#i had the same feeling during the gojo v sukuna fight
raamitsu · 5 months
I'm sorry if that's a stupid question (I'm not 100% caught up on all the details), but when it comes to the Yuuji and Sukuna family tree chaos, do you feel like it was foreshadowed enough? To me it kinda felt very out of left field, but then maybe we have to wait until we have the full context.
While that chapter was unironically a banger, I don't know how to feel about all those sudden reveals during the final fight. But that could just be my personal gripe with the Gojo v. Sukuna fight where new information about the whole power system was constantly introduced that we couldn't have possibly known about and it felt unsatisfying in the narrative. Doesn't change the fact that I was really invested in it when the chapters came out every week because I'm invested in what's happening/happened to Gojo, and I hope I don't come off as rude, I'm just genuinely interested in others opinions, maybe I missed something. Anyway have a good day/night and thanks for all the updates!
True, Yuji and Sukuna's relations perhaps have been foreshadowed a lot since the beginning but I believe the majority of the fandom didn't consider them to be different from what they were expecting; from twin brothers to uncle-nephew. Not gonna lie they nailed it with the twins theory but somehow Jin Itadori was and has never crossed their mind because they thought he was less relevant other than wanting to have a child at all cost.
Not just the fact that Gege added a little motive into Jin's character, this means there is so little we knew about him that Gege planned to reveal to us. I also believe we'll get to learn about Wasuke as a character because his appearance in the very first chapter was crucial, especially the advice he gave to Yuji.
You're right about the "receiving info left and right" because I feel the same way. Even so, I remembered what Tite Kubo said regarding this:
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At first I expressed my dissatisfactory with this kind of writing choice Gege made to my friend but there were some truths to what Kubo said here - though I believe every author are more than capable to surprise us despite many revelations.
But with JJK, we had them already at hands and we theorized + analyzed them before we could confirmed they were canon/relevant to the plot, until Gege slowly unveiled their importance to the story.
At this point we need to stay alert with every JJK content we receive; be it merchandises, colored pages, Gege's illustrations etc. 😂😭
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dellalyra · 1 year
Pixie’s JJK Theories
!! SPOILERS !! (225 included) if u don’t wanna know anything then don’t read <3
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Okay so, I’ll try to make these make sense and put them in some sort of order bc I have so many ideas and thoughts they r swimming in my head :):)
Gna preface the whole thing by saying I don’t think Gojo is dead/will die, just from an editing/business perspective (I did 2 years study of being an editor and 5 years of creative writing studies, not an expert or anything so just MY OPINION)
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So first theory set:
Who’s gonna kill Sukuna and Kenjaku?
Maki Kills Sukuna
I think that 225 has been a signal that Sukuna CANNOT be defeated/killed by cursed energy or techniques. I don’t know how to describe it best but think of Achilles, an unbeatable hero but he had that one weakness. Now Sukuna’s whole CT/DE is based around weaponry right? There’s literally nobody more talented with weaponry than Maki - it’s been hinted that she’s even surpassed Toji in terms of physical prowess since Mai’s death and the whole heavenly restriction thing. What if, he basically can only be beaten by someone playing his game: a proper fight? Think of it, maki has no CE, no CT, no DE. But she is completely unparalleled with weapons and cursed tools. What if - she’s the antithesis and also the mirror image of him and that’s what could take him down? Also: it would be a mirror of Toji V Gojo.
Gojo & Sukuna = Gods amongst Mortals
Maki & Toji = The Mortals
Toji’s lack of cursed energy and physical abilities also with the inverted spear allowed him to kill Satoru.
What if this will be repeated history with Maki - with something from the Zen’in vault?
If Maki could then save Megumi, then they could work to rebuild the Zen’in clan in their image: modern, fair and open.
That’s one theory anyway since we’ve seen that Sukuna cherishes and admires strength and power.
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Theory Two
Choso Kills Kenjaku
OKAY SO Choso’s whole character is family. His whole aim since day one has been his brothers. What if choso kills kenjaku, as his revenge? Noritoshi Kamo is the one who both created AND destroyed Choso’s family - it would be poetic justice for Choso to be the one to kill him, since he has known nothing but manipulation and violence since his ‘birth’.
Theory Three
Yuuji kills Sukuna
Sukuna took so much from yuuji it would just be JUSTICE but also remember during the exchange event arc megumi really emphasised how even without cursed energy yuuji would still destroy them all in hand to hand combat? I think that’s rly important here. This kinda follows the same logic as my maki theory but I just have this feeling that Sukuna can’t be taken down with cursed techniques or DE, it has to be raw unbridled power. Like I said Sukuna respects and covets power and maybe it’s because he knows that’s the one thing that could kill a god like him.
Plus - this ties in with ‘start by saving me, Itadori’ and megumi and Yuuji’s promises and threats to not die. Regardless of whether or not u ship them romantically, their relationship (platonic or not) has been at the forefront of the entire series - it would make sense for Itadori starting his full Sukuna free life by the first person he really saves being Megumi.
Also I like this because remember the ‘Nah, I’d win’ conversion with Gojo? Wouldn’t it be cool if it was actually Yuuji who won - saving Gojo, Megumi and everyone else?
