#i had to do so much maths for this zzzz
mihotose · 2 years
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yasusada on music station!
+ bonus
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snezfics-n-shit · 1 year
Just A Little - For Gr.e.go.r.y E.dg.ewo.rt.h Week Day 2, theme "Collapse"
I baked some crumbs!
No snz because I don't wanna annoy the week organizers with my antics, sorry, but still some softe whump.
Vaguely timed after the class trial, could be no dl-6, could be not - that's what the vaguely part is for.
Greg loses sleep the night before a trial, he's sick and most of all extremely tired. Gosh, I wonder what will happen because of this...
     Gregory Edgeworth was running out of steam, or that steam had already left him given what little energy he had since he left the house this morning. Last night his generally good rule of “have a proper night’s sleep before a trial” was broken without repair thanks to him frantically attempting to minimize the damage on the home computer that resulted from Miles’s friends getting careless with their browsing. 
He wasn’t angry about the incident at all; this was new technology and leave it to the kids to break it in ways computer scientists never saw coming. Even government officials have been reported to have experienced these problems recently, so it was a learning experience for the entire country. That said, however, even without getting upset or yelling, Gregory woke up with his throat in a condition comparable to mornings after the loud concerts he attended in his twenties. 
Speaking of which, he looked over to Raymond standing next to him, expressing the same amount of anticipation he might have had back then, but for the small joy of a chance to take over as soon as the prosecutor wrapped up – if Gregory was to take Raymond’s offer, that is.
“I think he’s almost done, Mr. Edgeworth! Are you sure you don’t want me to take your place? I mean, Mr. Payne can’t be that hard to take on…” Raymond whispered, and was promptly answered with a paper note reminding him of his manners. 
“I think I’m going to call for a ten minute recess.” The judge announced, much to Gregory’s relief. “Mr. Payne, please use this time to convince your witness to finally cooperate.”
Ten minutes was a solid nap, Gregory thought; in fact, that was longer than some of the naps he was allowed during Miles’s toddler years, so he should be plenty recharged. 
All he needed was just a little rest on the lobby’s couch, just… a… little…
“Hey! You’re awake!” was not exactly what Gregory wanted to hear from Raymond upon regaining consciousness, especially when he was very clearly no longer in the lobby. Was this what the courthouse infirmary looked like? “One minute I’m taking some notes for my early courtroom debut and the next I see you just collapse! You just barely missed the couch, too. Does your head hurt?” 
“Not any more than it already did.” Gregory croaked out, silently admitting to himself Raymond may have just earned his spot as a substitute for this trial. “How long was I out?”
“A couple hours,” Raymond estimated. Of course the best sleep Gregory had in twenty-four hours was like this. “Court ended up adjourned since I brought you here, and the judge went home pretty soon afterward. Mr. Payne stuck around for a bit, though, he told me to tell you he hopes you feel better soon and not to worry about drinks tonight.” Right, it was Friday. As the saying went, thank god. 
“I see.” Gregory closed his eyes again, doing the math to determine how long he had before he would need to pick up Miles from school. “Is there a limit on how long these beds can be occupied?”
“Nope! You just get some sleep, Mr. Edgeworth. Can’t have you passing out again!”
“Well, I certainly don’t plan on it.” Gregory joked. “I have until 2:30, so I only need just… a… little…”
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sttngfashion · 7 years
Star Trek: Discovery Trailer
Obviously you’ve all seen the Star Trek: Discovery trailer by now (if not, it’s here) so we thought we’d do a quick check-in with what everyone is wearing. The first few shots see Sonequa Martin-Green and Michelle Yeoh on Tattooine:
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Can we talk about the fit on that Desert Business Hoodie because it is *chef kiss fingers*
Loving that hood, loving all those scarves, NOT loving this beige rainbow but since it’s a desert, I’ll give it a pass. Also loving how high that belt is sitting. You know how high-waisted jeans are back in style now? That’s why her belt is sitting at her natural waist. AND IT LOOKS GREAT. Michelle Yeoh is ready for DESERT:
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Just try it, sandstorm
This practical headcover makes sense for a desert, and is clearly modeled after Middle Eastern fashions, where they KNOW about the desert, but I really hope either that oversized vest is linen or it’s actually cold in this desert because there are a lot of layers happening here. Also: where can I get both these pairs of sunglasses?
