#i got in though! yippiee
transfemoliorionsound · 3 months
🏳️‍⚧️ 💔 😭 for whoever u want <3 - tfz also that combination of emojis together is so fucking funny
trans people broke my heart real not clickbait /silly
🏳️‍⚧️ A gender headcanon
joel smallishbeans is a they/he/she freak in this essay i will
💔 An angsty headcanon
oli is very attached to the idea of starting a family because of the expectation that that’s “normal” yknow. i don’t think heteronormativity really exists in mcrp obviously so he’s not too worried about like “oh shit i need a wife” but he just wants like a life partner and a kid because nothing about his life has ever been normal and he’s latched onto this as his idea of “this is what’s normal this is what a normal life looks like this will be it this’ll be the The Thing” even though in reality he doesn’t really want a conventional relationship like that. yes this is inspired by his many many failed attempts at minecraft romance and his 2 failed attempts at being a parent and also the general concept of amatonormativity why do you ask
😭 A headcanon about the worst thing that happened to them.
i think i answered this one with oli at one point and i’m kinda blanking on others rn. most mcrp characters have been through some shit
(headcanon ask game!!)
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housefreak · 4 months
did you know marble hornets has dvds of it this is so awesome <- has not seen marble hornets <- friend recently got into it though <- wants to watch it but was warned about flashing so shes compiling a list of timestamps for me
yeah its so scary, they have bonus features even... horses I believe in the s3 disc... they also have comics that I'm actually very afraid of ❤️ n yeah there's a lot of flashing and distortion but most of it isn't like. near strobe lvls thankfully, but also totheark videos are hell on earth LOL. hope your friend enjoys it which seems like she does yayy yippiee it's sooo <3
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automatonknight · 9 months
all I know abt Lisa is through osmosis from your blog and !! I am very curious could you tell me more mayhaps.. if you want....
EEK YES YES YES!!! I COULD!!!! OF COURSE I WANT I'M DELIGHTED TO!!!! it's probably gonna be rlly spoiler-y though watch out! the games also discuss difficult topics such as sexual assault, abuse etc etc. i actually don't know much about the og lisa games (the first, the painful and the joyful) beyond the scope of what i heard in hbomberguy's essay about them . the gist is that an event called "the flash" happened that caused all the women to disappear, it was also sort of apocalyptic in nature to the world in general i assume? since it looks how it looks, basically a wasteland. the first is about Lisa, who is Brad's sister if i remember correctly. it focuses on her memories and trauma of being brought up in an abusive home. the painful follows the story of Brad, who finds a baby girl, names her Buddy and takes care of her the best he can. Buddy disappears one day and he tracks her down because it's a really dangerous world, especially to her. the joyful follows Buddy herself, as she murders all the poeple who could pose a threat to her so she's safe, basically, running off what i remember. i know a bit more about the hopeful, from what i've seen it happens between the painful and joyful, although no characters from those games are really invloved, although i'm pretty sure one scene hints at the fact that Buddy was nearby. the story follows 3 losers and their boss, basically. beltboy (benny), lanks (liam), cyclops (clyde) and rodriguez, who doesn't have a stupid nickname. in non-pain runs (basically pain mode makes the game harder and it sometimes affects the endings, just as doing "joyless" runs does. joy is a drug that makes you feel nothing, so it's very effective for battles and junk, but it has its risks) rodriguez get's killed at the very beginning and the three have to find "the girl", who is rumored to be somewhere in the area, on their own. in pain mode you can recruit rodriguez when you fail to bring him gasoline. stuff mostly stays the same between routes except for events at the sportsdome, where depending on how you talk to the others as benny, different person will sustain a serious injury (and either die later on or turn into a joy mutant, if they took joy) and different person will get captured by the lovelies (they're also looking for the girl, their leader is hart and they're all assholes, basically). if rod is with you, you bail sooner and don't participate in the sports event at the dome (the prize for winning is supposed to be the girl). then again the path forks at the end, where it also depends on who survived and if you took joy. the kind of "true" ending is for joyless beltboy, who, out of all the others, isn't as obsessed with chasing the girl and is more understanding, treating her like a human being. speaking of, the girl (whose name is five i think? and she's really a grown woman runaway experiment also) actually helps you in this ending yippiee!! friends forever. there are also two bonus characters you can have in your party, yogurt master and reginald, but they aren't as tied to the story as the others. i'm worried i'm running close to the character limit here anyways here's a very cool video on the hopeful by wormgirl if you wanna watch it (it's what actually what got me into the game!)
