#i get the youngest two off the school bus a few days a week bc my mom has to pick up my other brother from high school at the same time
transiconwilfred · 1 year
the fun thing about TMNT being my latest fixation is that my 7 year old brother is totally down to talk about and draw ninja turtles with me
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willow-lane · 3 years
I saw [WILLOW LANE] at a coffee shop in [BROOKLYN] today. I forgot how much [SHE] looks like [MADELYN CLINE]. They are a [TWENTY-THREE] year old [WAITRESS] who’s been in NYC for [A YEAR] now. Every time we run into each other, they are always [SPONTANEOUS AND FREE SPIRITED] but I’ve heard people say they can also be [NON-COMMITTAL AND SELF-INDULGENT]. [OUT OF THE BLUE BY KATIE PRUITT] reminds me of them every time it comes on the radio. / @villagestart​
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Hello everyone! I’m Ella and I’m super excited to be part of this roleplay and introduce Willow to all of you, she’s a new muse but she’s based on an old muse of mine so I think I have her figured out or mostly lol. I’d love to plot with all of you, so please like this or hmu. If you want my discord, I’d be happy to give it to you, just ask :D
NAME: ava willow lane
NICKNAME: will, lolo, pillow
GENDER: cis female
PLACE OF BIRTH: burlington, vermont
DATE OF BIRTH: september 28, 1997
AGE: twenty-three
OCCUPATION: waitress
Burlington was a dream within a dream, the station next to heaven. A town in love with itself and whose residents gloated about the wooded land, creased by hills, and threaded by streams. 
The Lanes were living the typical American dream: the big house with the white picket fence, a large backyard and two perfect children. It was dreamlike.
Their kids could count themselves lucky and Willow Lane certainly did for most of her life. As the youngest daughter of a successful surgeon and a renowned psychotherapist who taught at the University of Vermont, she was taught that receiving an education was the only way to get ahead in life.
Her parents made sure to set their kids to success and while most of the kids from her street were out there playing, she was holed up in her room, reading the stacks of encyclopedia books her parents bought me for her birthday. 
As a young child, Willow was filled with a sense of wonder, and encouraged by her curious personality she wanted to learn everything.
By the time she was in the sixth grade, she was smarter than most of the kids in her class, still her parents reminded her every day that she must outrank them all. Her parents took pride in her achievements. They were quick to boast about it in public, but they remained strict in private. Anything less than gold didn’t deserve a place on the wall.
Her afternoons were always full. Whether it was ballet class, french lessons, piano lessons or soccer practice. She had no time for herself.
Then high school started and by then she was overworked. Tired of chasing perfection and only being met with a “try harder”. 
TW: DRUGS, ADDICTION, VOMIT MENTION, PANIC ATTACK: While she was still number one at her school, it was taking everything in her to keep it that way. Her parents didn’t know about those panic attacks she suffered at night or how she threw up before any competition. To them, she was handling well and she was very good at pretending but she also had a little secret. In her sophomore year, she was introduced to Adderall and she was quickly hooked. END OF TW
When she got accepted into a prestigious university, her parents didn’t hesitate to brag about how their kid would attend an Ivy League but Willow was mortified. 
Back in Burlington, she was the biggest fish in the sea but at Princeton there were students who were better and shone brighter than her. 
Maybe it was because she was suddenly cast into a whole new world that was so different from the one she grew up in. Maybe it was because she had harbored a bit of resentment towards her parents for her wasted youth. Whatever it was, by the end of her freshman year, university had swallowed her up. 
TW ALCOHOL, DRUGS, DEPRESSION She got into a bad crowd, drank herself into oblivion, partied harder than anyone, and developed a penchant for bad boys who were much older than her. All this while trying to maintain a perfect GPA. Thanks to her magic pill, she was able to function and not feel guilty about not being as perfect as her parents wanted her to be. After all, she was only trying to recover the freedom that they took from her. 
But this coping mechanism only turned to worse. The more she tried to drown her feelings in alcohol, the harder it came to bite her in the ass. It was clear as water: Willow Lane, picture perfect daughter, was depressed and had been for a while, and now it had caught up to her. 
She was fighting a battle she was slowly losing. Willow was in a constant state of helplessness, staring into the void, and completely unable to pull herself out of it. If it hadn’t been for the upbringing she had, she would have been completely fine with self-destruct. END OF TW
The summer after her freshman year, she came back home and decided to have a talk with her parents. Her parents sat across the table, and they were not celebrating the end of a successful first semester, instead, they were fuming with betrayal. 
Willow told them that she had dropped most of her classes and she explained to them how she was exhausted beyond repair. They were displeased, so disappointed that looking at them was painful. For the first time in their life, their perfect daughter had failed them.
By the end of the evening, her father was livid. Threatened her that if she didn’t take more classes and got excellent grades he would stop paying her tuition. That’s when it hit her. To her parents, she was nothing but an object, an accomplishment to brag about to her friends. That was not love, that was selfish and a wake up call.
She packed up her stuff that evening, went back to Princeton and emptied her dorm as well as she dropped out completely. 
Freedom at last. With only a few bucks in her account, she bought a random bus ticket that took her to Montreal, Canada where she stayed for a couple of weeks, while working as a waitress before she moved to a new location. For the past three years, Willow has been living off a backpack. 
