#i guess im just thinking about how deep R culture goes and how R myths are one of the strongest tools in upholding it
volunruud · 11 months
just remembered a few years ago this tinder man i had been talking to (i was like 19 looking for attention okay..) he like Full on admitted to being a rapist to me. im actually flabbergasted rn i never thought abt what he said b4... he told me unprompted that the last girl he went on a date with said he raped her. and i was like ummm.. did you? and he goes no no... like okay. but now im thinking... he definitely did. im thinking of that quote about history "men only tell the truth by accident" i read recently. i cant remember the book title rn. and i think he wanted to rant about this crazy bitch to me thinking id be on his side, thinking id ever meet up with him after this reveal, maybe thinking id fuck him or give him a chance, maybe to gauge my willingness to fuck him, to see if id be an easy target or at least not be open about accusing him if there was any "confusion" down the line. men always do this thing: admit some fucking insane shit to you about themselves (in this example he admitted to being a rapist) and when you rightfully criticize/question this they deny it and say "it was just a joke" "there was some confusion here" "she was crazy/youre crazy" "you just dont understand"
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