#i had to learn medicine to survive which means all my experimentation was done entirely on myself.
jvzebel-x · 1 year
#i keep thinking about that post about insulin on&off and i think its bc it makes me feel hypocritical to be so affronted by it#seeing as homegrown medicine is like. my whole Thing&the reason why im alive lol.#but i think i finally figured out what bothered me so much&i guess i kind of noticed it immediately too bc i kind of mentioned it.#i had to learn medicine to survive which means all my experimentation was done entirely on myself.#&it was traditional medicine that was being made w/o western tools or help for literally centuries.#&i did it to keep me alive long enough to get LIFE SAVING medicine. the kind of medicine insulin is.#&i have never been anything other than openly disgusted w the fact that i had to do all that to survive.#i do practice on ppl now when i can but these ppl ALSO have no other options&im not prescribing life saving meds.#&most importantly like i said in the tags on that post it feels v condescending to use insulin as a point#when you yourself do not use homegrown insulin-- or insulin in general.#i obviously know anarchistic medicine is necessary&lifesaving. but i also think that the medical advances weve made thus far#as a species should be readily available to the ppl who need it w/o having to risk dangerous methods to potentially get it.#it does not take a huge margin of error to kill someone w bad insulin. not by any stretch of the imagination.#downplaying it to 'but its so easy to make' feels incredibly inappropriate from ppl who DO NOT need it to survive.#idk maybe im just looking for reasons to justify myself so i dont feel like a flatout hypocrite lmao.#but in my head somewhere this makes sense lmao.
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roatsww · 5 years
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The Crime Of Silence
 The Never ending cycle that is precipitated by Child Abuse
 For those who may wonder why I refer to it as the “Crime Of Silence” herewith my reasoning:
 1.    The abusers keep silent about their doings; the only sounds during the events are the screams of the victims, in the aftermath the abusers have no wish to publicise their crimes.
 2.    The victims keep silent about the pain they suffer, either through their own fear because they feel guilty and that they are themselves responsible for the act, or a fear imposed by the abuser who has threatened an even worse retaliation if the victim ever speaks of it.
 3.    The witnesses who either see post traumatic evidence of the crime, or listen in to the screams while the crime is being committed, who keep silent for fear of getting involved.
 4.    The families who witness the crimes who either keep silent because they have been threatened by the perpetrator of the crime, or else they keep quiet for fear of being implicated if the crime should become public.
5.    The silence is carried through into adulthood by both the survivors and the perpetrators, because neither the victims nor the perpetrators want the knowledge of the brutality to ever reach the light of day, perpetrators will deny that anything ever happened and victims who fear ostracism keep silent.
I am NOT Responsible, It is NOT MY Fault
I am damaged goods, I will always be damaged goods, I have managed to hide it from the world, and hide it from my outward emotions for nearly half a century, but not any-more. The events of 18 September 2013, and the pursuing events leading up to 22 May 2015, changed my life forever. The terrible events that happened after 22nd May 2015 opened up “Pandora’s box”, and every nightmare that humanity can ever imagine has come out of it, and there is no way to close Pandora’s Box..
 What has happened to me is not just one, but a whole series of terrible crimes of brutality, crimes for which the perpetrators will never, ever, be punished, the fact that I am a victim of some of the worst abuses that possibly none of you could ever imagine, is the tragedy behind who and what I am, and I am NOT responsible. It is not my fault, and it never was my fault. Only one of my abusers has ever been sent to prison it took sixteen months to get him sentenced to a term of eighteen months imprisonment of which he served only three on a plea-bargain, and 20 minutes after he was released from prison he had jumped over my back fence again. The Dept. of Correctional Services compounded the abuse by failing to inform me (the victim) about my abuser’s imminent release.
 In the sixties and seventies, child abuse was not recognised as a criminal act, neighbours, teachers, and family, basically everyone, walked around with the attitude that if they didn’t see it, then it didn’t happen, and it was best not to get involved. Nobody reported the incessant screams of a child being mercilessly beaten across the neighbouring fence, nobody reported the little boys back and buttocks covered with blue and red stripes, the swollen skin and the cut marks, if it was ignored it would go away, nobody did anything.
