#i guess the uniform truly binds you huh
vero-niche · 7 months
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the studio bones mecha yuri is having a tachihara moment (with the same jackets and all)
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Note: After events of Elevator. I love/hate this. loved starting, fucking hated finishing it. fucking nightmare. no tags, for this garbage. this hodgepodge of a story shows the weakness in my writing. ugh. 🙃 Don’t read this. i wrote this for my own entertainment. Long AF. so much preamble.
Summery: Freedom was sweet
⚠️Warning: 18+ Only content with dark themes, Kidnapping, Non Con/Dub Con, Cream-pie ⚠️
Dark Steve x Reader
You stood, back facing the multi level high rise with a banker box, filled with various items of your old life, in hand stunned. For the past few years you were held against your will by James 'Bucky' Barnes. The notorious mobster used you as his play thing, torturing, beating and occasionally starving you. Now you stood outside free.
Your back tensed at the sound of the familiar right hand man of Bucky.
*It was a trap, of course.*
He wanted to see how far you would go this time, before he dragged you back to that damned penthouse.
"Never thought the day would come huh?" Steve laughed cheerfully.
You looked at him wordlessly, waiting for the shoe to drop. Instead he dug in his pocket, pulling out a fat wad of rolled up bills. Tucking it under one of the garments in the box you held.
"This should get you on your feet." Steve smiled at you. You blinked at him confused by his words. He turned from you briefly, hailing a cab to put you in.
*Was it really true? Were you really free?*
As the yellow cab pulled up an SUV parked behind it. When the back door opened the people filing out caught your eye. A beautiful woman dressed in black sequins and from what you could surmise maybe barely old enough to drink. Followed by Bucky and a few of his lackeys.
Steve lowered your head into the idling cab, careful not to hit your head on the open door. "Your replacement" comically chucking a thumb back in their direction. Closing the door he knocked on the drivers window and took out more money. Telling the cabbie to take you where ever you wanted before leaving.
Sitting in the back seat you turned and watched Bucky led the young beauty into the building. "Where to Miss?" The driver asked and it was a question you hadn't had the privilege to answer in such a long time you didn't know what to say.
It took some getting used to, but eventually you found your bearings. With the money you got a tiny apartment miles away from the penthouse. It was funny as you had always fantasized about moving to Canada or over seas if you were to ever escape Bucky, but here you were, still stuck in the same city.
Now free again you were able to live life as you wished. Eating when you wanted, going where you wanted the freedom was exhilarating. Unfortunately the time spent with Bucky you lost all the friends you had, family was scarce and thanks to him there was also a large gap in employment. Finding a job wasn't so easy, but eventually you landed on your feet.
The diner was quick to snap you up for their evening to graveyard shifts. It didn't pay well, but it was fine and you loved it for what it was. Free food, the occasional good tip, the money was enough to live off of and it was far away from Bucky's syndicate.
It took a bump from a passing waitress to bring you back to earth. A booth in your section filled to the brim with your nightmare. Looking to the door you contemplated walking straight out and never looking back. A high pitched whistle caught your attention. The table across from theirs signaled for a check.
Panicked you looked for a fellow waitress to help you out of the bind, but no one was in sight. There wasn't a point in running. If they were here, then they were going to get you.
Holding your head low you walked over, hugging the laminated menus tightly to your chest.
Quickly you handed them their receipt and tried to make your fast escape. A familiar voice cleared his throat making you jump. You stood with your backs to them for longer than would be normal and the table in front of you didn't appreciate your company.
Of course this was it. The nightmare would continue. Turning to the table you greeted them robotic-ally. As if they didn't all know your name already. While you passed them the menus it was if you didn't exist. Your eyes darted back and forth between each of them, barely a glance as they received the menu.
Your heart ached for the girl that was now your replacement. You could see from her face that she was running on fumes. You wondered how long Bucky had kept her up, breaking her in, if she tried to escape like you had.
A day out for you was normally a reward for good behavior, so she must be a 'Good Doll', you shuttered at the recollection.
"Long time no see!" Steve perked up when he finally turned his head to notice you. You had to ignore the prickles, control your nerves like you used to when you went out with Bucky, but he didn't look your way.
"I will be your server today. Is there anything I can start you off to drink with today?" Your voice came out as even as you could get it. Digging out your pen and pad, almost dropping it as you trembled.
"This is what you've been up to huh" Steve asked, his volume louder than others around him would like. He was the only one who seemed to care about your presence, the others just ignored you, going over the menus.
Your heart wanted to break through your chest as you tried to hold it together. When no one else seemed to care still, you could finally try to breathe properly. Bucky was too focused on his phone and from the subtle movements of his arm under the table, the girl fidgeting next to him.
* Just stick to the script don't engage in anything else.*
"I will give you folks a few minutes then come back to take your order."  you said ignoring him. Steve frowned at that, but you knew he wouldn’t move without Bucky’s order. Walking back you felt stiff and you were sure that sweat was seeping through your uniform.
You were a nerves wreck once you finally ducked into the little waitress nook by the kitchen. Scrubbing your face with your hands you took several deep breaths, the action not really taking the effect you wanted.
"Excuse me" her voice was barely above a whisper and though you never heard it you knew who it belonged to.
"Go back to your table Miss." you refused to look at her.
"Please you don't understand" her soft voice shook. You knew that if you looked, her face would be filled with tears. When she touched your shoulder you fell away tripping over your own feet as you rushed away. Finally you were face to face with her.
"I need your help, please" you were right she was crying.
"Get the hell away from me!" You pressed your back flat against the wall. Huddled in the corner as guilt and self preservation fought a battle inside of you.
"Everything alright back here?" Steve popped his head through the doorway.
"Y-yep.......just fine she needed to uhhh p-pee and I was just showing her the way" you felt your heart bash inside your chest once again. Steve wasn't stupid, but you prayed that he believed you.
With her back to Steve you knew that look and a part of you felt guilty for doing nothing. The young girl walked past you  to the restroom while Steve lingered in the hall. Lowering your gaze you peel yourself off the wall and slunk into the kitchen.
Steve followed, leaning in the archway of the kitchen. You tried to look busy and you were surprised that the cooks didn't ask him to leave. Even this far out their reach stretched you guessed.
"Can't speak to old an old friend?" Steve inquired.
"Steve, please..."
Steve may have looked sweet, but he was never one for sympathy.
"You're not in trouble I just came to say 'hi'."
*Bull shit*
He turned his head to see the young beauty leaving the restroom and you were glad. You didn't want to see him dragging her out if it came down to it.
*She must've run before.*
"Whelp it was nice talking to you again" he said as he followed arms length behind the girl.
"You folks ready to order" you forced another smile as you talked. It was almost eerie how they acted like any other customer. It was as if you hadn't known these men for the past five years. Each gave you their order. You served without any further incident.
When they finally left they even gave you a sizable tip. It seemed now that you were truly just a faded memory to Bucky.
Heading home on the train you couldn't wait to feed the alley cat friend you were trying to earn the trust of. Another day bringing him left over food from work.
"Here puss, puss" you called out to the darkened alleyway. Pinching off pieces of meat and tossing it about.
Your name was called out so you instinctively turned to find the sound. When your eyes found Steve you dropped everything you had and ran. You didn't know where you were going, shoving through various people as you booked it down the avenue.
The lights of a tea house caught your eye in the far distance. Dashing inside you try and calm down and walk to the bathroom hurriedly. Ducking into and locking one of the stalls you stood on the toilet seat and waited.
Hoping he didn't see which way you had gone.
The door to the restroom opened slowly, the sound of foot steps crept closer to your stall. Holding your hands over your mouth you tried to hold in your sobs. It was hard to control your breathing, you were panting heavily from the run. Even with your eyes squeezed shut you knew he was standing right in front of the stall you hid in.
"I know it's been a while...but you should know better than to run from me." His dark chuckle filled you with dread.
"You had fun right?"
The numbers ticked up in the metal lift slowly. The whole way up you looked down at your feet. Unable to bare the cocky look on Steve's face.
Stepping out of the elevator, the hall that led to the penthouse was long, but not enough. Steve moved from behind you and opened the door. The familiar cold chill of the penthouse hit you. Taking your shoes off at the door you walked over to the living room area.
"I'm really quite surprised. I thought you would've skipped town... Thought you would make me chase you half way around the world." Steve chuckled, that was the straw that broke the damn. Your face felt drenched, you had tried so hard not to cry in front of him, but once again you failed.
