took his hand and he hoisted you up, almost pulling you off the ground. 
“Are you sure you’re ok? No concussion?” he asks as his face roams your face and he looks at your eyes. The color of your eyes and the depth of your stare made chills run down his neck. Lost in your eyes, he turns red when you clear your throat, bringing him back to the moment.
“No dilation, that's a good sign.” he awkwardly coughs. “I’m sorry about taking you down.”
“It’s ok. Are you hurt?” genuine concern laced your voice. His uniform was torn, and you were pretty sure he was bleeding. 
“I’m fine” surprised that you would ask him. No one ever asked him how he was.
You were about double check when he put his hand to his ear and murmured a coming. 
“I have to go, but if you feel drowsy or the pain is too much, you should go to hospital.” he states, already pulling away and rushing back to the fight. “I’m sorry” he shouts back at you once more, and he’s gone. 
It takes a second for your to shake out of your daze, but when you do you realize the coffee shop as gone almost back to normal. The customers were still lined up and the baristas were giving out orders. The only thing that made you sure you hadn’t dreamed it was the glass crunching under your shoes, the pitiful puddle of coffee on the ground, and the dull throb on your butt. 
You had almost forgotten about the incident by Friday morning when you stepped into your office and there it was. The most inconspicuous cup of coffee sitting on your desk, just your order and the perfect temperature.
If anyone asked, the pep in your step that day was certainly the caffeine, and not the handwritten post it note now thumb-tacked to your board. 
Thanks for breaking my fall, hope this makes us even :-)
Months later, your company had been invited to a huge fundraiser gala hosted by Tony Stark. The event was big, thrown at the Plaza with many fortune 500 companies in attendance. 
The moment you walked in, you were a little star struck. Unsure how you had made the cut for the guest list, you felt out of place. Though your boss had given you a generous allowance to spend on your attire, you’re sure your $2,000 Zac Posen evening gown couldn’t compare to the custom made designer gowns and suits that were gleaming under the light.
Spotting a close work friend and some people from your office, you made your way to the open bar and ordered your favorite wine.
“I feel so out of place” you say as soon as you join your group. Drink poised in your right hand.
“I know me too. I feel like we’re the charity.” Rachel from marketing jokes, and you instantly feel better being here. 
“What did we do to get on this list?” Jake from accounting asks. And the conversation flows from there. Jokes and small talk were had, and the more time you spent laughing with your co-workers, the more at ease you felt. 
2 glasses in and you were feeling loose, your reflexes weren’t as sharp as they should have been. When someone knocks you from behind, your drink goes flying out your hand and finds residence on your dress. The collective gasp from your group lets you know the stain is bad before you even have to look down. 
“I’m so sorry!” and you feel a sense of deja vu. Pivoting on your heels to see your assaulter, you come face to red face with Captain America.
“My wine.” was all you could mutter. If possible, his eyes widen even more.
“I’m so sorry Y/n! Bucky pushed me I swear!” he rushed out as he throws an accusatory finger at the brunette standing a few feet away with a Cheshire grin on his face. 
You shoot Bucky a small wave before glancing up at Steve again, and boy was that a mistake. If possible, he had gotten more handsome than when you last saw him. His hair was grown out slightly, and his face was freshly shaven. The suit he had on looked like it was molded for his body, and you tried so hard not to outwardly drool over him. You’re heart fluttered when you realized he knew and remembered your name. 
“We have to stop meeting like this.” you smirk up at him. Eyes taking in how his blush was spreading from his cheeks to his entire face.
“I swear it was an accident! I was telling Bucky that I thought it was you, he told me to say hi and gave me a little nudge” he rambles, heart pounding under your playful gaze. “I’m sorry I ruined your dress, I’ll pay for the dry cleaning bill. Or I’ll just buy you another one.”
At the mention of your dress, you realize that the wine was starting to sink into your dress and stick to your skin. 
“It’s ok Captain Rogers, I didn’t pay for it, and I doubt I’ll have an occasion to wear it again.” You glance around and find that your friends had moved elsewhere, leaving you alone with Steve.
“I think I’m gonna go. Get this off before it sticks anymore.” you say, trying to memorize Steve’s face. Sure it’ll be the last time you see him.
“Let me at least help you get home and make sure the stain didn’t set.” flushing when he realizes what that must sound like to you. “I swear I just want to make sure the dress and you are ok, I won’t even go into your building!”
Your heart warms at his blabbering, and you can’t help but smile up at him.
“I would lo-” and you get interrupted as Pepper Potts herself gives you a smile and takes Steve’s elbow.
“Sorry to barge in but it’s time for your speech Cap” was all she said as she started to drag him away. His eyes searching for you and mouthed an I’m sorry before he was swept away and engulfed by the crowd. 
Sure enough, the band quieted as Tony Stark appeared on stage and started the thank yous of the evening. Seeing Steve on stage and watching all the women in the room undress him with your eyes was your breaking point. The wine stain had started to cool, and your heart was tearing a little at being so close, yet so far away from him. The night was over, and all you wanted was to curl up with a pint of ice cream and watch reruns of Friends.
One last look to Steve, who was chewing the inside of his cheek and watching Tony finish up his speech, and you slowly made your way through the crowd. You never noticed the pair of sorrowful blue eyes watching your departure.
The next morning on your way out the door to find some coffee, a hulking bouquet of yellow roses was waiting for you on the doorstep. Sniffing the roses as you went to put them on your table, the card bought a permanent smile to your face.  
These roses dull in comparison to you, but I hope you accept my apology.
Steven G. Rogers
It was finally Friday after the longest week. Everything that could go wrong went wrong. You’re alarm didn’t go off on Monday leaving you 30 mins late for a meeting with the board of the company, unpredicted rainfall ruined your makeup and shoes on Tuesday, the copier jammed on Wednesday so you couldn’t scan any of your contracts, and Thursday brought about a case of mild food poisoning.
You were truly done with the week, and just wanted to crawl into your bed and hibernate till Monday. But, your best friends had made plans and you figured seeing them and some alcohol could brighten an otherwise horrible, no good week. 
The music was loud, but no match for the volume at which your friends and you laughed. You could feel the tension slip away story by story and start to be replaced by a decent buzz. Volunteering to get the next round, you gently balance the three drinks in your hands. Gingerly, you swivel on your heel and right into a brick wall of a man, effectively drenching both you and him. His hands come up to your arms to help you keep your balance. 
“I’m sorry!” you both exclaim, and you could recognize that voice anywhere. 
“You know, if you wanted to see me, all you had to do was say hi” you laugh as you look up and find the shocked face of one Steve Rogers. 
“Ugh, you must hate me by now” and he covers one giant hand over his blushed face.
“At least this time you got a small taste of your own medicine.” and you gesture to his soaked white tee shirt. If he notices how your eyes linger at the transparent shirt clinging to all the hard muscle underneath, he doesn’t say. 
“I owe you a new drink. Or 3” he smiles down at you. 
“I would take you up on that offer, but my girlfriends are waiting for me.” pointing at the table of women obviously staring at the interaction. He aims a small wave and half smile at them, which they return with great enthusiasm. 
“Let me replace your drinks then.” and he turns signals to the bartender before you can say anything. 
“Thank you, I’m sure they would love to tell the story of how Captain America bought them drinks.” you tease. 
“I’m glad they won’t hate me for ruining your night out.” and you both continue the small talk. So engrossed with each other, you don’t even realize that your drinks are ready until the bartender has to slap the bar to grab your attention. 
“I’ll walk you to your table, make sure you don’t spill that on anyone else.” and you feel his hand guiding you back towards your friends. “Don’t worry, seems like these things only really happen around you.” you smirk up, and you swear his whole face starts to turn red. 
“I’m sorry again, for the coffee and the wine and your beer.” he says and sincerely looks guilty. You’re heart could just burst at his expression, and you laugh when he sticks his bottom lip out in a pout.
“All is forgiven. Under one circumstance.” and you can hear your heartbeat in your ears. His lovely face morphs into one of confusion and your palms sweat a bit more. It’s now or never.
“You take me to dinner.” and the shocked look on his face has you questioning if you really were taking his kind gestures the wrong way. Maybe he was really just trying to be nice. 
His small laugh restarts your breathing, and you can feel a smile start to creep up on your face. “You beat me.” he states. “I was gonna spill one more drink on you and then as you out” he jokes. 
“I see, well I still have drinks in my hand if you want to stick to your plan.” you grin up at him.
“Nah, I think I’m good” he smiles and leans down slowly. His eyes flicker from yours to your lips. You meet him halfway and the moment your lips touch, the world melts away. His hand comes up to caress you face and you press yourself into him more. 
The sudden cold feeling of your beers spilling onto your pants had you pulling away. A little too wrapped up in the kiss, you had tilted the beers in your hand. 
“Shoot! I’m so sorry!” you say and you try not to laugh at the irony.
“It’s ok, partly my fault. I distracted you.” he says looking down at his now damp shoes. “But I guess this means I have to ask you out.” and his cheeky smile has you actually laughing. 
“It would be my pleasure. As long as I stay dry during the date.”
“Can’t promise anything darling.” and he pecks your lips once more before going back to the bar to replace your drinks.
Going into that coffee shop months ago was the best decision you had ever made. 
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Survey #294
“maybe it’s not too late to learn how to love and forget how to hate”
Is your bed big enough for two people? Yes. What is your favorite board game? I like Battleship. Have you ever been hospitalized for more than 2 weeks? I think one stay at the psych hospital stretched over two weeks, maybe three. I don't remember. When was the last time you heard someone scream? Irl, probably at some point visiting my sister's family and my baby niece was upset. If you include via audio, a couple days ago when watching Egoraptor's Kingdom Hearts 2 stream. He's a Loud Boy. Who was the last person to call you baby? I have no clue. Why did you last go to the airport? I was going home from Sara's. Have you ever showered with another person? Not since I was a little kid with my sister. Is there something you are keeping a secret from your parents? I mean, nothing major. There are small things I don't tell them, though. Are you able to forget people easily? FUCK to the NO. What disgusts you about bathrooms? Sharing a toilet with literally anybody. Have you ever had gum stuck in your hair? I mean maybe at some point, but I don't think so. What was the shortest amount of time you’ve known someone before you’ve dated them? If you’ve never been in a relationship before, do you watch Scrubs? I knew Jason maybe two/three weeks before he asked me out. We clicked so damn fast. Don’t you hate it when people talk about their relationships constantly? It can become a bit much. I have (had?) a friend who did this profusely to the point it was pretty impossible to have an actual conversation, and then she fell off the face of the planet. Being in love is an absolutely amazing thing, but like... that's not all you can talk about. Do you enjoy old movies? Yeah, there are some great ones. Do your neighbors annoy you in any way? Someone a few houses down has a dog that NEVER shuts the fuck up. I don't know how it doesn't lose its voice. What was the last party you were invited to? A Halloween party hosted by my friend Summer a few years ago. It was a good time. Are you honestly happy with your life right now? N O P E Do you find it fun to pray for people? I don't pray, but even if I did, "fun" seems like the wrong word. Generally when you pray for someone, there's something negative going on in their life, so like... I think "fulfilling" is maybe a better word? Has your mom ever crocheted you a blanket? My mom has deadass been working on a massive blanket since she was in her 20s (maybe even a tad younger), and she's at the tail end of her 50s. She works on it less than once in a blue moon. She started with the intention of passing it onto her kids. Do you regret letting a certain guy slip away? Debatable. It's questionable if I ever would have gotten competent help without Jason leaving, and if I didn't, what if he finally had enough when we were already married with kids (that's what I wanted at the time, anyway)? That would have broken me even worse. What show did you want to be on as a kid? Whatever the Nickelodeon one was where you got slimed lol. Do you have regrets? Of course I do. Does anyone really know you? My mom and Sara, at least. What song do you want played at your wedding? It depends on my partner and songs we consider special. Are you a fan of Taylor Swift? No. I do, however, love me some "Love Story." And you are LYYYYYYINNNNNGGGG if "Picture To Burn" doesn't make you feel like a Bad Bitch. Would you ever dye your hair unicorn colors? I would DIIIIIEEEEE to do that in pastel tints. I wish my damn hair took color well... I have literally only had ONE very effective hair dyeing experience, when my friend spent hours turning it red. It stuck for MONTHS. List 3 of your pet peeves. 1.) Turning tragedy into a competition; 2.) making mental illnesses "trendy;" and 3.) elitists of pretty much anything. Do you type fast? Very. What do you like to put on your pancakes? Typically just maple syrup, but I'll put butter on them if given it at a restaurant. Have you ever accidentally drank spoiled milk? I've taken a sip and immediately realized and spat it out. Have you ever had your heart broken? More like shattered into incalcuable pieces. When you were 3, was your natural hair color the same as it is now? No, I was dirty blonde. Have you ever received a scary message from someone online? Yes, I'm pretty sure. What does your first name rhyme with? "Infamy" is close enough, ig, if we're excluding other names. Do you have freckles on your face? No. I did as a kid, though. Who is your favorite Lisa Frank character? Probably the angel kitty (I had a coloring book, even), but they're all SO pretty. I love Lisa Frank stuff. Does your family always have your back? My mom and dad do, at least. My older sister does, meanwhile it's hard to tell with my little sister. She's not very affectionate and expressive of love to the point I question a lot if she even likes me. What type of wedding do you want to have? Gothic! Are you more of a leader or a follower? A follower, within reason. I'm definitely not a blind one. Do you know anyone with a profession in law? Quite a few, actually. Have you ever Googled yourself? Yeah, at some point. Do you have a regular vacation spot, or do you always go somewhere new? We don't really go on vacations. It's not an expense Mom can really afford. Where were you working 10 years ago? Nowhere. ... 5 years ago? Still nowhere. ... 1 year ago? Nowhere. What's the shortest amount of time you've had between relationships? Like a day. I know it sounds bad, but I left Girt already knowing I loved Sara, and I didn't really have anything to heal from. As a child, what comfort foods did your parents make for you when you were sick with a cold or flu? We'd have Saltines, chicken noodle soup (which I never really liked), and ginger ale. What's your favorite art style? Probably hyperrealistic fantasy stuff. What time period is considered to be your country's 'golden age?' I don't know, I'm not a history buff. Have you ever done LSD? I've never done any drugs. Are any of your coworkers currently out on maternity/paternity leave? N/A What is your favorite parody movie? Maybe the Paranormal Activity one. I barely remember it, though. What kind of first impression do you hope others have of you? That I'm kind and friendly and really care about their feelings. Do you have a good sense of balance? NOOOOOOOOOO. I stray like a motherfucker when I walk. Have for many years. It's weird. What is your least favorite ice cream flavor? Strawberry, ugh. Does your car have heated seats? No. What's something that has been in your local news lately? I don't watch it. What's your favorite internet meme? Oh, I have no clue, I love memes lmao. What is the strangest pizza topping you've ever eaten? Nothing, really. I'm not very adventurous with pizza. Can you name any books or movies where all the main characters die? Not off the top of my head. Do you live alone? No, I live with my mother. What’s the grossest thing you’ve encountered in/at a fast food joint? *shrug* Do you swallow chewing gum? No. Do you ever get goosebumps while listening to songs? EXTREMELY easily. Like that is so, so regular, be it from the lyrics, the singer's voice, or just the music. Are there any amusement park rides you refuse to go on? Why? Most, really. I get dizzy way, way too easily and don't want to faint. What is the best roller coaster you’ve ever been on? I'm afraid of roller coasters, so I can't answer this. Never touched one. Don’t you think black jellybeans are icky? Ugh, YES. What was the last thing you measured with a ruler? I helped Mom use the long, flexible kind to measure the couch because she was gonna move some furniture around. What’s the most beautiful place you’ve ever seen? Oh, I'm sure the mountains when driving to Tennessee. I was too young to remember it well, but I can never forget that I marveled over them. Would you rather have a Playstation or Xbox made console? I'm a Playstation gal. What if you were watching COPS and saw your significant other on there? I'm... not gonna lie, if it was Jason for doing something stupid and not, like, murderous, I'd probably cackle. Have you ever tried to write to any celebrities? No. When was the last time you blew bubbles? I ain't got a clue. Have you ever stumbled across a beehive? More like wasp nests. What food(s) make you cringe? Quite a lot, given my extreme selectiveness with textures. More than anything, probably egg yolk. Have you ever played an automated 20 Questions game and beat it? Ha, I actually had one of those! I have, but damn was that hard. Have you been to a restaurant where they cook the food in front of you? Yup, Ichiban. Pretty cool. Do you feel that presidential campaigns make people too competitive? I mean, no. People care about who is going to be the head of their country. Do you find Family Guy hilarious or offensive? Neither. Do you still write letters to people, even though there’s e-mail now? No. Have you ever had an accident involving a microwave? Ha, I'm a travesty of a cook, so yeah. I remember on one occasion I accidentally dialed in many minutes for popcorn and entirely forgot about it. Safe to say I didn't eat it. I've split hot dogs in there, and I'm certain there's more. Do you like the movie Forrest Gump? I adore that movie. One of the best films ever imo. Can you handle heat well? I honestly doubt you'll meet someone who handles it worse than me, especially physically. I have severe hyperhidrosis, so I will literally sweat like a pig in 70* weather. I absolutely cannot handle it. Do you smoke weed? What are your opinions on its legalization? No. Legalize it for at least medicinal purposes. Have you ever had a school shooting at your school? HA, I can promise you my high school must have at some point. Are you usually the first to do something, or are you more of a follower? I don't pay attention to this. What is your favorite way to eat a potato? Fries, yum. Are roses your favorite flower? No, but they're high on the list. Have you ever been to a horse race? No. I think they're abusive anyway. Do you like lobster? No. Have you ever swam in a lake? Yeah. There's one lake I swam in that was so clear you could see pretty far and just watch the fish and turtles. Have you ever convinced someone to show you their private parts? "Convinced"????? That's fucking coercion. I've seen people naked, but not by fucking pressure. What is the greatest treasure you have ever found? My older sister found a cracked amethyst geode once. Idk where it's at now, but I hope she (or we at the house, depending on where it is) finds it at some point, though. My niece has come to love smooth rocks and pebbles, and I think crystals would blow her away, never mind one that size. Do you eat beef? Regrettably. Are you good at card games? I mean, what's the game? I'm not exceptional at any I can think of. What is your favorite musical? I don't like musicals. Did you ever play the Oregon Trail game? Omg yes!!! I LOVED playing it as a kid, especially the 3rd one, I think? Do you watch It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia? No. Who is your favorite country singer? I actually do enjoy Tim McGraw pretty consistently, but I don't actually seek out his music. Do you know anyone who is Mormon? An old best friend was. Do you like grunge? Yeah. What’s your favorite kind of cheese? American. What’s the most historic thing that has happened in your lifetime? Most likely Covid. What’s your funniest story involving a car? It's not hilarious, but once we were behind someone whose license plate said "omw" lmao. What scientific discovery would change the course of humanity overnight if it was discovered? Well, a proven Covid vaccine. Do you think that humans will ever be able to live together in harmony? Nope. What’s the scariest non-horror movie? Idk. What’s the most amazing true story you’ve heard? I'm not sure. What’s the most awkward thing that happens to you on a regular basis? Having to explain my Mark tribute tattoo lmao. What was one of the most interesting concerts you’ve been to? I've only ever seen Alice Cooper, and while it was great, "interesting" seems like the wrong word. Where are you not welcome anymore? Probably Jason's house, at least not by him. Or Colleen's, probably. Idk how she feels about me by now. What’s the most recent show you’ve binge watched? Avatar: The Last Airbender w/ Sara. What’s a common experience for many people that you’ve never experienced? Paying bills. What’s the smartest thing you’ve seen an animal do? I kid you not, our first cat would look both ways twice before crossing the street across our house. (Please do not allow your cats outside.) She'd do it even more when bringing her kittens there too to hunt. Chance was truly incredible. I could really give a lot of examples of her intelligence. I also had another childhood cat (my favorite before Roman) who would respond to a certain clap pattern I'd do if Mom let me bring him inside. Wherever Charcoal was wandering, he'd come running. What’s the dumbest thing someone has argued with you about? Oh, I'm sure it was RP-related stuff as a kid. What’s the longest rabbit hole you’ve been down? I'unno. What’s the saddest scene in a movie or TV series? Possible spoiler warning for a super old movie??? Probably when the main character of Old Yeller had to put the dog down because of rabies. But I cry like a bitch easily, so maybe there's something that tears me up even more or just as badly. What odd smell do you really enjoy? None that are "odd," really. What’s the coolest animal you’ve seen in the wild? I've seen a mink once when fishing with Dad deep in the woods. What’s the best lesson you’ve learned from a work of fiction? Oh, I don't know. I'd have to think for a while & I don't feel like it. What food do you crave most often? Probably ice cream. Who in your life has the best/worst luck? I don't know about best, but my mom absolutely has the worst luck. Which apocalyptic dystopia do you think is most likely? A meteor, maybe? If you had a HUD that showed three stats about any person you looked at, what three stats would you want it to show? I'd want to know if they were criminals or just dangerous. What’s the funniest thing you’ve seen a kid do? Oh, my niece is so funny. One of the things that gave me the biggest laugh (and was most adorable) was this time I was taking family pictures for Ash at a local lake, and Aubree went running into the gazebo, span around totally like in a princess movie, and exclaimed, "It's enormous!" She is such a darling. If people could read your mind, what would they usually find? Just how bored I am, memories of Jason bc trauma, lamenting my disappointment in myself, "why is Mark so perfect," worrying about Sara, thinking of RP character developments... What celebrity would you like to meet? Mark. 100%. I would die to just thank him (if I could get words out, oof) and hug him and try not to soak his shirt in tears lmao. Do you need money to be happy? Don't bullshit me, you wouldn't be happy homeless because you can't afford a home. So to a degree, yes. What's a good idea you've had recently? Hm. What gift would you like to receive? At this current moment, Cloak's (Mark and Jacksepticeye's clothing brand) limited edition "life after death" design for a shirt. It is so fucking pretty, and I love the nature focus. What are you most excited about right now? Honestly? Getting my laptop back. I wanna play WoW lmao. What's your favorite song from a movie? Maybe uhhhhhh was "Supermassive Black Hole" actually written for Twilight? Where would you like to volunteer? I very, very badly want to volunteer to take pictures of animals up for adoption in shelters for like their social medias and stuff. I've asked like the two local places, but no bites yet. What's the last song you listened to? Metallica's cover of "Turn The Page." What's the last YouTube video you watched? I'm watching Gab Smolders play SOMA. Fantastic game.
