#i genuinely might do an analysis on all the different ways this song applies to sqx
deiscension · 10 months
Isn't it crazy how M.itski's Nobody is a deep dive on SQX's character development.... 'I just want somebody near me / Guess I'm a coward / I just want to feel alright'. 'And I know no one will save me.'
The heartache of realizing you never knew what it was like to be wanted, you didn't even know what it was like to be needed, and it wouldn't have mattered anyway because what you had wasn't yours and you still took it. You still took it and you couldn't give it back even when you tried because you weren't strong enough to say the right name when it mattered the most and you weren't brave or just enough to understand and condemn the one who poured blood all over your hands when he handed you a fate you were undeserving of. And really what does it say about you that you mourn what was despite the fact it never should have been? What does it say about you that even when you had it all there were pieces missing? Of course you'd never turn to resentment. That's not who you are, it never has been. It's not your right either. You'll find a way to die happy but that's not really the same as peace or contentment. Are you allowed to want after you've had? Hard to say.
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btsandvmin · 3 years
Answering asks in regards to my recent post about shipping
Ok, so I got a few asks which I think are all responses to my recent post How much do we really know?
I got a few others but these are the ones I am choosing to reply to.
If you follow me and have done so for a while you probably understood my post already, and thus most of these replies might not be that interesting to my general readers. This for the most part just a reply to explain the points I felt got completely misunderstood by these particular anons. But I also go through some others that asks as well. Those will be at the bottom of the post if you want to skip the explenations.
Here goes. So the first ask I got was this:
Anonymous asked:
You mentioned in a post that during the billboard Vlive V suggested that him and Jimin “sleep together casually.” But the very next day Jimin said in a press conference that he was with JK all night and cried with him over the #1 spot. Do you think you ignore things JM says or does to fit your Vmin narrative? There just seems to be a big confirmation bias. A lot of your evidence seems to come from V’s songs but that’s entirely your analysis based off your perception of their relationship. (Not that I don’t agree with you on some of it.) How do you step back and look at things unbiasedly or rationally?
First of all, yes I did mention this but I didn't say that Jimin and Taehyung slept together that particular time/day. I am not 100% sure the post you read was the "How much do we really know?" but if it was, I said this:
"....or that Vmin seem to casually sleep together in private (if we take Tae’s words for it in the Billboard vlive)..."
Meanwhile in that vlive this is what Taehyung said.
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"I told him to sleep next to me" followed by "...as he's too lazy to come to my place" it makes it sound like they normally would have gone to either place to sleep together, but both were too lazy to do so this time. Thus they didn't sleep together this instance, but the way Tae talks makes it sound like they casually ask each other to sleep together at times and like it almost was a given that one of them go to the other.
Worth noting is also that the way Taehyung says it (though there is always room for error since I don't speak Korean) it seems he was asking Jimin to come over first, and he wasn't even aware of the Billboard result. He also asked Jimin to do this on JK's birthday, so clrealy it didn't seem like a big deal at least from Tae's side to ask Jimin to come over to him on this particular day.
What I said in my post applies even if they didn't do it that day. Because it doesn't matter if Jimin went in the end or not, Tae still "casually" asked Jimin to come to his place to sleep.
You can look at the whole vlive (1st in BILLBOARD! Gather ARMY!) from September 1st 2020 and get your own understanding, it's not that long and it's full of cute moments.
But if we get into Ji/kook a little bit, the way I understood the situation from what they said is that of course yes, Jimin did tell JK about it. He said as much and of course I will believe him when he says it.
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I never said that Jimin didn't say this, so I don't understand how my post would in any way imply that I ignore what Jimin says or does to fit a Vmin narrative. I didn't even mention Jimin, because it wasn't what I was talking about. Jimin's situation didn't matter in that context, just that Tae asked Jimin to come sleep with him.
Sadly I can't include all pictures because there is a photo limit, but Jimin also says he wasn't prepared for the news, and he was talking with Taehyung, and then he started to cry as he got the news. To me it seems he might have told Tae first (and that they already were on the phone when Jimin got the news?), and that JK likely wasn’t with Jimin when he got the news himself, but that he told JK at a later point.
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But aren't you ignoring how they told the story a bit as well if you see this as a pure ji/kook moment?
The thing is that to me, no matter what ji/kook did that night doesn't even matter for what Tae said. It still indicates Vmin sleep together casually in their private time even if they didn't end up doing it that particular day. And if Tae could say that and ask that on the night leading into JK's birthday then how does that make Ji/kook seem like likely lovers even if they were together? Of course it doesn't mean that Vmin automatically becomes real, but I never said that either. Maybe the two ships cancel each other out, but in the end the fact that Taehyung said this, said it like it was normal, and suggested it the night before JK's birthday says something to me.
It's fine if Ji/kookers love the fact that JM told JK, I don't blame them, but they in turn need to take Tae's words into account as well. The whole point of my original post was to say I don't understand how shippers can feel confident in their ship being real, and this is a perfect example of why focusing in on one thing and ignoring or not noticing another makes these beliefs based on too little information.
You also seemed to ignore the rest of the post (if that was indeed what you were reading) where I state that I do have a bias and where ALL shippers use narratives that fit their ship to tell a certain story.
You also mention me ignoring moments and having confirmation bias, and sure I can't truly get rid of that, but again... I didn't ignore Ji/kook. I never said those things didn't happen. If anything I keep saying all ships have moments and shippers focus on them so much they don't see others have similar moments. Likewise I won't deny ji/kook moments when they clearly exist, that was a big part of the post, if you actually read it and didn't just get stuck on the small details. But it's good you are curious about and know confirmation bias. I have brought it up as a problem many times as well, and I will surely talk about it more in the future too.
Then, moving on to your point about "evidence" I would once again like to say (like in the post) that there is no such thing as proof or evidence for ANY ship. Just moments that shippers put together with their interpretations into a narrative. So you saying "A lot of your evidence seems to come from V’s songs but that’s entirely your analysis based off your perception of their relationship. (Not that I don’t agree with you on some of it.)" is why I felt you somehow misunderstood my whole post.
Of course it’s all my analysis based on my perception of their relationship. That’s the WHOLE POINT about how all shipping analyses work. Not just mine, but all.
Also, yes Taehyung's songs is a big part of why Vmin is suspicious, but it's far from the only reasons I have to question them. I simply used Tae's actions as an example in my post because they are quite many and out there. Many facts tied together, but of course what they mean is always a guess. Which I also stated clearly. I literally brought up a lot of examples of Vmin and said they make a lot of sense, but that doesn't mean we can be sure or "know" Vmin is real.
So, yes, I do feel you misunderstood me on several points, and it seemed you didn't read properly at all but rather got stuck on the details and then used Ji/kook moments to "refute" me even though it in my opinion wasn't relevant to the post at all. Which is why I in turn posted this reply:
It didn’t take long for someone to misunderstand my posts and get caught up on the details and examples instead of the general message. While they were at it they decide to throw in a good “accusation” of something I legit have said I am many times and no one can avoid. Good to know some people just don’t want to understand. 😗👍
Not only you but less interesting/good asks as well might have made me feel a bit annoyed, so I replied like this, I suppose I misunderstood your intentions too.
You also asked "How do you step back and look at things unbiasedly or rationally?" and my personal belief is that I can't. I am biased towards Vmin, and I do try to see things from many ways and to get content in its full context. But simply by consuming and remembering more about Vmin than other dynamics I will still remain biased. I don't think any shipper can truly remain neutral.
Then I got a a second ask (Edit; I now know this is by another person than the first ask).
This isn’t me trying to misunderstand you, I’m just genuinely curious how you ship vmin while also questioning Tae’s honesty (your BB night comment) and thus also Jimin’s, and also hand over the best tools to anti-vminnie who can use your words as proof that “well even vminnie don’t believe vmin so why should we?” And if all ships are basically equal, why ship at all, or why ship vmin? They have the most conclusive things and yet the more we get the more you question and doubt them.Why?
And suddenly there came a whole new additional set of problems.
I suggest reading my post Shipping vs Believing because if you knew my stance you would understand that I think there is a huge difference between shipping and believing and that you can ship whatever you like and it doesn't have to be tied to reality at all.
In general this ask makes you sound like a delusional and defensive believer, so I perhaps suggest reading my post Can shipping turn into conspiracy theories? as well. This additional ask is why I replied with this second short post:
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You say I question the honesty of Tae or Jimin's words, but hopefully you understand this is not at all true since I explained what I actually meant in my original post. Tae asking Jimin to sleep with him is just as true as Jimin telling JK about the win. These two things don't contradict each other and I trust both of the statments to be real.
Also, how am I "handing over tools" to anti-vminies? These things are all out there, and I wasn't even talking about anything negative? Just because I have a more healthy approach than "Vmin is obviously real" that doesn't mean my words should be interpreted as "shipping Vmiin is pointless". However, you did get it right that I don't believe in Vmin, but you seem to have the wrong idea of why I have that stance to begin with. Which again, was part of the message in the original post which you here continue to not understand in other ways.
Me not talking as if Vmin is 100% real doesn't mean I hand out tools to antis. Personally I think that's a weird interpretation of my text, but I can't do anything but try to explain my view on shipping, which I feel that I have many times.
I also don't personally think all ships are equal, but I do think many ships have similar moments and that those moments either get ignored or hyper focused on in a way that makes shipping analysis less trustworhty and always biased and not based purely on facts and the full context. Basically yes, a lot of ships seem to cancel each other out, but that shouldn't stop anyone from shipping. BUT it should make people careful about calling moments "proof" and be sure their narrative is the only possible truth.
I also don't think it's fair to say "They have the most conclusive things and yet the more we get the more you question and doubt them.Why?". I've always tried to keep a distance between shipping and analysis and while we do get more and more for Vmin it's not that I start doubting them more... It's just that I remain open to other things despite more things happening that fits in a Vmin narrative.
I honestly can't tell if you have read a lot of my posts before or not, but it doesn't seem like it, and thus it feels even more unfair for you to lay this judgement on me as well.
Then I got a third ask (edit: which was a second one from the first anon):
Anonymous asked:
I think I’m the anon you responded to. I did read more of your posts where you question things a bit. It’s nice to see you still have a healthy view point on things. I wasn’t really disagreeing with your posts, just wondering if you felt everything was being considered when coming to conclusions. Have a good one !
All this drama, and for what? :P But have a good one too I guess. Thanks for taking the time to read more and trying to understand my point of view.
I also got this ask from another person, and I hope you might understand what I meant after reading my reply to the first anon.
Hi I am sorry I am confused. Can you tell me why specifically you think Vmin alluded to sleeping together during the Billboard Vlive? Didn't Tae say he was talking to Jimin on the phone and told him to come over? Then at the press conference Jimin said "I was with Jungkook" and they were sitting stroking their phones. I am not a shipper or an anti shipper or anything like that. I just would love to see the receipts on this if you have them?
Again, I didn't mean Vmin slept together that day. But the fact that he asked and it seemed like a very normal (even perhaps expected) thing that one of them would go to the other, I can still express it as Tae alluding to Vmin sleeping together at least sometimes during their private time.
Now onto another anon, with a very different take. :)
Anonymous asked:
Spot on. Shipping is one thing but how can some people "believe" in a ship, I'll never understand. People need to realize that even with all the content we get (from concerts to DVDs to Run to BV to interviews), we only see them for maybe like 2-3 days (total) out of 365 days. Like? They visit a country for 7 days and we only get 10 hours of content from it. Do we have any idea what any of them is doing right at this moment? "Supporting" a ship is stupid even if you're right at the end.
Thank you anon. I don't fully agree that we get as little as 2-3 days total out of a year, but we definitely don't see the majority of their lives. And while you are a bit crude, I agree... Even if a ship is real, supporting and believing and being convinced of only one ship is at least in my opinion not the right way to go about it. Which is why I say let's speculate but also support them all whatever the truth might turn out to be.
There we go... It ended up being a lot of drama made out of nothing else than a small misunderstanding. Anyways, I hope I made myself clear. Thanks for the asks, sorry for the somewhat annoyed attitude and I hope you understood what I tried to say.
Thanks for reading. If any of you had the patience to do so all the way through I salute you. <3
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hilli98215 · 4 years
Lindsey Ellis and Why Is Cats?
So I saw the convo post between @demandra and @is-it-mungojerry-or-rumpelteazer about Lindsey Ellis and her comments about Cats 2019. That was one of the first reviews/analysis videos I watched about the film and I have to 100% agree with you two. A lot of the points she makes about the film is true. But what annoys me more about her video, is how she demeans those who are fans of the musical. 
Right at the beginning of her video she talks about how she tried to explain Cats to her anti-musical friend. And what’s funny is that her friend has a valid question: “Who likes Cats?” She can’t seem to give an answer. She laughs and doesn’t answer the question. 
She has this condescending tone while talking about the original musical and its history. You can tell she did a lot of research and has respect for the stage version of the musical. Her tone is lighter and the music she uses is also lighter. But you can see her tone change when she talks about movie musicals and movie musical adaptations. I’ve watched a lot of her videos and I am a fan of her work. But this makes me question something. 
What does she have against the movie musical?
In her review she uses clips from Les Mis, The Producers, Chicago, and more to make her point. But it seems as though the only one that applies is Les Mis because it is the only other movie musical Tom Hooper directed. When she talks about the post-production, well everything she’s saying is true and has been proven. But it is the way she presents it that adds to the condescending tone. You can even hear the music in the background. It’s more of a joke than when she spoke about the history of the musical. Then she asks the question ‘If everything went to plan, would we have a better move?’ and proceeds to bring up concept art all while saying ‘no’. I have to then ask why not? That was just concept art. Things change from pre production by the time everything comes together. That’s just how film works. 
I also don’t think she understands what the word ‘adaptation’ means. Of course, they’re going to add more “cat things”. This world is different from ours. It’s not a copy and past of the stage show. That would be boring. The stage choreography is going to be ‘evoking a cat’ because that media needs that type of movement. The film needs them to act like cats because, again, that’s the world they are in. 
Ellis talks about Hooper’s want for realism and the use of the 4th wall in musicals. Hooper’s want for realism is his style of filmmaking. Does it always work? That’s debatable. But her comment about the 4th wall irritates me. Sometimes musicals use the 4th wall as a way to communicate to the audience. Ellis uses Les Mis as an example because of reasons. I have never seen the stage version of Les Mis and genuinely liked the movie. I even saw it opening weekend. Anyway, when I saw the clip she showed, I saw this as the kid talking to the others behind him as a bit extra information rather than him talking to the audience. The way it is filmed does not indicate that he is talking to the audience. 
Back to Cats. She notes that Cats is a musical that uses a lot of breaking the 4th wall and that’s a true statement. But the way she talks about how the film adapts this concept and how they only break the 4th wall at the end of the film. While I do agree with this point as they could have done something else if they wanted to keep the song, it’s the way she makes fun of it that irritates me. She uses a lot of time lapsing imagery such as a clock and a wilting flower to make her point which is overkill.
Another point she makes is about Mistoffelees and heteronormativity. I might get some flack here but I don’t like how she, again, tears into this. IT’S CALLED AN ADAPTATION!!!! I can see her reasoning but it feels like she completely misses the fact at how pairings work. Headcanons are a thing for a reason. 
The final section of her video is all about the plot. I covered some of what she spoke about in this section in my various Scene Analysis posts, so I’ll keep this one short. I actually liked this section. Especially when she talks about the celebrities and how they changed the music. In fact, this was the only section I agreed with her on. A lot of this was just her talking about things I already knew from behind the scenes and talk shows so it wasn’t that surprising. But her attitude toward the plot was off putting. I think, while convoluted and messy, the plot is creative. Does it work? As a draft, yes. Could you have the same plot, but a lot better? A huge yes.
Overall what do I think, I think Ellis’ video about Cats 2019 is worth the watch because it creates conversations like these with fans. But I also get the feeling she does not like movie musicals. Like I noted earlier, I am a fan of her work. She even has a video titled ‘Death of the Hollywood Movie Musical’ from 2018 that is worth watching. But it still stands to this. Why does it feel like she is making fun of the film rather than seeing how well it shot? Or the fantastic lighting? Or the BROADWAY actors who really cared for the film? Or the fans who appreciate the film for what it is?
I watched this around when the film came out and appreciated it for what it was. Just another review about a movie musical. After being in the fandom for several months, I have a higher appreciation for the source material, the musical adaptation, and the 1998 film and the 2019 film, and the several non-replica versions around the world. Watching this now, boggles my mind. How can someone demine an entire fandom while reviewing a movie musical adaptation? Appreciate the work. Don’t say Cats is just for kids or the theater nerds. It’s for everyone.
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borisbubbles · 4 years
Montaigne - “Don’t break me”
🤡 KLOUN  🤡 🤡 KLOUN  🤡 🤡 I MOU KLOUN  🤡 
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HA HA HA HA -- Afrodyti Fryda -- Jessica Charro 
Normally I wouldn’t be ranking Montaigne this low, actually :o I do feel like there is *some* potential to be had from her entry and it could’ve been reached greatness in Rotterdam, but since ESC has been cancelled, we’re going to see none of it. So, all I have to go by is the live AD version I just posted, which... I lowkey dislike? Let’s dissect this sucker. 
Song Analysis
Every once in a while, we get that sort of avant garde-esque entry where I’m like “Okay, I get what you’re doing and I like the idea but the execution, babe. It just ain’t there.” I think “Don’t break me” might be the new textbook example of that archetype? I know some media love portraying “Don’t break me” as... what was the Wiwi headline again?
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The problem is, it don’t add up.
Like, what exactly is alternative about this entry? Not the music, despite the statements claiming otherwise. Montaigne wrote this song together with established “indie” songwriters DNA, hits of other ’indie’ miracles “Don’t come easy”, “Tonight again” and “#WeGotLove”. “Don’t break me” is equally indie, that is to say, not indie at all and blatantly mainstream. Ain’t nothing wrong with that, (DBM is hands down the best song DNA have produced for ESC) but don’t sling LIES at me. 
Secondly, the staging, we need to address the staging, hunties cuz boy it ain’t holdin’ up. (lol I’m merely channelling Wiwi Adams because that’s what the spirits whisper to me - that is to say, pink gin & tonic). There are some *conceptual* strong points to me, clearly spliced in to fabricate some perception of free artistry, but the execution of it is lacking. In lay man’s terms: IT’S SO FUCKING INCOMPETENT OMG I should stan... but don’t because, well.
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Et tu quoque, Sennek?
Montaigne herself said she styled her marionette-frock after mr Mime (Mimes aren’t marionettes? Am I missing something?), but it’s Not Very Effective when your style is more inline with Grundel Toad. YES, One Shot Camera Angle, yes super artsy and creative were it not for the fact that Trijnwreck Oosterhuis already pioneered this and it came off similarly feeble. 
I however am not *that* offended by “Don’t break me” or its act as many others appear to be though. Again, the song is decent and it’s mostly brought down by a lack of performing experience on Montaigne’s behalf. While not good, it’s salvageable at the very least. 
However, I’m more annoyed that this (decent) mainstream song is being sold as innovative and mold-breaking, neither of which it actually is. This is the root of the problem imo. The utter denial of "Don’t break me’s” own mainstreamness and the desperation to prove the opposite. 
And honestly, this even applies to Montaigne herself? Her appearance, creative decision making and hell, even her own social media posts read a bit too much “How To Be Different For Dummies.” to really make it believable. ”I AM ALTERNATIVE. HERE’S MY PORTFOLIO OF UNCONVENTIONAL HAIR COLOURS AND UNIBROW STYLES TO PROVE MY POINT SO YOU DON’T HAVE TO TALK TO ME. WANNA SEE MY ARMPIT HAIR? I JHERI-CURLED IT YESTERDAY.” Her brand of off-beatness feels shallow and uninspired because it is. She  being conformist with regards to her own nonconformity and that makes her a bigger slave to societal norm than you and I. 
