#i had fun experimenting with this comic!!! like the goo! and also cutting in real photo eyes and teeth for that last flowey
capnhanbers · 1 year
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I'm a mean green mother from outer space and I'm BAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(scene from chapter 139)
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thebibliomancer · 3 years
Archaia’s Jim Henson’s The Dark Crystal Age of Resistance #10
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The Journey into the Mondo Levidian Part 2
The true untold tale of All-Maudra Mayrin’s inaugural adventure!
Well, untold in the show. Comic is telling plenty.
In part one, Mayrin becomes All-Maudra and has plenty of unresolved mother issues and insecurity about it. Her first crisis is the growing Sifan separatist movement which threatens to shatter Gelfling solidarity and make her more of a Most-Maudra. She charters a ride with Captain Kam’Lu to go speak to the separatist leader Fenth but the ship goes and sinks.
So far we’ve had a journey so far but not into or Mondo Levidian. We probably should get around to that soon. There’s only three issues left.
So let’s get started!
When the ship sank, Mayrin jumped overboard to save Kam’Lu. Now they’re stranded in the middle of the ocean on a raft.
Mayrin is insistent that they try to find and save the crew of the Scalene Anchor and also Dot. Kam’Lu is equally insistent that No That’s A Terrible Idea. They have no food, no water, and no hope of survival unless they’re lucky enough to find land. They’re in no position to rescue anyone else. Plus...
There are political considerations.
Kam’Lu: “If the other clans believe the Sifans killed the All-Maudra, we’ll never be trusted again.”
He also mentions that Fenth predicted that THIS EXACT SITUATION might happen if the All-Maudra intervened in the Sifan separatist movement.
Speaking of Fenth, the plot cuts over to him for a bit.
He learns of the sinking the Scalene Anchor and the presumed death of the New-All-Maudra and thinks hey, its free real estate.
High Councilor Fenth: “That means... There’s no one in line for the All-Maudra’s throne! The seat is vacant!”
skekSa: “How... fortunate! Haha! Ha! Haha! You wanted autonomy for the Sifans! Freedom from the greedy hands of the Vapra clan, yes? That is why honored me with this grand tithing -- to enlist my immortal aid? I am the only one who is sympathetic to your cause. That is why the Skeksis are here. To help Gelfling lead...!”
Call it a shot in the dark but I feel like skekSa was involved in the suspicious sea monster sinking of the Scalene Anchor.
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Of course, she’ll probably get away with it. It’d spoil the surprise too early if a Skeksis was caught doing an evil scheme.
Also, look at the ambition on Fenth. Grows up in a matriarchy where clan leaders are always women, where the word for clan leader means ‘clan mother’ and thinks to himself ‘psssh i can do that.’ Good on him. Dream big, guy.
Back over with our mismatched comedy duo, as all Dark Crystal stories must have, Mayrin and Kam’Lu have some mismatched comedy duo banter.
Like her criticizing him for not being able to find land despite being a captain of a ship. And then immediately spotting land while he’s indignantly defending his credentials.
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Or her maligning his swimming abilities since he fell off a boat and got knocked unconscious and had to be saved from drowning by her.
So he decides to turn this into a swimming contest, winner gets to be All-Maudra.
Good fun.
Just how I like my Gelfling buddy comedies.
Of course, its all fun and games until the island turns out to be a sea monster that eats them.
And it turns out that the island is a sea monster that eats them.
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A mondo levidian, if I had to guess.
Giant turtles passing as landscape. Giant monsters being mistaken for islands. This comic series is too good to me.
So the two slide down the mondo levidian’s throat (gross) MANAGING TO BICKER ON THE WAY DOWN!
Kam’Lu: “Don’t you have wings?!”
Mayrin: “They don’t work well when they’re wet!”
They slide and slorp and flump all the way down to presumably the stomach.
But as they stop to rest, they realize they’re not alone.
Sulub: “Yer some kinda fishie-fish I ain’t ever seen! Betchur tasty! Anyway! No wrigglin’ while I kill ya good!”
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This comic series is too good to me.
Look at this delightful podling crabtaur.
Once Kam’Lu proves immune to Sulub’s “advanced technology” (ie Sulub stabs Kam’Lu in the foot with a spear), the podcrab agrees to take the two Gelfling to see his village elder.
Sulub actually assumes that Mayrin and Kam’Lu are married and here on honeymoon at the thriving fish digestive system tourism industry I guess. Mayrin claims that Kam’Lu is just a fool and her servant (and Kam’Lu doesn’t speak Podling very well so has no idea about this) and introduces herself as the All-Maudra.