She moved to New York a year ago, but she comes and goes. Whenever she gets bored or too attached to someone she escapes. 
She’s been clean for three years when it comes to Adderall, although she still drinks but only socially.
Despite her strict upbringing, Willow is a free-spirit! She’s always looking for a new adventure and she wants to live her life to the fullest, she doesn’t care about rules or schedules. She lives a pretty hedonistic lifestyle, always chasing a high in life and sometimes that makes her take some reckless decisions. A naturally loving person, Willow is always there to lend a shoulder to cry on or offer to wipe off your tears, however, she does struggle with connections. If she feels a deep connection with someone she runs away as she believes that being attached to someone will tie her up to one place and as we know, Willow lives a pretty nomad life. She keeps coming back to New York because she loves the vibe but when she gets bored or overwhelmed she leaves without warning. As loving as she is, she can also be ruthless and cold, especially when feeling vulnerable. She has a sharp tongue and it’s not afraid to hurt some feelings if that means shattering the pristine image some people have of her.
She has a rib cage tattoo that reads “Eternity bores me, I never wanted it.” It’s a quote from Sylvia Plath.
Speaks French fluently and sometimes she likes to pretend she’s a lost French tourist just for fun.
Volunteers at the animal shelter. Because she doesn’t have a set home, she can’t have a pet but she loves animals.
Never has enough battery on her phone and sometimes she sings in the subway to earn some coins because she tends to forget her wallet.
Really good friends with the homeless woman who lives down her street, she brings her food from the restaurant.
Keeps many scrapbooks from the places she’s been.
Sometimes she goes to music stores and plays the piano, one of the few activities she enjoyed as a child.
Loves reading and whenever she’s not getting in trouble or working, she’s at the library.
Wears too many rings, so don’t try to mug her.
Older brother: Willow has an older brother who followed her parents’ plan. He graduated college and now has a very important job. Willow hasn’t spoken to him in three years, even if he’s tried to contact her. She just doesn’t want any ties to her old life, including her family.
“Best Friend”: I put it between quotations because she doesn’t stay in one place long enough to actually form long lasting friendships but this person is the closest to that. She adores them and actually sends them a postcard when she leaves.
Partner in crime: As stated, Willow is pretty reckless and she does a lot of stupid shit but she’s always seeking for someone to be her partner in crime and just go crazy with them.
Co-workers/Clients: She works as a waitress at a restaurant (if your character has a restaurant let me know, bc idk where she would work). 
Neighbor: She lives in a small apartment in Brooklyn with two other roommates, it’s not ideal but it’s what she has.
College friends/hook ups: Oh during her college year, she was a party girl and she made a lot of “friends” (She attended Princeton btw) and also hooked up with a lot of people (f/m/nb), most of them were older than her.
Flirtationship: She is a natural flirt and she doesn’t even try to hide it.
Unrequited: Maybe your character has a crush on her (and depending on chemistry maybe she does as well but since she moves often she tries to ignore it). It’s angsty, it’s fun, give it to me. (f/m/nb)
Hook ups: Y’all know the drill
Bad tinder date: Willow thought it would be fun to go on a tinder date and she proposed some crazy scheme and they both had to spend the night in a jail cell.
Roommates: She lives in Brooklyn with two more roommates.
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cultofbeatles · 4 years
beginners guide to the beatles
 made one of these a long time ago but i'm surprised by how short it was. so here we go again. doing it right this time lol. 
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pov: you told a bad joke and now the beatles are judging you. 
john winston lennon. later in his life known as john winston ono lennon. 
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born on october 9, 1940 
i believe in astrology bc how does john just happen to be a libra 
when john was four he started living with his aunt mimi who acted more as his mother figure 
his mother, julia, remarried and would visit him quite a bit.
it was julia who taught john how to play banjo and piano. and she bought his first guitar.
they both had a deep love for music and rock n roll 
he never really thought of her as his mother but more as a cool friend i suppose 
aunt mimi was more rough on him and did the disciplining 
his father was never really present growing up and his uncle passed away when he was young 
he thought he was a curse for the men in his family 
he had five half siblings. two of them, julia and jacqueline, he was pretty close to. the other three he barely knew. 
fashion icon.
hated school but loved art 
very early on he was insecure with himself 
teachers always shit on him and said he would go nowhere in life 
he met paul at a church fete on july 6, 1957 
paul taught him how to play guitar properly.
once told paul that he didnt know how paul carried on after his mother died bc he just didn't think he could do it 
john’s mother died from being hit by an off duty policemen. john was seventeen at the time. 
 he took her death really hard and became a bit of a recluse. 
first serious relationship was with cynthia (we stan her) 
once cynthia cut her hair short and he didn't talk to her for two days. 
hate men. kill all men. 
when he asked her to dance at a party she turned him down saying that she was engaged, and so he said “well i didn't ask you to fucking marry me, did i?” 
slapped her once bc he was drunk and another boy was talking to her.
only time her hit her.
read cynthia’s books about john pls. i beg. 
once a psychic told him that he would be shot in the states.
founder of the beatles and also came up with the name.
instruments he could play: guitar, harmonica, rhythm guitar, banjo, keyboard, piano, saxophone, bass guitar, and a little drums. 
main songwriter in the beatles along with paul.
was more open minded to change in the beatles music. 
was insecure in his relationship with paul after a while bc he thought he only needed him for songwriting. 
would bitch about paul all day long but the second anyone else said something about him he’d be on their ass. 
had a lot of issues and needed a good hug. 
suffered from eating disorders, drug addictions, depression, insecurities, and questioned his sexuality bc of the time. 
was super open minded and ahead of his time in many instances. 
once he was called “the fat beatle” and after that he stopped eating as much.
truly loved his first son, julian lennon, and would buy him presents all the time bc he was excited to see him play with them.