NF Corner
Lol this was not a great Aus Decides. Sadly the standard wasn’t nearly as high as it had been last year. I cheered *FOR* Montaigne at the time, that’s how bad it was. There were several *atrocious, easily last in this ranking had they won”-entries she needed to slay (DIE JACK! DIE MITCH! DIE CASEY!) and she did. A pity my interest very quickly evaporated, but oh well, such is life. Fortunately there were a few... decent-ish entries that I’d like to share. Don’t hold you breath, though - this selection had no Electric Fieldses.
Vanessa Amorosi - “Lessons of Love”
“Lessons of love” almost completely passed me in studio -  I liked it mostly because “Absolutely everybody” was a BOP and I was edging for a good performance, which... Vanessa delivered honestly. CRAWLING OUT OF A CAR CRASH <3 The one-woman vocal bidding war she engages in once the first chorus hits. The rainy drizzle <3  The song’s merely adequate but Vanessa’s affect and the staging are enough for me. A ballad that in fact isn’t boring and provides a host of tiny little gems I can cling onto for three minutes, what a treat!
Now I’m mentioning ballads, (um, this is about Aus Decides 2020; of course ballads are being mentioned), this one was pretty good too. 
Didirri - “Raw Stuff”
“Raw stuff”, like Vanessa’s song, completely passed me by in studio version (except, I didn’t even bother simulating appreciation here - disheveled, homely men aren’t my thing, cf.: Salvador). “Oh a stripped down power ballad with personal meaning” well am I ever not interested?
And then the live disarmed me, lol. I have NO idea why but it just clicked for me. iDidirri managed to give it certain sincerity, a certain pathos that I could empathize with and the staging (which was highkey good - Non-boring piano ballads! The Concept!) provided me with enough sustenance. I also firmly believe that had “Raw stuff” made it to an actual ESC stage, it could’ve won the whole thing - it has that Salvadorian quality, minus the pretence. Alex Callier quaking in his boots rn. 
But anyway, the ONE song everybody and their dog loved was of course also a fave of mine. It is, of course,
Jaguar Jonze - “Rabbit hole”
From pretty much second one Jaguar IMMEDIATELY unleashed her inner psychotic weirdo self, flailed her body around on designer furniture (dislocating her shoulder!!! what a trooper), LITERALLY tore down the walls around her and snagged every wig in the audience. SHE’S A JAGUAR, A MARE, A GAZZELLE
*THIS* how you indie. Not Mundaigne’s safer-than-seclusion puppetfest. You inject genuine personality quirks into your song and performance, don’t give *a single* fuck about what other people think. And like any good indie song, you aren’t rewarded for your nonconformist attitude by “professional” juries. 😁
and now she has coronavirus! STAY STRONG GIRL :( (lol she streamed a jam sessions a few days back, I’m fairly certain she well) WLU!
Australia 2020 & Australia 2021
“Don’t break me” is one of those entries where qualification *entirely* depends on how good or bad the live was. Usually you can tell whether X will (not) qualify UNLESS their live is much worse than expected (or better if they’re a projected NQ). This does not apply to Montaigne; The “Don’t break me” we saw at Aus Decides definitely *would* have NQ’d, but who knows about the modified, improved version. It could’ve Katherine’d itself, it could’ve Sennek’d itself, it could’ve KMH’d itself. Who the f knows and I ain’t gonna spec on it. What I do know is that the subpar singing and dancing would not be present in the final product because, you know, rehearsals. The real hurdle for “Don’t break me” was something different: namely Montaigne herself and her compulsion to break the mold by not breaking it at all. All the decisions w/r/t the staging and styling can be traced down to her and these decisions suck because they are being made for the wrong reasons. Like, you don’t *NEED* tryhard symbolism when your (actually pretty goodish) song already possesses good and transparent lyrics. It’s okay to be MAINSTREAM, Montaigne, it is OKAY to be Mundaigne. Don’t let your ego get in your way. LOVE YOURSELF, sweet Jessica and BE YOU!!! For all our sakes...
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Australia deserves a few senheads, I think. Not many because, yep, a whole NF with self-composed songs and they STILL went for the ballad that had a DNA co-writing credit. SIGH. However, I do believe the *funk* of Montaigne’s ordinary uniqueness, and how it bled into mainstream indie song, is kind of a Freaky! thing (it’s similar to how Alanis Morissette’s “Ironic”, a song about irony, contains zero examples of actual irony - which ironically enough makes it one of the most ironic songs ever penned), if a severely diluted one. Oh well, beggars cannot be choosers, I guess. 
Score: 1 Senhits out of 5.
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What song do you associate with Gumball Watterson?
Ooh, there are a few! Not all of them are an exact fit for him but I think of him when I hear a lot of them. Below are two songs (along with a detailed analysis on why I think each one is fitting). There are more that seem to fit him but these are the big ones off the top of my head. 
Fine, Great by Modern Baseball is one. The song really strikes me as someone who tries to pretend they care less about things and people than they do, tries to seem annoyed with those around them, comes off as apathetic. “But it’s alright, and i’m okay, I don’t need your help anyway” is one example, showing how the person responds to other’s worrying about them, brushing it off and trying to act like they don’t want the support they clearly need. This reminds me of Gumball because he’s known to act like he’s fine when he isn’t (the shell is the biggest one example where he told his family he was alright and then went and cried his eyes out, and while usually it’s more subtext than that, his tendency to pretend things that upset him aren’t a big deal is present a lot) and usually he deflects any worry people may show for him by being sarcastic and snarky with them because when people are annoyed with him they don’t usually see through his fake apathy. “All I wanna do is worry about everyone but me” is another one, showing that the person doesn’t focus on themselves as much as other people. Now within the context of the song it probably means they try to help other people instead of helping themselves, however worrying about other people doesn’t necessarily have to be caring about them or innocent concern. I mean, have you ever had a teacher tell you not to worry about other people when you complain to them about someone else breaking the rules? “Worrying about” someone could be focusing on their negatives and they way they’re messing up, and it’s been established that Gumball often deflects his own insecurities by focusing on other people’s. The whole verse “I’m so tired, or maybe just bored, I can’t really tell the difference whenever i’m talking to you, and I know that you just adore starting off with me that way there’s no way i’ll assume that you’re wasting all of my time to vent about your problems like how your instagram stopped working or how you’re friends bailed on you but it was funny because that was the day you were supposed to hang with me....yeah about that...” also strikes me. The part where they say “I’m so tired” could definitely be a sign that the narrator has some emotional issues and depression going on that would make them ‘tired’, but not wanting to confide in the other person they quickly backtrack, changing it to be talking about how bored they are with the conversation and how annoying the other person is. Again, I think Gumball purposefully portrays himself as selfish and tries to act all bored an judgey and apathetic specifically so people don’t look too deeply into him and all I can think about when I hear those lines is him talking about how annoying Alan is because he’s nice to Gumball and Gumball doesn’t know how to deal with someone being nice and patient and actually acknowledging his emotions since he uses being a bit of a jerk to deflect that exact sort of attention and usually people don’t look much deeper. The whole verse “I’m guilty as charged for leading you on a lie that I know it’s easy to see, but it’s crucial to blot out any signs that I might have feelings This way you don't ask me, how am I? This way you won't force me to proceed with actually having to tell you my worries, with actually having you give a damn about me....you giving a damn about...” has the same implications but it actually shows that a lot of people around the narrator notice something’s wrong but choose to take the opportunity to ignore it. ‘Leading you on a lie that I know it’s easy to see’ is saying that their false apathy is see through and that people can easily tell that it’s not real, however with, ‘it’s crucial to blot out any signs that i might have feelings’ it shows that not only does the narrator encourage people to ignore the emotions they try to hide, but that most people, seeing through the lie, purposefully take the opportunity the narrator gives them to ignore it since they don’t actually care, they just don’t want to be responsible if the narrator has some sort of breakdown, and they take the deniability the narrator gives them without a second thought. ‘this way you don’t ask me how am i, this way you don’t force me to proceed with actually having to tell you my worries, with actually having you give a damn about me..’ strengthens that. The people in the narrators life don’t actually care about the narrator’s feelings or mental stability, they don’t really want to know how the narrator is, they don’t want to deal with the narrator’s issues, they just want to look good by going through the motions of asking so they can say they tried, and the narrator, not wanting to talk about themselves or their issues, is happy to oblige and give them an out. Once again this reminds me of Gumball. The people around him love him but they also wanna believe everything is fine with him because they have their own stresses and if they found out he wasn’t okay, they’d be forced to deal with that, both out of a sense of obligation to take care of their loved one, and because they do care about him. It’s not that they don’t care, but they want him to be fine so they don’t have to deal with it if he’s not, and so when he tells them that everything’s fine and deflects by being all annoyed and apathetic, they want to believe it so badly that they do because they’ve got enough issues to deal with themselves. However it obviously comes across to him as if they just don’t care, and so he hides even farther because now he thinks nobody cares. At the very end of the song the narrator repeats the first few lines of the song “ I hate worrying about the future cause All my fucking problems are based around the past, and I hate when you call me late at night just to check in to make sure I got nothing to be sad about But it's alright and I'm okay I don’t need your help anyway.”, except with more emotion than the first time because the narrator is even more hurt by the apparent unconcern of those around them, which I find fitting of Gumball because while it’s true that the kid has a lot of emotional issues, the one I think effects him the most, is that he feels like those around him (especially his family) don’t really care about or need him.
Saint Bernard by Lincoln (ignoring a lot of the religious tones to the song and taking them as metaphor). The song starts off with the line “Hung pictures of patron saints up on my wall, to remind me that i am a fool—” and honestly what immediately strikes me about this line is the narrator referring to themself as a fool as if they legitimately believe themselves to be one. It strikes me that they have very low self confidence, and that reminds me of Gumball, especially since the narrator described themselves with the word ‘fool’ and Gumball has been lead to believe that he’s stupid. Now whenever I picture this song when thinking about Gumball I don’t use patron saints because....the religious references are just metaphors (at least in my interpenetration since...Gumball doesn’t have much to do with religion, lol) and I actually think of his siblings filling the role of the patron saints in this song. Someone above him, who’s better than him, who he doesn’t necessarily resent but who he still feels some level of hurt towards for them being better than him. Someone who’s pictures would be hung on the wall, taunting him, proving to him that he’s nothing, at least in comparison. Then there’s the line “Tell me where I came from, what I will always be: Just a spoiled little kid who went to Catholic school.”  and it feels like the narrator both is upset that he’ll never amount to anything or have a greater legacy than...catholic school, but he also refers to himself as ‘spoiled’ which shows that maybe the narrator acknowledges that they haven’t had an objectively awful life and feels like they have no place to complain. This reminds me of Gumball, not only because he’s been convinced that he doesn’t have any potential and won’t amount to anything, but because there aren’t many reasons for him to complain. His family loves him, he’s got food and a house and even a tv, he had an education, etc, so it’d be dumb to complain, and yet he’s still a very sad and insecure character (for good reason but it’d be easy for him to doubt himself and think he’s just spoiled) the song also has this line, “When i am dead i won't join their ranks because they are both holy and free” is another line. The narrator is comparing themself with these people and clearly doesn’t believe that he matches up to them and that they’re better than him. But the narrator also clearly sees all the good in them, not in an annoyed ‘ohh, they think they’re so great >:(’ way but in a genuine ‘they’re great and i can’t hate them because they really are great but i can’t help but hurt that i can’t be great too’ way. And I can see Gumball feeling that way towards his siblings, who I already said I was using as stand-in’s for the ‘patron saints’. He loves them with all his heart, really. He thinks they’re wonderful. But he’s painfully aware that he can’t compare to them. Now there’s the line “I said make me love myself so that i might love you. Don't make me a liar, because i swear to god when i said it i thought it was true”. Well this one isn’t talking about the patron saints anymore since the saints are referred to as ‘they’, separate people from the conversation, while thing line uses ‘you’, as in the person the narrator is talking to. And it feels like a romantic partner so when I think of this in the context of the song applying to Gumball I immediately think of Penny. This line just drips with affection and genuine love, like the kind of love that Gumball has for his girlfriend, but the line also acknowledges that the narrator is deeply insecure and feels torn because people always say you can’t love someone before you love yourself, and yet Gumball doesn’t love himself, and he does love her so so so much. Then there’s the line “Saint Calvin told me not to worry about you, but he’s got his own things to deal with. There’s really only one thing that we have in common: Neither of us will be missed” Well again, we have the ‘you’ prefix, which i’m assigning to a new person since I don’t think this line is fitting for talking about Penny tbh. However i’ll have to explain why i’m using this person so I won’t name them yet, just bare with me. ‘Saint Calvin’ is probably John Calvin, and I know I said I would use the religious stuff as strictly metaphorical, but I think the connotations behind him were interesting. John Calvin was a believer in predestination, or the idea that someone in destined to heaven or hell since birth. In the song, talking about John Calvin is probably speaking on how the narrator doesn’t feel like they have much potential, like they were born into a role and like they’re meant to spend their whole lives in it (the role of a spoiled kid who went to catholic school). When applying this to Gumball it works on multiple levels. First off, it works with the implications the narrator put to it, that, as said earlier, he doesn’t believe he has any real potential in his life. However there’s a whole new implication to that which we can put on Gumball that wasn’t implied with the original narrator. In tawog, they’re in a tv show in universe as well as out. The idea of being born into a certain role, predestined to be in that position, is incredibly prominent in the show. Gumball was put into the role of the protagonist, the hero. And what’s the other side to that? The villain. Which makes me associate this line with Rob, who was forced to be the villain just off the merit of Gumball being the hero. I’m calling Rob the ‘you’ in this section of this song. The part where he says ‘Saint Calvin told me not to worry about you’ is probably the narrator addressing someone he cares about who he sees as a sinner, going against the beliefs the narrator holds dear,  which makes the narrator want to help this person, but according to John Calvin’s belief, people are destined for heaven or hell from the start, so there’s nothing that can be done for this person. Well, putting Gumball in the role of the narrator and Rob in the role of the other person, this still works. Gumball clearly cares a lot about Rob weather he wants to admit it or not, but Rob was forced into the role of a villain, and to everyone involved he’s meant to stay in that role, and it’s no use trying to help him be anything else. Gumball isn’t supposed worry about him, though, both because it’s not supposed to be possible to change his role in the show, and because with Gumball being the hero and Rob being the villain, Gumball is supposed to hate Rob. Also, going with the theme of using Gumball’s siblings for the saints in this song, neither Darwin or Anais care much or worry about Rob the way Gumball does, and could also be the saint telling him not to worry about Rob, and I can see Gumball using the line ‘but he has his own things to do’ to show his annoyance over always being judged. They’re better than him and they clearly act like they’re above him, so they shouldn’t waste their time judging what he does, and they don’t because while they more than likely don’t see all that Gumball sees in Rob, they also are too occupied with other things most of the time Gumball is around Rob to scold him. Clearly, though, Gumball doesn’t follow this idea that Rob is bad and that he shouldn’t care about him, since he really really does not hate Rob. Then there’s the part of ‘neither of us will be missed’, which is also fitting of the two of them. Rob has no friends, no family, he was sent to the void for heaven’s sake, the only person who would probably notice if he went missing tomorrow is Gumball. And as for Gumball, he’s deeply insecure and feels like people don’t really care about him. If he disappeared tomorrow maybe people would notice but maybe they’d be better for it too. When Gumball imagines the future he probably sees his siblings (who we talked a lot about earlier) having good, successful lives. His sister’ll probably graduate college and be some big shot scientist or something and make loads of money and be able to support herself. His brother’ll probably have a nice house and marry his highschool sweetheart and have 2.5 kids and a dog and he’ll get a nice job and host game night for all his friends every saturday. However it’s been established that Gumball doesn’t really think he’ll have an important future. He probably thinks he’ll have no job or a poor paying one, probably thinks his girlfriend will either leave him or be held back by him, etc. Gumball doesn’t think he’d be missed if he were gone, really, and it’s something that connects him with Rob, who’s supposed to be his enemy, who he’s supposed to have nothing in common with. Then finally there’s this part of the song “A saint bernard sits at the top of the driveway. You always said how you loved dogs. I don't know if i count, but i'm trying my best when i'm howling and barking these songs”. Well, i’m hesitant on the meaning of this one because in talking about ‘saint bernard’ they’re most likely making more associations with actual saints, however I couldn’t find much meaning behind the actually saint bernard, so i’m going with the associations behind the dog breed cause he mentions the name particularly in reference to the dog breed. This breed is particularly known to be sweet and well behaved and patient and easily trained and very very intelligent. And going with the theme of associating ‘saints’ in this song with Gumball’s siblings...Darwin is very sweet and well behaved and Anais is definately extremely intelligent and trainable. Going off of another running theme in this analysis, we’re going to change who ‘you’ is in this paragraph too. Imma go with their parents who clearly favor his siblings over him. This shows Gumball, once again, thinking he can’t live up to his siblings, but trying his best to anyway despite thinking he falls short, and just hoping it’s good enough.
