#i had to drive theough the grapevine and across los angeles in the worst of the storm
sassysnowperson · 1 year
Hey Southern California Drivers.
(sits down) (pats the couch next to me) Come on bud, you're not in trouble, I just need to talk to you for a second.
Dealing with a lot of rain, huh? It's scary! I'm scared too. The roads aren't built for this kind of rain, drainage is terrible, there's going to be flooding. And you're not used to it, and that makes it scarier.
That means you're going slower! No, that's good, that's not what I wanted to talk to you about. Make sure faster drivers can pass you, you're going to add to make people angry if you're going slow in the fast lane, but I think you know that already, you did a good job today with that. You should go as fast as you feel comfortable, and it's good that it's slower than normal, since you're going to be reacting to circumstances that are new.
Now...here's the important thing...*that doesn't mean you should turn your hazard lights on*. I know, you want to be more visible, and you don't want people to ram into you from behind. But if you have your headlights on, your taillights already do a good job of that. Turning on your hazard lights and leaving them on make it harder to see a couple things. Me and other drivers have a harder time knowing that you're breaking, and it's harder to know when you're changing lanes. That makes it *more likely* that I run into you. And neither of us want that.
This is a lot, and I hope you can get off the road and safe soon. It's better to wait out the storm inside.
But please, while you're out there, don't use your hazards all the time while driving in the rain.
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