“your famous ex husband”
he enjoyed playing monopoly. 
he once claimed that he saw a ufo.
he had written three books but he always wanted to write a children's book.
 the last song he ever performed in front of a live audience was “i saw her standing there.” with elton john.
he was afraid of the dark. 
found out later in his life that he was dyslexic. 
was also legally blind without glasses.
never could catch a break huh.
said that his best lyric ever was “all you need is love” i agree.
the first time yoko and john met was not at her art exhibit but actually when she approached him about giving away songs for free.
wanted to write a musical with paul. 
once a friend dared him to masturbate ten times in one day and he managed to do it nine times.
would hold circle jerks with paul and a few other friends. 
just dudes being dudes. 
went on a holiday with brian epstein, who was gay, and told some people afterward that they did certain sexual things. but we will never know for sure.
yoko says that john was bisexual.
once in an interview he said that he would of married a rich man or woman if he wasn't in the beatles. 
hated his voice on records. would always ask for effects on his voice for final recordings. 
made a film with yoko where it was just his penis going from flaccid to erect for fifteen minutes in slow motion. 
only beatle not to of become a vegetarian while he was alive. 
murdered on december 8, 1980.
gave his autograph earlier in the day to the man who would murder him.
died at the age of 40.
“all my loving” was played while he was at the hospital.
and its spooky bc a lot of times in interviews he would say “when i'm 40..” 
and it’s sad bc he was finally becoming who he truly wanted to be. 
honorable john moments that i love:
“thanks for the purpler hearts” he says while receiving the silver heart 
“you are the first person from liverpool that i've ever seen” “great”
eric lennon on my mind today 
this come together performance where he messed up the lyrics lol
that interview where paul was sick and john keep checking on him 
john lennon speaking nothing but facts 
when he said that he could see the beatles going separate ways but that they'd always come back together.
“shut up while he’s talking..”
this interview breaks my heart sometimes 
and this interview is great as well 
sir james paul mccartney 
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born on june 18, 1942
if you ever have spare time just check out this man’s natal chart. 
idk how he’s still alive with his chart tbh. 
he has a younger brother named mike and a step sister named ruth. 
his dad thought he was the ugliest baby he’d ever seen when he was born. 
when he was young paul would kill frogs in a way to prepare himself for the war if he ever was drafted. 
the first instrument he ever learned to play was the trumpet.
I don't even want to list every instrument this man can play but trust me when I say it’s a lot.
but for the beatles he mainly did bass, vocals, and piano. sometimes playing the guitar and the drums.
the beatles was just paul moving really, really fast. 
he lost his mother when he was 14 due to surgery for breast cancer.
never really learned how to cope well with loss of a loved one tbh. 
had the cutest chubby cheeks as a kid tbh 
met john and was accepted into his band 
sometimes they'd ditch school together and either work on music or would visit art galleries.
went to paris with john and john bought him all the banana milkshakes that he wanted.
connected over their love and admiration for music, and bc they had both lost their mothers. 
had a girlfriend’s mom who he would make comb his leg hairs. 
was an ass to his first girlfriend.
kill all men again. 
almost had to marry his girlfriend dot bc she was pregnant, but she ended up losing the baby.
was the one who introduced george harrison to john.
practically despised pete best and stuart stutcliffe bc they were bringing the group down. 
got arrested along with pete best bc they lit a condom on fire in hamburg.
still felt awful and a little guilty when stuart died suddenly. 
main force behind the beatles imo. 
without him we’d have not as much beatles music as we do. 
was dating jane asher throughout majority of the sixties. 
when they first met they talked about syrup and paul fell in love.
they broke things off after she walked in on him sleeping with another woman though.
directed magical mystery tour and it was amazing and I don't care what anyone says ok?
when john divorced cynthia he was the only one not scared of john and went against his wishes of not speaking to cynthia.
was a little controlling at times. 
has a good heart though. 
mal evans had to drive him home once after a beatles sessions bc he was crying so hard. 
was talking about getting the band back to touring when john said he was leaving the group. 
everyone kind of turned against him when the beatles were breaking up and i hate it.
he just wanted what was best for the band.
married linda and had a nice little farm. 
we love that story.
linda i'm free thursday if you want to hang out pls.
started up the whole “no meat monday” thing where you don't eat monday on mondays
food meat. not the other kind of meat.
children: james mccartney, stella mccartney, heather mccartney, mary mccartney, and beatrice mccartney. 
rip martha. 
he lost linda in 1998 due to cancer.
 cried for a whole year bc of it.
still has dreams about john and says they're nice.
wrote a sad song about john called “here today.”
really loved john. like..he truly, genuinely did. 
want someone to love me like paul does john. 