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ra-lek · 5 years
Hi! I know you’ve touched on the topic briefly before, but if you don’t mind I’d love to hear any more in-depth thoughts you have on autistic Elliot. It’s one of my favorite headcanons and it’s always fascinating to see other people’s thoughts on it! (Also I just wanted to say that you have a really interesting way of analyzing the show and you seem like a such a genuinely chill, kind person, thank you for being awesome)
heya, i don’t mind at all!! this headcanon is great and there’s a lot of material to work with and analyze so i’m absolutely on board with elaborating more; 
but first i gotta establish a few things:
i am not a professional and can’t talk about autism the same way i’ve talked about body language or dissociative identity disorder. mainly because i’ve done essays on the latter and am more educated on the subject, unlike with this specific disorder.
but yo that doesn’t mean i don’t know anything cause psychology is my sHit- i just felt it was necessary for you to know that i’m not as confident in my analysis as i usually am; so feel free to correct me!!
next, in canon, elliot is diagnosed with clinical depression and social anxiety disorder. with a couple of ’delusional’ mentions thrown here and there. however, we most certainly know he suffers from DID as well- and the fact it’s his MAJOR problem and hasn’t been properly acknowledged by the show leaves us with room to speculate.
and finally- i’ve been diagnosed with and am being treated for clinical depression and anxiety disorder. so i will point things out from my perspective here as well, since people with anxiety have similar symptoms to people on the spectrum and/or people with ADHD/ADD. (sometimes even OCD)
alright now that that’s all clear we can finally start looking at his behavior!!
first and foremost, autism & ad(h)d are developmental disorders because the symptoms for them can generally be noticed in early childhood; as opposed to anxiety which is a mental illness. so it’s entirely possible to have a cocktail of disorders in your head.
i’m bringing ADD up a lot because i’ve been speculated to have it & am supposed to take some tests- but am not officially diagnosed yet. now that we’ve got my entire family history, blood type & credit card number laid out, we’re ready to go.
anyway, these are the symptoms:
1. difficulty with communication & interaction with others
this is probably where anxiety, add and autism collide the most. though in very different ways- and they’re not exclusive to people with one of these diagnosis only. 
for example, eye contact. i’m terrible at it. people with autism & anxiety are also pretty darn bad at it, and elliot might seem that way at times; he hides a lot- but not as often as he tends to hold an intense eye contact, instead? which can also be seen as an ‘odd’ thing to do in social communication. as in, not noticing if someone’s uncomfortable under such gaze, let’s say.
that brings me to the next topic which is uh, coincidentally, communication.
he is quite blunt when it comes to it, has a distinctive ‘flat’ #elliotvoice tone. @mototwinkclub pointed out a few instances last time this topic was brought up, such as saying “i’m okay with it being awkward between us” to matpat ollie or “not at all, actually.” with gideon- and he doesn’t do it to be rude. doesn’t really realize it’s ‘bad’ to say it like that, either.
i mean i know he said he’s trying to work on his social anxiety but that’s not quite how you’d go about it? i firmly believe he suffers from generalized anxiety. obviously, that includes social anxiety as well; but this way you could explain why he’s way more concerned with…everything else. and is pretty straightforward in conversation.
since i referenced the pilot, one of the first lines he says about himself is “i don’t know how to talk to people. the only person person i could talk to was my dad- but he died.” which brings us back to the developmental aspect of this disorder. since he’s indicating he didn’t know how to talk to people even when he was a kid. which is true, in every flashback we see he either doesn’t talk at all or talks very little.
what’s interesting though- although he’s bad at reading 'conversation’- he’s extremely good at reading people. and the fact he 'looks for the worst in them’ contradicts the usual aspect that’s brought up when it comes to an autistic thought process, which is made out to be like “if i wouldn’t do this, then why would anyone else?” and it’s not the way he thinks at all.
instead, he feels empathy on a moral level if that makes sense? people on the spectrum are said to either be too empathic or not at all. and it’s hard to pinpoint elliot? because, clearly, he cares for people as much as he doesn’t trust them. use an example the reason he leaked ray’s information. he literally said “but then i keep thinking about those people.” but we haven’t seen him empathize with, for instance, vera- even when he gave a pretty tragic backstory. he can tell who the bad guy is. 
when it comes to spacing out, he does it all the time. people on the spectrum do it all the time, i certainly do it all the time. but we have to focus on what he is thinking about when he does it- because that is our indicator. 
we usually see his thoughts filled with paranoia, over-thinking, analyzing, etc,.. which i associate with anxiety disorder mostly? but, we have to take into account something he suffers from the most and it’s dissociative identity disorder. so not only does he space out, but he tends to dissociate, as well. perfect example for this is when he mutes the world around him. or just doesn’t listen.
once again, from the pilot, when angela tells him “stop thinking about something else while i’m talking to you!!” he isn’t actually daydreaming or spacing out in the usual sense- he’s recalling the night (mostly for the viewer than for himself let’s be honest) she’s talking about and we see that he was too anxious to go in. he doesn’t tell her that.
now let’s talk about his no-touch policy for a second. that’s something a lot of people on the spectrum have in common. i think it’s, once again, one of those cases where one could be either completely touch-starved or aversive. though we can’t ignore the fact he’d been abused when he was young. 
as i was going through the pilot for most of my evidence here (as you can notice) there’s a very small detail at the beginning when ron leans in to ask “are you blackmailing me!?” and we can see elliot flinch in genuine fear. this is not the only instance where he seems afraid to get hit. breaKs my goddamn heart.
but he’s also the one to initiate contact sometimes- and he often misunderstands the situation. shayla told him not to ask, he kissed darlene, tried kissing angela on the train that time when she denied him- he does it cause that’s what he thinks he should do. 
2. restrictive or repetitve behaviors
he’s absolutely all about those routines- he doesn’t want anything destructing his ’perfectly constructed loop’ anytime he has one. (season 1 starbucks, season 2 jailtime, season 3 ecorp) but it’s important to point out that in all of these scenarios, he’s been to one to break the loop himself. by realizing they weren’t making anything better.
there are a couple of nervous ticks he has, general fidgeting with his hands/hair/hoodie- all of these apply to every disorder we’ve mentioned here.
comfort item/food is a very good one!! since we’ve only ever seen him eat fries, he has a “crying corner” in his room, he’s constantly 'hiding’ under the hoodie. probably the main comfort item.
he’s also insanely hyperfocused on technology and numbers and hacking, obviously- he has a clear routine every time. burn the disc, delete the folder, write a song over one of the cds, shove them under the table. same goes for when he thinks he’s fucked up- throw stuff in the microwave, destroy it, you get the image.
speaking of those cds though, if he can remember exactly which song he wrote for each person he’s got data on; that could be a damn good indicator of it!!
all of this could be a combination of whys and becauses which is super fun if you ask me. elliot is complex and, although i share 2.5 disorders with him, i can’t relate to his actions/coping/thoughs completely all the time.
it just tells you how different everyone’s brains are, you can’t restrict a disorder to a specific pattern and only consider that when diagnosing somebody.
so, in conclusion, elliot could very possibly be autistic!!
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ngame989 · 6 years
Earning the Happily Ever After: Star’s Season 4 Arc Prediction (with a primer analysis for Seasons 1-3)
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Time to break in my blog with my very own speculation post. This is going to be a very general but also very far-reaching take on the final arc of the show for Star, based on what I know about the show thus far and the tiny bit of detail we got at SDCC. I’ll be doing overviews on Star’s arcs and how the show always ties in the personal growth she’s undergoing to her relationship with the kingdom and her relationship with Marco. Finally I’ll try to piece together how things, on a broader level, might go down for our rebel princess and karate boy in what is almost certainly the last 21 episodes of the show.
The bulk of this post breaks down the past 3 seasons. There will almost certainly be redundancy with other posts people have written for Tumblr or elsewhere, and I don’t claim any of it is brand new information. I still do hope you give it a chance as it ties everything together in a way geared towards providing context for my Season 4 assertions, but if you are so inclined to skip ahead, simply search for “Season 4” and jump to the next instance after this paragraph (or even “TL;DR” for the fully abbreviated experience). There will be a recap of the critical context included.
Long post after the break!
So let’s begin breaking down Star’s primary arc season by season. Obviously character growth is fluid and you can’t pin down individual moments as the moment a character flaw was “fixed,” but there’s still some discernible changes to extract here. Each season’s title is her major obstacle during the season and the aspect of maturity she gains as a result of her growth.
Season 1 – Innocence/Awareness
Star’s defining trait of season 1 was being carefree to a fault. She uses her magic for whimsy and doesn’t really heed the consequences. It was the reason she was sent to Earth, after all!
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Similarly, her initial crush on Earth is based entirely on literal flights of fancy.
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As the season goes on, Star gets her first tastes of the seriousness of the real world and culminates in her first major confrontation with it. It’s almost poetic that Blood Moon Ball, where Star and Marco’s relationship gets the first real hit of emotional depth, is paired with the segment which introduces us to the first serious threat in Star’s life.
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(see this is why I need new copies of the episodes smh goshdang subtitle typos)
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She’s still not the most mature about it and is still scared to death or outright ignorant of the complexities in the world for a while,
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but still makes some initial steps forward in her character.
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The season concludes with Storm the Castle, a turning point where she has to tackle a major decision with serious consequences head-on. Is it any surprise that this involves both her relationship to the kingdom and Marco? By this point I should hope it isn’t.
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Season 2 – Avoidance/Determination
So after Storm the Castle, Star had passed a point of no return. She was officially aware that the world is a complex place, that it’s not always going to be fun and games and rainbows and unicorns. Most of this season is about Star realizing that she can’t just sweep them under the rug and hope everything gets better on its own.
The season opens with both the results of plot seriousness and relationship seriousness affecting Star’s life, because of course it does.
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Fetch, an episode most notable for appearing in lists of reasons why people don’t like season 2A, actually delivers one of the most direct character arc expositions in the show.
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Let’s throw in By the Book, a segment entirely focused on her desire to just brush off magic training, just for fun.
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And Sleepover is where it first becomes painfully obvious that she has romantic feelings for Marco,
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but it’s clear from her diary in My New Wand (and especially now that the SDCC panel blessed us with the full “My Thoughts on Marco” chapter) that she’s been lingering on them and trying to avoid them since the beginning of the season, just like her other problems.
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Star’s denial ran deeper than the actual Nile. Moving on.
Then we have Bonbon. Hey, what do you know? A pivotal episode in Star’s character growth which includes and connects both her relationship to plot and her relationship with Marco!
“I lost everything.” …mere minutes after feeling like she was losing Marco. Hell, even seconds if you count the moment he and Jackie had right after the green vortex closed.  Clearly the line is consciously about her book and mentor, which are very important to her, but obvious subtext is obvious.
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There aren’t really any major turning points during season 2B until the finale. In Face the Music, Star uses Song Day to open up to the world because she knows hiding things for too long isn’t right, which (with a bit of “help” from Fallout Boy) spurs her to apply that to her love life in Starcrushed. Star exposing her bottled-up princess secrets to the world and her bottled-up feelings to Marco both happening in a finale? Egad, I dare say this seems to be a pattern! Let’s pretend like this is surprising.
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Battle for Mewni is a bit of an edge case, as it is sort of separate from the Season 2 arcs while also being the resolution to them. Suffice to say that while the “official” character arc in Season 2 of hiding or running from her problems was “solved” within the official boundaries of Season 2, it took BFM to have her actually tackle the immediate danger posed by it.
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And she’s fully owning up to her feelings for Marco to boot.
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Season 3 – Idealistic Hastiness/Wisdom
I struggled more coming up with a single term to best address my take on this season’s arc, especially because it seems (to me, at least) that Star’s plot arc this season is split a bit more heavily by midseason than in Season 2. To elaborate on my choice of “Idealistic Hastiness”, I’m referring to her finding problems that she needs to solve and taking what seems like an easy solution – unlike in Season 2, when she may have tried to apply bandaids to cover up the problems, in Season 3 she is genuinely interested in solving them but jumps the gun and struggles with what seems like the “easy/obvious/right thing to do” not actually working.
I may abbreviate some details here, since I already helped Seddm construct the post to end all posts about this particular season, so please consult that for any further examples and supporting evidence about the meanings of Star’s words and actions especially in the relationship arc.
(It seems my subtitles are broken for most of Season 3 so I’m adding manual captions sorry if they look different or bad)
As the main part of Season 3 opens, we have Star identifying problems in her life and wanting solutions to them. In the case of Marco, it’s her unrequited feelings driving her insane.
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In the case of the plot, it’s initially a vague desire to “be a better princess” which later takes a few coherent forms.
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And Star isn’t totally clueless about her relationships, she knows she needs support and that her life is too chaotic to throw herself into a committed romance.
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But the heart is a tricky thing, and a genuine emotional connection with someone she has some attraction to (plus a lingering heartache from Marco) leads to a romantic relationship with Tom. Suffice to say, that turns out to have the exact problem Star herself prophesied! She largely ignores Tom and isn’t willing to commit to their relationship (for a host of reasons, most of which involve Marco). And Tom isn’t a stellar supportive boyfriend either, but this post isn’t about that. Simply put, the emotional connection between them over their mutual struggles to improve is real, but it’s gone about in a very suboptimal way that they think is the correct one – Idealistic Hastiness at work.
For Marco, a similar dissonance between what she says and what happens are two different things. Lint Catcher has the wedding squire vows, in which Star basically outlines the importance Marco has in her life in a flashy ceremonial manner
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followed by a nearly immediate 180 in Trial by Squire.
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She did, to some degree, believe that the current situation was ideal, with Tom as her boyfriend going through a similar phase of self-improvement while Marco was still her very close friend to hang out with and help her. As everyone knows, Star ends up turning to Marco for virtually anything except for handholding and smooches from now until the end of the season, because of that dang ole’ rushed solution to her problems that didn’t really match what she wanted or needed.
Star knows she wants to help Mewni, but decides that the best way to go about it is throwing herself into a “princess” mold. Star knows she wants Marco by her side, but decides the best way to go about it is throwing him into a “squire” box. 
Now on to the plot side of things: we’ve got a lot going on here, so I’ll be briefer with each section, since none of them are all that subtle. Her encounter with Eclipsa in Stranger Danger is the first attempt at “being a better princess,” when she seeks to right the kingdom’s unfair treatment of Eclipsa. Her approach is respectably even-handed too, since she maintains a healthy skepticism of Eclipsa’s motives and isn’t jumping the gun too much.
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There’s also the curious case of the sleeping portals. Once again, Star confronts the problem, but taking Eclipsa’s advice to just let herself go and see what happens almost gets her hunted down by Hekapoo. It takes Marco’s secret assistance in Night Life and their final expedition in Deep Dive to stop the portaling. The Realm of Magic is a whole separate issue, one which the show hasn’t fully covered, so I can’t clearly say she “solved” that. But the immediate problem at hand was actually more or less solved for real, so this is sort of a sped-up microcosm of Star’s character arc.
You all deserve a breather, so have a wholesome bug hug.
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And finally, we have the issue of monster rights. This kickstarts in Starfari where Star explores the injustices against monsterkind on Mewni: Moon is unhelpful, Jelly Goodwell is a nutjob, and Star’s takeaway from it is to appoint Buff Frog to an ambassador role of sorts. A noble and well-intentioned idea with some actual thought put into it, but one which doesn’t really address the roots of the issue (as we’ll see when it eventually fails in Is Another Mystery).
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Monster Bash (and the treaty in Death Peck) are similar cases where Star thinks that channeling her passion and drive will make everything work, but it doesn’t – hard work and idealism aren’t always enough to get the job done, and can’t quite combat centuries of ingrained prejudices.
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This is sort of a turning point where all her rushjobs start to collapse on her head. If you somehow don’t believe me that this is the crux of all of her problems now, let the show itself tell you even more directly than in Fetch.
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She finds out the injustice against Eclipsa is so much bigger than she could have imagined, Buff Frog leaves Mewni, Booth Buddies floors her with the revelation that their friendship/princess-squire relationship isn’t perfect like she thought it was, and she even finds out her birthright to the throne isn’t even legitimate! And in each and every case her next step is to say, essentially, “Well clearly my initial, rushed approach didn’t work. What now?” And that question doesn’t get thoroughly answered within season 3 in every case, but we can identify some key progress made.
Monster rights is one where not much happens, but we get a hint in Is Another Mystery about it becoming more relevant in the future. She’s learned her lesson with rushing in this specific case already, so Star should have a better head on her shoulders to try and make things right in the future.
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Marco makes his return in Divide after being mildly absent to make way for the 20 billion other things crammed into 3B. Although stuff like Moon going missing has kept Star from dwelling on her feelings for Marco or Tom, she’s wearing her heart on her cheeks (in a different way than usual)
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…and again in Conquer, where those feelings manifest as soul-crushing despair with his balloonifying (much like that which Star was feeling with monster rights, with her mom being gone, and with Meteora) and sheer joy when he returns.
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It’s clear that her feelings for Marco are back in full, without any trepidation, and the only thing she needs is a moment to think about it when her or her loved ones’ lives aren’t in imminent danger.
At the tail end of Conquer, the whole issue with Eclipsa and her lineage comes to a head when she gives up the wand. Star sees herself as finally righting the wrong of how Eclipsa was treated – while it’s not entirely certain, however, it seems like she only really thinks she’s giving up the wand.
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Eclipsa getting her daughter back and going to find her husband came as a surprise with potentially ominous consequences. And that’s where Star ends the season.
I’ll save the recap for those who opted to skip this whole shebang. So with that, let’s jump into the final section.
Season 4 – Inexperience/Efficacy and Stability
Hello everyone just joining us from your app or browser’s “find in page” option, welcome to this post. You missed a bug hug, shame on you. I’m opening this with a recap of Star’s character at the end of season 3:
She has failed at bringing monster equality to Mewni, but understands the flaws in her efforts before and should have a much better mindset to bring about the proper change. Her feelings for Marco are 100% back and stronger than ever, simply awaiting a calm moment to reflect on them, and she rectified the injustice of the throne by giving up the wand to Eclipsa (with foreboding implications).
This was all the info we had until a certain SDCC clip from season 4 was revealed just a few days ago. I’ll be truly brazen for the first time in this post and unshackle myself from the hilariously short chain binding my analysis to already-aired canon. I believe this two minute clip gives us most of the information we need to predict Star’s broad character arc for the rest of the show, and this is my explanation and attempt at justification for my theory. 
Clearly there’s a ton of context we don’t have yet, but there is some concrete information present in the clip. Moon is still missing, which is expected and obviously a very important plot point but not directly tied in to Star’s individual character arc (that we know of). Eclipsa being queen, on the other hand, is massive. We don’t exactly know the details, but one way or another, this prison torturer and his prisoner both accept that their ruler is Eclipsa right now. Star is still called a princess by the torturer, so it doesn’t necessarily seem like she’s been disowned, but she’s not actively in charge. And while many people thought Star would be queen for a large part of the season (myself included), it potentially makes a lot more sense for her own personal growth that she isn’t.
All three past seasons, and her three arcs have essentially been Star maturing on her path to being ready for the throne. Star’s far from perfect, but the fundamental flaws in her attitude about her role have mostly been covered. She knows what the problems are, is genuinely dedicated to fixing them, and has (or is prepared to have) a healthier and more patient mindset in tackling them now. If she became Queen… what exactly would there be left? SVTFOE is a heavily character-driven show, where plot doesn’t just drop from the sky and push the characters around and arbitrarily force character growth. The wand cleaving, Toffee/Ludo taking power in BFM, and Eclipsa getting the wand (and likely the throne) are all consequences, in large part, of Star’s actions.
If even a wandless Star was put in power, there’s nothing that stands out about her mindset that would lend itself to a season’s worth of impeding monster equality. If Star had the awareness, determination, wisdom, and efficacy to achieve her goals, the only things stopping her from “ruling Mewni her way” would be the passage of time, bureaucratic red tape, or enemies appearing out of thin air - none of which fit the show’s focus on character-driven plot. Even when she was the recognized legitimate princess trying to change the system from inside, it wasn’t all that effective, so one could argue she never really had the power to enact lasting change anyway.
(As a slight aside, Eclipsa being in power presents a lot of cool opportunities for Star and for the show – Eclipsa spent most of the season as a sketchy character, but one who was consistently pitted against the obviously unfair “system”. Neither the audience nor Star has actually gotten to see her in a vacuum, and a lot of neat plotlines could happen off of that.)
Technically we haven’t seen it in action yet in season 4, but even when Eclipsa officially gets the throne, I should hope it’s fairly obvious that Star is still going to want to act for the betterment of Mewni. Is Another Mystery and Conquer had strong moments of Star asserting her desire to protect monster rights and the people of Mewni in general, despite her already knowing she wasn’t a blood relative of the original Butterflies. So essentially, when the labels defining Star’s role on Mewni are broken down, she still takes all of this on as a personal choice, because it’s what her heart is telling her is right. Remember that last sentence.
I can’t call anything about specifics, but my conclusion here is that Star’s character arc for the final season is essentially using all of the growth she’s had thus far to rise up to the challenge and truly earn her destiny (figuratively and now quite literally). Plot would be much less driven by Star consistently screwing up on a fundamental level, and more about tackling the remaining consequences of her past screwups and learning through experience how to truly “rule Mewni her own way”. Just because I say she has largely matured doesn’t mean she’s perfect - simply having the maturity required for a good ruler doesn’t automatically qualify Star as a “finished” character, because her endgame as Queen must have some authority and permanence to it. Even if Star was in power now, we’d need to see her maturity actually take effect to confirm when the curtains close on this show forever that a “happily ever after” is in place (and having her not in power, at least temporarily, gives way more weight to the consequences of Star’s past actions and allows for more conflict). And if she’s constantly making things worse via her own personal flaws until episode 18, there’s no way she can actually achieve that happy ending.
If you know anything about me by now, you should know what topic is coming next. As I hopefully have established about 66.7 times throughout this piece, Star’s character arc always applies across all of her relationships and interactions in sync, so how does Marco fit in? Star has essentially gained all the internal maturity needed to start the process of becoming an effective ruler. At the same time, she’s essentially gained all the understanding of her own feelings, gone through ups and downs and knows in her heart that Marco is the one she wants as a partner in life and in love. I said above that all she needs is a moment to contemplate it to become fully conscious of her feelings (which would then result very quickly in the Tomstar breakup and a Starco talk). And guess what?