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Theory Four
Inumaki is gonna have a big part to play. Idk what, but the timing of his return lends itself to this.
Also, Nobara isn’t dead. The other person that gojo Shoko and Ijichi were talking about was Nobara and she ain’t dead but severely injured and I think she’s gonna come in with a dramatic ‘here to save ur sorry asses’ moment bc it just is very on brand for her.
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Theory Five
Why Gojover isn’t happening now/ever.
But especially now.
OKAY business perspective ik it takes away from the ‘story’ part but don’t forget that Gege has editors and he needs to sell more copies of future editions and chapters so a certain amount of fan service is required, Gojo stole the show literally - they know that killing him off is a bad business choice at any point, but especially in such an anti-climactic way.
Another rly important point is every character who’s had a huge impact on the story and then subsequently fuckin died, think Geto, Nanami, Toji - they’ve all had a poignant death and Gojo has had even more of an impact on the story.
Geto: you could at least curse me a little in the end and his moment w gojo in the alley
Nanami: you’ve got it from here looking at yuuji his protege who he was so tough on and then telling him essentially he trusted and believed in him
Toji: my kid will be sold to the Zen’in’s, do what you will after pushing gojo to unlock his full potential thru fuckin stabbing him and then gojo stopping the sale of megumi
After all of these deaths they’re not gonna do:
Gojo: 3 chapters, gets slashed in the neck and fucking croaks.
That’s just bad storytelling and no matter how cruel he is Gege is a phenomenal storyteller
NEXT point is I think this is where we’re finally gonna see some real RCT. It’s interesting how Gojo said he doesn’t mind going HAM on Megumi’s body bc he looks like his dad - I don’t think that’s a coincidence that he’s fighting someone who looks so like Toji and then gets slashed in his neck? Seems a bit like repeating history, but I think even Gojo’s RCT won’t cut it - I think it’ll be Shoko who saves him.
The giveaway for this for me was ‘You were never alone’ and her reminiscing. She’s always been there for the two boys and she always will be - she’s the most powerful RCT user and she’s never left Gojo’s side, and she won’t fail him now. She will heal his neck, because he’s not alone at the top of the food chain. Pair with this if Utahime is still using her amplification technique, Shoko is almost unstoppable in terms of RCT.
We’ve seen this situation with Yuuta and Yuuji too, so there’s canon evidence of its existence and potential.
Also - I don’t think the Tojification of Gojo is accidental or just gege having a hard on for Toji. This is again a Man Vs God situation, take this and use it on Toji (man) v Gojo (god), but now it’s Gojo (man) vs Sukuna (god). Ultimately, Toji killed Gojo. He killed a God by force. Maybe that’s some foreshadowing idk idk.
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Theory six
Yuuta kills Kenjaku.
Don’t fight me on this one. It’s feminine intuition. Idk why or how or where but it’s gna happen.
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Theory seven
Noritoshi Kamo kills Noritoshi Kamo.
The battle of the Noritoshi’s.
Won’t happen but would be funny and I would enjoy the confusion at the both screaming each others names and it being their own names like the confusion from Shibuya.
Theory Eight
I kill Sukuna and Kenjaku.
They’re testing my patience rn, and they’re hurting my babies. Mama Pixie is unhappy. I’ll chase after them both and beat them with a frying pan until they both apologise and get me a bouquet each for being such unruly boys and then they will make ‘I’m sorry for killing your brother/I’m sorry for taking your eye out/sorry for living in ur body and taking ur heart out/sorry for killing ur sister and then taking ur body/sorry for using ur ex-bfs body as a marionette’ cards for everyone and I put them in time out (hell).
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chiarrara · 5 months
i genuinely think this second half of jjk is going to be so good animated (given mappa can get their shit together). i honestly think the story has usually been better on the screen than on the page save for a few pages, panels, chapters, and maybe one arc.
i think the main benefit the manga brings is the ability to slow down the pace, take in more information and process things vs the anime's breakneck pace. I think this works especially in the origin of obedience arc and somewhat in hidden inventory/premature death (though i still think the anime improved on this arc) and even during junpei's arc to an extent. I found myself dwelling on certain panels for a long time, flipping back through the pages to take in the story, and just generally reading slowly and thinking about the characters and the themes.
(I don't think it's a coincidence these are the most character driven arcs in the story. I also don't think it's a coincidence they came early on, or that they were in the old art style which I heavily prefer)
by the time we got to the shibuya arc however, i found myself breezing through pages, practically skipping over whole fights (don't get me started on that grasshopper) and only really stopping when something about the power system/magic system pissed me off. and I haven't really slowed down since.
megumi's section in the culling games arc was pretty good, the fight dynamics with his developed shadow technique were really interesting. yuuta's section was okay, but his opponents were boring or annoying, and the power system got even more fucked in this section. choso vs. naoya was visually cool and i liked choso's character development. yuuji v yuuta was an amazing fight, and i loved the my own private idaho scene right after + itafushi moments. yuki & choso vs kenny was nice and had good character moments woven in. i love higuruma bc im on tumblr of course i do. and sukuna taking over megumi's body was absolutely devastating and I'm never going to get over it.
but I don't think i really slowed down like I used to until gojo's death in "go south". which was such a beautiful chapter and really hit me across the face with how much it felt like old jjk, which only made me hyperaware of how much everything else didn't.
