#i got procreate and i feel unstoppable
mojowitchcraft · 6 months
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Eddie coming into Scoops is my favourite flavour 🍦⚓️
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ambrosearietes · 1 month
We (and by that I mean myself) demand more headcanons cuz they go hard asf😈
i have so many i’m gonna break these up by character. i will only do like the major ones. these are not all my headcanons just my big ones.
despite living in slavic countries for most of his life, adam speaks english with a british accent because he learned it from anthony. he can also do a perfect american accent because he played WAAAAAAAYYYYYY too much fallout
adam is autistic (this one actually is canon, i mean come On dude) but also has ADHD and C-PTSD
scrawny because he was malnourished during his time as d-class. very insecure about it.
he and sylvester sloan know each other through anthony. i mentioned that sloan babysat adam occasionally, i was completely serious. he let adam watch star wars and adam literally wanted to BE luke skywalker.
yeah luke was his gender awakening
uses she/her to refer to his younger self from before anthony saved him as a coping mechanism— in reality he’s trying to deny that it even happened to him in the first place.
smokes weed when the team is off. calvin does not approve.
marries harvey in every stardew valley playthrough.
romances halsin in baldur’s gate 3.
cracked at fromsoft games.
bisexual, he just doesn’t realize it.
calvin is a gamer. he had adam build him a setup. they play together. adam beats his fucking ass in everything and makes fun of him for it.
really, really bad habit of bottling his emotions (which is why olivia keeps dumping him)
was ~19 when he got arrested for the stuff hyun-ki mentioned. vehicular manslaughter while driving under the influence is considered a felony charge.
grew up in the midwest. talks like a midwestern dad.
his aunt owns a horse ranch. calvin REALLY likes horses as a result.
he once promised adam to take him to meet his horse and teach him to ride after everything. poor guys :(
he and aaron would have had a father-son relationship.
he was a very “difficult” child due to him not being believed about his mother’s death. he had no idea how to cope with it. often got into fights, which is why his aunt ended up sending him to boarding school. she got a lot of calls even when he was there because calvin just. got into a fuckton of fights.
he didn’t go to therapy until the insurgency MADE HIM go to therapy.
legally can’t drive. doesn’t give a fuck.
he would occasionally let adam just lay on top of him like a cat. he thought it was platonic. like just guys being dudes.
would be a good father.
if he saw his dad again he’d shoot the guy without any hesitation.
blames the foundation’s negligence for his mom’s death.
likes planes a lot.
sees adam as her little brother. they’re extremely close by O5-3’s chapter. she’s rather protective and very quick to defend him.
adam taught her to play dungeons and dragons and gives her book recommendations. she plays a halfling life-domain cleric/college of swords bard (multiclassing)
loves mystery novels.
adam introduced her to stardew valley. she usually marries leah.
bisexual. does not know this.
easily frustrated with calvin because calvin is terrible at communicating his feelings. calvin is trying to work on this. it’s going terribly. despite this, calvin is very affectionate with her and she does how open he is with that.
very relationship-centric person. this is mostly because she didn’t get much characterization in twie.
keeps a sketchbook. mostly doodles flowers.
her and sophia would have gotten along amazingly.
likes to dabble in poetry.
would romance wyll in bg3
huge fan of law and order. adam questions her taste in television shows.
if she had procreate she’d be fucking unstoppable.
i don’t have much on her bc characterization is so lacking :((
would have gladly taken sam (O5-11) with her back to the insurgency. deeply regrets that she didn’t. she thinks about sam a LOT, it genuinely haunts her. like she will try to sleep and she’ll just hear that gunshot and want to throw up.
i don’t remember if i mentioned this in the last post but vincent is a cat person. had a cat named mira. she was a calico.
in his ‘ideal world’ he would have lived with aaron and been able to raise adam.
very, very envious of people with ‘normal lives’.
we don’t know much about what vincent did in the foundation— the dialogue from O5-13 at the end of the children matches up with what he tells aaron in the apartment scene so i assume vincent was felix’s predecessor and felix held another number. as for what he did, we do know he was, like, an ACTUAL engineer who designed bombs at some point (stated in O5-5’s chapter); he could have been in charge of security.
it’s implied he had a second-in-command type position under aaron and likely was on the first delta command before his first ‘disappearance’, unless he wrote the summa modus operandi then just vanished off the face of the fucking earth for a while.
records of vincent are next to impossible to find within the insurgency as he worked so closely with the engineer and they don’t even know who the engineer was.
aaron thought vincent was dead until he received reports of anthony wright working with calvin.
anthony and sloan were good friends and out of all members of delta command during the way it ends, he respected sloan the most. anthony would have considered an actual relationship with him if he wasn’t like “no, i’m probably gonna disappear again or just straight up die soon anyway.” anthony was right, he did in fact die.
sloan knew who vincent arians was, he just had no idea that anthony and vincent were the same person.
genuinely, anthony wanted to die.
adam gave him a reason to live outside of vengeance.