The past few months felt like a dream, in the back of your mind you knew it was a lie.
"You should probably get undressed." Steve ordered. You heard him shimmy out of his jacket, hanging it on the door as you sobbed.
Steve was just parroting orders from Bucky you were sure. It didn't matter that Steve was in the room, Bucky was what you were more worried about. He had let you go and for some reason he got his dog to drag you back. Steve's presence only added to the humiliation, defeat and soon further shame.
You stripped yourself of your clothes, folding them neatly and placing them on a pile next to the couch. The room felt colder, your skin and nipples prickled while you walked over to Bucky's chair.
Bucky had a favorite chair in the living room. A seat that was solely reserved for him and that is were you stood, naked while you waited for him to appear.
He normally was already sitting waiting. Not seeing him there didn't help stop the tears from flowing. Had you pissed him off at the diner? Had something happened to the girl? Did she tell him that she talked to you?
Behind the chair you were able to gaze at the city as you thought through each possible slight. Steve walked up from behind, placing a hand on your shoulder causing you to jump.
"Calm down he isn't here." Steve told you as he held up his hands in surrender, flopping down on the seat before you.
There had been many an occasion that you witnessed unknowing souls sit in Bucky's chair. The action seen by him as an unforgivable level of disrespect that made your stomach turn as he would rectify the slight.
The chair was Bucky's throne and only to be christened by him and him alone.
Steve's legs spread wide in defiance as he made himself comfortable as you tried to understand the sight of Bucky's most loyal man before you.
"Bucky won't like you in his chair." You warned.  His eye's went wide almost surprised by the sound of your voice.
"Hah... Bucks got you trained good" Steve lightly laughed. "Come have a seat."
You blinked at him as he craned his neck to admire the look of distress. Bucky was not one for sharing and you doubted he would be thrilled to see you naked and straddling Steve in his favorite chair.  
When you didn’t move Steve’s warm hands pulled you down, your knees folded at his sides. On the descent you gasped, your eyes wide with panic and confusion. His playful grin fueled by your dismay. The chair wined at the added weight and you were sure it would break from the way you struggled to escape it.
Steve's arms wrapped and rested around your hips, pulling you close, making your movements hard. Your legs were tucked and  pinned at his side, your frantic movements rousing something that made you shutter when you felt it. With what little space you could manage, your arms moved up to wrap around your chest in an effort to cover yourself and make a buffer.
"You know you were always my favorite." He spoke calmly while your whole body shook in fear. It was a nerves shake that Steve had witnessed many a times and from the glint in his eyes you knew he enjoyed it.
"So creative in your escapes, but just too sloppy at covering your tracks" he t'sked while the hiccups and tears intensified. Steve rocked you back and forth gently in his lap. The fabric of Steve's pants rubbed against your mound, the length of his cock pressed desperately against his zipper and he made sure you felt every inch.
"Remember that time you set the penthouse on fire. Good trick getting the firemen to get you out". He chuckled completely unbothered by your distress. Smiling up at you brightly as if he were talking to an old friend. His walk down memory lane was not as fondly remembered as yours.
"At the diner I was sure he would've flipped out when he saw you, but I guess he was just to preoccupied to notice." Steve gave you a playful wiggle of his brow. As he talked you bit back shame. The incessant movement stimulated your clit, you could feel a wetness growing at it was only a matter of time before he noticed it too.
"The new girl learned her lesson far too quickly for me. I let her take off once just for fun... Then she never did it again."
"He has someone new right? He doesn't need me." Your were a sniffling mess. You knew Steve long enough that your tears meant nothing to him, but that didn't stop you from pleading.
"Oh sweetie if you didn't know by now he didn't let you go."
Your mind was swirling. Steve orchestrated it all just to have 'fun'.
"I want you to look up." He requested and you looked at him confused. "Over there in the left corner." He nudged his head and your eyes looked in the direction.
Your heart sank to the floor. There was a camera, one you never noticed before. You felt sick. Was Bucky watching you? The optics of this situation you could only imagine.
As far as Bucky was concerned you had ran out on him and Steve was just doing his job bringing you back.
From that angle it would look like you walked in, stripped and got on top of him. That you were fucking him in Bucky's chair. Steve's eyes lit up as you put all the pieces together.
"I fucking hate you" You said softly. Your chin fell to your chest as you continued to bawl.
"Oh Sweetie I don't care. I can only imagine the look on his face right now." Steve ducked his head down to look you in the eye, confirming Bucky was indeed watching.
Taking your wrist he moved them behind your back, bonding them effortlessly with one hand. Steve was hell bent on making your bad situation worse. You needed to get free and get out.
Steve's head moved to nestle your breast, you tried to lift off your knees, but his thighs kept you trapped in the chair. You attempted to jerk your wrists free of his hold, but Steve only held tighter.
Steve wasn't afraid of reprisals from his boss. They had been friends from childhood, at most he would get a slap on the back if the head. While you shuddered to think of what he would do to you.
"Don’t worry we have time to play" he teased. You felt Steve's hot breath on your breast as he talked. When he licked and sucked at your nipple, taking it in-between his teeth, flicking his tongue on it you felt your arousal grow.
"Please Steve..stop" you panted out as heat rose throughout your neck. You felt his mouth smirk swirled around your nipple, his face nuzzled in your chest, inhaling deeply on yours skin as you rocked in his lap.
The chair groaning protests increased and you prayed that it would break, giving you a chance to be free. When your hands were suddenly released you pushed at his chest hard, surprisingly he fell back with a chuckle.
"Why can't you just let me go?" You slapped at his chest as Steve rose to his feet. The weight of your ass rested in his palms as you tried to force yourself down and out of his hold. You yelped when Steve pinched your ass hard, the sting a warning to stop. Though your movements didn't cause his hold to waver, it was as if you weighed nothing.
Steve liked you. He was normally indifferent to the women that Bucky would bring home, but you were different. He loved the way you cried for mercy then begged to cum. The shame in your eyes when he watched you submit.
Bucky had a habit of replacing his toys. So Steve waited patiently for Bucky to tire of you, but a man could only wait so long.
"How many times had you wished it were me?" He changed the subject. Gone was his playful smile, his face stoic and unreadable just like Bucky's.
"I saw how you looked at me... wanting my cock inside of you... What would Bucky think if he knew"  Steve purred.
You hadn't wanted Steve or any of this. It was just that his eyes were just that inescapable. Bucky's second set of eyes. Always through a cracked door, from the corner of a room, reflecting back at you from a mirror. His eyes haunted your sleep just as much as Bucky's did.
He turned slightly to open the door behind you. Once it opened you knew the room you were in, Bucky's bedroom. You had shared it with him, but nothing in it belonged to you. You were nothing more than a dog that was made to come happily whenever he called.
When Steve tossed you on the bed you bounced. You watched, frozen while he stripped at the foot of the bed.
His mouth moved, but if he was speaking you couldn't hear it. The pounding of your heart was so loud in your ears that you couldn't make out whatever he was saying.
Each step he took you pushed back on your hands, scooting backwards on the bed to get away. Your elbow hit the head board as he unhooked his belt and unfastened his pants.
The bed dipped as he placed a hand on it, you watched and time seemed to slow when he stretched out to snag your ankle. You took the bed covering with you when you clutched it as you twisted and turned to pull yourself out of his grip.
With one hard yank you laid flat out on your stomach. Steve couldn't help licking his lips at the sight of your ass jiggling as he played with you. When he let go you stumbled over yourself, pressing your back flush once again to the head board.
Bending over he dug something out of his discarded clothes. Standing straight you watched as he played with his phone. Steve tossed the device to you and you blinked at it wildly. "Bucky’s across town with his new girl. It would take a few hours to get here." You picked it up as he talked. You knew the spot on the map, the red indicator blinking Bucky's location.
"Tell you what. I will let you go. If you give me what I want and I won't come after you again." He offered. Flopping on the bed Steve's back faced you. It was a trap you knew it, but some semblance of hope still lived in you, so you sat quietly and listened.
"Or I can take what I want and then stand by when Bucky comes back." He laid out on top of the bed with his hands laced behind his head. Gripping the phone you contemplated quickly dialing the police, but you were sure they would never make it in time. And if they did by some miracle come, you couldn't guarantee they wouldn't be dirty anyway.
Swallowing thickly you placed the phone faced down on the mattress. Steve tilted his head and observed you, smiling at you expectantly when you started to move.
You tried to reason with yourself as you approached him. You prayed that he would indeed keep his side of the deal.
