#i hate having to pee so frequently tho it's So Annoying
knifegremliin · 1 year
the interesting thing about being so awful about hydrating for the majority of your life is that when you finally get good at it, you realize just how pale your pee is supposed to be
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szopenhauer · 4 years
If someone has bad breath, do you tell him or her? doubtful, I don’t wanna hurt anyone, it’s awkward and a lot of ppl can’t change how they smell
Do you have an item that comforts you when you are sad/scared? used to have one special object, I still hold it sometimes, I suppose I might again at night from Friday to Saturday 
When are you likely to hide your emotions? when I’m face to face with an authority figure like boss, teacher or doctor, policeman too but I never been in a situation like this with them, I also hide my emotions from abusers at times to not show I’m afraid of them and to not provoke them more as well
Which is scarier: Dying of thirst or of starvation? I guess starvation as it takes longer
Have you ever tried to help someone quit smoking? it’s their decision to smoke, I don’t approve but I won’t get involved, I can only avoid them
Have you ever had to talk anyone out of suicide? self harm more likely, I mean... I was talking with suicidal people about them wanting to kill themselves but never at the moment when they were doing it so I don’t know if that counts
When you think of tomorrow, what feelings come to mind? packing, last day with my parents before I go to the hospital
What is the last thing you complained about? probably health related issues
What was the last curse-word you said? kurwa
When you fake sick to get out of school, what do you say or do to convince your parents that you are sick? I don’t fake sick, I might exaggerate but I won’t lie, I don’t want to worry my parents and because I’m chronicall ill I often was going to school even though I didn’t felt like it
Do you still talk to your very first best friend? no
When was the last time something went terribly wrong? basically everything goes wrong
How do you console someone when he or she is upset? depends
Choose one: Trip to outerspace, or trip underneath the oceans? no thx
How often do you feel overwhelmed? all the damn time
How do you deal with everyday life? poorly 
Who in your family do you act like the most? my dad
What is the most romantically sweet thing someone has done for you? my gf is doing many sweet things 
Have you ever been confronted by a mall cop for your behavior? I’ve never been confronted by the store guard - elseway I would never go back there out of anxiety
Is there someone that makes you feel like you’re walking on eggshells? my mom
Were you ever afraid of one of your past teachers? sorta XD
Have you ever been in a physical fight on school grounds? I was attacked but I didn’t fight back so...
A homeless man asks you for 50 cents; how do you respond? dunno
When was the last time you visited a thrift store? recently
Can you handle constructive criticism? I can’t handle any criticism :(
Who is the most sensitive person that you know? me?...
When was the last time you wrote someone a note? few days ago
Do you tell your parents before you go somewhere, or just leave? I always tell
What was the last thing you tried to get out of doing? not sure what was last hmm...
Which season do you dread the most? winter
Is there a foreign culture you’d like to learn more about? maybe
Have you ever seen a famous painting and thought “I could have done that?” abstract art
What is the scariest thing about attending your school? which one?
Are you a good judge of other people’s intentions? I got better with time 
Shopping: best with friends, parents, bf/gf, or alone? depends
When was the last time someone told you to turn your music down? my mother sometimes asks me to because she has migraines
When you don’t know how to spell a word, do you look it up? not always *ashamed*
Are you one to spend a lot of time in the bathroom? nope but I’m the one that often goes to the bathroom 
Do you ever consider the challenges other races go through? sure
When was the last time you doubted your abilities? I have... abilities? :o
What was the last thing you wished for? health... not gonna happen tho :(
How many times a day, on average, do you look at the time? several, when I wake up then when I eat and between meals and then when I go to sleep and in the middle of the night if I go to pee
Where do you first remember living? I never moved
First fandom? woah I don’t remember 
First otp/ship? neither
How old were you when you first when on a plane? -
What was your first tattoo?  -
Do you remember the last movie you saw while on a date? show - She-ra, movie - A lot like love
Did you lose your virginity before you were sixteen? nooo
How many purses do you own? too many lol Are you bi? am not Who was your prom date? I never had one, I didn’t go to prom
Who was the last person to see you cry? parent[s]
Have you ever been used? yep
Do you like when girl takes you by surprise and kisses you? I like consent but... those were the best kisses ^^’’
Have you ever gone for someone despite knowing they were bad for you? I didn’t think about the future nor that I deserve love What kind of gift can win you over? what do you mean by WIN ME OVER? Are diamonds really a girls best friend? not mine, I don’t care for diamonds 
Have you ever dated someone with a child? no way  Have you ever dated someone shorter than you? Sarah was shorter
Who has made the biggest sacrifice for you? my parents and my current partner
What sound is annoying you right now? it’s quiet :3
What gives you a peaceful feeling? sleep?
Would you rather live in the city, suburbs or the country? country
Are you more of a maker and giver, or a taker and user? taker and user I suppose
Do you buy holiday gifts early or at the last minute? early
If someone else were to describe you what would you hope they would say? the truth
Do you think it is harder for a parent to outlive their child or for the child to outlive their parent? parent to outlive the child because it’s not common
When do you do your best thinking? evening/night
What was a choice that you didn’t want to make but you had to? majority of decisions are smth I’d prefer not to make
What age do you think it is most difficult to be? to each their own
Do you think you could handle a day in jail? who knows
Have you ever been on a trampoline? I have not
Do you pretend to be something you’re not to make friends? I’m being myself and that’s why I’m friendless :P
Are you more of a shy or outgoing person? I’m introverted antisocial and a loner but I’m not shy, I can be loud and talkative
Are you more of an athlete or artist? artist Are you the type to procrastinate? I put PRO in procrastination  Do you believe that you’ll always be a kid at heart? ;) What is something you want to improve on this year? health, I’m trying  How many times a day do you get angry? uh oh... If you could eat any food you want right now, what would it be? personal Can you sleep with your eyes open? I’m no Gandalf
Do you still have any living grandparents? If so, how old are they? I don’t wanna talk about that
What’s your favorite computer game genre? simulations Do you have any exes your parents never liked? pfft Do you ever keep things just because they might be useful someday? we are hoarders
Are you frequently in a bad mood? sorry... Do you ever fill out surveys while in a bad mood? I go through soooo many moods before I finish one survey  Are you a fast or a slow eater? slowest among my friends, fastest in my house  How old were you when you had your first relationship? no idea what I should call a relationship and what not  Do you get dental checkups at least once a year? yup Is there anyone in your family/household whom you frequently argue with? mom, sister before she moved out Have you ever used chewing tobacco? tha hell? that’s disgusting!
