#i got my 'fancy' interview outfit ready ugh
threnodians · 2 years
i've got an interview in a couple of hours and i'm unfortunately being absolutely racked with a ridiculous amount of anxiety and panic 🥲👍🏻
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Big Fat Crush | Ksj
Tumblr media
Pairing | Jin x secretary!reader
Word count | 4.0K
Genre : Fluff
Summary: You’re Jin’s personal secretary he doesn’t want to admit that he has a crush on you until something happens to make him realize he has a big fat crush on you.
A/n: I wanna thank my friend Kathy for editing the story and making it seem more professional. Enjoy the story I haven’t seen too many Jin fanfics so here.
Y/n’s POV
It was close to the end of my eight hour shift, I stretched back and cracked my numb fingers. I missed the sunset, now it was pitch dark outside, though I don't necessarily mind the twinkling of the few distant stars. I work for a big company, By the Kim’s, they are number one in social status everywhere. They could literally walk into any store or place and everyone would be on their knees. I work for the oldest of three Kim’s: Kim Seokjin is the CEO of the company I work for. His younger siblings are Kim Namjoon and Kim Taehyung, who’re both also CEOs.
Jin works all day at the office, I rarely see him leave the place; it’s like his second home. I am his personal secretary, I finish the leftover work he usually has. My interview was impressionable to Jin, because we had recognized each other from our high school days. I was already late, running through the crowded hallway in my heels that weren’t at all tall, but still inducing my anxiety. I tried so hard to look fancy to give off a good impression, as any newcomer would. As I weaved my way through different bodies containing the same excitement mixed with nervousness, I finally made it to the correct room for my interview. “Room 316”, the plaque read. I grabbed the metal handle with a sense of urgency, and my nerves wracked throughout my body as the door opened to reveal the receptionist, a young lady with pursed lips in a gentle smile.
“ Is this the room for the interview of Mr. Kim’s secretary? ” My voice came out in a squeak and I could’ve sworn I saw the corner of the receptionist, Song Yoon Ah’s, lips curl as she tried to hide her laugh.
“ Indeed this is the correct room, may I have your name? ” She already had her hand on the mouse, ready to pull up my profile picture on her computer screen.
“ Um, y/n l/n. ” I saw the computer screen’s light illuminate Ms. Song’s face as a familiar picture of me was shown on her computer screen.
“ Ms. l/n, your number is twenty, there’s only one person before you, so please just take a seat. I have some candy, if you'd like some?” Ms. Song pushed an intricate bowl of different assortments of mints my way. I grabbed four of them, two to calm my nerves and two to make my breath smell fresh, well, I supposed all mints do the latter. After an excruciating twenty minutes, my name and number were finally called. I saw the door open as the previous interviewee exited the room, and I shakily stood up, brushing off any nerves and dust as I walked towards the interview room. Ms. Song had given me two thumbs up in support as she sported her classic pursed-lip smile.
During the interview, I noticed Jin’s eyes moving robotically as if scanning each and every one of my facial features. He would glance curiously from my eyebrows, to my eyes, to my lips on repeat before asking if I attended Bosung High School. This took me by shock, how did he know that I went to Bosung High School? I guess he noticed it, because he was chuckling to himself. I continued to stare at him in bewilderment, a slight image of him floated across my mind, but for the life of me, I couldn’t place who this man was in my memory.
He stood up and asked,
“ Ms. l/n, do you remember me from high school? ”
“ I’m sorry, Mr. Kim, I feel fond of you, however, I can’t quite place who you were in Bosung High School. ” I replied to his previous question, he smiled a smile that made me feel even more nervous as to who he was. It felt like the longest two minutes before a clear memory of him resurfaced in my mind’s eye,
“ Ahh, Mr. Kim, were you in my film class? You were the one that wore glasses..? ” His eyes lit up in recognition of the fond memory and he laughed, the sound of bell charms,
“ Ah, yes, I wore glasses during high school. ” I smiled, the distant memory of his dorky, high school self. He was always late to class, and he always ate a bunch of snacks when our teacher had his back turned towards us. He looks a lot different now, his build less scrawny and more lean. The inky black of his suit made him taller and more intimidating, but little did people know that he was extremely dorky, or at least he was.
“ Since we’re familiar with each other, you can just call me Jin. ” I nodded, and told him to just address me by my first name, too.
Leaving the interview room felt like a weight of thousand sins had been lifted off my shoulders, Ms. Song was eager to ask me how the interview went, to which I nodded and told her that it went well, that Jin and I were actually already accommodated to each other. Ms. Song’s eyes gleamed as she smiled a full smile, revealing her pearly teeth, as she congratulated me.
As I was exiting the hallway from the interview room, I heard my name being called by a familiar voice.
“ Y/n-ah, wait! ” I turned around, it was Jin running to catch up to me.
“ Here, it’s my card. You can call me later and maybe we can go out to dinner or coffee, whenever you’re free. ” He was slightly out of breath, and his outstretched hand shook with nervousness as he handed me the card.
I smiled and took the card from him, “ Thank you, I’ll take you up on the offer. ” The day ended with us scheduling a free day for Jin and I to go out for coffee, to catch up on each other’s lives. A few days later, I got a call from Ms. Song, congratulating me for being hired as Jin’s personal secretary.
Presently, we're in a meeting for a new advertisement. I was taking notes while Jin was watching the presentation.