Nobody reported the little boy walking the streets at night, because his mother didn’t want him and had locked him out of the house, nobody did anything when the abuse was continued in the school yard, and the children of the schoolyard continued the abuse by mercilessly bullying, teasing and calling the little boy names which he didn’t understand.
 I am NOT Responsible, It is NOT MY Fault! I had no idea what was being done to me.
 I grew up with animals as my friends, because they were the only place I was ever safe, because of the brutality inflicted on me, I was made into a solitary figure, a loner, who wasn’t accepted anywhere, I am NOT Responsible, It is NOT MY Fault.
 As a teenager, discovering my sexual orientation was hard, I couldn’t even look at other boys, if I dared to even glance in the direction of another boy, I was beaten up, so I learned not to look, and there was no experimentation because of the fear, there was no learning, there was only loneliness.
 Nobody said anything when a young teenager was dumped in a cow stable at the Klerksdorp show grounds, I had dreamed of being a vet, but nobody said anything, the kids at school who tormented me so mercilessly, didn’t even know that I was homeless, but still going to school, and if the teachers knew, nobody ever said a word, or did anything, In spite of the circumstances, I finished my matric even though it wasn’t good enough to study veterinary medicine.
 I was twenty years old when I decided to take the chance and go to a gay club for the first time, it was a fateful decision, as I had no idea that on that night the security police had planned a raid, I won’t name the club, but it was in Hillbrow, I was just dancing with a colored man when the police raided, I was grabbed thrown into a yellow van and taken to John Vorster Square, I was stripped naked, and beaten for what seemed like hours with fists and truncheons, I was kicked until I passed out, some-time in the middle of the night I regained consciousness lying in a pool of my own blood, vomit and piss. The next morning, the cell door was opened, my clothes were thrown in the door, and I was told to get dressed and fuck off, because no charges were being brought. I left John Vorster  Square, still a virgin, I had been brutalised for nothing less than that I was in the wrong place, at the wrong time. I learned to fear the police that night.
I was twenty five years old, living with a man who professed to love me, one night he came home after being out with friends, he and a friend were doped up on “smack”, they decided to rape me, but couldn’t get erections, so they broke a beer bottle, and raped me with that, I spent three months in hospital to try and repair the damage, I live and remember the incident every day of my life, because it has changed the way I use the toilet, I will never be the same again.
 I met another man two years later, who considered himself a pugilist who didn’t like gloves, the beatings of my childhood became my reality, and set the pattern of my youth, then I met the last man of my youth who took his pleasure in using the words of my father, “You’re nothing but a useless piece of shit you’ll never amount to anything”. The last straw came with these words, “You’re not acceptable to my friends and family as a partner, because you don’t have a degree or a title!” It was the prelude to the first in my series of suicide attempts, which eventually led to my being committed to a psychiatric hospital. At the age of thirty I had to take that momentous decision which led to my living a solitary life, never allowing any man to come near me for almost twenty years.
 I am NOT Responsible, It is NOT MY Fault, and I am not to blame that evil people have done terrible things to me, unforgivable things!
 In November 2009, the child which I had raised since his birth was taken away from me, because his mother suddenly wanted him, It was the first of the three events which would eventually break me completely. Two years later I had to tell my beloved sister that she was dying of cancer, as her parting gift of love to me, she left me her entire estate, of which the remaining members of my family proceeded to steal half. Then came September 2013 and a little case of murder. I was already broken, I had no resistance and no defences, and so another abuser crept in where I had managed to keep all men out, I ended up falling in love with another man who would abuse me terribly before he was sentenced, and then continue to abuse me from his prison cell, I had no idea that it would lead to my being raped for a second time in my life, by newly released ex-convicts on Friday the 30th of October last year.
 And then came the harassment, the threats, the theft, the lies, the promises, being threatened with knives and an axe, the total destruction of my heart and my soul by men who only have evil in their hearts, this past year has been a year of living a nightmare in hell.
 I am NOT Responsible, It is NOT MY Fault that my life has been stolen by evil people whose only intent has been to destroy what was born a gentle soul with a big but very soft and vulnerable heart.