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ainchase · 5 years
El Star Maze Fan Meetup Translation
Warning: It’s 51 min long -  translation start from 4:40
Raven: One, two, three MAZE: "No way out!" We're MAZE! Host: Aren't their outfit and concept just a fantastic combo? Wow, they're so cool! First of all, please tell us how you feel about meeting your fans for the first time! Raven: Hi, I'm Raven, leader and the dancer of MAZE. Thanks for coming all the way here on such a hot day. Ciel: Hi, I'm the rapper of MAZE. I'm so touched that so many of you showed up today. I'll try my best so you guys can have a great time. Ain: Hi, everyone. Remember my name? Yes, I'm Ain. Thank you for keeping your promise. I'll be together in your time today. 
T/L note: insert Ain's anime reference here
Host: I thought some of you were going to faint from Ain making a cheeky(?) comment there. Anyway, so many of you, our MIA are here today. MAZE is the first one to have their fan name decided, and this is our first fan meeting. Can you tell us why it's named MIA?
T/L note: “Mia” 미아 means "lost child" in Korean
Raven: MIA is the name of our fan club. Ain: It's from the name of our group, MAZE. It means that they are lost in us... MAZE. Raven: There were other good candidates for the name of the fan club, so it was really tough to choose. Ciel: But after seeing our fans were volunteering to become "lost children" for us, it made us like the name even more. Ain: Mr. Leader said he likes the name because he could feel the conviction from our fans. Raven: Uh.. yeah, that too, but it was a good opportunity for me to make my own conviction as well... that I should work harder for the fans that have become lost children for us. Ain: Hmmm, since our name means a literal maze... shouldn't we make them get lost even more? Raven: Uh... that's a little... Ciel: Hahaha... The maze our fans will get lost in will be the safest maze in the world, so don't worry. Ciel: Besides, we'll come find you no matter what. Raven: -Ehem- Uh... yeah. Host: Uh... MAZE saying that they'll be the safest maze for their MIA sounds so sweet. How about you guys? Host: As some of you already know from attending other ELSTAR meetups, but we're about to move on to the most anticipated moment of the event. We'll see how much love our idols can show our fans. Then, MAZE, please show your fans how much you love them! Raven: -Ehem- Uh, we learned something for today's special occasion. Everyone, I... I... Ain: -makes the heart sign with his fingers- Raven: I... I congratulate you for coming all the way here with your life still attached. Ciel: Geesh... Okay, Ciel will do something special. It's a little old-fashioned but I felt that this works the best for me. I look forward to your support, everyone! Ain: That... makes you look a bit old. Hmm, I heard humans show their affection this way nowadays. I learned it with Mr. Leader for today. How's this? I'll use both my hands. Host: Wow... Our MIA's are totally floored. Now, it's your turn, everyone! Show them how much you love them! Host: Let's talk about their debut single! It hasn't been released yet so I'm guessing a lot of you are very curious! for Mega Cake, the song was released before the event so everyone was able to cheer during the song and all, but the song is still shrouded in veil! Please let us know when the song will be released! Raven: Hmm, it's tomorrow. August 5th. Ain: That's right. I heard you will be able to listen to it from various streaming sites. Ciel: Whoa, I can't wait! I'd appreciate it if you guys can give it a listen. Host: Our MIA's can't wait! Everyone is curious about the song. Tell us more about it. Raven: The song is called 말야 ("you know"), "Reset" Ciel: It'll be a totally different song from TrinityACE and Mega Cake, but I think the song fits well with our image. Ain: Yes, it's powerful, but at the same time, like me, it's... Ciel: ...wut. Ain: It's very emotional. Host: Strong and emotional? I wonder what the song is like. Now let's take a look at the FIRST part of their music video! Host: The full version will be released on August 12th on Elsword's YouTube! So please look forward to it! Host: Are you ready? x3 Host: Please cheer on! Host: How was that, everyone? Host: I think the MAZE is so shocked by your response that they can't even speak! Ain: ...I'm just really tired from coming back from all that dancing. Raven: Uh... Thank you for liking it so passionately. Ciel: We did our best for our MIA's. How was it? I wanted to... -gets interrupted- Yes, yes, I wanted to show you a lot more, but it's too bad. Ain: But you can watch the full version next week. You'll wait until then, won't you? Thank you~ Host: I love their black outfit, but their white ones from their MV were good too. Don't you think so? Thank you for liking them. Now, let's talk about the song. Host: Apparently in the lyric, there is a part that says "even if I am born again, I'll come find you." Host: Also the part where they say they'll always remember the one they love was really touching. What do you think about the story, MAZE? Do the three of you also have someone important? Raven: Yes, you can say that I did... Ciel: -sigh- Raven... Seriously, what do you mean you "did"..? If you say it in a past tense, you make it hard for anyone to ask about it. Ciel: I also did have people who were precious to me. Of course, I do even now. Ain: I see, that's how it is for you two. Raven: Ain, you don't? Ain: Hmm, I don't know... I think our MIA's are important to me... Ain: ...is what I'm supposed to say as an idol, yes? Hahaha Ciel: You traitor... You wanted to worm your way out of this on your own! He sure knows how to be an idol... Host: Uh... yeah. Don't all of you want to be MAZE's important person? We want to hear your honest answers. Do you have the confidence to recognize the one you love even if you are reborn? Raven: That's a difficult question. I don't think... I can be that sure. But if there is a way to tell, then I'll do whatever it takes to make sure I can recognize them. Host: ooohhhhhh Ciel: I'm sure I can. Even if they're reborn and look different, I'm sure I will be able to tell. Ain: I'm sure you can, Mr. Rapper. There's no way there'd be two of such a d.... no, person. Ciel: -awkward laughter- Ain, you.... -angry- Raven: What about you, Ain? Ain: Hmm, well, I think it's a meaningless "what if" story. But if I had to give an answer, I feel like I will be able to tell. Ain: No matter the world we're reborn in, no matter what we look like, I'm sure I'll be able to tell if it's someone precious like our MIA's. Raven: So the two of you can be that sure, huh. Amazing. Ain: Amazing, isn't it? Ciel: lol Host: Okay, let's move on to the next question. It's a favorite question during fan meetups! What was the toughest thing you had to do during your preparation for the stage? Ciel: I'll tell you first. Hmm, let's see. Everyone was such fast learners, so it wasn't difficult during our practices. Raven choreographed the whole thing himself, as well as the movements and whatnot. Ain and I just had to follow his lead. Ain: Give him a round of applause. Ain: I said give him a round of applause. Ain: Yes, he's right. Mr. Leader worked out everything, but he also wasted no time in pointing out what we need to fix and improve on during practices. We got through the training really quickly thanks to that. Ain: Hmm, compared to other idol groups, it looked like we had spent less time practicing. Raven: It was all possible because everyone followed so well. Ciel: Thanks to that, I even had enough time to check on Lu although I was worried I won't have the time. it. It's all thanks to Raven. Ain: I heard it gets hectic after debut, but we had a relatively easier time thanks to Mr. Leader here. Ain: Right, Mr. Leader? Raven: I don't need a word of thanks from the two of you. It made me reflect on what makes a leader a leader. I... I think I have a lot to work on still. Ciel: Right, guys? I think you're the best leader, Raven. Ain: That's right. I agree. It can't be someone who's never around because they're taking care of someone else... Ciel: -awkward cough- Hey, I'm not the only one who disappears mysteriously from time to time. Ciel: But I agree that Raven is a perfect leader. Then majority rules... Raven is our leader forever! Ain: Haha, I guess it's decided then. Raven: Well, uh... I guess this is the toughest part of our preparation for the stage. Finding a way to improve things. Ciel: Geesh, just how much of a better leader are you trying to be? Ain: He's right. Host: Let's read the profiles of our MAZE! I'm sure you even memorized all of them! Host: Who should go first? Yes! Let's go with Raven first! Host: Let's see.. his favorite food is... different flavors of jerky? Raven: Yeah, we have a lot of different flavors nowadays, so it's fun trying them. Ciel: When we first met, he had a pile of jerky that I thought he was an alcoholic. Ciel: But after seeing him take out a bag of jerky anywhere anytime, I realized he just likes the jerky itself. Ain: What's your reason for only eating jerky even when we have a mountain of desserts in our house? Raven: It's not so much about the flavor, but I guess it's a habit from eating it so often since a long time ago. Host: Then... what's your favorite flavor now? Raven: Recently, I've been trying things like spicy, cheese, honey flavor... but I personally prefer tastes that have a good solid base. It tastes good every time I chew on them. Ain: Hmm, Mr. Rapper, do you know how to make jerky too? Ciel: Uh, yes, but... it takes too much effort to make them. I just wish he'll eat all the cookies and desserts. Why do you ask? Ain: I thought it'd be a better idea to make something each other can enjoy if you're going to cook. Raven: Hmm, but there's a website where I buy my jerky from, so it doesn't matter. Ain: Hahaha, okay. I'll just eat whatever I get then. Host: Can we know where this website is? Haha. Okay, maybe this is one of the most often asked questions, especially if you're a fan of Raven. Raven always has bandages on his left hand. Everyone's worried that you got injured. Can you tell us why you have it wrapped in bandages? Raven: Ah, sorry, but I can't. Ciel: Aw, come on, Raven. You can hear our fans being disappointed. You can tell them. We're okay. Raven: What does you being okay with it have anything to do with-- Ain: That's right. I actually know why too. Black Flame Dragon is sealed in his left arm... is it not?
T/N: Black flame dragon is an old meme.. it's a very uh.. chuunibyou thing... it's from (中二病でも恋がしたい!) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m1SxXB87v4Y
Ain: It's running rampant every time you're dancing, so you sealed it away with bandages, did you not? Raven: ... Ciel: What the heck are you saying? His arm actually... has a cute hedgehog clinging on it that he had to hide it with bandages. Raven: You're both wrong... so stop it. Ciel: How long are you going to keep it a secret? Raven: It's nothing serious, so you don't have to worry about it. Ciel: But we're seriously curious... Right, MIA's? Raven: Uh, I actually... it's because... Ain: You really don't have to be ashamed of your black flame dragon. Raven: Stop it because it's embarrassing. Ciel: You don't have to be ashamed of hedgehogs either Raven: Can we move on to the next question?Host: Our MIA's are disappointed, but let's move on to protect our Leader. It's Ciel's turn now! Host: So your hobby is to collect cute things, despite your dashing looks! Ciel: That's right! I love collecting cute dolls and things. I love Bebe bird, Phoru and Hedgehog dolls especially. I feel better whenever I look at cute things, don't you? Ain: I... I'm not sure. Ciel: You're not into it? What about you, Raven? Isn't the limited edition doll I gifted you cute? Raven: Uh... Uh... Huh? Uh yeah. The giant hedgehog doll? It's quite useful. I use it as a pillow. It's so soft. Ciel: What? ...It was my prized collection. I waited in line to get it since it was a limited edition... Ain: Hmm, sounds like you should've gifted him a bean bag. Ciel: No... if he's putting it to good use, then that's fine. Raven: Uh I'm sorry about that. Host: So he used a doll as a cushion... That sure sounds like Raven. Let's talk about Ciel's specialty! He's good at baking and shooting? Ciel: I've done both for a long time. Especially baking. I learned it from someone who was taking care of me before I became a manager. Ain: Oh... I see. Before you were a manager? It sounds like a long time ago. Ciel: It was when I was young... Let's talk about that at another time. Ciel: I'm really good at baking cookies and ice cream. Raven: Ah, yes. Ciel's cookies are my 2nd favorite thing after jerky. They look too fancy to eat sometimes, but they're as good as they look. Ciel: I care a lot about how they look as well as how they taste. I'm into making different flavors of hedgehog cookies nowadays. Ain: Ah, the red, blue, and purple hedgehogs? Ciel: Yes. I saw some merch of hedgehogs so I was inspired by that. Ciel: They all taste different! Ain: Ah... I see. Is that so? I liked the red one the most. Fans: -dies- Ain: I didn't care too much about the purple one. Raven: So that's why I only saw blue and purple hedgehog cookies. That reminds me, the purple one's leaf was all broken. Ciel: What? There's no way... Ain, was it broken when you were eating the cookies too? Raven: What did you say just now. Ciel? Ciel: Uh.. hedgehog cookies. What were we talking about? Hmm anyway, I'll bake them again. Ain: Heh, thank you. I said it before, but make extra red ones, please. Host: ...what did we see just now? Haha, uh I thought someone disappeared all of a sudden, but maybe that was just me. Whose turn is it now? That's right. It's Ain's turn. Ain's profile didn't have enough information, it seemed. Ain: Oh... is it? I thought I filled it out properly. See? Hobbies are reading books and watching movies. I don't have anything, particularly I like or dislike. I'm quite good at everything I do, and I love our MIA's. Ciel: What am I going to do with that guy... Raven: Uh... I'm not in any position to say anything on the subject, but it sure does feel like a lot is missing. Ain: Well, isn't this fairly generic? Raven: I don't think I've ever seen you read or watch anything though... Ciel: That's right. Ain: That's because... I do it when no one's watching. Ciel: Is it? Then what's your favorite scene? Ain: Haha, are you trying to make sure I get enough screen time? 