“ This is our idea for our new advertisement, any questions? ” said Mr. Wang, head of the advertisement department. He was a short, middle-aged man, who was constantly cheery and his wife always baked random goodies for everyone at work.
“ Everything looks good Mr. Wang, we can proceed to the next step. This meeting is adjourned, thank you all for coming. ” Jin stood up and we briskly walked away,
“ Mr. Kim, that was the last thing on your schedule for today, you can go home and rest now. ” I glanced at Jin as he rubbed his face tiredly,
“ No y/n, you can go home first. I have a few papers I need to attend to. ” I greeted him before grabbing my belongings and eagerly heading for home.
The ride home was long, the sky was pitch dark, as always, and the moonlight illuminated the road home. I’d never felt more relieved, yet scared, as I entered my dark house. It was only after flickering on every light in the house and making sure there weren’t any invaders hiding behind shower curtains, under the bed, in the closet, or behind doors, did I feel safe. But just as I was relaxing in my pajamas, ready to binge watch some kdramas, when my phone rang with it’s rude alarm as the caller ID showed an idiot. I almost considered not picking up, almost.
“ Hey Chan! ”
“ Yah, y/n-ah, let’s go out to the club~ ” came the whiny voice on the other side of the line, he always bothers me when I’m about ready to enjoy the rest of my day spending time alone.
“ Why? I just came home and― ” I was rudely interrupted by his obnoxious voice,
“ I’ll be there in twenty minutes, be ready~ ”
Chan ended the call abruptly, “ Great, I came home ready to relax, just to have to go out again. Ugh. ” The scowl on my face couldn’t be more pronounced. I rushed fixing my makeup and figuring out a cute outfit to wear. As I was finishing, I heard a honk, and a glance out the window revealed Chan’s car parked on the side of my house. I sprinted through the house, double checking for invaders, even though I was the only one home for the last few hours, I just had to be sure. I flicked off every light in the house, grabbing an extra jacket since it tends to get colder during the nights, before locking the door and greeting Chan in his car.
“ Hey y/n, looking spicy~ ” Chan looked at me over his sunglasses, I don’t even know why this idiot is wearing sunglasses DURING THE NIGHT. I mean, aren’t they called SUNglasses for a reason??
I surveyed Chan up and down before saying, “ You look good too Chan, I guess. ” Chan gasped and whipped his head around so fast, I could’ve sworn he was about to snap his own neck,
“ Girl...you didn’t! ” I laughed at his exasperated cry as he continued to whine.
“ Let’s just go, I want to go home early. ” He started the ignition and we were off to the nightclub. We arrived at the club and Chan and I fought over parking space with a black SUV, Chan rolling down his window aggressively before flipping off the driver, who simply smirked at Chan. I could’ve sworn I saw Chan blush. I know I did.
Inside, Chan and I went straight to the bar because I insisted on something to get me going. After downing a couple of shots, we started to dance, no dirty dancing, just two friends dancing around drunkenly like everybody else was. After a few minutes of failed dancing, Chan whispered to me, “ Hey girl, I’m going to find a boyfriend, see ya! ” I laughed at him and he smacked my ass, “ Yah Chan! You made me come here, and now you’re ditching me? ” I saw Chan walking towards some figure in the back, he looked so familiar. That’s when I realized it was the SUV driver from earlier, that douchebag Chan. I knew he caught feelings.
I went to the bar to grab a few more shots before leaving, but I got a tap on my shoulder,
“ Hey y/n. ” I turned around and it was another familiar face,
“ Oh hey Jackson, what are you doing here? ”
He sat beside me and ordered a drink for himself, “ I need a little break from work so I came here to have fun. What about you? ” We engaged in conversation back and forth before Jackson invited me to the dance floor.
Jin’s POV
I was finally done with my papers when I got a call from one of my close friends,
“ Hey Jimin. ”
“ Jin, you wanna go to the club today? ” My friend’s eager voice insinuated he really wanted someone to go with him. Since I was already finished with work, and I needed some distraction, I guess it wouldn’t hurt.
“ Sure, I’ll meet you there. ”
As I parked, I heard Jimin call my name from afar, “ Yah! Let’s go in, Jin! ”
We walked in and the hostess invited us upstairs to a table in the VIP section. Some girls tried to come over and sit with us, promising a good time, but Jimin and I both declined. He had a girlfriend, and I had a tiny crush on someone. We ordered our drinks and waited around for them to be made.
“ So how was work, Jin? ” Jimin fiddled with his gold watch as he viewed the dancing crowd below the VIP section.
“ It was good. The usual. ” A brunette waitress brought us our drinks on a gold tray, we thanked her and she nodded before leaving us by ourselves again.
“ Hey Jin, isn’t that y/n? ” I paused from sipping my drink, a glance down at the dance floor revealed y/n with some guy laughing.
“O-oh, it is… ”
Jimin smirked, “ Aren’t you going to tell y/n about your long time crush on her? ”
“ I don’t have a crush on her. ” I denied it, what does he know about crushes anyway?
“ Yes, you do. Jin, you’re staring holes into the poor guy’s back. ” So maybe he was right, maybe I did in fact have a tiny crush on y/n. So maybe he was also right about me being too hesitant to confess to her due to my fear of rejection. I know he was certainly right about me staring holes into the back of whatever douchebag was dancing beside y/n.