Do you play Pokemon Go? If so, what level are you and who’s your buddy? not applicable Do you ever sit indoors and wear sunglasses or a hat? hat Are you putting off doing something right now? If so, what is it? drying my hair, drinking water and going to sleep mostly
Are you like me and hoard notebooks and pens? pens now, I stopped buying notebooks... oh wait... no... I just got one because I wanted to save bees, nvm... Are you sitting in front of or by a window? What can you see out there? by, it’s dark but there’s my neighbor’s house Are there any coasters on your table? If so, do they have text or pictures? flowers Do you have a song playing in your head right now, too? not really Don’t you hate it when people answer to surveys with one word answers? lame *I realized I did that myself *facepalm* Ever watched a cat or a dog sleep and run/twitch in their sleep? adorable <3 What’s something we do every day but they don’t depict in movies? it bothers me that in fantasy/sci-fi movies there are no toilets and meals are rare
Is your style feminine, masculine or somewhere in the middle? in the middle, childish yet of an old person haha Do you usually carry a backpack, a shoulder bag or something else? shoulder bag or tote  Do you wear glasses? If so, have you ever tried to fix them when they’ve broken? helped my dad fix his glasses couple of times Are there a lot of dragonflies around your house? they don’t show up frequently
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mistymark · 6 years
the boyfriend one. [donghyuck]
Tumblr media
part of the NCT boyfriend series // lee donghyuck // 1.0k
the sUN
a baby boi™
adores you so much like he’s always grinning whenever you're with him
you have the same sense of humour
sUper teasing
like roasting each other 24/7
*sarcasticaly* “nice job, babe” “nice face, ass!”
will tease you all the time but also knows his boundaries and when to stop
your knight in shining armour when the other boys try and roast you, bc only he can do that
can literally pick you out of a crowd in 0.4 seconds
LOVES making out w you
like 3746892398/10 favourite activity
especially loves front hugs where he can hold you tight against his body
always the last to let go
hes a thrower when it comes to hugs like
he’ll walk in the door and throw his bag to the side, toss his drink away, throw himself towards you in a miniature tackle
he really just wants to be in your arms and for you to be in his
swings his arm while you're holding hands whenever y’all walk anywhere bc he’s honestly just really happy
when he's had a shit day or is doubting himself, ur the only one he wants to talk to about it
feels absolutely and completely comfortable with you
likes to lie across the couch with his head in your lap, with u running your fingers through his hair
half the time he falls asleep
bites his lip when he wants to talk about anything to do with your relationship
he acts like you never kiss him
in a pouty, complaining way that makes it seem like ur not Providing
even tho y'all kiss all the time like what
DoDGEs yOuR kISsEs LiKe a LiL sHiT
until u get kinda annoyed and huffy
then he's all smiley bc he can tell you really want to kiss him
the only time he tells you he loves you is when he's mumbling it
probably against your lips
otherwise its very rare that he'd outright tell you
pretends to forget your birthday but in reality its engrained in his memory and is probably more excited for your birthday than you are
probably knows your parents’/siblings’/pets’ birthdays too
ur the most beautiful being on the planet according to him
the type to be like :o when you look really great
but also
he’ll want to tell you that you look beautiful but he’ll end up saying you look,,,, alright I guess
but you know what he means
his phone backgrounds are candid pics of you taken by the other members
lowkey blushes when u kiss his cheek
calls you ugly a lot even tho he's obviously lying
sleeps over at your place a lot bc he actually prefers it there
he really just likes sleeping w you tho
dances with you like a dork at any time of the day
in the kitchen at 2am when ur waiting for the microwave popcorn to finish for ur movie
hes waving his arms around and singing his heart out
speaking of singing
y’all would sing a lot together
not exactly singing
more like,,,,
doesnt care if he wakes up all the neighbours he LOVES this song and he's gonna scream it at the top of his lungs
teaches you kpop dances then gets all blushy when u do them really well
highkey avoided eye contact with u when u danced to move by taemin
claims he helps you in the kitchen but all he does is stand next to you and cheer
“babe let me treat you to dinner” “hyuck the last time u said that doyoung took us out and paid” “this time is different!!!!!!” “how -.-” “....taeyongs paying”
you say his full name when he's being outrageous and it always makes him giggle
he just really wants to kiss you
whenever u get huffy or annoyed with him ,, he just kisses ur cheek and ur like ??????? what was I saying
calls you in between schedules to complain about the other members
“babeeeeeee mark threatened to throw me off the roof again :((((((((” “*yawn* mmm thats nice hyuckie” “HEY”
always gives really thoughtful gifts or really ridiculous gifts that make you go -.-
sometimes its both,, like he’ll give u a joke gift before his real one
just to be an annoying little shit a funny guy
“can I come over” “sure, what do u wanna do” “cuddle”
is absolutely Content with doing nothing as a date
most of your date nights are all nighters or movie marathons on the couch of your living room
he really just wants to cuddle :(((((
“hyuck I have to pee :((((” “no” “move pls I gotta go” “then hOLD IT”
falls asleep on FaceTime a lot
but u dont mind because he's really cute you screenshot all his ugly sleeping faces and send them to him in the morning
when ur in different timezones he sends u sweet good morning texts when its nighttime for u bc he thinks its funny
doesnt send sweet good morning texts when ur in the same timezone
recorded a special alarm of him yelling annoying phrases like “JCDJKDFJ GET UP BABE UR GONNA BE LATE AND ITLL BE HILARIOUS FOR EVERYONE” followed by frequent meowing sounds and Darth Vader impersonations