T/N Note: Ain is saying in a “by asking me so many personal questions? you don't have to, Ciel” tone
Ain: Hmm, let's see... ah, I like watching documentaries. I find it interesting how they've captured exactly how humans live. Uh, I read religious texts. I personally find them interesting. Ciel: Is... that so? I think I've seen him pray in the morning... Are you religious? Ain: That's... a secret. Raven: Uh, it's not a cult, is it? Ain: It's nothing strange, so there's no need for you to worry. Host: Ain's profile had something interesting. Ain: Yes? Host: So you give others nicknames? Is that why you call Ciel and Raven, Mr. Rapper and Mr. Leader? Ain: Oh, that's because... they asked me not to call them by their nicknames publicly. Uh, at our house, I... Ciel: Ain... Raven: ... Ain: Haha, I call them by different nicknames, but it's a secret, Ms. Host. It's a personal nickname. Raven: Yes, they're very personal... It's awkward for everyone to know... Ciel: Yeah, it's embarrassing. Ain: That's too bad that you find it embarrassing. I thought I did my best to give you guys fitting nicknames. No? Ciel: -sigh- Well, Lu said if you call her by her nickname again, she'll make sure you won't be able to set foot in the entertainment industry again... Raven: Ain, we're okay with being called by our nicknames, but maybe it's better for you to not call people by nicknames they don't want. Ain: Hmm.. but it's based on facts. Is it really that bad? Raven: Even if it's based on facts, it can hurt their feelings. Ain: I don't think I quite understand, but I should be wary of Lu's threat... Ciel: If Lu hears that, she'll flip out... You're going to edit this out, won't you? Host: Sure. Let's have a Q&A time! We're going to go over the questions we got on our social media. Let's look at our first question. Host: This is one of the most asked questions that everyone asked. Host: Everyone said it's hard to catch the three of you together, so they're worried that you guys aren't actually that close. Host: TrinityAce and Mega Cake were seen together often... Were you guys able to grow closer while you were preparing for your debut? Raven: Yes, we did. Each of us has our own personal things to worry about, but we were all busy with our debut. Ciel: Raven, if you say it like that, it sounds too business-like... You have to explain it in a way that shows exactly how close we all are. Raven: Uh.. is that so? I don't know how to put it... Hmm... we've gotten close to the point where we can't stop talking during meal times. Ain: Haha, that's true, but that's not the kind of closeness Mr. Rapper was talking about. Ciel: Wait, maybe we're the only ones that think we got close when Raven doesn't think that way? Ain: Oh, so you felt that way... but can you not loop me in that by saying "we"? Ciel: What? so I'm the only one who felt that way? Ain: I was kidding. Ciel: ...Uh, I guess we can say we've gotten close to a point where we can joke like this....? Raven: Ah, yes. I'm no longer taken aback by situations like this. Host: Haha... do they look like they're close? I guess they are. Moving on to the 2nd most asked question. So, we've never seen them together before. So, what exactly were you guys doing off on your own? Can you tell us? Ciel: Uh... uh... I feel guilty of this... what a straight-forward question... Ain: Mr. Rapper has a lot to feel guilty about. A bone-hitting question, no? Raven: You got hit in the bone? Are you okay? Ciel: Hey, that's not it! He means she cornered me with her question. Ain: Yes... it's a metaphor. Raven: I see... Where do you guys learn these things? Ciel: I learn from reading El Live comments. Our viewers are very expressive. Ain: Are we not going to answer the question? Raven: Ah, oh no. I was distracted. I normally practice or watch other group's dance videos when I'm alone. Ain: So that's why you were in the room all the time. Ciel: He likes to be a hermit sometimes. Ain: Right? Completely opposite of you, Mr. Rapper. Raven: Next up is you, Ciel. What do you do when you're alone? Other than taking care of Lu. Ciel: Ah... it's rare, but if I have some time alone, then I go to the shooting range or bake cookies. They have a lot of cute dolls as prizes in the shooting range. As long as I got no competition, I can get as many of them as I like. Ain: Whether it's spending time at the shooting range or baking cookies.... it doesn't change the fact that our house gets full of stuff. Ain: At this rate, the whole house is going to be full of cookies and dolls. Ciel: Fine, I'll try to get rid of them. Raven: Ain, it's your turn. Ain: Ah, is it? Are you guys looking forward to it? Ain: When I'm alone... it's a secret. Ciel: Ain, what are you doing? You can't say it's a secret. Ain: I was kidding, but... I said everything when I was talking about profiles earlier Host: That wasn't... such a satisfying answer... but we all know, don't we? I'm sure our MIA's all know what they were doing on their own. Host: Let's move to individual questions and not a group question. We've asked this during the previous fan meet up. Can you tell us your first impression and current opinion of each member? Staring with our leader. Raven: I felt comfortable when I heard Ciel is the same age as me. I was a bit nervous about the debut, but Ciel knew the ins and outs of the industry, so I knew I could count on him. But... it was a bit worrying that from the moment we met, our topic kept switching over to Lu... but, yeah. It made quite an impression on me how he ended up talking about Lu within 10 minutes of the first time we talked to each other. Ciel: I.. uh, sorry about that. Raven: But now I understand how much he cherishes Lu, and he's doing his job as a member of MAZE, so there's no problem there. Ciel: My first priority is always Lu. I feel bad about inconveniencing everyone about that. Raven: Don't worry about it. Lu is like our own member. I don't think it's a bad thing that you take care of her. Besides, you let us know before you go visit Lu now, so it's good. Ain: Mr. Leader, you're so understanding. Ciel: We're blessed to have such a wonderful leader, aren't we? Ain: Yes. Raven: I guess it's about Ain now. I had a good first impression of him. His skill was impressive, and he was also social unlike me... but maybe calling someone by their nickname isn't such a social thing...? Ciel: Ain is social...? Ain: Ahahaha... Do you have a problem with that, Mr. Rapper? Ciel: A lot. Raven: Well, I was surprised back then, but just as he said so on his profile, he's good at everything he does. He's an excellent member. Ain: Haha, thank you. Ciel: I guess it's my turn. Ciel: When I first heard that Raven, who is the same age as me, was going to debut with me I was surprised. I thought I was too old for an idol debut, but I thought maybe it's okay if he was doing it also...? Ain: Haha Raven: I never thought about that. Ciel: Well, like what Lu said, age doesn't matter. But regardless, I thought you may be strict but you're honest and hardworking, so you would be a reliable member if we debut together. Raven: So you had such a good opinion of me from the beginning? I'm a little embarrassed. Ciel: For Ain, I thought he actually doesn't like me... Ain: No way. Ciel: And when he met Lu, I thought he hated Lu even more than me. Ain: :D Ciel: But after some time passed, I realized he has his own problems, but he is a good guy after all. They still fight when Lu and Ain meet, but I let them fight cuz now it feels like it became their habit to fight. I asked Lu later and she said she doesn't really hate Ain either... believe it or not. Lu has more experience in the industry, so she likes to give her advice which I relay. Ain: But why does she care so much? She could pretend like she doesn't care.
  T/N Note: I don't know if Ain is talking about Lu or Ciel -_-
Ciel: Maybe you two have gotten too close to not care now...? 
T/N Note: I don't know if he's talking about himself or about Lu
Ain: I guess it's my turn?  Hmm, when I first met Mr. Leader, his bandaged arm made quite an impression on me. I thought he was injured, but he gave his all during practices and everything. Now, I... just consider it a strange concept he's adopted. Ciel: Wait, Ain... do you have anything else to say other than his arm....? Ain: Ah, I found it easy to get along because he doesn't talk that much, hahaha Raven: Noted... Ain: As for Mr. Rapper... Ciel: Hmm? What was the question again? Raven: Something about first impressions...? Ciel: Was that all? Ain: Seems so. Raven: Hmm... Ciel: What's wrong, Raven? Raven: It's not easy to meet our fans like this. I think today's memory will last a long time for me. So I'm trying to engrave it in my heart so I can remember it more clearly. Ain: So sentimental all of a sudden, Mr. Leader Ciel: Right...? Is he about to cry? Ain: Ah, maybe it's the black flame dragon in his arm and he's trying to hide it? Raven: It's not that... Ciel: We're kidding. We know how you feel. It's good to see you guys in person. Some of you MIAs' plushies are cute too. Can you tell me where you got them next time? Ain: ...You're hopeless. Ain: I guess that means your collection pile will grow bigger... Host: I guess that's inevitable if you live together in the same house. Host: It's time to end this Host: Let's hear from MAZE about how they feel. Raven: I was worried this fan meet up will be boring, but now I feel like it ended all too soon. I don't know if you enjoyed yourselves. But you'll still have the song and the MV to look forward to. I don't know about talking, but I'm more confident when I'm performing on stage. Ciel: Worrying about Lu's fan meet up feels like it was yesterday, but I guess now our own is about to end. I had a lot of fun being able to talk to you face to face in the same place. I think this was a memorable experience. Thanks for coming all the way out here. Next up... Ciel: ...uh, who was it? Who was it? Host: Do you remember who was next? Host: Please tell us who's next! Ain: Ahahaha... I'm sorry. I was too sad when I thought about how this was the end. Thank you for remembering me and waiting for me. Today's fan meetup ends, but our song will be released tomorrow, and MV next week... We'll have more to show you later, so I hope you'll look forward to them. See you later! -host tells people to tell MAZE w.e the fk they wanna say and people proceed to scream out their heart's desires- Raven: Today's such a hot day, so be careful on your way back. One two three, no way out! We're MAZE! Ciel: Bye everyone! Ain: Bye! Raven: See you next time.
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mxrcayong · 4 years
the avatar series: 01.13
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chapter twelve
~ flashback to 24 hours before ~
Roddie was practically imprisoned in the mayoral home. Guards were deployed all over the mansion, basically preventing her from even thinking about sneaking out past curfew, which was put at 7pm. Before, she wasn’t even done with her transit from school at 7pm. She was banned from leaving any time before 9am or after 7pm without ‘proper supervision’, making her essentially trapped in the same home as the father she despised.
It’s not like she has despised him all her life. In fact, he was an amazing father growing up. He was the one who taught her about how bending was ingrained and imperative in their culture, who taught her about the history of bending. Consequently, when he became mayor and eight years ago and his opinion rapidly changed, Roddie could practically recognized the man she called her father. Her confusion quickly changed to anger. Yes, before he was mayor – there was a mayor before who implemented the anti-pro-bending laws, but growing up; he always enthused to Roddie how much he would like to take her to one. Once he got the position of power, it seemed like he completely changed and became worse than the person before him. And when he started acting on his position of power, Roddie didn’t hesitate in separating herself from her father.
Consequently, for the last few days since the attack on the abandoned warehouse, Roddie has barely left her room. Her hopeless plans of avoiding her father initially consisted of her napping throughout the day and then working throughout the night, essentially giving her a completely different time zone from her father. However, her father was a politician. He’s practically always working. Not only that, but the staff in the home would always wake her up for meals – her mother insisting on hosting family dinners.
Being a politicians’ daughter made all eyes on them, especially now when the current news focuses on the politics of their society. Often, Roddie would use her attention to call out the government – which did nothing to repair her relationship with her father – however, this is the first time she’s been forcibly banned and censored by her parents and the staff.
Roddie cannot complain about this attention, especially if it meant that their family meals would almost always be interrupted by calls from other government officials or the press. Fortunately, this means her time with her father was interrupted.
Tonight’s dinner felt like the ordinary; a tense silence, the awkward clinking of utensils, the small conversation between her parents, and the resounding noise of chewing that took over any silence. Underneath the table, Roddie had her phone out – using her utensils with one hand and her other hand was texting her friends.
to: (glopo nerds + roddie): I actually hate this so much
to: (glopo nerds + roddie): kill me now pls
from jeyes (glopo nerds + roddie): can you just say you need to study?? we do still have an exam in a month
from lele (glopo nerds + roddie: I see why you call him a nerd now.
to (glopo nerds + roddie): excuse you you’re included
from lele (glopo nerds + roddie): I would offer to come over but I’m in a similar situation lol
One benefit from living in the mayoral estate rather than her dorms? She’s literally a street away from Chenle. Normally, she’s an elevator ride and multiple hallways away. Chenle was quite literally her neighboring home. It was why she saw him as a brother – for the last eight years, they lived next to each other.
to (glopo nerds + roddie): group call in 30??? Imma try to eat fast and get the hell outta here
from nana (glopo nerds + roddie): sorry too social for you guys 💁♀️  
from jeyes (glopo nerds + roddie) even for me??? 🥺
to glopo nerds + roddie: we literally have no other friends, shut up
from nana (glopo nerds + roddie): why you gotta expose me like that 😡  I s2g ik what parents mean when they say raising children ain’t worth it
Rolling her eyes at her friends, Roddie chewed her food faster but struggled due to the texture. She was debating asking one of the chefs to put the food aside for her to eat later, but she knew her mother would only make her finish eating now. Roddie was hungry – but her hunger couldn’t even motivate her to stay around her father longer. The anticipation to leave didn’t last long as a phone call soon brought her father away from dinner and to the other room.
Usually, he closes the doors – wanting the meetings to be private, especially if Roddie was there. She was known for calling out the government, and if she knew any of their secrets? He was certain they would be all over the news the next day.
But this time, he left the door open.
“Zhong, Amon,” His voice was faint and muffled by the door, but Roddie basically did everything she can to focus on what he was saying. “Don’t you think this is going too fast?” Robotic yelling could be heard from the phone. “Wait, what do you mean a reporter has been asking you questions?” Could he mean Tari’s so-called ‘best friend’? Roddie thought. “Why does this have to speed up-“He was interrupted…and he started walking away from the door. But, Roddie couldn’t deny the panic rising in his voice. In her eighteen years of life, Roddie has never heard her father’s voice rise in octave and spill quickly.
Her eyes widened, and this didn’t go unnoticed by her mother. “Aye, anak,” When her mother speaks in her family tribe’s native language, Roddie knows she’s about to get in trouble. “You know this is serious times. Please do not escalate things. You do not know what is going on.” Roddie remained silent, rolling her eyes. She didn’t want to be like her mother – standing idly by, being submissive to her father just because of the traditional roles she was raised to live by.
Practically stuffing her face – Roddie stopped caring about the possibility of choking. “IM DAHN.” Roddie screamed, her mouth still full of food. Ignoring her mother’s critique on her manners, she sprinted up to her room on the second floor.
As soon as she got into her room, she let her back land on the back of her door. Sliding down to a squatting position, she started texting one of her best friends.
To lele: hey hey emergency, can we meet?? Your dad isn’t there right???
From lele: he just left, why? Whatsup?
To lele: was it after a call?
From lele: ye how’d you know?
To lele: I overheard the calls…do you wanna be the Watson to my holmes?
To lele: the bess to my Nancy?
To lele: the hastings to my Poirot?
From lele: I’m in ONLY if you stop comparing us to famous detectives
From lele: the teachers in class heard you once and I think they genuinely thought my name was watson for a month
From lele: also im not always the sidekick smh 🤬 I s2g can I be appreciated more pls
From lele: whats up?
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“Are you sure it’s safe to invite them?” Chenle asked Roddie as the two waited in the foyer for their bending friends. “They’re benders… they’re more at risk than us.”
Roddie rolled her eyes, “It’s nothing. Honestly, Jeno barely bends unless in a designated area. We know him, he’s a damp towel when it comes to bending.” Chenle laughed at the joke shared between them that Jeno is nowhere at all funny. The laugh, hopefully, covered up his fears he had for the safety of his friends. “Plus, Jaemin is my partner-in-crime, the Robin to my Batman, the-“ Roddie was about to continue listing characters, but the look on Chenle face practically threatening to leave right now stopped her. “I can’t do activist shit without him.”  
“How are you expecting us to leave your house by the way?” The younger boy furrowed his brows, “I was allowed because I’m legit a minute away. My guards saw me enter your house. But how do we get out of here?” The older girl and mastermind behind the plan pulled out her best puppy dog eyes, making Chenle’s eyes practically roll to the back of his head. “What is it?” He practically growled.
Roddie started swaying, trying to act cuter. “Do you remember the old mannequins I had when I was into fashion for like a month?” Chenle nodded. “Can you help me look in the basement for them? We can say we’re sleeping over.”
“Where will our legs be?” Chenle almost yelled but hushed it to a whisper as guards started walking past them. “Your mannequins are legless.”
“Pillows?” Roddie said, more as a question.
“You didn’t think this out properly, did you?” Roddie ignored his question. “Do you even know where they have gone?”
Her eyes went wide momentarily, before she pulled put her phone. “I may or may not have taken photos of some documents I’ve seen laying around, maybe the address of the factory is in one of them.”
“Factory?” Chenle clarified. “Do you mean the factory on Bumi Boulevard?” Roddie’s eyes widened. How did he know classified information? “Listen, because you have a bad relationship with your father doesn’t mean I have one with mine!”
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After thirty minutes of rummaging through the basement for the old mannequins and some wigs that could even remotely match their hair color and some of her father’s old college shirts to put on the mannequins. Scattering the four mannequins around the room in a somewhat cohesive manner, they had two mannequins lying down on a beanbag and two on the bed – both lying down facing the opposite direction. Roddie couldn’t help but be more thankful that Jaemin had dyed his hair bright blue or else they may not have been able to find a wig.
Screaming out her room saying they’re ‘going to be studying and then ‘having a sleepover’, Roddie blasted music in the room and the three took off. Roddie knew all the secret exits, and although the house is more guarded than usual, the four are all wearing black and due to the darkness of the night, can easily be concealed. Additionally, the guarded element of her life comes from her designated guard checking in on her every hour.
Another thing Roddie couldn’t be happier for? Jeno having a driver’s license. Bumi Boulevard, although is connected to the train station, Chenle mentioned how its in more of the outskirts of the city. “You do realize I’m not some valet.” Jeno teased, climbing into the driver’s seat with Jaemin in the shotgun.
The car lifted off the ground. “Every time you invite me to go out at night, it’s either a sleepover or when you need a ride.”
“Don’t take it personally, Jeno.” Jaemin commented from beside him. “It’s just because you don’t like parties and the only time Roddie goes out at night, other than with us, is to party.”
“That’s a noble reason!” Roddie tried to convince him, “I’m respecting your preferences.”
“Whatever.” Jeno was teasing of course. As much as they say he isn’t funny, he’s quite funny and Roddie cannot deny it. “Okay, so let’s go over a game plan. We can’t just waltz in.”
“We can’t?” Roddie asked, genuinely confused. She’s pretty much used to getting access to most government buildings, unless her father has told the police to ban her from entering. That usually happened once she breaks in. She didn’t even know about the factory yet, so it’s practically impossible that she’s been banned.
“Jaemin, I can’t give her the look or else my eyes will be off the road.” Jeno groaned. “Can you glare at her with disappointment for a minute? Maybe for even twenty? Never have I heard a more stupid statement in my life.” Jeno teased. Roddie slapped the head rest of Jeno’s seat in offense. None of them expected Jaemin to actually give Roddie a disappointed look for five minutes as Chenle started brainstorming ideas.
Jaemin interrupted Chenle’s idea of ‘dressing up like barbeque delivery guys’ with even more disappointment than Jeno implied him giving. “You guys are literally their children. Does anyone-“ Jaemin let out a soft ‘ah’ when he saw Jeno with a backpack, “Just say that you have something in your bag you have to give to your dad.”
“Okay, well it’s probably best to me.” Chenle noted. “Everyone knows how much Roddie hates her dad.”
“What if they go through the bags?” Roddie asked, remembering the security checks in the government building. “Jeno, did you pack anything that can somewhat resemble a gift?”
“I think?” Jeno questioned himself, voice full of uncertainty. “I mean, at this point, because of school and stuff, I just carry the bag out of habit. I haven’t actually touched it or opened it and saw everything inside for like…a month?”
Roddie cringed in disgust. “Okay, well, as long as there are no condoms in there or snotty tissues, I can imagine it being okay.”
Unfortunately, it wasn’t okay. “Sorry to ask, but what exactly of these are you giving to your dad?” The security guard asked. Somehow, they managed to convince them that Chenle needed to bring his friends inside to reduce his anxiety about being in a government facility. Honestly, Chenle was glad this person was someone he hasn’t seen before – or else they would know Chenle basically lives in the city hall when he wasn’t with friends.