“think of me every now and then old friend.”
honorable paul moments:
his story about george’s dad 
“john? he was beautiful. very beautiful.”
humpty dumpty rap 
another story about him and george.
his google search video that I watch every week 
george harrison 
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born: February 24, 1943 
or at least we think 
bc he use to say that his birthday was february 25, but later started saying it february 24. 
why can't we change our birthdays its not like we picked it 
he was the youngest child.
baby of the family and of the beatles awwww
two older brothers named harry and peter. one older sister named louise.
when george’s mom was pregnant with him she’d play sitar music.
his mom was super supportive of his career choice 
when he was 16 he worked as an electricians apprentice.
his dad kind of hoped he would start a family business out of it.
george said nah
would ride the bus opposite way of his house just to spend time with paul 
headbutted a kid bc he didn't think they were worthy of paul’s friendship 
was brought into the band bc of paul insisting to john 
would follow john around like a lost puppy when he first met him 
once had an eight hour erection. don't ask me how idk he said it.
was 17 when he lost his virginity and the other band members were in the room watching and cheered him when he finished 
most sex craved beatle tbh 
once walked into a girls dressing room and asked if they could stand there so he could masturbate 
he was the first beatle to go to america 
got a black eye for defending ringo once 
would make john and paul take turns sharing rooms with ringo when he first joined the band so that he felt more welcomed 
when ringo left during the white album and then came back george decorated the studio with flowers for him 
during the beatles first recording session he told george martin that he didn't like his tie
became a vegetarian at 22 
favorite candy was jelly beans and purple was his favorite color 
used the phrase “grotty” in the hard days night movie, hated it, but everyone else picked up on the slang 
met his first wife, pattie boyd, on the set of a hard days night 
was turned down by her at first 
they married in 1966
wouldn't let her do modeling stuff and was kind of an ass 
a stylish couple but not the best image for a healthy relationship 
got into eastern religion around 1965 
during the Hamburg days he would eat chicken on stage 
had an affair with ringo’s first wife maureen 
got a divorce from pattie in 1977
in 1978 he married olivia who he stayed with until his death and had one son with. dhani.
was the first beatle to hit a number one single and album. 
was buddies with led zeppelin
inspired their “rain song” 
smashed a piece of cake on john bonham’s head and then was thrown into the pool by him 
he financed and produced films. had a production company.
tom petty said that george never shut up once you started talking to him 
but he was often referred to as “the quiet beatle”
formed another band called the traveling wilburys
he’d answer questions online in the 2000′s and it’s the cutest thing ever and his answers break my heart too.
“what do you miss most about john lennon?” “john lennon.”
in 1999 a schizophrenic person broke into his house and stabbed him 40 times 
thank god olivia was there bc she was the only braincell in the room 
had to get a part of his lung taken out 
died november 29, 2001 from lung cancer 
ashes were scattered into the ganges river 
honorable george moments:
this interview he did with ringo 
“i'm sad bc i can't play guitars with john anymore. but i did that...i know we’ll meet again some day.”
when he invented reaction videos 
“the wind was blowing.” “..blowing my girl?”
“what kind of girl do you like?” “john’s wife.”
sir richard starkey aka ringo starr 
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born on july 7, 1940 
oldest member in the group 
has no siblings 
naturally was left handed but his grandma thought it was bad luck so he writes right handed, and plays drums with a right handed kit 
but does everything else left handed
when he was 6 he fell into a two month coma 
was a very sick child 
when he was 13 he was in the hosiptal for tuberculosis and formed a hospital band 
grew up poor 
loves and looked up to his stepfather a lot 
his step father bought him his first drum kit in 1957
wasn't that great in school bc he missed so much of it from being so sick 
he worked for a britain railway for a while 
also served drinks on a day boat for a job 
loves dancing 
Rory storm and the hurricanes 
got his nickname from all the rings he would wear
replaced pete best as the beatles drummer 
dealt with people hating him for a bit bc they liked pete more 
had to style his hair in a bowl cut to be in the band and i'm still mad at them for making him do that shit 
ringo i'm so sorry 
george martin didn't really like his drumming and had a session drummer come in for the first album 
in 1964 he had tonsillitis, pharyngitis, and high fever all at once and had to be in the hospital for a bit.
was worried the beatles would replace him for good 
he’s a cancer don't worry
was the first beatle to try weed 
drummers always go first huh 
married his first wife, maureen, in 1965 
she kissed paul, ringo, and george.
what a champ
honeymoon was ruined by reporters 
was really insecure in his relationship and needed a lot of reassurance 
had a great relationship with pretty much all the beatles 
but a great one with john 
john felt his most relaxed when he was with ringo
was once in a movie with roger daltrey 
divorced maureen in 1975 
his wife now is barbara bach who he married in 1981 
had alcohol problems 
once gotten so drunk that he beat barbara so badly that he thought he killed her 
put himself into rehab after that 
barbara lowkey looks like jan from the office 
children: zak, lee, and jason
zak is the drummer for the band the who 
peace and love 
but don't send me fan mail anymore 
peace and love 
ringo starr and the allstar band (starting 1981)
was the narrator for thomas the tank engine 
will play at paul’s concerts sometimes now for fun 
mad bc he came on stage during paul’s last concert show and it was on my birthday and I couldn't go to it 
honorable ringo moments:
“do you want me to come with you?”