he sent the voice memo to you with the caption “so you can wake up to my voice uwu <3 xxx :)”
you should've known better
you constantly receive messages like “I can see you >:(” followed by “I thought that would be funny to get ur hopes up but now im sad bc I cant actually see u and I miss seeing ur ugly face up close” followed by “CONSOLE ME GODDAMMIT”
but no matter what you know he loves you so much
you always receive messages from the other dreamies that he's “whining about you too much I cant sleep” (jeno) and “he's being too dramatic can u call him or something I wanna play video games but he’s draped across the couch in what he calls a ‘lay of sadness’” (jaemin)
mark: im kicking him out he's coming to live with you
you: tell him I dont want him
love and cherish him pls
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dramaplustautology · 6 years
General Description
Tariche, which is an inversion and corruption of Ishtar, is a short young man who will say he’s sixty-nine years old if anyone asks. They eyes he’s got are pretty gold with literal sparkles shining in the iris (like Kirby’s new eyes in Star Allies) which resemble a starry vista. His hair’s black but he dyes it pretty hard, veering into platinum blond, and since he keeps it short, he’s got his roots showing more often than not. Refusing to use magic to dye it in solidarity with his buddies (which sounds like nothing but he can’t apply it to most other things considering the kind of creature he is), Tariche stinks of chemicals. Like his workplace, he sprays himself down with perfumes to keep the stink at bay, is what he’ll say but he finds that the mix of flowers, copper, and bitter chemicals puts people on edge.  
Dr. Tariche’s mom was a true Hero and so was his older sister, according to him. He’s got a few moves of his own but Tariche preferred to put his talents to medicine and genuinely wanted to help others. The heroes in his family were his idols and as many heroes do, stuffed as many people as they could into their hearts. Tariche started practicing with good intentions, aiming to be like his mother and sister in his own way.
He’s a sharp boy, in mind and in action. With the complexities of social life and ethics though, it was black and white for far too long of a time. That’s why it hit him pretty hard when his sister let herself get cut to pieces after doing something that crashed him smack into some gray area.
Since then, Tariche hasn’t seen his sister at all. Where he’s gone, the only thing she can do is send her little brother gifts. Never letters.
The sudden isolation was sobering since Tariche has a particular power. If someone with a functioning mind knows something, Tariche will know it too. For now, it’s limited to people he’s seen face to face but slowly he’s been able to steal information from reading their writing or looking at their photos. But, it’s only information.
The emotion that gives context to the hard numbers and words are lost to him even when he’s told outright. Tariche can’t understand the minute complexities that can be pinned to the endless stream of information flowing into his head.
Take the gifts his brother sends him from who knows where. They’re apologies for not being around because he’s too dangerous to be around. He’d be a bad influence. Tariche understands the apology, that’s easy, but the hard facts say that his brother poses an extremely minimal threat to him. He doesn’t really get that his brother would know this but feel much different.
Same with his mother, who he hadn’t met until he was fresh out of childhood. Due to certain circumstances, his mother had to give her kids up. She could have kept them of course but “if you had been around, your life wouldn’t have been happy. Even worse, I’m afraid my life would have been much better.”
‘You don’t know for sure,’ is what Tariche thought. There was no way to know if that was true. Either way, there could be no comparison. Not knowing frustrated Tariche and gave him an aching empty feeling he tried to fill as much as possible.
But learning from his family, a heart can’t hold that much. Not without exploding and he knew with the way he was, that kind of mess wasn’t something he could walk away from. So, the rule became four close people and as adrenaline pumping, violent emotions to properly understand and keep him full. It can’t be irritation, it has to be rage. Never melancholy, there has to be unrelenting misery. Those are way easier to understand and he’ll put his back into wringing them out from anyone who can give it to him.
Anything else is irrelevant.
Instead of worrying about the little things, Tariche set out to stimulate himself to avoid having to be alone with his own thoughts. Knowing everything other people did was really boring so he tries to see everything exciting first-hand; an awful way of doing things with medical knowledge and an unhealthy curiosity to go with it.
Though he does pursue situations that are risky with no sure vision of the outcome, Tariche isn’t that reckless. He’s careful to be able to have an out so he can go on to discover more and more. That being said, he’s a huge masochist. Gives him a rush and anyone that can give him that rush easy as breathing, he’ll be all over them, self-preservation be damned.
So what’s he doing with the Thorn, having killed and replaced one of the doctors willing (read: blackmailed into) working with them? It’s very risky and Tariche has no idea what’s going to happen if he gets found out. Plus, there’s a lot of things going on in their everyday dealings to squeeze that sweet sweet adrenaline out of his abused kidneys.  
Or maybe, he’s hoping that the Rose can find his mother while they’re sweeping Lore for anything with a hint of magic. Tariche doesn’t know why he wants that or for what reason. Who knows how his mother is going to react either. But that’s the best part.
Despite all that nasty stuff though, he has four chambers in his heart and it takes hard work and diligence to keep them healthy. At least with love, he knows that it’s something you work hard for.
Freely given? Definitely can’t make sense of that.