He was faced with the contents of Jeno’s bag; some lint, a beaten up water bottle, protein powder, a ‘5 free coffees’ card that expired a month ago with only three coffees being used (Jaemin scowled so hard at Jeno for not letting Jaemin use it at the sight of it), and a laptop in a casing that definitely didn’t belong to a government official.
“Oh, he left his…personal laptop at home.” Chenle lied, scratching the back of his head. “He messaged me saying he needed it…I couldn’t find his laptop case though, so I put it in…mine.” The laptop case in question? A plain white one, which had some unfortunate drawings of penises on it with sharpie (Chenle can take credit for the first penis on there- having drawn it when Jeno fell asleep during a lecture).
The security guard nodded, obviously somewhat skeptical. They sighed. “Okay, well, he’s in the meeting room with Amon so just leave it in his office. I think they’re having a private talk.” They noted, “All the guards were told to leave that floor.”
Chenle quickly nodded. The four of them nod politely and thanked them, before running to the closest map they could see inside the factory. The factory seemed to be completely made out of metal and with more levels underground than over it. Thousands of rooms surrounded the edges, but something about the factory felt like an auditorium. The floors above the very bottom floor seemed to act like balconies looking down at the center. She could see what happens on the bottom floor, which she would say is approximately 17 floors below her on ground level, from her position next to the map on the pillar. “Okay, so my dad and your dad are in the office with…Amen?”
“Amon.” Jaemin and Roddie said in-sync, remembering his name from all the news reports he’s been on.
“Right, Amon…” Chenle trailed off, before trying to understand the language on the map. It wasn’t something he’s seen before. In fact, they weren’t even words. They were numbers in some sort of sequence that doesn’t quite make sense to him, despite practically being an expert in math. “Uh…I don’t get it.”
Roddie decided to look around. Chenle and Jeno were the best at numbers. Her and Jaemin? Not so much. He once said 20 – 10 = 0 during a quickfire round of trivia. So her best bet is to observe while Jeno and Chenle analyse the plaque of the map on the pillar.
“Do you think we can find a lab coat or one of the uniforms?” Roddie asked, breaking away the trance of her friends on the plaque. “So we can get into more rooms easily.”
Jaemin snapped, grinning widely as he looked at his partner-in-crime. “Okay, I bet we can find a broom closet somewhere.” And that’s what Jaemin did. With no regards to walking into a private meeting or caught, he started trying to open any door he could see that seemed unlocked.
Behind the first door was a female bathroom, the second door was a weird test-tubey room, the third was something Roddie couldn’t even describe. It felt like some perverse and illegal version of the ‘Price is Right’ with the prices becoming more and more obscure.
Until finally, they got to a room resembling a locker room. And luckily for them, saw a cabinet labelled ‘extra uniforms’. “Thank fucking Roku.”
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It felt like they were in the metal labyrinth for hours. Their hearts were consistently racing, worried about getting caught. Roddie and Chenle eventually had to disguise themselves – many guards offering to escort them to the office, to which they would always say ‘I’m heading to the bathroom’. They couldn’t feel luckier there were only so many workers here that they haven’t come across the same one twice, or else they would look like they’re having quite serious bladder problems.
They had no sense of time. The only thing that reminded them of the time was the clocks on the walls, notifying them it was now one in the morning. They got here around 10. That means they spent three hours trying to locate their parent’s secret office.
But normally, they’d be done with their meetings by now, right? Roddie thought back to all the times her father’s meeting went over time…it’s usually when something didn’t go to plan or it’s something with more risks than they thought. Shit, Roddie started biting her lip so hard – it bled at first contact with the tip of her tooth. We’re really in trouble. But she started praying they just went home by now. I hope.
It felt like a miracle the moment they got into a room that resembled an office. It required some failed attempts at lockpicking from Roddie and Jaemin, before expertful lock-picking from Jeno, who refuses to tell anyone how he learnt it. “Maybe Jeno is cooler than you guys.” Chenle teased, sneaking in behind them into the office. But the cocky words that left his mouth were the last of the same tone.
He was full of awe. This was Roddie’s dad’s office. Around the room had photos of Roddie as a child and family photos. While he was frozen in place, everyone else went searching around the room. It wasn’t long before they opened every drawer, every file (Chenle used his hacking skills to good use to open every computer file), every potential secret entrance handle – everything was turned upside down and sideways.
Everything they saw broke their hearts. Chenle’s and Roddie’s due to the destruction of their nation and Chenle’s disillusionment of his father, but Jeno’s and Jaemin’s because they could no longer feel safe.
But one folder revealed a lot. The folder title was ‘BENDING RALLY 001 – THE INITIAL STAGE’. Dozens and dozens of files and blueprints describing an event happening in a few days fell out as soon as they opened it.
“What is this?” Chenle said, almost as if he wasn’t there himself. He wasn’t like Roddie where he believed the worst in his family, particularly his father – but the documents proved otherwise.
Plans and blueprints of technology that would remove one’s ability to bend. Plans to temporarily disable their bending in order to ‘make a safer world’. But the blueprints show a sprinkler with an ‘anti-bending’ chemical in it, bracelets that look like Apple Watches with a band comparable to a single side of a handcuff. Both were made to suspend people’s bending – although there was minimal information on the blueprints if this will be permanently or temporarily suspended. A plan was made to have a registration event, mandatory for benders to come at a certain time and pick up the tool that’ll be oppressing them. There was another note saying they have to have a backroom for Amon ‘to do his magic’. What magic?
There were thousands of lists on the desks. From names of every citizen to the city to the lists of confirmed benders forced to register their bending ability due to their profession, the duo noticed that all lists focus on potential or confirmed benders living in Sooman. But one list caught Roddie’s attention.
On the top, the list showed how the official filtered and created this list. The categories were the birth year and which tribe their family has come from, according to their social identity information.
The list contained ten people and a message on top ‘to investigate these ten immediately’ and ‘nullify their risk’. Roddie couldn’t even imagine how they will be ‘nullified’.
There was one name that shouted at her, as if the black text suddenly became bold and red and underlined a million times. There was no way, Roddie thought – trying to recall her every interaction with them. It can’t be …but they don’t know that, they might kill them. She took out her phone and texted someone who could get to the bottom of this. Only once her information is confirmed will she tell them. She didn’t want to panic them.
But even as she left, the visual of ‘Tari Kotala’ dead center in the list of identities haunted her like a devil on her shoulder.
request anything for future parts / penny for your thoughts here
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eyesaremosaics · 5 years
What are your thoughts on taurus?
I thought I had written about Taurus before... but apparently not. I can’t find it in the archives. Taurus is typified by the “toddler” archetype. They are just becoming aware that they have an impact on their environment, they are innocent, pure and always testing boundaries to see where they fit in. They are looking for structure to build their identity around, and they are the most cuddly, sweet, earthy and sensual beings you will ever meet.
I have taken care of two Taurus children throughout my career as a nanny, Taurus children (depending on what else is in their chart) are generally very sweet, docile, tender with animals, love food, and earthly pleasures. Taurus is the first earth sign, so they are very grounded in reality, and like their sign predecessor (Aries) being the first in their element—they are the most connected to source energy.
Taurus loves metering things. Depending on their interests. My mother is a Taurus. She loves lace, victorian things, crafts, art projects, food, and family togetherness. Taurus loves to create an environment wherever they go. They love to bring people to their house to entertain. They take pleasure caring for others, particularly by feeding them. That does not mean they are gluttons, but that they love food, and the healing and restorative properties they bring to our lives.
My boss is a Taurus. She does yoga religiously, very connected to her body. She eats healthy, Whole Foods. Grain bowls, roasted veggies, soups, salads. She loves to eat green things that connect her with the earth. She loves tea, kombucha, and anything that is natural and unadulterated. Taurus like to keep things simple, but elegant. They are ruled by Venus just like libra, so beauty and peaceful surroundings are a priority to Taurus. If there is discoed in their environment, they will often just up and move without saying anything.
They like to keep things even keel, and they are the ones who will follow cardinal signs ideas and ambitions through to the end. They are good at follow through, and deeply loyal and romantic. They don’t waste time or energy on things they don’t find to have a potential to be fruitful. They are a fixed sign, so stubbornness is paramount. You will have a hard time changing a Taurus’ mind about virtually anything if they have made it up.
Taurus is generally sweet and kind, but they can be more trying and disagreeable if they have fire in their chart. My mother is a taurus sun, Aries rising and Sagittarius moon—so she would literally knock on my door while opening it. It’s like... why even knock lol. She is always certain that she is right, and other people are just crazy to doubt her certainty. Taurus is grounded and practical, but also very romantic and sweet. They long for love, deep, meaningful love that needs few words. They know what they feel, and are very sure of their feelings, unless they have a surplus of air signs in their chart which will make them more indecisive and inquisitive.
If air signs dominate their chart, they will be likened to a librarian due to their fanaticism to knowledge. If they have predominately fire in their chart they will be combative and argumentative, driven by impulse and intuition, and also very creative. If they have water dominating their chart, they will be the psychic intuitive peace makers, healers, who just want everyone around them to be satiated and okay.
Typical earth driven Taurus however will be very no nonsense about most things, but are prone to overindulge. Either in sex, drugs or alcohol. They like the good life, they like to feel “full”, in all aspects. Hey are excellent hosts, they love to throw parties and entertain—that’s where they really thrive.
Taurus is very sensual, they make excellent lovers, the perfect foil to their opposite Scorpio who is more psychologically seductive. Taurus is turned on by physical alone, and their innate romanticism makes them very tender hearted and indulgent in the bedroom, they love to please and to be pleased. For them sex is a connector. Something to consummate their deep but uncomplicated feelings.
The little girl I nanny is a Taurus, and the other Taurus child I looked after... all they want to do is cuddle and eat. They thrive off human connection, particularly physical warmth, and they love to feel included and invaluable due to their practicality. Most earth signs need to be needed, and with Taurus it is very much the same. They only feel happy when they are able to help someone solve a problem to its conclusion.
Of all the signs, Taurus is the least emotionally complicated next to Aries. Where Aries is assertive and dynamic, Taurus is steadfast and true. They are the accountants, the record keepers, the benevolent leaders. They are put in positions of power not because they necessarily want it, but because they are the most capable. People rely on their capability to get through tough situations, be they financial, emotional or physical.
Taurus is so close to source energy that they tend to be very sensitive. Like a cow slowly chewing grass, they take in their surroundings and absorb the energy of what is going on. And can easily become stressed if they are rushed. Even if they can’t contextualize of what is happening, they still del it in waves. They are very sensitive to shifts in mood, and are very effected by their atmosphere. That’s why they try to create a harmonious, safe environment wherever they go, because discord upsets their routine like no other.
Taurus has difficulty with change, unless they have fire in their chart which will temper it, but even so—they need to be told in advance, and given fair warning before a big change takes place so they can properly prepare.
They will work hard to maintain their relationships because they are innately loyal. They are also enterprising in business. They do their research to make sure no stove is left unturned. They don’t like surprises, so they tend to methodically plan and research all potentialities.
They are hurt easily by those who don’t appreciate their efforts. They often feel that their meddling is a form of love, that is misinterpreted constantly. All they want to do is help, they want to fix, they have a hard time accepting abstractions and other people’s processes.
They usually live to cook, but if they don’t, they love to eat food that is rich and full of flavor. Or if it’s healthy, they want the healthy aspect to dominate their flavor palette so they know they are doing right by their body. It can go one way or the other. They can be gluttonous or rigid and methodical about their diet, but only the two extremes, never in between.
Taurus never does things halfheartedly. They always do things with intent and purpose, otherwise they consider it a waste of time. They don’t like to dwell on heavy subjects. They are simple, gentle creatures, and though they have deep feelings, they tend not to ruminate on them for too long. They tend to enjoy caring for others as a way to distract from their own pains and shortcomings.
They don’t do well with criticism. Most earth signs struggle with this, and Taurus is no different. They like to be right, and often would rather be right than happy—which is one of their shortcomings.
They love to have nice things, if they spend hard earned money on something—they want it to be of quality. They want things to last, and prefer endurance to availability. They like things to be long lasting, and worth their while. If they are poor, they are likely to make their own things to know it is made properly and with the potential to last.
Taurus is the silk drapes of Versailles. They are the home cooked meal, the friend next door, the perfume left in the air. They are the smell of sex left over in a room, old family photos, genealogy, connection to the earth. They are the physical manifestation of earthy sexuality, and a body that encompasses this. They often are well endowed or overripe in terms of their sexual organs. They are also slow moving, practical, methodical. Devoted, enduring and capable.
They are nurturing, sweet, and unassuming. Generally concerned with the needs of others above themselves. They are the curtain going up on the opera. The gold plated details of an old building, the foundation on which we build, the ones who follow through. They are the old reliable dog, who sits by the fire waiting for your affection. The leaves blooming in full color on the fall trees. Overripe fruit. A full course meal, a hobby mastered, a dream fulfilled.
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shawnmendesprefs · 5 years
Boundaries (s.m)
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A/N: Hello! This is part one of hopefully what will be a series!! First time writing Shawn and not 5sos so lol here we go. Hope you guys love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Make sure to check to check our 5sos account https://5sauceprefs.tumblr.com/
Word Count: 2k+ Warnings: Swearing Summary: Y/N is a producer for The Late Late Show With James Corden. It’s time to prepare for Shawn Mendes Week and Y/N has to not only produce and organise the promotion but also has to remember Y/N’s professional boundaries for the ridiculously cheeky and good-looking client. Slow burner!
“Order for Y/N!” The barrister’s blood shot eyes acknowledge you. His stoned look doesn’t change as you thank him for the two lattes. Just what you needed for this semi-cold, LA morning. Or any morning really, if you’re being honest; coffee is everything. As soon as you grab the two coffee cups you feel your soul returning to your body.
“Quick, Y/N! I don’t want to be late,” your best friend, and work partner, Gianna was bouncing up and down, grinning widely at you. You laughed and handed her a coffee. She took it and raised an eyebrow at your silence. “Are you nervous?” She asked you. The question alone made your heart beat faster.
“I’m very nervous,” you insisted, trying to calm yourself down by not thinking about work this morning.
“Okay, I’m actually going to have to nervous poo,” she said as you walked over to the sugar station. You laughed again, shaking your head at your best friend. However, you couldn’t say that you weren’t feeling nervous for today’s work. Ever since you had woken up a group of butterflies had been flying around your stomach. At least it was sunny here in Los Angeles; the sun always puts you in a good mood.
“Same here, do you think he’ll be nice?” You asked. Gi stirred her coffee, her lips pursed and moving side to side as she thought about it.
“I mean, you and I both know that a lot of celebrities aren’t the same as they are on TV,” she said, giving you a look. You nodded, knowing what she meant all too well. As the head producers of The Late Late Show with James Corden, you’d had your fair share of rude celebrities who seemed to be so nice on TV. They all had their weird requests and didn’t want anything to do with you or Giana; the people that literally ran the show that was promoting them. But, as soon as the cameras turned on, their charming personalities were back and they were wooing audiences around the world.
“Isn’t Shawn Canadian; they’re all nice,” Gi winked, interrupting your thoughts, and held the door open for you as you both left the café. You laughed at the stereotype, shaking your head as you walked out and were welcomed with a cool breeze, clinging to your coffee cup harder, unsure if it was due to nerves or the cold.
“I hope you’re right,” You said, sipping your coffee to calm your nerves. You headed to your company car; a black Range Rover of course. The only car James wanted anyone using ever since the Carpool Karaoke became so famous.
You turned the car on and as if the timing couldn’t have been more impeccable, Shawn Mendes’ new song In My Blood was playing on the radio.
“Well, that’s fucking weird,” You chuckled as you reversed out of the park.
Shawn Mendes, one of the biggest pop stars in the world currently, was just about to release his new self-titled album. In order for it to be promoted even further than it was, in two weeks’ time it was Shawn Mendes Week on Late Late. Whilst you’d had quite a few famous celebrities on your show, Shawn was probably one of the biggest yet; he was going to bring in lots of younger viewers for the live show and definitely increase both your social media and YouTube platforms. It’s supposed to be an exciting week, but all you feel are nerves. You and Giana always get nervous before meeting new guests, but this time it’s multiplied simply because he’s your age. It’s always easier dealing with people you have nothing in common with, especially the older ones.
“I’d definitely go there,” Gi said, bringing you from your thoughts. You laughed as she raised her eyebrows at you suggestively. You pulled out of the car park and headed towards CBS Television City, your absolute favourite place in all of LA. Was it sad that work was your favourite place? Probably.
“He is cute,” You admitted and Gi held a hand over her chest, mocking offence to your comment.
“Cute? He’s fucking gorgeous,” she cried as you neared the studio. It wasn’t far from the cafe, and it was also pretty much near the middle of Los Angeles, even though the “middle” was basically the coast because of Santa Monica. You pulled into the boom gates, you flashed security and ID card and were soon travelling down the all too familiar carpark to prepare for a big day of work.
“Do I look okay?” Gi asked for the thousandth time and you gave her the thumbs up, putting the car into park. Her long blonde hair was tied back into a high ponytail, and she was dressed in gingham trousers and a white blouse. You were basically the same, hair pulled back into a bun, with a white blouse speckled with blue flowers that you’d borrowed from Gi, and white trousers. You were dressed to impress. Literally.
“We have to be professional. Keep it in your pants,” you joked.
“No promises, Shawn is a Godsent,” Gi winked as you walked into the CBS building.
“I’m thinking; we start with the simple monologue but Shawn does it to make it funny. It worked with Justin.”
“Honestly, James, you’re so predictable,” you call as Gi and you enter into the main stage. It’s not the largest studio in the CBS area, but it does the trick. The main stage is average; only around ten rows of seats inclining. There’s a second level of seats but there’s only a few rows as well. It’s always weird when the seats are empty and it’s just you guys doing the behind the scenes work. The main man turns around, a grin plastered on his face.
“Aren’t I just glad to see you two!” He cheered. James is the best host to work with. Ever. His charisma doesn’t change from filming to in person; he’s always nice and cheery. It’s what made going to work so exciting for Giana and yourself.
“We’ll give you the monologue but we printed out how Shawn’s week is going to go anyways,” Gi handed him a printout from her bag. You both had a lot of things to run through this and next week before you started the promo for Shawn’s album. You all had to run through all the skits, film the carpool karaoke, do what seems like one million sound checks, and now add in the comedic monologue. You could already feel your hair turning grey from stress.
“This is brilliant,” James smiled, nodding with approval.