stupid barbara walters 
talking about paul 
giving us a little dance 
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ghostlytm-blog · 6 years
COULDN’T     HELP     MYSELF   ,     I     GUESS          !!               local     loudmouth     strikes     again   ,     this     time     with     a     semi   -   demonic     brunette     who     isn’t     really     that     bad   ,     she’s     just     weird     /     has     QUESTIONABLE     TENDENCIES     &     MORALS     that     get     her     into     some     fuckin’     shit     sometimes.
trigger     warnings     that     will     inevitably     be     present:     parental     neglect   ,     kidnapping   ,     alcohol     use     /     abuse   ,     drug     use   /     abuse   ,     the     purple     prose     that     is     the     shite     that     comes     out     of     my     mouth     ,     
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riverdale’s     very     own     TALIA     ANNALIESE     HARVEY     is     now     twenty   -   three     years     old.     they     have     lived     in     town     for     five     years   ,     and     pop     never     forgot     their     regular          ━          an     extra   -   large     hamburger     with     a     side     of     onion     rings     and     a     butterscotch   -   caramel     milkshake.     you’ll     likely     find     the     accidental     cult     member     hanging     around     sweetwater     plaza   ,     probably     shopping     for     her     and     her     “husband”          /          equally     weird   ,     stockholm   -   syndrome     kinked     captor.     their     friends     on     the     farm     will     tell     you     all     about     how     they’re     demiurgic   ,     jaunty     and     jovial   ,     but     others     might     describe     them     as     erratic     or     perturbing.     oh     well   ,     no     matter     how     you     feel     about     lia   ,     you     can’t     deny     that     playing     house     with     your     kidnapper     doesn’t     do     amazing     things     for     your     mental     health.
this  is  already  unnecessarily  long  i  can  feel  it   ??????   also  just  imagine  shameless  and  rosy  when  ur  reading  this  bc  it  truly  is  just  her  life
act  one.  shoulders  ache  with  the  weight  of  responsibility  from  the  minute  you  are  conceived,  dear  girl     --- -    named  for  your  grandmothers,  you  are  born  to  two  people  who  could  care  less  about  you.  daddy  splits  two  months  in,  mommy  steals  sips  of  something  that  burns  her  throat  on  the  way  down  in  the  morning  and  baby  cries  for  hours  and  hours  and  hours.  nobody  tends  to  your  cries,  nobody  notices  the  way  your  throat  is  hoarse  and  rough.  mommy  tends  to  be  catatonic  by  the  time  the  five  o’clock  news  rolls  around.
before  the  time  you  are  five,  you  have  three  little  siblings  to  care  for.  strange  men  in  varying  states  of  cleanliness  come  and  go,  leaving  their  indelible  mark  on  your  family  in  their  wake.  you  and  your  siblings  are  strikingly  different,  but  there  is  something  similar  in  the  set  of  your  mouths,  the  determination  in  the  grit  of  your  teeth.  four  of  you  already,  you  are  building  an  army  against  the  world.
life  is  hard.  you  know  it,  when  you  are  fifteen  and  working  three  jobs  after  school  so  you  can  pay  the  rates.  life  is  hard,  you  know  it  when  you  consider  stealing  a  sip  of  mother’s  abandoned  vodka.  life  is  hard,  you  know  it  when  you  look  after  your  five   (   there  are  five  now,  six  little  harveys  against  the  world   )   younger  siblings.  you  teach  the  second  youngest  to  care  the  way  you  do,  because  you  love  your  family  but  this  is  too  much  for  one  woman  to  bear.  you  shouldn’t  be  crying  yourself  to  sleep,  puffy - eyed  and  quiet,  shoulders  shaking  in  silent  dissolve  as  you  soak  yourself  through  the  pillow  for  the  fourth  time  this  week.
you  only  ever  cry  at  night,  never  during  the  day.  wide  smile  is  high  on  brims  during  the  day,  cheerful  demeanor  ever - present  and  for  the  most  part,  it  is  real.  you’ve  made  the  most  out  of  what  has  been  dumped  on  your  back,  raised  five  beautiful  kids,  none  of  which  are  your  own  but  might  as  well  be.  you  look  at  them  with  pride  and  joy  and  wonder  set  in  golden  hues,  but  at  night  you  cry  for  the  mother  that  you  should’ve  had,  the  mother  who  snores  two  rooms  over.  you  cry  for  your  father,  who  fucked  off.  you  cry,  but  it  is  cathartic.
at  eighteen,  you  get  accepted  to  a  community  college  in  nearby  riverdale  and  somewhere  between  opening  your  letter  with  shaking  hands  and  the  moment  you  accept  it,  you  decide  to  move.  you  and  your  family,  mother  not  included,  pack  up  and  move  into  a  small  house  that  you  come  together  to  pay  for.  you  don’t  have  enough  money  for  a  car  yet,  you  catch  the  bus  into  town  or  you  walk,  and  you  don’t  know  it  yet  but  that’s  a  fatal  mistake.
six  months  into  college,  you  disappear.  it’s  not  really  a  disappearance,  you  don’t  disappear  into  thin  air  and  never  contact  anyone  again,  but  you  do  wake  up  in  an  unfamiliar  basement  but  you’re  not  scared.  you  have  faced  worse  than  this,  and  when  your  kidnapper  makes  himself  known,  you  do  quite  possibly  the  strangest  thing  possible.  you  smile,  and  you  stay  calm.