True Form/Past Life Notes
With how Tariche knows what people ‘think’ to be fact kind of steps too close to just straight up mind reading but I wanted it to be like books, y’know? Yeah there’s data in them but frequent tests, context, and it being widely agreed upon is what makes it information. So no matter what you read, you gotta practice critical thinking (which tariche is too lazy to do sometimes) I was thinking maybe instead of his past deity self being representative of all knowledge, he could be human knowledge. But then i thought it over more and well, that’s redundant. And like it’s kinda dumb that there might be another guy out there, who’s just the Snake Knowledge. How to swallow rats whole.
Tariche looks like a bundle of every living thing’s knowledge. But it’s much less intense than what Ty looks like, if that what Tariche chooses to do. It’s kind of like a book, he can present himself as something that children can understand or can become so complicated that your eyes burn looking at him. Even worse is if he decides to bring to the surface that whole “What Man Shouldn’t Know” kind of information. The stuff that horror literature makes such big stuff about. The stuff that makes people go insane looking at.
But it doesn’t have to be that way cause Tariche could bury it under a mountain of more mundane things. So instead of a witness going insane from the revelation, they could leave knowing waaaaay too much about cooking. Like, now they know 45 different ways to make a pie. Putting it that way can make it sound like he could help so many people out by being a good teacher but he’s lazy and dislikes spending time on strangers. “Do I look like a charity?”
If he were to draw it out, he’d just make a ball of squiggles with a pen to make it easier to understand but really, what he looks like is what learning feels like. Think of an epiphany or the moment where you finally get a math problem right.
Yeah, it sounds really complicated and annoying to present himself in a way that’s understandable to friends. Which sucks cause he feels most comfortable in this form and that makes him super jealous of his older sister.
History/Very Rough Draft
Tariche's history from start to somewhere in the present?
So like, he remembers everything really well, even being in his mom's womb, and why he likes eating cucumbers. (Ty thought she was getting fat or something so she tried to diet)
His knowledge powers were there when he was omg...gestating....
but it didn't bother him as much cause they were just words that didn't make sense to him until he was born. He was just happy to be warm and listen to the voices outside
(don't quote me on this)
so he hears a lot of voices including his mom and his sister, and a few others that pop up a lot of times, many of them sound kind, others sound like nightmares
but somewhere in the middle, Ty realized she wasn't fat and ran off somewhere to be with brhandy and tariche quietly. Tariche doesn't get like, hard facts yet but he feels the absolute fear and exhaustion his mom goes through. And floating upside down not being able to do anything drives him nuts drives him even more nuts when he's born cause now he has a solid world to put facts too, but he's a baby. he can't even control when he cries and pees himself. I imagine having an adult brain and not being able to control basic body functions is the worst.
So like, He knows tons and tons of things that could be helpful but his stupid baby hands and baby mouth can't form words. his arms are too weak to even lift a pen, and brhandy or ty keep picking him up whenever he tries to draw things in like, dirt or flour. But he's cool even tho he can't properly communicate cause Ty and Brhandy take care of him.
Then Ty has to leave cause of something, like problems with people needing a hero again. it's bad this time. She doesn't want to put Brhandy and Tariche through hardships or put them in danger, and since most people don't know they exist, she has to leave them behind in a nice orphanage.
now, Tariche knows how ty can get out of this, or how to solve the problem quickly but he's a baby, he can't say anything. it just sounds like slurred kicking and crying while Bhrandy holds him as they watch Ty disappear.
skip to like, a few years later and the siblings aren't adopted yet (they never will) but brhandy's old enough to take care of them both, do odd jobs, and train to be a knight.
Tariche is a lot quieter when he's a kid, and doesn't want to tell Brhandy about his powers cause he's afraid she'll hate him if he know how to keep their mom around does like, some bad things like drink and smoke cause he knows that'll keep his head clear even for little bits at a time, at age five.
but it's like not hardcore bad, brhandy is happy and the other kids at the orphanage are nice, even visit sometimes when they get adopted.
hey make a lot of friends, and when one of them is about to go to a happy home, they get trampled by a horse or something breaks their leg real bad and it gets infected.
Tariche knows how to fix this, he knows how to do the surgery, and what kind of medicine to give them, but his stupid kid hands shake too much to be able to help them, and makes it worse when he snuck in to try surgery.
Brhandy hides it from everyone that he may have helped their friend die faster but they also would have died anyways. She's more worried that tariche is gonna beat himself up for this
And he totally fucking does but it actually motivates him to train and practice so his body can catch up to his mind. So maybe next time, he can actually do stuff right for once.
He actually does great, becomes an amazing doctor and follows brhandy to a richer place where she can serve the nobility there
He's happier, has dropped the smoking just in time cause he's started to cough a lot, and also does stuff as a vet cause he really likes dogs
And then the stuff happens with brhandy where she accidentally finds out about what her powers are like, and it had rained too much in a place in the sandsea, and a lot of people caught disease from the bacteria that rose up from the ground, and killed a lot of people. (She like, can make it rain a lot. But only if she breathes. If she holds her breath, it won't rain but it's uncomfortable to painful for her)
Brhandy comes home and takes the hit for the horrible crime
Tariche knows that this isn't her fault and someone in the nobility had noticed, and tricked her into getting rid of an enemy in the chaos of the rainfall, but Brhandy is really guilty, and decides to stay in prison until her execution. And Tariche knows how to break her out, which route to take in, and how to escape, but he's a spindly nerd.
When he tries to break in to get his sis, he gets beat up real bad, and and watches brhandy get drawn and quartered.
Tariche is pretty upset, understatement. And manages to find her body parts and found them to be still alive, just in pieces and unconscious. Ty wasn't human and they aren't either. You can't kill them like that normally, but it sucks to not have a body. He gets manic, tries to put her back together but can't manage it cause he doesn't know how to, and this is his first time not knowing something cause the knowledge doesn't exist.
