#i giggled i shant lie
theonlyadawong · 1 year
ada the only one w lips in this game
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colgatebluemintygel · 3 months
just remembered a genuine nightmare where I checked ur tumblr & u posted oao is no longer updating💀u like included a bullet list of where the plot was goin but u were like love u but ✌🏼🫶🏼laughin at the banality of this dream & wanted to share!! but!! ZERO pressure re: update!!! genuinely so so happy ur finding space for other projs (aesoh was soo soft i couldnt love it more) & life (o academiaAa 🫠), only sharing bc oao has permeated my subconscious & it tickled me. hope ur doin well minty!
ANON HAHA the casual peacing out ... hate to even entertain ur nightmares but... that is probably exactly what would happen if i were to abandon oao 🤭 I SHANT THOUGH i prommy ... literally unless something truly categorically tragic happens irl i am not going anywhere 😇 CANT believe you dreamed abt that though ,.... honoured to have starred in ur dreams .. blushing rn i won't lie ... 💋💋
and eeeep thank you anon <333 (so so sooooo happy you enjoyed aesoh 🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂) i still struggle to fully dedicate brain space to more than one thing at a time, but new ideas are always popping up ! and inspiration is such a flighty thing, i think it's good 2 follow it when you find it <3 even if it doesn't lead anywhere concrete just yet. anywho this ask made me giggle xxx and i am doing v well !!! i spent all of yesterday making my sister a bday cake and despite the fact that everything went awry i was calm . collected, even .. and it turned out so good (my grandad said it was the best chocolate cake he'd ever tasted 🤭 but he was also off his rocker on edibles soo ... LMAOO) anywho in the past i would have been full on wiwhw remus-ing when my mousse didn't set. rocking back n forth in the corner having a meltdown n such .. perhaps we need to get him some fluoxetine 😇 it seems to have worked 4 me !
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Underland’s Unruly Princesses: March of the Witch Hunters (aka the crossover) chapter 3
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Ember II
Early the next morning, I awoke to the sensation of a sun ray beating on my bare neck. Slowly I peeled myself from Rosalind's pillow, stretching. It took me a minute to realize that Rosalind was gone. There was a note on her side of the bed.
Gone to interrogate Aunt Sarah and Aunt Mary, and get my birthday presents. Please be careful. I will send my Father out to look for Witch Hunters.
With Love,
Princess Rosalind of Underland
I smiled to myself. Ros was just like Mother in a lot of ways. In fact, when I had to think about it, I was hardly like Mother at all. Sure, we shared a few similar qualities, but nothing extravagant.
By the time I went to my own chambers, bathed, and put on a fresh gown, it was nearly midday. Once dressed I thought I would track down Aunt Winifred and try to spent some "quality time" with her.
As I made my way down the main corridor, as I neared the throne room, I could overhear Rosalind singing very loudly. She was singing a song that we often heard our other Aunt, Nellie Lovett, sing when she was busy making pies.
"These are probably the worst pies in London!" I heard Rosalind's mighty voice belt throughout the castle.
I stopped outside the throne room door to hear someone clap their hands.
"Well done, darling," cooed the voice of Aunt Sarah.
"Wonderful!" chimed the voice of Aunt Mary.
I listened for a few moments. There was no sign of Mother nor of Aunt Winifred. That was extremely odd. Mother had to either be signing death warrants or even out on a procession.
But where was Aunt Winifred?
Trying to keep myself collected, I made my way back to the second floor. If I was to do anything risky, now was the time, whilst Ros had the Aunts distracted. Being caught by them wouldn't be a good feat, especially if they knew what was going on, and I had no idea if they knew or not.
What surprised me the most about all this was not the fact that I had overheard some information I was sure I wasn't even supposed to know, it was the fact that when I walked past Mother's study, I heard a voice.
"Ember? Is that you?"
It was the voice of Mother.
I halted, swallowing.
"Oh, you silly girl, do not think I cannot recognize the footsteps of my own daughter. Get in here!" she called out.
So, Mother was in her study. She was neither out on procession nor signing papers.
Sighing, I whirled on my heel, and, without shame, whipped the doors to the study open.
Mother sat in her favorite padded desk chair, her skirt flailed all about her feet. Her feet poked out from under her skirt and I could see she had her ankles crossed. She was wearing her tiny heart-shaped reading spectacles. Head down, she looked be reading a scroll of some sort. She raised her gaze when I whipped the doors open and stepped in.