Steve unlaced his fingers as you rounded him and you felt your skin prickle all over again. The bed didn't make a sound as you haltingly swung your leg over his waist.
Your hands shook as you placed them on his bear chest. Despite the heat coming from Steve your shaking remained. Your stomach tensed when Steve's fingers trailed up your thigh and rested on your hips.
Holding you, Steve lowered you down, flicking his cock back and forth with one hand to align himself to your entrance. His tip played with your folds, the prodding brought a slickness from your core.
Steve loved the way you cried. The sight of your puffy face whenever you begged and pleaded.  He loved that despite all the fear there was a fire that wouldn't die no matter how hard his buddy tried to stomp it out.
"You mad things fun around here." Steve's tone lowered to a husky growl. His eyes turned their focus from your face to your breast as the feeling of utter defeat washed over you.
His cock pressed threateningly against your lips as your palms rested on his bare chest. Steve kept you paused in position, your thighs burned while you hovered in place. the trembling not unnoticed by Steve. Moving from his cock the one hand traveled upward, gently ghosting over your hip as it crept up your frame.
Bucky despite his distance stayed at the edge of your mind. You looked around the empty room, jumping at every odd noise. The paranoia in your eyes made Steve painfully hard, but he controlled himself as he explored you.
Steve's large hand encompassed your breast as he palmed it. Gliding his thumb over your hard nipple the soft fatty flesh bounced in his hand when you inhales sharply.
A very sensitive area he noted. He wanted to know every inch of you, what made you squirm, but that would have to wait until another time.
It made his cock twitch just thinking about it.
With one quick motion he forced you down. The plunge sent jolts deep. Your cervix ached with fullness as your stomach tensed and strained to adjust to him. Mewling through gritted teeth you sheathed him completely.
"Did Bucky fill you up this good?" He growled. Steve felt your cunt hug him tightly, the feel made him twitch inside of you. You grunted when Steve bucked his hips at your lack of reply. His cock strained against your core, you hadn't noticed your nails had dug into his chest. When he bucked again he let out a long drawn out his as your nails dragged against his flesh. The thin lines on his skin leaving a stinging reminder of you.
"No!" you sputtered out much to Steve's pleasure.
"Good girl" Steve praised.
You gasped out when he finally allowed you to rise up, but before you could relax he forced you back down again. Steve muscles flexed under your hands. His deep grunts growing in volume as he resisted the urge to flip you over and rail into you deeper.
"That's it, that's a good girl" he grunted. Steve controlled the momentum. Every downward motion sending jolts to your core. You rocked into him, his voice humming as your pussy clenched around him. "Who do you belong to?" He demanded, making sure to throw his hips hard with each syllable.
"Steve Fuck!" You let out a sharp gasp at the feel of the head of his cock hitting your ceiling. Steve sucked in his bottom lip slowly letting it drag out again, the way you grabbed made him groan with delight. The feel and sound of you struggling made him almost come right there.
Unlike Bucky, Steve was different. You could never read Bucky, every wrong move you made in his game was met with swift reprisals. While Steve read of an unabashed wild eagerness.
"Such a dirty whore just for me" He beamed as you bounced atop of him. His blonde tresses stuck messily to his glistening forehead. Your shamed dissolved into pleasure as your ass slapped against Steve.
The feel of him overwhelmed your senses. Your pussy squeezed, your climax barreling through you like a freight train.
"You know better than that." Steve swatted hard on your side. The sting still there as you forced back your need.
You choked down what was left of your shame and begged him. You needed to cum, the tight coil in your core threatened to burst.  
"Please.." You rasped out, looking away unable to face him. Steve reveled in your pathetic attempted to hide away from him. He felt you, there was no denying what you hungered for.
"please. ..Steve.. " you panted out. The sound of your sloppy sex and punishing manipulation was splintering in your womb.
"I need to come" You mewled.
Steve shot up, his massive arms wrapped around you, clutching your shoulders he shoved himself deep inside.
"Come on my cock" he commanded. Holding you down tight as he pumped his seed into you.
Your cunt milking out ever last drop as you both breathed heavily.
"Hey Buck... welcome home." Over your shoulder he stared deep into the eyes of Bucky as he coated your walls.
<<< Elevator
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prince-toffee · 4 years
Fallin’ For A Fallin’ Angel II
His eyes slowly opened, struggling to keep apart as they adjusted to the bright light. A pained grunt escaped his throat as the clone began to regain his consciousness. HTK 218-666 did not know where he was. His mind was sluggish, trying to process whatever had transpired. The first thing he truly noticed was his comfort - not often did he awaken to softness, never infact. 218′s pod was hard, metallic, cold and jagged. With malfunctioning cables - they didn’t serve much real purpose now as the ex-general had used up all his Life Force rations. The cables that binded to his neck, back and arms were more of an ornament than a necessity - to make the the crashed wreck feel more... homely. It was a familiar feeling - not a pleasant one, but a one he knew.
But then it hit him, he wasn’t in his pod, was he. He opened his eyes to see something above him. Some sort of rectangular canopy of fabric, held up by four pillars which descended all around him. And a light pinkish red veil surrounded all the sides between the pillars. A force field perhaps. Was this a prison?! Was he captured?! The defective clone shot up, looking around his new unfamiliar surroundings. There was a sheet of thin fabric covering him, it was smooth and cool to the touch. 218 flanged the cover off. Only then realised that most of his uniform was gone.
Which wasn’t a novelty to him, back on The Velvet Glove uniforms weren’t gifted until after the cloning process and then taken away again when put into storage. Being bare wasn’t new. What 218 was worried about was perhaps they had searched him, maybe taken samples - his wounds seemed healed.
Who? Who was it? Who captured him? The memories slowly returned back to him, bit by bit as he strained his mind. There were attackers, creatures of the desert. He remembered he was near victorious, but his will power was not enough, he was knocked out. He was weak. Brother was right. ‘Near’ wasn’t enough. He failed, again. 218′s fist tightened and he grew infuriated at his own shortcomings, he had to make this right. He looked over himself, his wounds were tended to, strange. He had to make sure if all the injuries were sealed up right. But first, the forcefield.
He looked at the pink veil, it was see-through, probably taunting him with freedom on the other side, no doubt. He had to be careful, it could incinerate him on contact for all he knew. One of the plush stuffed bags that was placed under his head was thrown at the forcefield, but it did not react - it simply flew through it. Curious. Did someone accidently deactivated it? Was the plushie bag some sort of unlocking key? That could be his chance. He gently and slowly pocked it with his finger and pulled it back as quick as possible. His brain module took a moment to read what the nerve receptors had came back with - nothing. No pain. No resistance. No forcefield.
Now braver with the confidence of a survivor, he pocked his whole hand through, and even waved it around. Success! Next he poked his head through looking from side to side. No guards. A pitiful prison. He noticed the tattered remains of his uniform, no good, it was already worn out - past its time. 218 already had the lower half of the uniform already on him, he didn’t know why it was left on. He placed a foot on the floor then the next. His muscles screamed at him, but he managed to stand. It seemed his defection was getting worse. It seemed like his feet were the next to fail.
He did not like his defective form on display, so he reached for the covering that was laid onto of him and draped it around himself.
He pushed on, literally, and doors to the room weren’t even locked. Perhaps this was no prison. As the clone opened the doors he was hit by waves of incredibly bright light and loud noise. 218 was in some corridor or porch, because he looked apon a busy hustle and bustle of a town square at work. Few steps forward and he was holding onto an ornate wooden railing, he looked down at the society at work. The town was constructed at the foot of the mount on which the castle stood in which 218 was in. Marketeers selling, customers buying, children running through the streets. 218 did not know how long he had been unconscious, but it looked like a busy morning with the rising... moon... and suddenly he remembered why he hated this planet.
218 also noticed a strange statue at the centre of the town. Chiselled out of stone, a tribute, he was familiar with such things - countless worlds under the control of the Horde had erected tributes in the image of their holy lord and master. But what creature held dominion over this world?
The being was in the position of natural wings a part of her physique, it reminded him of the Horde insignia - the wings of the vampire. This was terrible. These people were living under a false idol, praising a pretender. This was unacceptable. He had to save these people - bring them into the light. Perhaps... this was it! The redemption he was waiting for! He could save them, direct them to their true saviour. He could save them!