My life has been stolen from me, I will never be able to get it back, it has been a journey to hell that has lasted more than half a century, the damage is too great, and nobody could ever fix the terrible damage that has been done to me. But, know this that even if I am damaged goods, and even if I do have to spend the rest of my life in terrible loneliness, I am still a man, and I am still human, I am NOT Responsible, It is NOT MY Fault that terrible people did these things to me which have left me nothing more than a broken windmill in the storm of life.
 “There is only one great sin in life,
           And that is abuse, brutality, and cruelty, call it what you will –
           The Sin of wilfully causing pain and suffering to others,
           Without suffering pain yourself.”
                                                           (Stuart Cloete)
 People have done things to me which are a crime, but I am not alone in what was done to me, there are thousands of other victims of these senseless crimes of abuse, thousands have and are still being abused and brutalised just as I am.
I quote my sister here:
                        “I understand why that when daddy beat you into absolute                             submission,
                       You just lay down and took it,
                       It was because you had to survive, so that you could get up                             again and try to live.”
 Article 12(1) of the Constitution directs that all people have the right to not be tortured by any means, and to not be treated in a cruel, inhumane or humiliating manner.
 The only thing that has changed over the past half century has been the names and the faces of the abusers, and the methods of torture.
 The abusers are businessmen, pastors, and leaders in the communities where they reside, the public do not see them for the monsters that they are, because they cloak their activities so well. The average man/woman on the street sees the abuser as the innocent angel, because abusers mask their evil activities so well.
 The courts do nothing, the SAPS tell me that it is my own fault, that I am entirely to blame. Is there any hope whatsoever? On trying to report these crimes to the police I get a standard reply:
                                   “Dis jou eie skuld!”
 I am NOT Responsible, It is NOT MY Fault that I am trapped in the never ending cycle that is precipitated by a horrific child abuse that was not of my making. The statistics for suicide amongst the victims of abuse are the highest; as it is the only escape from a never ending nightmare. I have made two attempts in the past year, and have been on the verge of my third attempt in thirteen months, it has only been my fear of failure that has kept me from going over the edge.
 Will the cycle of abuse ever stop? Will I be able to endure the loneliness of my nightmares, and the ever present tears on my pillow? I don’t know, all that I do know is that I am NOT Responsible, It is NOT MY Fault, I didn’t do anything wrong to deserve what has happened to me, I had no control over the unnatural acts which were perpetrated against me as a child.
 All that I do know is that in doing what they did to me, my father and mother hung a flag over my head announcing that they had created the perfect victim for the crime of silence; they made me a magnet for abusers who seek an easy target they have left me living a life of vulnerability/
 I have no answers, only questions, why me and not my sisters or my half brother, why only me? Up until two days ago I used to ask myself what I did wrong, and now I know that I did nothing wrong, I am not responsible and it is not my fault! Will I ever forgive, I don’t know if I could ever forgive any of them for what they have done to me, there’s was a terrible crime, the invisible crime, and given half a chance they keep on doing it to me, it just leaves me with a terrible sadness, a heaviness in my heart, because it never should have happened, and it has left me so scarred that I live in fear of everyone, the scars will never heal.
 I ask only one thing of you who read this, if you know or suspect that it is happening to a child some-where, please stand up and do something, before another life is ruined. The crime of silence destroys innocent lives.
 No matter what any-one says, it is not only children who are victims of the crime of abuse, and abuse is not necessarily sexual in nature, most abuse is physical through brutal beatings and verbal humiliation. And adults both male and female are victims of abuse, some of which started in childhood and became a never-ending cycle of abuse through to adulthood. The South African Police Service are at fault for not pursuing these crimes, the SAPS especially are at fault, as police officers on the ground are not trained to deal with either the victims or the perpetrators, and they are ignorant of both the criminal procedures act and criminal law. Victims are further victimised by the SAPS.
 I have spent the past five days crying, because I have had to finally accept that for the rest of my life I have no choice but to play the game of solitaire, I am a soft target and I am vulnerable because of what my father and my mother did to me as a child. The risk of being abused again is far too great, but I know that locked behind the walls of my house in the silent world where I have only my dogs for company, no human being will be able to hurt me again, the acceptance of my fate is a very hard conclusion to what has been a terrible life lived in fear. I cannot ever again risk another human being getting close to me; the deck of cards is stacked against me. Don’t let it happen to any-one else.
