#i hate browsing and coming across blank profiles and block messages on every site
sindumpster · 5 years
Is someone saying shit about me?
Idk how many fuckin times I’ve been blocked by various vore/stuffing/preg profiles over the past two years (that’s when it really started picking up), including people I used to talk to or had pleasant interactions with in passing. Is someone saying shit about me? Did I do something wrong? Ya’lls got some weird beef on how I do my stuff?
Would it really be that awful if ya’lls actually fuckin’ told me what I’m doing wrong so I can make an effort to correct myself, or at least tell you if it’s something I can do? Can I at least have a fuckin chance and know what the problem is? Do I at least deserve that fuckin courtesy as a real fuckin person, not some nameless entity artist you refer to like a brand name? Do ya’lls not fuckin understand how much that grates at people and creates anxiety?
I hate that this is an extremely common and relatable complaint among any artists that manage to generate even the smallest crowd. LITERALLY EVERY ARTIST I HAVE EVER TALKED TO CAN RELATE THE ANXIETY AND WORRY IT PRODUCES. LITERALLY EVERY ARTIST IS BOTHERED BY IT. THIS IS NOT SOME WEIRD OUT OF THE BLUE CONCERN.
So if you have a problem with someone, TALK TO THEM. Give them a fuckin chance to work it out. Especially if you’ve interacted with them before, most people remember friendly faces and get worried when that friendly face turns around and blocks them without a sound. I get not liking content shifts, but if it’s for any other reason, especially based on the person itself or an interaction that bothered you, PLEASE consider talking to them about it. Or at least do it for me. I want to know where I went wrong with so many people. I want to know what I did. Can someone please break the silence and tell me what’s going on?
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