He began to walk off, he was still in his capturer’s base of operations. He had to get out. The thought of rallying the people below briefly crossed his mind, but he shook it off - he clearly needed to get back to the crash site, return to the repairs. Fixing the warship and leaving that miserable backwater planet was imperative! But all the bots were destroyed, defences weakened, and his assailants knew where he would be - there was no more hiding. He wouldn’t be safe back there. So where now? He couldn’t exactly blend in with the local populace.
Just then his thought process was cut off as another person walking in the opposite direction bumped into him. 218 didn’t have much weight to him so he got pushed out of the way quite easily. The individual in question who was storming off was not of the same race as the invaders at the wreck. Their skin darker, shorter, no scarlet exo-skeleton over their body. The creature had short violet hair and what looked like oil and grease on her clothing. “Hey buddy, watch it!”
“...Watch what?” 218 asked to himself quietly under his breath. The passer by clearly didn’t hear him, nor did they care to. 218 reached large stairs, leading down to the town square. It looked like the guards occupying the top of the stairs were both distracted by some raving salesman. This was his chance. However, he was startled by a voice behind him.
“Ah, so I see you have woken up.”
The clone spun around to see a tall figure cloaked in shadow. The intimidating character set 218 slightly on edge. The figure wore a black cape and black uniform, body biologically the same as all the other native beings around this complex.
218 could have sworn that the mystery man’s eyes lit up with a spark of red. It was probably nothing - a trick of the light. The Horde trooper remained silent, so the figure decided to take the lead on the interaction. He stepped forward, into the light. 218 unbenounced to himself clutched closer the blanket sheet.
“Heh, welcome back to the land of the living, my friend. You slept like a log.” 218 simply listened and stayed quiet, partially because he didn’t know what to say, this wasn’t the way he thought the situation would play out. He did not know he was going to be greeted, not after what happened in the wreck.
He saw the creature look him up and down examining his form, as his chest lay bare. But there wasn’t much to look at, due to the defection he couldn’t keep on weight - all fats and necessary nutrients degraded quicker than normal, as did his body cells. He was a walking corpse. A shameful form in the eyes of his Brother. The individual stopped mere few small centimetres away from 218, their chests almost touching. The caped being was a head taller than him. “I’m glad to see you fit enough to attempt an escape.”
218 swallowed down on his heart attempting to jump out of his throat. His voice was not as deep as 218′s but held just as much authority. “Ah, I see had the splendid pleasure of meeting Princess Minerva, her winning charm never seems to fade with time, hmm.”
Her?... The clone guessed the creature he was referring to was the being that had stormed off, pushing 218′s shoulder. Her?... He did not know what that was.
The towering scorpion looked back at 218 looking as if he was expecting something. 218 didn’t get it. “Not one for jokes are we? Well, not every one is a zinger. I’ll work on it. Don’t let that discourage you. Come on. I can’t exactly let you go right now, but I’d rather we speak as civilised people rather than have those prickly gents over there force you to follow me.” The scorpion pointed with his claw at the two spear wielding guards whom had positioned themselves behind the clone. Ready to strike. That made 218 comply with the peaceful option, of course.
218 followed close behind as the individual led him through the corridors and hallways and down a stair well. The soldier memorised the whole journey backwards just in case he had to run out and escape. “Oh, Ra-dammit, haven’t even introduced myself. I just presumed you knew who I am, but well, you don’t look like you’re from around... anywhere. Do you know who I am?” He asked softly, and curiously. 218 just stared back without words.
“Yeah, course you don’t. Nobody does, nobody cares. I’m the King of this kingdom and what do I have to show for it? What do I truly have, huh?” He looked back at 218 with annoyance in his expression, the clone simply starred back. “Well, my name is Niro, King Niro if you want to be formal, I guess. But like I said, nobody cares.” Niro? Noted - 218 thought to himself. And a ‘king’ was ruler of some sorts, 218 was pretty sure, his troops had encountered all sorts of societies and civilizations on their voyages across galaxies. This was a figure of power standing infront of 218. He didn’t know how Niro compared to other worlds’ authorities - opposition to his Brother never lasted long. You never really got to know them before heads started rolling. 218 was not apart of guest accommodations, he was a general - a soldier. On the frontlines until the end. He didn’t ‘get to know’ people, he ended them.
“And what’s your name?”
“HTK 218-666. Top-General of the 218th Legion. Brother amongst the ranks of the Galactic Horde.”
“...Cool... So you’re not from around here, figured.” They approached a dark rusted door with two guards at it’s sides. They both bow at the sight of their king, and each pulled down a lever on the wall behind them. The ‘klank’ was heavy and loud. 218 then beard many gears and cogs turn and the rusted door began to raise upward. This so called Niro strolled inside, he of course followed. He briefly turned back to see the four guards remained outside as the door shut back down.
The clone quickly turned back, narrowing his eyes at the table that stood infront of them. The room’s walls and floor were all metallic, dark, from what 218 could tell, they were scorch marks. All around the room. “What is this?” Niro slowly made his way around and sat opposite the clone on the far side of the table. He gesture to 218 to do the same.
“So you do talk. Great. We’ll be doing a lot of talking. Please, my friend, sit.” He extended his claw towards the empty seat. But there were no guards in this room, he had no power over 218, 218 was weak, he admitted that to himself, but one on one, surely he could take him. But then what? Four armed guards still waiting outside, possibly hundreds more patrolling the complex. He was trapped.
“And please don’t try to escape, I know you’re thinking about it. You see this glass sheet behind me?” Niro knocked on the glass as he leaned back on his chair. “It’s one way glass, my ever so trusty Force-Captain is on he other side. One word and she pulls a switch and electrocutes this entire room. And don’t worry about me, I won’t feel a thi-”
“Because your hide is electrically resistant.” 218 recalled to himself the confrontation at the power core back at the ship - the scorpion soldiers were unaffected by a direct current of electricity from a dislodged cable. He needed to think of alternate offensive techniques.
“You’ve got quite the keen eye. So you know what’s at steak - you, getting fried.”
“I just need to ask you a few questions.”
“You threaten me first, and then you want me to comply? Negative. I will tell you nothing. An assault on the form of Prime is a crime throughout the known universe. Unhand me and bring me back to my Brother and you will be forgiven.”
“Forgiven? Who- wait, universe? You mean that which is beyond the barrier?”
This conversation was puzzling 218 more and more he did not understand what this creature was talking about. Did- did he really not know what the ‘universe’ was? From the looks of this planet it was incredibly primitive, but THIS primitive? It could be that these naïve natives haven’t yet discovered interstellar travel. This idea led to more bad news, if so, then this world could not yet offer resources needed to fix the warship.
“You’re an alien, from outside. Please, tell us more.” The king leaned over more, clearly eager to listen, encouraging 218 with his captivation with the topic.
218 realised this was unsafe, he had already told those people too much, much more than they ever anticipated to hear. He couldn’t let the secrets of the Horde be taken from him by a backwater people. He could not fail his Brother again. “I will say no more.”
Niro looked displeased. “Opal.”
In that moment the room went red, the sound of... some thing veering up, a machine of sorts maybe. But 218 did not have time to think too much about it, because the shock came soon after. The air did not change, there was no heat, it was cold rather. The pain was quick to spread, started at the bottom of his feet and shot up to his brain. It felt like having nails hammered through his organs. He was weak. He only lasted a few seconds in silence, after three he let out a scream. The pain disappeared as soon as the first tear formed at the edge of his eye. The room lost its red glow and reverted its colour palette back to the dead still greys and silvers.
He complied.
“I must admit that was a bit too much than I would’ve approved, Opal.”
“You cannot break me, for I am already broken. I will not fail my Brother again. I will have nothing out of me.”
In that moment of defiance 218 and Niro looked into each other’s eyes. The scorpion king saw the devotion and pride in the clone’s eyes, the willingness of self-sacrifice. Niro knew the man opposite him was going to die for whatever cause he believed in. That spark of determination. The same look he saw in the mirror every morning in his own eyes. Both of the men spotted the room once again turning into a dark shade of red. Niro watched the enigmatic man shut his eyes and took in a shaky breath. Niro knew very little about the man infront of him, but he knew in that moment he accepted his fate. A conviction and dedication few have.
The Hillian king exclaimed at the sheet of glass behind him at his Force-Captain. The colour faded away, yet it didn’t completely disappear. The voice of the Force-Captain came through the window. “Sir, he took out an entire detachment, this is an interrogation room - he’s being interrogated.”
“Force-Captain, are you disobeying a direct order from your king?”