Sulub: “ALL-MAUDRA! The legendary All-Maudra! Well, why didn’t ya say so! Sulub is gilltickled and downright honored to lead ‘the all-powerful and all-knowing’ All-Maudra to our home. You’ll be enjoyin’ to know we’ve kept care of your most regal gifts! Still in pristine condition for havin’ come in a while ago!”
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The gut city of Bajula has a statue of the previous All-Maudra, one apparently commissioned when Mayrin was baby.
Well. Its helpful to Mayrin that they know about the All-Maudra and are excited to have her here. And that they’re assuming that she sent the statue ahead of herself, like luggage.
Sulub tours Mayrin and Kam’Lu around Bajula. Showing them the goo farms, the visitor center, the fermented... milk wine bar.
The king shows up and is disappointed that the Gelfling want to leave so soon into their visit and asks if Sulub even bothered to show them the goo farms!
But since Mayrin insists that they have important outside stuff to do outside, the king decides to rush through some exposition.
These podling crabs? They’re called Boblings.
Bobling King: “Thousands of trine ago, my tribe set out to explore the Silver Sea as proud, stalwart Podlings! Our regal forefathers were not known to swim, but their bravery was unmatched, and they set out to conquer everything they discovered! All those who would get in their way would be destroyed by the might of the Podlings! Yet there are creatures in this world that are mightier, and the Mondo Leviadin emerged from the Silver Sea and devoured their ships. Thousands of digestive cycles passed as we changed to better suit our new home. Our new world.”
An unstoppable army of Podlings sounds funny until you remember how awesome Hup is. The Mono Levidian may have spared the peoples of Thra a tragic fate.
Also, I’m a big impressed at the lack of linguistic drift. Thousands of trine and Bobling language is indistinguishable from Podling and Gelfling is still recognizable.
Kam’Lu gets fed up with the Bobling King and starts yelling that he’s cold, he’s hungry, he doesn’t want to be in a fish’s guts! Mayrin manages to convince the king by speaking of duty.
Bobling King: “You speak of duty. I know it well. As a leader of my kind, I would do anything for their survival. So yes, I will help you and your servant. Why you married him, I will never know.”
Kam’Lu: “Her what? We’re what?!”
Hah, that misunderstanding is paying dividends.
The king explains that the levidian only surfaces to feed once per trine and that it stays near the surface for a time after feeding.
So if Mayrin and Kam’Lu don’t get to the porticol (blowhole) within eight or so intestinal groans (.... hours??), they’ll be stuck until next trine.
Even though the Boblings are but a simple goo-farming people, the king sends his daughter Gunda, the most skilled hunter in Bajula, to escort them.
Gunda: “But father, the journey as never been done by a single Bobling. You send me into certain danger!”
King: “And do you not crave danger?! My daughter, you are the only one capable and brave enough to undertake such a quest! Please! A duty for your king!”
Gunda: “So be it. I will guide you to the porticol, but know that it is dangerous and uncharted. There are many creatures that call this place home. We must be vigilant. Stalwart. Like my podling ancestors!”
This is a fun little bit because it implies a life and experiences and that these Boblings haven’t just been sitting waiting for protagonists to show up. I mean, they also have been doing that. They have a visitor center set up. But they’ve been living their own dramas.
And off they go! Mayrin, Kam’Lu, and Gunda! On a grand journey to a giant sea monster’s blowhole!
Wait, is this thing a mammal?
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So that’s issue 2.
We’re finally in the Mondo Levidian. And now all the protagonists want is to get out. So we’ve got the title, we’ve got an objective, we’ve got some fun side cast, we’ve got a ticking clock before Mayrin and Kam’Lu have to look at the sea monster gut apartment listings, and we’ve got some outside stakes!
Mayrin continues to impress. There’s even a moment right when Kam’Lu rouses after the shipwreck where he seems in awe of her confidence in a crisis.
Kam’Lu has his own personality now that’s not parroting Fenth. Its being a butt monkey, with a slight shade of being a little shit. Between Mayrin giving him shit for supposedly being bad at sailor stuff to getting stabbed in the foot by Boblings twice to being mistaken for Mayrin’s servant-husband, Kam’Lu is having a trying adventure. Plus his ship sank and all of his friends may be dead and if they fail to escape the Mondo Levidian, he’ll go down in history as the idiot that got an All-Maudra killed.
Poor guy.