I feel like the sped up pace of the anime is gonna cover up for how much less deep the manga has become. when i slow down now, I'm only confused, pissed, or disappointed. but the hype shit is still pretty hype, and the fights are better in the anime anyway. since that's basically all the manga is right now.... hopefully that will feel a little better once mappa's animators get their hands on it. they did a good job with shibuya, i was so along for the ride. whereas in the manga, i kept getting bored and finding cracks in the writing that have only opened up so much wider.
unfortunately, I'm worried that the anime will only be able to cover up so much, and the loss of depth, meaningful character work and thematic development will still be apparent. I'm more worried that a sped up pace combined with the less coherent power/magic system developments will be confusing and distracting. and I'm worried problems with the studio will cause quality to drop (or worse it'll stay the same but working conditions will as well), but I'll hold my concern on that til there's actually something to be concerned about (which there is for working conditions, but anyway...)
empty spectacle still ends up feeling empty at the end of the day, even if the spectacle gets bigger, and that's what I'm really concerned about. but maybe my opinion is just changing bc i switched from binging chapters to reading week to week, and from anime only to caught up on the manga...... I don't think so lmao. but maybe.
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cursingtoji · 3 years
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Pairing: Gojo x Roality/Sorcerer!Reader
Summary: Yuji was told by his sensei that someone very special was coming to evaluate his new cursed energy.
Warning: fem pronouns, slightly suggestive, hickeys, established relationship.
a/n: naruto's anbu uniform is what i based reader's outfit off, so keep that in mind i guess? i apologize if i forgot some tag in the warnings, feel free to point anything out to me. thank u and enjoy <3
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“How pontual” Gojo smiled when he felt your presence on the top of the building he was standing along with Yuji.
“Huh?” Yuji looked around confused till he saw a black silhouette behind him.
“Hope you don’t mind Yuji-kun, I wanted a professional opinion and called a friend”.
“Are you sure this is the best place to do this Gojo?” You asked going around the boy with pink hair staring at his figure and sensing his cursed energy.
The building you agreed to meet him was one of the tallest in Tokyo, you could barely see the people on the streets from here.
“Sensei, is your friend a ninja?” Yuji asked, staring back at your figure, your black outfit left no skin to be shown while the kitsune mask covered your whole face and two swords remained crossed at your back.
“You worry too much Princess, don’t you believe I am the strongest?” You frown upon the use of the pet name. Yuji tilted his head to the side.
“I just don’t want things to go out of control” you moved your hands to remove the kitsune mask, your identity would still be protected by the mask that covered your nose and mouth beneath it, but Gojo stopped your hands as soon as you approached him.
“Keep it on until we finish okay?” He smiled, although he did not say anything else this was enough for you to understand he did not want the curse inside Yuji to cross eyes with you. “I’ll explain later, Yuji, now can you give us ten seconds with Sukuna?” Gojo stretched his arms preparing for a quick battle.
You moved to the corner of the building to give him space but still keeping an eye on the pink haired kid.
He was so young...
Black marks soon appeared on the kid’s body and the new cursed energy overwhelmed you making a shiver run up your spine.
As the heir of a clan that for centuries has the ability to control cursed energy, this scared you.
Sukuna’s energy was enough to destroy a big city like Tokyo as easily as a snap of a finger. In the past your clan helped Sukuna by increasing his cursed energy during battles but in the end, your clan also helped destroy Sukuna by suppressing his cursed energy as much as they could. Gojo asked you to come watch a quick demonstration, if the plan succeeded and Yuji managed to live long enough to eat all Sukuna’s fingers, it would be just a matter of time until the king of curses took control of the vessel and attempted some kind of mass destruction. If the time comes you wanted to be able to perform the same act that your clan did in the past.
Although, since Sukuna’s downfall your clan did not act as sorcerers anymore, instead they turned into rulers and politicians, living in big cities as Tokyo and controlling cursed energy just by existing there, a natural balance to the modern world, they would tell you, but none of this changed your mind when you decided to break the chain and become a sorcerer almost ten years ago.
The fight started when Sukuna ran towards Gojo murmuring something about seeing him again. Gojo controlled the situation fast by immobilizing Sukuna on the floor, far enough to not harm you.
“So?” Gojo asked, looking at your direction.
“You asked me to not do anything so I can’t say for sure, but I think it’s possible” you answered the white haired man.
Sukuna’s attention now was brought to you, he tried to read your cursed energy, you sensed that, but with the kitsune mask covering your face and eyes you doubt he recognized you as part of the clan that caused his downfall one thousand years ago.
Gojo again smiled at you, proud of you being able to take such a fast reading without messing with Sukuna’s energy, which he asked you to not do.
It would be better for everyone if Sukuna doesn’t make a target of you so soon.
“Alright, guess we are done for now” Gojo raised as soon as Yuji took back control of his body. You watched amazed as the cursed energy came back to a normal level.
Gojo asked Ijichi to drive Yuji back to the school and promised to talk to Yuji in the morning.