The Force-Captain did not respond, but the shade of red did veer and disappeared. The captain remained silent in that Niro hoped was shame. The king turned back to the frightened prisoner. 218 chose to reopen his eyes, he looked at Niro in confusion - weighing out his options. Was trust earned in this moment or was it a ruse?
“Why not just kill me?” 218 asked.
“Like I said: we’re here just to ask you some questions. I would only kill you if you were a threat to Scorpion Hill, you’re not.”
218 knew he shouldn’t have, but he kind of took offensive from that, he was dangerous.
“But trust me, she wanted to. You killed her husband, on that scouting party. Through those eight hours of unconsciousness I had to make sure she wouldn’t kill you. Best sleep you’ve had in a while I’m willing to bet, by the looks of that train wreck to live in. Do, you... live in there?”
“A ship wreck, and yes I have taken residence in it for shelter a- have you said eight cycles?!”
“Hours, but- sure.”
“This is unexpectable! I have already wasted six more cycles than usual! So much possible productivity gone! I must return to the repairs immediately!” 218 rocketed up onto his feet ready to walk out.”
“How- what? Hold on, what repairs?”
“I will tell you no more.”
“If you won’t tell us, we can’t help you, friend. Its simple as that. You appeared from nowhere - your a mystery. And so you are seen as a threat. People hate what they don’t understand. Help me understand.”
“Niro, was it?”
“All you need to understand is - if you return me to my spacecraft, if you aid me, you will be rewarded and welcomed by my Brother. He can show you all the light. He can offer you a perfect world.”
“Who is your brother?”
“Horde Prime.
The Emperor of the Known Universe. The most powerful being in existence, his empire is endless - far superior to whatever your world holds. But give into him and he will take you in and make sure faction a jewel in his empire.”
“I’ll have to decline on that offer. I find that the more power people have, the more they see themselves as saviours. You’re not going anywhere.”
“But the Horde can gift you, reward you, the empire has collected and melded technologies from across numerous galaxies - he can give you interstellar travel, advanced communications, synthetic nutrition, biological enhancements, limitless knowledge of the cosmos, language, salvation, weapons-”
“Weapons?... What kind of weapons?”
Of course, should’ve known. 218 knew this might be his only way out of this predicament, he needed to tell this Niro what he wanted to hear, “The Horde has taken dominance over countless systems, many by force. To do this the engineers and scientists of the Horde had to develop instruments of destruction which could topple armies. I can give them to you. I was a general - I hold the accumulated knowledge of dozens of battalions I have commanded. Horde Prime needs me, I am crucial to the cause. Help me and the knowledge to conquer worlds, can be yours.”
218 saw Niro deliberating, thinking over everything said. He had a lot to consider, but 218 needed the answer now, he needed to rush him, make him slip up - act rash. 218 needed to return to his Brother’s side, his Brother needed him! He was one of his top generals. And bringing a world with him for the Horde to assimilate, an offering to show he wasn’t a waste, a failure. Brother would see that 218 was worth something - a useful tool, a loyal soldier. THIS was his redemption.
“This ‘Horde Prime’ is he really that influential? Would he have the might to liberate Scorpion Hill from the mercy of other kingdoms?”
“There has never been a mightier lord in the universe’s history.”
“And if I decline?” Niro decided to test the waters.
“Then my Brother’s wrath will rain down on you, and a different party would be blessed with the fruits of my Brother’s labour.”
“I wouldn’t bet on it. Other kingdoms of Etheria are not so welcoming to outsiders from beyond their walls, not to mention from beyond this dimension. Scorpion Hill is your best bet. The others will simply label you - mad.”
“Than you accept?” 218 raised the brow at the talking king.
“I suppose I do.”
Niro agreed to aid the alien man, if he was a man, he was no fool of course, he knew that spark of devotion in those eyes meant he was telling the truth, but that spark had the possibilities to burn forests. Niro needed to watch his own back. But he also needed to see more - how good were these weapons - was this prisoner worth keeping around. Niro extended his claw to 218 in acceptance, however 218 did not quite understand the motion, he stared at it discombobulated.
“Am- am I supposed to do... something with that?”
“Oh boy.”
After a far too long explanation of what a hand shake was, the two did. 218 was lead off by the guards back to what was then labelled his quarters and Niro returned to Opal’s side behind the one way glass in the observation room. He could tell she was displeased, no, more like infuriated. Understandable.
“Your highness, may I speak freely?”
Here it comes. “[sigh] Opal if you want to berate me then just get on with it.”
“Are you insane!??!”
“Aren’t we all?” Niro replied calmly juxtapose to the loud bark of his Force-Captain.
“He killed a full detachment of our troops! I cannot even explain how untrustworthy he is! You don’t even know his name!-”
“Yeah, I do. It’s 321-123 or something to that effect.”
“You’re joking around? Why are you joking around?” Opal placed her hands on her hips eyeing the king waiting a twist.
“Cause the talk’s not over yet. First of all, you saw his physique, that man’s made out of match sticks, with all the guards clogging the corridors there’s no chance he’s escaping. Especially now that he doesn’t have the home advantage. He’s trapped and he knows it.”
“What if he wants to be there? The whole alien story, it’s- it’s out there. He could be a spy for BrightMoon, or the Salineas, the princess of Dryl wasn’t happy with the deal. Dozens of other smaller kingdoms too.”
“Second of all, Scorpion Hill is home to a multitude of races, from all around Etheria, I’ve seen them all. I know my people. I don’t know him. And those eyes? Eyes of a believer. He’s not lying, and if he is, you get to say ‘I told you so’. And we know how much you love that.”
“We’re taking a huge risk with this. The Council of High Priests will be hounding at the door the moment they find out. I’ve managed to hold back the paperwork’s circulation, but they will find out. And that man you just let out, interrogated in secret - is a walking omen of bad mojo to them. We could be- no, we are in serious trouble!”
“Third of all, he can be the answer. If what he says is true, and I believe that he is. Then this man, if he is a man, can be the way by which I can free Scorpion Hill from the parasites that drained it of its life. With those weapons hierarchy won’t mean much, and what do those crooked old fools have? A wooden stick, some holy water?”
“You- are you serious!? You’re planning an overthrow. Don’t get me wrong Niro, I hate the council, just as much as you and I’d stand by your side until the moons crash down, but it’s a spider web, the council is tied to dozen other kingdoms and unknown benefactors - you pull that string and heaven’s gonna fall on your head.”
“And last of all, we match out - war - kingdom after kingdom, until we’re truly free.”
Opal looked at Niro, his eyes narrow and his claw bending steel in its grips, the desk gave in under his claws strength. Niro grew more and more irritated with each day in his position of powerlessness. He knew she was worried, maybe even scared, but she knew why he was willing to risk it all. Niro would fight armies single-handedly, if he had to, his blood boiled for a fight - for his people. This individual, whoever he was, was in deed an omen of the council’s worst fear, but if Niro played it right it could be an omen of a brighter future.
Opal placed a hand on the king’s shoulder, she felt the need to persuade her old friend out of whatever crazy act he was about to write, she began, “Niro-” and ended, as a guard entered the room with an announcement and a pant in his voice from the urgent sprint.
“My lord, Force-Captain.” They bowed, “The scout survivor from the last mission has woken up.”
“Like I said the talk’s not over yet. Led to the infirmary soldier.” The three marched off with haste. It did not take long for them to reach the infirmary, all the medical staff bowed as their king entered. He ignored the gesture as he often did, he said countless times to treat him like anyone else, or at least no bowing. Niro hated the feeling of superiority, of being worshipped to. In his eyes he was just someone who wanted to make a difference. He got to the resting bed of the survivor, bruises all over his body, many blood stained changed bandages. The Hillian soldier attempted to salute to the royal, but pulled their arm back the moment they felt something crack.
“Easy soldier, rest. Can you talk?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Fantastic.” Niro pulled up a chair next to the injured scout and sat down, “Mission report.” For the next half an hour Niro questioned about the mission and about the enemy they had met there. New details came to light: robots, traps, some sort of power core, a savage yet resourceful opponent. And their name.
“And then he proclaimed himself as - Hordak, my lord.”
“Hordak.” Niro repeated, the name lingering on his tongue. Curious.
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jeidafei · 6 years
D.Gray-Man Vol.26: Komui’s Lounge (Extended) 1/5
Featuring: Marie, Bak, Lavi, Wisely, Allen, Link
(T/N: We got 31 questions this time. It really is extended! I’ve broken it up into five parts for convenience of translating and scrolling.
Let’s start with the onslaught of the usual Kanda questions...)