 Speak up, speak out against abuse whether it be sexual abuse, the brutality of physical abuse, the humiliation of emotional and mental abuse or extortional abuse, the crime of silence must stop.
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talatomaz · 5 years
healed scars | laurel lance x fem!reader
a/n: i really love laurel and i’m still annoyed that they killed her off. (this takes place around the legends of yesterday crossover)
y/s/n = your superhero name
warnings: mentions of blood, death
word count: 1.7k
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reader was sent from the future and is now a part of team flash. you gained your powers from human experimentation by argus. team flash teamed up with team arrow to defeat vandal savage but you got shot by one of his henchman and after the wound was stitched up, you’re in the training room when laurel walks in
i do not give you permission to repost or translate my fics on any platform - likes/reblogs are okay and are much appreciated
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You were currently in your training room, taking out your frustrations of the day on the black punching bag. With each punch, you imagined it was Vandal Savage, wanting to get your revenge for him shooting you.
How stupid were you that you didn’t see that gun aimed at you?
The one thing you should have done when you all arrived at the abandoned factory, the one thing you were always taught to remember, was to be aware of your surroundings. If you had done so, then maybe you wouldn’t have gotten shot.
Yes, Caitlin stitched up the wound, and yes, the injury wasn’t as bad as it could have been, but the fact still remained that that immortal son of a bitch got one up on you.
You stilled when you heard footsteps coming up from behind you and then continued to throw punches at the bag.
“I don’t need a motivational speech right now.”
You said irritably, expecting either Barry or Cisco to give you one of their famous hallway talks.
Whilst you appreciated them, and often welcomed them, a hope speech was not what you needed right now.
“Wrong team.”
That definitely was not a voice belonging to Barry or Cisco.
You turned around and saw Laurel, lawyer by day and vigilante by night, Lance staring at you, watching you train.
You didn’t respond and instead went back to taking out your anger on the punching bag.
“Doesn’t your arm hurt?” Laurel spoke after a moments of silence.
You shrugged at Laurel’s question.
“Pain used to be the only thing I could count on but now…now everything’s numb.”
“I get that. After Sara died, I felt nothing but anger. I felt like I lost-”
“A part of yourself.” You finished as you stopped hitting the bag.
You glanced up to meet Laurel’s prying eyes and then refocused on punching the now wearing bag.
“I didn’t realise you had experience with loss.”
You laughed dryly as you continued hitting the bag with your boxing gloves, “Laurel, my entire life consists of loss.”
“Who did you lose?” Laurel asked delicately, now intrigued.
“Who didn’t I lose?” You rebutted. “My mother. My sister. Even my son of a bitch father.”
After each name, you hit the bag harder and harder until you felt one of your sutures blow and the blood trickling down your shoulder.
You muttered under your breath as you removed your boxing gloves and placed them on the metal table located near the punching bag.
Then you walked over to the small medicine cabinet situated in the corner of the room and grabbed everything you needed to redress the wound, including the small medical kit Caitlin insisted you have just in case.
“You know how to suture right?” You asked, unzipping your jacket and pulling it down so Laurel could properly clean the wound.
“I’m a vigilante who fights crime. Of course I know how to suture.”
She responded sarcastically as she began to wipe your wound with antiseptic and then started to restitch the wound.
“You’re not even flinching.” She said in surprise.
“Like I said, I’ve dealt with pain before.”
“When you were taken, you mean?” Laurel asked, pulling your stitches tight.
“I’m assuming Barry told you and Team Arrow everything?”
There was no malice to your words, just general curiosity.
“In his defence, he didn’t want to say much but you know how Oliver is.”
“It’s fine. If we’re working together, you should know whether I’m a liability or not, especially after I got shot.”
“Hey,” you turned your head so you could face Laurel, “so what if you got injured in the field? When I first took up the mantle as the Black Canary, I got my ass handed to me by a lot of assholes. Trust me, you’re not a liability.”
You smiled feebly and replied a grateful “thanks.”
“Who would have thought that we’d be working together as a vigilante and a meta-human?”