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Polarized lenses never looked so good
We also get a glimpse at the OLD TIMEY communicators (since the series is set ten years pre-TOS):
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Girl that’s a RAZR
At first I was like, this is actually kind of a genius move on the part of whoever designed this flip phone communicator because we, in 2017, look at that thing and go “lol how old is that phone?” but they want us to think of it as the past because this is before Kirk et al. 
Unfortunately, my theory about them wanting us to think of this as the past and also to tie this series into the continuity falls apart completely when we see what the uniforms look like. 
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“Excuse me????” - Sonequa Martin-Green
Okay. There’s a lot to unpack here. First of all, THERE ARE NO PIPS. But here’s Captain Michelle Yeoh:
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I’m the boss, Michael Scott, y’all bitches just Phyllis
As captain, she has some SHOULDER FLAIR. Here’s a closer look at Sonequa Martin-Green’s shoulders:
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Cold Shoulders
Sonequa and Michelle are both command officers, and they’re in what looks like gold. Doug Jones is playing a science officer and he’s in silver. So perhaps that’s how the divisions are identified?
I do think these collars are interesting, but I feel like the place where that central piping (that better not be a zipper) should have been either centered OR a tiiiiiny bit more to the side because right now it looks like a shirt I made once where I did some bad math and the button placket ended up, like, half an inch right of center. It looked like something went wrong (because it did). That said, the overall look here is cool:
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Not even a little bit pajamas
The uniform in and of itself is very cool-looking, and I think this color is more dynamic than just a regular-ass navy, but still neutral enough for it to look like a real uniform. I love that panel on the pants that lines up with the shirt panel SO PERFECTLY oh man great job tailoring these, wardrobe department.
Even if we are assuming that this is leading us to the Abrams reboot universe, Chris Pine Kirk and his crew still wear uniforms WITHOUT COLLARS? What HAPPENED in Starfleet that they scrapped their gold/silver/bronze situation with these very formal-but-off-center collars and decided to put their command officers in shirts that could charitably be considered athleisure? I like to think there was a horrifying accident in which they realized the off-center collars were EXTREMELY FLAMMABLE and someone’s head got burned off because their collar caught fire, and Starfleet, like all bureaucratic organizations, blamed the wrong thing and instead of making the uniforms out of a less flammable fabric, just banned collars. BUT ADDED PIPS. WHY. 
We also get a quick look at some Vulcan fashion:
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Star Trek: Collars
That is so much collar that it feels like maybe it’s helping keep his head on. 
Also on display: an EVA suit!
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Disco swimcap not included
This one is interesting, because it’s way more similar to the suits in First Contact than they are to the ones in the Abrams reboot series:
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Strong enough for a Worf, pH balanced for a Picard
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What if a motorcycle helmet...but in space
And of course if we look at the TOS version of this thing, well...
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I couldn’t decide which color so I just used all of them
Quick question though: where can I get this glitter vinyl that Kirk and Spock are wearing because I need it.
In addition to Starfleet, we also see the UPDATED KLINGONS!!!!!
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Whereas the TNG Klingons are sartorially reminiscent of a biker gang that spray-painted a bunch of protective sports wear with silver and matte black, these Klingons look like they asked the question “what if you could make a shirt out of ribs?” and then answered it. The look is more organic - where the TNG Klingons had metal, these Klingons have BONE. They also have NONE of the luxurious hair of the Klingons of TNG. With the STID Klingons, it was like “okay, I see how we get from that look to the TNG look” but these guys have something completely different going on. 
There is one Klingon who has some metal accents and he looks GREAT:
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Talk about a statement necklace
What if you took a birdcage, made it into a wicker umbrella, then burst your head through that umbrella? That’s this neckpiece.
Also this alien (Lt. Saru, I think?) has ONE OF THE WILDEST LINES OF DIALOGUE I’VE EVER HEARD:
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Are those eyebrows SLICED OUT?!
Anyway, the trailer was a little zzzz for me, but I will be investigating further once the show drops. 
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darkfromday · 7 years
eyelash count (11)
Prompt: Day 4 - Sleep
Pairing: Bambooshipping (Sakaki Yuuya/Kachidoki Isao)
An informal follow-up to the noisy past.