Gunda has only had two pages to shine and she seems endearing! But it feels weird that Sulub isn’t coming along. He’s the introductory Bobling and all. But I guess speaking only Podling would be an impediment to interacting with Kam’Lu. Still, its weird that he just seems to fade out of the story once the king shows up.
Farewell, Sulub, you funky crab potato.
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Nino Appreciation Week - Day 1: Music/Film - “Let It Go”
@wearemiraculous Let the week begin!
(Also on AO3 / fanfiction.net )
Day: 1 | 2 | 3 (Part 2 of this story) | 4 | 5 |
‘Hey, babe! Whassup?!’
Alya froze on the doorstep eyeing Nino up and down.
‘What are you doing here?’ she asked suspiciously.
‘Um, visiting my friends?’ he ventured. ‘It’s nice to see you too?’ he suggested after lack of response on her end of the conversation.
The redhead took a sweeping glance at the corridor behind his back. ‘Adrien’s not with you?’
‘Nope. He’s getting ready,’ Nino replied with a surprising amount of sarcasm.
‘Then it’s good you’re here,’ Alya dragged him inside and closed the door in one swift motion. ‘I need a babysitter.’
‘What now?’
‘A babysitter. Maman had an emergency at the restaurant so she dropped Etta and Ella at my place. They are already crazy bored.’
‘So I need you to keep them busy somehow.’
‘Why don’t you do it yourself? You’re an expert at babysitting or so I’ve heard,’ Nino grinned at her. Babysitting two little girls? Nah, he’ll pass.
‘Please Nino,’ Alya pursed her lips and fluttered her lashes. ‘I know you’re actually quite good with kids and we have a crisis.’ She nodded in the direction of the bathroom.
‘A crisis.’ Nino repeated flatly.
Marinette’s head emerged from behind the bathroom door. At least he thought it was Marinette. Bluebell eyes, freckles and her timid smile were all there, but her hair…
‘Oh…’ he whispered not sure what one is supposed to say when some alien creature attacks your friend’s head. Alya followed his gaze and chuckled.
‘May I introduce you to Miss Madly Clumsy’s newest adventure,’ she announced. ‘Pre-date hair crisis.’
Marinette tried to groan but it came out more as a giggle. Nino suspected that after years of various hapless incidents she was bound to get used to things like that.
‘Wait. Why aren’t you at your place helping Adrien?’ the crisis girl asked.
‘Um…,’ Nino scratched his chin. ‘It got too Agrestive for me there.’
Alya and Marinette rolled their eyes in unison.
‘Ugh, you spend too much time with Adrien,’ the latter muttered. ‘But why are you really here?’
‘I politely excused myself after a not very pleasant conversation with Adrien’s father.’
‘And what’s his father doing there? It’s your place.’
‘Apparently supporting his son before his first real date,’ Nino said dryly. ‘Anyway, he didn’t like my suggestions as to what Adrien should wear.’
‘So you left Adrien alone?’
‘What? No! What kind of friend would do that?!’ Nino spluttered indignantly. ‘No, his father is helping him now.’
‘WHAT?!’ Alya looked mortified.
‘Look. This is Gabriel freaking Agreste. Do you know anyone better qualified to choose Adrien’s clothes for this occasion?’ He asked raising his brow and nodding slightly in Marinette’s direction. The brunette was making quiet squealing noises, though Nino couldn’t guess if it was at the thought her childhood idol choosing an outfit or her crush getting all dolled up. As far as he knew it could have even been both.
‘Oh…’ The redhead deflated a bit. ‘And Adrien’s okay with that?’
‘Relax, babe. He’s ecstatic. Best day ever, huh?’
‘I suppose,’ Alya didn’t look convinced. ‘Anyway, the twins? I’ll go get them.’
‘Fine,’ Nino gave up. He would be more than happy to do anything Alya asked for. He sent a love-struck look after her. Nino only allowed himself those when no one was around.
‘If you’d ask her out she’d say yes, you know,’ he heard Marinette’s small voice beside him. Crap, he thought she was in the bathroom. ‘You’ve been looking at her like that for a long time. You should do something about it,’ she said gently.
‘Look at her,’ he said resigned. ‘What would a girl like that want from a guy like me?’
‘Oh, Ninny,’ he felt her arms snaking around his shoulders and then she was hugging him. ‘How can you even say that! You’re a fantastic guy, and Alya would be lucky to be with you!’ She exclaimed with passion that startled Nino for a moment.
‘Don’t repeat the mistakes me and Adrien have made,’ she whispered into his ear. ‘Five years! We’ve wasted five years dancing around each other, while we could have been together all this time!’