“You came up with it, we just made the table,” you joked and he nudged you. “Okay, where is the star of the show, we need to go through this week’s events,” you clapped your hands together, looking around. There was literally no one else here as all the set up guys, the script writer, and the band had dispersed once Gi and you had entered. They knew it was serious business now.
“I think he’s in his dressing room,” James said, still admiring your time table work.
You walked over to Gi, who was on her phone texting and organising everything for today, tomorrow, probably five years from now. You and Giana were very organised. You chewed on my nails, refraining from pacing around impatiently, only hoping that you were going to get along, but if he couldn’t even do something as simple as show up to a meeting on time then you had your doubts that he would be another ‘wooer’.
“Stop stressing Y/N, you’re going to get sweat all over my blouse!” She laughed, eyes still locked on the screen. You nudged her, removing your hands from your mouth and flattening out your pants one more time. “It’s going to be fine!” She reassured you.
This was going to be a big couple of weeks. If you both got through it as successfully as you hoped, you and Gi could go up even further in your careers. The bigger the show gets, the more successful you both become as producers. You needed this to go fantastically swell. If only you could calm down first.
“Honestly, where the fuck is this guy? I’m going to have a nervous breakdown,” You threw my hands up in the air; checking the time. You were already ten minutes late into our ‘meeting’.
“Damn, I’ll have to look out for this one.” An unfamiliar, extremely Canadian voice made your stomach sink to your toes. Despite not wanting to, you turned around with a sheepish smile on your face.
You were met with a tall, handsome man (boy?), arms folded across his chest making his muscles bulge in an enticing way through his white long sleeve shirt and dark denim jacket. His chestnut eyes were lit up in amusement, a smirk playing on his lips. A dark brown curl hung over his forehead but for all you cared it could have curled right out and suffocated you until you passed out because you were beyond embarrassed right now.
“Hello Shawn, welcome to The Late Late Show.” Giana cut in, stepping in front of you, allowing yourself to have a hot minute to just recollect your shit. You weren’t a perfect producer, you definitely had your moments, but never had you ever, ever swore and yelled about a client right in front of their face without meaning for them to hear. You were lucky that it had only been just a couple of people in the room otherwise there would have been trouble.
“Thanks for the friendly welcome,” Shawn broke out into a toothy grin (wow, his teeth were perfect), and stuck his hand out in front of Giana, getting introductions out of the way. Giana took a small step to the side, a queue for you to stop standing around like a dickhead and actually say something.
“I’m Y/N, and I am so sorry about that,” you could barely keep eye contact as Shawn’s big hand engulfed yours as you shook hands. He chuckled, waving his tattooed hand as if to brush it off like it was no big deal.
“I’ll make sure to be on time next time,” he playfully smiled as your cheeks blushed a deeper red. “Save you a nervous breakdown and all that.”
You tried to laugh naturally but it was more of a nervous crying sound that came out of your mouth, and honestly you were ready to claim your accumulated sick leave and go home and not return until Shawn Mendes Week was done.
“Shawn, I’ll let the girls head into the board room for our meeting but I’ll give you a quick tour around the stage, yeah?” James smiled, making eye contact with you and then Giana as if to say fix your fucking mess of a partner and then turned Shawn around to show him the studio.
You and Giana practically ran to the board room, slamming the glass door closed as you fell into a chair and let your head fall into your hands.
“What the fuck is wrong with me?” You mumbled into your palms.
“Okay, so,” Giana rocked back and forth on her heels, “you need to get your shit together.” She had her producer-boss voice on and it instantly made you raise your head out of your hands. “Y/N, this isn’t our first rodeo. We’re not going to let that inhumanely good looking man out there ruin our chances of going up in the industry. We need to prove that we are worthy of bigger things, which we are.” Giana placed two hands on the table, obviously feeling her motivational talk as she looked you right in the eye.
“They’re going to walk in, you’re going to do this meeting, and you’re going to fucking crush it. Like we always do.” She gave you a stern look and knowing she meant well, you sat up, dusted yourself off, and pushed yourself out of the chair.
“We have got this,” you nodded, opening up your computer to project the timetable you both had made on to the projector screen behind you for the meeting. “But fuck, you weren’t kidding. He is sexy.” You muttered as you opened up the file.
“Thanks, I’m not a piece of meat though,” you startled as James and Shawn entered the room, James having your back again as you fucked up again. He looked quite proud of his comeback and Shawn gave you a cheeky grin as he took a seat.
Before you knew it, a whole bunch of managers, promoters, security, and random entourage were also in the room and it wasn’t just about Shawn himself anymore. It was nice having the board room full because it was where you and Giana really shined and were able to be the boss bitches you were. All previous events had gone from your mind as you flicked through the timetable, giving elaborate explanations of what the next three weeks would entail as Gi handed out printed versions. The room was nodding appreciatively, and you tried to ignore the fact that from the corner of your eye you could see Shawn leaning far back in his chair, a small and cheeky smirk on his face just daring you to make a fool out of yourself again. The chain on his neck was also reflecting in the corner of your eye, which had little to do with distracting you and making a fool out of yourself and all to do with the fact that it was fucking blinding you when it caught reflections of lights from the ceiling lights.
“Wonderfully done, girls,” James stood up as everyone prepared to leave and you sighed in relief. Despite the mess that this morning was, you had gotten through it. Thankfully, barely scathed but definitely one hundred percent embarrassed. You were definitely treating yourself to a wine and bath tonight.
You and Giana shook the hands of all the people that had been occupying the office, informing them you were looking forward to working with them.
“So, what do you think Shawn?” James asked, once everyone had left the room and it was just the four of you in here. You didn’t know if it was the fact that his necklace had been burning into your retinas and your eyes were playing tricks on you because of it, but as Shawn playfully spun around in the big chair and came to a slow stop, you swore he looked directly at you, chestnut eyes locking with yours for just one second before looking back up to James with a grin.
“I think this is going to be a very fun couple of weeks.”  
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Have you ever made any characters that you really liked but never went anywhere?
You bet your sweet butt I have!Shoot.  So, I’ve been rping in Realm for like six years.  First time ever rping in really any medium actually.  My first character was a Garlean bomb maker but after about two years and major life events both IC and OOC, I lost my ability to headspace him well and tried to make a new ‘main’.  What followed was about a year of me flailing around as I tried to find a new character I wanted to play.  I made around half a dozen or so during this time.  Three are throw aways not worth mentioning now but I did make three good ones that sort of failed for different reasons.First major character I was considering sticking with was a Bounty and Void Hunter named Hojo’to Zuginoch.  He was alright but for some reason I just never clicked with him despite him being a solid character. However his creation lead to ultimately my most important creation:The Voidspawn Rhyme was created to be Hojo’s main antagonist.  Rhyme has been a staple of my plots for awhile now but since I couldn’t have Rhyme as a character in game, I had to make some that could wield him and thus we get our third character: the mad miqo’te necromancer named Crate.Here, we find my most important character during this transition.Crate became a linchpin between all my old characters as well as a sort of prototype for Tray.Crate was, is actually since he’s technically still alive, a short, blonde, egotistical maniac that partied hard and enjoyed creating chaos for the sheer sake of fun.  He was actually a delight to play and had some fairly serious play and even several player antagonists.  He even has one of my all time favorite posts I ever did on the RPC.  Ill post that below if anyone is interested.He was a stinker.And there in dwelt the problem.He had no balance.To play him properly meant, well, I had to be willing to literally find moments to cause chaos constantly. And a few times, when in the middle of a scene, Crate would de-rail the scene by acting in character and causing problems.  Like one time he started a bar brawl by harassing someone’s husband and basically ruining a bar night an FC was hosting as it devolved into like ten people fighting. Memorable and funny but impacted others RP and thus it was hard to establish connections with him outside of the antagonist sort of relations.  I stuck with Crate the longest during that year of transition but eventually realized I needed a more toned down version of his antics and eventually brought some of those -party boy- traits to Tray, but on a more balanced scaleSo, Crate was a very important experiment for me.  He taught me the need for balance in my characters, and that being true to a character is awesome but not always good for a -main- since you want a main you can get rp with. LOL.He hold a special place in my heart.Now, as promised, here is the copy/paste of that scene. BUT I’ll put it below a cut since this is long enough as is. ((Thank you very much for the ask!))
The restaurant had once been a high and well to do establishment, nestled comfortably between massive building that towered up to join the rest of the Limsa skyline. But that was no more. Now the renowned restaurant had fallen to the wayside and clung to its former glory as best it could. Few, if any one of any upper class status now came here and even fewer working class figures came here due to the still extraordinarily high prices the menu claimed the food was worth. But despite all this, a lone figure sat at a table; his mouth chewing veraciously on a mouthful of meat. On the table before him was a pile of dirty and used plates, cups, bowls, napkins and silverware; all crusted with food.
The young looking miqo'te that called himself 'Crate' tore another chunk off of his sandwich and chewed, his ears ringing with the loud music pumping through the two, custom built linkpearls that were inserted into his pointed ears.  He was small and sickly looking and dressed in robes that were several sizes too big for him.  For a Seeker, his flesh was a disturbingly pale and his blond hair was a puffy, tangled mess.  His twin, black eyes looked over the sea of food that awaited him and he kept eating. In truth it was amazing that a, well, boy whom looked like a strong wind might blow him over, could consume so much
For the past three and half hours Crate had been sitting at the table, eating and keeping the flames in the kitchen burning hot. The thin, young man was enjoying himself immensely, though the restaurant staff was growing tired. Crate swallowed a chunk of food, his throat bulging as the wad slid slowly down, his body shaking wildly to the instrumental beat that pulsed into his ears. He was about to take another large bite when a figure tapped his shoulder and he spun around quickly, his eyes gazing up at a tall man dressed in a fine suit. Crate beamed a smile at the newcomer. The waiter moved his mouth to say something but whatever he had said was lost as the music’s roar.
“What?”Crate yelled, forgetting that he was the only one hearing the loud noise that was coming through the pearl. The waiter, slightly startled by Crate’s outburst, took a moment to recompose himself before asking again. Again, Crate couldn’t hear any thing and shouted as he stuck the last piece of the sandwich into his mouth.
“Sorry!” Crate yelled. “Still can’t here you!” The waiter brushed the showering of crumbs off his suit and pulled the pearls out of Crate’s ears and handed them to the miqo'te.
“Hey now!” protested Crate, his mouth still full of food as he snatched up his linkpearls. “I was enjoying that.”
“I am well aware of that fact.” came the waiter, who was doing his best to hide the edge in his voice as he spoke to the young man.
“Then why’d ya go and pull it off like that?” whined Crate as he swallowed; his eyes bulging slightly and a smile covering his face. “Could have just asked.”
“I tried,” the waiter paused and decided best to just move to the matter at hand. “Anyway the cooks are taking a break, so I’m going to need to ask that you pay your tab now and leave.”
“And what if I’m still hungry?” Crate inquired, his eyes wide and pleading. The waiter looked at the mountain of plates stacked up before him and raised an eyebrow.
“If you are,” muttered the waiter. “I’ll need to send you down to med hall for examination.” Crate burst into hysterical laughter and leaned back in his chair, his left arm slapping the waiter good humoredly.
“Well I guess I can call it a day then. But I’ll be back later.  After all, I'm eating for more than just me!” Crate finished speaking and then calmly let himself fall backwards, his chair hitting the ground. As soon as the wooden chair hit the marble floor, Crate used the inertia created to roll backwards and rise to his feet. The waiter stood, staring at the spectacle. “Well thanks for the grub. Laters.”
Crate was already halfway towards the door when his field of vision suddenly became consumed by a small sheet of white paper with a very large number attached to the bottom. The waiter cleared his throat.           
“Your tab.” and after a moment, the Waiter added sarcastically. “Sir.” For a moment Crate could only stare at the number, his smile falling slightly.
“You sure that bill is mine?” chuckled Crate, his eyes twinkling suddenly as an idea crept into his blonde haired head.
“Without a doubt.” replied the Waiter and Crate didn’t miss the hint of triumph in the voice.
“Well then.”Crate paused and looked over at the bar. “Since I don’t think that’s my tab, I’m going to challenge you to a little drinking game.” The young man was already over at the bar and seating himself on a stool, his eyes running over the various liquids available. “Here’s the game. I bet that I can empty one glass of milk before you can drink two shots of any liquor you choose. I win, the tab isn’t mine, you win and I’ll do all the dishes for you, plus pay the tab.” Crate turned back and looked at the stupefied waiter. “Sound fine to you?”
For a moment, the man in the waiter’s suit could only wonder at the ridiculous statement the boy had made. This was absurd! But Crate gave a cough and the waiter thought. If he was too lose, his boss would take it out of his hid for losing all the money. On the plus side, it would be wonderful to see this boy put in his place for once. Besides, there was no way Crate could drink a large glass of milk before he could drink two shots. So, with a bit of a strut, the waiter climbed behind the counter and looked Crate right in the eyes.
“You’re on.”
“Excellent.” was Crates response and he watched with feigned interest as the waiter began to fumble with various cups. Crate was not surprised when the biggest glass he had ever seen was placed before him, the milk right up against the brim. The waiter then placed to shots of Brandy on the counter and the two glared at each other like a pair of gun slingers.
“I trust you’re ready?” sneered the waiter.
“I guess.” replied Crate, a yawn escaping his lips.
“Then, go!” the waiter had already seized the first shot and had thrown his head back, the brandy hot on his throat. His other hand was already fumbling for the second shot when he felt something cold and wet hit the flesh of his hand. He looked down and saw the tall glass upside down and the milk flowing all over the counter and dripping off the sides onto the floor. Crate had already left his seat and was heading out the door.
“Hey!”shrieked the waiter, his face a mask of utter outrage. “Just what are you doing?”
“Um,” came Crate, sticking his head back through the door. “I won the bet sooooo I’m leaving.”
“You did not! You didn’t even have a sip, you only spilt the glass. You lost” shouted the obstinate waiter.
“No,” came Crate again, a smile playing at the corners of his mouth. “I won, see the bet was I could empty a glass of milk before you could drink two shots of liquor and from where I’m standing, that glass looks pretty empty.” The waiter stared in shock, the realization of Crate’s words hitting him like a hammer. Crate shrugged and flashed the waiter a wink. “See you for dinner!” And with that the young man was gone, the door closing with a triumphant slam.   The waiter paused a minute, his brain still processing what had transpired. Suddenly he came to life and ran for the door after Crate to force him to pay. The waiter burst into the street but by then, Crate had disappeared in the crowd.
Among the throngs of people, the small miqo'te weaved, slipping his linkpearls back in, the music playing again as he grinned to himself.
"Crate."  the small male blinked as his master's voice spilled over the comm and he waved his hand.  The music stopped and he lowered his voice as he smiled.
"Ah, there you are, my dear master. Was wondering when you would be contacting me."
"I apologize for the delay." the sultry, female voice replied back.  "There have been some issues.  But things are progressing."
"So the prison is weakening?" Crate inquired as he ducked down a side alley.
"Slowly, but we need more help and William's coven was just butchered."  
Crate stopped to stand, stupidly, as he pulled out a toothpick and began to pick roast beef from between his teeth.
"Well, shit. That's a set back."
"Not entirely." the female voice answered.  "One of the voidspawn managed to find an old friend of mine from Kerhiem.
Crate blinked.
"Tornel?" Crate answered at last as he flicked the tooth pick away.   "He's in the asylum I...oh!" Crate nodded eagerly, his mop of hair shaking.  "You mean the sexy collection of metal and muscle. Mhmm I've missed that delicious morsel."
"For a creature over a hundred, you certainly have the drive of a young man." the female replied.  Crate laughed.
"Blame the hormones in this body.  Now then, I take it you didn't call to tease me with a good time."
"Not at all." the female chuckled.  "I need you to get to Tornel before Hojo'to does.  As much as it pains me to say this, I need Tornel removed from this world."
"Axing off an old lover and a useful pawn.  Man, this is urgent."  Crate twitched his tail.  "Can't you make him kill himself via the hex on him?"
"He's warded from me." the female replied. Crate grunted at that.
"Great, gotta do this in person. Alright, I'll start packing and have it done quick as a couerl takes a shit.  Or as quick as a virgin man comes"  Crate snickered impishly.
"Crate." the female voice added, ignoring the miqo'te's lewd statement. "You are not to tamper with his soul or reanimate his body.  A clean death."
"Excuse me..." Crate laughed. "Is that a soft side to you I'm seeing?   Never fear, it'll be clean, Master. Nice and clean. I'll be in touch once its complete."
"Expect to be checking in with Terbia's coven once done. Now that William is a splattered ruin, her organization remains the most efficient means at drawing out the voidspawn at a reasonable pace."
"Your will be done Master."  Crate heard the line go dead.  He waved his hand and the music resumed.  
"It's a good day." Crate grinned as he began to head back towards his hotel room, excited.
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quincywillows · 5 years
hi maggie! congrats on finishing the first draft of quincy willows! hope you don't mind but i was actually hoping on getting some writing advice. do you have any tips on how to write a change of scene? i struggle a lot when i'm writing a scene and the next one is supposed to be some time after, even if it's on a new chapter. i don't want to be all "and a few days later...". i guess that what i'm asking is for tips on how to make smooth transitions. thanks in advance!
hi there writing friend!! so sorry it took me literally like three weeks to answer this -- i’ve been chewing on it because i want to give you like a good helpful answer and sometimes the brain is just Not Cooperating, you know? lmao. but i think i can tackle it now!
so i think the biggest tip in this sort of case is actually more a mental state than anything to do with your actual writing. i think we as writer’s can get very precious and obsessive about our own work and we then end up overthinking everything (including, as you’re asking about, transitions). believe me, i feel this kind of thing too and know exactly what you’re talking about. however, i think part of the key is sort of training yourself to remember that readers are smarter than we think they are. in fact, we ourselves are readers more often than not! so think about it -- do you spend a lot of time while reading a work of fiction stuck on transitions between time? do you find yourself overthinking the way other writer’s transition? i won’t assume for you, of course, but i would bet you’re far less critical of this sort of thing when you’re reading rather than writing it for yourself, which is totally natural but perhaps can help you not worry so much about it in your own work. readers are smart -- if you lead and at least give some semblance of the passage of time in your story, they will follow!!
in terms of ways to open sections rather than just sort of focusing on how much time has passed, i think i tend to gravitate towards snappy sort of declarative sentences. they’re usually one-liners, and they hone in on the specific emotion or action that is happening in that moment in time. it orients the reader to this new time we’re focusing on, without (ideally) drawing so much attention to the transition.
pulling from all the lonely people, here are a few examples of ways to signal the passing of time without literally stating the obvious (these are between sections, emphasis added):
Riley has never liked talking about herself. But it’s a new day, in a new place. She’s in a place where she can breathe again, light with the knowledge of it and waiting for her enigma boy to wake up so they can greet a new day. All that considered, talking about herself doesn’t seem like such a tall order.