“I don’t know, Satoru. There’s only so much I can do alone, and I’m sure the rest of my clan won’t get involved with Sukuna if he returns. This is a huge responsibility for me...” you stopped talking, not even wanting to consider the possibility of such a powerful curse having complete control to do whatever he pleases and you not being able to do much by yourself.
“I won’t put you in danger, but for now it would be good if you could stick around Yuji, just to observe... I can put a good word for you with Yaga” Gojo dropped his arm around your shoulder playfully.
“You really want me to stay at jujutsu tech Tokyo just to keep an eye on him?” You removed the kitsune mask, now allowing Gojo to see your teasing eyes.
“I have my own selfish reasons too”.
The next morning Yuji crossed his path with Nanami around the school, having worked together once Yuji felt comfortable with asking Nanami about his sensei’s friend.
“Oi Nanami, do you know Gojo-sensei’s ninja friend? I met them last night but still don’t know what happened”.
Nanami stared at Yuji like he was speaking some foreign language “...Ninja?”
The elder was about to ask him to elaborate when the said sensei turned around the corner with you by his side.
“Gojo-san, Ojou-sama” Nanami bowed low when he noticed you coming closer.
“Ojou-sama?” Yuji looked at the person walking to them alongside Gojo. He did not recognize you at first, you now were using a colored Yukata and nothing covering your face.
“Nanami please, you know me long enough to drop this title” you smiled at your friend.
Yuji quickly made the connection between Nanami using the princess title and Gojo calling you Princess yesterday.
“Oh sensei, I didn’t know you had a girlfriend. You two make a beautiful couple” Yuji smiled.
“Itadori, show respect, Y/n-sama is an actual royal” Nanami whispered to Yuji.
After the downfall of Sukuna your clan reigned for a while, being the heir of the main clan branch and if your clan was still reigning that would technically make you a princess. Nanami insisted on referring to you as Ojou-sama in public even though you two attended school together years ago and long passed the formal titles.
“Sorry” Yuji bowed, still confused.
“It’s okay Itadori-kun, we will have enough time to get to know each other” you assured the pink haired boy.
“You are moving here?” Nanami asked.
“Isn’t it great?” Gojo smiled widely, now placing his arms on your shoulders and Nanami’s. “It will be like old times again”.
“Yaga accepted my request to stay on the campus and assist the kids,” you explained Nanami. Of course he knew that by ‘the kids’ you mean Itadori and his new found cursed energy.
“What a great set of teachers you will have Yuji-kun” Gojo tight his grip around you and Nanami “Why don’t you go find Fushiguro and Kugusaki while I show y/n her room?”.
“Yes, sensei!” Yuji smiled and bowed again before leaving to find his team mates.
“Let’s keep y/n secret between us, okay Nanami?” Gojo asked now that the three of you were alone. “Sukuna might not find out about y/n’s origins if she doesn’t mess with his or Itadori’s energy, the elders agreed to keep her around for now as protection”.
“I see… Well let me know if you need anything, Ojou-sama” Namami replied and fixed his tie.
“I need you to stop using that title, Kento” you smiled again at your stubborn friend and dropped Gojo’s arm from your shoulder going back to the path that led to your dorm.
“Always so polite, Nanamin” Gojo teased “Just don’t forget I’m the only one allowed to get on my knees for her” he released Nanami’s shoulder leaving his fellow sorcerer flushed.
“What did you tell him?” you asked Gojo when he got back to your side.
“Nothing he doesn’t know already” his large palm touched your lower back.
Your arrangements with Gojo were something known only by the heads of your clan, the two of you and few close friends. A promise made almost ten years ago allowed you to attend jujutsu tech and become a sorcerer if the only descendant of the Gojo clan married you by the time both of you got to your thirties. There was nothing in it for Satoru, but he agreed even though he barely left his teenage years.
“Satoru, What are we gonna do now?” you asked looking at your feet.
“We can start by getting you a pretty uniform, maybe a short skirt and a v-line” the hand that wasn’t at your back moved to the collar of your Yukata exposing more of your neck and collar bones and all the purple and blue marks painted there “A masterpiece like that has to be shown”.
“You are shameless” you slapped his hand away and adjusted your Yukata back. His flirty personality taking your mind away from the new responsibility of being Yuji’s guardian. “You know, we are two years away from the arrangements and I still wonder why you accepted it” you confessed, stopping in your tracks.
“Oh Princess, I’ll always be taking the side of rebel soul and you so happened to be the one that stole my heart from day one, you are not getting cold feet now, are ya?” he leaned and placed his arm on the wall behind you, an old habit that made you flushed when you two were younger, but now you can only bite your lips and raise a hand to lower his blindfold and meet his shining eyes full of admiration.
“Marrying the prince that saved me and the strongest jujutsu sorcerer? How could I get scared of that?”.
“Prince huh? I can get used to it”.
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© all content belongs to cursedmoonchild. please do not modify or repost; if you find reposted content please let me know, i have not consented to the repost of my content
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gojosatoruwifey · 4 years
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Summary: Yugen, a Third Year student from Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical College. After a year, the three Third Years, including her, finally went home to Japan and while the two are either resting and catching up with their parents. Yugen chose to stay in the College for a while to accompany Shoko Ieri and study under her. So, what's the other reason she came back?