I was planning to look away when I saw the guy slap y/n’s ass, that does it, “ No man should touch a woman like that. ”
“Jin, calm down. I thought you only had a small crush.” Jimin wiggled his eyebrows, a smirk playing on his lips. He was right. I did have a big, fat crush on y/n in high school. She was so quiet and beautiful, she helped me once when I lost my glasses. I was scared and blind, I went on my knees to find my glasses, but I couldn’t feel them anywhere on the ground. At least not until an angelic voice rang out, her footsteps stopping right where I was on the ground.
“ Here, ” She gently placed the glasses on my outstretched palm, before helping me stand up again.
“ T-thank you...” I said as I put them back on. I could finally see her clearly for the first time, and that first memory of her has been etched into my mind forever. She said goodbye and smiled a quaint smile before leaving. I saw her again at school, she was in a class with me. I stalked her Instagram, hoping one day to earn the courage to confess, but obviously, that never occurred.
Back to the present, I was marching down the stairs to the dance floor in my attempt to spot y/n. Swerving through the sweaty dancing bodies, I found her talking with Jackson, laughing. It was then that I decided I was going to confess to her. After all this time, right here, in a dance club, right now, years later, I’ve earned the courage to confess to her. I was going to confess my feelings and ask her out.
“ Hey y/n. ” Came my determined voice, I could feel my confidence slipping as soon as those words exited my lips, what in the world was I thinking?
“ Hey y/n. ”
I turned away from Jackson and saw Jin, “ Oh hey, Jin. ” He fiddled with the watch on his wrist.
“ Y/n, can we talk privately somewhere else? ” Jin looked nervous, I’d seen him nervous before, but this time, it was a different type of nervous. He kept glancing at Jackson and appeared to be in a rush.
“ Uh, sure. Bye Jackson, I’ll see you later. ” I waved to Jackson and he grinned before Jin and I exited the club and proceeded to walk to my house together.
The walk to my house was peaceful, save more Jin’s nervous energy which made my nerves act up too. At my house, I offered him coffee to drink and we sat down at the dining table and I realized I didn’t tell Chan that I was leaving. I was slightly worried about Chan, but he’s a big boy, and I’m sure he can find his way home. Hopefully, he doesn’t drink and drive, though. I might have to go back for him...my brain wandered aimlessly as we sat in silence before I asked the question that had been lingering in my mind ever since we left the club. myI
“ So Jin, what did you want to talk about? ” I stared at him with doe eyes.
“ I wanted to say you look breathtaking y/n, and I wanted to ask you something. ” He fidgeted with the edge of his coffee mug.
“ Oh thank you, Jin. You also look good yourself! Go ahead and ask me whatever’s on your mind. ”
“ So y/n, do you have a boyfriend or anyone you’re interested in? ” He nervously glanced up to meet my eyes. His brown eyes were filled with a desperate look, almost pleading me for an answer.
“ Yes, I do, in fact, have someone I am interested in. ” I replied, smiling. However, Jin looked a bit hurt and a slight tint of jealousy boiled in his brown eyes, but I didn’t say anything about it.
“ Who is this person? What are they like? ” He asked, his full attention on me now. No hint of the nervous man just a few seconds ago, existed in this man, sitting before me now. His eyes were filled with a sense of determination now, determination for what, I don’t quite know.
I smiled, “ Hmm...lemme think. Well, he’s handsome, tall, broad shoulders, and fun― ”
“ You can stop now, y/n. ” He looked at me with teary eyes, all that determination diminished as fast as it came.
“ What’s wrong, Jin? Why are you tearing up? ” I walked over to him and wiped his eyes with my thumb, handing him a napkin along with it. He looked so sad, nothing like the man I knew from work. He clasped his hands tightly around mine, the warmth of his hands embraced my cold ones.
“ Why can’t it be me y/n? Why can’t you talk about me like that? ” His voice broke off towards the end, the desperate plea of a man stripped of his pride.
I tried to speak, but he cut me off, “ I want you to like me back, and I want you to look at me like I do to you. I want you to date me and marry me later, and have a family I want― ”
I cut him off with a kiss, “ You know you talk a lot, ” I smiled, “ From my description, I would have thought it was obvious I was talking about you. ”
Jin was a blushing and mumbling mess, but somehow he managed to say, “ I should have known you were talking about me when you said handsome. I mean, look at me, I’m Mr. Worldwide Handsome. ” We laughed loudly as I hugged his waist and he rested his chin atop my head,
“ So...is that a ‘yes’ to be my girlfriend? ”
I rolled my eyes, “ Yes, Jin I just confessed my love for you with that kiss. ” He laughed and hugged me tighter, before letting me go.
“ Oh and one more thing y/n, ”
I glanced up at Mr. Worldwide Handsome, confusion taking over my features, “ Yes? ”
“ Who was that man that touched my girlfriend’s ass? ” He looked at me with expectant eyes, waiting patiently for my explanation.
I snorted, “ Oh it’s Chan, my gay best friend. ”
Jin choked on his coffee, “ Oh, that’s great to know. You know what, I think it’s late. I'll see you tomorrow. ” I patted his shoulder and walked with Jin to the door. He was halfway out the door when he turned and came closer to me and gave me a kiss and ran to his car. I giggled and went to bed, feeling giddy even as the dawn broke the next morning.
I was in the hallway of the company, walking towards my desk. I noticed an expensive bouquet of roses on my desk. Confusion was my first reaction, until Ms. Song handed me a card wrapped in lace, her eyes gleaming with expectation and excitement. I could’ve sworn the entire office fell silent, all of my coworkers eavesdropping on my reaction to the card.