GENUINELY sees adam as his son. he’s a bit harsh on him during TWIE because he never wanted adam in the insurgency at all. he and adam had a conversation at some point where anthony expressed this and told adam he wished the latter just went to a good college and worked in programming or IT.
would not have been able to kill calvin had he made it to the end. would also have not been able to kill aaron.
frederick traumatized this man just as much as he traumatized aaron, vincent just absolutely refuses to acknowledge it.
sophia knew about vincent’s love for aaron and may have even encouraged it.
if his love for aaron was reciprocated, they likely had a relationship while aaron was with the insurgency and tried to be secretive about it but felix carter just “I know what you are.”
he would be very sweet as a lover. very sappy. hopeless romantic. given who he was in love with, are we even surprised?
cigarettes are part of how he started aging again.
the insurgency kind of knows he’s older than he looks, they just say he’s in his fifties because he looks like it, but even TWIE says he’s been around as long as anyone can remember. likely, vincent surfaced as anthony wright around the same time that sylvester sloan joined the insurgency.
his plan in case anyone saw any old photos of vincent and noticed that he looked eerily similar to anthony was to say that he’s vincent arians’ grandson and that his mother was arians’ daughter.
vincent had no children, but he did like being around kids.
during his years with the foundation he’d often lock himself in his lab just to cry. aaron often checked in on him.
frederick repeatedly called him aaron’s dog as a joke that vincent found very not funny. vincent/anthony isn’t really big on dogs because of this.
if anthony saw adam today he’d be immensely proud.
if anthony had made it to the end he would have tried to make aaron tell him why he left. aaron would not have been able to tell him.
anthony was a bit scared of how much like aaron calvin is.
would have liked O5-11 if they met.
if you claim to be frederick’s #1 hater and you’re not aaron siegel then you’re fucking lying.
very sappy romantic, similar to vincent, but only with sophia. she thinks it’s adorable. he just really loves his wife a lot.
cannot let go of anything for shit. if he was at the scene of vincent’s death he would have tried to bring him back.
had a very weird father-child relationship with sam.
tolerated most of the other O5s at best, especially rufus (O5-6) and valerie (O5-7).
felix has always been his favorite aside from sophia (and vincent during the insurgency days)
borderline personality disorder
capable of straight up hanging up on frederick. this annoys the absolute fuck out of frederick.
sees mortimer (O5-5) as family because he’s the grandfather of alison chao, at least in other realities. mortimer gets along well with aaron.
very easily sent into overstimulation, it’s unknown why. he’s only ever perfectly calm in a sensory deprivation chamber.
extremely pale.
lives at overwatch. often falls asleep at his desk or on the fucking floor.
wreck of a man, but a surprisingly exceptional leader when he actually feels like leading instead of letting valerie handle things.
the other O5s don’t even know much about him.
visits san marco as much as he can.
obsessed with the string theory, literally discovered it before the idea was even conceived.
had a wife and daughter, both died horribly. his daughter was extremely young and he’s a tad bit obsessed with the idea of bringing her back. driven by grief but also the fact he’s just a Bad Person in General
extremely manipulative (canon), but also just likes to fuck with people.
sometimes he doesn’t even call aaron or calvin he just speaks into their heads.
sometimes he’ll just call them and ask shit like this. aaron would hang up on him but calvin can’t.
can manifest however he wants, he usually chooses the phone.
reality bender (canon) and extremely powerful at it. like it’s lowkey concerning.
god complex.
totally the kind of guy to go “no don’t kill me im just a girl”
adam ivanov as the engineer would beat the shit out of him if given the chance.
what aaron described in the apartment scene was literal psychological torture. aaron was not the only person he subjected, just his favorite punching bag.
aaron, near the end of his life, got him a world’s worst boss mug and kept it next to the phone. calvin got a second one just to drive the point home.
a bit obsessed with antediluvian anomalies (project paragon). talks to calvin about them extensively.
hated vincent for no real reason he was just a bitch.
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