Characters: Itadori Yuuji, Fushiguro Megumi, Kugisaki Nobara, Gojo Satoru, Shoko Ieri, Geto Suguru, Masamichi Yaga ,Zenin Maki, Panda, Inumaki Toge, Okkotsu Yuuta, Yugen Akihisa, Ishida Den, Mizuki Shina, Hakari ,Zenin Mai, Todo Aoi, Utahime Iori
Genre: Supernatural,Fantasy, Slice of Life, Crack, Fluff, Action
Warnings: Curse, Swearing, Grammar Errors
The morning sun in Tokyo is scorching and much fiery when walking with the busy streets of the city and the crowds filling up the roads on their way to their business as well as the vehicles' beeping noise, and the drivers waiting for the green light to appear on the stoplight on the sidewalks where people passed through the pedestrian lanes. Not too long after, the color changed and the wheels continued to spin on the cement.  
However, the heat didn't much affect the Japanese traditional buildings on the side of the city where the well-known Sorcerer resides and is known to be the pillar of Jujutsu for many generations.
Inside the classroom built the same as the mentioned building, four individuals are discussing what are they going to do for their lessons. The breeze accompanied by the sun made the room pleasant and the cool scent of the trees and earth made it more ethereal.
“Sensei! Are we going to exorcise Curses today?” The pink-haired one asked, his right hand raising to catch the white-haired Sorcerer's attention. The said teacher with a blindfold covering half of his face grinned upon hearing his question. Seeing this expression, the trio of the First Years of Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical College interpreted this as exorcising Curses again on the fifth day of the first week.
His answer made them surprised.
“Nope!” Gojo crossed his arms against his chest as he leaned on the desk of the teacher’s table. Despite having the dark fabric on his eyes, Gojo can see them perfectly and he can tell that his students are getting impatient and itching to know what they are going to do. The wind outside of their classroom entered and it swayed their hair on the side as Gojo blinked underneath his blindfold.
“Checkups happen every fifth day of the month and our school doctor, Shoko Ieri, is currently not here.” Gojo paused before continuing, “Instead, one of the Third Years is gonna check on you three.”
“I thought the Third Years were suspended?” The dark-haired boy beside the pink one furrowed his eyebrows in confusion at Gojo’s announcement.
“Heh, ask questions to the Third Year herself.”
‘He’s not even bothering to explain’ … the three students thought.
“She just got back from her mission with her teammates. So ask her as much as you want.” Gojo walked in front of them as he led them to the Clinic’s Office not far away from the classroom they were staying earlier.
“And oh, I forgot to add. She finishes her mission from…”
“From...?” Itadori and Kugisaki trailed as they stared at Gojo grinning from ear to ear.
“...South Korea!” Gojo exclaimed.
‘South… Korea!?’  The two are trying to process the bomb that their Sensei said then as if the place warped into the bustling city of Seoul, the capital of South Korea. Kugisaki imagined herself on her fashion clothes trying the famous cosmetics product that the mentioned country can offer, the beautiful shades of lipsticks and foundations as well as the Han River and the Seoul Tower she often sees from the K-dramas she watched back from the days. Meanwhile, Itadori was busy in his dreamland with his favorite idols he listens to on his playlist.
“Who’s the Third Year, Sensei? Since it’s a girl, it’s not Hakari-senpai?” Fushiguro, the one who had met the seniors of the school, asked. Remembering the Third Year Male student, Hakari. Gojo craned his neck to glance at Fushiguro.
“The eldest of the Three Espada.” Those words are enough to make Fushiguro halt from walking as his eyes widened in astonishment. He tried to open his mouth to ask but he remained speechless.
“Fushiguro?” Itadori called out to him. Kugisaki also stopped in her tracks to look at the dark-haired student, confused by his sudden behavior.
‘That woman?!’  an image of a black-uniformed girl appeared on his mind. Fushiguro marched his way to the wooden sliding door a few steps away from them and glided it open loudly. His companions watched him storm to the office.
“Have he met her?” Gojo placed his palm to his nape. Kugisaki and Itadori threw him puzzled looks.
“Yugen-senpai!” He yelled as soon as his light green eyes landed on the familiar small figure trying to place a plastic jar on her hand to the third row of the high shelf. His shouting startled the poor girl when the plastic fell from her grasp.
“Eh?” Yugen gaped at Fushiguro.
“Your deduction before you left is right. Thank you for warning me.” Fushiguro bowed at her, still standing in the doorway. Gojo, Itadori, and Kugisaki caught up to him, standing behind the bowing Fushiguro.
“No problem, Megumi.” the mahogany haired girl smiled at him. “Gojo-sensei will try to steal the cupcakes I baked that day, right? It’s a good thing, you immediately hid them or he will eat it.”
“Ack! So you did hide them from me, Megumi!” Gojo looked at Fushiguro in betrayal.
“And you planned to eat the cupcakes without him knowing,” Yugen added as she picked up the jar on the wooden floor. “The plan worked and we exposed Gojo-sensei. When Den and Shina are here, I’ll collect the money they bet.”
“Yu-chan, you sneaky midget.”
