klaroline-overdose · 2 years
Revenge on Damon
For @klaroline-overdose @ehdsisjado and @caritobear
Warning: there is mention of rape and torture. Not Damon or Elena friendly.
Caroline has been living with Klaus for two centuries they are in their mansion In Paris which has a amazing view of the Effie towel.
Caroline is sleeping she’s snuggled into Klaus’ side while he is sitting up in bed sketching her. Caroline starts to mumble “ No get away from me.” She starts to jerks away from him.
Klaus looks down concern written all over his face. He doesn’t know what is going on and tries to wake her up “ My love wake up.”
Caroline still asleep starts screaming. Klaus lifts her off her side of the bed and into his lap he caresses her face “ Caroline wake up.”
Caroline gasps awake and puts her hand over her heart and starts to cry. Klaus pulls her into his chest and runs his hands up and down her back trying to comfort her. “ My love what’s wrong what made you have such a horrible nightmare. You were screaming and yelling no get away from me.”
Caroline buries her head in his bare chest still crying she squeezes her arms around his waist “ Memories.”
“ What kind of memory would make you have a reaction like this.”
Caroline buries her head more into his chest. Over the past two centuries Klaus has told her everything about the last thousand years of his life and Caroline told him all about her life she only left out one thing. They don’t keep secrets from each other.
Caroline has never told anyone about what Damon did to her and starts to tear up. “ It’s alright I’m here you can tell me.”
Caroline cries “ It’s horrible.”
“ You forget who your talking to I do horrible things all the time.”
Caroline looks into his eyes she still has tears in her eyes “ Not like this.”
Klaus wants to know what memory she has to make her act this way" Caroline please tell me.“
Klaus gets her to stop crying and kisses her. Caroline takes a big breath and finally reveals what Damon did to her. ” When I was human Damon compelled me, he raped me and drank from me. He came back to get Katherine out of the tomb she wasn’t even in but he needed Bonnie’s necklace so he made me his deliver girl and compelled me to be his girlfriend and at night he would rape and drink from me. Once I woke up and had dried blood on my neck I tried to sneak out of the room and I got to the door when Damon was in front of me I picked up a lamp and threw it at him he pushed me on the bed and drank from me. I was screaming he just put his hand over my mouth. Stefan tried to saved me by putting vervain in my drink so that night when Damon tried to kill me again he drank vervain. Stefan put him in the cell in the boarding house but he called me to get him out and because I was compelled I had to go.“
Klaus had no idea he swears the next time he sees Damon he’s going to kill him. Klaus pulls her even more into his chest, Caroline’s sitting in his lap her head on his shoulder. ” My love I am so sorry he did that he will pay for what he did to you. Your right I never did anything that horrible.“
Caroline wipes her tears ” When I turned all that he compelled me to forget came back.“
Klaus kisses her on the top of her head.
Caroline wakes up the next morning she rolls over to kiss Klaus good morning and his side of the bed is empty and cold, she figures he is in his studio. She wraps one of the blankets around her she’s only in one of his Henley’s.
She walks into his studio and it’s empty. "Nik, Nik, Nik”
“In the ballroom my love.”
Caroline walks in and Damon is being chained up by Klaus’ hybrids. “What’s going on why is Damon here?”
Klaus is leaning on a table with a bunch of sharp objects on it. “ After you fell back to sleep I told my hybrids to find Damon they did he and Elena were in Serbia. They were going to just take Damon but Elena was fighting them and you know how my hybrids don’t care who they kill to get me what I want. So they snapped Elena’s neck and threw her in one of the cells in the basement. He’s here so he can pay for the crimes he committed against you.”
Caroline is leaning in the doorway with the blanket around her. “ I got my revenge against him when I became a vampire I pushed him away from me with vampire strength when he touched me and said you suck. Also when he tried to kill my dad I fought him and threw him against the wall then through a window at the Lockwood’s. ”
“ Wouldn’t you feel better with a real apology.”
“ Yes but I knew he wouldn’t give me one so I settled for you suck and throwing him through a window.”
