#i got kind of carried away because i really love junkenstein im so sorry....
kingjamesonfawkes · 7 years
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[[Gimme his number babe, I’ll fuckin fight him.]] [[P.S. Every body is a good body, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.]]
Junkenstein was pacing across the floor of the lab, hands in his messy white hair, hunched over and nervously muttering to himself as he walked back and forth. His monsters sat curiously watching, Hayseed with his headcocked to the side, leaned on the Frankenswine, watching their master contemplate what he wanted to do. He had decided to tell you, now that the experiments had gone so well, now that he was gaining fear and respect in the town that once teased and ridiculed him. The Doctor sat at his desk, rummaging through papers and began to scribble out a letter, a draft of what he wanted to say to the object of his affections, the woman who had helped so much in the creation of his monsters, and the only one who kept him going past the Lord of Adlersbrunn’s constant belittling and torment, you.
He wrote hurriedly, messy, his illegible chicken scratch covering a sheet of paper before he would crumple it and throw it out, and start fresh with a new one. A pile of trash was starting to build on his laboratory desk among  the test tubes and beakers filled with glowing blue liquid, as he struggled to practice the words he wanted to say to you. He was never good at words, and he wanted these to be good enough to express what he felt about you. Distracted and engrossed in his work, a common state for the Doctor, he didn’t hear the lumbering walk of his Frankenswine, standing and leaving the laboratory, and the bumbling lurch of Hayseed, who followed curiously, both of them without a word.
You were in bed, curled up in your blankets, the fire roaring and crackling, contrasting the storm outside beating against the rickety window. You were reading a new journal that had been published on the reactions of chemicals in the brain, enthralled in the science that captivated you, and not thinking of much else, trying to absorb as much of the information as you could, to use in your personal research in the future.
The heavy rapping on your door gave you a fright and you jumped, almost losing your place in the journal as you did so. You looked at the door, wondering who would be knocking so late in the evening. You stood up, setting the book facedown on the bed, and slipped on your robe over your nightgown, feet touching softly on the cold stone floor of your chamber.
You crossed the room, and cautiously opened the heavy wooden door, peeking out to see a sight that would have frightened the average person; two monsters stood outside your door, though their visage was not unknown by you, you had helped the Doctor intimately in his creation of first the re-animated monster, and then the scarecrow. You smiled at them warily, not sure why they were at your door, and gave a small wave.
“Good evening, boys,” You said, leaning against the doorframe, “Somethin’ I can help you with?”
The Frankenswine gestured with a nod, and Hayseed grabbed you by the hand, “Come, Come” He said in his distorted voice.
You nodded, “Alright, let me--” get my slippers… You tried to say as they ushered you out of the room and down the dank corridors and stairways to the laboratory that belonged to Doctor Junkenstein, a couple doors down from your own laboratory. The thought of seeing him caused butterflies in your stomach, over your time working with the anxious and high strung doctor, you had managed to find yourself falling in love with him, and for the monsters to drag you down here at this time of night, in your bedclothes no less.
They came back into the laboratory, with you in tow, and you saw Jamison hunched over his desk, a pile of scrapped papers near him, a couple littering the floor, he didn’t look up from his papers. Hayseed let go of your hand and the Frankenswine nudged you towards the Doctor silently, as Hayseed let out a little chuckle.
You looked back at the nearly silent monster, with a questioning look, wondering why he brought you down here, but he nudged you towards the doctor again, this time with a point.
“Likes ya,” Hayseed said shortly, his voice simple, he nodded his smiling masked face as if in approval.
Does he mean that Doctor Jamison.. Fancies me? You wondered, feeling more nervous as you approached the Doctor at his desk.
You put a hand on his shoulder, “Doctor?” You said softly, a friendly tone in your voice, “Did you call for me?” Curiosity got the better of you and your eyes glanced to the papers he was writing on, you didn’t see a lot in the quick glance, but you recognized your name and a few keywords that told you he was trying to write out a confession.
When you touched him, he jumped, and pushed the papers away, trying to get them out of your line of sight.
He let out a short, panicked laugh, trying to cover the fact that you had scared him out of his concentration. He looked at you, his eyes darting over your robe and nightgown, before finding their way back to your face, “But I didn’ call for you, my dear” He said.
You furrowed your brow in confusion, “Oh but,” And you looked behind you at the monsters who stood watching the two of you, “They brought me down. I thought you needed me?”
He shot a glare at the monsters, Hayseed gave him a wave and let out a burst of mischievous laughter.
“Ah, well you see,” He said, nervously tapping his fingers along the desk, “Well this as good a time as any I suppose,” He paused for a moment, as if searching for the words to say to you, and your stomach fluttered and churned. He stood up and took your hand in his gloved hand.
“Well afta all the time we spen’ togetha here,” He said, gesturing to the lab around him, “Especially makin’ these two dipsticks,” with a point to the monsters, Frankenswine growled out a low grunt at the insult, and Hayseed nervously laughed, “I guess somewhere ‘long the way, I sort of,” he paused, before blurting it out all at once, “Fell in love with you.”
You put your free hand over your face, suddenly feeling warm and flushed, heart soaring as you knew he returned your feelings, “I could say the same, Jamison,” you spoke softly, beaming at him.
His face, covered in nervous worry before, broke out into a smile, “Really!? Neva woulda guessed I’d be so lucky.” He said, and pulled you into him in a deep embrace.
Behind the two of you Hayseed clapped dramatically, delighted by the turn out, and Frankenswine let out a satisfied grunt and a nod.
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