slowly,  this  arrangement  turns  into  something  domestic  that  neither  of  you  are  quite  prepared  for.  you  call  your  siblings,  tell  them  that  you’re  okay,  tell  them  you’ve  moved  in  with     ---     you  falter,  because  he’s  not  a  boyfriend.  you  tell  them  that  you’re  staying  with  a  friend  for  a  while,  that  you’ll  be  back  home  soon  enough.  you  call  everyday,  and  you  tell  them  you  love  them.
you  don’t  mention  the  time  you  leave  the  house  to  pick  some  flowers,  only  to  find  yourself  unceremoniously  dumped  back  in  your  basement.
slowly  but  surely,  you  find  yourself  cooking  for  him,  cleaning  the  house,  cooking  dinner  and  setting  up  the  dinner  table.  when  you  go  out  for  groceries,  you  refer  to  him  as  your  husband,  because  you  might  as  well  be  his  wife  at  this  point.  the  shop  clerks  look  at  you  with  confusion  in  narrowed  hues,  but  all  you  can  do  is  offer  them  a  smile.  “i’m  making  roast  beef  for  my  kidnapper  and  i  tonight”  doesn’t  quite  have  the  same  ring.
you  find  the  cult  a  few  weeks  later.  all  it  is  is  a  wrong  turn  on  your  way  home  and  before  you  know  it,  you’ve  found  yourself  listening  to  preachings  that  make  no  sense.  it’s  human  contact,  though,  and  you’re  not  about  to  deny  yourself  that.  slowly,  you  become  attached  to  the  people     ---     not  the  cult  itself,  but  the  collection  of  mismatched  souls  in  it.  you  don’t  quite  know  how  to  explain  it  to  your  siblings,  that  you’ve  accidentally  joined  a  cult.  your  brother  laughs,  says  it’s  something  only  you’d  manage  to  do.  
you  are  happy.  it  dawns  on  you  as  you  stare  at  the  ceiling,  halfway  between  deep  sleep  and  consciousness.  you  are  happy.  you  see  your  siblings  more  often  now,  you  visit  them  and  tell  them  that  your  studies  are  going  well.  you  cook  them  dinner,  kiss  them  goodnight  when  you  can  before  coming  home  to  familiar  face.  it’s  not  how  you  imagined  your  life  going,  but  you  are  happy.
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elicnvs · 6 years
okayyy i don’t have anything to copy and paste this time so let’s see what i can come up with
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( sofia carson / cisfemale / she/her ) the paparazzi have spotted ELIANA 'ELLIE' MORALES, the TWENTY-TWO year old CREW MEMBER who’s currently working as ASSISTANT CHOREOGRAPHER on TREBLE MAKERS. the tabloids have called them DEDICATED and PATIENT, but also ALOOF and SELF-CRITICAL. during their time in the spotlight, they’ve been dubbed the PERFECTIONIST.
so we’re at character #4 now aha i have a problem
ellie here’s a cutie tho even if she doesn’t let u see it
has one older sister and is also one of a set of three identical triplets
grew up in queens ( a borough in nyc for anyone who isn’t familiar )
she started training to be a ballerina when she was two years old tho lbr did her parents expect it to become as serious as it did ????? absolutely not
trained through abt in manhattan ( had to take the bus for an hour and a half to get to classes everyday )
progressed quickly through the levels ( much quicker than anybody expected ) and was the youngest in her level three class
was kept in level three for a while longer tho bc her instructors didn’t think the bones in her feet were strong enough yet since they weren’t done growing
once she was finally admitted to the pre-professional program, she did everything she could to prove herself ( especially since she was a scholarship student )
she was training 5 days a week after school all while trying to keep her grades up bc everything in her life had to be P E R F E C T
( also her side of the room she shared with one of her sisters was always spotless but i digress )
at age 17, just a few weeks before her company audition, ellie sprained her ankle and -- stupidly -- kept it a secret and kept dancing on it
it escalated until mid audition she collapsed and had to be rushed to the hospital
a grade 3 ankle sprain ruined her chances at joining abt -- and her reputation in the ballet community for hiding an injury and being labelled a risk
she took her time going through rehabilitation and physical therapy bc she had no idea what to do with her life without dance so like what was the point in rushing through it
one of her sisters ( one of the triplets ) had gone off to hollywood to start her acting career and told ellie about the open call for the new dcom musical
they were looking for dancers to fill out the background and ellie was like what are you doing ????
she’d just started taking dance classes again and didn’t think she was up for it
but she missed her sister and was going stir crazy at home so she flew out
ended up booking the job !!!!!
so she’s appeared in a few dcom musicals ( just in the background ofc ) including the teen beach movies and the newest one z-o-m-b-i-e-s
she was kinda........scouted ???? for choreography tbh
between shoots she started teaching at a nearby dance school and one of the producers of treble makers had a daughter in her class who raved about her
so she went in and interviewed and did her thing and now she’s working at zenith !!!
so personality wise like it says in her app she’s v patient and will take the time to go over choreography as many times as u need and give out pointers and such
she’s so focused on making herself better tho that she comes off as unapproachable sometimes but she won’t be mean if u do approach her lmao
is still trying to regain the ankle strength she had before she got injured bc she’d love to return to ballet someday ( tho that probably won’t happen )
her favorite color is blue ( totally not bc evie i mean..............c’mon........................ i’m creative............................... )
she misses her sisters that she doesn’t see a lot ( the other triplet is a guitar player in an indie rock band and touring and the older sister is in grad school back east )
her favorite food is yogurt and fruit parfaits
lmao no it’s not she fckin loves enchiladas but she gotta keep her figure
can speak english and spanish fluently ( tho she will not be speaking spanish in replies bc i don’t wanna butcher the language i’m sorry )
she’d love to dance firebird if she ever got back to ballet
hmmmmm time to move onto wcs i guess ????
