#i guess ?? since tarjeis his fc lmao but oh well
dismas-dumbass · 4 years
henlo, welcome to the ad where i pretty much just throw stuff at a wall and see what sticks. i’m still figuring out my guys so some details are gunna be sparse but??? i definitely don’t mind brainstorming more/plotting stuff out if any y’all are interested in what i have to offer! 
Character 1: Name Pending Arthur something, idk last name yet LOL i am prepared for this. anyway his FC is gunna be Michael Fassbender and he’s a fisherman/native to Alderhelm. he’s a pretty good guy, upstanding citizen, and absolutely loves the sea. he can also be a little too??? trusting so there is that and if it weren’t for his twin brother he’d probably be dead or worse by now woopsie. some backstory is that his parents died in a boating accident maybe in high school? but they had left behind enough inheritance for at least Arthur to go to college? he was a good student -went for marine biology or something similar idk- and while he did graduate with good grades he honestly wasn’t about the academic life so much? so he became a fisherman lol and that’s where he’s been ever since. he’s a damn good worker and loves being out on boats. the only eventful thing to happen to him was a bad thunderstorm taking out the boat he was on [this probably occurred in his thirties? it’s a sort of but not really recent event?]. idk if i wanna make it a gigantic thing where people died & he managed to survive but either way he doesn’t eeexxactly like working out in storms anymore and whenever there’s a bad thunderstorm about he can’t sleep. besides that? life’s pretty uneventful. whether that changes will depend on how plots go!  Ad #1- you may have guessed it, this is an ad for the aforementioned twin brother! since i’ve lost control of my life and am a sucker for identical twin plots i will say that the FC for the twin is Michael Fassbender~ unlike my character, the twin is a kind of grumpy worrywart who would rather shut a party down than possibly see it turn into a chaotic mess. he means well -he really does, but... uh, yeah, he’s a buzzkill. tbf he was kind of set up to be the protective brother of Arthur since his parents drilled the fact that he was the older twin into his head from an early age [he’s older by a few minutes, Arthur will always keep pointing this out in typical younger twin fashion]. he’s especially protective after the death of their parents -an idea i had was that his parents sat him down and asked him to make sure to look after Arthur if something happens to them [which is definitely not suspicious af nor is it prophetic, right?]. he’s ESPECIALLY protective of Arthur after the boat accident during the thunderstorm that Arthur survived. seriously, he’s terrified something will happen to Arthur and will use all of his power to make sure that his younger twin is protected in bubble wrap for the rest of his days. overall he’s an okay guy, may lean towards the bad side of things from time to time, and underneath all the thorns and seriousness is a person just trying to look out for his last remaining family. will he succeed? find out in the next volume of drowning songs! Ad #2- mmuucchh more vague but calling all fisherman! i imagine Arthur works for a company and boat but obv. there’s gotta be more people! he’s a rather friendly fellow so he’s probably gunna have at least a few friends [tho he can be snarky so enemies? too?] and with Alderhelm being a seaside town, well, there’s probably a need for quite a few fishermen! & fisherwomen, obv. no judging in the great big seas here! i do have a funny idea for the captain of his ship pretty much being the stereotypical grizzled-looking sea captain you’d find from the stories of old: big bushy graying beard, large coat, maybe even has a pipe for fun. he’s actually not as scary as his appearance so Arthur gets along great with him. whheeethhheerr the captain is actually a good guy is, of course, something that can be developed tho Arthur probably won’t know either way lmao. anyway, fishermen/fisherwomen unite! Ad? #3- this isn’t so much of an ad as it is an idea i’m tossing out cause it might??? not be good but maybe??? there’s someone obsessed interested in him? i’m torn between it being an alumni of the Sons of the Sea [i know, kind of specific & there’s limited spots so idk maybe just someone who went to college with him] or someone going to college rn. anyway they’re not exactly a nice(tm) person so Arthur would never go for them even if he was aware [he might be a bit dense, idk] and so there might be some uncomfortable??? awkward??? tense encounters??? that could lead to even worse possibilities??? it’ll give his twin a heart attack for sure lmao. as i said not reallllyy a fleshed out idea but? if anyone is interested? i am all ears *eyes* Character 2: doooonn’t have a name yet for this lad uh oh. his FC is gunna be  Tarjei Sandvik Moe and he’s currently attending Alderhelm College. he’s also~ one of the pledges for the Sons of the Sea plot so there is that! idk if he’s gunna be one of those rare undergrads who happen to get chosen or a more academically typical case [smart in something??? idk what i am not the smart one here lol] also his family is rich so that helps ttoooooo. idk what his personality is gunna be just yet but he’s probably gunna be somewhat naive? maybe can hold his own but also? is a cinnamon roll? so he’s probably gunna get wrecked or twisted or something idk fun fun fun times! Ad: nothing too specific but he’s obviously from a rich family so??? rich fam time??? no theme tbh -in fact this can be sort of a reverse wanted ad if a rich fam has a need for a possibly naive college age son- though an idea is that, since his FC is Norwegian, his family is new money and comes from Europe so there could be some tension??? from the other rich families??? idk idk idk alright crappy wanted ad oovvverrr if any y’all are interested in any of my rambling you can come on over to my discord which is dismas#9766! if you don’t have a discord you can always DM me on Tumblr and i’ll try to make sure to be vigilant and check it out often! <3 <3 <3 happy plottin y’all also pls gib me drama i thrive on it
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didntfeel-blog · 8 years
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our great war is a spiritual war. our great depression is our lives. and then, something happened. i let go. lost in oblivion. dark and silent and complete. i found freedom.   losing all hope was freedom.   independent horror oc, as told by lo. 
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