Lavi: G’afternoon y’all! As always, welcome to the Komui’s-Lounge-where-Komui-doesn’t-show-up-again-this-time! And first up is...ME~~! (Pull crackers)
Link: Keep it down, Bookman Jr.
Bak: And now, the time is ripe. At long last, my debut has come! And I made it on the page before Komui, too! MUHAHAHAHAHA!!
Marie: I’m not very good at this kind of thing...but I’ll do my best.
Wisely: And here comes the Noah of the Demon Eye, Wisely~~!! Back for his second session! (Holds up two victory signs).
Allen: Wait a moment. There seems to be two deceased among us?
Lavi: Hey, I’m not even confirmed deceased yet!!!
Allen: Nobody’s saying it’s you, Lavi. Well, it’s actually you, anyway.
Lavi: Allen, you were just calling for me back in Vol.24′s lounge, didn’t you? What’s with all this darkness right from the get-go, meanie!?
Allen: I haven’t been able to eat at all, and I’m irritated. 
Link: (lays a hand on Allen’s shoulder) Just forget about everything in the main narrative for now, Walker. The freshness of this discussion lounge is fading quick, and now the author’s already using trial and error.
Allen: Reckless move on the author’s part.
Wisely: Even so, it seems the author didn’t intend to bring out Bookman Jr. at first, though. Just that there was a truly unsolvable issue... 
Lavi: Damn you, Hoshino...But yes, that’s what happened! The thing is, this time the most questions are directed at me! The fans are calling out to me! I heard their voices! How can I not be here for them! (heart)
Allen: Even though I can answer questions about you just fine.
Lavi: With messed-up answers, more like.
Link: Walker, here are some doughnuts, so would you cheer up already? And you, Bookman Jr, don’t get too carried away. We went over the word-count limit last two times, and both the editor and designer sent an e-mail to warn us to stay within the limit this time. All pointless talk is prohibited from all of you!
Allen, Lavi, Wisely: Roger~~
Marie: Haha...(wry grin) Having the Inspector here really is a help.
Bak: Oi, haven’t you lot been forgetting about me from the start......!?
Question 1: Kanda had a little pouch hanging from his neck when he returned to Marie and Lenalee. What was in that pouch?
Allen: You can always count on a question for Kanda, huh.
Lavi: Yeah, ain’t Yu gettin’ a little too popular? By the way, ain’t this supposed to start off with a question for me?
Wisely: Well, it’s because there’s also a wagonload of questions for Yu Kanda as ever. What a sinful lad...
Link: You there! No pointless chatter!
Bak: Huh...? He had a pouch? We disposed of those clothes Kanda was wearing after he swapped it in for the Order uniform at the Asian Branch, but there wasn’t any pouch.
Marie: Ah, that’s because I’m keeping it for him. The little drawstring pouch, right? Seems to be silver coins in there.
Allen: Money?!!! (clatter)
Lavi: Calm down, Allen!
Marie: There was this old lady who took care of Kanda’s every need back then, and she gave it to him, said it’s for travel expenses....sorry, that’s all I know.
Lavi: ........That so?
Allen: Kanda will definitely turn out like Master someday. (hmph!)
Marie: Looks like he barely used any of it, though.
(T/N: aight guys, now we know the true reason Allen decided to tag along with Kanda, right? right?)
Question 2: Is Kanda right-handed or left-handed?
Lavi: Yu agaaain?
Link: He’s ambidextrous, isn’t he?
Allen: Eh? Is that so?
Link: It’s something you’d notice right away.
Lavi: After all the time you spent fighting with him and you still didn’t know, Allen? Yu’s punches hurt like freakin’ hell no matter which fist he used, right?
Allen: Makes me sick just thinking about it.
Marie: Exactly, Kanda’s ambidextrous.
Bak: By the way, Alma was also ambidextrous, you know.
(T/N: damn, that stab in the heart when I have to go back and correct is into was...)
Wisely: By the way, over to the Noahs, the Millennium Count is ambidextrous.
Question 3: After the Second Exorcist sigil’s power deteriorated, Kanda now has hangover. Will he also be more vulnerable to illnesses like the cold? 
Lavi: Yu again...? Now I’m starting to think Hoshino is trolling behind this!
Allen: He’s an idiot, and idiots don’t catch colds! NEXT!
Wisely: Well, if he does catch colds more easily then it’s good news for us Noahs. But if he’s such an idiot, guess it can’t be helped.
Marie: Hey, watch it. (sweat)
Link: Stop fooling about and answer properly!
Bak: Allow me, current patriarch of the Chang clan, to enlighten you. Just because the sigil’s power has weakened, doesn’t mean Kanda’s body will become very weak as a result. Though his extraordinary regenerative ability will be impaired, the bodies of Second Exorcists are also designed for battle, so he’d probably still be far more sturdy than normal people. Even so, unless he keeps a balanced diet from now on, there’s a possibility he might fall ill. He eats nothing but soba, doesn’t he? That won’t do!
Question 4:  Those...flying needles?...that Howard Link was throwing about? What are they for? The Crows have had them in the past too, and I’m curious.
Link: Those are called Shibari (嘴針 lit. Beak Needle. T/N: “shibari” also sounds the same as “Shibari-bane”, the Crow’s binding feathers, but uses a different Kanji). Even amongst Crows, it’s a weapon reserved for the elite members. A single needle can unleash power equal to a hundred feathers (those binding feathers, flame feathers, confining feathers, etc. that Crows frequently use). The Shibari I have are the ones Master Zu used back in the day, so they’re an old model, but even now they still work very well. Though they can be a little unwieldy to carry about, in times you run out of feathers you can still fight just using Shibari. And for me right now, in particular, it’s also a way to save up on feathers, so it’s a very handy weapon.
Allen: Huh? What do you mean by “for me right now”?
Link: I have chocolate doughnuts, too, Walker.
Allen: WEE-HEE! (chomp!)
Wisely: Careful, boy...he’s tricking you with those doughnuts...
Link: Would you like some, too?
Wisely: WEE-HEE! (chomp!)
Lavi: I heard from Gramps, though. Looks like the Crows’ abilities are developed by the Chang Clan, right?
Bak: Aha. The Crow Unit was established by Grandfather Zu in his younger days. Even now, the Chang Clan is still responsible for manufacturing all the feathers, needles and other weapons the Crows use. 
Marie: I see. So this is why the Asian Branch Supervisor position is passed down the Chang bloodline. The Chang Clan must have been indispensable for the Central, right?
Bak: Well, I guess.
Allen: I’ve been wondering for a long time. Why are the Changs able to use such awesome magic?
Wisely: It will be a long story, so we’d better drop it for the sake of the word count.
Link: If it’s going to eat up precious space, then let’s leave it for now.
Question 5: Do Lavi and Bookman still remember their original names?
Lavi: YAAAAAAAAAY~~  ! Finally~~! The answer’s Nooooooooooo-peeeeee! From the time I became Gramp’s heir, my name was erased!
Allen: Hey Lavi, why must Bookmen discard their real names? Isn’t it painful?
Marie: You’re one who cherishes his name, huh, Allen.
Bak: Do you really have to go that far in order to be a recorder of alternate history?
Link: Now that you mention it, we’ve received many questions on the Bookmen’s fake aliases.
Lavi: While we’re a Junior, we have to change our names every time we change the place of our log. Because those names will become the title of our logs. Thus, the log for this Holy War will be titled “Lavi”. Makes it easy to search for logs this way. As for whether it’s painful to lose my real name...hmmm, well...frankly, I don’t really know. Since me becoming a Bookman was something that can’t be helped, too. By the way, Gramps is the one who named all the logs.
Wisely: Uh-hmmm. Come to think of it, the name Lavi seems to be...
Lavi: What?
Wisely: Nah, nuffink. (munch munch). Blimey, these doughnuts sure are delicious.
Allen: Hey! You’re eating too many!
Question 6: How did Lavi and Bookman earn money for expenses during travels? The Allen way?
Allen: What do you mean by my way?
Lavi: Means gambling, of course. Ain’t it?
Wisely: Swindling Mafia bosses then fleeing with winnings and the like?
Bak: Mafia!? (falsetto)
Marie: So that’s what you’ve been up to, Allen!? That’s no good! You’re still a kid, aren’t you? Lenalee would wail if she ever hears you’ve been doing such dangerous things.
Allen: Please, please don’t tell Lenalee! I beg you, Marie! (googly eyes).