I untwined the lace and opened the note: “ Dear y/n, hello love, I wanted to say I love you and that I hope you enjoy these overpriced roses I bought, just for you. You can pay me back in kisses, cuddles, and compliments; those are the only payments I take. See you in a few, sincerely, your handsome future husband. ” I scoffed reading the cheesy notes, my cheeks flushed nonetheless, and my smile stretching from ear-to-ear.
My deskmates started to flood my desk, “ Oh my gosh, y/n those are beautiful flowers! Who sent them?”
I smiled, “ I will not disclose my love life with you guys, now scram. ” A collective sigh filled with disappointment and pouts regressed back to their desks. Ms. Song, however, was still smiling her pursed-lip smile. The entire day I was in a cheerful mood and my coworkers continued to pester me for the information on the card, but I ignored them, and they would continue to walk away dejectedly.
It was now night, and I was going to leave home when I heard a familiar voice calling out to me, “ Y/n baby, wait! ” I turned around and so did my coworkers so fast it was scary. Jin ran up to me and held my hand, everyone gasped.
Jin looked around and said, “ What? Isn’t it normal to hold your girlfriend’s hand? ” Everyone gasped again, some almost fainted, Jin looked back proudly, “ Yes, everyone. My girlfriend is y/n so no one better flirt with her or you’re fired. ”
Someone from the back remarked, “ Finally, they’re dating. It was so obvious! ” Jin and I turned and looked at each other, “ Obvious? ”
Someone else from the right corner replied, “ Yeah! Every time someone was getting close to y/n, Mr. Kim stared holes into that person and vice-versa. ”
We blushed a deep shade of red, “ Anyway, y/n and I are leaving. Bye, everyone. Have a good night. ” We left together. A few months later Jin and I were married. Two months after the wedding we found out I was pregnant and everyone was happy. Jin and I were super nervous to be parents sure we babysat before but this is a whole new ball game. Back to present I am now in the delivery room welcoming our first child.
“ YAH! KIM SEOKJIN, WHY DIDN'T YOU USE PROTECTION?! ” I glanced angrily at Jin, who nervously held my left hand.
“ I AM GOING TO KILL YOU!!! ” I was pushing the baby out, while holding Jin’s hand and yanking his hair.
“ Ah- y/n I’m sorry! I’ll do better next time, please stop hurting my handsome face and I! You’re going to leave me bald, honey! ” Jin pleaded desperately.
“ YOU BETTER DO BETTER OR ELSE I AM GOIN― ” I felt the baby coming out mid-sentence.
“ Mrs. Kim, keep pushing! The baby is almost here! ” The doctor informed me and I screamed and pushed with everything I had left in me. I heard a baby crying and I laid there limp on the bed.
I heard Jin crying, “ You did good, baby! ” He gently kissed my head.
“ Here Mr. Kim, you can hold your baby. ” Jin held the baby and was smiling like he won an immeasurable amount of money, “ Look, she has your eyes and my nose, honey. Thank you y/n for everything, I love you. ” He whispered and I smiled faintly at the crying baby in his arms.
“ I love you too, Jin, and our new family member. ”
The doctor reappeared, “ What is the baby’s name? ”
Jin and I looked at each other, “ Kim Yeji. ”
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eldri-sv · 4 years
2 - Shinsou
Kaori Shinsou has always been fascinated by people's minds. She is one of the best students in her Criminal Psychology course at U.A. and - being the lucky girl she is - her professor is not only one handsome dude, but is also working on the case of the serial killer Stain - a case that has been going on for years. As she is about to become Professor Aizawa's TA during the next term, a lot of other interesting cases start popping up all over the country... AU, OC x Aizawa
Trigger warnings: insomnia, stress, mentions of death
(possibly incomplete, if you’d like something added, please let me know)
You keep me up at night
(Florence + The Machine - Big God)
Kaori Shinsou had trouble sleeping, as usual. She was tired, that wasn't the problem. She had no nightmares. She was just not able to turn off her brain for some reason. Thoughts kept racing through her head and she couldn't stop thinking and she couldn't sleep. They were stupid thoughts, too. Not even worrying. Just stupid thoughts. Kaori tossed and turned and then gave up.
She grabbed her phone from the night table and checked the time. It was 4 am. She would have to get up in two hours anyway and get ready for university. There was really no point in lying around and waiting. She might as well be as productive as she could. She closed her eyes and let out a loud and annoyed groan.
Then she opened her eyes and quickly sat up. She crawled out of her futon and turned on the lamp on her desk. There were a bunch of opened books and half-written essays lying around. Kaori had made it a habit to start her essays the first day they got them and finish them with minutes to spare. At least that way people couldn't say she should have started earlier.
She knew exactly Professor Aizawa wasn't buying it, but he seemed to get some sort of amusement out of her trying to be organized and repeatedly failing. She looked over the half-finished papers absent-mindedly. Maybe she could actually finish one ahead of time for once...?
Kaori shook her head to herself. No. Not like this. She couldn't go and write papers while she was still in her pajamas. Maybe she should just get dressed for university already. It wasn't like she was going to go back to sleep anyway.
With another sigh she got up from her desk and walked to her wardrobe. She grabbed a pair of knee-highs and some fresh underwear from her closet and then proceeded to grab some clothes from her pile on the floor. Kaori was glad at first when she realized she didn't need to wear her school uniform anymore, but she quickly found out that life had been much easier when there was one less thing to worry about.
