#i had to make that tag on a03 btw...hardest shit i ever did for a fic istg
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Stay With Me? -- Ticci Toby x Clockwork x Eyeless Jack
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A/N: Wrote this back in September for @sicktember 2023!
Words: 807
Tagging: (ask to be added!)
Warnings: N/A
SFW FIC (18+ Please!)
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“Wear your coat, you’ll catch a cold!” This is what Masky said to Clockwork as she headed into the snowy woods to make a snowman with Sally. It was just after a snowstorm, and it was perfect snow for one. Sally had practically dragged her outside after she put her boots on. Clockwork grabbed her jacket, but she was only wearing a tank top underneath it. She didn’t even remember putting on gloves or anything!
Now, here she was, sick as a dog and bedridden with a cold. EJ pulled the thermometer out of her mouth and studied it for a minute, before sighing. Toby looked over from the side of the bed he was sitting on.
“Yeah, you have a fever, Clockwork.” He looked at her. “That means no work for you.”
Clockwork grumbled and crossed her arms, laying up to face the ceiling.
“This is bullshit!” Her croaky voice still showed how exasperated she was. “I’m not even that sick!”
“Clockwork, babe, you need to rest.” EJ firmly reminded her as he packed up the few medical supplies he brought into the room.
“But then I won’t get anything done!” She huffed, uncrossing her arms and flopping them down next to her.
“Y-you heard EJ, Clocky. You need to r-rest.” Toby softly replied as he leaned over to brush some of Clockwork’s bangs off of her forehead.
“But—“ She started.
“No buts, Nat.” EJ looked down at her as he went to leave the room, stopping to pat her on the head softly. “Take care of her, Toby. I’ll be back in a bit.”
EJ walked out of Clockwork’s bedroom, softly shutting the door behind him, leaving Toby and Clockwork in silence.
“This is such ass,” she grumbled, “I hate being sick. This is stupid.”
“I know, it s-sucks.” Toby gave her a sympathetic smile and squeezed her hand gently.
“What about you?” Clockwork turned to face Toby. “If you stay here with me you’ll get sick! And then Masky, Hoodie, and Kate would be down two proxies! And then what if—“
“I’ll be fine, Nat. Don’t worry about me.” He rubbed circles on her hand with his thumb.
“Hmph.” Clockwork was clearly worried about Toby catching whatever the heck she had, but he didn’t seem to be bothered. She wouldn’t push it, she thought. As the two sat together in silence, her clock could be heard ticking a small tick-tock that was just loud enough to be heard while they sat.
“Ugh. Could you close the blinds?” Clockwork moved the hand out of Toby’s grip and over her eyes. “My head fucking hurts.”
Toby nodded, getting up and closing the blinds, then pulling the curtains over them. Clockwork had blackout curtains. Toby remembered her saying something about how sleeping with any light makes her feel weird. Ah, whatever, it’s not important, he thought
Clockwork sighed as the room immediately was made dim by the lack of sun shining through the window. She yawned and turned onto her side, groaning as her head throbbed with the movement. God, her head felt all sloshy and gross.
“Do you want some time to r-rest?” Toby made his way to the bed, petting his girlfriend’s hair as he took a seat back next to her.
Clockwork’s response was a noise somewhere between a whine and frustration. She was curled up, hugging a pillow, and had her eyes closed.
“Do you want me to stay?” He tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear and caressed her cheek gently. He couldn’t feel the temperature of her skin, but he imagined it was warm.
“Mmm yeah…” She nodded at him, reaching her hands out for him to join her in the bed.
Toby climbed into the bed, pulling Clocky close to his chest. She snuggled up against his t-shirt and sighed contently. He couldn’t feel the heat of her body at all, but she was flushed and a little sweaty. He didn’t care, though, he was there to comfort her. Soon enough, her rhythmic breathing turned to sleep.
Toby held her close, waiting for Jack to return, hopefully with something to make her feel better. He gave her a small kiss on the forehead and she smiled. As he listened to Clockwork’s breathing, he soon found himself dozing off into sleep.
They didn’t even wake up when EJ returned with the cold medication. When he saw his partners so snuggled up, he silently pulled out his phone for a picture. They were just too adorable together to not!
He left water and the pill on the nightstand, and made sure to be extra quiet when he shut the door this time. Better to let his girlfriend rest, even if Toby was at risk of getting sick himself.
God, he loved these losers, even if they were a handful sometimes.
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