But since he is "knowledge" he can just conjure it up. He actually does it accidentally, and then lost the ability to cry. He can create knowledge but doing that is like an action that accepts that he isn't human, and takes away a human function.
And the way to get her back together is very difficult, and he can't do it in a way that would fit Brhandy's morals. he would need to practice a lot, cause one shot is gonna bring her back but if he fails, it's over forever.
He wants to practice but he'd only be able to do it on other humans, and that'll kill them, but humans killed bhrandy after they used her, and her morals was what got her dismembered in the first place. so actually fuck it. he wasn't good enough to help her or themselves, so he'll just be bad
he starts learning a lot, gets sneaky, always smells a little like blood so he goes nuts on bath and body works kind of things. it's also stuff that brhandy was into so maybe that'll comfort her even tho she's sleeping.
Then he like, finds that he's not getting enough subjects on his own, and he's not getting any better at the procedure, gets worried that he really is a shitty person and isn't trying hard enough cause he actually doesn't love his sister.
He has to turn to sponsors or an employer for help.
and his reputation has apparently proceeded him cause he's promised a high standing right away, and a meeting with the big boss.
Then tariche recognizes the man's voice.
And he's so mad
he's super pissed when he looks at his father cause, this is why he's like this right?
Scum of the earth that only uses his family as an excuse for his sadism
But that's ok, as long as he gets Brhandy put back together, it's good. He's started on a job and he hates leaving things unfinished
so maybe when Brhandy has her head back on, minus all the things that got her killed in the first place, Tariche can take his head off, and finally rest.
Misc Details:
He’s a huge masochist sure, but no needles. Dr. Tariche hates needles and will close his eyes when he’s administering vaccines.
On the subject of needles, the good doctor found a way to both control a person’s movements, change the way a person thinks, and what they think about. Tariche can only do a few at a time but somehow, he can skip all that conditioning stuff by himself but for someone else to do it, they have to use tools. Tariche could teach them if he didn’t black out from looking at the needles.
Why he figured out the needle method in the first place has to do with being able to control people in the first place. If he practices this over anyone, he loses a bodily function. If he continues to use it, it’ll reduce him to having to be on a life support system but stop short of halting his heart. He’s used it all of once and lost the ability to cry when he’s sad.
If there’s an equivalent of Body and Bath Works around, count Tariche as their number shitty customer.
Of course he’ll wash his hands but you need to beat him over the head to make him wear gloves.
Throat punching is his favorite move for some reason. Maybe he wants to get rid of that pesky adam’s apple keeping him away.
No more doctor related things but he’s creeped out by dolls. Tariche can’t throw away the ones his brother sends him but he wishes they could have been cool rocks or whatever.
Tariche has corset piercings on his back. Why? Why.
No one’s sure if he calls tools primitive because he’s from the future or if it’s cause he sucks.
In DF at least, he's the illegitimate son of the main hero character and theano
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Survey #69
“suicide is painless.”
do you like getting hickeys? yeah, honestly. love bites are some sexy shit. oral, do you like oral? i enjoy receiving it, but i do not like giving it. i don't care how clean you may be, sorry, i don't want your dick in my mouth. because of this, i didn't like receiving it to begin with because i didn't want to receive something i didn't want to give, i wanted to be fair. there were occasions jason just really seemed to want to do it tho so it just happened. he was such a fucking gentleman, he was always concerned about keeping me pleased. if you could see any musician live, front row, who would you choose? METALLICA OKAY plan on getting drunk or high tonight? i'm drinking right now actually, but i'm only having one. so no, i won't get drunk. do you have any best friends that you only know online? i've had two, but neither really talk to me anymore, sooo. is it okay for people to cheat if it’s only online? uhhh, no? are you interested in anime? yeah, sure. do you have a favorite youtuber or do you not watch much youtube? RHETT!! AND!! LINK!! SLASH!! G!! M!! M!!! have you ever given a tattoo before and would you like to? no, and i wouldn't because i have an essential tremor. i'd mess it up. have you ever made out in a hot tub? lmao i wish. ever peed in your pants after the age of 10? i'm sure i have in my sleep once because i dreamt of peeing lmao what was the name of the last video game you played? i was trying to play "the last of us," but my ps3 was too far gone. what is your favorite elvis song? "hound dog," probably. what is the last tattoo you got? "ohana" on my right collarbone what would you say is your guiltiest pleasure? honestly occasional fantasies about certain things with my ex lmao do you let your pets on your furniture? of course. they live here. do you enjoy your job? if unemployed, are you content being so? i am not content being unemployed, no. it's just debatable whether i'm capable or not, as at my past two jobs, working with so many strangers, i lived in a constant panic attack that came to a head as puking. so now i'm trying to find a job with animals... what is something you have given a lot of thought to lately? whether or not to maintain abstinence. what is your favorite christmas movie? jim carrey's "how the grinch stole christmas" what do you think of your best friend’s ex? not much to think. it was puppy-love. so much so he turned out to be gay. are you biracial? i am not. be honest, does the person you like actually deserve you? or are they actually not worthy of your affections? he deserves a goddess would you ever wear black lipstick? do you know anyone who does? whenever i wear makeup, i'm liable to wear black lipstick. if you wear eye shadow, do you put on a dark color or a light? and if you wear mascara, what color is it? always black. what was the last alcoholic beverage you consumed? mike's hard lemonade, black cherry. that was last night; i got too tired to finish the survey last night. are you any good with kids? not especially, no. i don't know what to do with them. shit you not, there have been multiple occasions where my niece (she's two) has come up to me, looking for a hug, and i almost pet her on the head like an animal. i just. don't know what to do with children, i'm really awkward around them. have