Klaus picking up a knife to see how sharp it is “My love what have I told you.”
“ I’m a queen, I’m beautiful, you love me, you don’t know how you survived without me, I shouldn’t wear clothes at all, I’m a vampire you don’t settle if someone has something you want take it or kill them.”
“All true you are the most beautiful queen I’ve ever laid eyes on you do not deserve to be treated like how Damon has treated you. Not only is it wrong but you still have nightmares about it two centuries later.”
Caroline nods “ Ok while you try to get a apology out of Damon I’m going to go talk to the prisoner in the cells.”
Caroline goes down to the basement and past the room the Mikaelsons keep all their old French weapons, rugs and things they have collected while living in France over the centuries. She goes through a door and in the sixth cell is her old friend Elena.
She squats down in front of the cell “ It’s been a long time Elena.”
Elena who is scared for Damon and is confused as to why she is in this cell looks up at her old friend. “ I should of known you had something to do with this. It all makes sense those guys that attacked us in Siberia work for Klaus and since you decided to run off and be with the enemy it was just a matter of time you tormented your friends like Klaus and his family did.”
Caroline can’t believe what Elena is saying to her when she left Mystic Falls to join Klaus she left on good terms with everyone. “ I didn’t have to come down here but I did I wanted to see if you were ok. I left Mystic Falls because I knew my mom wouldn’t want me settling for a normal human like everyone else was she wanted me to be myself a vampire. When I left I traveled the world for a year ending in New Orleans at Klaus door. He is the only person in my whole life including our friends that has ever put me first. When we were growing up and all through high school and college even when you were in the sleeping coma it was always about you. Do you remember the day of the Mikaelson ball we were in the grill talking about your favorite subject your feeling about the Salvatore’s and how you never tell me anything. Rebekah came in warned me to be careful that is all well and good until you stab me in the back.”
Elena goes to open her mouth and Caroline speaks “ I wasn’t done. Then Rebekah says it’s not all about you Elena get over yourself. She was right you are the most selfish and selfless person ever. You want both Salvatore’s all to yourself. But to protect a love one you will die instead. You never once thought about my feeling but who would listen to a young neurotic control freak vampire. Klaus listens to me he respects my decisions he is over a thousand years old and he wants my options he wanted me to help him rule a city.”
Caroline goes to walk away when Elena calls out to her “ Save Damon he doesn’t deserve what Klaus is doing to him he hasn’t done anything.”
Caroline turns around shock written all over her face. “ No Damon deserve everything Klaus is doing to him. I wouldn’t expect you to remember or even know what Damon did to me but Damon is a monster. I know you think Klaus is a monster but I have seen the proof that Klaus would never do the things Damon has done.”
Caroline has to leave before the tears she feels starting to form fall down her face.
She goes upstairs and sees Klaus hitting Damon with a mace.“ Nik I can talk to you quickly please.”
Klaus looks back at Caroline who is shaking in the doorway “ Of course.”
He hits Damon once more who has cuts across his body and a pile of blood below him.
Klaus walks out into the hallway and Caroline drops the blanket around her and puts her arms around his waist his arms immediately go around her. “ I love you.”
Klaus smiles down at her he lifts her head up and kisses her “ I love you too. Now what did you want to tell me?”
“I just wanted to hear you tell me you love me. Elena told me to save Damon and that he doesn’t deserve what your doing to him and that he has done nothing wrong. It made me feel so insecure again. I’m not that same neurotic insecure control freak I was before i turned. I’ve changed so much and I’ve never had someone who loves me unconditionally and I just needed to hear you say it.”
Klaus squeezes his arms tightly around her “ I love you so much my love you are the only one for me. I am yours and I will happily remind you of how much I love you anytime you want.”
Caroline squeezes her arms around his waist just savoring the moment. “ I wish Rebekah and Kol were here they would love to play with Elena.”
Klaus laughs “ Do you want to call them Rebekah’s in Italy and Kol’s in Saint Tropez with Davina.”