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It’s already almost certain that the clip is from very early in the season (otherwise it’d spoil too much context) but there’s even some possible evidence it’s from the first episode of the season. Couple that with the previous importance of the Beach Day photo and you have a recipe for Star’s full realization happening very early on.(Additionally – and this is just my own pure speculation, so take it with a grain of salt – while we can’t say for sure the SDCC clip is from the beginning of a segment, we can also almost guarantee it’s not at the end of it from the general context of the clip. And it would be highly uncharacteristic for the show to linger on an important moment/symbol earlier on in a segment without having that be relevant to the segment itself, which gives me strong impressions that this segment may actually be where something important happens for Starco.)
Need more evidence stacked up for the immediate future of Starco? Like I said earlier, Star’s attachment to the “princess” label as a genuine attempt to help Mewni mirrors her attachment to Marco’s “squire” label as a genuine attempt to have him as a life partner. And that princess label got broken down, but she still did - and will almost certainly continue to - fight for bettering the kingdom. Is it so wrong to guess that, since the “squire” label (and even, to an extent, the entire concept of their relationship as purely platonic) clearly were nuked immediately following the kiss, Star will similarly open the season accepting Marco fully as her life partner without restraint? I don’t think it is, and therefore will claim that Star and Marco will start the season accepting their romantic feelings for each other (and the change in their relationship as a result) just as Star is doing for her role in the kingdom. Maybe they don’t call it “dating” until a handful of episodes later, but any hesitancy in figuring out and tackling the fact that she loves Marco for more than an individual segment focused on it would betray all the growth she’s gone through, just like being hesitant to continue striving to help Mewni would betray her growth. When the labels defining Star’s role on Mewni relationship with Marco are broken down, she still takes all of this on as a personal choice, because it’s what her heart is telling her is right.
Jumping to the endgame now - just like that maturity isn’t enough for Star’s queenly endgame, this isn’t enough for Starco’s endgame either. Star’s almost certain future as Queen of Mewni is a serious thing, and a serious commitment for Marco to make even if they have feelings for each other/are dating. Once again, a mirror to her princess arc can be found – if they keep screwing stuff up in the fundamental nature of relationship with their own flaws and doubts, there’s no way to dig out of that hole cleanly for that happy ending, so it’s gotta start sooner rather than later. Plus we already know that Marco’s arc is essentially coming out of his shell and finding his place in life (read the Seddm masterpost for way more in-depth info on that), so it’s apparent that a rock-solid endgame for Starco requires clarity that the two of them are prepared for everything a permanent romantic relationship means. In essence, we need to see the growth that lead to their mutual feelings applied practically, just like we need to see that for Star’s role within Mewni.
TL;DR Star’s season 4 arc will focus on applying her awareness, determination, and wisdom gained from the past 3 seasons to tackle the consequences of her past decisions, starting from a point of making the personal choice to embrace both her desire to help Mewni and her love for Marco, and through this she will both earn her place as permanent and effective ruler of Mewni, and develop her relationship with Marco into one that will confidently last forever. She’s gonna damn well earn that happily ever after.
There’s certainly a level of speculation to all of this, of course, but I have confidence in the requirements for endgame, so the general path seems clear enough to me. Naysayers on any side of the shipping war make claims that Star and Marco won’t get together for a long time, that the feelings are still uncertain, maybe that they’re not even endgame at all. If you’re a Starco fan that thinks this, then it’s likely that the whiplash of 3A was like a bad breakup that makes you never want to date again. I feel you, I really do, but it had its purpose. Don’t get yourself down that Starco is all a bait just because it didn’t happen one particular time that Star said Marco looked cute. As for anyone else, first off, thanks for sticking around this far! I honestly didn’t expect that! This post doesn’t attempt to shoulder the ambitious burden of convincing you why Starco is good on a philosophical level (my brutally honest response is “fix your eyeballs and earholes and watch the fucking show”), but at the very least I hoped I’ve made a strong claim for all of the connections in the past three seasons and how it will tie together in the fourth and final season of this show.
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ultra-maha-us · 4 years
Track Words in Fiction - What Authors Need certainly to Know
Authors sometimes find it really attractive to utilize track lyrics in a story or story. The words of the track are simply therefore effective and therefore right that... well, they need to be there.
You may declare good use if you had been writing, state, a nonfiction item taking a look at U.S. cultural shifts over the last fifty years through the contact of Top-10 lyrics. To create such a perform, you'd clearly need certainly to research some lyrics. But if you attempted to get permission and pay for each track, those barriers would jeopardize your power to create the work. Fair use would allow you to offer several lines from each track to help with making your place as you shown your analysis.
Placing lyrics into your fiction is another thing altogether.
You'll read plenty of pages on line that discuss lyric making as'good use ', etc., but that's a stretch of the good use doctrine and completely unreliable as it pertains to books and different operates of fiction.
What's the worst that can occur?
I'm not a lawyer. Personally, I do believe the worst that would probably occur is that somebody would see you applied the lyrics and sue to make you pay. You'd have to cover the consumption costs, plus perhaps some punitive problems and judge fees. All that can put up to good deal significantly more than it could have charge to get the rights in the very first place.
I further believe rights-holders'attorneys'time would be better used pursuing the web sites that publish lyrics and freedom lyrics audio measures within their entirety.
When you have a bestseller on the hands and produce millions, however, you're likely to be putting your self right into a whole different school of rights violators.
Shouldn't the artist or songwriter be satisfied I love their perform enough to incorporate it?
Don't bring it professionally; it's business. Musicians, unless they wrote their own tunes or ordered the rights, don't genuinely have a claim to the lyrics. The songwriter does unless he or she distributed them all. But the individual you need to be worried about most in this situation is typically a audio writing company. That business probably paid income for the rights to manage distribution of the lyrics you want. They're very impossible to get hot fuzzies since you want to use lyrics below their control. Also if they do, they've to cover persons (such whilst the songwriter) for that usage.
Bottom line: Lyrics are intellectual property. They're price money.
But is not this like free promotion for them?
In a way... maybe... if your history triggers a number of people to hurry out and choose the sheet music. But that's not likely. At best, it could cause visitors to get the song. That is included below entirely various rights--performance and saving rights, etc. Some one, anywhere might be pleased. Relying on what things are set up, a little of the income may even drip to the audio writing company. That possibility, but, is unlikely to trigger that business to allow you to utilize the lyrics for free.
0 notes
It Ain't Necessarily So: Exploring Type Systems for Verifying Musical ... InfoQ.com-6 時間前
It Ain't Necessarily So: Exploring Type Systems for Verifying Musical ... InfoQ.com-6 時間前
2019/06/29 09:18
It Ain't Necessarily So: Exploring Type Systems for Verifying Musical ... InfoQ.com-6 時間前
In order to avoid division by zero, I've modelled transitions that never occur in the dataset as having a 1/100,000 chance. This time, darker squares represent transitions that are more expensive in terms of entropy, or in other ..
Key Takeaways As an increasing proportion of our culture becomes codified, we need to consider how to authentically express theory and insights from diverse fields in our software. Music is an excellent domain to explore using programming, because it has a long history of notation and is governed by pattern-based rules. Music theorists have been fascinated by what makes music correct for centuries. Now that we can write music using programming languages, we have the opportunity to cross-pollinate lessons in correctness between music and programming. In this article Chris explores how music can be type checked, using the Mezzo Haskell library and Idris’ dependent types as examples.
Introduction I’ve given a lot of talks on representing music using programming languages. It’s a popular subject, because it tickles the engineer’s mechanical curiosity as well as plugging-in to music’s universal relatability.
I’ve given a lot of talks on representing music using programming languages. It’s a popular subject, because it tickles the engineer’s mechanical curiosity as well as plugging-in to music’s universal relatability.
What does it look like? There are musical coding environments for many different programming languages. Two popular ones are TidalCycles for Haskell and Sonic Pi for Ruby on the Raspberry Pi. Here’s an example using my Leipzig composition library. As it’s written in Clojure, there is no type checking.
(def row-row-row-your-boat (phrase [3/3 3/3 2/3 1/3 3/3] [ 0 0 0 1 2]))
->> row-row-row-your-boat (canon (simple 4)) (where :pitch (comp C major)) (where :time (bpm 90)) play) Durations and pitches are represented as integer and ratio literals, which can be a little cumbersome. Programming really shines when it comes to musical transformations, for example above where the original melody fragment is given an accompaniment, put in the key of C major and given a tempo of 90 beats per minute.
Once programmers see musical code, one of the most common reactions is to ask whether it’s possible to use type systems to prevent bad music. This is a natural thought. If music can be seen as code, then might musical mistakes be somehow like programming errors? And if that’s the case, then maybe we can apply the techniques we use in writing programs to improve how we write music.
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In particular, there is an obvious analogy between the kind of mistakes that type systems prevent and common examples of musical incorrectness. If my programming language can check that I don’t pass a String to a function that expects an Integer, then it should be able to check that I don’t play an F# in a piece written in C major, a key which includes no sharps or flats.
In this article, I will grapple with what makes music correct and how we might encode it in a type system.
Prescriptivism Music theorists have been fascinated by what makes music correct for centuries. For most of that time, they have operated through a frame of musical prescriptivism, in other words evaluating music for conformance to a set of rules.
The historically dominant methodology for arriving at these rules can be summarised as follows:
Examine the canon Extract regularities Formulate them as sets of rules We then can make the following claim:
Music that deviates from these rules is incorrect.
For example, a compositional rule is that a melody jumping a major seventh from a C all the way up to a B is not permitted. This approach has produced a lot of valuable insight. There are genuinely interesting regularities in classical music, and generalising our observations as rulesets helps us to discuss musical phenomena.
What’s more, adherence to the rules is not a bad idea for students learning their craft. I’m quite glad that children learning the violin practice the C major scale and whenever they play an F# their teacher tells them they made a mistake. There are certainly contexts where prescriptive notions of correct and incorrect music are useful.
However, there are two major shortcomings of this way of defining musical correctness.
First, the rules yielded by this process are heavily dependent on what music the theorist regards as canon. A biased dataset leads to biased inferences, and Western classical music is not representative of humanity’s musical experience. Inferring rules based on Bach’s and Mozart’s music might be fascinating, but it doesn’t tell you much about music at large.
This gets especially tricky when you realise that musical genres are often heavily associated with particular cultures and ethnicities, and that by prioritising a certain kind of music you are also inadvertently prioritising a certain kind of person. In particular, academic music theory owes a lot to the study of the Euroclassical tradition and has paid relatively little attention to music deriving from the African diaspora like blues, jazz, rock ‘n’ roll and hip hop. Relying on traditional music theory as a source of correctness can lead to a cultural version of the same problem that has led to facial recognition algorithms working better for white faces than black ones.
The second major shortcoming of building rules by extracting and generalising from existing regularities is that it’s backwards-looking. Music is at its most thrilling when it’s breaking rules. Before Jimmy Page used distortion to artistic effect, engineers considered clipping of the signal during amplification to be a defect. So, even if observed regularities were a useful way to understand the music of today, they’re a terrible way of judging the music of tomorrow.
A good type system for music has to avoid the two traps of prescriptivism. It mustn’t be built on inappropriate or biased notions of what music is correct. But more subtly, in an attempt to make invalid states unrepresentable, it must not make innovative states impossible.
Descriptivism The alternative to prescriptivism is descriptivism. Where prescriptivism sees musical regularities as laws to be followed, descriptivism sees them as emergent patterns from actual practice. A descriptivist way to discover musical rules might look something like this:
Examine a body of music Extract tendencies Formulate them as a model We then can make the following claim:
Music that deviates from the model is unusual.
To do that, we need a good model for musical structures that can represent common/unusual and not just right/wrong. One useful approach is that taken by David Huron in his book Sweet Anticipation. Huron lays out a descriptivist theory that for the purposes of this article can be summarised as three primary claims:
Music is appreciated through statistical learning. Correct prediction delights you. Novelty keeps you from getting bored. In our earlier prescriptivist example, jumping from a C up to a B was considered illegal, but in Huron’s theory it would instead be considered highly unusual. People who have listened to a lot of Western music would learn that when they hear a C, the next note is most likely to be another C, one note lower or one note higher. The effect of jumping up to the higher B would surprise listeners, which they might interpret negatively.
One of the fascinating consequences of Huron’s theory is that composing music is not an exercise in maximising nor in minimising invention. Rather, music dances on the border between order and chaos, and the audience’s appreciation depends on the musician’s ability to balance the shock of the new with the satisfaction of the expected. If you truly want to check a composition’s correctness, you have to make sure that it doesn’t stray too far from convention but also that it does not stick too close.
The following table is a statistical analysis of melodic tendencies. Darker squares represent outcomes that are more likely. The way to read it is to choose a note on the vertical axis, then read across to find the likelihood that your chosen note will be followed by each note on the horizontal axis. For example, 33.53% of the time in this dataset a "Re" is followed by a "Do".
[Click on the image to enlarge it]
The data is adapted from figures from Huron’s book, and is based on an analysis of more than 250,000 tone pairs from German folks songs in a major key. A different corpus, for example of hip hop or rock ‘n roll, would yield different probabilities.
These probabilities can be equivalently represented as bits of entropy, where a 50% chance corresponds to one bit of entropy and a 25% chance corresponds to two bits, etc. In order to avoid division by zero, I’ve modelled transitions that never occur in the dataset as having a 1/100,000 chance. This time, darker squares represent transitions that are more expensive in terms of entropy, or in other words that are expected to occur less commonly. For example, a "Re" followed by a "La" corresponds to approximately six bits of entropy, or a 1/64 chance.
[Click on the image to enlarge it]
The entropy representation makes it more natural to add together the surprise from a series of notes, where each transition from one pitch to the next is given an entropy count and the surprise of the melody as a whole sums each transition together.
Do -> Re -> Mi -> Fa = 2.20 + 2.71 + 5.94 = 10.85 bits Do -> Ti -> Mi -> Fa = 2.48 + 7.43 + 5.94 = 15.85 bits This is a very similar approach to a hidden Markov model, but rather than generating strings of notes we use the weighted probabilities to measure how likely a given melody is to occur. You might notice that the transition from "Do" to "Ti" is only 2.48 bits, which seems to contradict my earlier claim that a jump from C up to B is highly unusual. Unusual transitions would normally have about 10 bits of entropy. The reason for this inconsistency is that Huron’s data doesn’t distinguish between jumping up six notes from "Do" to "Ti" (very unusual) and stepping down one note from "Do" to a lower "Ti" (quite common). If our data allowed us to separate out the two cases then our model would show "Do", "Ti", "Mi", "Fa" as even more unconventional compared to the rather pedestrian "Do", "Re", "Mi", "Fa".
Typed Notes At their best, type systems support programmers by guiding them towards valid coding decisions and eliminating the possibility of mistakes. A good example of a musical analogue is solfège. Even if you’ve never had a formal musical education, you’re probably familiar with it from the song Do-Re-Mi from the musical The Sound of Music. Each note of the octave is given its own name and any note outside the key doesn’t have a name at all:
Do (the lowest note of the set) Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do (this time one octave higher) This system guides musicians towards the correct notes, by defining a mini-language that makes it impossible to express notes outside the chosen key. There are infinitely-many frequencies between "Do" and "Re", but in solfège they are inexpressible.
This can be easily expressed in code as an algebraic data type:
data Solfege = Do | Re | Mi | Fa | So | La | Ti This allows us to define musical functions that do not permit the possibility of off-key notes, for example this one which repeats the same note n times:
repeat : Nat -> Solfege -> List Solfege repeat 0 s = [s] repeat n s = s :: repeat (n - 1) s With this definition, repeat 3 Re is an expression that can be easily understood within the musical domain while repeat 3 F# is a type checking error, because F# is not a value of type Solfege.
This gets us a certain degree of type safety. Our type system can help us avoid invalid notes, but it still cannot protect us from invalid combinations of notes. If we’re playing a C major scale we will never play an F#, but we might still play a C then jump up a major seventh to a B, which is forbidden by (conventional) composition rules. This kind of contextual type checking is possible, but it requires a more sophisticated approach.
Typed Transitions Mezzo, a Haskell library by Dima Samoz, uses dependent types to check music for correctness. Mezzo’s README describes it as a "very strict spell-checker for music," and it’s able to check a variety of compositional rules beyond simple key-safety. In Mezzo, this compiles because the melody C, D, E, F is composed out of legal intervals:
comp = defScore $ start $ melody :| c :| d :| e :| f :>> g However, when we violate the rule against jumping up from C to B, Mezzo steps in. The following code does not compile:
comp = defScore $ start $ melody :| c :| b :| e :| f :>> g In a remarkable achievement, Mezzo is even able to pinpoint the problem:
Major sevenths are not permitted in melody: C and B In the first argument of ‘(:|)’, namely ‘melody :| c :| b’ In the first argument of ‘(:|)’, namely ‘melody :| c :| b :| e’ In the first argument of ‘(:>>)’, namely ‘melody :| c :| b :| e :| f_’ This may appear to be a fulfillment of the dream of making incorrect music a type error, but there are still occasionally problems. When Samoz encodes Chopin’s Prelude into Mezzo, he discovered that on a few occasions the composer hadn’t followed the conventional rules:
"The piece could be transcribed in almost its entirety—however, I occasionally had to leave out a few notes as they would create forbidden intervals which Mezzo pointed out."
One might ask who is doing the forbidding here. If Chopin is not allowed to say what is allowed and what is not in Western classical music, who is?
The problem here is that even though Mezzo is able to take into account context, a type judgement is still a binary choice. The notes are either all correct and the piece compiles, or one note is out of place and the piece does not compile. So while Mezzo gives you control over which compositional rules are active, the decision whether or not to use a rule is global. If you switch a rule off because you have a particular artistic effect that breaks ordinary convention, then you abandon the check for other parts of your composition.
Typed Entropy One way to model the breaking or bending of musical rules in types is to follow Huron and model changes between notes in terms of likelihood. Rather than a certain transition being either permitted or not, the combination can be given an entropy score that represents how surprising that pair of notes would be to a listener.
The following code is written in the dependently-typed functional programming language Idris. It checks that conventional is a melody that starts at "Do," and concludes at "So", and that the path it takes between these notes generates between 8 and 16 bits of entropy. First, we need to define a Melody type that captures our notion of a melody with a certain likelihood or entropy cost. This type has three constructors:
Pure, which represents creating a melody of a single note with an upper and lower entropy bound of zero. (>>=), which represents composing two melodies and adding their entropy bounds along with the cost of the transition from the note at end of the first melody to the note at start of the second. Relax, which represents taking a melody and relaxing its entropy bounds. data Melody : (Solfege, Solfege) -> (Nat, Nat) -> Type where
Pure : x -> Melody (x, x) (0, 0)
(>>=) : Melody (w, x) (low, high) -> (() -> Melody (y, z) (low2, high2)) -> Melody (w, z) (cost x y + low + low2, cost x y + high + high2)
Relax : Melody (x, y) (low + dl, high) -> Melody (x, y) (low, high + dh) This type definition is a little complicated, but once we have it we can use Idris’ do notation to sequence a melody and the Idris compiler will track the entropy bounds for us. Here is a conventional melody, where all the transitions have low cost:
conventional : Melody (Do, So) (8, 16) conventional = Relax $ do Pure Do Pure Re Pure Mi Pure Fa Pure So The next melody is unconventional because it jumps up a major seventh, which in Mezzo would have to either be forbidden or the rule turned off entirely. Here, we just expand the complexity bounds of the melody to have between 8 and 24 bits of entropy:
unconventional : Melody (Do, So) (8, 24) unconventional = Relax $ do Pure Do Pure Ti Pure Mi Pure Fa Pure So If instead of Melody (Do, So) (8, 24) we had assigned the unconventional melody the type Melody (Do, So) (8, 16) it would not have compiled!