you seen the last person you kissed without a shirt on? yes wow very good a+++ do you like watching jerry springer? oh my god, NO. so fucking dramatic. have you ever fallen for your ex’s best friend? nope. pretty sure one of jason's best friends hates my guts anyway, because i "made him miserable for three years." yeah fucking right. plenty of proof otherwise. have you ever unbuttoned your ex’s pants? yeah. true story, skinny jeans are fucking hard to get off. have you ever deleted your facebook, then brought it back? nope, had no reason to. have you ever kissed someone who smokes weed? not at the time when we were dating, no. i knew he smoked weed once in a blue moon, but i made him stop entirely. i wasn't dating anyone involved with drugs. what’s your favorite brand of peanut butter? don't have one, actually. do you have a thing for shy/awkward hot guys? according to my history, no. what’s your favorite lunchables meal? the nachos one! have you ever eaten at golden corral? yeah. it was honestly gross. do you ever decide to just dance crazy to a favorite song? no. another thing i just haven't done since j's been gone. i feel stupid doing it. have you ever watched fireworks with someone you loved? i wish. :( are you good at memorizing phone numbers? not in the slightest. i don't even know mine. do you like men who have a sensitive side? i only like guys with a sensitive side. like damn, you need emotions. have you ever used glitter as one of your makeup items? i've used glittery eyeshadow before, and i've also used glitter in dance classes. do you keep a memo book/agenda? i fucking read that as "meme book" lmao. but no. is there a song in a different language that you can sing? multiple german ones. what was the most expensive thing someone bought you? i'm certain it was my gaming laptop j got me. it's like... a couple ks in price, i think. how do you feel about bands that use pyrotechnics in live concerts? hype as fuck, just don't pull a james hetfield. is there anyone on your facebook friends list that you dislike? why do you dislike them? no, because if i dislike you, i wouldn't have you as a friend. there is, however, one friend that annoys me sometimes, but i still care for her. she's just... liberal to a very pushy degree and shares some nasty, sexual shit sometimes. you can't disagree with her. have you ever tasted baby food? how about pet food? i'm sure i did as a baby...? and lmao i actually ate an orange-flavored guinea pig yogurt treat once. shit wasn't that bad. ;3; have you ever thought about what you might call your children? or, if you already have children, what are their names? my future daughter WILL be alessandra quinn and my husband will fucking like it lol. i can't pick between severin, vincent, and luther for a boy... where is the person you would most like to see, or most like to be with? hm. monday morning. guessing school or work, or he may even still be in bed. find 5 people on your facebook friends list, whose name begins with K. who are these people, and how did you meet them? kelly: friend from art class in high school; katie: half-sister, we don't talk much, but we're very alike; katelynn: jason's friend jacob's ex-girlfriend, very sweet girl; katherine: i'm pretty sure we met via youtube through a shared love of meerkats; kathleen: high school friend whom i shared various classes with, i miss her soooo much. is there a person that you can go to in sweats, and still feel comfy? lmao. everyone. do you think the last person you kissed is nice? i wouldn't have dated him otherwise. how many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust? none... or maybe one. how far away is the last person you kissed? if he's at work? literally like two minutes. we passed by his work yesterday, and i checked for his car. it was there. took a while to get over that, just knowing i was in the same place as him... have you ever had a teacher that was like a second mom to you? definitely mrs. worthington, who i just call miss tobey. she was my high school physical science teacher, and the class she had was HORRID. i was the one and only student who would stand up to the class and demand they give her respect. after i did that once, we just... clicked. i was going through a tough time accepting my parents' divorce, and she was always there for me. we got so close that now, even out of school, she visits sometimes. she even takes me out to eat sometimes. she is a wonderful lady, i love her. have you ever been in a school talent show? what for? no, but my best friend has. i smiled watching her sing and dance a little bit. (: was the last book you read for fun, or was it for some type of assignment? neither, really. it was more like the only thing to do. i was reading "the maze runner" at the hospital. would you prefer to go out on a fancy date or just chill in his house? either, honestly. both are fun. (: do you enjoy long car rides? yes! so long i can sit in the front and blare my music honestly, lmao. do you ever wish you could live on a farm? not particularly. i wouldn't like all the maintenance. do you know how to play poker? i used to. have you ever had an ear infection? i had them so frequently as a kid i had to get tubes put in my ears. never had one since. what color is your favorite bra? baby pink what was the name of your first boyfriend? if you wanna count the first person who ever had the title, aaron. have you ever dated someone more than three years older than you? for less than a day. have you ever dated someone a year younger than you? aaron was younger than me, yes. have you ever dated someone of another race? again, for less than 24 hours. do you enjoy eating veggies? lmao i'm a pure-blooded american, fam. are you attracted to the last person you exchanged numbers with? no. i see him as a brother. what do you think of country music? it's just not my cup of tea. i don't like the sound of it, too twangy. do you think pigs are cute or ugly? SO CUTE!!! did any of your friends lose their virginity before they were 16? if so, did you feel pressured to do the same? i'm sure some have, but that's not my business? and i mean maybe very mildly, but not really. what kind of home would you like? i'm very open to possibilities, honestly. i don't really have a "dream home," but i guess i can say i'd like a wooden home in the woods near a stream, a lot like my uncle's house. did you ever build furniture forts as a child? sure as hell did! what kind of dog is your favorite? i really like akita inus, beagles, chow-chows, pit bulls... have you ever considered dropping acid? nahhh. describe your music style: just gimme some heavy metal, babe. \m/ are you close to any of your aunts/uncles? not particularly. have you ever had a seizure? thank christ no. do you plan on losing weight any time soon? i'm trying to now. i'm eating a lot less. what was your gpa in high school? above 