So she stuck to wearing skirts and knee-high socks and blouses a lot of the time, simply because she was so used to herself looking like that. She just couldn't imagine anything else looking even remotely decent on her. She tried a few styles and had at this point assembled a wildly diverse range of outfits, but she still felt most comfortable in something that resembled a school uniform.
She quietly opened the door to her room and snuck outside through the hallway. Her parents would get insanely mad if they knew she hadn't slept again. Kaori had been telling them her insomnia was fine again, mostly so she didn't have to take the sleeping pills her doctor would prescribe for her. They made her sleep like a baby, but she hated the side effects that caused some random memory gaps in her brain. And she really couldn't use that while she was in the middle of university.
As she was passing her little brother's door she heard a loud bang coming from the room. Not loud enough for her parents to hear it, but Kaori had learned to hear even the tiniest sounds. Especially when it was as quiet as it was right now. She knocked at the door, careful not to be too loud. There was no reply.
She carefully opened the door just a little bit. Her brother was lying in his futon, eyes closed and his hands folded over his chest. He looked like a mummy. No one slept like that and he should have known better. She looked over to the desk. The lamp on it was still glowing a little, as if it had just now been turned off. There were a lot of open books on the table as well.
"It's just me, Hitoshi. No need to panic." she whispered. Hitoshi Shinsou opened one eye and visibly relaxed when he saw it was only his sister.
"You gave me a fright." he said to her and quietly sat up again. Kaori grinned a little. Hitoshi had a similarly severe case of insomnia as she did and he also had no intention of taking sleeping pills.
"Can I come in?" she asked. Hitoshi nodded slightly, it was barely noticeable. Kaori slipped inside the room and closed the door, conscious of not making any noise whatsoever. Not that their parents were easy to wake. For some reason the insomnia genes seemed to have skipped them, but they were wildly rampant in both Kaori and Hitoshi. Or maybe their parents were just too exhausted after their work at the hospital.
"Can't sleep?" Kaori said to her brother, as he got out of his futon and went back to his desk. She sat down on one of his side tables. It was more of a rhetorical question since both of them knew that he couldn't sleep. And it wasn't like Hitoshi even wanted to sleep. He had other plans.
"No. You, too?" he replied. Kaori nodded and glanced over the books that were open. They were her old Criminology books. Hitoshi had tried to get into the Criminology course himself, but hadn't made it. It was a really close cut for him, too. All he wanted was to get into Criminal Psychology like his older sister. He had made the cut for the Psychology course and was now studying and tormenting himself relentlessly to get the best grades he could possibly get, in order to transfer into Criminology next year.
"Late night study session, I assume?" Kaori asked him.
"Yeah. I can't slack off. I finished all my assignments for Psych, so I have some time to catch up on all the Criminology stuff. And since I can't sleep anyway..." he answered and grinned. Kaori chuckled and shook his head. His hair was sticking out wildly in all directions and she just knew he wouldn't even bother with it before going to university. His eyes were as tired as usual, which made his grin look almost scary.
"You do know you can get into Criminal Psychology with a Psych degree, right?" she remarked.
"Yeah, but I don't want to." he replied.
"Why not?"
"Because that's the route people go who aren't good enough to get into Criminology and are too lazy to try and get in the next year. And that's what it'll look like on my CV, too. And I know I can do better, because I really only had a blackout during the entrance exams. And I'm shit at interviews."
Kaori smiled at him. She always admired how determined Hitoshi could be and how he could look so unmotivated at the same time. He had always been the one working harder for what he wanted. Academics had always come easy to both of them, but more so to Kaori. Hitoshi really had to crunch to keep up.
"I assume you're heading into uni early today?" he asked looking at the scrambled up clothes in Kaori's arms.
"Yeah, just trying to kill some time, so mum and dad won't get suspicious, in case they hear the shower." she said and yawned. Fuck, she needed a coffee. Extra strong and black, without any fancy milk or sugar or any of that shit.
"They won't wake up. I heard them come home at around 2 or something. They'll be fast asleep by now." Hitoshi replied. Kaori nodded.
"You taking the car?" he asked.
"Pfft, no."
"Are you sure? Did you look at the weather outside?"
Kaori got up and went up to the window. Was the weather really that bad? When she looked outside she saw heavy raindrops falling against the window. Judging from the puddles it had already been raining for quite a while. Kaori sighed.
"You know I hate driving." she said.
"Not my fault mum and dad managed to convince you to take the driving test." he replied and shrugged.
"It's just a little water, you won't die from getting a little wet..." Kaori answered, sounding much less convincing than she would have liked to. She knew exactly how much she hated to get wet and sit in class while feeling uncomfortable about just everything. Plus, it would get really cold and she might fall asleep during class from that.
"You know you don't mean that." Hitoshi said with a triumphant grin. Kaori sighed again. She knew that she would be driving the moment Hitoshi had brought it up. He just had a way about him to get people to do what he wanted. He used to be a real brat with that, but once he was mostly through puberty, he had gotten much better with it.
"Why don't you drive for once? You've got your provisional license and I would be qualified to come with you, you know." Kaori suggested.
"You really want me to drive your car and be on the passenger seat while I do that? Are you... are you okay? You know you can talk about it, if you're feeling suicidal, right?" Hitoshi replied. Kaori grabbed a pair of socks from the floor (hoping Hitoshi hadn't worn them yet, because... ugh) and threw them at his head, barely missing it. At least she messed up his hair. If there was even a way to mess it up.
