#i hate how npcs tease better looking armor than we actually get
gh-0-stcup · 2 years
Bit of a weird angle, by why the hell is this armor not in the game?
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readbythestarlight · 5 years
Sam you’re such a loser xD
Give Laura a knife she’ll get that fly
Wow that was top notch Rami Malek there Sam
New aaaaart!
Hmm mixed feelings? I think I like the originals better still (tho Cad looks nice and sparkly)
Jester explaining all the reasons why Fjord totally deserves the sword <3
Lol Nott’s like "give us our stuff back now"
Beau having some muscle envy xD
Hot boiiiii
Beau is the best annoying friend I love her so much
The source being himself instead or U’kotoa <3 <3
That’s so FREAKING COOL I love the visual of that
Uh oh... Dairon?? Are you hooome?
Dodudodoo donuts!
Uh ohhhh
Use that neat new Paladin stuff!
"We’re very sorry to have provided you excellent cover"
Dairon is being kinda rude. Like they’re not even home it’s not like she actually has to clean that much.
Hot boiiiiiii! :D
Sometimes I still worry that he’s gonna betray them and it’ll hurt me
Cad and Jester offering to go with Caleb to talk to her
Caleb babe why confirm who you are babe why
Is he wanting to figure out whether other people are worth saving?
"I had my heart beaten out of me a long time ago. Now it’s about guiding history. Always has been." Yikes.
"Good men don’t conquer. They die, and are forgotten. I’ll die, and be forgotten. But at least I know that some of my deeds will help change the course of history."
"I’m sure he’ll fine you. He’ll be happy to finish what he couldn’t." That’s a big nope from me.
C: "Did you know Astrid, and Edowulf? Are they still alive?"
Prisoner: "I know them better than you do."
C:" That’s probably true."
C: "Maybe if I could talk with you and see one einch of change I wouldn’t have to believe we’re all damned."
C: "You’ve made what I had to do very plain."
Don’t. Like.
fucking fuck she stabbed him
OUCH 26?! Holy fuck
Please somebody stop her kill her
Good thing the clerics came
Oh shit of fuck
Nat20 relation that gets him 2pts lol
Fuck her uuuuup
Essek that’s kinda badass
Listen I’m not saying Essek fucked her up specifically because she fucked Caleb up buuuuuut
Also I’m gonna need art of worried Cad and Jester saving Caleb and dragging him out STAT
Let’s not talk to the dead guys I don’t think Caleb needs anymore trauma
Or we’re gonna okay that’s fine
We’re not gonna tbh that’s something I prefer
He’s trying to help you guys don’t push him and don’t cross the line
I love Essek a lot
Liam/Caleb I need you to stop being guilty/tragic/soft
Essek "I am always patronizing" Theylass
"Drawing the potential from discarded timelines" oh fuck what
Essek: sees Caleb gets stabbed, turns the person who stabbed him into a human pretzel, agrees to show him more dunemancy. Amazing.
Wow that was a long break
Ooooo anti-gravity object floating spell
Okay you can’t do it to people BUT can you do it to armor that people are wearing
Okay so... immovable objects spell. Very cool.
"Maybe" ohhhh Essek’s giving him stuff he shouldn’t?
I can’t decide how I feel about that
"Friends" ffffff see I do like that but I still worry. Like what are his motives?
Oh unused potential from dead timelines that sounds BADASS
????? The fuck??
"Echoes. Potential selves left to fade in unrealized timelines" oh lord
That sounds... dangerous
But also damn Matt this dunemancy stuff is very cool I can’t believe he came up with this stuff on his own
Gasp the echoes can cast a single spell before they disappear that could be so handy!
"An even weaker Wizard than I am" lol Caleb
"I see great peril and lots of time changing and this little part here looks like a mouse..." xD
Essek is such a bitch and I love him so much
Aww Caleb making sure Jester knows she’s strong and skilled too
And now she’s offering him someone to talk to about what happened IM CRY
God guys I love their friendship
She bought him paper that he couldn’t afford and then extra gold dust for pranks xD
Matt is scared already lolllll
Nott teasing Fjord about being "religious" is gonna be great fun I can tell
Did we know he was 16/17 when all this went down because I don’t think I realized and I’m crushed
"Hi dad" Jester honey
Oh Jester sweetheart
Cad’s talking to the wildmom and in the background Fjord zaps a fly
Somebody make art of that where Cad’s meditating and Fjord’s swatting flies with his new sword
I like Beau and Dairon’s relationship
I... don’t want them going anywhere near Trent or any of those people
Oh lord y’all gonna ask Essek again?
Essek’s like "please stop asking me to transport you everywhere"
‘Sup Traveler
"Your friends are coming, yes?" Hmmm
If he ends up being a jerk who hurts Jester I will crawl through my screen and rip off his head
Y’all need to call ahead and tell Yussah you’re coming
Caleb collects porciline cats??
She gonna give Dairon the medallion
This can’t possibly go wrong
Dairon! Cares! So! Much!
They are making Matt pull out every male NPC he has tonight lol
Oh no
Oh Yasha oh no
Is she killing Colbalt Soul people??
Baby girl :’(
"Vince fails to pull his weight. The angel will see my deeds superior."
Oh godddd I hate this
"The heart buried within the lotus den, and the heart entrusted to the elves within the Velthiel?"
Fuck no don’t like
"Pierced by the tears that run down" YASHAAAAAA
Oh no they were in Zedash
They’re all a bit lost, too many ways to go. Can’t wait to see what they decide to do once we come back.
Love you too guys! Have a safe trip Matt!!
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