#i has some misspelings tho but youll manage
klaroline-overdose · 2 years
New trashy Klaroline and Darklina AU crossover fanfiction drop
So here's the thing, since Shadow and Bone premiered on Netflix I got a little obsessed with all the Klaroline and Darklina parallels.
It got into the point that I even started a crossover crack fanfic Klaroline X Darklina.
I wrote this for my personal scenarios and fun, so I won't be posting on fanfiction.net or AO3. I've never read the grisha books and I completely ignore the originals show existence and its characters, except for Davina and Marcel ofc.
It's not beta proofed, but it's 21k long and i don't know if I ever will be able to finish it due to work.
THAT BEING SAID, I think it's a hilarious old tvd Klaus x Caroline fic and the interactions with Alina x Darkling are just pure gold so that's why I'm sharing with you. Here's the link for reading it. Don't take it serious, it's purely for entertainment.
Tldr: Bonnie uses a crazy spell to stop Mikael and it causes Klaus and Caroline to be taken to the grishaverse.
@howeverlongs Paula my love I tried really hard to finish it and because of your support as usual I'm putting it here. Hope you have fun 💗
If you guys have any problems with the link let me know!
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