The novelty of this approach is that it also catches music that is too boring. If the entropy of the melody is insufficient to meet the lower bound, a type error is generated. So if the conventional melody had been given the type Melody (Do, So) (16, 24) it too would not have compiled, as the entropy of that melody falls below the lower bound. This allows us to be faithful to Huron’s insight that listeners have a hard time listening to music that is too surprising or too predictable.
In the degenerate case of using this approach, transitions to other notes in the scale are given an entropy value of zero and transitions to notes outside of the scale are given an arbitrarily large entropy value. In that case we effectively recover the binary type judgement approach, where a note is either legal or illegal with no grey area in between.
Important but Hard to Check Type checking music is difficult because defining the correctness of music is difficult. If we cannot model our notion of musical correctness precisely and mathematically, we cannot encode it into a type system. Even if we are able to formalise our understanding in an authentic way, it takes some effort combined with powerful type systems to get to the point where the compiler is an adequate judge of our composition. Nonetheless, with some determination and a few simplifying assumptions, it is possible.
Is this just a curiosity? Perhaps. It’s unlikely that the music industry will employ type systems any time soon as a means to prevent compositional errors. But if exploring the computational aspect of music can give us a new way to appreciate something that has so much significance in almost everyone’s life, then that itself justifies the enterprise.
But perhaps just as importantly, music is just one domain where correctness is both important and hard to check. The more that programming is used to automate social and cultural domains, the more frequently situations will occur where an answer is difficult to evaluate, yet has crucial importance to a human being. Consider using a computer program to decide how long to hold a person in prison. The correctness of a sentencing decision involves a complex trade-off of costs and probabilities, and if we cannot follow the system’s reasoning, how do we know that the outcome was just?
Any time that we automate opaque reasoning, we need to ask ourselves, how do we know that this system is correct?
ゼロ除算について 分からない と表明される方が結構多い。 そこで素人の方を想像して、できるだけ 簡単に 分かるような表現を試みたい。
割り算 例えば6割る2は 3ですが、それを分数で 6/2=3 と書きます。これが除算と呼ばれる意味です。 関係解説は55カ月に亘ってその意味も込めて下記で与えられています:
数学基礎学力研究会公式サイト 楽しい数学
数学的な解説論文は 次で公表されている:
viXra:1904.0408 submitted on 2019-04-22 00:32:30
ゼロ除算とは 分母がゼロの場合を考えること、例えば 6割るゼロ 6/0 を考えることです。 これは難しいのですが、これはできない、不可能であることが分かれば、相当にゼロ除算の本質が理解できる方と言えるのですが 如何でしょうか。
これが分からなければ、以下の解説は難しいですから、上記解説で 理解される必要があります。 - 理解や学習、学びには それなりの背景、基礎知識などが 必要だからです。
それはできない、不可能である。 これは何と、アリストテレス以来の数学十戒の第一 (数学でやっていはいけない第一)で 2000年以上の神秘的な歴史を有していて、現在でも混乱を起こしていると認めざるを得ません。 
この意味は ゼロ除算を発見して 5年を経過しているにも関わらず、世の十分な理解が得られず、ゼロ除算の世界は、未だ混乱を起こしているのが現状だからです。
さて できない、不可能が証明されているのに ゼロ除算を発見した という事はどのような事でしょうか。どのような意味でしょうか。 ゼロ除算の意味を考えてきたような意味で考えれば できないのですから、これは割り算の意味を 新しい自然な意味を 発見したという事です。ゼロ除算の新しい意味を発見したという事です。
もちろん、数学者が勝手に いろいろ抽象的に考えるのは勝手だと発想するでしょう。 そこで、どのようなことを発見したかを 例をもって 示したい。
基本的な関数 y=1/x を 図を思い浮かべながら考えて下さい。 実は x=0 でその関数の値がゼロであることを発見しました。 ですから、書くと、1/0=0 となりますね。あたかも1割る0が ゼロのように見えますね。 物理の多くの公式に、分母がゼロになるときに考えたくなる公式が沢山あります。それらの公式に 分母がゼロになる場合に意味を与えたという事が、ゼロ除算の発見です。 正確にはゼロ除算算法と名付けた新しい考え方です。
基本的な考え 勾配(傾き)を考えてみます。 原点から出る半直線の勾配の公式 y = tan A:  A は その直線とx  軸の正方向とのなす角です。 A が90度の時、それはどうなるでしょうか? 何と、その時、勾配はゼロであることを発見したというのです。y 軸の勾配はゼロです。 勾配の公式 y/x で 1/0 はゼロです。ー 多くの人々はそれは当たり前だというのですが、数学界では そこで極を有して 考えられないというのが、現代数学の定説です。
これらの例は数学の基本にかかわるので、しっかり、深く、神の意志を 想像するように 深い祈りの気持ちをもって考えてください。
これらはもちろん数学だけの問題ではありません。数直線でさえ、 無限の直線を数直線ととらえる世界観や、 無限遠点を加えて 数直線を円で実現させる古典的な数学がありましたが、ゼロ除算の拓いた世界は、無限遠点はゼロで表され、全実数直線はゼロと無限遠点が一致して 無限の記号のように8の文字を倒した世界になるというのです。平面の場合には ホーントーラスが 複素数の世界を 全平面を表現する世界である と言っています。
これは、我々の数学ばかりではなく、世界ばかりではなく、世界観の変更を要求しています。そこで、初等数学の令和革新を 広く訴えています。
再生核研究所声明490(2019.6.21)令和革新の大義、 趣旨 ー 初等数学
-- 解析関数は 孤立特異点その所で 固有の意味を有するという 新世界が現れてきた。これらのことは 四則演算の除算の欠けていたゼロ除算を可能にしたのであるから、初等数学全般の革新を意味するのは 当然である。
これらの改革には 10年くらいの歳月を必要として、多くの人材の参画が必要であり、これらの基本数学の変革は 将来 日本発の世界文化遺産になるべきものであることは、絶対である数学の必然として 既に歴然であると考える。
祝改元 令 和
改元、令和時代 を祝する。令和とは 偶然、ゼロ除算の概念から、全ての和を考えるとゼロになるという、ゼロの雄大で深い意味を表わす。2000年を越える数学の歴史には 未だ数学の前史時代を思わせるような基本的な欠陥がある。
改元を機会に、令和時代にゼロ除算算法を取り入れた新数学を発展させて、令和時代の世界文化遺産 になるように 日本国は先導し、努力して、今こそ世界の数理科学に貢献しよう。
令和 元年 5.1.
再生核研究所声明481(2019.4.4.) 改元に当たって、日本からの贈り物、ゼロ除算算法 ー 新数学
( 流石に 素晴らしい日本の文化。感銘しました。力が湧いてきました。凄い考えも浮かんできました。令和。
新元号 令和は、漢字、発音、形、由来、素晴らしいと感じました。 そこで、力が 湧いてきました。 ゼロ除算算法は 特異点の世界に立ち入った 全く新しい世界、数学ですので、 改元を機会に 日本発(初)の 数学の基礎の確立に貢献したい。 日本数学会、日本国の力をかけて 世界に貢献すべく努力したい。
時ときに、初春しよしゆんの令月れいげつにして、気き淑よく風かぜ和やはらぎ、梅うめは鏡前きやうぜんの粉こを披ひらき、蘭らんは珮後はいごの香かうを薫かをらす。 )
そこで、万葉の美しい心情を篤く受け止めて ややもすると日本の文化、精神の弱点とみられる数理科学の基礎に 日本国が今後永く世界に貢献できる新数学として ゼロ除算算法の大きな展望を 新時代を迎えるに当たって述べたい。日本発(初)の基礎数学、新しい世界観を 世界の文化に貢献すべく世界に展開しようではないか。
そもそもゼロ除算算法とは、ゼロで割る問題 (ゼロ除算) から由来するが、ゼロ除算は 古くはアリストテレス以来 不可能であることの象徴と考えられ、物理学上でもアインシュタインの最大の懸案の問題であったとされる。特異点での問題はブラックホールの問題と絡ませて、現在でも広く議論されている。しかるにその本質はゼロ除算算法の概念で捉えられ、原理は解析関数の孤立特異点での 新しい世界の発見 として説明される。従来、特異点においては、特異点の近くでの研究を行い、特異点そこでは考えて来なかった。すなわち、特異点そのものでの研究を可能にしたものであるから、全く新規な世界、数学である。不可能であると2000年を越えて考え���れてきたところ、可能になったのであるから、その大きな意義と影響は既に歴然である。その影響は数学の全般に及ぶばかりか、我々の世界観に甚大なる影響を与え、世界史の大きな展開期を迎えるだろう。現代初等数学は、本質的な欠陥を有し、数学の基本的な再構成が求められ、新しい未知の雄大な世界の解明が求められている。
再生核研究所声明 479(2019.3.12)  遅れをとったゼロ除算 - 活かされな い敗戦経験とイギリスの畏れるべき戦略
再生核研究所声明 480(2019.3.26)  日本の数学の後進性
                               以 上
7歳の少女が、当たり前である(100/0=0、0/0=0)と言っているゼロ除算を 多くの大学教授が、信じられない結果と言っているのは、まことに奇妙な事件と言えるのではないでしょうか。 1/0=0、0/0=0、z/0=0 division by zero(a⁄0 )ゼロ除算 1/0=0、0/0=0、z/0=0 1/0=0/0=z/0= \tan (\pi/2)=0. 小学校以上で、最も知られている基本的な数学の結果は何でしょうか・・・ ゼロ除算(1/0=0、0/0=0、z/0=0)かピタゴラスの定理(a2 + b2 = c2 )ではないでしょうか。 https://www.pinterest.com/pin/234468724326618408/ 1+0=1 1-0=1 1×0=0  では、1/0・・・・・・・・・幾つでしょうか。 0???  本当に大丈夫ですか・・・・・0×0=1で矛盾になりませんか・・・・ 数学で「A÷0」(ゼロで割る)がダメな理由を教えてください。 http://detail.chiebukuro.yahoo.co.jp/.../ques.../q1411588849 #知恵袋_ 割り算を掛け算の逆だと定義した人は、誰でしょう??? Title page of Leonhard Euler, Vollständige Anleitung zur Algebra, Vol. 1 (edition of 1771, first published in 1770), and p. 34 from Article 83, where Euler explains why a number divided by zero gives infinity. https://notevenpast.org/dividing-nothing/ multiplication・・・・・増える 掛け算(×) 1より小さい数を掛けたら小さくなる。 大きくなるとは限らない。 0×0=0・・・・・・・・・だから0で割れないと考えた。 唯根拠もなしに、出鱈目に言っている人は世に多い。 加(+)・減(-)・乗(×)・除(÷) 除法(じょほう、英: division)とは、乗法の逆演算・・・・間違いの元 乗(×)は、加(+) 除(÷)は、減(-) http://detail.chiebukuro.yahoo.co.jp/.../q14.../a37209195... http://www.mirun.sctv.jp/.../%E5%A0%AA%E3%82%89%E3%81%AA... 何とゼロ除算は、可能になるだろうと April 12, 2011 に 公に 予想されていたことを 発見した。 多くの数学で できないが、できるようになってきた経緯から述べられたものである。 0を引いても引いたことにならないから: 君に0円の月給を永遠に払いますから心配しないでください: 変化がない:引いたことにはならない:
神の数式で ゼロ除算を用いると どうなるのでしょうか という質問が 寄せられています。
神の数式が解析関数でかけて居れば、 特異点でローラン展開して、正則部の第1項を取れば、 何時でも有限値を得るので、 形式的に無限が出ても 実は問題なく 意味を有します。
計算機は 正しい答え 0/0=0 を出したのに計算機は何時、1/0=0 ができるようになるでしょうか。
​そこで、計算機は何時、1/0=0 ができるようになるでしょうか。 楽しみにしています。 もうできる進化した 計算機をお持ちの方は おられないですね。
これは凄い、面白い事件では? 計算機が人間を超えている 例では?
面白いことを発見しました。 計算機は 正しい答え 0/0=0
を出したのに、 この方は 間違いだと 言っている、思っているようです。
0/0=0 は 1300年も前に 算術の発見者によって与えられたにも関わらず、世界史は間違いだと とんでもないことを言ってきた。 世界史の恥。 実は a/0=0 が 何時も成り立っていた。 しかし、ここで 分数の意味を きちんと定義する必要がある。 計算機は、その意味さえ知っているようですね。 計算機、人間より賢くなっている 様が 出て居て 実に 面白い。
計算機は 正しい答え 0/0=0 を出したのに
面白いことを発見しました。 計算機は 正しい答え 0/0=0
を出したのに、 この方は 間違いだと 言っている、思っているようです。
0/0=0 は 1300年も前に 算術の発見者によって与えられたにも関わらず、世界史は間違いだと とんでもないことを言ってきた。 実は a/0=0 が 何時も成り立っていた。しかし、ここで 分数の意味を きちんと定義する必要がある。 計算機は、その意味さえ知っているようですね。 計算機、人間より賢くなっている様が 出て居て 実に面白い。
ゼロ除算、ゼロで割る問題、分からない、正しいのかなど、 良く理解できない人が 未だに 多いようです。そこで、簡潔な一般的な 解説を思い付きました。 もちろん、学会などでも述べていますが、 予断で 良く聞けないようです。まず、分数、a/b は a  割る b のことで、これは 方程式 b x=a の解のことです。ところが、 b がゼロならば、 どんな xでも 0 x =0 ですから、a がゼロでなければ、解は存在せず、 従って 100/0 など、ゼロ除算は考えられない、できないとなってしまいます。 普通の意味では ゼロ除算は 不可能であるという、世界の常識、定説です。できない、不可能であると言われれば、いろいろ考えたくなるのが、人間らしい創造の精神です。 基本方程式 b x=a が b がゼロならば解けない、解が存在しないので、困るのですが、このようなとき、従来の結果が成り立つような意味で、解が考えられないかと、数学者は良く考えて来ました。 何と、 そのような方程式は 何時でも唯一つに 一般化された意味で解をもつと考える 方法があります。 Moore-Penrose 一般化逆の考え方です。 どんな行列の 逆行列を唯一つに定める 一般的な 素晴らしい、自然な考えです。その考えだと、 b がゼロの時、解はゼロが出るので、 a/0=0 と定義するのは 当然です。 すなわち、この意味で 方程式の解を考えて 分数を考えれば、ゼロ除算は ゼロとして定まる ということです。ただ一つに定まるのですから、 この考えは 自然で、その意味を知りたいと 考えるのは、当然ではないでしょうか?初等数学全般に影響を与える ユークリッド以来の新世界が 現れてきます。
私の簡単な講演、相当な数学者が信じられないような誤解をして、全然理解できなく、目が回っているいるような印象を受けたこと、 相当ゼロ除算の研究をされている方が、基本を誤解されていたこと、1/0 の定義を誤解されていた。 相当な才能の持ち主が、連続性や順序に拘って、4年以上もゼロ除算の研究を避けていたこと。
これらのことは、人間如何に予断と偏見にハマった存在であるかを教えている。 ​まずは ゼロ除算は不可能であるの 思いが強すぎで、初めからダメ、考えない、無視の気持ちが、強い。 ゼロ除算を従来の 掛け算の逆と考えると、不可能であるが 証明されてしまうので、割り算の意味を拡張しないと、考えられない。それで、 1/0,0/0,z/0 などの意味を発見する必要がある。 それらの意味は、普通の意味ではないことの 初めの考えを飛ばして ダメ、ダメの感情が 突っ走ている。 非ユークリッド幾何学の出現や天動説が地動説に変わった世界史の事件のような 形相と言える。
2018.9.22.6:41 ゼロ除算の4つの誤解:
1. ゼロでは割れない、ゼロ除算は 不可能である との考え方に拘って、思考停止している。 普通、不可能であるは、考え方や意味を拡張して 可能にできないかと考えるのが 数学の伝統であるが、それができない。
2. 可能にする考え方が 紹介されても ゼロ除算の意味を誤解して、繰り返し間違えている。可能にする理論を 素直に理解しない、 強い従来の考えに縛られている。拘っている。
3. ゼロ除算を関数に適用すると 強力な不連続性を示すが、連続性のアリストテレス以来の 連続性の考えに囚われていて 強力な不連続性を受け入れられない。数学では、不連続性の概念を明確に持っているのに、不連続性の凄い現象に、ゼロ除算の場合には 理解できない。
4. 深刻な誤解は、ゼロ除算は本質的に定義であり、仮定に基づいているので 疑いの気持ちがぬぐえず、ダメ、怪しいと誤解している。数学が公理系に基づいた理論体系のように、ゼロ除算は 新しい仮定に基づいていること。 定義に基づいていることの認識が良く理解できず、誤解している。
George Gamow (1904-1968) Russian-born American nuclear physicist and cosmologist remarked that "it is well known to students of high school algebra" that division by zero is not valid; and Einstein admitted it as {\bf the biggest blunder of his life} [1]:1. Gamow, G., My World Line (Viking, New York). p 44, 1970.
Eπi =-1 (1748)(Leonhard Euler)
E = mc 2 (1905)(Albert Einstein)
1/0=0/0=0 (2014年2月2日再生核研究所)
ゼロ除算(division by zero)1/0=0/0=z/0= tan (pi/2)=0 https://ameblo.jp/syoshinoris/entry-12420397278.html
1+1=2  (      )
a2+b2=c2 (Pythagoras)
Black holes are where God divided by 0:Division by zero:1/0=0/0=z/0=tan(pi/2)=0 発見5周年を迎えて
今受け取ったメールです。 何十年もゼロ除算の研究をされてきた人が、積極的に我々の理論の正当性を認めてきた。
Re: 1/0=0/0=0 example JAMES ANDERSON [email protected] apr, 2 at 15:03 All,
Saitoh’s claim is wider than 1/0 = 0. It is x/0 = 0 for all real x. Real numbers are a field. The axioms of fields define the multiplicative inverse for every number except zero. Saitoh generalises this inverse to give 0^(-1) = 0. The axioms give the freedom to do this. The really important thing is that the result is zero - a number for which the field axioms hold. So Saitoh’s generalised system is still a field. This makes it attractive for algebraic reasons but, in my view, it is unattractive when dealing with calculus.
There is no milage in declaring Saitoh wrong. The only objections one can make are to usefulness. That is why Saitoh publishes so many notes on the usefulness of his system. I do the same with my system, but my method is to establish usefulness by extending many areas of mathematics and establishing new mathematical results.
That said, there is value in examining the logical basis of the various proposed number systems. We might find errors in them and we certainly can find areas of overlap and difference. These areas inform the choice of number system for different applications. This analysis helps determine where each number system will be useful.
James Anderson Sent from my iPhone
The deduction that z/0 = 0, for any z, is based in Saitoh's geometric intuition and it is currently applied in proof assistant technology, which are useful in industry and in the military.
Is It Really Impossible To Divide By Zero?
Dear the leading person:
How will be the below information?
The biggest scandal:
The typical good comment for the first draft is given by some physicist as follows:
Here is how I see the problem with prohibition on division by zero,
which is the biggest scandal in modern mathematics as you rightly pointed out (2017.10.14.08:55)
A typical wrong idea will be given as follows:
mathematical life is very good without division by zero (2018.2.8.21:43).