Caroline shakes her head. “ One more thing why were you using a mace.”
“ I found in the basement and it was originally a present to Kol but I asked him if I could borrow it and he said yes.”
Caroline leans up and kisses him “ Have fun call me when he’s ready to apologize. I’m going to start planning Freya’s 230th birthday.”
Klaus goes back to Damon who has his head down and hanging from the ceiling “ Are you ready to apologize?”
“No we’ve moved on, your the only one who cares about it.”
Klaus smacks Damon across the face with Kol’s mace “ If you both have moved on then why was Caroline crying in my arms last night and having nightmares about what you did to her.”
“Use a different weapon.”
Klaus plunges a knife into Damon’s carotid artery Damon yells out in pain. “ Is this better.”
“It’s a pretty good bet that your going to kill me right.”
Klaus nods “ Then let me say goodbye to Elena she doesn’t deserve to be locked up in a cell or listen to my pained yells.”
“Elena is a bad friend too. She always took Caroline for granted and then judged her when Caroline found love. Or when Caroline didn’t like the man Elena choose to love. So no I will keep her in her cell but don’t worry I will send down blood everyday and I won’t send Kol or Rebekah down there until a day after your death.”
Damon pushes forward his body and spits in Klaus face who smacks him on top of the head with the mace. Blood is now running down Damon’s face and shoulders dripping on the floor. “ Do you have something to say Damon?”
“ Go to hell.”
Klaus leans forward “That’s the same thing Elena said before I killed at the sacrifice. Maybe when I kill her again I should take her back to the quarry be symbolic. Or maybe I should kill you in front of her.”
“Stay away from Elena.”
Klaus smiles wickedly “ Ray.”
Klaus’ hybrid Ray comes into the room gripping Elena’s arm tightly and pushes her towards Klaus. “ Now Damon since you refuse to apologize and I’m losing my patience I’ve brought a little motivation.”
Klaus is holding Elena in front of him while Ray hands him a knife. Which Klaus runs the side of the knife down Elena’s face who is trying to get out of his grip. “ Where to begin.”
Klaus stabs her in the neck Elena screams, he take the knife out and stabs her in the stomach and brings the knife up “ Choose Damon apologize or this knife will continue its way up to her heart.”
Damon looks at Elena who is yelling the pain is incredible. “ Don’t give him what he wants Damon.”
“Stop it.”
Klaus keeps pulling the knife up her chest it’s nearing her heart. “ Fine I’ll apologize.”
Klaus smiles “ My love can you come here.”
Caroline comes in jeans, a tank top with a pink sweater on. “ Yes.”
Klaus gestures to Damon “Damon would like to say something to you.”
Damon still hanging from the ceiling looks up at Caroline who is standing next to Klaus who still has Elena in his grip and the knife is still in her chest. “ I’m sorry for using you, raping you, abusing you, compelling you, trying to kill you a couple times, drinking from you, trying to kill your dad, saying you wouldn’t make it as a vampire. I’m sorry.”
Caroline looks at Damon sincerely “ Do you really mean it?”
“Yes I’m truly sorry Caroline.”
Caroline nods she’s waited for this day for a very long time. “ I accept your apology.”
Damon looks at Elena who is still in klaus iron like grip “ Let her go.”
Klaus lets go of Elena and when she goes to move Klaus slaps her head off her body falls to the ground and her head it’s the wall. “Was killing Elena necessary?”
“Yes she didn’t appreciate you like this death is necessary too.”
Klaus picks up the mace and gets a good grip on the handle and swings it, it makes contact with Damon’s head so hard that his head joins Elena’s and his body goes limp.
“Do you feel better my love?”
“ I do now let’s get you cleaned up we have dinner reservations at 8.”
Caroline leans up and kisses him. She takes his bloody hands and drags him from the ballroom while his hybrids clean up the mess.
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klaroline-overdose · 2 years
New trashy Klaroline and Darklina AU crossover fanfiction drop
So here's the thing, since Shadow and Bone premiered on Netflix I got a little obsessed with all the Klaroline and Darklina parallels.