“Revenge for forcing me to eat that huge parfait that you had last year!”
“I thought I could buy it for one person only!”
“That was the problem, Sensei. That dessert was meant to be for couples and it was Valentine’s Day!”
“You lived near the area. That’s why I called you.”
“ I have to take the subway and do you know how many medicines I swallowed? It was 3!”
“I paid for your medical expenses!”
“It was not enough to let me forget the pain.” Yugen glared at Gojo who shifted his head away in guilt.
“How come the topic switched from cupcakes to money?” Fushiguro deadpanned.
Kugisaki nudged him. “Is she the one that will check on us? Who is she, by the way?”
“Yugen-senpai... is the eldest out of the Three Espadas. The main reason they were grouped is that they are experts to track intelligent Curses like the Curse you and Itadori fought the other day. Intelligent Curses are annoying. Even though some of them are low Grades, they are still capable of affecting the humans near them.”
“She and Gojo-sensei had a pretty close relationship. She hangs out with him more than the other two Senpais and that’s because her Curse Technique keeps developing and the Principal ordered him to observe her Curse Technique when she is alone on her missions.” Fushiguro added.
“If the two Senpai are with her?” This time, Itadori asked.
“Then they can control her actions.”
“What? Will she go on a rampage if she uses her Curse Technique?” Itadori remembered a manga character that loses his control during his fight with the antagonist on the shounen manga he read during day-offs.
“I can control myself just fine.”
A pair of gloved hands patted Itadori and Kugisaki’s backs as Yugen stood between the two.
“The reason Gojo-sensei observed me is that my Curse Technique is an unknown factor and even I, the User, doesn’t know that much about it.” Yugen gently led the two First Years to the stadiometer beside the bookshelves. “Enough about me! Shall we start measuring your heights?”
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“Yugen-senpai, Gojo-sensei said that you just got back from your mission on South Korea.” Itadori watched Yugen jot down something about Fushiguro’s heart exam on a piece of paper on the desk. Their check-up didn't take long as the Third Year only wrote their vital signs, general appearance, and lastly, the heart exam where Yugen has to listen to their heartbeats and write to the paper. “What exactly did you do?”
“Ah.” Yugen blinked. “There were some Special Grade Curses on a killing spree and two of them,” she formed her fingers into the letter ‘V’, “...are in South Korea.”
“Did you exorcise it properly?” Gojo asked, moving to sit on the swivel chair which the school doctor, Shoko Ieri, is originally the one occupying the seat. He raised his other leg to rest on his left thigh as Gojo leaned back on the chair.
“Of course.”
"You think I'll let those monsters go?" the mahogany haired girl sighed in defeat. "Speaking of Curses, why did you ask me about being the Vessel that can locate Curses?"
"Oh! I forgot to tell you?"
Gojo only received a silent stare from Yugen.
"Itadori Yuuji-kun here," The white-haired sorcerer stood up from his seat and placed his hands on the said boy's shoulders. "..ate Sukuna and now, he is the Vessel."
The Third Year hummed in understanding.
"Eh... you must have a superhuman strength to control the King of Curses..."
"You won't believe it, Senpai." Kugisaki scoffed. "The other day, this idiot right here punched a cemented wall like it's nothing!"
Yugen let out a huff in amusement as she smirked. "Did he sustains any injury?"
"Hmmm..." Kugisaki's memory on the first day that she and Itadori fought together flashed on her mind. "...I think he didn't have any."
"Woah! Nice." Yugen turned to Itadori's direction which the said boy is sitting on the vacant bed meant for patients. The pink-haired First-year met her eyes, feeling her gaze boring right into his soul.
"Hey, Yu-chan," Gojo called. "You should be resting, right? Like Shina and Den."
Yugen scrunched her nose. "As soon as I'm done learning Medicine from Shoko-Sensei, the better."
"I'm not talking about that."
"Hm? What are you talking about then?"
"Instead of using the day off to catch up with your family, you directly went here." Gojo's voice lowered into a serious tone that made the First Year turn to him with surprise written on their faces.
Yugen tilted her head to the white-haired Sorcerer's words.
"Why..did you come here?" He asked.
There was a moment of silence as the atmosphere plummeted due to Gojo's sudden serious tone and the certain Third Year remain looking at him in innocence.
'Yugen-senpai didn't even flinch...' Fushiguro thought, light green eyes observing the deafening and silent tension between Gojo and Yugen.
'W-What's happening?'  Kugisaki shifting her eyes from side to side where the questioned female is standing.
'Are they gonna fight?'  Itadori anticipated.
As if reading his mind, Fushiguro and Kugisaki whipped their heads to him with an intense glare making Itadori feigned ignorance to them.
"I ran away."
Yugen broke the silence.
"I said I run away from home." Yugen narrowed her eyes to Gojo. "Is that a problem?"
Gojo can't believe that the student he raised half of her life as a Jujutsu Sorcerer and the goody-good shoes little girl image she always shows uttered those words.
'Is she finally on her rebellious phase?!'
"Don't get the wrong idea." Gojo snapped out of his trance as Yugen gazed at him, straight into his concealed eyes. The Third Year dropping the pen on her gloved hand to the table.