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rosebury-archives · 6 months
CalmWriMo 2023 Wrap Up!
It is done! It has been done for like four days! IT IS DONE!
I have taken part in @winterandwords' CalmWriMo, here's my goals and how I did!
At the start of November, I sat on 81450 Words for my project To Put On An Act. My current word count is 111793 Words!!!!! WHAAAAT!!!!!! It's safe to say that I reached my writing goal! But what else did I do?
Get to Chapter 16 OR write 30k words - safe to say that I reached both of these goals! I'm currently working on Chapter 18, and I've written 30343 words. Yippie!
Plan later chapters post breakup - eh. I collected some ideas and have a rough plan but there's still some proper outlining missing. I do have a little bit of a better picture now though!
Post progess more frequently - This worked semi well? I would've loved to post more logs to be honest but. Oh well. I did post a couple logs though, and I want to try to make this a habit, maybe to at least yell on here once a week (if I do happen to write that week of course).
Make some Moodboards - I did that! I've not posted them here yet but I did make some little moodboards for a bunch of the characters :)
Make an intro post for this account - did that as well! Yippiee!
Plan for another mysterious project - heheheheheheeheheheh >;)
Now the other, just as important part of CalmWriMo, the Calm. I was not as calm as I should've been. Let's see. What's the goals.
Get more sleep - ahahah. uuh. ahhahehheah. hm. well. let's move on.
Be less anxious/worried about What The World Thinks Of Me - hm. Well. Well? I mean I guess. I think it's fine. I still think every single person in the world is better than me but it's okayyyy I'm alive what more do I want.
KILLING THE CRINGE - happy to report that the cringe dies again every day
Read More - OOOOHHHH LOOK SOMETHING I DID!!! Listened to my audiobook in the beginning of November, however, I did not finish it. Oh well! Instead I did some reading of fellow writers on Wattpad. Some of these really are the most written stories of all time, but there are some real gems hidden in there that I can learn from. Also great for networking [wink]
Less Stress about posting - no stress at all I Am So Calm. I actually caught up to my posting schedule! I took it slow and posted every two weeks to give myself some time, and now I can go back to my regular weekly schedule! I think it's fine. i think I'm fine. I can post when I want and do what I want.
ALL IN ALL! THIS WAS GREAT!!! THIS WAS GENUINELY SO GREAT!!!! I'm really proud of myself and what I did this past month, I got a lot done, I feel motivated, I feel excited! I can't believe I've already hit over 100k words, and at this point I have no idea when this will end, but I'm just really excited to see what the future will hold for TPOAA.
Having a goal for the month really did help me to get a gentle kick in the ass and to sit down and write. I was writing an average of 2k words a day and I hope to kind of keep that even if I don't have a goal set for the month.
If it wasn't for my incredibly draining job, I probably would've been able to hit an even higher word goal, but I genuinely think this was the best I could do and I'm so genuinely proud of myself. Maybe next year I'll aim even higher? Who knows!
Great job to everyone else who took part in CalmWriMo/NaNoWriMo, no matter if you hit your goal, you did great and I'm so proud of you and I kiss you btw. Also thank you winter tumblr dot com for coming up with this idea and making my first steps into the world of November writing challenges a little easier!
remember that Alex and Youngbin love u all <3
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