"You're such a dick sometimes, you know that?" she said. Hitoshi just shrugged, pretending he didn't care. Kaori knew that he cared, he just didn't like showing it. He had always had this whole tough exterior thing going, but he was really a big softie at heart. Kaori knew because she was similar.
She remembered how distraught Hitoshi was when their cat died after they had gotten her as a kitten 14 years ago. He was crying in his bedroom for days and even skipped two days of uni for it. He barely ate. He had loved that cat more than life itself and he kept saying that he still wasn't ready to move on and get a new kitten. (Kaori knew that he had been looking at some ads online, though. She had caught him during lunch break in the canteen one time, when he wasn't fast enough to hide his phone.)
"Fine. I'll drive. If we die, it's on you, just for the record." Kaori said. Hitoshi gave her a heartfelt smile.
"Thanks, sis. I'll make sure it'll be mentioned at our funeral." he replied. Kaori glanced at the clock hanging at Hitoshi's wall. It was ticking loudly. She had always wondered how Hitoshi wasn't annoyed by this, but he kept insisting that it was relaxing him. It was 4.47 am. Even if her parents would wake up, it wouldn't be too early to find a suitable excuse. She walked back to the door.
"I'll go and take a shower then, I guess. Don't study too much, Toshi." she mumbled on her way out.
"I'll be fine."
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happy hump day, bitches!
once again, it’s me! after some serious thought, I think I’ve decided to take this whole blogging thing in a completely different direction. rather than having these super strict guidelines about what exactly I have to post (daily updates, my workout, etc.), I think I’m just going to be a little more loose with my content. instead of sticking to a script, I am going to post WHATEVER THE HELL I want, HOWEVER THE HELL I want to post it! that’s that. simple, easy, fun.
so, with that being addressed, WHAT’S UP!? pretty stoked it’s Wednesday honestly. I didn't have to be at work until noon, so I slept in like a mf baby. ugh, I got SUCH good sleep last night. AND GUESS WHAT! I’m going to get even better sleep tonight because I got the world’s comfiest mattress pad, complete with brand new, CRISPY sheets. I am so comfy. laundry is going, my bag is packed/outfit is picked out for the gym. I am ready to go tomorrow.
ok so, I kinda wanted to talk about how lately I've been having some tough days at work. I just need to get it all out on the table because idk who else to really talk with about this. I feel like nobody cares/listens anyways....
so yeah, I work as a dental hygiene coordinator, which is basically a fancy word for receptionist. I greet patients, check them in, collect money, check them out, answer the phone, and occasionally deal with insurance (probs my least fav part about the job). yes, I do work for my parents, but no I am not treated differently for it. when I'm at work, they’re my boss. they don’t pay me different, give me different rules, etc. my parents are basically my roommates anyways. I go to work, come home, say hi to them while having some type of meal, then go in my room and prepare for the following day, aka SLEEP. that’s literally a day in the life of ME. so no, I am not babied. if anything, I am more criticized than anyone because I live with the people, and we’re ALWAYS talking about work. I know all they're patients, I know what went on during the day, I know A LOT more about dentistry than the average 22 year old. but anyways, I graduated college, and this is what I am doing temporarily until I find another position (I’ve been looking, but have been extremely unsuccessful. a chat for another time lol). at the beginning, it was great. there’s 3 receptionists, and one was out on maternity leave. I was racking up the new patients, running the reception’s portion of the monthly meetings, and I was making bank thanks to all the calls I was getting on our take home work phone. NOW THE OTHER GIRL IS BACK, which has basically cut my work load in half. this means days take waaaay longer to go by, and I am making little to nothing answering the phone. it’s pretty stressful because the coworker that came back is one you have to work around rather than work with. she’s kinda a sloth, which makes my job 10x trickier by trying to find ways to get around her. PLUS, she’s taking all my new patient calls :( aka less money for me! idk, there’s really nothing I can do about it at this point. the only thing I can do it work elsewhere, which hasn’t been easy for me. interviews here and there, but nothing I think that I would truly be interested in doing long-term. we’ll see! it’s nice to just get on here and vent about it. 
I think I just need to be positive about the situation and have a better outlook on the position. I have a well paying job, and I work with some pretty great people. I really do like my coworkers, that one just gets on my nerves. this job has also taught me a TON about not only dentistry, but also customer service and communication skills. I used to be terrified to answer the phone or have genuine, one-on-one conversations with people (sounds bad, I know), but this opportunity has REALLY fixed that, and I am really thankful for that. so like I said, I have to be positive about it and look on the bright side. doesn’t seem cool working for your parents, but it is better than me doing nothing. who knows! I might be interested in the dental field myself...another thing that we will have to see! 
ok. now that’s off my chest. I am going to bed! I have to make it to the gym in the morning, which is going to hurt. probs gonna get a cute, little full body workout in tomorrow, so wish me luck so that I don’t die. 
GOAL: get there early, focus, and get that shit done.
MOTIVATION: being cute as fuck for homecoming next weekend, and feeling GREAT about myself. nothing’s better than feeling good. 
FUTURE PLAN: bring running clothes to obx this weekend so I can keep up with working out. even if I run one day out of the weekend, that’s better than running zero days out of the weekend. something is ALWAYS better than nothing :-) also, be mindful of what I’m eating. don’t just stuff my face, think about what I’m consuming!