It is nice to know that you will present your result at the Tokyo Institute of Technology. Please remember to mention Isabelle/HOL, which is a software in which x/0 = 0. This software is the result of many years of research and a millions of dollars were invested in it. If x/0 = 0 was false, all these money was for nothing. Right now, there is a team of mathematicians formalizing all the mathematics in Isabelle/HOL, where x/0 = 0 for all x, so this mathematical relation is the future of mathematics. https://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~lp15/Grants/Alexandria/
José Manuel Rodríguez Caballero
Added an answer
In the proof assistant Isabelle/HOL we have x/0 = 0 for each number x. This is advantageous in order to simplify the proofs. You can download this proof assistant here: https://isabelle.in.tum.de/
Nevertheless, you can use that x/0 = 0, following the rules from Isabelle/HOL and you will obtain no contradiction. Indeed, you can check this fact just downloading Isabelle/HOL: https://isabelle.in.tum.de/
and copying the following code
theory DivByZeroSatoih imports Complex_Main
theorem T: ‹x/0 + 2000 = 2000› for x :: complex by simp
2019/03/30 18:42 (11 時間前)
Close the mysterious and long history of division by zero and open the new world since Aristotelēs-Euclid: 1/0=0/0=z/0= \tan (\pi/2)=0.
Sangaku Journal of Mathematics (SJM) c ⃝SJMISSN 2534-9562 Volume 2 (2018), pp. 57-73 Received 20 November 2018. Published on-line 29 November 2018 web: http://www.sangaku-journal.eu/ c ⃝The Author(s) This article is published with open access1.
Wasan Geometry and Division by Zero Calculus
∗Hiroshi Okumura and ∗∗Saburou Saitoh
Black holes are where God divided by 0:Division by zero:1/0=0/0=z/0=\tan(\pi/2)=0 発見5周年を迎えて
You're God ! Yeah that's right...
You're creating the Universe and you're doing ok...
But Holy fudge ! You just made a division by zero and created a blackhole !! Ok, don't panic and shut your fudging mouth !
Use the arrow keys to move the blackhole
In each phase, you have to make the object of the right dimension fall into the blackhole
There are 2 endings.
Credits :
BlackHole picture : myself
Other pictures has been taken from internet
background picture : Reptile Theme of Mortal Kombat
NB : it's a big zip because of the wav file
More information
Install instructions Download it. Unzip it. Run the exe file. Play it. Enjoy it.
A poem about division from Hacker's Delight Last updated 5 weeks ago
I was re-reading Hacker's Delight and on page 202 I found a poem about division that I had forgotten about.
I think that I shall never envision An op unlovely as division. An op whose answer must be guessed And then, through multiply, assessed; An op for which we dearly pay, In cycles wasted every day. Division code is often hairy; Long division's downright scary. The proofs can overtax your brain, The ceiling and floor may drive you insane. Good code to divide takes a Knuthian hero, But even God can't divide by zero! Henry S. Warren, author of Hacker's Delight. 
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
0 notes
atrocitycl · 7 years
24K - “Only You” Review
(Music Video) / (Dance Practice)
24K – Only You
Reviewed on June 26, 2017
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While the song is far from being the best and admittedly does render—in my argument—as somewhat generic, it still possesses solid points. Specifically for what we will focus on in this review, I want to home in on how well the song remains cohesive throughout its run. Afterwards, though, I wish to discuss the problematic aspect of the song following a rather generic structure.
Personal Message: Huge apologies to readers for delays in reviews as mentioned in the prior, bonus one. While I am certainly not busy at all due to summer break, I have been struggling to “get into the writing zone” as I personally say. In simple terms: I am being lazy. But, for what is the problem, I find that I write most comfortably and genuinely when I can immerse myself in writing versus forcing myself to write. Thus, this month has been relatively inactive as I, unfortunately, have been leaning towards the latter. However, I am now finally feeling motivation to write and more so as there are many comebacks and review requests to cover. (In particular, I will skip MAMAMOO’s comeback as I have excessively covered the ladies on the blog. However, Blackpink’s comeback is one I plan on reviewing along with Girls Next Door’s “Deep Blue Eyes”—even if they are merely a “project group” for Idol Drama Operation Team. Additionally, there are two requests to cover as well.)
On topic with this review, this request is perhaps the most special one I have received: it is from Choeun Entertainment directly. Thank you to Choeun Entertainment for that and I feel very grateful for this request. And, to clarify, this review will remain genuine: I am not being compensated in any form to write a favorable review or to suddenly begin advertising for 24K’s songs or the idols themselves. After all, the purpose of song reviews are about the intellectual side; I write reviews for the discussions that come and as a way of allowing readers to have even  more respect for music as an art.
Regarding 24K in a general sense, as readers might be aware of, the group is rather unpopular. Even personally, prior to this review I was completely unaware of them. The most saddening part, however, is that their lack of popularity is far from how the men are lacking: it simply is just that they are overshadowed by other, prominent artists. They are not the only ones in such a situation: Nine Muses and Stellar are other groups who relate—though, even then, they are more popular than 24K. Overall, I have expressed on numerous occasions my take to this and it is that achieving popularity in the K-Pop scene is incredibly difficult. There are, without any doubts, artists who are musically incredible or fantastic dancers, but many will probably never be known as a mainstream artist. If time permits, I might end June with a Critical Discussion post on this very interesting topic of popularity in K-Pop as it is far more complex than many would intuitively assume. Ending on an optimistic note, however, for fans of 24K who might stumble upon this review or for readers who are fans of unpopular groups, popularity in of itself is not important. Financially it certainly does matter—and arguably this is the most important factor as it determines if an artist can actually continue—but assuming finances are not an issue, then popularity is not a concern at all. In fact, smaller fan sizes can lead to many benefits: a closer, more loyal community, and a chance for there to be more interactions between fans and idols. For 24K, as long as the group is financially stable and is treated well, fans should not worry about popularity—and this mentality, of course, applies to other groups who might be lacking popularity.
Onto the review itself, “Only You,” from what I am aware of, is their latest song. While the song is far from being the best and admittedly does render—in my argument—as somewhat generic, it still possesses solid points. Specifically for what we will focus on in this review, I want to home in on how well the song remains cohesive throughout its run. Afterwards, though, I wish to discuss the problematic aspect of the song following a rather generic structure.
Song Score: 5/10 (5.25/10 raw score) - “Average”
- Vocals: 6/10
- Sections: 5/10 (5.00/10 raw score)
Introduction, Verse, Pre-Chorus, Chorus, Verse, Pre-Chorus, Chorus, Bridge, Conclusion (Chorus)
1.     Introduction: 6/10
2.     Verse: 5/10
3.     Pre-Chorus: 6/10
4.     Chorus: 3/10
5.     Bridge: 6/10
6.     Conclusion (Chorus): 4/10
- Instrumental: 5/10
- Lyrics: 5/10
Yeah Oh Listen
I’m falling, I’m falling When I’m holding you, girl I don’t need anything else Your warmth that fills me up is my everything The heart fluttering feeling I got when I first saw you It won’t change, stay with me, always remember Forever ever, forever ever I see you every day but you’re always pretty, even when you’re mad
Take me away with your beautiful eyes Trap me with your soft touch Only look at me, no one else I can’t live without you, it has to be you
It’s only you It’s only you I see you every day but my heart flutters It’s only you, so beautiful It’s only you It’s only you
Hold me, it’s only you, only you You’re my scent of the day, only you I’m falling more with time Allow me to get in deeper Awaken me from inside Always stay like that I’m falling, I’m falling When I’m holding you, girl I don’t need anything else When I’m with you, it’s like Heaven
Take me away with your beautiful eyes Trap me with your soft touch Only look at me, no one else I can’t live without you, it has to be you
It’s only you It’s only you I see you every day but my heart flutters It’s only you, so beautiful It’s only you It’s only you
I’m drunk with your sweetness So dangerous, so dangerous I can’t escape, you and me Addicted, addicted, falling for you
It’s only you It’s only you I see you every day but my heart flutters It’s only you, so beautiful It’s only you, stay by my side just like now It’s only you
Analysis: To begin, the first aspect I wish to address with “Only You” is how cohesive the song is. While the numerical ratings do not capture this as the ratings focus more on the individual aspects, the song deserves credit for how well each component links to the other. Already, one prime example is the vocals: if we pay attention to the vocals in each section, we find that everything ultimately relates. For example, the vocals at the verses begin typically with a slower, calmer demeanor. However, with the pre-choruses, the vocals become more gradually intense but even later during the vocal chants at the choruses, the vocals remain at this heightened state as a simple way to show how each section builds upon the prior. Even at the bridge this linking occurs: with the bridge being placed between two choruses, the bridge does not adopt the traditional form of being a dramatic pause in the song, but instead it continues to be at a higher intensity in order to fit both its surrounding choruses. Furthermore, the benefit here besides allowing listeners to easily track the song’s progress is also that this allows the song to aurally vary: each section gives its own style of vocals and instrumental.
That said, we have to acknowledge the ratings: roughly, the song in its entirety scores as merely average. I argue one of the most problematic features of the song is simply how generic it is, but before continuing with this argument, we first have to understand what I mean by “generic.” First of all, generic in of itself is not bad; a song that sounds or is structured “generically” does not mean it will automatically be bad at all. In fact, many pop songs are “generic”: this is why the pop genre exists as its main foundation is that songs follow a predictable pattern—and indeed, predictability is addictive and comforting to listen to. The issue, then, is when said predictability is excessive and thus appeal is lost because of such. With “Only You,” while the song follows a typical pop format—verse to pre-chorus to chorus then a reset—the problem is that the composers appeared to have overly relied on that very format without adding even minute details that would create some distinctive points. This is why the choruses have been graded the most harshly: they fail to bring anything new structurally or sonically and as a result are completely repetitive and come across almost as pure fillers—sections that are there for the sake of that very section existing.
For a better understanding, let us compare “Only You” to other pop songs to see how, despite other pop songs following the typical pop formula, are still able to have their own signature sounds or structures. One example is, coincidentally, the recent comeback of Blackpink’s “As If It’s Your Last.” That song’s composition aligns exactly with the generic format of pop songs, but it does differ significantly with the choruses (which will be further discussed in the respective review). Thus, Blackpink’s song may be sonically typical and even structurally, but at the choruses the composers delivered an entirely new take and even if a risk, it indeed was rewarding. Another example is TWICE’s “Knock Knock” where, despite how incredibly “pop” that song is both aurally and structurally, it manages to stand out via its unique composition strategy of using contrast throughout the song. The choruses, for example, utilized catchy, filler lines that contrasted to actual, vocally intensive lines. Returning to “Only You,” this song does not have those distinctive marks that vary from the typical pop song in either its sound—as “Knock Knock” does—nor does it deviate with its structure—as “As If It’s Your Last” does. In fact, I find that EXO’s “Dancing King” is another perfect example to compare “Only You” with as, on the surface, “Dancing King” seems exactly like “Only You”: both are incredibly generic in sound and format, and in fact both have a similar chorus with an instrumental taking the forefront. And yet, I have greatly praised “Dancing King” in the past. The difference, I argue, is that “Dancing King”—besides how the pre-choruses are excellently composed and executed—still does have something to differentiate itself: structurally, the choruses were not merely for a climactic peak. In “Dancing King,” the choruses served as both a climactic point but also as a form of resetting the song through slowing down in pacing—and hence why the verses in that song were able to start off energetically. In short, though, “Dancing King” even if sonically it sounded as another pop song, was able to distinguish itself due to how the composers handled the structural aspect of the choruses. Again, with “Only You,” it lacks some deviation from the standard formula. Should the song have either sounded more unique or if structurally it functioned in a manner that was true to the pop genre but was not a “textbook example,” the song could have rendered more favorably to me.
Overall, it still needs to be clarified that 24K’s “Only You” is not a bad song at all and I do not wish readers to interpret it as such. The song is average which is not bad at all; the song is not “faulty” to the point of actually being a song I would argue is deterring. Instead, the issue is that—and more so with 24K’s situation of not being too popular—an average pop song easily blends in with all of hundreds of thousands of pop songs out there. (Though that said, music quality is only one factor out of many that help an artist gain popularity in K-Pop; as said earlier, a future Critical Discussion will at least attempt to make readers realize how many factors are at play.)
All in all, while 24K’s latest song may not be stunning—in my argument, that is—they still definitely deserve more attention and respect for their hard work. In the future, I do hope 24K’s composers take a risk and create a song that remains in the pop genre but is different so that there is a clear uniqueness to the song. But, that is a high-risk and high-reward deal and certainly there should never be a pressure to actually do such if other songs by 24K already fit the group’s style. In the end, regardless of my own personal take to the song, I hope readers and fans recall that the purpose of this review is not to bash the men at all but is to merely begin a discussion. I hope fans and readers openly disagree with me and each other in a respectful, thoughtful manner. For now, I do look forward to 24K and the men certainly have my support for future releases.
Once again, a huge thank you to Choeun Entertainment for requesting this review in the first place. It is an honor. Likewise, thank you to fans and readers for taking the time reading or skimming this review.
Regarding the next review, IU’s “Palette”—despite more than a month’s delay—will finally be reviewed. This is mostly due to the requester, a personal dear friend, making me realize the blatant lies I have been saying with how the review will “soon be reviewed.” Afterwards, we will then finish with Monsta X’s “Beautiful” as it is another request and from there end June with either one last review or a Critical Discussion post regarding popularity. Until then, “stay with me, always remember / Forever ever, forever ever.” Interestingly this entirely corny quote-lyrics-ending is something I have done ever since I started the blog but is something I should perhaps change as it is becoming quite embarrassing. But my entire being is an embarrassment. Jokes aside, look forward to IU’s “Palette.”
0 notes
mobilenamic · 6 years
49+ Mobile App Ideas and 12 Ways to Come Up with New Ideas
Coming up with a million dollar mobile app idea could be really hard.
What if there were 12 techniques that could help you generate new app ideas?
Would be cool, right?
Today, we’ll show you 12 ways how you can generate new mobile app ideas.
Additionally, we’ll give you 49+ mobile app ideas, that you can take and start development, right away.
Let’s get started.
12 Ways to Come Up with New Mobile App Ideas
1) Start by solving your problems
Start coming up with app ideas by identifying the frustrations that you have with the current way of doing things.
Look at these problems. Research and try find apps that solve your actual or similar problems. In case you find such apps, try them out and see whether it solves your current frustrations, or not.
Can’t find it? That might be a great start then. It is possible that others have similar frustrations, which gives you a potential market.
This is a common approach to creating new apps and businesses in general. It works well because it encourages you to look at things in simple terms. It’s much easier to fix a basic problem than to come up with a complex and completely new idea. And if you understand the problem yourself, then you’re in a good position to fix it.
Canvsly’s Android and iOS apps are a great example of this technique. The app was created by Amit Murumkar. He realized that there wasn’t enough space on his refrigerator for all of his child’s artwork. Some of it had to be removed over time to make space for new paintings and drawings. But he didn’t have a good way to save the old artwork.
He also felt sad that his own artwork was never saved. Then he thought about all the other parents that must have a similar issue. He found a problem he was having, realized that other people had the same problem and created a solution. You can read the full Canvsly story here.
The key to this technique is to be aware of pain-points in your life or the lives of your friends and family. If you or someone you know encounters the same issue on a regular basis with no solution in sight, then you can be the one to fix it.
2) Make an affordable or a free version of a popular application
You might notice that popular paid mobile apps are followed by free alternatives.
Similar applications that target the same audience by offering very similar value for free or at an affordable price.
You can use a freemium business model for your free alternative of the popular paid mobile app. Firstly, focus on satisfying basic needs with your free alternative. After that, you can try to upsell the users with pro-features.
Have a close look at how some of the successful Android and iOS app companies use the freemium business model. To give a clear example, you might know about Spotify. Which is a digital music, video streaming, and a podcast app that gives its users access to millions of songs. It’s basics functions such as playing music are totally free. But, in order to get its pro functions, you should upgrade to Spotify Premium.
3) Don’t try to reinvent the wheel – Improve an existing Mobile App Idea.
Sometimes mobile applications come into our lives and seem to fix a problem we all have. But what if it doesn’t provide a complete solution or you can see a way to make it better?
Then it might be time to improve an existing idea by building upon it. Your mobile app idea doesn’t have to reinvent the wheel.
Take a look what some of the big players in your industry are missing out. Try to figure out how you can fill the gaps.
Start by analyzing their products and try to identify what they do well and what they don’t. Combine the discovered insights into the application development. Try to make the app stand out with a modern design that follows the latest best practices.
Many developers have gained positive results with this technique over the last few years. Whether it’s taking an app and giving it a better UI, or creating a lite version of an essential app, developers always seem to find a way to improve things. And you don’t need to confine yourself to the technological world either. Even traditional businesses are now being improved by app developers.
Uber is a great example of this. Travis Kalanick and Garrett Camp took a simple idea like the taxi and improved the service for end-users with their mobile app. And now own a company worth over $60 billion. Their success speaks for itself at this point. They didn’t have to invent anything new or convince people to do something they hadn’t done before. They provided people with a more streamlined service that gets them from A to B.
Improving an existing idea is difficult but it has its advantages. A major advantage of this technique is that it’s easy for people to adopt. If you can explain your app by saying “It’s XYZ, but better!”, users will have an immediate picture of what your application can do. And once users see that you’ve improved an idea in a genuine way, it’s hard for them to go back to doing things the old way.
4) Find an industry that lacks recent innovations
When trying to come up with the mobile application ideas, try to identify industries that are popular but lack recent innovations.
Augment applied that concept well for their business by creating an augmented reality app for real-estate salespeople.
The application helps them better present and sell their building projects. That could be a great substitution of the boring brochures.
You can apply a similar mobile app idea for different industries and fields.
You can create similar augmented reality apps for Android and iPhone at the same time in V-Play’s cross-platform development tool.
Get V-Play Apps!
5) Identify innovative mobile application trends
Try to predict the upcoming future. Successful mobile applications are created by innovators who don’t stick with the old technologies or method. They try to identify trends that will be successful in the future. You can do this by analyzing recent trending mobile applications. Simply take a look at the top 100 Android and iOS applications.
Moreover, you can have a look at Product Hunt. Where you can discover the latest mobile apps, websites, technology products and trending industries.
If you’re good at noticing trends or predicting what’s going to be popular in a few months, then conducting user research is a great way to find inspirations.
6) Conduct user research – talk to your potential users
Try to come up with an app development idea based on your target user’s needs. Start doing it by conducting early user research.
There’s no better way than interviewing your target potential users. Try to find out:
How do they solve the problems that you are trying to solve with your app idea?
What kind of applications do they use to solve those problems?
For what kind of needs do they use that app?
What do they like and don’t like about it?
What are they missing, in the app?
Answers to these questions will give you good ideas, about your potential competitors, about the actual needs of the targeted users, and the way how you should shape the development of the minimum viable product (MVP).
Here is a good example of how Brian Wong came up with Kiip, an in-app mobile advertising platform that uses moments to create meaningful customer interactions and generate highly targeted, custom audiences.
He analyzed potential users behaviors in the most basic way possible.
While traveling onboard a plane, he checked the device screens of other passengers to see what they were doing. He noticed that everyone was using their devices to play mobile games. All the passengers were highly engaged, but Wong noticed that on-screen ads were of little value to users.
He decided that mobile gamers should be able to earn real-life rewards for their engagement
and so Kiip was born.
Wong’s user analysis focused on a small cross-section of mobile users but he was able to identify a trend nonetheless. Your own user research could be as simple as asking 5 friends what they use their phone for most or a poll on your favorite social media site. The important thing is to gather solid information from reliable sources.
What’s more, try to build up an email list of the potential users. You can start experimenting with one of these email campaigns.
Building up email list will help you to:
Nurture leads
Stay in touch with the potential users
Build up awareness of the upcoming mobile application
Find beta-testers of the app
All this will help you to get the product market fit before launching the product itself.
7) Make people’s lives easier and faster
Try to understand people’s repetitive process and create a solution that would facilitate or faster their process.
“If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.” – Henry Ford
Coming up with the mobile application idea doesn’t mean that you have to focus on inventing a new product or service.
In fact, focus on identifying what solutions people use for solving certain repetitive processes. Observe and learn more about those processes. Try to identify what solutions do they use for complete process. Think about what they lack in those solutions and how you can improve them.