Link: No matter how adorable a face you manage to make, Noise Marie won’t be able to see it, Walker. We’ll have you tell us all about this later in detail, so for now let’s return to Bookman Jr. 
Allen: Eeehhh!?
Lavi: Where were we? Oh, travel expenses, right? Well, members of the Bookman clan are everywhere and they help us out, so both me and Gramps don’t have to work for money.
Marie: You mean you have relatives all over the world?
Lavi: Yup! The whole clan comes together to support the Bookman as the clan’s leader, so Bookman can focus on his logs. 
Bak: I never knew the Bookman Clan is such a large-scale thing.
Lavi: Well, since everyone conceals their Bookman lineage and outwardly leads normal lives, it’s no surprise nobody knows.
Allen: Why do they have to hide?
Lavi:  Hm? It’s a secret!
>> Part 2 <<
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50funny · 5 years
Mage-Chapter 6: Runaway Train
Written By 50funny 
Part 1- Tickets Please
Alex, Liz and Bip sat on a small wooden bench in the busy Seaside train station, tightly squeezed elbow to elbow to fit them all.Alex impatiently tapped his foot on the ground as the group waited for the train.
“Stop that Alex. You’re shaking the whole bench,” Liz scolded.
“I’m so booooooooored. Why can’t the trains just run on time for a change?” Alex complained whinged, doubling the pace of his tapping.
“Stop complaining. It’ll get here when it gets here’s,” said Bip.
Alex turned his head to face his friends.
“I can’t believe you two aren’t more worried about this. It’s a day’s travel to capital city and we only have two days left to register for the guild test, or we’ll have to wait for next year. Plus we haven’t even decided which guild we’re gonna join,” Alex said.
“You have a point, but it’s not like shaking your leg around is gonna speed up the train,” Liz retorted.
The train tracks began to let out a high pitch hiss, getting louder and louder as the train began to approach down the tracks.
“The train arriving on, platform one, is the, capital express” a mechanical women’s voice came from over the loud speaker.
“You were saying,” taunted Alex.
The long train pulled to a screeching halt in the station. Suddenly, all the doors began to pull open revealing a well-dressed hostess behind each. The women stepped off the train and onto the station platform and began to deliver their well-practiced script.
“Good afternoon all, and welcome to the capital express, twenty of the finest train carriages ever put together. If you would please form an orderly line in front of the door and present your ticket and we will be on our way shortly,” the ladies said in unison. “And a reminder for all magic users traveling with us today. For safety and security reasons, all magical items must be kept inside your baggage at all times.”
The passengers shuffled forward on the platform and began to form lines behind the doors. Liz, Alex and Bip joined everyone in the queue.
“So Alex, mind if I ask exactly why it is you suddenly want to be a mage?” Liz asked.
“Huh, what are you talking about? I told you being a mage comes with certain perks that are very useful for someone like me,” replied Alex.
“Yeah, but what does that mean? I mean what perks does being a mage get you?” Liz questioned.
“Wait,” said Bip his eyes wide with surprise, “you mean you don’t even know all the perks about being a mage?”
“Huh well I mean… isn’t being a mage a perk in and of itself,” Liz said.
Alex looked down, unsure of how to best answer Liz’s question.
“Well mages get access to a wealth of resources and information to help them on their various missions that aren’t available to the public… And,” Alex paused.
“And?” Liz pushed.
“And well, mages often receive lenient treatment for crimes committed in the course of completing their quests. Basically mages have a license to kill, of sorts,” Alex admitted, his mood darkening. “Liz, I can’t guarantee that if you stick with us, I won’t have to do what I did to Lance again. And next time, Bip might not be there to protect you from it.”  
Liz looked down and took a deep breath as she listened to Alex’s explanation, trying to push horrors of the night before out of her mind. She clenched her fist and raised her eyes to look steadily at Alex.
“I already made up my mind Alex, I’m coming with you and that’s final,” Liz stated firmly.
A smirk began to stretch across Alex’s face.
“Glad to hear it,” he said.
“Tickets please,” the hostess said as the group reached the front of the line.
Liz and Alex reached into their pockets and pulled out a small piece of paper each, handing it to the lady. The hostess pushed her stamp down on the tickets before handing them back to the pair.
“Thank you Mr. Alex and Miss. Liz please step aboard,” the hostess said.
Alex began to step up onto the train followed shortly behind by Bip.
“Ah, excuse me sir,” the hostess said getting Alex attention. “I’m sorry but for safety and security reasons your magical item can’t come on the train with you.”
“Magical item?” Alex said confused. “You mean Bip? He’s my Seeing Eye familiar”
“Seeing eye familiar?” the hostess said in disbelief. “You’re blind?”
“Extremely,” Alex replied nodding his head.
“Well, be that as it may, he must be confined for the safety of other passengers.”
Alex looked over to Bip.
“Well you heard the lady, guess you’re going in the bag,” Alex said unapologetically.
“Wait what, that’s not fair,” Bip panicked.
Alex reached out and grabbed his friend tightly. Bip struggled against Alex’s grasp with little success. Alex began to shove his friend into his back pack.
“Come on, this is discrimination! You can’t do this Alex. Oh yuk, when did you last do your laundry!” Bip complained.
Alex zipped his bag up trapping his friend inside. The hostess gestured Liz and Alex into the train.
Part 2 - Hostile Takeover
Liz’s eyes began to flicker open, looking over a wide hilly grass land glowing in the orange early morning light. She stretched out her arms as she began to wake up from her deep slumber. She looked over to Alex who sat next to her tapping his foot quickly against the floor.
“Morning,” Liz said.
“I’m booooooored,” Alex complained.
“Good to know,” Liz said, uncaring as she rubbed her eyes, beginning to fully wakeup. “How long have we been going for?”
“‘Bout twenty hours.”
“And you haven’t gotten any sleep?”
“To bored to sleep.”
“Well ok then, how’s Bip doing?”
Alex looked over to Liz confused.
“What? Oh yeah right haven’t checked. I’m sure he’s fine,” Alex said uncaringly.
“Wow some friend you are,” Liz said shocked by Alex’s lack of concern for his friend. “Anyway we should talk about what were gonna do when we get to capital city.”
Liz and Alex continued to talk.
Two men sat at the front of the train wearing dark clothes, one sitting on either side of the aisle. The man on the right looked down at his watch. He looked over to his companion and gave him a subtle nod, which was returned to him. The men reached into their coats and pulled out two small pistols before jumping up and holding the guns over the passenger. As the passengers noticed the men’s weapons the carriage began to fill with screams.
“Everyone shut up!” the man on the right yelled in a deep commanding voice sending silence over the train.
“This train is ours now,” the other man stated. “So nobody do anything stupid!”
The two men continued holding their guns over the passengers until they had completely calmed down. The man on the left reached into his suit case and pulled out two large garbage bags. He passed one of the bags to his companion.
“Now each one of you is gonna chuck you bags into theses, and don’t try anything tricky,” the man yelled.
The two men started walking down the two isles of the train carriage taking the bags of each of the passengers row by row. Liz looked over to Alex subtly as to not draw attention to them.
“Alex, what are we gonna do?” Liz asked
“Just follow my lead ok?” Alex said continuing to look directly forward.
The man walking down the right isle reached Alex and Liz. He pointed his gun at Alex sternly.
“You, bag, now!” the Man stated.
Alex didn’t respond continuing to look directly forward. The man grew frustrated as Alex continued to ignore him.
“You deaf kid, or you just got a death wish?” the man said leaning in to Alex.
Suddenly Alex swung his bag at the man’s head at full force. The man went flying to the floor with a loud thud as the bag hit the side of his head, knocking him unconscious. The man on the other side of the carriage looked over to Alex who stood over his unconscious friend.
“What the hell?” the man yelled, raising his gun towards Alex. “Your dead!”
He pulled the trigger of his gun, and nothing happened.
The man continued to pull the trigger to no effect. Ice began to form in the barrel of the gun blocking it complexly. Liz lowered her hand as the gun became completely disabled. Alex flung his bag towards the man hitting him in the face and knocking him unconscious.
“Jeez, what’s that bag got in it? Bricks?” Liz questioned.
Alex’s bag lay beside the unconscientious thief, opened by the force of the impact.
Bip emerged from the bag, dizzily drifting over to Liz and Alex before collapsing on the floor. Liz and Alex looked back to each other.
“Well anyway, at least that’s over with,” mused Liz. “Why would two guys think they could take over an entire train?”