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MORNING 1 "It doesn't really matter what you do choose because you didn't really get to choose what you get to choose"- anonymous Title card. Overhead shot and slowy zoom into Rachel who is laying on her back in bed. She is visibly stressed out as her eyes are wide open, she ever so slightly twitches, and her breathing is irregular. She is hugging a piece of paper with both of her hands across her chest. We hear auditory flashbacks while this is happening FLASHBACK1 Rachel honey, its okay. If your can't support yourself you can always move back in with me and your father. We'd love to have you around! Its no problem, well its a little ridiculous but you know, I have to offer you. FLASHBACK2 *Knock*Knock*Knock* AY! I know you're in their Rachel! Open up! 3 months late on rent! This is ridiculous, just just just crazy! You used to be my favourite tenant but now look at you! Like god! What the heck man. Ugh, I'll just slide this under the door. FLASHBACK 3 *Beep* Hi, uhm yeah this is Kitty from Fantastic Finacial Services. You are super late on your credit card bill.  It’s pretty ridiculous. Anyways, you better pay up soon.
FLASHBACK4 Hi Rachel, this Tanya. Can you come in tommorow to interview for that spot you applied for? An alarm clock rings and Rachel immediately shuts that thing off and hops out of bed immediately. Cut to the paper that she left behind on her bed now face up. *Eviction notice* Cut to a stack of bills on her counter, a bunch of mail in the garbage, email full of bills. In another room, Rachel grabs a bag of dog food, pours all the content into a dog bowl. Its obvious that shes at the bottom of the bag and not even that much came out. She sighs and almost breaks down. She takes a deep breath. RACHEL KitKat! Come here girl! The most absolutely cutest dog in the whole world runs out to Rachel. Rachel pets her then slowly gives Kitkat a hug and holds on dearly. RACHEL I know things are tough right now but we'll get out of it. I promise KITKAT *RACHEL'S VOICE Oh yeah man, you're totally going to get this job, I mean, who wouldn't want to hire you. I'd hire you in a second! RACHEL Aww thanks KitKat, you always know what to say to make me feel better. Love ya KITKAT *RACHEL'S VOICE I know I know, I'm always here for ya loser. Bork bork RACHEL I'm going to get ready for today, you eat some food KITKAT *RACHEL'S VOICE Aight aight RACHEL After I get this job, I'm going to buy you that super expensive dog food with the boujie dogs on the packaging KITKAT *RACHEL'S VOICE Ahhhhh shit, yeyeyeyeyeye MORNING CHOICE 1 Quick montage of rachel getting ready, toothpaste on brush, shower on, towel grabbed from rack, sleeves pulled,all dressed up. Montage ends and we see her look at herself in a mirror. MONOLOGUE I don't have much choice in what I'm to wear. It’s pretty clear that it’s a formal workplace. But I think I could spice up my outfit with some stylish socks. MORNING CHOICE 1 A SUPER DUPER FUN SOCKS *This choice mostly just to get users aquainted with choices. A tutorial round. Rachel puts on these socks and has a little hop in her step. MORNING CHOICE 1 B PATTERNED SOCKS *This choice mostly just to get users aquainted with choices. A tutorial round. Rachel puts on these socks and checks out her socks and admires them. MORNING CHOICE 1 C PLAIN WHITE SOCKS *This choice mostly just to get users aquainted with choices. A tutorial round. Rachel puts on these socks and fixes her posture, breathes in and walks out all composed like. MORNING 2 Rachel tries to put on her shoes. Her stomach growls. RACHEL Ugh, not now. STOMACH Growls again RACHEL What do you want STOMACH Short growl RACHEL No, we really don't have much okay STOMACH Sad long growl RACHEL Okay time to go work* gets cut off STOMACH LOUD GROWL RACHEL Goddammit okay! Fuck. Rachel heads to the kitchen and opens the cupboard. Inside is revealed to be one granola bar, a rice cake, and a fruit by the foot. MORNING CHOICE 2 A GRANOLA BAR Rachel eats the granola bar. Probably in a silly way. We'll decide when we shoot. MORNING CHOICE 2 B RICE CAKE Rachel eats it MORNING CHOICE 2 C FRUIT-BY-THE-FOOT Rachel eats it MORNING 3 STOMACH Growls* but sounds like a thank you RACHEL Don't mention it. She heads the door and steps out. RACHEL Bye kitkat! KITKAT *RACHEL'S VOICE Get outta here already lol Rachel is now outside and needs to make a choice on how to get to work MONOLOGUE K so I can walk but I might be late. I can bike and get there on time. But what if I cant find somewhere to lock my bike and im late. Oh man. I can bus but I always miss it and that can cause me to be late. Oh man. Choices choices choices. MORNING CHOICE 3 A BUS Rachel waits at bus stop. Bus comes and she gets on. Cut to her getting off. She walks causally into the building. MORNING CHOICE 3 B WALK Rachel walks to the interview. Right before she walks into the building she checks the time. RACHEL Fasionably late, check me out world. WAITING ROOM 1 *Rock your body - saxtribution is playing through a small radio. There will be 2-3 people waiting there in chairs but for