“How my life has become this, I have no idea.” You both laughed.
“There, done.” Laurel announced, pulling the last stitch tight.
“Thank you. Would have done it myself using my powers but I can’t exactly see the wound.”
You explained, discarding the wipes in the bin and putting the medical kit back in the cabinet.
“Why do you practice combat if you have powers?” She asked, her arms crossed.
“Can’t rely on powers. I mean, I know how to control them and everything, but there used to be a time in my life where I didn’t have them. And now, with all these metas, who’s to say that one of them can’t drain powers or take them away? Then what? I’d be vulnerable to attack.”
“Smart thinking.” She said impressed as she nodded in agreement.
“Afraid Team Flash doesn’t share that same sentiment. I do adore Barry but I keep telling him that he should learn hand-to-hand combat.”
“And Barry being Barry thinks he’s just fine with his speed.” Laurel finished.
“Exactly.” You laughed.
Your eyes narrowed, an idea coming into your mind. “Do you want to train with me now? I mean, we have time.”
Laurel opened her mouth as if to politely decline but you interrupted before she could.
“But if you don’t, that’s fine. I just-”
“No, I’d love to. Just…your powers.”
“What about them?”
“Don’t they give you an advantage?”
You lifted up your sleeves to show Laurel the bracelets around your wrists.
“Power dampening cuffs, courtesy of Cisco. Couldn’t use them even if I wanted to. Besides training without them is more worth while.”
Laurel removed her jacket and tied her hair into a ponytail.
“Well, a moving target is better.”
You went to the corner of the room and grabbed the large wooden sticks you often trained with.
You said, throwing one of the sticks to Laurel.
Laurel made the first move which you dodged with ease and then you turned to knock her off her feet. But before you could, Laurel blocked you and then you both officially began sparring with each other.
You were impressed with how quick Laurel was on her feet and she was intrigued with your fighting style, as it reminded her of the way Sara fought.
You hit Laurel’s stick and then quickly span, grabbing her arm and hooking your leg under hers, effectively throwing her to the mat.
“Damn,” she breathed out, her eyes moving from the staff you had against her throat, to you who was breathing just as heavily as she was.
You stared intently at each other for a few moments, your heavy breaths echoing throughout the room, before being interrupted by a stampede of footsteps.
“What the hell is going on in here?”
Both you and Laurel looked to the doorway where both Team Arrow and Team Flash stood, watching the two of you.
To them, it looked as if the two of you had gotten into a fight.
“Relax, Ollie. Y/n and I were just sparring. That’s all.”
You moved the stick away from Laurel and reached down to grab her hand so you could help her up.
“And she beat you? She must be good.”
Your eyes flickered over to the petite blonde who was standing next to Oliver.
“Not that you weren’t great before. I just meant that Laurel’s a good fighter. Obviously. Because she’s the Black Canary. Which you knew but I just-”
“Felicity, don’t worry,’ you interrupted her rambling.
“I know what you meant. And to answer your question, yeah, I totally beat the Canary’s ass.” You smirked.
“Hey! You didn’t beat me. You just-”
You raised an eyebrow in amusement. You were baiting her and it was totally working.
“Yeah, okay, whatever. You won.” She surrendered.
“Oh, I’m geeking out so hard. Y/s/n just beat Black Canary in a fight. God, if I could post about this on a blog somewhere, I so would!” Cisco rambled, making you and Laurel laugh.
“So do we have a plan yet?” You asked, changing the subject to more pressing matters.
“Yeah, but it’d be easier to explain when we’re in the cortex because we laid out a detailed game plan.” Caitlin answered.
“Well, then, let’s go.”
Everyone left the room and as you followed after them, you were stopped by a hand on your arm.
“Y/n, where’d you learn to fight like that?”
You looked back at Laurel, your brows narrowing.
“Different people taught me different things. Why?”
“The way that we sparred right now. It was how Sara and I sparred, even after she was resurrected, and it was a technique she learned from a group called the League of Assassins.”
Your eyes widened at the mention of Sara’s resurrection. You had heard rumours in the future of a place that could do that, a pit of some sort.
And the mention of the League also peaked your interest considering you had met a few members after escaping ARGUS.
