#i had to google for names I still don't have them memorized fjdjfjsjg
Who are some Hollow Knight and/or Bug Fables NPCs that you think deserve more love?
Halp I feel like I'll forget someone (especially in BF). I won't be counting bosses in this (otherwise it would be No Eyes and Monsieur Scarlet tho I feel like he has fans haha)
For HK, I dunno! It feels like a lot of NPCs are quite loved (minus Millibele, even Emilitia has fans lol). Maybe I've spent quite a bit in HK space that I've rarely encountered an NPC not getting at least some love and attention, fanon reasons or the other.
I guess I will say The Old Stag :) I know he is given attention but he is often in the similar position as in the game, just kind of there if needed but haven't really seen a concrete personality shown as often (I sense there are fics that do have that but I don't read them so oops if that's the case xD)
For BF, I like my silly ant duo! Gen and Eri really don't have a lot going on for them and kind of fall flat compared to other rich NPCs in the game but I kind of liked having them around for some reason. I think what they did for me is add even more to the already vibrant presence of other bugs but in the way you would see a DM of an TTRPG would add NPCs to the team to be there with the group along the world or plot just to make the players feel more present within the setting. It's hard to explain xD
Before them my first thought were Chubee and Jayde but I've seen folks giving them some love before, I'm not quite sure about Gen and Eri. I am also not as active within FB circles to know tbh ;u;
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