4.00, that's all i know. it was pretty darn high. dunno what happened lmao if you have a favorite television show, who’s your favorite character? ehhh i have a couple i consider favorites. fullmetal alchemist: probably envy. supernatural: dean. american horror story: tate. sherlock: the man himself, i assume. what is your favorite book series, if you have one? "warriors," but i haven't read it in years. have you ever had a parasite before? no. i'd fucking die. they're just so gross. do you enjoy listening to older music? sure. a good portion of what i listen to is from my parents' childhood/teen years. have you been to disney world before? yes! c: have you ever met someone who was really racist before? lmao welcome to the south. if you could be a disney character for a day, who would you be? hmmm. kinda hard to pick when you don't know how their happily ever after is. i assume snow white with how close she is to animals. would you ever want to swim with sharks? honestly, no. like i think i'm pretty educated about sharks and know attacks are VERY rare, but i could be that statistic, y'know? what was the last thing that made you laugh?  probably something chelsea said/did. ever used a bow and arrow?  i haven't. occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?  archaeologist, veterinarian, writer, artist, movie director tea or coffee? both are gross. opinions on sex before marriage?  if you follow my surveys regularly, you know my opinion on this has been changing. basically, if you know you love that person and you know your body is ready, do it. just be safe doing it. who was the hottest teacher you ever had? LAAAAAWD YAAAAAA'LL WHO WAS THAT ONE BAND TEACHER. i think his name was mr. serena, but regardless, he was hot as FUCK. have you ever walked on a beach at night? i have. (: mom didn't know where we were tho and called the police... whoops lmao. when was the last time you baked something? did it turn out good?   brownies i assume, like a month back, and they were fine. do you think some of the stuff we’re taught in school is useless?   yes.  fuck common core. why do we put the clocks one hour forward or one hour back?   i remember learning this in high school...  some president, can't remember which, did it for eco-friendly reasons. what song really gets to your heart and inspires you?   "life won't wait" by ozzy osbourne, probs.  i love that song. do you have fireflies around where you live, or do you wish you did?   we do! what commercial do you wish they kept playing? why do you like it?   the one about contacts omg where the dude goes "MY BRAND" and it's all over-dramatic and shit. what current commercial is your favorite?   "I SAWED THIS BOAT IN HALF!" fucks me up omg if you could of played in any movie, what movie would it be?   ohhh "alice in wonderland!" did you used to do easter egg hunts when you were a child?   omg yaaaas what would you rather live by: highway, train tracks or airport?   train tracks.  i did as a child, so it's nostalgic for me. do you believe that ‘hate’ really is a strong word?   duh. if you have facebook, are you guilty of fanning countless things?   lmao when facebook was new-ish, i went on a fanning spree from friends' pages, ha... as a kid, did you love playing on neopets?   heeeell yeah, boi!  loved neopets!  i always wanted a plushy of the dragon neopet. do you often get bitten by mosquitoes, or rarely ever?   rarely ever.  meanwhile, my sister gets DEVOURED.  i've heard it relates to your blood type? what’s your opinion on plastic surgery? ever thought about getting it?   i honestly think it's quite the waste of money, like... you lived until adulthood with whatever the problem area is, why can't you live longer and spend your money elsewhere?  i haven't thought of getting it, but i don't judge people who do.  i honestly do understand what it's like to have a part of you you don't like. do you own any feathers?   blue jay feathers, yes. do you have a skype?   i do, but i like.  never use it.  only ever to talk to sam. the last person you had a thing with comes up to you and says “i’m sorry”?   i'd start crying, say i forgive you, hug him, kiss him, just honestly lose it, but in a good way. where was the last place you had a romantic dinner?   i couldn't tell you, but probably olive garden or ruby tuesday's. do you get mad when your current bf/gf talks about an ex?   i don't have a current bf, but when i was with jason, i could imagine me getting mad if he talked too much about rachel, yeah.  like if he randomly brought up something with her, i wouldn't wanna hear it.  now if we were talking about something that simply related to an ex, that's fine. do you know anybody who was abused?   i do. do you start feeling really gross if you don’t shower after one day?   no?  it's just one day. do you pee a lot more after you’ve drank a caffeinated beverage?   doesn't everyone? waiting for something?   yes, actually.  jason got my letter this morning; mom stamped it and put it in his mailbox.  the letter included my contact information "just in case," and i'm, y'know, hoping for a phone call, facebook friend request... something. who is your last received call from?   an unknown number, so i didn't answer.  honestly worried it was jason. how do you pronounce the name Sean when you come across it in text… “shawn” “sheen” or “shane”?   "shawn" wouldn’t it be EXTREMELY weird if someone fell in love with you after reading your answers to this survey?   i don't believe you can fall in love that easily. who is the next person you’ll hold hands with?   my mom. have you ever pole danced before?   what is something you used to be afraid of, but aren’t anymore?   ummmm.  i'm not sure. do you believe your dreams have any real meaning?   not really.  usually. what do you think of guys who ask girls out over via text message or internet?   i mean i'd prefer to be asked in person, but i have no real opinion.  if you're too shy to do it face-to-face, i understand. do you drink more apple or orange juice?   orange do you recall the first time that you learned the truth about sex?   yep, 5th grade.  i was very confused lol. do you find extreme body builders’ bodies to be attractive?   extreme?  no. does it bug you when people go ‘mhm’ all the time when you’re talking?   no, i do that.  it's to indicate i'm following what you're saying. are your parents religious?   they're both catholic what is your favorite hostess/little debbie snack?   devil cakes, i think. do you find it rude when you offer someone something and they decline?   no? do you think benedict cumberbatch is hot?   i find him relatively attractive favorite disney princess?   maybe jasmine.  my fave was ariel when i was a kid. does your sibling have a significant other?   tiffany: no clue.  katie: no clue.  misty: yes.  bobby: no clue.  ashley: yes, married.  nicole: yes, and i hate him. do you have any american girl dolls in your house?   