the most part the room will be empty and open. The receptionist will be there waiting absentmindly and a strange man with a very strange leg twitch sitting down. Rachel approaches the desk in little panicky hurry RACHEL Hey! I'm here for the 9 am interview PAM (NAME TAG) Yes,Hello, Mr will be right with you. please take a seat over there. Pam elegantly motions towards seating area. Rachel sits alone. The weirdo gets up and sits next to her. WEIRDO Psst WAITING ROOM C1 A TALK TO WEIRDO RACHEL Ugh hi WEIRDO Question RACHEL oh ok WEIRDO What lives when you feed it food but dies when you give it water? WAITING ROOM C1 A A FIRE RACHEL Fire! The answer is Fire! Fuego WEIRDO Oh yeah, that is a very traditional answer. But I also would have accepted: tamogachi RACHEL What how? WEIRDO tamogchi is robot,Cuz water, psssssst RACHEL Hmmmm, very nice WAITING ROOM C1 A B I DON'T KNOW MAN WEIRDO Well basically, the correct answer is fire. But if you want to impress people, say tamogachi RACHEL What how? WEIRDO tamogchi is robot,Cuz water, psssssst RACHEL Hmmmm, very nice WAITING ROOM C1 B IGNORE RACHEL kay, please stop talking to me WEIRDO Ugh fine, I was just trying to help but you know, whatever. INTERVIEW START PAM (NAME TAG) Excuse me miss, he is ready to see you now. Just head over there and take a take a right RACHEL Okay thanks! Wish me luck! She does not wish her luck. Rachel heads into a conference room. There is a table, a man in a suit is sitting there. He has a fancy name tag that says Brad Deebaag that is very visible. BRAD Take a seat miss, Brad looks at his clipboard BRAD Smithe? Rachel got that look on her face, like: is this guy foreal. Rachel sits down INTERVIEW C1 GREET HIM BY FIRST NAME RACHEL Hello, Brad. Nice to meet you. BRAD Actually, if you can refer to me as mr dbag that would be great. INTERVIEW C1 GREET HIM BY LAST NAME RACHEL Hello Mr. Dbag, nice to meet you *burst out laughing* oh my god I am so sorry BRAD Its actually pronounced DeeBog RACHEL Ohhhhh im sorry INTERVIEW QUESTION 1 BRAD Okay, so basically this job is a joke and this interview is just a formality. Honestly were just going to pick some one randomly from the shortlist. So just don't mess up okay, but if you really wow us you're pretty much a shoe-in. That said, this interview will be really short. RACHEL Okay
BRAD THis interview will consist of 3 questions.
RACHEL Oh hey thats pretty easy *gets cut off
BRAD Question 1: what do you care most about. 8.
Ah thats nice Brad makes a note in clipboard INTERVIEW QUESTION 1 CHOICEB MY DOG KITKAT
BRAD Ah thats nice Brad makes a note in clipbaord INTERVIEW QUESTION 2
BRAD QUestion 2! *Trying to set suspence with his voice* What, lives when you feed it food, but dies when you give it water? INTERVEIW QUESTION 2 CHOICEA FIRE
Brad makes a note in his clipboard
RACHEL Tamogachi BRAD Hmm very nice Brad makes a note in his clipboard
BRAD Ok, question number 3 PAM (NAME TAG) Mr. Deebag! We need you for just a moment. It is extremely urgent and important.
BRAD I'm so sorry about this, please, excuse me. 9.
INTERVIEW BRAD LEAVES CHOICE LOOK AT CLIPBOARD Rachel peaks at the clipboard, on it: a beautifully sketched heron with sunglasses drinking a soda.
INTERVIEW BRAD LEAVES CHOICE DO NOT LOOK AT CLIPBOARD Rachel sits there and hums a catchy song. This scene goes on for an uncomfortable amount of time.
INTERVIEW QUESTION 3 REGARDLESS OF OPTION PICKED Brad speaks as he's about to sit down
BRAD Ok, question 3 for real this time He glances at his clipboard, and looks up
BRAD Did you by chance take a look at this clipboard while I was out of the room?
RACHEL No, I did not.
BRAD Are you sure?
Brad does the Larry David staredown to Rachel
BRAD hm, Ok
RACHEL Sigh of relief
BRAD Anyways, back to question 3. If you can be any animal, and I mean any animal. What animal would you be?
RACHEL I would be
Dramatic suspense and pause, zoom in on faces, etc. 10.
RACHEL A heron
BRAD You looked at my board didn't you! This is ridiculous! Everytime! I can't trust a snoop, a nosy nelly, a peter peaks a lot. Get up on outta here!
RACHEL Aw shit
ENDING CLIP: 3 months later. Rachel homeless.
RACHEL I would be Dramatic suspense and pause, zoom in on faces, etc.
BRAD Ah nice, well you're hired!
RACHEL Ayyyy niceeeeeee
BRAD Yeeee boiiii
RACHEL UH hu, uh huh uhuh uhuh *emporors new groove BRAD Yeyeyeyeyey They celebrate for a while and its cuts to ending Ending CLIP: 3 months later. Rachel is still celebrating albeit exhuastedly. Coworkers keep asking tasks of her ad she passes out on her keyboard.
RACHEL I would be Dramatic suspense and pause, zoom in on faces, etc.
RACHEL A narwhal
BRAD Interesting. Well, you're hired. 11.
RACHEL Niceeee
Ending clip: 3 months later. Rachel has been promoted to CEO. Pam enters room and tells her so and so wants to form a stragegic alliance. Rachel answers: niceeee. Brad comes in and calls rachel boss and said the shareprice is up 10%. Rachel answers niceeeee. The waiting room wierdo thanks rachel for the job and says she is going to win a big award. Rachel answers niceeeee. End
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