“And you’re asking if I’m an assassin?”
“No, I’m-Yes. Yes, I am.”
“No, Laurel, I’m not an assassin. It would be a lie to say I’ve never killed anyone before but never on someone else’s orders.”
“But how-”
“I met a lot different people where I’m from, Laurel, some good, but mostly bad people. Or at least, that’s how we’re taught to think of them. The majority of the people I’ve met and learnt from were just trying to survive in a dystopia and when I encountered them, we were able to offer each other something. I help them get the agency off their backs and in exchange, I learn a few tricks or rack up a few favours.”
“Wow, there’s so much about you that people don’t know, isn’t there?” She said, interested.
“People don’t ask. So I don’t tell.”
“That’s lonely.”
“That’s life. It’s the way I’ve lived for almost a decade. Now, we better catch up with everyone else or they’ll wonder where we are.”
You decided to change the subject again,
“So your sister was resurrected? How does that even happen?”
“God, it’s a long story but basically…”
Laurel began explaining the situation to you as you both left the training room and followed both teams into the context so you could be debriefed on the plan.
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kylecrane · 7 years
Dying Light: So many questions!
-and a few answers.
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Hi Taff!
I’ve been interested in your blog for a while and I’d like to pose some questions, because thinking and theorising is fun, and I’ve not got anyone to do either of those things with.
Hi! Oh dear, look at all 'dem questions! Thank you! @target-on-my-redshirt. 
First of, thanks for the interest to begin with. I love chatting about Dying Light, especially things away from game mechanics, since I'm a fan of the concept and characters first, the gameplay second. Even if the gameplay is an absolute blast and a very high bar to reach for other games. But I digress.
I'll be answering them on here, since this is my main Dying Light blog, and I hope you don't mind me answering them in public. Let's see if we get a discussion going, hm?
Do you think that beyond the obvious potential for DLC, techland will release any concept art, any ideas that were dropped in the cutting floor or initial ideas for the story?
There's already some concept art out, and you can find it in my /concept art tag on here. Though I admit, it doesn't show anything much of the cut content, though we do see different types of costumes that aren't found in the finished product. What we do know about though is that originally we were meant to be following four characters (much like Dead Island), from which I believe Jade and Zere were meant to be playable characters? Maybe even Spike or Brecken, it's been a while since I've read up on that.
Though they eventually settled on focusing on Crane.
I think we can still see some remnants of cut story content though, as well as gameplay mechanics that ended up dropped. The most glaring one being the extra vial of Antizin that Crane pockets as he is ordered to destroy the stash, right along with the hint on a side quest to collect spent vials to stop people from filling them with potentially poisonous shit and passing it off for the good stuff.  And then there's a bugged overlay message you get when a Boomer Bomber explodes under you as you crawl through a duct in the Oh Brother Where Art Thou quest. You get a message along the lines of "You've been infected, etc..." which leads me to believe that originally you were expected to keep yourself dosed with Antizin. Much like the malaria infection in Farcry (2?) and the necessity for Zombrex in Dead Rising 2.  Another leftover from the original is a reference from a survivor to recognizing Crane from the *posters*, which'd indicate maybe at least one of the original playable characters was famous for something or the other.  Unless, of course, there was a bounty system in which Rais put up badly drawn Crane posters.  
I wonder if they always planned on having a classic generic tyrannical villain, or if sights were initially set higher.
Are we ever going to hear about the other characters backstory? I loved the addition of the random encounter explaining Spike, and we've heard a bit about Jade - what about the others? Will we see the addition of any new characters? Will we know anything new about the witch woman who brews you the potions?
I'd love a little more background reveal, to be fair, but I don't see it happening. Not in the original Dying Light anyway, even with their planned content drops that will include story expansions.  Mostly because that content is free, and anything that'd involve dialogue would require them to either ditch Crane as the main character (plausible, but unlikely), or look for a less prolific voice actor to step in.
Will there ever be the inclusion of tie-ins to the new novel that recently released? Will they consider releasing a small playable story prequel of their own?