And so she does.
Riley doesn’t even realize how long she chats with Rachel, ingesting another cup of decaf and watching the sun rise to its full height and beam across the green lawn outside the window. As the conversation stretches on the rapport between them becomes comfortable, effortless. She learns quickly how funny her host is and can’t help but laugh loudly, only remembering to stay quiet for Lucas’s sake the first couple of times.
that’s an example of just a few hours passing, without being overly specific about it. it’s signaled through imagery, an action occurring (the drinking of coffee and conversation), and even the mention but indistinct passage of time. 
let me grab a larger jump in time or a different method. atlp isn’t the best example for this, since it really is quite linear and doesn’t have many time jumps since it’s taking course in the span of about three weeks (lmao @ me), so i pulled this one from helpless:
It’s humiliating, how much of those crumbled up scraps of paper are dedicated to musings over a boy who he won’t even talk to. Being a student at AAA is challenging, but being a perfectionist, internally dramatic gay freshman with crippling anxiety is its own level of hell.
Asher doesn’t even consider the notion of their paths ever crossing until it’s forced upon him, thanks to an accidental lapse in judgment with the most unpredictable character to enter his life since stepping into the halls of Adams two weeks earlier.
in that case, i think the passage of time is sort of vaguely alluded to just in like... the logical passing of time LMAO but then the time change (two weeks earlier) is tacked on at the end, so it doesn’t feel as noticeable. also the focus (the terror and wonder of meeting dylan orlando lol) is on what asher is feeling rather than the literal passage of time. does that make sense?
HOWEVER, i really do think it’s okay to kick off with a passage of time, especially if the time passing is not that far apart. even just searching for examples in my work for this ask, i realize i do it myself quite often. i.e., in helpless just one transition later:
Their teacher gets back to his feet before Lucas can respond either way, leaving him even more uncertain than before. Asher growls and slaps the back of his snapback, causing Lucas to snort before turning it into a cough into his elbow.
Every day, Asher becomes more and more certain he’s not going to survive four years.
After a couple of days of existing in a constant state of dread, Asher begins to relax when Lucas’s vague playful threat doesn’t seem to hold any water. Sure, he feels like the title character in a slasher flick and that any time he turns the corner his friend is going to be standing there with a knife in the form of forced interaction, but that moment never comes and eventually Asher has to conclude that Lucas was only teasing him.
so if you’ve read my work, i guarantee you’ve seen me do this too and it probably didn’t jump out to you then. am i right? i really do think it comes back to that notion of just being more critical of your own writing than reading others, so it may be less of a problem than you think it is.
but if you do feel concerned about it, then hopefully some of my tips above might help in some way! i think the most important thing to think about is what other things are changing with the passage of time (feelings!!, thoughts, actions, etc.) that can disguise the signal of it without it just feeling outright. hopefully that makes sense.
happy writing!! sending good creative vibes your way, and thanks for your patience :)
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heathendolan · 6 years
Decades With You [E.D.]
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Summary: Middle of a field confessing each’s unspoken daydreams
Warnings: None besides swearing and mentions of sex? 
A/N: Ahhh first ever posted imagine, I’m so nervous for this hahaha. I wrote it when I was feeling low and just wanted this. It’s just a very short little blurb kind of thing, I hope it doesn’t suck lol. Enjoy!!
Word Count: 1.7k+ || masterlist 
You lied out in a field, sundress adorning the tops of your thighs, the edge crinkling when the breeze blew. Your head was propped up on Ethan's chest with his fingers mindlessly tangling through your hair. It was sunny and 78 with the barest of breezes floating through the still air, blowing the branches of the tree that gifted you two some graciously-accepted shade. You felt Ethan's heart pound steadily beneath your cheek, drum-like with a dependable pace.
"Hey you," Ethan murmured next to your ear. "what's going on in the beautiful head of yours?"
You blew out a deep breath and twisted your position, propping your chin on your arms on his chest. "Thinkin' about how much life I have to spend, and how much I wanna spend it with you," you mumbled, nervously chewing on your lip. The future always seemed like uncharted territory for you two; you always feared that Ethan didn't think of a future with you, that your days with him were numbered, that he was just too good to be true.
"Yeah?" he asked with a grin, pushing himself to sit up against the trunk of the tree. "Tell me what you want in our future."
You rolled to let your head lay back in his lap, bringing your nails to your teeth with anxiety. You shook your head and frowned, "No, I don't want to say something you don't want to hear. I don't want you to think I'm crazy or something."
Ethan chuckled above you and dug his fingers into your locks, scratching at your scalp. "You know I love you with my entire heart. I want it all with you, decades with you. And it scares me senseless not knowing if you do too. Say everything you want."
A warm, bubbly sensation worked it's way through your system, settling with excitement in your stomach, and you lifted a hand to outline his lips with a careful finger. "Okay, You ready?"
"Ready when you are," Ethan chuckled.
"Mmm, alright. I need to live on a lake, E, I'm sorry but we have to. If not, we're breaking up, right now. That's the only thing I'll demand, I promise. I used to think I never wanted kids," you said, chuckling when you felt him tense up under you. You knew it was a dream of his to have children, so you continued quickly, "but after meeting you, I just can't imagine not having a few little ones. I think two or three is my limit though. I'll die if I don't have a girl, not that I wouldn't love them all equally, but in all honesty, a girl is all I want. I've always loved the name Elise, even though it's old-fashioned. Grayson's always been one of my favorite names, but obviously, we can't name our children after your brother, right?" you glanced up to see his head leaned against the base of the tree, a soft grin on his lips.
"Who knows, Gray means a lot to me, maybe we need a Gray Jr.," he chuckled. "Keep going."
You took a deep breath, closed your eyes, and tried to vocalize all your daydreams. "Okay, well... I haven't done nearly enough traveling for this lifetime; I need to go to Thailand and Greece, need to see South Africa and Australia. You love it so much there, I wanna see what all the hype's about," you giggled. "I just want to live. And part of that's raising kiddos with you, part of that's traveling with you, part of it's just living with you in a home of our own, part of it's working on my own and proudly watching you work on your own, part of it's with my friends and with yours. I just want it all with you by my side, either figuratively or literally," you sighed, opening your eyes.
Ethan had leaned over you, an adoring smile on his mouth, the one that sent your butterflies into a frenzy and your mind into a puddle. You looked up at him, really gave him a good one-over: his mole was still ever-present, detailing his cheek oh-so-perfectly, his eyes were crinkled at the sides, crows feet peeking out from their corners, his scruff was shadowing his unreasonably prominent jaw. You could not believe he was all yours, for a while, too.
"I love you," he breathed finally. "I know I don't say it enough, but I think it all the time. Wanna hear my future?"
You nodded furiously, fumbling for his hand and twisting your fingers together.
"Alright. We live out on a nice lake house, fitted with a super sexy boat, one that can go fast enough to just wreck our kids tubing," he started, his jaw falling open with laughter. "I think two kids would be enough, but who knows, we might need a third one. I want a boy and a girl, so I’ll be content when he have both. Our house is gonna be amazing by the way--definitely the house that our kids and us host like, super bowl parties at, you know? We’ll go to Thailand and Greece and Australia of course, and let's make a few stops in Rome and Venice, and wherever else. I want a dog--no, I demand a dog, Gray could never let us have one, and I deserve a freaking dog. A German shepherd and I wanna name it. I want to have a really nice bathroom, one with a jacuzzi so we can get things real steamy-"
"Ethan," you warned, giggling.
"-for bubble baths only, of course. But we'll definitely fuck in the shower-"
"Ethan!" you shrieked, slapping his chest playfully, a blush spreading across your cheeks.
"Hey, you're interrupting my monologue!" he laughed, covering your mouth with his hand. You laughed, but stayed still, allowing him to muzzle you. "Enough superficial things, though. I want to marry you--fuck, do I wanna marry you. I just want to see you all decked out in white and looking gorgeous as always, wanna have Gray be my best man obviously, and can my little cousin be the flower girl? She'd love that so much," he begged, looking down at you for permission. You nodded your head around his hand, and he quickly took it away. "So, she's the flower girl, Gray's my best man, obviously. And then, we go somewhere as hot as you for our honeymoon," he smirked.
"Alright, but we can't go somewhere as hot as you, because then we'd end up in Death Valley," you drawled smugly.
He chuckled and slid his hand under your jaw and said, "Please, we all know you're out of my league." You sat up to protest but he just pushed you back down, running his hand along the hem of your dress. "I think we should go somewhere you've never been, though."
"E, we could have a honeymoon on our back deck and I'd love it with you; I don't need anything but you," you said, truly meaning it.
"Alright, so we go out on our back deck and we order pizza?" Ethan grinned.
"Yes, but we're ordering two so I don't have to eat your disgusting pineapple pizza," you smirked up at him.
Ethan groaned and said, "Forget it, forget all of this future bullshit, I'm not marrying anyone who hates pineapple pizza."
You giggled and lifted off of his lap, shifting to straddle him instead. "You'd be losing probably the only girl in the world who is willing to let you name our future dog without any input," you singsonged, tracing his lips with your index finger.
He leaned forward and kissed you softly. You wrapped your arms loosely around his neck and kissed him back just as gently, that funny feeling building in your stomach, just like it always did. He pulled back and said, "You're right, I wouldn't dare lose someone like that."
"You better not, I'm sticking around one way or another. You can't get rid of me," you giggled.
"Never wanna. I really am going to marry you, just you wait. I'm so in love with you," Ethan breathed, nudging your nose with his.
You closed your eyes and took a deep breath. The air smelled like lilac and Ethan's cologne, the one that left you in a head-spinning daze. You wiggled your toes where they fell on either side of his thighs, dug them into the ground and felt the grass between your toes. It was warm enough to enjoy the shade. Your ears picked up on the swaying of the branches above your head and the deep breaths drifting in and out through Ethan's parted lips. This was heaven if you could ever imagine it. You opened your eyes once more, his hazel ones dancing all across your features, and smiled. "Do I even need to say it back?"
Ethan grinned and kissed you quick. "No, I know you do, but I love hearing it."
You kissed his lips, and then his cheeks, and then the side jaw. "I love you, I am so in love with you," you murmured, pinning him down with loving eyes.
"What was that? Couldn't hear you," he asked with furrowed brows.
"I love you, I am so in love with you," you repeated louder, giggling at his antics.
"What? One more time."
"I love you, I am so in love with you, Ethan Dolan," you yelled, grabbing his cheeks.
He smirked and let his hands fall atop your thighs. "Yeah, that's more like it."
You hopped off of him suddenly, feeling adventurous and happy and free, and ran through the field, letting purple flowers whip at your legs.
"Where're you going?!" he called behind you, rising to his feet and stumbling after you.
"I don't know! I'll figure that out in a bit!" you yelled back, not bothering to turn around and look at him.
And he would eventually catch up to you and would spin you around and kiss you deep and hard, and you would let him carry you back to the car. And you would fall asleep, and he would look over and imagine you in all white with the ring he would pick out next weekend with Gray, and you wouldn't know now, but you would one day. 
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moistwithgender · 6 years
Curry Read 60s Marvel, King-Size, Nuff Said
According to my tag, it took me about a month to get through this decade (eight years, technically), spending most of my free time reading. I’ve been following Comic Book Herald’s “My Marvelous Year” reading guide because it seemed like the quickest way through while cutting out the chaff. This was not...consistently the case. But, I’m still glad I followed it because this started out with me just chewing through early Spider-Man in black and white (don’t do this to yourself, nice flat colors do wonders for these older stories). I’m gonna go ahead and give the disclaimer that because I was following a speedy reading guide, I missed a lot of stuff, so if you know some really good issues I missed feel free to say so.
I’m afraid to type all this out because it’s a lot and idk where to start!
Okay well I have one idea of where to start.
Fantastic Four
This is Marvel’s best series up to this point and the fact that we’ve had so many garbage movies is a tragedy (don’t @ me about The Incredibles, I know). The FF comics are consistently the most fun, the weirdest, and the most creative.
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Going through my reading list, I had to skip parts of FF, which is probably going to be where more of the good stuff was. Though, I will say that I prefer the latter half of the decade over the first half. FF started off with Mole Man, Skrulls (something I first realized was a thing back when they showed up in MvC3), The Puppet Master, The Red Ghost... The first few years of FF was probably best whenever it involved Namor and Doctor Doom. I don’t think anyone’s gonna argue with that. The latter half had The Inhumans, Galactus, The Silver Surfer, Black Panther, the Negative Zone... a whole lot of neat stuff! I actually missed the introduction of the Negative Zone, so all of a sudden Reed’s just got a portal to A Very Bad Place in the middle of his lab and he keeps opening it whenever things get slightly inconvenient. Stop doing that, Reed.
Highlights: - Namor being Namor. Usually at his best as a fish out of water (heh) in human society. With his absurd monarchic pride, and his occasional anti-hero tendencies, he’s...kind of like a wet Vegeta in hot pants. - The Thing. For a while he was back and forth as a character I liked or tolerated, and his incessant backtalk would occasionally become one of those “telling an unfunny joke until eventually it’s hilarious” things. - The Watcher. A being so committed to his vow to never interfere with the fate of the universe that he jack-knifes out of his lane every single time he gets the chance. EXCEPT FOR THE TIME HE WATCHED THE BIRTH OF GALACTUS AND DID NOTHING. THANKS UATU. - The fact that Doctor Doom is a Romani character being written by Jewish authors. That’s a lot to unpack. - The Sandman. Wait, you say, you mean that one Spider-Man villain who was played by the guy from the sitcom Wings? Yeah, it turns out once he’s done being a Sinister Six villain, he goes on to harass the Fantastic Four and gets his own Jack Kirby style super villain outfit!
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Look at that badboy. Also he teams up with an angry furry made of explosions from the hell dimension that is the negative zone. - The Inhumans. All of these kids are cool, Lockjaw is an adorable giant bulldog that can teleport across infinite distances, and even Maximus is some sort of play on Shakespeare villains. The fact that differentiating these guys from mutants is really awkward. The short version (if I have it right) is that mutants are born with a unique x-gene, and inhumans come from a hidden society that commonly did genetic manipulation on its citizens at birth. - Galactus. He is arguably the weirdest thing Marvel has in this decade. A thirty foot tall man who flies around the universe and eats planets. He’s literally so powerful that he and the narrative both treat his eating habits as natural, and any victims that happen to get in the way as unfortunate but unintended sacrifices because GALACTUS MUST NOT DIE. Galactus is a vegan metaphor (maybe). - The Silver Surfer. The shiniest, angstiest boy in the multiverse. Originally from a planet where global society had literally hit its logical utopic conclusion, he was bored as shit. Galactus comes along, the entire planet gets spooked and blows itself the fuck up on accident, and Norrin Rad agrees to be Galactus’ herald and pick out planets safe to eat if he leaves his planet alone. Sometime after that he gets punished for trying to fight Galactus, and is punished to remain on Earth, where he would play around with being a very obvious Jesus analogy for a while. - That time where a guy impersonates The Thing in order to kill Reed, and then ends up getting respect for Reed and sacrificing himself atop a meteorite speeding off into an atmosphere of explosions. Really fucked up issue, honestly. - Black Panther. Wakanda is not as cool as it would eventually be portrayed, and BP’s first appearance is as an antagonist (he kidnaps the FF and hunts them for sport), but he has a fucking slick cape. - That time Doctor Doom stole The Silver Surfer’s infinite cosmic power and nearly fucked up everything for everybody for four straight issues. Also he got into a fist fight with the Thing, which is like...hell yeah. - The Negative Zone. WHY DO YOU HAVE A WINDOW TO HELL IN YOUR HOUSE, REED. - The Kree. I have no idea why the Kree are just white people in space. Bad move imo, even Namor’s race are mostly blue people. Anyway, there’s a rad fight with a sentry robot, and a decent introduction to Ronan the Accuser, who you might remember was the (reasonably overshadowed) villain in the Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 1 movie, where he is blue. - Psycho Man. This guy has a remote control that makes you feel emotions and that’s kinda dumb but more importantly he’s from a microscopic universe and controls a non-microscopic robot version of himself to fight the FF and the implications of all that is absurd. - Reed goes into the negative zone (again) to try and find something he knows nothing about that might help his pregnant wife and unborn child survive the gamma radiation they still have in their bodies. He gets pretty lucky. Jesus christ, dude.
The worst parts of the FF this decade is probably every time Susan gets the shaft because she’s a woman, whether it’s her being talked down to by Reed or whether it’s her being written as way more concerned about ~lady things~ when things are going to hell. In the issue where her life is on the line and the baby is coming and Reed has to go into the negative zone, she doesn’t even make an appearance until like the last page. Susan deserves better. My reading guide actually didn’t recommend any 1969 issues of FF? I wonder what was going on...
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Oh, skrulls impersonating 1920s gangsters and doing super-human trafficking, of course. Well, let’s move on.
The Incredible Hulk (Tales to Astonish)
I have had a soft spot for the Sulk ever since...probably the 2003 three Ang Lee film? Where I realized that 1) Bruce has bad dad issues and no one likes him, and 2) Hulk isn’t just a big boy, he is really fast and jumps crazy far and that’s a physical concept my teenage brain had never considered. I hadn’t even considered liking the Hulk growing up because I was so uncomfortable with almost all expressions of masculinity and machismo. My mom in fact was the one who told me “Don’t you want to see the Hulk? He’s big and scary like a bad guy, but he’s a good guy!” and I assume that’s what helped change my mind?
Anyway, Hulk has had a rough time in terms of popularity as well. His magazine lasted some six or seven issues before being canceled and his stories would continue, shorter, in Tales to Astonish, alongside Ant-Man (and eventually Namor’s own series). In the last few years of the decade he’d get a new magazine starting with The Incredible Hulk #102 (following Tales to Astonish #101... comic numbering is extremely bad), and...it’s okay so far! In the modern era, Hulk had a cartoon I never watched, a few nonstarter films, there was that series with Lou Ferrigno I know nothing about... He seems to always function best as a side hero. It doesn’t help that all the villains in his series are, like. Weird? Not like FF crazy weird, just like weird and not seemingly a great match for Hulk himself. Most of the ones that come to mind are dudes who are also mutated by gamma radiation or something else (and sometimes also green? why is the green supposed to be a common thread, that feels coincidental).