A loud static sound began to fill the carriage from the speakers.
“Hello passengers, this is your conductor speaking,” a voice came from the speakers. “I’m sure by now you’ve met my men. I’m truly sorry if they’ve scared you, but as long as you stay calm and do as they say you have nothing to fear from them. So just sit back relax, and enjoy the trip,”
The speaker turned off sending the carriage into a terrified silence.
“Crap this isn’t good. What are we gonna do?” asked Liz.
“Don’t worry, I think I’ve got a plan,” Alex replied.
Part 3- The Cab (Part 1)
Teka placed the small microphone down into its holder as he let out a deep laugh.
“Ha, well I think that went quite well, wouldn’t you say,” Teka cackled. As he looked over to the two men, gaged, striped to their underwear and tied together in the corner cab. Teka walked over to the men standing menacingly over them.
“I’d say I make a pretty good conductor, wouldn’t you agree. Maybe I chose the wrong career,” Teka said gesturing to the tight fitting conductor’s uniform he had stolen.
The two men whimpered in fear, struggling against their bindings.
“Ha, guess I’m a little too scary for the job.”
“Boss, over here,” a voice came from behind Teka.
Teka looked towards the control panel with two men sitting behind it.
“What is it?” demanded Teka.
“We have a situation, Cio and Hatai haven’t reported back in yet,” one of the men stated.
Teka stomped over to the control panel.
“Those idiots. Give me your radio,” Teka said.
The man handed Teka a small radio from the control panel. He held down the button on the side of the radio as he began to speak.
“Cio, Hatai, you’ve got 5 seconds to report in or I’m gonna give you the ass beating of a life time,” Teka said aggressively into the radio.
A silence came over the cab, broken only by the static of the radio. Teka chucked the radio down onto the control panel.
“Hmmm, somethings up. Those two know better than to ignore me,” Teka said stroking his chin. “Those two idiots where in the back carriage right?”
The men behind the console nodded.
“Do we have any video?” asked Teka.
“Video but no sound.”
The man pulled up security footage onto the screen. Teka hunched over the console staring into the monitor. Alex and Bip huddled together talking to each other, standing over the unconscious bodies of Cio and Hatai.
“Hmmm, looks like we’ve got some trouble makers on board,” Teka said, as he began to grit his teeth in anger. “Send out a message to all the men, I want those two bastards off my train.”
“Yes sir,” the two men said in unison.
Part 4- Carriage Crawl
A man walked down the aisle of the train carriage, holding his gun over the cowering passengers. Another man stood leaning against the wall at the front of the carriage, talking on a walkie talkie.
“Yep, got it, will do boss. Long live Lemia,” The man said before clicking the walkie talkie onto his belt.
“So, what’s the big man say?” the other man asked.
“Apparently we’re on high alert now. A teenage kid and some cat thing are making their way up the train, taking out all our guys as they go.”
“Heh, I’d like to see em try that crap on us,” the man said pointing his gun at one of the passengers. “Pop pop and they're gone. I’m telling you man, we’re the biggest bad asses on this train haha.”
The thug looked closely at the man he pointed his gun at, the man leaned forward covering his face with a coat and broad brimmed hat.
“Hm? Hey wait, wasn’t this seat empty just a second ago?” the thug asked himself as he leaned in for a better look.
Suddenly the man lunged out sending his coat and hat flying to the ground revealing Alex underneath as he punched the thug in the face.
“Surprise attack!” Alex yelled.
The thug fell to the ground with a loud thud. The other man pulled his gun out pointing it at Alex.
“What the hell, where did you come fro….!” The man’s yells where cut off as he began to spasm violently.
The man fell to the ground continuing to twitch slightly, his hair standing up and skin lightly singed. Bip uncurled his tail from around the man’s leg and floated out of his seat towards Alex.
“It’s not a surprise attack if you yell it beforehand,” Bip sighed.
“Shut up, it worked didn’t it!” Alex snapped back.
Alex and Bip walked down the carriage.
“This is gonna take forever. Why does this train have to be so long? We’re never gonna get to the front,” exclaimed Alex.
“Come on, we’ve only been at it like an hour. Still though…” said Bip pausing briefly as he looked up to the camera hanging from the roof. “I wonder what’s waiting for us when we get to the front.”
In the cab, Teka looked back into Bip’s eyes through the security footage.
“Damn it!” Teka yelled. “What am I paying these idiots for, how has no one taken these trouble makers out yet.”
“I didn’t even see them enter the carriage. Their already half way through the train,” one of the men behind the console exclaimed.
Teka clenched his fist and ground his teeth as he contemplated what to do.
“Sir, Eto wants you,” the other man behind the console said, holding out a radio to Teka.
Teka stomped over to the console and violently snatched the radio, placing it up to his mouth.
“What is it Eto? You better have some good news,” Teka scowled.
“My teams finished down here sir” Eto said.
“Good good,” Teka said before having a moment of realization “Hey Eto, I got a new job for you, get your men to carriage 15. You’re gonna be on pest control duty,” Teka laughed.
Part 5- Carriage Crawl (Part 2)
Alex and Bip stood on the connector between the carriages.
“This is exhausting, what carriage is this now?” Alex asked.
“Seriously man, why’s it my job to keep count. This is number 15. The rest of the carriages from here should just be carrying cargo, so this should be a piece of cake,” Bip said optimistically.
Bip wrapped his tail around the handle of the door, twisting it and pulling it open with a loud creak. Alex and Bip walked into the room. Immediately as Alex’s foot entered the doorway 20 men jumped out from behind the cover of the cargo, aiming a verity of weaponry at the pair. The carriage was suddenly filled with the defining sound of gun fire. Alex and Bip quickly ducted back outside leaning against the wall of the carriage.
“Crap, that was a close one!” Alex yelled over the sounds of gun fire.
“Yeah, too close. So what’s the plan now?” Bip asked.
“Guess we don’t have any choice but to wait for our chance to strike.”
“It’s gonna be dangerous, you could probably use this,” Bip said as he raised his tail up.
A small handgun dripping with a clear gooey liquid dropped from the orifice in Bip’s tail. Bip picked the gun up with his tail and reached it out to Alex.
“Here, go ahead take it,” Bip insisted.
“No way, that’s disgusting, and anyway…” Alex said as his blade began to appear in his hands. “I’m good with this.”
“Suit yourself then,” Bip said.
The gun fire inside the carriage began to die down.
“Sounds like this could be our chance,” Bip said.
“Yeah I agree, you ready for this?” Alex asked.
“Ready as I’ll ever be?” Bip replied.
“Alright then.”
Alex and Bip looked at each other, prepareing for the fight. Alex took a deep breath as Bip drew himself back ready to charge back into the carriage.
Part 6-The Cockpit (Part 3)
Teka laughed menacingly as he watched his men fire at Alex and Bip through the monitor.
“Ha, those bastards are dead now. I’d like to see them get out of this,” Teka cackeled.
“Yes sir, nothing can stop us no…” one of the men from behind the counter said looking over to Teka before being cut off.
“Yes sir,” said one of the men from behind the counter. “Nothing can stop us no…” he looked over to Teka and stopped suddenly.
Starring through the small window behind Teka he saw a girl. Surprised by her unexpected presence he raised his hand to point at the window.
“S..sir, look,” the man stuttered.
“What?” Teka said turning around.
Liz was startled as she was noticed by Teka.  She ducked down out of sight as Teka began to quickly stomp over to the window. He placed his face up to the window scanning the area with no sign of Liz.
“Who the hell was that? Was I imagining something?” Teka muttered.
Suddenly there was a loud smash behind Teka as Liz broke through the window on the other side of the cab. She jumped through the smashed window landing next to one of the men at the control panel, punching him hard in the head before he had time to react, knocking him unconscious.
“What the hell!” the other man exclaimed, pulling his gun out of its holster.
Liz raised her hand shooting out a fine white powder.  The powder swirled around and formed into a tightly packed snow ball as it shot through the air. The ball struck the man hard in the face, breaking apart on impact. The man collapsed onto the console unconscious. Teka raised his gun, pulling back the hammer as he aimed it at Liz.
“Hello there, and who might you be?” Teka asked.
Liz took a fighting stance.
“How rude. But I suppose it doesn’t matter. I’m not gonna let you get in the way of my plans,” Teka continued as he prepared to fight Liz.
To Be Continued
Thank you for reading chapter 6 of mage. if you like what you’ve seen please consider following my tumblr for a new chapter every Friday. Until next week, have a good day.
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