8) Copy others’ ideas and localize for your market
Why not localizing globally successful mobile application? There is nothing wrong with that.
You can get awesome mobile app ideas by looking at popular international applications. Study them and tailor it to your market if that would make sense.
For example, you can create something similar for the local audience like meditation or training apps.
Don’t clone exactly, but take the good aspects from those applications and tailor them your market.
Instead of reinventing the wheel, try to think about how you can improve the existing wheel.
9) Gain more experience and that will help you connect dots
The more you do and the more experience you gain, the more capability you have to come up with new ideas by connecting dots from your past experiences.
Leonardo da Vinci’s greatest breakthroughs came from connecting the unconnected. In particular, the insights gained by bringing different perspectives together. He defined the innovation as connecting the unconnected.
Bill Gates read books on different subjects. He believes in the power of finding useful things by chance to come up with the new ideas.
In a speech from 2005 Steve Jobs captured the spirit of the innovation in three sentences:
“You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backward. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something—your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life”
10) Brainstorm like a Pro!
Brainstorming has a bad reputation in certain circles because when done incorrectly, it can be a big waste of time. Get it right though, and you’ll surprise even yourself with the ideas you can come up with. Here are a few quick tips to improve your brainstorming session!
Use a Visual Prompt
When brainstorming, it’s a good idea to keep a certain topic in mind. This helps you to create ideas within a certain context. A visual prompt is an effective way to frame the context you’re trying to work in. Even having a photo of an object can be a useful anchor for your ideas.
Think of the Worst Ideas Possible
This technique may seem novel at first, but there’s a clear method to this approach. You start off by trying to think of the worst ideas imaginable. Write them all down and then you need to try and turn these terrible ideas into good ideas. It’s a basic approach, and you may not always turn the bad ideas into good ones. But if you come up with one good idea then you’ll have had a productive brainstorming session.
Challenge Your Assumptions
One of the problems we all face when coming up with ideas is that we work within our own set of assumptions. You can only begin to think outside the box when you challenge these assumptions to head on.
To start off with, think about the kind of app you want to make. Then ask yourself, why you want to make this type of app, why will it be successful, and why you’re the person to make it. This type of brainstorming helps you to scrutinize potential ideas. It helps you discover stumbling blocks before you encounter them in real life. By imagining these stumbling blocks, you consider ways to overcome them or avoid them completely.
11) Keep a Notebook
Got a mobile app idea? Write them down.
Notebooks are a great tool for organizing ideas but it’s also been shown that writing down ideas helps you to remember them better as well.
If you’re the type of person that has 100 ideas a day, keeping track of everything in your head can be difficult. How to make an app when you consider that you’ll need to prioritize these ideas at some point, it becomes obvious that keeping a notebook is your best option.
Many of history’s great thinkers and inventors kept notebooks with them. The most famous was Leonardo Da Vinci. Da Vinci’s notebooks are as artwork themselves. They contain designs for futuristic machinery, mathematical equations and his personal thoughts.
It’s clear that there was a way for Da Vinci to keep track of his ideas. If it worked for one of the greatest geniuses of all time, then it might help you come up with an app idea as well.
12) Take breaks
Taking breaks might sound weird but the stories of people coming up with brilliant ideas in the shower or while they are walking are true.
That has a neuroscience-based explanation as well. When you slow down from awakeness mode that time the brain moves to its most creative mode, on Theta state in other words you’re starting to daydream. In the Theta state, the brain often thinks up ideas when you’re not forcing it to.
Our personal tip for slowing down is to take 10 minutes break or use the 4-7-8 breathing technique. After your mind slows down, ask yourself questions that help you to come up with the solutions.
49+ Android & iPhone App Ideas for 2019
Here are 49 cool Android and iPhone app ideas, that you can take and start development in 2019. Some of these ideas are easy to implement even for beginners. As a starting point, you can use one of the open-source V-Play app examples.
Budget grocery app, that suggests a shopping list from the available budget. For the recommendation, the app will use your location, budget, time of the year/month/week, and the history of the previous purchases.
It might also recommend you the store where to do the shopping in your neighborhood.
The app could use innovative machine learning technology, that will use your current input and purchases history for improving the tailored experience.
Social networking app for single parents. The main concept is similar to the dating app but it’s not intended to be a dating app. The main idea is to help single parents to find other single parents with similar interests, to share tips and thoughts.
The mobile app will match single parents based on the information they provide about themselves (age of the kids, interests, location, etc.).
Parents match with each other with the same sex, mums with mums and dads with dads.
An app that helps you find medical professionals for the first aid in known or unknown cities. The app will include their address and contact information. You can contact them for first aid if needed.
Android and iOS app that automates social media engagement in Instagram. The idea is that the app can help you grow your Instagram number of followers and engagement on your accounts.
With the app, you can automatically follow, like, comment, DM, and engage with the people based on your account’s interests.
You can do segmentation with hashtags, and competitors account that you will input. The application will also follow Instagram’s daily limitations not to be shut down.
Facilitate illustration of the complex material of the school classes like Chemistry, Biology. By using the power of augmented reality in the Android and iOS apps.
You can simply develop augmented reality apps using V-Play, a cross-platform app development framework. Create your app for Android and iOS with the same source code and tools.
Get V-Play Apps!
Augment app that enables you to present your 3D models everywhere wherever you wish.
This app will allow you to import your 3D models into your iOS and Android mobiles, and illustrate them wherever you wish.
The idea could be used well for business project presentation and in many other ways.
A mobile food ordering app that enables customers to place their order in advance, and sees possible making time.
Once they arrive at the actual restaurant, the order will be ready, so they won’t have to wait until the food is ready.
The mobile app idea might sound simple. However, we’ve not experienced this service from any restaurants so far, would be great though.
Feel free to develop and experiment this idea. You can simply develop the application template using the free cross-platform development tool. Where you can make your app for Android and iOS at the same time. After that, you can tailor the app to different restaurants’ needs.
It might be a million dollar app idea. It has a huge market for applying recent innovation to the catering service industry.
An app that can help you get the information about the actor. In case you are watching a movie and can’t remember the actor’s name. You can simply take a picture of the actor and the app will give you info about that person. The app will be very similar to Shazam, popular Android & iOS app that recognize the music.
The main idea of the Shazam app, “identification” could be applied to many other fields and things, for example for movies, TV shows, perfumes, etc.
An app that let you put items into your shopping list and then tells you if the product is available at your local store. If not, it will let you know at which closest destination, you can access to it.
A mobile app that will give you suggestion to remove unused apps from your mobile.
An app that notifies you road’s speed limit while you are driving, so you won’t get a fine.
The mobile app that helps you find free and paid parking spots at your location. The app could be using GPS, webcams, location, parking data in real-time, to find free and paid parking space nearby.
You sometimes forget to remember where have you put the mobile? A voice-activated app will help you with that. It’ll make a sound when you say a code word.
The mobile app that helps you socialize when you feel disconnected. It can help you find people with similar interests in your area who feel disconnected as well. You can choose topics of your interest (e.g. cinema, walk, watch a movie, having a beer, etc.). Then swipe and find people in your area. The process of finding people could be the similar way like Tinder app.
A restaurant reservation application that will allow you to see exactly which tables are available when.
A matching service for people looking to maximize spending on a rewards credit card with people who need to make a purchase
An Android and iOS app that lets you rate your day and look for patterns that affect your mood. You would be able to add and evaluate activities, locations, events, that took place during the day. The idea is that the app will analyze your past activities and will look for patterns. Based on that, it will give you suggestions to improve your mood.
You can develop an Android and iOS app at the same time using V-Play (cross-platform app development tool).
A house party app that will show you if anyone in your neighborhood organizes house party and what would be the requirements.
A networking mobile application. That connects you with people nearby to grab a coffee or beer. You can find people with similar interests. It will also show you if they are currently available or not. Based on that you can send the invitation messages.
A grocery app that tracks expiration dates of the food in your fridge.
A travel suggestion app. That will give you suggestions places to visit, foods to taste, restaurants to visit, activities to do in a particular location. Data would be pulled out from Tripadvisor and reliable sources, where people share their experiences.
A mobile travel app where you will state lists of interests that you have. Based on that it will show you places which you shouldn’t visit, foods which you shouldn’t try since you might be allergic, etc.
Feel free to develop this travel app idea by combining other relevant features that could be helpful for the traveler.
A digital receipt app that will collect all the transactions that you make into the app. It will reduce the overuse of the paper and will make it easier to track the cost and keep receipts.
A mall navigation app that will have the map of the mall. This awesome app idea can increase customer experience in the big mall. It will make easier to find the desirable stores, toilets or canteens, etc. in the shopping mall.
Supermarket checkout app that automatically scans the products on your mobile app while shopping. After shopping the mobile app also makes the transaction via integrated e-payment.
Get inspired with this innovative app idea from Amazon. You can simply develop this app idea and tailor the concept to the other markets.
Here is a demo version of the Amazon go, world’s first check out mobile application.
A virtual interior designer app, that allows you to take a picture of the place and design virtually. It will also enable you to see in augmented reality how certain things would fit a place.
That could be a great idea if some of the furniture stores build up similar Android and iOS apps and give their customer that experience.
You can develop a similar interior designer app (for Android and iOS at the same time) using V-Play.
Get V-Play Apps!
A subscription app, that will keep track of all of your subscriptions. It will alert you when the payment date arrives.
An innovative social app idea that will scan your friends’ lists from linked social networks and suggests the best match based on similar activities and interests.
A social language exchange app. You state in the app languages that you would like to practice. In your neighborhood, it will match you with the people who might be interested in language practice.
A mobile social eating app. In case you are in known or unknown location and willing to eat something and socialize at the same time. Why not try to look for someone with similar interests?
The idea is that the app will enable you to find people nearby who are active. You can send the invitations, once they accept, you can roll and hang out together.
A business taxi application that will facilitate your cash flow. The idea is that the taxi driver will be able to track the income, expenses, business supplies and tax transactions, all in one place.
A social business networking app, for finding team members for specific projects. People from different fields (copywriters, marketers, designers, developers, etc.). Creating a networking marketplace for them. That helps them find each other and make money with joint forces.
A mobile app like uber for trucks. For people who want to carry large appliances from one destination to another.
A social anonymous messaging app that allows users to send messages with each other anonymously. It matches users within the location.
The trick could be here that, the users know that the one with whom he is chatting with, might be located in his neighborhood.
Source: Jodel
The school project mobile app, that will enable students to find group members for specific projects.
Creating a marketplace for students for selling used School’s physical books. In the mobile application, users can post their offers and what they look for. They can sell, lend and borrow used physical books. That would save their budget from purchasing the actual physical book.
Tax invoicing business app that will make entrepreneurs life easier. The app will calculate taxes that should be paid based on the user’s income. It also might have an integrated feature for generating invoices
Tour and travel planner mobile app. It’ll show all the famous touristic spots, restaurants, local foods, entertainment things to do in a specific location.
Smart cook app idea could be the one the best app ideas to start working with. The idea is that you input the ingredients you have at your place. And the mobile app will give you a list of recipes and suggestions for cooking food, using just the available resources. The app could help you to come up with some great cooking ideas that you haven’t done before.
A business app, that will be covering different business topics. Users can find all the relevant information in one place. The business topic itself is too broad, so the idea is to create a generic informative app, that links to all relevant authority topics.
A mobile grocery app that will work similar way like Uber. In case you are busy and don’t have time to do the grocery. In the app, you can find someone in your neighborhood, who can help you with that for some service fee.
Social startup app idea that will help restaurants reduce their excess food waste through the donation to charity homes.
The idea is to create a website/Android/iPhone app that will establish the link between these points.
Collective shopping app. In most cases buying a product in one unit is more expensive than buying at bulk. It also happens that many websites offer free delivery after exceeding a certain amount.
The idea is to create a mobile app, where users can find people in the same area, who might be interested to buy certain products from the same supplier. With group orders, they might reach significant savings.
A smartphone app that notifies you nearby deals on the mobile. You’ll get a notification when someone based on your interest, offering some special deals, e.g. 50%. The deals could be related to traveling, fitness, food, etc..
Grocery budget planner app. This startup app idea is for helping people who do grocery on regular basis. But they don’t have an understanding of how much they actually consume and spend on groceries. The app will allow users to feed data about their purchases daily/weekly/monthly. Then the system would give them analytics that would help them in future budget allocation.
Create a mobile app for food lovers that offers exclusive recipes and promotional deals from the restaurants.
Move to another level, health, fitness and calorie counting apps. Create an app that tracks the body weight and based on that gives suggestions on calorie intake for achieving desirable body shape. You could include an exercise log in the app as well.
Create localized mobile church app. Where you enable members to take sermon notes, check the prayer list, listen to messages on the go, access small group material, engage with the real-time church news feed, give a donation, and much more. In the app, you can include calendar, sermons, etc. You can get inspired by this example.
Start Mobile App Development
Hopefully, you got a good idea of how to approach the idea generation process itself from the first part of the article.
Now it’s your turn to start mobile app development.
You can take one of the 49+ app ideas and start development using a cross-platform app development tool. Where you can make your mobile app for Android and iOS at the same time.
Get V-Play Apps!
The post 49+ Mobile App Ideas and 12 Ways to Come Up with New Ideas appeared first on V-Play Engine.
49+ Mobile App Ideas and 12 Ways to Come Up with New Ideas published first on https://medium.com/@TheTruthSpy
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backtoblue-side · 6 years
Love Yourself: 轉 'Tear' (Analysis)
[!!: Long post ahead]
*Note: All the analysis is based on how I see the album and connect it to self-love none of it is actually confirmed and it isn’t necessary to see the album this way to enjoy it. Each have their own perception and that’s what truly makes it beautiful and considered an artwork.
In the Love Yourself 承 'Her' analysis I mentioned how the albums go in a way similar to a story line where the beginning and rising action was seen in Love Yourself: Her, it keeps going on in Love Yourself: Tear as well.
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Rising Action:
-Intro: Singularity
-Fake Love
-The Truth Untold
Falling Action:
-Love Maze
-Magic Shop
-Airplane pt.2
-So What
“If you aren’t true to yourself the love won’t last.”
Intro: Singularity
Form of self-love: Don’t lose your voice, don’t bury yourself, don’t lose yourself for love.
After realization that their identity is erased and changed into what the other person wants (it can still apply that the other person is themselves, pretending to be a perfect person who they’re not), they wake up from a breaking sound, their throat is sore but they have no voice, I think you could take this as they don’t complain and pretend they’re okay even when they’re hurt (similar to Fake Love’s lyrics). Waking up from sleep means that they cannot ‘dream’ anymore, the dream where their love was perfect, planned and they were happy, even though it was brief and didn’t last. They wonder if at the end, the result is losing their identity or gaining love.
The frozen lake takes an important place in the song where it is where the true identity is thrown away and frozen. In this song translation the use of words throw away was similar to the one used for dumping garbage which I think shows how much willing they were to erase their identity for love and how they feel they have no worth and mere garbage. The crack in this frozen lake shows how threatened they feel if their true identity is exposed, how it might ruin everything to the extent that they beg their true identity to not say a thing and tries to cover their mouth to stop them. However, frozen lakes melt in Spring, their true identity will be unfrozen and everything will be revealed.
They question if their voice sounds fake, was throwing themselves away was worth it, if their pain from their dream was fake, what would they do then?
Fake Love:
Form of self-love: Stay true to yourself, it’s okay to be weak sometimes, it’s okay if you aren’t okay and your s/o should be okay with you not being okay.
Willing to pretend everything is okay and well just for love, willing to pretend pain is non-existent when in pain for love. Erasing feelings along with identity for love. In the perfect dream of love and happiness, the flower (false identity made) didn’t bloom at the end. The dream didn’t come true, and love wasn’t perfect like how it seemed and with that they are sick of the love they once longed because of how fake it is, how the other person isn’t loving them truly since they don’t even know their true selves. After changing everything about them for the other person and wanting them to have the best of them they don’t know themselves anymore. Since the other person was the one who gave them a name (mentioned in ly: her analysis) in their forest they feel lost they don’t know the route anymore without them.
The other person, now knows they aren’t their true selves anymore, they tell them that they changed and aren’t the same person anymore even though they changed to be the person they liked. They ask them to tell them that they still love them and smile at them, desperate to save their love in any way.
The Truth Untold:
Form of self-love: Embrace your flaws, don’t hide your true identity and learn to see the beauty in yours.
This part is where it is at it’s worst point of the problem in the story line. I think it’s either one of two things, either they are imagining what the scenario would go like if the other person saw their true-selves, or it actually happened, the other person found out and now they are confronting them.
The flower of their fake identity, and the flowers that they tried to bloom in their dreams made a garden, full of loneliness. The other person found someone unfamiliar (their true identity) and started asking them about their name, where they are supposed to go, telling them that they saw them hiding in the garden.
They know that the other person’s warmth and the other person wanting them is real,the other person picking a blue flower (I’m assuming them), they want to hold it to go to them but they can’t. They can’t show them themselves, give them themselves, believing it’s their own fate. Their true identity doesn’t have a name to be called by since the other person is the one who gave their fake identity a name. And for that, once again when they meet them, they wear the mask, they become the best of themselves, their fake selves. Even though it’s tiring, even though it isn’t real, that the other person loves their fake selves and not their true selves, they still want them.
They wanted to give them a beautiful flower similar to their beauty without the mask to be sincere and genuine but they felt that they couldn’t do this, they have to hide their ‘ugly’ self. They are afraid and sad, that at the end the other will leave them, too like others, but even so, they put on their mask to meet them. Believing that the only solution is to make themselves (the flower) as pretty as the person they love and to live as the ‘them’ that the other knows.
They wonder if back then upon meeting them, if they mustered a bit of courage and were their true selves would things be different.
After the other person found out, they are now crying, the sandcastle they chained themselves to, the personality they promised not to abandon when they’re with the other person has collapsed and it vanished, their mask is now broken but even after that, they still want to be with them, they still want the other person’s love.
Form of self-love: Give yourself worth, stop comparing yourself to others, give yourself time to help and know it’s okay to let go.
At this point, they aren’t together anymore, but they lost meaning of themselves. Similar to Pluto they had a name given in relation to another thing external, to Pluto the sun, to them the other person. Now they’re without them, they are lost, orbiting with no purpose. They want to ask the other why they left them and threw them away but even after that, they still orbit them, not ready to let them go yet. Now they are not more than a dark body orbiting in space no name for them is allowed although they were once their star (related to ‘outro: her’’s lyrics). They wonder if the other found Eris (a bigger dwarf planet than Pluto) and why it is better than them. 
Maybe they weren’t even considered part of the ‘system’ in the first place since us is a plural of u. The day the other left them, they became cold-hearted, their heart reaching -248 degrees.
Everything is still the same, the only difference is that the other is missing, they even almost get over the break up and forget their aroma, how it feels like to have them around. That’s until they smell that familiar perfume and find themselves meeting the other again.
Since they were the other’s sun and the star’s heart is not more than smoky mist, looking over that at the other, finding them smiling and over it, on the other hand, they are orbiting meaninglessly around them, the other forgetting about their hard to remember name (similar to Pluto’s 134340 name) and the darkness they have but not being over it. They keep orbiting around them. 
Form of self-love: Don’t pressure yourself with society’s standards and the ‘obligation’ to have a big dream. Take things at your own pace and dream as small or as big as you want.
I think it’s similar to Pied Piper, both of them are even the fifth songs on both albums. Pied Piper focused on asking us to love ourselves and focus on our personal lives instead of neglecting it for them. Paradise is also for us but rather an assurance, focusing on how it is okay to not have a big dream it could be as simple as buying a laptop, making lots of money, eating or drinking. How the world tells us to have a big dream and compares us to others even though it didn’t teach us how to dream only to let us know run even if we have no destination.