"Now, now, Ember," she said. "No need to be vicious. I simply need to speak to you." She gestured to an armchair across her desk from her. Obediently I plunked down in it, and locked my fingers together.
Whatever this was, it was about to be good.
She set the scroll down, and removed her spectacles.
"So, my dear," she began. "Where are you off to?"
Did I dare lie?
I then remembered what Ros had said about getting on Mum's bad side.
"I was trying to find Auntie Winifred," I told her.
Mum's brow arched up curiously. "What makes you think Winifred is here?"
I sighed. "Well, Auntie Mary and Auntie Sarah are here. They're spending time with Ros because the buffoons missed her birthday. I suppose I just assumed Aunt Winifred was around. You know that she's my favorite aunt."
I studied Mum's expression. It softened. "I can assure you, darling, that Winifred is not around." She gently ran a hand stressfully over her face, as if to wipe off tension. "In fact, that's why I called you when I heard you traipse by."
I straightened my posture in the chair. Like a lady, I crossed my legs and folded my hands in my lap. Hopefully she was about to answer all of my questions. I was careful not to allow my expression to show that I knew something.
Sighing again, much heavier this time, Mum also corrected her posture.
"As you know, your Aunt Winifred is a very powerful being," she said. "She was born from a very, very powerful bloodline of magic-doers. And with great power like she has, comes great responsibility. And, of course, there are those who believe that power so great shant exist."
I licked my lips to show her I was paying her every ounce of my attention.
"Anyway, late last night, Winifred came calling. When we congregated she informed me that a certain movement of Witch Hunters has arisen- both in Underland, and Above."
I tensed.
"Her and I both are very concerned for the well-being of our worlds. If these Witch Hunters succeed in destroying people such as your Aunts, I am certain they will begin to prey on our kind."
I shook my head. "Oh, Mum, what are we to do?"
She blinked a few times. "That, my dear, is something I'm not entirely sure of." She slowly opened one of her desk drawers. "Winifred has gone off to defend her and her sister's home Above." She stuck her hands down in the desk, and grasped onto something. "She wasn't sure how long she would indeed be gone. So," she hoisted something heavy from the drawer. "She left this, and asks that you guard it with your very Life."
Before I had time to react, she dropped a hunk of an object on her desk.
It was Aunt Winifred's beloved Book.
I couldn't remember the last time I had seen Book, but it had been a while. I gently grabbed it and slid it to myself. The eye on the cover was closed. From what I understood, it only opened for Aunt Winifred. Why would she leave it with me? Did this have to do with the comment she had made to Mum the night previous?
I gingerly ran my finger over the eye. I did not open.
Instead of telling me anything else, Mum waved me away, and dismissed me.
I immediately took Book to my chamber, and sent one of my maids off to fetch Rosalind.
When Rosalind came into my chamber, she was extremely surprised to see the book perched on my stand.
"What are you doing with Auntie Winnie's book?" She asked. She looked slightly irritated. Obviously she hadn't gotten what she wanted to know out of Aunt Mary and Aunt Sarah.
"Mum gave it to me- she says Aunt Winnie left it behind, and she wants me to guard it with my very life." I was busy running my fingers over the binding of the human skin on its cover. I was hoping it would tickle it enough for it to awaken.
"But why would she leave it behind? That book is like her child." She wondered aloud.
"I don't know, Sis, but I feel like I'm supposed to wake it up," I explained. "But nothing seems to be working." I even tried tickling it with the feather of a quill, to no ergo.
"Maybe it's not used to you." Ros suggested. "Like with Jabberwockies. They have to come to you, you can't come to them."
I pursed my lips. "Let me try this." I licked my lips heavily. "Ohhhhh, Book," I cooed. "My darling. It's time to wake up. Come along, darling." I pushed my voice as high as I could get it, and tried to sound as much like Winifred as I could. Ros giggled.
"You Sound like her." She smirked. "But it won't work. You can't tell that book what to do."
I had one more idea. I quickly went across the room and faced the book. "BoooOOOOoooKKkkkkk. Come to Mummy!"
No avail. Nothing. Nada.
It was no use. I would have to figure something else out.
"I suggest we harass my Daddy into hunting down these witch hunters so we can at least rid our world of them." Ros states after a few moments. She knew I enjoyed harassing her father the Knave.
I smiled. "Good idea." We then began walking toward the door side-by-side. I halted.
"What's wrong?" Ros asked.
I ran over, scooped up Book, and tucked him under my arm, giggling. "Nothing, lets go."
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