"My Godmothers are staying in my family house for weeks and I can't handle their energies." She said in a firm voice. "They are grandmas but they are extremely lively that I can't help go far away from them!"
"Is that it?" Gojo asked. Even though he knows Yugen had a loving family, there was still something fishy when she arrived in Japan.
Yugen only hummed as she turns towards the First Years with an apologetic smile. "Sorry about that."
"It's okay, Senpai..." Megumi answered.
"How about we grab some lunch?" A certain two perked up from her invitation. "I want to have a bonding time with my Kouhai, is that okay?"
"More than okay, Senpai!" Itadori and Kugisaki leaned into her with childish glee on their eyes. The Third Year seemed satisfied with their acceptance as her lips quirked up again. On the side, Fushiguro is watching the scene before unfold with his usual face yet didn't reject the request.
"Are you going with us, Sensei?" Itadori questioned, quietly waiting for Gojo to go with the students. The white-haired Sorcerer grinned.
"I was planning to drop you three-" the First Years felt a vein popped on their temple. "-to Yugen." then they sighed in relief.
Gojo chuckled. "Then, I will go now. I still have a business to take care of. Bye~!"
With that, he disappeared in a flash with no traces left behind where he was standing. Yugen glance at the trio from the corner of her eyes, "Let's go."
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"Is it okay not to do missions today?" Itadori steps back when two children suddenly passed to him. Kugisaki on his left with Fushiguro on her side while the tiny one, Yugen, walked in front.
Kugisaki made a noise of complaint. "Oh, leave it. Sensei has been dumping his missions to us these past few days, this is an opportunity to rest!"
Fushiguro, without looking at Itadori's worried eyes, said. "It's a good thing he didn't give us a mission before he left."  It's still unsettling, though.
"Ahem!" Yugen cleared her throat, one arm crossed against her chest, and the free hand-formed into a fist like she's holding a mic. This immediately made the First Year shift their attention to her.
"We're here."
Three set pair of eyes gawked at the sight of the place they never thought they will be. It was like everything was a scene out of a romantic as the people around them faded and they can't hear anything but the hunger taking its claim to their stomach.
It's a BBQ Restaurant.
A grumble escaped on a stomach as Kugisaki embarrassedly clutched her stomach. "I-I never thought I will be hungry this much...!"
"You're not the only one.." Itadori wiped the drool on the corner of his mouth.
Fushiguro is still ogling at the restaurant's nameplate.
Yugen let out an amused, loud laugh. "It's my treat that's why I brought you guys here."
"Senpai!!" the two rejoiced. Once again, Yugen cackled as she slid the door opened. A staff approached them and offered a seat suitable for four. The smoky, alluring scent of meat grilling on the fire with sauce in the eating house made them sigh. Taking their seat, the staff escorting them set up the charcoal as another one come over to them to hand the menu.
"Waah! I can't choose!" Itadori read the choice of meats displayed. "They look so good!"
"Yugen-Senpai, are you okay spending your money on this?" Fushiguro furrowed his eyebrows.
"It's fine, it's fine." Yugen insisted. "Megumi, you should pick whatever you want. I don't mind wasting my money on delicious foods! So, choose anything you want 'cause it's on me!"
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"Thank you for coming!"
Yugen smiled as she waved at the staff, the trio saying thank you to the staff, following her after. Walking ahead again, Yugen quietly observed the city she didn't see for half a year since she got the mission. I was lucky to know that the restaurant is still there.
"You mean Yugen-senpai is like a teacher's friend?" She hears Itadori muttered. The two hissed at him at his choice of words, afraid that the Third Year will misunderstand.
"Itadori, you idiot!" Kugisaki covered his mouth to prevent Itadori from speaking.
"Being friends with a teacher is quite intimidating." Yugen blurted. "Hmm...I am more like..an errand girl to them."
"Anyways, why am I in your conversation?"
"We were talking about how Yugen-senpai go to errands for the teachers." Fushiguro is the first to explain. Stuffing his hands in his pocket, his eyes locked with Yugen's eyes looking at him. "Itadori thought you are friends with the teachers."
"Senpai, I'm sorry." Itadori apologized as he clasps his hand together.
"At first, people will also think about it like that," Yugen said, turning her head to Itadori's direction as she grinned. "Should I teach you how to observe like a detective?"
"Woahh!!" stars were surrounding Itadori. "Is that what you do when you work?"
"Of course. It's important to become aware of everything near you to know if Curses were lurking around or when fighting against a Curse, note the Curse's weakness and its ability to counter it." Yugen continued. "Megumi has a sharp sense with that skill."
"I never saw Fushiguro writing a plan," Kugisaki stated. Imagining Fushiguro jot down during mission or assignment like what coaches do in a match.
"No, not like that," Yugen says as she had a hunch about what Kugisaki is thinking. "Being calculative and logical in the situation."
"Oh! like the fight, we first met!" Itadori remembering how Fushiguro acted. "He was quick to rescue."
"That's because the Cursed Object, Sukuna's finger, is there. " Fushiguro grunted. "I can't let a Special Grade like that leave it alone."
"See? Megumi is fit to be like the tactician, just like Den." Yugen mused. "By the way, Den is one of my friends. She asks the Auxiliary Managers what kind of Curse we are going to exorcise or if there are any casualties."