dance partner plsssssss
anything y’all treble makers wanna talk through
she’s not really a hook-up kinda girl but maybe an ex somewhere ????
someone she was in a dcom with !!!!
or someone from another disney thing that she hung out with while she was in that scene
a roommate or three !!!!
honestly if anyone wants to play sofia too i’d love to have her actor triplet around here
someone who helps her let loose ( though not too loose she can only get so loose lmao )
someone who flirts with her but she doesn’t realize bc she doesn’t know what flirting is
any kind of friendship !!!!!!!!!!!!
mmm yeah i’ve been working on this for like four hours lmao that’s it
hit the like button if u wanna plot !!!!
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mitchbeck · 3 years
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BY: Gerry Cantlon, Howlings HARTFORD, CT - The Hartford Wolf Pack won for the second straight game on Saturday afternoon at the XL Center, 5-2, over the Bridgeport Sound Tigers. The line of Justin Richards, Tim Gettinger, and Ty Ronning powered the Pack with six points on six shots. Gettinger and Ronning had two assists each, while Richards scored his first pro goal and added a helper. The Wolf Pack record improves to 5-6-1-0 (11 points). Bridgeport’s record drops to 3-8-0 (6 points) and remains in last place in the Atlantic Division following a nine-day layoff. Associate Head Coach, Gord Murphy, was back behind the bench running the game with Kris Knoblauch still in Philadelphia with the Rangers. “I’m very proud of the team the last two games. The club played for each other, playing better individually and collectively," an ebullient Murphy said.
Early in the third period, the Sound Tigers made it interesting, drawing within 3-2, but the Wolf Pack regained control and posted two goals to pull away for the win. The puck was dumped into the Wolf Pack zone by Samuel Bolduc. Richards chased it down and won a battle with Jeff Kubiak for control of the puck. However, his outlet pass was swiped by Cole Bardreau, who was at the right side of the net, and slipped a backhander, surprising netminder Adam Huska, who was making his second consecutive start and playing in just his sixth game of the season. The puck went between Huska's arm and body just 12 seconds into the period and made it a 3-2 lead for the home team. “We didn’t panic. We didn't let it get us down. We stuck to what we did in the first two periods, and we came out with a win,” said winger Anthony Greco. The Wolf Pack counter-attacked the rest of the period as Ronning and Gettinger's combo made some magic.
“That line the last three or four games has come together with Richards in the middle. They're complementing each other well with Richards winning draws. You see the confidence and the contributions they're making," said Murphy of Ronning, Gettinger, and Richards. Tarmo Reunanen tallied his third goal of the season after Ronning broke down right-wing and snapped a shot that Gettinger redirected. Sound Tiger goalie, Jakub Skarek, made a pad save but left a big rebound. Reunanen came in from his defensive position at the left perch and zipped the puck into the net at 13:41. “That play wasn’t a fluke or accident," Murphy said. "Tarmo read the play and reacted, and for players coming from Europe, there is that adjustment period to get used to the ice (size of the rink) and how to play the puck and the game. He is a solid hard worker and has shown a lot of determination to get better, and he showed that on that goal which came at a great time for us.”
On the game's final tally, Patrick Khordorenko slipped a short pass to Paul Thompson coming from left-to-right. Thompson had good speed for his zone entry and drove deep into the Sound Tigers' end. At the lower right-wing circle, Thompson fired a shot that went high over Skarek’s left shoulder and just under the crossbar at 16:06. It was his first goal since the season opener and sealed the 5-2 win.
The Wolf Pack expanded their lead with two more goals in the second period. The Pack tallied on their second power play via Yannick Turcotte being sent to the box for charging Zach Giuttari at 4:29. Thompson was on the left-wing and led a hard-charging Austin Rueschhoff with a pass. Rueschhoff deftly deflected the puck through Skarek's five-hole for his second goal of the season. The Wolf Pack added a shorthanded goal after coming so close three times in the last game against the Providence Bruins. Richards tallied at 9:58 and made it 3-0, benefiting from Anthony Greco’s high-octane speed. Greco sped down the left wing was able to launch a shot at Skarek, who stopped, but the rebound came off the pads, and Richards deposited that puck quickly into the net, “Sometimes on a power play, a team can get a little lackadaisical, and I try to catch them and create some offense, and Justin put it away,” remarked Greco.
The Sound Tigers did get one back with an intense rush into the Wolf Pack end, with Bardreau sniping in the goal. He cut in from the right-wing after a Thomas Kuhnhackl dump in came right off the backboards to Bardreau, who slipped it by Huska at 12:26. Parker Wotherspoon further ignited his bench by picking a fight with the much taller Gettinger, who was not known as a fighter. For Gettinger, it was just his second fighting major in three years. In the first one, he was TKO’d. The Sound Tigers came close to scoring again when, on the rush, Mitchell Vande Sompel took Otto Koivula’s backhanded pass and zinged one over Huska’s glove and hit the crossbar at 15:22.