The novel, Nightmare Row, was not recently released. It was only recently translated though, if I remember right. Either way, Nightmare Row read more like what we originally saw the game being advertised as, with quite literally the shift of night and day making all the infected more dangerous, rather than focusing on a new mutation and the occasional hyped Biter/Viral.  Which I'm fond of, since it gives the virus some time to mutate and start producing the range of variations we see in the game.
Do I think we get a tie-in mission? No. Much as I'd love to play a game that takes place at the cusps of an outbreak like this, I don't think that'll be part of the Content Drops. Again, I think of the cost of assets to get this done.
And is there any new concept ideas for DLC in terms of playable story beyond extra skin packs? Do you think there’s  any whackier ideas for weapons or side missions? Will there be any additions that will be definitively linked to the story? The following was an absolutely incredible addition, but I feel that many players were let down by the ending - especially as it directly contradicts Jades wishes (she wanted to keep fighting, and wanted to die for her friends, but Crane accepts a nuclear detonation in the end? Alternatively, we learn that everyone will die in vain anyway or turn into nasty Zambies?
Zera has been working on a cure with Camden for the entire story - does this bear fruit? What is the global backlash against the GRE?
As of writing this, the new content drop #1 was announced (though they deleted the Tweet- sneaky!), so here's your answer on the special weapons. And the story?  Ahm, well, I have my very own set of bones to pick with it, in particular the implications of leaving the cure with a single scientist in a run down lab without supplies, and how we are expected to believe that the world turned its back to Harran entirely.  That and, yes, Crane's sudden inability to think as he detonates a nuclear warhead that would do absolutely jackshit to clear the infection, but likely only make it worse.  I am however quite interested in anyone turning into a sentient volatile once they've inhaled the experimental gas, since that is a scary thought and would make for an interesting extra level of challenges in Dying Light 2.  If Techland chooses to go down that route, of course.  Then again, it also does a good job explaining the Night Hunter, so there is that.
If there is extra content or a sequel, where techland take it? What new challenges will be bought to Harran?
I'd think that Dying Light 2 will not be taking place in Harran, but take us somewhere else for a scenery change. And considering I am leaning towards Volakyle being the canon ending, we're likely going to see a much larger spread of the virus than in the original.
When we left off, Crane had the GRE's 'secret document' - will they try and retrieve it?
He did not any more.  In fact, Rais transmitted the document to the public, which caused the GRE to get into quite a bit of trouble.
Did any of Rise's (yes I butchered the spelling of his name) men survive? We killed his right hand man but what about men who may have defected? Will they be a threat to the Tower? Do the survivors of the tower ever get saved? What if the document is stolen and released to the world? Will there be other isolated incidents? Or might it become a world wide spread as seen in the Resident Evil cinematic universe? Will the GRE redeem themselves and try to re-recruit Crane into helping them on another mission?
I have so many opinions about this.  Enough to have written a 210k word story on the matter, which isn't even halfway done, and deals with pretty much all of the above.  Including the "What now?" and a few tweaks here and there, in particular to the Following expansion.  
But since I am not going to expect you to read it:
After Rais fell (hehe, literally), I'd have expected someone new to take charge, but have you seen the amount of men suddenly turned?  How did he do that?  Did he weaponize the virus at his workbench in a day?  According to the game, pretty much all of his men are dead or turned, which I suppose was really just done for gameplay purposes, rather than having any real story meaning.  So, far as I am concerned, his garrison lived on after his death, though I'd hope that the Tower would have taken advantage of the initial confusion to at least get a bit of the Antizin from them.  Aside of that? I'd wager there are still enough scared assholes in the Zone to cause the Tower problems and to compete for food and medicine.
The GRE redeeming itself has already fallen flat in the Following, as they stopped the Antizin drops. That's a death sentence for everyone inside the Zone.  I find that unlikely, but that's what the Following led us to believe.  Camden creating a cure is unlikely too, since he doesn't have the staff or resources for it. But it does lend itself to the question on what they'll do without the cure, and what will happen when the the virus *does* get out, because really. It will. It *did,* with quarantines existing outside of Harran already where they evacuated other infected to.
Anyway, those are some questions I have thought about!
...and I tried to keep my answers short, and if you'd like to talk more, I'll happily pop into private messages on Tumblr.
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