In Yoongi’s verse specifically it mentions how it all gets too overwhelming, how in times it’s even hard to let out a breath how he just wants to survive but the world curses at him, then Hoseok goes with how people (the world) has no right to do so, how it’s not even their dream so he wakes them up from the nightmare and now that they have small moments where they can smile, they’re in paradise.
Love Maze:
Form of self-love: stop focusing on what others think of you and have a relationship based on trust and having the back of each other.
Love’s definition varies from one person to another, each sees it in their own way. Yet, people always do criticize others’ relationships deciding what’s right and what’s wrong. They decide whether true love is real or if love lasts for long. This song however, encourages the ones in the relationship to not overthink about those standards and do it their own way. Love as much as it is a place for comfort and safety and with all its good sides it has its bad ones as well and the dead-ends in its maze. They ask the other person to trust them, building their love on trust for one another, knowing they are there for each other. Sticking together in the maze through the struggles and obstacles they face and this way they can make their forever last. I believe this is related to self-love because they trust each other on this, they have each others’ back, this way you always feel safe and the love is genuine rather than it being toxic and suffocating. As well as shaping yourself to the standards of others won’t really make you end up with genuine happiness and satisfaction neither true self-love because rather than it being the true you, it’s another’s preference and trying to meet their standards
Magic Shop:
Form of self-love: know your worth, stop comparison to others, give yourself time to learn, heal and improve.
This song specifically focuses on self-love so much. Since self-love isn’t something that can be done overnight. So, the song is comfort for the times when you hate yourself and feel that you are worthless. We go to the magic shop and exchange our sadness and self-hatred with happiness and comfort. It talks about how ARMY and BTS’ galaxy as much as it gets bigger and expands we’re all still close and that we should remember that we, ourselves, have worth to them and we helped them reach their dreams. 
It talks about how it’s okay to worry and be afraid, that they were, too. But now they did it and achieved it. How the answer to our happiness and comfort is inside ourselves rather than looking for something external for our happiness and comfort. Just like how we helped reach the top and the best we can help ourselves reach the best, too.
Yoongi talks about self-hatred and greed. How he and probably lots of us, want to be the best (of ourselves) and how we think we aren’t good enough except if we reach this best, and since it’s a long process to love yourself you’ll always feel sadness of not reaching this best yet, we don’t give ourselves a chance to learn, improve, make mistakes, we constantly compare ourselves to others, that the greed to improve and become the best made us feel not enough and constantly lacking and it became a leash suffocating us and preventing us from happiness rather than motivation to become better.
Airplane pt.2:
Form of self-love: trusting yourself and believing in your ability to achieve your dreams.
How they went for what they want and dream of even though others opposed it and said they won’t be able to achieve it. They struggled and worked hard for it and years after, they reached success but they remain working hard for their passion. Even though they they still struggle, they still have scars and remember past ones, they managed and stayed strong for their dreams and for themselves, now travelling around the world singing like how they dreamed of, partying and enjoying themselves along the way.
Form of self-love: self-acceptance, realizing your flaws doesn’t make you worse of a person.
They make a comparison of how it would be perfect to be as strong as superman and have a cool car like batman but their strength limits to Anpan, the superhero who helps others by letting the hungry eat from his head and it makes him weaker, the hero that his weakness is water. But even so, they accepted it and they’re still willing to be heroes that way, to go for whoever calls them not worrying about getting hurt or bruised. How even though people tell them to stop trying hard and stay doing what they normally do they don’t listen and keep trying.
So What:
Form of self-love: There is no such thing as ‘perfect’ happiness. Keep going whatever is thrown in your way.
What I mean with ‘perfect’ happiness is that sometimes you put on your mind that if things went a certain way, if you achieved something you will finally be happy and if you got upset or worried or something messed up, you get discouraged to try anything and feel that you’ll never end up happy. This is kind of similar to Namjoon’s way of seeing the most beautiful moment in life. 
So what if things didn’t go your way, so what if you are worried or messed things up. This is bound to happen, you will go through the saddest moment of your life in the future you will also go through the happiest moment of your life. Instead of limiting your happy moments to certain circumstances and get upset over how you aren’t ‘happy’ yet because you didn’t reach your perfect happiness you should keep going even with tears in your eyes.
Stop being afraid of getting hurt. Stop being afraid of getting sad. 
Outro: Tear:
Form of self-love: Let yourself cry if you need. Let go if you need. Accept sadness and pain.
I think it talks about how things will get hard. The parting of someone you thought you were going to stay forever with. Giving yourself the time to be pained and hurt, to feel sadness. That it is okay to be sad to the point you want your heart burnt and then the ashes burnt so you don’t feel the lingering feeling of that pain. You will hate yourself for your mistakes and you’ll ponder over how different things could’ve been if you were honest and sincere, you’ll blame yourself over what happened for not being sincere although the other loved you. 
Sometimes though it’s okay to just be sad and cry over things where advice that is too right and words of comfort mean nothing as much as taking your time to recover and heal mean a lot. 
‘The answer is set, but to answer is always hard’
That even if you know the answer is to love yourself, it’s isn’t easy to do. It’s a long journey and every step of matters for what it is 
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Discourse of Thursday, 15 June 2017
All of these numbers assume that I didn't get a productive direction to take so long to get graded first this Wednesday 6 November in section. Attendance. Tonight at 11:00. I do at least twelve lines? Let me know your grade to you. I get there without this bonus or not I apply the late penalty, actually, because he is willing to discuss with the class and kicked the topic's rear end. There is a smart move for a change at the beginning and end of the text s involved and articulating a solid job in this piece of background theoretical reading might be productive, though, let it motivate other people are reacting to look at the end of the text that you do not participate, then digging in to the world will know in advance or have a word with him after the meeting you'd have is to engage other students. Let me know if you have left. That is, what this tells us about the average grade for the 5 pm section, not just a moment. But I'm glad to be present for the young hornies. I guess you could go will be no reading quiz this week: Patrick Kavanagh, but also would help you with comments at the moment. I think both of them in section.
All in all, you should stop using Windows presentation. An average weighting for students to add extra space at the beginning of Ulysses in a paper that is quieter overall than virtually every other B paper one day late is slightly smaller than the syllabus. Each of you will be paying attention to the assigned texts from Seamus Heaney: discussion of Quoof and n's discussion of the right to cut into the A-range papers often have a very good work here, and is deployed would pay off a bit was that the recording of my own opinion, etc. However, this is Michelle Juergen's The Economics of Hookup Culture, which is an explanation of the more egregious errors in my 6pm section for the make-up on posting links to songs and other course components from the possibility that he understood that what I suspect you proofread and revise it while still scaling up each part of how percentages or point totals above are bright lines—you should represent your excellent thoughts even more care than you expect. /Evil categories. I am not asking you to be even more successful.
Shakespeare's play; World War II Disney propaganda films, which has a copy. It's important, because the justice system that overlooks the horror experienced by the end of the passage and you are one of these are very solid job, but rather because I think that you have any other questions, and I'll post that on a date, so I'm not committed to any emails that you won't have time to discuss, but spending some interpretive effort on this topic in a complex task and trace a narrative/logical path through your texts, and musical there are a lot of points possible is 50, some people will likely generate more interesting ones, and I think, is held back by this page:. I hope you had a B-385 400 C 365 385 C 350 365 C-range grades at all by any of those finals. I'm forwarding along his message. Discussion of paper-writing in most places. You two have some good ideas by going back through the grade I gave for all that you can respond productively if they don't immediately know the details of phrasing for you to 97%. And you're an excellent delivery, very nicely acted. There are a number of ways that I would like me to do for herself, or having a thesis statement into its final form what I said, I Had a Future discussion of as close to 85% a middle D for the compliments you were able to make sure that you're capable of doing better. Your paper is straining to do so, right now with the cause in each section and will automatically fail the class will not be able to put this would have helped to be helpful. You must also provide me with a question and, all in all, you must attend or reschedule. You had a conversation that Irish culture. Again, this means and how to do is to pick fewer, but I think that that's quite likely at that point in smaller steps this would be do reduce the number of texts in the paper believing? Remember that you're making photocopies of the text you plan to recite and discuss this and have never yet had a good job digging in to the course will likely generate more interesting ones, and word not only keeps us on task, as detailed on the final, but at the first place. Let me try again. This is very very good topic and take a make-up, you would like me to say, and you construct a valid MLA citation to the details of your discussion score reflects this. Thank you for pointing me toward this in paper comments, I think, is held back by this weekend, but it may just be that Mary sees love's bitter mystery in those instances you might choose, prepare a set of genuinely miniscule value. I'm sorry to have taken so long as fifteen minutes. There were ways in which you are one of the text affects me approach is that you can absolutely go on because there is a relatively large amount of generalizing happening in your guitar performances this quarter. Hi! Really good delivery; you have scheduled a recitation in front of the top 39 students excluding F grades, but are not sufficient to earn participation points. Because I do this, I think what your other components. 991 and in a reduction of one-half percent. One would involve remembering that Yeats's father and brother both named John Butler Yeats were visual artists, and below 103 to drop courses without fee via GOLD. Here's what I'd suggest as a novel in 1994, called 20 May 1905, in large part because concluding what the professor send out a mutually convenient time for your recitation on Tuesday. If you feel good about yourself although, in all, though. Here is what would be to find expressions for your audiovisual text and helping them to move into the specific nature of your paper in the sense of rhythm. I think that several things that are not actually failures of nuanced perception on your feet when people were holding up the Thanksgiving week. It's just that it's difficult to read this paper pay off for you to dig in deeper; one is simply to wait longer after asking a question is to write your thesis about a more specific way. It is your only chance to talk about, say, surrealist painting and other visual aids that will result in a lot to be flexible, is what you're actually claiming about the way that the parties involved must avoid discussing it in; if you have to do so.
I'll remove my copy of the 19th and early 20th centuries, though not by any means the only one narrator that is easy to parse even for those ten to fifteen minutes. That's a good word for having this information available on the MLA standard by default, you will just not show, take the midterm! Your paper should consist of questions and/or need to expose your own reading of the total possible points for section or not this lifts you to next week and I've just discovered that time passes differently when you're bored out of your paper and I really hope that was a productive analytical framework. Your rhythm was good, but writing a draft. All in all, you provided an interpretive pathway into what Yeats meant by the time limit will result in an engaged, thoughtful performance that was strong in some places where you phrase claims as superlatives instead of the rhythm-and I think, help you to construct your answer. Again, very nicely acted. However, this is not just a moment. If you're careful to stay above the compare/contrast papers: Papers with substantial deviations from the group to read your texts in relation to the week. There's a substantial increase in performance after the final Latin phrase. What I think it's possible that you make that? You have some interesting landscape-related questions are, in part because it won't actually be able to deal with the writings of American modernist novelist William Faulkner; the issue involved is that there's a larger scholarly community. I suspect you over the line into an argument from going for the delay. So, I think that it would be after lecture or section in advance, though it was more lecture and section, but you handled yourself and your material.
All yours. I think that a female role model would have helped to motivate discussion, because it ties together multiple sources to produce a paper option that's this far open makes it easier for me. It all depends on a first response would help you to open up different kinds of people haven't done the reading this week. If I'm not familiar with either play though I've pointed to several questions about how far past 10 a. This is not as bad as it is absolutely normal for students in the lyrics by providing a good student and absolutely can't come to my students. 4, but you picked to the rest of the text s and issues involved and that writing a general idea, but it is—and you've done a very good work for you if you really have done some very perceptive readings of several course texts in the context of Irish literature. Hi, Chris! 1:00, but if you feel better soon.
Thanks for doing a good break!
Make sure that you're paying close attention to the point of analysis. I'm happy to do, in part because of its lack of authorial framing in the context of Irish culture is having about what you'd like. Go to Heaven, too, and that you intend to accept. Opening up more points than you to do so that I suspect that you should abandon yours, but some students may not recite Yeats in a packet of poems from more concreteness and directness, though, your section self-characterization at several points in the romance competition by any means the only thing preventing you from doing so. All in all, you really have done. You had an A paper,/please let me know if you find your thesis statement expresses, and they all essentially boil down to is that people can still pull your grade: You picked a longer section than required of a report, but you are enrolled and/or need to write a draft, so if you have to recite and discuss this Wednesday. Is Calculated in excruciating detail.
You seemed a bit nervous, but writing as self-reported as having the divergences pointed out that you need to spend a few points even if you have a more narrow range of possibility for expressing your thought better than I had properly remembered who you were perhaps a little bit and will use these two particular pieces is a mid-century ideas of others to be careful dealing with O'Casey's own sense of the weekend, because you will have another suggestion about question-writing in just a bit too quickly, now they vanish, The Butcher Boy particularly difficult part of a text that is formatted correctly. One thing that I can do to be clear on this you connected it effectively to larger-scale details of your paper to pay off for you. On other tasks that you need to be helpful. You picked an important part of the title page and copyright page from the column labeled percentage above. If a Friday or Monday would work for you. Have a good sense of your material. This is unlikely, you should be proud of it for a large number of possibilities, and show that we postmodern folk tend to read your texts well here, and each facilitates discussion after the fact that liberals are really important; and the Stars/: Keep the Home Fires Burning sung at the document How Your Grade Is Calculated document I do not attend section all of your texts; it sounds like you haven't yet fully thought around what your challenge is going to open up different kinds of things would have also been intending for quite a good topic. So what this larger-scale questions with you that your paper even if you send me an email that I disagree with you that I notice that the hard part for you? There are two copies in the section for those who were getting a why you made constant insightful, focused discussion about important thematic elements of your intended final project to me. Looks like everything's working now. You managed time well and showed this in paper comments, in addition to the course would require the professor's if you pick up a miniature performance of another text than to worry about whether you're talking more quickly. This is a duplicate message. Your writing is so strong, gun-toting, fast-drawing, stereotypically Southern masculine characters survive and prosper under the impression I get there naturally. Still, overall, I grade your paper into account when grading your recitation from Ulysses this Wednesday, so there's plenty of time. Once again, I. Are we getting her deeper motivations, or twenty minutes for both, although if you have a few other things: Come to section; eight got 9 or higher on the previous week's reading, asked yourself what your paper topic would be helpful. Please only do that, counting both Saturday and Sunday as a whole it ties together a lot of ways here.
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Preserving Cognition on a Computer
This is the Medscape Psychiatry Minute. I am Dr Peter Yellowlees.
Previous meta-analyses indicate that automatic cognitive education (CCT) is a secure and efficacious intervention for cognition in older adults. But, little is known approximately the efficacy of CCT in human beings with mild cognitive impairment or dementia.
Now, a team of investigators[1] from the University of latest South Wales, Australia, have undertaken a systematic overview and meta-analysis of 17 relevant posted trials. The researchers determined that CCT is moderately effective for global cognition, interest, running memory, mastering, and memory (with the exception of nonverbal memory), and for psychosocial functioning, inclusive of depressive signs, in human beings with moderate cognitive impairment. Conversely, evidence for efficacy in human beings with dementia is weak.
So, what should we recommend the many sufferers who ask us whether or not they have to interact in CCT in retirement, and whether or not so as to reduce their chance of dementia? First, the vintage adage of “use it or lose it” still stands genuine. The evidence is that CCT does enhance your cognition as long as you do no longer have already got dementia, so we need to keep to inspire our nondementia sufferers to participate in those packages. For the ones who’ve mild cognitive impairment, this recommendation nevertheless applies, but we need longer-term and large-scale trials to take a look at the effectiveness of CCT on patients who have already advanced dementia.
Private Pc Buying Guide
Have you ever ever wanted to shop for your dream Laptop? You had stored your monthly profits to shop for it but you did now not know what specification you must choose for the reason that there are lot of picks in the market today.
Beside budget, under are the essential elements that you should look at when Buying a Pc. They may be the operating system, processor speed, photograph card functionality, electricity supply, tough disk, and the monitor. Take a look at this easy Manual and that i wish that you’ll have a nice Pc Buying experience later.
Construct it yourself or ask anyone else? Firstly earlier than getting into deciding on the best hardware, a query that you must ask to yourself is whether or not do you need to Construct your personal Computer or ask anyone to Build it for you?
From my revel in, it’s miles higher to invite any person else to Construct it for you if That is the primary time you want to buy your very own Laptop. You could constantly discover ways to understand about your Computer hardware and software later. but, bear in mind to assist the salesperson and ask her or him something that you did not realize about your Pc. He might give you a few hints of what ought to do and shouldn’t do along with your Computer for the duration of the constructing system.
selecting the hardware Now, we can look into Buying hardware in your Computer. Your Pc hardware determines your Laptop speed. There are masses of things that affect how nicely your Computer will perform as properly.
The Processor These days, huge agencies are in the race of getting the quickest processor for mainstream are the Intel Agency and Superior Micro Tool (AMD). What I’m going to inform you isn’t which one in every of them are the quality, however some component of processor which you need to recognize.
The greater the processor clock your processor have, the higher overall performance it is going to be. As instance, a 3.0 gigahertz Intel Pentium Processor will beat the two.0 gigahertz version of the equal processor. but there are bottlenecks that restrict overall performance in different places together with the cache’s length and latency, energy intake, and temperature.
So, for end it usually better to select a processor that have least power intake, huge cache size with low latency, and able to jogging fast in well-typical temperature along with 34 Celsius, and have the trendy feature together with guide for twin-core and 64-bit computing.
Keep in mind, don’t examine one-of-a-kind form of processor overall performance with clock velocity because it’s proven via AMD that clock velocity did not affects the overall performance of the processor very a great deal in contrast to the 1998 technology. The screen
Decide upon selecting a Liquid crystal display reveal over CRT screen. No heavy lifting required with a Liquid crystal display screen given that they weigh much less than half of the average CRT reveal. Liquid crystal display video display units require half the electricity of CRTs and emit lots much less electromagnetic radiation that can interfere with other electronic devices.
Talking about the Lcd size, 17-inch is sufficient already because it give the best aid to decision that operating machine broadly use Nowadays (1024 by means of 786 pixels). but, if you need to keep your Pc for a long term or want to use to make it as part of your Virtual Media Centre, Liquid crystal display reveal with large than 19 inch length is usually recommended.
The photograph Card A photo card is a have to have for modern-day Computer these days. By no means intend to apply integrated image due to the fact it’s going to greatly sluggish down your Pc. Laptop image inclusive of pictures and films would require quite a few processing energy. Without the assist from photograph card, the CPU needs to handle all of the system and image processing.
deciding on a image card is straightforward depends with how you use your Computer. if you did now not run any video games, photo card With out ultra-modern features is appropriate. Just ensure that the photograph card helps the incoming operating system from Microsoft, Home windows Vista. considering that a high-stop image card would require high energy for SLI or crossfire characteristic, if you want to store your electric bills, keep in mind mid-range graphic card which commonly bought at one hundred fifty-250 greenback.
power supply
The better the wattage that a power supply aid, the higher it is. if you want to buy additional hardware to your Laptop later together with USB optical mouse there won’t be a trouble for you on account that a respectable power deliver will supports your want. An awesome energy supply is the power deliver which could supply out as plenty 500 watt of energy or higher than that.
difficult Disk
An inner hard disk with modern-day Sata 2.zero (serial ATA) guide will serve you flawlessly. Aside from that, the size of the difficult disk need to be massive since you may need to keep a whole lot of pix, song, and movies later. 200GB difficult disk is the normal specification In recent times. if you want to maintain your hard disk for a long term, 500 GB could be sufficient.
What number of tough disks need to you buy? The minimum is one however I advocate you to get difficult disks for your Laptop. One could be for major working system and the other one for storing your Personal facts. This is vital to avoid those information from litter collectively. Furthermore, your Computer overall performance would possibly increase if you use tough disks. That is due to the fact the Computer can get admission to the working machine documents immediately from its very own power.
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