It got into the point that I even started a crossover crack fanfic Klaroline X Darklina.
I wrote this for my personal scenarios and fun, so I won't be posting on fanfiction.net or AO3. I've never read the grisha books and I completely ignore the originals show existence and its characters, except for Davina and Marcel ofc.
It's not beta proofed, but it's 21k long and i don't know if I ever will be able to finish it due to work.
THAT BEING SAID, I think it's a hilarious old tvd Klaus x Caroline fic and the interactions with Alina x Darkling are just pure gold so that's why I'm sharing with you. Here's the link for reading it. Don't take it serious, it's purely for entertainment.
Tldr: Bonnie uses a crazy spell to stop Mikael and it causes Klaus and Caroline to be taken to the grishaverse.
@howeverlongs Paula my love I tried really hard to finish it and because of your support as usual I'm putting it here. Hope you have fun đź’—
If you guys have any problems with the link let me know!
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klaroline-overdose · 6 years
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Night out
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klaroline-overdose · 6 years
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It’s some twisted Cinderella fetish is what it is.
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klaroline-overdose · 6 years
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He’s your first love. I intend to be your last. However long it takes…
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klaroline-overdose · 6 years
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klaroline (klaus ♡ caroline) icons
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klaroline-overdose · 6 years
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“I think a part of me has always known that you weren’t the villain of m y story.” (x)
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klaroline-overdose · 6 years
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Klaus and Caroline’s almost kiss in slow motion and zoomed in on their lips.
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klaroline-overdose · 6 years
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I think a part of me has always known that you weren’t the villain of my story.
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klaroline-overdose · 6 years
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“Years ago, when the girls were really little, I was in trouble. I was scared; I just, I put the girls in the car, and I drove. And I ended up in New Orleans…looking for you. You weren’t there, but the point is…”
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klaroline-overdose · 6 years
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422 notes · View notes
klaroline-overdose · 6 years
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…and I ended up in New Orleans, looking for you.
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klaroline-overdose · 6 years
All right, kiddies. Pull up a chair and join me in Klaroline science class, because I’m about dissect the eff out of the many gifts we were given in TO 5x12.
First off, I want to preface this post by talking about the tone of their scenes the entire episode. The word of the day has been “nostalgia” because the episode touched on so much of their history. It’s actually a really perfect writing technique because here we are faced with Klaus’ imminent doom and the future they’re both being robbed of. To bring up their past and make it relevant to their future gives such a fantastic effect to the scenes and to their characters. I mean, we see their history mentioned so many times, through so many voices… 
“I thought we made a deal about you showing up in Mystic Falls” “That was a long time ago.” “Do you remember when you and your friends threatened to chain me up, drown me in cement and drop me in the deepest ocean?” “I was just a kid back then. I didn’t know - That was a long time ago.” “He still clouds your judgement”  “The Diary of Stefan Salvatore…Spoiler alert, dad is the villain”
There are more, and there are a lot of references back to when they both lived on TVD which I also think holds a lot of meaning. I think the beauty of bringing these things up kind of lies in showing how much they have endured and progressed in their respective lives and in their appreciation for one another. There was a time when their relationship was fueled by tensions of every kind and it was still in the somewhat juvenile stages. These little nostalgic touches kind of give us a means to really reflect back on everything because ooh boy, has this been a journey. And with the end ever so near, remembering how far we’ve come is such a central theme to this episode. 
So let’s talk about the dynamic going on here. Typically, we’ve mostly seen the affections and advances from Klaus’ perspective. We’ve always seen him make the move, say the swoon worthy lines, make the heartiest heart eyes ever to heart. And Caroline was always keeping him at arm’s length, refusing to succumb or let him take the easy way. This time, we get a refreshing contrast and get to see Caroline take the reins in a less hostile kind of way. We know what their bickering and their heated tension looks like, and we always see her brutally calling him out on his shit. But can you really recall seeing Caroline being honest with herself about Klaus? It was about time we got a little reciprocation.