Which reminds me, Bruce is almost never present in what I’ve read so far. It’s just Hulk, usually talking way more than feels natural for him (it took a while for him to start speaking mostly in the third person). As a result, Hulk is usually given a very limited range of characterization and expected to coast on that, and it doesn’t often work. You have to put Hulk in casts and settings that complement him. For a while there he has a support character in Rick Jones, a (very uninteresting) teen boy who eventually can’t keep up with the increasingly antagonistic Hulk, bounces over to Captain America as a ward, eventually is confused by a cosmic cube-wielding, Cap-impersonating Red Skull, and fucks off on his own. He is immediately possessed by, and becomes a host for, Mar-Vell/Captain Marvel. I do not give a single fuck about Rick Jones.
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In the earliest issues, the Hulk is gray, and also...just a non-furry werewolf. HE changes at night, until issue #102 retconned this.
Highlights: - That first issue has some really nice panels but I’m gonna say that’s all Jack Kirby’s doing. - Ends up harassing the FF, Spider-Man, the Avengers (after being one of them and then getting buttmad and running off), the Silver Surfer, the US military (regularly)... - Hulk goes to the far dystopic future?? He gets back I guess. - Hulk goes to Asgard! This is arguably the most interesting place to put him because all Odin’s warriors try to fight him and then decide lol this guy’s cool let’s go hang out. Meanwhile, Loki keeps fucking with him. But then the Enchantress and the Executioner become the villains and things get kinda boring again. - The Leader (that’s actually the name of a villain) makes a big robot and Hulk throws it into a volcano and then activates said volcano with his FISTS to fuck it up. Then he manually diverts a nuclear missile into the atmosphere after suddenly caring about people even though he has no reason to. Shrug! - Hulk goes to Attilan, the hidden nation of the Inhumans! There’s potential for interesting stuff here, but it’s mostly wasted by a full cast of extremely uninteresting one-off characters. This is all in a double length annual issue with a gorgeous cover by Jim Steranko, but the issue itself is drawn by Marie Severin. She does good stuff! But Steranko’s work is gorgeous.
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The Mighty Thor (Journey into Mystery)
Thor’s winged helmet is really dumb, goodnight everybody!
Okay but yeah Thor started out in the Journey into Mystery magazine, and I guess I’d describe his stuff as... Dungeons and Dragons by Marvel? I struggle with it aesthetically but I like some of the ideas. Mjolnir is fucking cool, Asgard is both a real place and an planet (a flat one, even?), fucking Olympus is also a place and Hercules exists, Loki is... well, Loki hasn’t come into his own yet, but we’ll get there one day. On the other hand, some of the villains are dull as dishwater and a number of the good guys took their time getting interesting. Clearly there was some appeal, because he did eventually get his own magazine starting with Thor #126, I think? There’s that bad numbering again.
A big weird problem with Thor is that originally he has a secret identity. Like. Donald Blake is a surgeon who needs to use a cane to walk, and he goes hiking by himself and gets lost I guess and finds a stick and it turns out oops it’s Mjolnir and he becomes Thor! And Thor is not just a new identity, but also a person that is both the Thor of Norse myth, and the actual son of Odin up in Asgard and has been so forever and aaaaaaa
Donald Blake is not super important. He mostly exists to give Thor a weakness in that he can’t let go of his hammer for 60 seconds or he’ll turn back into a guy with a PhD. Eventually, in the latter half of the 60s, they add on to his backstory in a way I like, by saying “oh no no, he was always Thor. At one point Odin punished him by sending him to Earth with amnesia and in the guise of a handicapped guy getting through medical school. For some reason.” Which really only makes his dual identities more confusing, and I actually dig that. The MCU does not fuck with this at all, and I’m assuming the comics throw it out in the decades to come. Also, this semi-retcon was not included in the reading guide, I found it on accident. Anyway.
Highlights: - Thor joins the Avengers! I mean, duh, of course he does. He eventually leaves because he’s too popular and needs his own series or something. He occasionally pops back in to do cool stuff. - Thor accidentally ends up on Olympus and gets into a big sweaty fight with Hercules. They decide they are pals. This was an annual issue. - Thor goes into space! This is where things get good, and I really like Thor’s archaic ass as a cosmic sci-fi hero. Great juxtaposition. - Thor meets/fights Ego, the Living Planet! Okay, I said Galactus was the weirdest thing, and I was wrong. Ego is. Ego is almost as described on the tin, because he is actually described as an entire “bioverse”, and capable of changing the entirety of his physical makeup at any time. It is intensely cool. He’s also kind of evil and wants to spread out to control everywhere. Also, Thor makes friends with a nice recording robot and becomes an ally of robot rights. - Thor dies! A guy with a giant crowbar is accidentally given asgardian power by Loki, and then kills Thor because Thor has lost his power because Odin is punishing him again. And then Hela shows up as the goddess of death and says hey Thor. And he says hold on I got this and gets back in his body and saves the day and it’s fine. Hela does what she does best, stand there and look cool and do nothing else.
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god she’s hot
- Thor rescues Ego from Galactus? Kind of on accident, he’s just trying to save the people inbetween who got their planets ate. Actually though, this arc fucking kicks, and he hangs out with the recorder bot too. In the end, Ego is grateful and lets the planetless nomads live on him. - Thor hangs out with Galactus and listens to his tragic backstory! Then Thor decides he’s gonna hit him anyway, and Odin decides “that’s enough for this story arc” and whisks Thor off to fight a robot instead. - Volstagg. - Volstagg.
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- Thor’s dudes go to the human world and there are shenanigans. It is good.
The Amazing Spider-Man
We all knew this was coming. Marvel’s own Pikachu. Possibly the most popular superhero alive (well, second to Batman anyway). And probably the hero I cared about the most growing up. We got associated a lot because we share a name. Spidey is probably the coolest idea for a superhero anyone has ever had, and they better CGI gets, the better his fights look. I do not care how many QTEs are gonna be in that new videogame, I wanna look at Spidey swing. Spider-man is just cool cool cool cool.
Early Spider-Man comics are fucking boring! Goodnight everybody!
Okay just kidding sort of. Spider-Man takes a while to pick up, in my opinion, and I’m 100% positive part of that is because I’ve seen these early stories retold in better and better definition so many times. I watched the cartoon as a kid, but the Sam Raimi movies are probably what comes to mind when I think of Spider-Man. Steve Ditko nailed a fucking iconic costume design, and did a great job of visually communicating Spidey’s agility on paper. But, in the earliest issues there was rarely any variation in panel size and shape, and action scenes were laid out like diagrams. Both those factors, along with the fact that each panel had dialogue because Peter kind of never shuts up, meant that pacing slowed to a crawl, and I had to chew through those issues. Also sometimes he just fought, like, mobsters with lassos. Jesus christ that’s boring. As the decade goes on, we start getting some good stuff, and to be completely honest, I’m looking forward to the weird dumb 90s stuff the most?
Highlights: - Peter has a persecution complex and uses his secret identity to be an asshole! Even after Peter’s iconic and still very well written origin story, he spends a lot of time harassing people, good and bad. He regularly breaks into JJ’s office in costume and makes fun of him, he crashes the Torch’s party to beat him up and flirt with his girlfriend, he breaks into the Baxter building to fight the FF in hopes they’ll recruit him with pay, he...gets into an argument with black students who are very passionate about affordable housing? He wasn’t even in costume for that one. Jesus, Peter, go to a therapist. - Nobody likes Spider-Man! Kind of makes sense why he’s got those personality issues, though those start with jocks calling him a nerd (he’s a nerd). Half the city doesn’t trust him, he works for a newspaper that is dedicated to anti-Spidey propaganda (Peter, you’re partially at fault for this), even the X-Men just assume he’s a bad guy, and that’s usually a problem they have to deal with. - Really appropriate villains! Wow! The Vulture matches his high up action, Doc Ock is both another victim of weird science and an intellectual rival. Also, like, their namesakes have a lot of legs. The Lizard is...Florida Man. Maybe the better argument is that many of these villains are memorable, in a decade that featured a concerning amount of “large humanoid monster/robot” baddies in all of the running series. - Like the Green Goblin. Who knew that would be Spider-Man’s Joker? Maybe that’s a bad comparison. Also bats and clowns aren’t usually connected with each other. Where was I going with this. - Spider-Man tries to quit the superhero gig twice, I think? He’s the only Marvel hero to consider this, as far as I know. Part of Peter’s appeal is that not only is he a young adult, unlike the rest of Marvel’s adult cast, but he’s also financially disadvantaged, has a non-nuclear model family, and has to look out for his often ailing Aunt. He has to work a side job while going to school while fighting bad guys, and it’s a lot more interesting than what Tony Stark’s doing up to this point. This has all been said so many times by so many people, but it’s an obligatory mention. - Peter donates blood to Aunt May at one point and accidentally gets a radioactive particle in her body. OOPS. Spider-Man goes on a rampage to find an antidote and tears a metal stairwell off its hinges. He also, like, completely destroys a villain’s underwater base and nearly doesn’t get out himself. - The Green Goblin discovers Peter is Spider-Man! Most of the Marvel heroes have this anxiety, but it never ends up a problem, so this is pretty big. The Goblin kidnaps him in broad daylight, ties him to a chair in a secluded place, and infodumps his origin story that he’s actually the father of Peter’s college roommate and is kind of very unhinged and obsessed with Spider-Man? In the end, Gobby gets amnesia and forgets the whole supervillain and mental illness thing and turns back into a good dad. - Spidey goes to the Casbah! Yeah, go figure. He learns his parents were traitors to America, and it fucks him up so much he flies there to find the truth. He ends up exploding the Red Skull and learns his parents were actually double double agents and were spying for America and so things are a-okay!
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also peter kills a dude with a missile
- That aforementioned thing about affordable housing happens! Some black college students are unhappy that the university is taking old dorms that could be used as low rent housing for students and instead giving it to visiting alumni, and start a big protest and the narrative actually pins them as sympathetic even when they get overzealous and physical? I’m...kind of surprised, to be honest. Not used to seeing this at all.
Ant-Man, and...other identities. (Tales to Astonish)
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ima keep it real with u founding member of the avengers hank pym, this will not improve marvel’s declining sales
This guy is a goddamn mess.
People like to say “pfffft there’s an ant-man? that’s goofy! that’s the weirdest thing ever! that’s a bad idea!” and buddy let me tell you, Hank Pym has a career specializing in bad ideas. Let’s list them!
- Adopt a young woman while she is grieving over the loss of her father and take her in as both a crime-fighting ward (The Wasp!) and also a love interest. Feel bad about it for about five minutes so it’s okay. - Develop a “growth capsule” that allows you to turn huge and decide to adopt two super hero identities, Ant-Man and Giant-Man. Assume this will not confuse anyone. - Eventually do weird science to make it so you can grow and shrink at will. Assume this will not have negative repercussions on your body. - Change the name Giant-Man to Goliath because you feel like Giant-Man is a dumb name. Confuse everyone for multiple issues. - Get stuck as a twelve-foot tall 90s beverage mascot lookin ass motherfucker (you are terrible at costume design, hank) and get real mad at everyone all the time about it. - Create an evil robot called Ultron and forget about it. Oops! Surely this will be fine.
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- Fail to relate to your robot-grandson-turned-avenger The Vision. Be a bad grandpa. - Inhale chemicals and get all fucked up on temporary schizophrenia (???), adopting a second personality. Call yourself Yellowjacket, claim to have killed Hank, and kidnap your girlfriend and force her to make out with you. - When assaulting your girlfriend makes her, uh, somehow realize that you are Hank, she will rope you into marrying her, thereby...uh...legally cuckolding yourself I guess? Realize you are Hank during/after the wedding, and be perfectly fine with this egregious violation of consent. Nothing about this will have lasting negative consequences. - Adopt the identity of Yellowjacket, and abandon Goliath. Continue to confuse people. On the bright side, finally have a nice costume. - Make a new Goliath costume in celebration of refusing to ever be Goliath again (WHY), and store it and a beaker of growth serum (WHY) in an unlocked locker out in the open (WHY). Hawkeye will steal it and become the new Goliath II.
So far that’s everything about Hank-Man! Stay tuned to see more of this trainwreck.
Iron Man (Tales of Suspense)
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I really like Iron Man’s origin story and his overall concept but the tech culture would not advance far enough to match it for a while. Also this was in the era of the Vietnam War and so Tony’s greatest enemy is The Mandarin, an extremely awkward asian stereotype and I! Ain’t! Got! Time! For! That!
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The Avengers are, at their most interesting, characters already in their own magazines. At their worst, they’re a bunch of characters no one cares about, fighting villains no one cares about, with last second ass-pull victories. There was a brief period there were I suspected the Avengers magazine was going to be true gristle of Marvel I was gonna have to chew on for hours to get through. Thankfully we are eventually given Marvel’s goodest boy, Vision. After that, things start to pick up a lot.
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bless him and his little intangible heart
Highlights: - Captain America is found frozen in an ice cube! He’s been in cryo for twenty years, wow how the world has changed. I guess. Another case of time passing eventually making an origin story better. At this point Marvel has revived three 1940s comics properties: Cap, Namor, and the Human Torch (the lattermost in this case being an entirely different person). - Kang the Conqueror! Kang is a hell of a villain concept. He’s a time traveler who once ruled ancient Egypt as a pharaoh named Rama Tut and, uh, will eventually rule over Earth in the 41st century. He keeps harassing the 20th century for some reason. Also he is hint hint maybe related to Doctor Doom, I guess. - Hawkeye joins, having previously been a one-off villain, and proceeds to be an asshole to everyone forever. Eventually he becomes Goliath II because why not I guess. - Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver join, having recently bailed on Magneto’s Brotherhood, and they are...kinda boring, tbh. Wanda’s “hex power” isn’t very well defined (it makes unlucky things happen), and neither of them have much personality yet. At one point they fight Doctor Doom and he uses a machine to cancel out the hex power (???) and outpaces Quicksilver without using any enhancements (???). Some of these issues really blow. Quicksilver’s costume is lazy as hell. - Hercules joins for some reason, even though he says he doesn’t wanna be part of a team.  - Magneto does some sneaky bullshit and tricks Quicksilver into thinking someone at the UN shoots at Wanda on purpose. Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch join Magneto again because fuck normies. - The Avengers are killed (sort of) by the Grim Reaper! Their newest member, the Black Panther, rescues them.
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Pick a color you trilobite.
- The Vision joins, Ultron-5 is introduced, and things finally settle in for the good stuff. - Ultron rebuilds himself in adamantium as Ultron-6 and replaces his legs with a rocket chariot thing. No one is brave enough to tell him it looks dumb.
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no shut up its cool and i can fit still fit through doorways
immediately the next chapter he re-rebuilds himself with legs and calls himself Ultimate Ultron. mmmhm.
sounds like somebody was havin some self esteem issues about their body. sounds like a talk that ultron and their dad hank pym could probably relate to each other over.
- The decade ends with an arc where Kang abducts the Avengers and ends up himself wrapped up in a proxy wargame with the Grandmaster. Kang uses the Avengers as his pawns, and the GM creates four superhumans that he totally didn’t get from DC no sir. Perfectly original characters, do not steal.
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I just...I just really feel like that last one could have used a few more minutes in the boardroom.
- Even better, the second half of the arc pits the avengers against Captain America, Namor, and the Human Torch...in their 1940s renditions!
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Hank even comments on the fact that Namor’s diction is different. It’s great.
The Uncanny X-Men
So I grew up in the 90s, and despite never really engaging with comics, I was quite aware that Marvel’s hottest shit at the time was Spider-Man and X-Men. The X-Men had a slow start, but once they caught on, they never really dropped off. Actually, I think they might be less popular now? They’re at least not the ever-present icons they used to be, and I suspect that is partially to do with middling-quality movies diluting the brand.
But, the appeal is there from the start. Children born unique but feared by society are adopted by Patrick Stewart and spirited away to a special boarding school that is secretly dedicated to teaching them to use their powers for the sake of fighting evil. This was the proto-Harry Potter, though Snape’s gonna win no contests against Wolverine.
Unfortunately, we don’t have Wolverine, yet. We’ve got...these guys!
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(Not pictured: Marvel Girl/Jean Grey)
The creative potential in mutant design has not quite picked up yet, so the main team (of five teens and an old man) includes such marvels as Guy With Wings, and Guy What Got Big Feet. Seriously, Beast’s feet get way too much attention.
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I cannot wait until you are a blue cat instead of this.
I wish I could comment on the political commentary on the series, but it hasn’t quite started up yet, whether that is intentional or not. The rampant fear of mutants is there, we’ve even had a Sentinels arc, but it’s mostly just surface stuff. I had a lot to say about Spider-Man, so I feel kind of silly coming up short here!
Highlights: - Magneto. Despite the slow start this series is going through, Magneto is immediately introduced and has his wonderful costume design and his super threatening magnetism powers. I am a bit confused as to how his magnetism affects all things, not just metal, but magnets are an irl mystery and I’m willing to let it slide. - The Juggernaut. The two-issue arc introducing Juggz himself are effectively told, if not sliiightly silly in structure. The first issue has the X-Men building up defenses because he’s coming, and later, as he tears through each single one, unseen to both the kids and the reader, Xavier explains his and the Juggernaut’s tumultuous childhood together. It builds the tension really well, but it’s a bit funny by the fourth time the X-Men are saying “we gotta go meet him before he breaks in here where we are!” and Xavier’s like “I’M NOT DONE TELLING MY ORIGIN STORY.” - The Sentinels. This is probably the last interesting arc in the 60s, published as early as ‘65. It’s almost the last material in the reading guide, next to an issue where they all get into a fight with Spider-Man for no reason. If I understand correctly, the Sentinels are later depicted as humongous robots, where here they’re closer to ten feet tall or so. I’d always thought the idea of “a bunch of mass produced robots designed to kill mutants” seemed uncreative growing up, especially given that they don’t, like, have an x-gene suppressing ray or anything, but it works well enough in the moment. - Wholly unnecessary amounts of sexual harassment towards Jean Grey. All the boys have the hots for her (well, maybe not Iceman (pun not intended)), including even Xavier saying that she’s attractive when she first arrives. What the fuck, dudes.
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Doctor Strange (Strange Tales)
The reading guide included a ton of Strange Tales to read, including an 11-issue arc at one point. Good grief it was a lot.
Steve Ditko, of early Spider-Man, did the art for Strange for a good while, and I found that contrast between the diagram like action of Spider-Man, and the much more fantastic illustrations of Strange to be the most interesting thing. Eventually Marie Severin would take over as the penciller, and it would take a bit of time to adjust, but the more abstract it got, the better. Also, I don’t really like the footie pajamas Severin draws him in.
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This is Steve Ditko. He has thin lines and exact shapes and while you don’t see it here, his magic fights are very clear and easy to follow.