The first period started slowly but ended with the Wolf Pack holding a 1-0 lead on another power play goal, their third in the last two games. Darren Raddysh was parked dead center just inside the blue line. He took a pass from the right-wing pass and sent a rocket of a shot that beat Skarek high to the glove side at 12:28. “The powerplay is just generating better shots and simplifying things and getting rewarded. Darren, like most of the players, especially veterans, it’s been very difficult with the schedule getting into a rhythm when you’re playing just one or two games a week spaced out. Getting several together is making a difference,” said Murphy. The Wolf Pack had the best chances over the last seven minutes of the period and held the Sound Tigers to just two shots the rest of the period.
Newell-Barron-Greco Richards-Gettinger-Ronning Khordorenko-Thompson-Whelan Sanchez- Rueschhoff-Geersten Raddysh-Crawley LoVerde-Reunanen Giutarri-Sieloff Huska Wall
1. Tim Gettinger, HWP 2, Ty Ronning, HWP 3. Cole Bardreau, BST
Justin Richards, HWP (goal and an assist getting better each game) Taro Reunanen, HWP (goal and strong D zone work) Paul Thompson, HWP (goal and an assist, his best game thus far as a Wolf Pack) Mason Geersten, HWP (strong two-way play shifted to D from LW for PK situations)
Gabriel Fontaine - (Upper-Body - Likely done for the season) Jonny Brodzinski  - (Upper-Body - 3-4 weeks) Jeff Taylor Will Cullye Michael O’Leary Ryan Dmowski Zach Bezzola (Just signed) Hunter Skinner (Recalled, Assigned #20) Francois Brassard
Pack goalie Michael Lackey was released on Sunday. Yannick Turcotte, playing his second game of the season for the Sound Tigers, tried to entice Geersten to fight him off the draw late in the game was hit with a penalty. He then stayed on the ice after the penalty expired and, in the last 15 seconds, tried to run Reunanen as time expired. The referees made no call on the play after the brief scrum. Vincent LoVerde, came to Reunanen's aid, as did the rest of the Wolf Pack. Defenseman, Hunter Skinner, signed a three-year, entry-level deal on Monday. The contract starts in the fall. He will stay in Hartford for the rest of the season on a PTO contract. Peter Diliberatore (Cos Cob/CT Oilers/Brunswick School) from Quinnipiac University (ECACHL) also signed. He puts his name to a contract on a standard NHL three-year, entry-level deal for the same package as Skinner paying $925K in the NHL and $70K for play in the AHL.
With Jonny Brodzinski out with an injury, his youngest brother Easton, of St. Cloud State University, and the team's leading goal scorer, tallied two goals to lead the team to a 6-2 win over BU. However, he suffered a devasting broken left leg injury on a collision in the first minute of the second period in Sunday's 4-1 win over BC to reach the Frozen Four. His other younger, Bryce, picked up an assist in the Minnesota Golden Gophers 7-2 win over the University Nebraska-Omaha on Friday at the NCAA Regionals. They lost to another Minnesota-based team, Minnesota State, 4-1 on Sunday. They were led by the superb goaltending of Dryden McKay, named for the NHL great Montreal Canadiens goalie, Hall-Of-Famer, Ken Dryden. McKay is the son of former Hartford Whaler, Ross McKay. He played one game with the Whalers in relief of ex-Whaler and Wolf Pack, Kay Whitmore, on March 30, 1991, a 5-5 tie against the Buffalo Sabres. The Minnesota roster is forward Darian Gotz, the nephew of ex-Pack Head Coach and one-time captain Ken Gernander.
The Rangers have a few prospects in UMASS defenseman Zac Jones. The Minutemen played big in their 4-0 shutout win over Bemidji State and will play two-time defending national champion,  Minnesota-Duluth, on Thursday. Minnesota-based schools fill three-of-the-four slots in the Frozen Four.
The Rangers traded forward Brendan Lemieux to the Los Angeles Kings for a 2021 fourth-round draft choice. The move frees up a roster spot for Vitali Kravtsov, who completed his quarantine and is cleared to play. Ex-Wolf Pack, Kodie Curran, and Vinni Lettieri were sent down by the Anaheim Ducks to the San Diego Gulls.
UCONN got a grad transfer from Yale University (ECACHL) for next season. Forward Kevin O’ Neil didn’t play this season. Junior goalie Tomas Vomacka had successful surgery on his torn meniscus in his left knee. Expect him to turn professional and sign with the Nashville Predators in the coming days. Despite a seeming nasty left knee injury in their season-ending loss to Providence College, winger Kale Howarth did not require surgery and has headed back to Red Deer, AB, for off-season rehab. He should be back in the Huskies lineup next year.
Current contracted Wolf Pack defenseman Yegor Rykov played Game 7 of the KHL Gagarin Cup Conference Semifinals on Monday. His CSKA Moscow club won 2-0 over Lokomotiv Yaroslavl and will advance to play in the KHL semifinals against SKA St. Petersburg, where their goalie is ex-Pack, Magnus Hellberg. One of Rykov’s current teammates is an ex-Pack, defenseman, John Gilmour. The Sound Tigers reassigned goalie Francois Marrotte to the Allen (TX) Americans (ECHL) last week. HARTFORD WOLF PACK HOME Read the full article
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