Seriously, one of my favorite things is that she makes a lot of little slip up almost confessions in this ep. Like this gem: 
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First off, can we just appreciate the breath hitching moment of shock in Klaus’ expression (Thanks Jomo) to hear that she actually had some sort of desire or wanted anything from him? 
And then there was this: 
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So, like, two things. One, the defenses are totally cracking. All this time, all the sarcastic attempts, the teasing - temper temper, and janitor Bob, and you only look normal crazy to me - all these defense mechanisms have come to a head. I’ve been loving seeing this mature woman our Caroline has become, and I love its effect on her relationship with Klaus. And vice versa. 
There’s some sort of shift with them that has happened over the course of these episodes, heck probably even over the course of the decade or so that they’ve been apart but still in contact with one another. I can’t explain it. But I love it. 
Now, second. His reaction: 
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There’s something so sad about the way he responds with his eyes, the little parting of lips. Is it a sentiment of after all this time, finally the truth? Or is it a moment of that Klaus self-loathe we know all too well? An I could have spared her moment, if I wasn’t so selfish? There is something in his face that just breaks my heart. Yes, he’s thrilled to hear it, but it’s so so bittersweet. 
Back to the history, let’s move forward and discuss Caroline telling him about her little trip to NOLA. Now this - this speaks volumes. Maybe we got all of these emotional truth bombs because he’s on his metaphorical death bed and she needs to say them, but this moment is so important. It was such a moment of struggle for Caroline in her life. She needed help and she went directly to him. For Klaus to hear this truth, to know that she was looking to him for strength and protection, I mean seriously!?!? 
And then there was this epic, world shattering, game-changing line: 
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When Klaus asked for Caroline’s confession in 5x11, THIS was what he meant. 
I ranked this above “however long it takes” because yes that was an epic promise and gave us all the endgame feels, but this is the unadulterated truth that Klaus needed to hear. This screams a confirmation of love to me and that makes me so much weaker than a promise of future. (Still holding him to it, tho!) There was no more pretense, no more shrouding herself in denial. Yes, I want you. I’m attracted to you. You make me weak in the loins. But more than that, I see you. I’ve seen the parts of you that you don’t let anyone else see and I know the differences between who you think you are and who you really are. And Klaus’ world is just totally blown by it. There are no words to express what she has just done for him. It’s not redemption. It’s validation. His existence isn’t just nefarious and unwanted. 
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THIS. So much this that it hurts and has wrecked my life since the moment I saw it. Listen, I understand the thirst for hot, hybrid sex, but to me, the deeper meaning behind this is so much more appealing. I think these little intimate touches of affection are so much more telling than a romp in the woods. It’s one last hope, one last breath. The last attempt to reach out and beg for mercy, to face God’s honest truth and wordlessly admit to one another - I need you and don’t leave me. It speaks so many volumes about their dynamic. It’s pure vulnerability at its finest. From both of them. Towards each other. This is love, guys. 
And then there’s the last ditch effort glance backward… 
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Regret. And heartbreak. Both written all over her face. This wasn’t the goodbye I wanted. I didn’t want to say goodbye at all. You promised me you’d be my last love. This wasn’t how it was supposed to go. But also, she’s so devastatingly proud of the man he’s become, how much he’s grown, how hard he’s willing to fight for his daughter. The daughter he never wanted in the first place. He has come so far from the man who walked out of the closet with an agenda, the man who terrorized her life because trust and believe she won’t forget all the bad. All this good won’t negate that. But if he can be saved, he can be loved. And maybe, just maybe, she can love him back.
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klaroline-overdose · 6 years
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(if i don’t see you again…)
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klaroline-overdose · 6 years
Casual reminder that not only their foreheads touched but their hair was also rubbing against each other’s
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klaroline-overdose · 6 years
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im going down with this ship. love their development.
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klaroline-overdose · 6 years
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So, after they siphon it from Hope, what are they supposed to do with it? You can’t shove a demon in a jar and put it on a shelf. 
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