probably not anymore, but maybe?  nicole and i had our own when we were younger. have you ever gotten in trouble at school for wearing revealing clothes?   OKAY.  OKAY.  STORY TIME.  no, i never wore anything "revealing."  however, i once wore a cami beneath a see-through, floral mesh black shirt that had sleeves, so my arms were covered, as demanded.  however, this random-ass staff member LOST her SHIT one day when i wore it??  despite NO ONE ever mentioning anything the maaaany times i'd worn it before??? are you borrowing books from anybody at the moment?   i have two books that're actually jason's, but i guess i'm not exactly "borrowing" them anymore. have your parents ever questioned your virginity?   i know mom has, no idea about dad. roleplaying is super lame, agreed?   no??  it's very imaginative and freeing, honestly.  i've been a forum rper since like... 2007, but i've never done it and am not interested in doing it in real life.  irl, i'd be waaaay too fucking awkward. how're you feeling right now?   i'm feeling nostalgic and stressed.  worried.  as i said earlier in the survey, jason should've gotten his letter by now.  i doubt he's read it yet as he's probs at school or work, but when he gets it... i just wish i was a fly on the wall seeing what he's going to do.  tear it up and throw it out, or read it.  i've just never felt so close to having him back... y'know?  this is my last-ditch effort, and i just pray, i pray, it'll pay off.  no one knows just how much i love him, and how far i'd go for him.  just... damn, i'd do it all.  i just want him back. does/did either of your parents serve in the military?   no. is there anybody you’re not ashamed to tell anything to?   jason are you prone to illness?   not at all. are you on birth control?   only for period cramps.  mine were murderous beforehand. how bad are heartbreaks?   the worst things in the world. has a song ever given you an orgasm?   LMAOOOOOOO that's possible? have you ever made out in your room? last time?   plenty of times... but i don't remember the last... if the last person that you kissed said they wanted to marry you, what would you say?   i'd be too busy crying to talk. do you like your eyes?   i wish they were bigger. are you attracted to the last person that you fell in love with?   physically?  yeah.  emotionally?  obviously. do you have a big butt?   not at all.  it's p flat honestly. would you be a good salesperson?   NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO do you like hot sauce? if yes, what do you usually put it on?   YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAS.  mainly hot wings, obv. can you do the 'emo hair flip'?   I WISH do you know anyone that has dimples?   me! would you ever make out in front of your best friend?   probably mildly, tbh.  like i can imagine french kissing in front of her, but no more than that. anything physically wrong right now?   yeah.  my stomach hurts, i'm twitching a lot, and my heartbeat is hectic.  my anxiety's high as fuck right now.  i feel like sobbing. ever had sex under water?   welp, that's on my bucket list now. the last person you kissed on the lips said that you were the only one they wanted, would you believe them?   if he left ashley, sure.  i'd believe him. you're having twins. what's your first reaction?   i'd honestly probably just say something like "well damn" or likewise... i don't want to have to carry more than one child at once, really.  i'd go through with it of course, but w/e. did your first love love you back?   i hope... do you have scars on your wrists?   no.  they faded long ago. do you like fedoras?   lmao okay imma get so much shit for this.  but yes.  jason wore one sometimes, and shit it was sexy.  and no, i do not like fedoras just because i associate them with my ex; i actually liked them before i knew him. have you ever wanted to get drunk and get your mind off everything?   i have.  and i did. is there a band you like with amazing music but a bad vocalist?   i personally think dave mustaine from megadeth is the prime example.  his voice is horrid, yet simultaneously, enjoyable?  like i wouldn't want another vocalist for the band. is there a band/artist who has strange lyrics but you love them anyway?   rammstein.  they've got some pretty whacky songs. does your optimism sometimes hurt you?   lmao what optimism? have you ever painted a piece of furniture?   yes.  i helped jason paint his desk and dresser. do you believe the fortunes in fortune cookies?   no. what do you prefer more: waffles or pancakes?   pancakes.  they're softer. did you love playing hide and seek as a kid?   i did. got plans after you finish this?   honestly crying rn so probably keep crying. did you ever dream that you had a baby?   multiple times. have you ever been in a beauty pageant?   ha ha fuck that. did you sleep alone?   lmao when don't i? does your best friend approve of the last person you kissed?   she fucking hates him. where is the last person you kissed at this moment?   boy, wouldn't i like to know. describe your dream girl/guy?   jason.  there's your fucking description. been arrested? for what?   nope. tell us the story of your first kiss?   go read an old survey.  told it before.  just know i want to kiss him again.  for hours. do you sleep with stuffed animals?   no... but i honestly think i'm going to grab rebel (meerkat from j) tonight.  i need him, and i guess the closest i can get to him is something from him. how many stuffed animals do you think you have?   honestly, probably over 100.  they're stuffed in a closet, lol. favorite character from finding nemo?   dory was my babe. how long does it typically take you to get over people?   apparently, i never do. are you stressed out?   i'm fucking hyperventilating on tears and can't see what i type, what do you think??? so tell me one interesting thing about yourself.   i can somehow obsess over a man who doesn't want me to the point of ruining my life.  cool, right? do you own a trenchcoat?   fam i wish. have you ever owned a tire swing?   no. do you have a nervous twitch?   i do. are you currently listening to music?   "numb" by linkin park.  i'm having a classics binge. is it easy to get a job where you live?   we have the highest unemployment rate in the state.  so.  guess. is your signature legible?   it is. when was the last time you cried because you were angry?   i'm crying on and off right now and part of it is from anger, so... is there an animal that scares you?   WHALE SHARKS LIKE FUCK THAT are you any good at video games?   i'd like to think so. has a jehovah’s witness ever showed up on your doorstep?   omg yeah. do you have a step parent?   yes, but i don't refer to her as "mom."
okay sorry this is shorter than usual but honestly i’m a wreck right now and need to go sob with my mom.
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