"I thought the tactician is Shina-senpai?" Fushiguro murmured as they turn to a street.
"Shina is the support at the same, the tactician. Usually, we divide the work into combat, the brain, and lastly the healer. The brain is us though Shina is the assigned one. Combat is for Den while I am the healer." Yugen explained. "Since you know, I work under Shoko-Sensei. Not to mention, I am also the backup. If Den can't handle it then that's where I will enter."
"Why Three Espada?" Itadori questioned.
"It was the Principal named that. I still don't know why he gave us that name." Yugen shrugged. At last, the route they are taking is empty with no one around but them. The familiar rustling of the leaves above them protected them from the sunray as the wind blew softly. There is still another one they have to saunter, the last route is where the Jujutsu Tech is located.
"Maybe he thought that you are like Knights?" Kugisaki pondered.
"That's a good rea-"
Thorns darted from the middle of the trees as it keeps shooting with no intention of stopping. Thankfully, the four are quick enough to their feet to evade the attacks coming on their way as the thorns relinquished.
On their fighting stances, Fushiguro formed his hands to the preparation for summoning his Divine Dogs while Kugisaki had her weapons in her hands, Nails between her closed fingers with the other holding the Hammer. On the other side, Itadori and Yugen raised their fists in their faces as they are the ones are unarmed.
"Looks like we have to digest the meat..." Yugen joked, glaring at the disfigured Curse advancing towards them. Coming out from its hideout, the Curse has a huge petal-like curve on its head, the body oozing goo.
'Is it a Grade 3 Curse?' Indigo eyes trailing on the Curse.
"Emerge from the darkness, blacker than the darkness. Purify that which is impure."  she chanted.
Another two similar to the Curse approach them to their side which made them cornered. Kugisaki's nails dig on her skin, Fushiguro raising his guard as Itadori tightened his fist.
At the Third Year's command, they charge to the Curses as Kugisaki's Nails floated in front of her with her Cursed Energy flowing; pounding the Nails using her Hammer, it aimed to the Curse's head and blow up into slimy pieces.
Closing her eyes with a pleasing smile. 'Flawless.'
Meanwhile, Fushiguro let the White Divine Dog lunge on the Curse from jumping above as the Black Divine Dog distracted it from the bottom which made the Curse focused on the Black one; not noticing the two jumping figures above it, Fushiguro elbowed the Curse's petal as the White one began to pluck its eyeballs.
'The rest of its body is liquid, it's best to mess it to the solid part...which is the petal.' The Divine Dogs chew the rest of the Curse's remain.
Launching a heavy blow on a Curse's body from each side, Itadori pummeled the Curse's head with a punch as Yugen strike on its left. The impact vibrates throughout the whole body; just like what happened to Kugisaki and Fushiguro's Curse, it also blew up.
"Did it died?" Itadori murmured. 'Yugen-Senpai's moves are graceful. Is she good in martial arts?'
"Guess not," Yugen replied, catching the slimy pieces trembling and gathering to one spot.
"I thought we exorcised it?" Kugisaki asked.
"Hmm..." Yugen keenly eyeing the Curse transforming into a large body, even bigger than before as the slimes rapidly circling the Curse.
"The Curse needs to be cut into small pieces." She concludes as the First Years listened to her. "I don't care what kind of method it is; dice, cube, or mince. Just make sure it's small so that it's recovery time will be lowered."
"Now, let's exorcise it."
Cursed Energy from Kugisaki continued to flow into the Nails as she draws out more nails from her light colored belt and aiming it at the Transformed Curse on the shoulder's blade; Fushiguro used the Curse' immobility for the Divine Dogs to pounce on the Curse's torso and limbs as Fushiguro leap to the Curse with a fast speed, his fist slamming to the head which Yugen and Itadori landed both kicks and jabs on the Curse's limbs and torso as they resume to slice the Curse into a lump.
Yugen swiftly grabs highway rails on the side, tossing it to Itadori who didn't expect the weapon. Nonetheless, they use the rails to slash it to the Curse; as Fushiguro pulls off one of the huge petals to Kugisaki.
Linking the Curse's petal part on the ground, Kugisaki hammered the Nails into the straw doll on top of the petal, shouting;  "Straw Doll Technique: Resonance!"
To wrap it all up, the Curse didn't explode but burned.
"Yey!" Itadori and Yugen high-fived each other as the Third Year also do it with Fushiguro and Kugisaki.
Kugisaki sighed in relief. "It was a good thing I didn't leave my belt."
"Alright, good work, everyone!" Yugen clapped, letting go of the highway-rail.
"Senpai, where did you get that?" Fushiguro seeing the highway-rail that he didn't notice she is holding,
"There." Not too far away from them, the highway-rail that is supposed to protect the passing vehicles is missing. "Don't worry, I know someone that can repair that,"
"For now..." Yugen paused. "..to Jujutsu Tech!"
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a/n: This may be sudden but I will be no longer posting Apple of the Eye in my main account and instead, post this here.
i only posted my work here in tumblr (gojosatoruwifey) and in my ao3 account. please report immediately if someone reposted my works on other sites without my permission.
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