‘Yeah,’ Nino chuckled. ‘It’s ridiculous how long it took you two oblivious idiots to finally get to the first date.’
‘See?’ Marinette withdrew from the hug and gave him a warm smile. ‘You’re not an oblivious idiot. Just tell her!’ She hugged him again and he kissed the top of her head.
‘Thank youuuu- what the hell did you do to your hair!’ Now that he got a close look this didn’t look like alien invasion but more like a science experiment gone very wrong.
‘Um… curling iron and green highlights – not my best idea,’ she said sheepishly.
‘Right. His colors,’ Nino muttered under his breath. ‘Adrien would love it.’ He admitted.
‘Well, he’s gonna have to love ordinary me and what’s left of my hair.’ Marinette flashed him a bright smile just as Alya emerged from her room with two little redheads in tow.
‘I’ve found the scissors,’ she said. ‘Etta was getting busy with one of my comics,’ she sent the twin on the left a murderous glare. Nino always wondered how could she tell which sister was which.
‘Please, don’t let them leave your sight. They’re worse than Chat’s cataclysm,’ she warned and urged them into the living room. Then she turned to Marinette.
‘Haircut time, dear,’ she announced and her friend sighed in resignation disappearing behind bathroom door.
Nino was at a loss. He was good with kids, his little cousins to be precise, but it was easy enough. He just had to find a ball and ask who was going to be Neymar and for the next hour or so the problem was solved. Then he would turn on one cartoon or another and prepare some food. His little cousins were easy to manage. But girls? What did they do for fun?
Currently the twins were busying themselves with a pile of old clothes Alya had just dumped in the middle of the living room.
‘I’m gonna be Cinderella!’ One of them, possibly Ella, exclaimed wrapping Marinette’s blue pareo around herself.
‘And I’m gonna be Bella! The other, probably Etta, replied instantly putting on Alya’s yellow sundress.
Ah, it looked like they were quite happy. Nino took that opportunity to inspect his phone to check if Adrien was still alive.
A few texts and one extremely Chat style gif later Nino was so focused on his phone that he missed an innocent question, automatically replying “Sure”.
‘But which princess?’ An inquiring voice brought him back from conversation with his best friend.
‘Which princess you’re going to be?’
‘Excuse me?’ Nino raised his eyes from his phone to see two mounds of folded fabric with hazel eyes.
‘What are you looking at?’ The yellow mound asked instantly diving to his phone.
‘Do you have any princesses there?’ The blue heap followed her sister and Nino lost hold of the device.
Hmmm. One phone, three people? What could he do?
‘My work here is done!’ Alya announced emerging from the bathroom half an hour later, Marinette at her heels inspecting her new haircut in a hand mirror.
‘Awww, Alya! You’re amazing! I never would have thought pixie cut would suit me,’ She cooed at her reflection. ‘How are you so good with scissors!’
‘Ah, remember that time when there was that thing I couldn’t do?’
Marinette widened her eyes in surprise. ‘No.’
‘Neither do I,’ Alya winked at her. ‘Now where’s our babysitter and the little monst- I mean the little angels? Oh-‘ she stopped mid step and put a finger to her lips.
‘What?’ Marinette whispered looking over her friend’s shoulder. ‘Oh-‘
‘ ♪ ~Let it goO! Let it gOOo!~ ♪ ’ sang a little but strong voice as Alya started sneaking her way into the living room. ‘ ♪ ~And I'll rise like the break of daAawn~ ♪ .’
‘ ♪ ~Let it goO! Let it gOOo!~ ♪ ’ a second soprano joined, clear as a bell, when they turned around the corner ‘ ♪ ~That perfect girl is goOne~ ♪ !’
‘ ♪ ~Here I staAand in the light of daaAay!~ ♪ ’ a third, much lower voice took over.
Alya and Marinette reach the room and saw that it belonged to a familiar tall figure wrapped in blue and white shawls, save for a red cap on top. The figure took hold of a pink microphone and was now reaching the end of the vocals at the top of his voice.
‘ ♪ ~Let the storm rage oOOOOOOOOOO-~ ’ Nino dragged the last note as long as he could but faltered noticing the unexpected audience.
Marinette and Alya instantly turned, their backs touching and hips cocked. ‘The cold never bothered me anyway!’ they sang in unison smiling at their quickly reddening friend.
‘Encore! Encore!’ The twins screamed excitedly, jumping on the couch. Nino was the best babysitter they ever had!
There’s also Part 2 of this story - for Day 3: Favorite Ship 
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