Why answer one day-prompt with bambooshipping when you could answer tw--
Seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty--
“Yuuya! When are we gonna have our du--”
As Shuin’in Sora came hurtling into the living room shouting at max volume, he got an unpleasant surprise: Kachidoki Isao was glaring at him from the couch, where he’d been bent over Yuuya as though he were about to kiss him, holy shit--
“--ack! What’re you doing? This living room is public space, you know!”
“You are disturbing Yuuya’s sleep,” Kachidoki said smoothly, slowly and without any warmth. “Go play somewhere else. I’ll send him to see you when he wakes up. Or not.”
Sora pouted, but he was a little unsettled by the older duelist, even after having known him for a few years. He left with much less fanfare.
Alone again at last with his longtime boyfriend, Kachidoki let out a groan and sported a pout of his own.
Damn it! Forgot which eyelash cluster I stopped at. Now I’ve got to start all over.
Ever since Yuuya started his mid-math homework-nap a few hours ago, Kachidoki had been taking advantage of the peace and quiet to count his boyfriend’s eyelashes. Once when they were out for their customary rainbow sherbet ice cream, Yuuya had claimed that he had a whopping 232 upper eyelashes on each eye. When Kachidoki snorted and asked him to prove it, he’d just laughed and insisted that he couldn’t count them all efficiently; better if his partner did it while he was asleep.
Perhaps he expected the suggestion to startle him, but Kachidoki was undaunted. Watching his boyfriend sleep was no challenge; closely studying him was no hardship. As he prepared to start over, he carefully mussed Yuuya’s red and green hairs together before pushing them off his forehead and out of his way for the recount.
forty-seven, forty-eight, forty-nine, fifty...
...eighty-five, eighty-six, eighty-seven, eighty-eight...
...ninety-nine... one-hundred... one-hundred-one....
The next thing he knew, Yuuya was prodding him awake.
Awake?! Shit.
“Isao, wake up. I’ve gotta know!”
“Knowha’?” he grumbled, trying to remember what he’d fallen asleep in the middle of. It seemed so important at the time.
“Isao, how many eyelashes do I have? You were supposed to be counting!”
Oh! He’d drifted off counting those things. The last number that he remembered saying was 121, but who knew? “Lost track. Doesn’t matter.”
“Doesn’t matter?” Yuuya whined. “Come on, I even went back to sleep after Sora busted in here, and that was hard to pull off!”
Kachidoki just responded by pulling the overexcited entertainer into a close cuddle, and resting their heads together. His voice was still groggy and rough, but firm as ever. “Don’t care, Yuuya. I’m tired. Count later; sleep now.”
“But--! Oh okay fine, I’ll just count yours for you later instead. Night.”
“I’m home!”
Sakaki Yoko’s shout got no answer--not even from Yuzu or Sora, the two munchkins most likely to be galloping around like they lived here too. She was puzzled at first, until she made it to the living room to see why.
Yuuya was fast asleep on the couch, curled around his cute-but-still-heavily-mom-screened boyfriend Kachidoki Isao. It looked like they had been out for hours--yep, sure enough, there was Yuuya’s unfinished math homework on the floor.
Yoko snapped a quick pic of them, chuckling, then moved to make dinner and prepare for the fallout tomorrow after school. Kachidoki might look adorable with her son under soft light, but even he couldn’t convince Yuuya to turn his stuff in on time.
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leearosa · 7 years
Thursday noontime i had my macro exam. Then i had class. Then i had to start studying for the math reasoning exam that was the next morning. I slept 4 hours that night. I took the 10am exam. Right after the exam i frantically visited (hmart, dollar store, walmart, costco), shopping a total of about 5 hrs. Retreat started and i was just constantly doing something: media, kitchen, small groups, praise team. Fri night i slept a total of 3 hours. Woke up at 7am to set up breakfast. Then i immediately started preparing lunch. Cooked from about 9am-1pm. Cleaned up the huge mess we made. Made more food with leftovers. Retreat game time. Praise team practice. Dinner. Worship. Small groups. Cleaning the whole church. Pt equipment moving.
My goodness. I barely had time to think about anything. I am so so so sooo exhausted. Finally when things are starting to come to an end, i ask myself, what the hell just happened the past 3 days. More importantly, God what do u want me to get out of this? Show me because i feel like i pushed myself so much without looking back and reflecting on my surroundings, words and actions. Also God give me rest and joy.
Thank u
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