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This is Marie Severin. In comparison her lines are thick and smudged (well, okay, we have to give credit to the inkers for these as well, though I think she did her own inking?), but is capable of uniquely evocative images like this. Her action scenes are harder to follow, but she is equally capable of the kind of surreality that appears in Doctor Strange’s comics.
Also, while the topic has been touched on a lot, especially around the time the movie came out, it still bears repeating that Doctor Strange is built on a foundation of cultural appropriation and mystic eastern boogie woogie nonsense. I’m parroting the words of people that know this much better than me, but it’s a problematic and somewhat common trope that media will depict a white protagonist in a foreign setting who not just excels but surpasses everyone else, particularly peers who are native to the setting. At best it’s well-meaning and oblivious, at worst it perpetuates a narrow worldview where everything has to revolve around white people.
Anyway, when the comics focus more on the dread dark dimension of Dormammu, most of these problems aren’t around, and you get lots of fun and bizarre imagery and goofy spell casting.
Highlights: - Dormammu. He’s a prideful otherworldy being who refuses to be caught explicitly going back on his word when beaten at a game of skill, but easily breaks down and claws at loopholes with which he can attempt his petty revenge against Strange. He is also portrayed as a necessary evil, in that he uses his power to erect a barrier that keeps his servants safe from mindless laser-eye cyclops monsters that are just perpetually punching each other. That conflict makes for complicated situations where usurping him may be more harm than help. Also his head is always on fire, and that’s cool. - Trippy visuals. Ditko’s backgrounds lean closer to pop art with abstract shapes, bright colors, and twisting pathways. Severin’s art, if I can remember (there hasn’t been a lot yet) leans closer to mysterious and somewhat vague settings. I’m describing it very poorly.
That’s kind of it for Strange, I guess!
oh my god how many of these have I done now im so tired
I haven’t read much Daredevil yet! The reading guide has given me some seven issues so far out of the full decade, and while there has been some good stuff, I don’t know if I can draw a big mental picture.
DD is, theoretically, in that same category as Captain America, where rather than being a super powerful character, he is merely very very good at what he has. DD got hit in the face with a radioactive dildo or something and it blinded him but enhanced his other senses so intensely that if you sneeze he can tell what brand of nasal spray you use. Also, he’s super acrobatic and has a swiss army walking cane that he can use to do just about anything. And he’s a working attorney. Fuck you and your eyeballs, Batman.
Marvel has not begun to embrace noir, and as I understand it, that seems to be the genre most people know DD for aligning with. As a result, things are kinda silly! DD’s first outfit was yellow and he fought a man who had robot stilts in broad daylight.
Highlights: - Killgrave, the...Purple Man.
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I can’t believe this is how Jessica Jones starts.
Uhh, Killgrave got some pheromones or something embedded in his skin on accident and now everyone just does what he says to no matter what. He’s purple now, too. This has not been taken to its terrifying possibilities yet, but I’m very excited to see where it goes. - Daredevil fights Namor. Okay, seriously? Seriously? This is my favorite issue, no joke. Namor busts out of the ocean demanding a lawyer (Matt himself) so he can sue the human race. Shenanigans ensue, and a trial is attempted, but ultimately falls apart when Namor decides “you know what? fuck this I’m gonna start breakin shit”. Matt changes into the DD costume and takes on Namor with everything he can think of, including construction equipment, but fails.
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Out of respect, Namor leaves.
- Stilt-Man.
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Stilt-Man. (Stilt-Man eventually shrinks into a quantum state that he remains trapped in for months until he suddenly isn’t.)
- And finally, Mike Murdock. In an attempt to ward off suspicion that he might be Daredevil, Matt...pretends to be his twin brother who is never in the same room at the same time as him. As Mike, he is a cocky jerk to everyone and insists that he is Daredevil. And people believe him.
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As you would expect (for once), this nearly gets people killed.
Nick Fury (Strange Tales, Agent of Shield)
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Nick Fury is like if you took James Bond and made it not suck. You get to keep all the gadgets and world traveling but swap out the “ooh, I’m so cool and serious” with kicking open doors and telling fascists to go fuck themselves. Most importantly, it’s a near-parody of the overwrought machismo that the series runs on. It’s so busy getting from point A to point B in as fun a way as possible that it’s impossible to take seriously.
Actually, it might be like if Battle Tendency was less sympathetic to real world fascists. Which is to say, it’s the pinnacle of evolution.
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Look me in the eye and tell me this isn’t a JJBA action scene. (Also, Jim Steranko blessed us with a shirtless Fury in latex pants.)
A highlights list would be ridiculously long because I love these comics, so I’ll instead focus on one thing in particular.
- Jim Steranko’s art is gorgeous
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Yes, these are all Nick Fury title pages.
Captain America (Tales of Suspense)
Steve is just now starting to get interesting, mostly through his own series, but he’s had plenty of time for notable moments throughout his screentime (pagetime?) in Tales of Suspense and Avengers. While talking about Daredevil I mentioned Captain America and how he’s less of a nigh-supernatural being like most heroes, and more of a particularly exceptional human. He hits really hard, but more impressive is his stamina and agility. Something that I’ve liked in the MCU is how they’ve portrayed him as always capable of what is just one step beyond what people think is possible of him. He can’t fly, but he’ll do as many impossible leaps as necessary. He’s not super strong (well, not to the degree of Spider-Man), but he sure can run for miles, and he knows his way around that shield.
I feel like a lot of what I’m writing is surface level readings of these comics, but the characteristics of Steve that really identify him haven’t quite shown themselves yet, I think. When I think of him, what always comes to mind is that his “american good boy” values take priority over allegiances, and so you’ll see Captain America himself abandon his title if America no longer represents the values of protecting the weak. Steve Rogers is kind of a perfect flawless human (when not written terribly), but that’s pretty okay at the end of the day, when a superhero is more of an icon than a person.
Highlights: - That time the Red Skull got the Cosmic Cube (not the Tesseract), and became a god for like five minutes.
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- That time Cap fought a giant baby.
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- That time Cap pretended to be dead and then stopped Hydra from burying all the avengers alive even Vision who would...be able to just phase out of the grave. I’m not really sure what the plan there was. - That other time the Red Skull got the cosmic cube and then switched bodies with Cap and they made a lot of facial expressions.
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- That time Rick Jones thought Captain America didn’t like him, meanwhile Cap was stranded on a desert island and hanging out with The Falcon and it was cool. Nobody cares about Rick Jones.
Namor, The Sub-Mariner (Tales to Astonish)
I didn’t read a fuck shit about this dude! Sorry!
Captain Marvel
we’re so close to being done
The reading guide gave me nearly nothing on this dude. Issues #1-3 and then #17. He’s a Kree (whoa!) named Mar-Vell (lol) who should be helping to fuck up Earth but ends up liking it and chooses to defend it. He’s got a jet pack and a laser and a really shit costume and he’s NOT BLUE.
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Marvy, I need you to move over, the more interesting hero is behind you.
He’s got an asshole commanding officer who keeps trying to get him killed because he wants to fuck his girlfriend and SNORE, I do not care. Come on dude. I have been psyched to learn about 
At some point in-between chapters #3 and #17, and...shit, I’ll just quote wikipedia for this:
After aiding humanity several times, Mar-Vell is found guilty of treason against the Kree Empire and sentenced to death by firing squad. Mar-Vell escapes in a stolen rocket, but becomes lost in space. After drifting for 112 days, he is weak and on the verge of madness. He is manipulated by Ronan the Accuser and Kree Minister Zarek into helping them overthrow the Supreme Intelligence. To better help them, Mar-Vell is given a new costume and enhanced abilities. After the conspiracy is foiled, Mar-Vell tries to return to Earth. On the way, he is hit by a blast of radiation that traps him in the Negative Zone.[16]
The Supreme Intelligence enables Mar-Vell to telepathically contact Rick Jones, which he uses to lead Jones to a set of "nega-bands" at an abandoned Kree base. When Jones puts on the bands and strikes them together, he trades places with Mar-Vell and is encased in a protective aura in the Negative Zone. The pair discover they are able to maintain telepathic contact. Using this method, Mar-Vell can remain in the positive universe for a period of three hours.
well what the fuck that might have been worth reading, thanks reading guide
Anyway, so yeah, Rick Jones! Both of these characters were pretty boring, and mayyybe this will help the both of them. Or not. At least the new costume is cool.
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Silver Surfer
Once again, I don’t have much to say here! I wrote all my thoughts on the surfer up in the Fantastic Four section, so you can read that if you haven’t. The reading guide only gave me three issues to read, though they were quite good. The first was his origin story, which I already wrote about above. The second one was about invisible aliens that manipulated the surfer and people’s distrust of him (part of this is because he keeps occasionally attacking humans because he thinks it’ll make them be nicer to each other). And in the third issue, Mephisto kidnaps his long lost girlfriend from his home planet. It works out kind of badly for everyone involved.
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begone, thought
And that’s everything for the 60s. Phew! This took a long time and I don’t know if it was worth it. Let me know if you read it, if you enjoyed it, if you pity me, whatever. I got more comics to read.
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jafreitag · 5 years
Grateful Dead Monthly: Kings Beach Bowl – North Lake Tahoe, CA 2/22-24/68
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On February 22-24, 1968, the Grateful Dead played a three-night run at Kings Beach Bowl in North Lake Tahoe, California.
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In the 1920s, a guy named Joseph King moved from Texas to Truckee, California, a small town northwest of Lake Tahoe. Following World War II, King won some money in a high-stakes poker game with local real estate mogul Robert Sherman, and used the proceeds to build a shopping center on the north end of the lake near Kings Beach. The shopping center became a furniture store and then a bowling alley in the late-50s, when it was sold to Dave Jay and Alan Goodall. Per a 2017 story, “Rock ‘n’ Rollin’ in Tahoe,” on the Tahoe Quarterly website:
“By the time Jay and Goodall operated the building, its use as a bowling alley had diminished. But Jay’s teenage sons, Warren and Gary, were in a Sacramento-based band called The Creators (and were also friends with Goodall’s son), so the owners converted the building into a dancehall and let the young rock group play concerts on the weekends.
In the summer of 1967, The Creators hired a group of Sacramento State college students to perform a light show set to music at the newly christened Kings Beach Bowl. The students, who had a band they called the Simultaneous Avalanche, joined The Creators as the two mainstays at the Kings Beach Bowl.
Happy to be earning any proceeds at the location, the two owners hired a professional booking agent to fill out the roster of bands, but were careful to lean on the advice of the younger generation, who at the time were plugged into the burgeoning music scene that surrounded the Fillmore West.”
The Dead first visited Lake Tahoe in August 1967. Their mini so-called “Lake Tahoe Tour” started with a night at the South Shore American Legion and ended with two nights at the Kings Beach Bowl. The Creators opened the latter shows.
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In 2018 story on the Tahoe Magazine website, Kings Beach resident Rich Schultze, a member of the Simultaneous Avalanche, described the Dead’s arrival in town:
“I just happened to be there and I saw this bus come in and the door popped open and out they came. Whether it was Jerry [Garcia] or the other guys, I’m not sure; it was a whole mess of them at once. It was like something out of a movie.
“The small-town people … man, when they first saw the Grateful Dead, they didn’t know what to think. People were literally freaking out. I wish I had a camera to capture the look on people’s faces. It was a culture shock. There were hippies around and everything,  but not to that extent.”
Schultze remembers the soundcheck, as well:
“I remember we were there during the day and changing all of our equipment and stuff. And they were in there rehearsing. And Bob Weir had made a couple mistakes during rehearsal and they were chewing him out — and he was literally crying. They were going ‘Bobby, Bobby, you gotta pay attention.’ And he was going, ‘I’m trying, I’m trying.’ ”
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LOL. The Kings Beach Bowl also hosted other Bay-area acts – the Jimi Hendrix Experience, Big Brother & The Holding Company, Buffalo Springfield, Credence Clearwater Revival, and Country Joe & The Fish – before closing at the end of 1968 due to high costs of booking bigger names. It is now the North Tahoe Event Center.
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Apparently, the Dead dug the venue enough in the Summer of ’67 to return in the Winter of ’68 for a series of three shows dubbed “Trip and Ski.” The shows have become legendary not for the performances, which are average, but for the inclusion of part of 2/24/68’s  Feedback on Anthem of the Sun. The Tahoe Magazine piece says that these shows were among the first where Betty Cantor worked on the audio crew. Conditions were sub-par, and sub-freezing. From the magazine:
“Hewitt Jackson, a road manager for the Sacramento-based rock band Sanpaku, said their band’s keyboard player, Bob Powell, remembers the gigs because the icy temperatures nearly rendered one of Pigpen’s instruments useless.
He said the Dead brought their equipment up to play that gig and loaded it in there the night before. And the owners of the venue didn’t heat the place at night, so the organ in the cold got to be non-operable, and they were panicked about getting it warmed up. There’s a story that they took it outside in the sun to warm it up.”
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The final two nights were later released as Dick’s Picks #22. That release came with an unusual warning:
“This is not an audiophile recording! Many of you may have read the numerous Dick’s Picks Caveat Emptors over the years and thought ‘Oh yeah… sure… whatever.’ Well, this old analog recording source exhibits many audio flaws including high distortion, low vocals, tape hiss, and missing pieces. No fair calling Customer Support and complaining! However, let it be known that this CD also includes some pretty damn exciting and historical music, and for that reason is brought to you with pride.”
It’s an official release, so there’s a Spotify widget.
According to Dead archivist David Lemieux, DP#22 was culled from six or seven reels of two-track, quarter-inch tape. Disc #1 (Viola Lee Blues through Morning Dew on the Spotify version) was probably recorded on 2/23, and disc #2 (Good Morning Little Schoolgirl through Feedback) was probably recorded on 2/24. These are not complete sets – a few repeats and songs with splices were omitted. Notably, drummer Bill Kreutzmann does not play on the 2/24 Other One > New Potato Caboose segment. DL2 spoke with Billy, who recounted that he was “skiing all day, and he was so tired that he sat out for a couple minutes [or like 15].” On the tape after New Potato Caboose, Phil Lesh says, “If Bill Kreutzmann will just come back up on the stage and play some more music with us, I promise never to say anything nasty about him.”
And back in 2007 as part of the “Taper’s Section” feature on dead.net, DL2 also offered some insight regarding 2/22, the first night of the run:
“One of the most frequent questions we’ve received over the years is what about 2/22/68 Lake Tahoe. As we all know, Dick’s Picks Vol. 22 is from 2/23 & 24/68. Unfortunately, the tapes for the 2/22/68 show were incomplete, and more importantly, they had severe mix problems that rendered the bulk of that show unlistenable. But, because the music at the end of the show is so good, we are going to play it here for you, although please be warned: there are no vocals on the tapes, and there are a few other mix issues. However, as you’ll hear, those issues are rather minor when put up against the high quality of this music. So, for the first time, here is the heart of that show, Dark Star>China Cat Sunflower>The Eleven>Caution from 2/22/68 at Kings Beach Bowl. Don’t say we didn’t warn you, but this music is so good, we thought you’d be able to overlook some sound problems.“
That segment is no longer available to download on the official site. Never fear, LN has you covered. I found it on an old external hard drive. HERE is a download link for the aforementioned segment.
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junkshop-disco · 7 years
hi!! for the skam question thingy: 7. favourite episode from each season and 13. top 5 SKAM songs!!
7. Favourite episode from each season
Idk if I can choose between 9 and 10 (and 11, I think the three of them play out so nicely together, like a film or a three act play). I really love the Isak/Eva stuff (and I actually thought Isak was going to try and get with Eva EVEN THOUGH I saw s3 first lol) and I so clearly remember watching the end of episode 9 and shouting ISAK YOU FUCKING GIANT BAG OF DICKS at the screen and desperately wondering what Eva would do. And then we get the reveal about Isak’s home life and that scene with Jonas and it’s all so well done.  
Episode 4. I watched it really late at night and found it quite genuinely scary in some places, because I’m a wimp. And I LOVE seeing girls hanging out and being silly. It’s so rare we actually get to see that on screen and it not to be ‘and then the boys arrive and the fun starts’ it’s just girls having fun and pranking each other in the snow.
Can anyone truly pick a favourite episode of this season? GAH. But I think maybe episode 6. Because we have all done That Walk and had fate or the universe or whatever fuck us over, and Tarjei sells being walked into SO well, and if I had to pick A Moment where I was like, ‘ok Isak is now my favourite awkward chicken forever’ it’s THAT moment. I’m also really, really into those small, quiet moments of courage and I love the way this episode starts with Isak being really uneasy talking to Jonas and Jonas being kind of pissed at him but also letting him know he’s there, then the canteen cheese toastie of heartbreak, then talking to Doctor Skrulle (which is my favourite Isak Character Scene), then on the basis of those, Isak again gathering all his courage to talk to Jonas and Jonas totally bossing his response. The end of that episode makes me cry and grin at the same time, which is no mean feat at all. 
I think... reluctantly... it’s got to be episode 10? Even though it made me riotously sad that we’ll never get an Even, Chris, or a Vilde season. I love the lead in with Sana’s prayer asking for everyone to be watched over and then Vilde’s clip is just heartbreaking. I would watch literally 100 hours of Chris and Doctor Skrulle because they are hilarious but also kind of get each other and I think that’s beautiful. And then Vilde and Chris at the party basically broke me. 
13. Top 5 SKAM songs
5. Annie - Chewing Gum. I have wanted to marry Annie for years and when this song showed up in the background it was like WHAT WORLDS ARE COLLIDING. I'm gonna tell you how it's gonna get done/I'm just a girl that's only chewing for fun/You spit it out when all the flavor has gone/Wrap him round your finger like you're playing with gum. If you never listened to Anniemal, basically do yourself a favour today and proceed directly to your music provider of choice. 
4. Tears for Fears - Head Over Heels. Like this song is not a song I ever imagined would sneak in and wedge its way into my soul forever but HERE WE ARE. Those opening piano chords are like catnip to me now. 
3. Radiohead - Talk Show Host. Like fucking hell, that song is so perfectly Even and so perfectly placed and so gloriously raw in its expression of what it feels like to live with a mental illness but also really fitting for the way Isak is ready for Even to come bang on his locker. I just... I’m so glad Skam got to use this song. 
2. Peaches - Dick In The Air. Will ANYTHING ever fill me with the same feminist glee as the girl squad walking to the party like a bunch of total badasses with this playing in the background. No, it won't. 
1. Gabrielle - 5 Fine Frøkner. Anyone who follows me on Spotify or Twitter will already know my devotion to 5 Fine Frøkner is unwavering. Like. It’s genuinely one of the best things Skam has brought into my life. It makes me happy when I’m not, I listen to it as work as my ‘don’t want to do this meeting but I gotta’ fight song, where would this fandom be without Gabrielle, frankly.   
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