#but they designed shit that did look good on dwarves and refused to make it usable in game
gh-0-stcup · 2 years
Bit of a weird angle, by why the hell is this armor not in the game?
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paragonrobits · 6 years
Lady Adaar and her stabby elf friend Mahaenon have a talk about how weird it is that Solas actually goes by the elven word for Pride.
Also on Ao3 and FFnet!
Haven was a nice enough place to call home. Perhaps not for long, as had mused the inner circle of the fledgling Inquisition's agents; the eight of them, forming the very core of the reborn organization's most powerful and skilled agents, all clustering around the Herald of Andraste. When you were a qunari surrounded by, mostly, humans and ones that might have a ax to grind against anyone with horns and metallic-colored skin, you were grateful for company that was going to protect you from them.
Particularly when you were an apostate. The word meant little but, somehow, Herah Adaar suspected, the so-called authorities of the Chantry would find some way to accuse her of horrible crimes because she was qunari and a mage at the same time.
She quite liked the situation here. She enjoyed the company; the Trevelyan twins were good-natured company, much more down to earth than human nobility could honestly be expected to be, and they were from the Free Marches, same as her. Her husband was along for the ride - if 'husband' was really the same for a long-term breeding pair arranged by them, just for the sake of expanding their families, but they got along well enough and considered the other a great friend - and Kaaras was always a sucker for the notion of protecting the weak, and the small. The dwarven Cadash cousins were reckless rouges, but good ones; she liked them, and she trusted them with her life... if not her sovereigns. And the elves...
Dammit she was pretty sure she was mostly in love there. At least, she didn't want to see them or their clan hurt worse than they already had been.
Guess I'm a sucker for being a hero, too, Adaar thought, as she peacefully drank in the bar Sister Leliana had set up in Haven.
Sitting beside her, and somehow managing to make simple posture do the job of daring the world to try something just because he was Dalish surrounded by humans, Mahanon slugged his drink back, and if the extremely strong rum did more than make his throat tickle, there wasn't the slightest sign of it. A few dwarves - possibly ex-Carta, the Inquisition had been courting their ranks and a lot of them thought that honorary clan status granted by some very tricky political maneuvering through the Inquisition with Orzammar was worth the risk - muttered in astonishment, as did the humans in the tavern and even a couple of the Vashoth that were trickling into the ranks.
Adaar contemplated trying to best him in a drinking contest. She thought better of it; she was big for a qunari, the horned giants of Par Vollen, and elves were small and frailer than humans. He was nearly half her size, but he could just drink and drink without the slightest hint of inebriation. She wondered where he was putting it all. Thinking of how Sera could eat so much without gaining an ounce, Herah supposed that elves had to have a truly wicked metabolism.
Adaar glanced around hopefully. "Damn. Doesn't look like the others are coming around."
Mahanon shook his head, his facial tattoos so pale that they nearly shone against his dark skin. The tree design of Mythal and her chosen role wasn't too different from the vibrant vitaar war paint she wore, even now. "Nah. Doesn't look like it." He shrugged mildly. "Still. I suppose I wasn't really expecting them to."
"Where'd they get of too, then?"
He gave her a vaguely smug, knowing look. "And how do you know that I know, eh?"
Adaar chuckled. "Because you know where everyone is, all the time. Come on." She laid a heavy hand on the table; not her good hand either. She did her best to keep the hand that had been... marked, hidden from view. It still tingled, almost hurt now, and the flashes of green and raw magical energy tended to upset people. And the Mark was on her good hand. It was a bother.
He noticed her doing that, and his face fell as he saw her grunt with the effort of not showing the pain.
Mahanon liked messing with people, and he had a body count higher than the entire Valo-Kas company ('shems that deserved it', he reassured them with a wild grin, and since there were so many humans that deserved swords in the face, his new friends had nodded... including the Trevelyans, who had something of an inside view of the nastiness of human evil), but he didn't like seeing anyone get hurt, either. The two were probably connected; see a shem making someone miserable, kill the shem, end of hurting. He did not have a particularly fraught internal view.
So for once, he dropped the games and came straight out about it. "Okay, okay. Sorry. Should have told you the others couldn't show." He spoke at length, then. "The Cadash cousins are off some kind of reunion with the golem that helped stop the last Blight."
"Wait. The golem that was with the Hero of Ferelden!?"
"Yep. Same one!"
"The self-aware talking golem? The one that's kind of a jerk?"
"Yep, that one. Seems that this... Shale... is an ancestor of theirs. An old-time Cadash warrior, back when she was a dwarf." Mahanon proposed a theory. "My guess would be that... uh, might be trying to figure out how to make other golems self-aware too."
"Huh. That would be interesting. Imagine all the stuff they've have to talk about."
"I figure it'd mostly be dead boring. Golems mostly just toil and smash darkspawn. Might get repetitive." Mahanon changed the subject. "Now, the humans... honestly I'm not totally sure what they're doing. Not specifics. Way I understand it, Josie thought they'd make dab hands at talking with a delegation of Templars that used to serve at the Ostwick Circle. Something like that. Diplomatic garbage." He refrained from saying shem bullshit but you could, as it wear, hear what he wasn't saying. He had too much grudge with humans to just let go of it - too much pain, too much bad blood, too much suffering and things just getting worse and worse by human hands for thousands of years - but he liked the Trevelyans to be cruel.
"What about your sister?" Adaar asked. "I think I saw her earlier today."
"...Oh yeah. I bet you did." Mahanon growled. "Bet my clan-sister is off chatting with Solas," He gave a dismissive snort.
Adaar rumbled. "And Kaaras is off teaching Sera how to do proper stitching. He's found himself a good one to mother." She took a long drink. Something about Mahanon's tone was bothering her. "Solas... huh. You don't like him?"
"Mm. Complicated, Vashoth." Mahanon stared into his drink, like he was trying to see some kind of portent. "I want to like him. He makes it real easy to like him.. unless you get him talking shit about the Dalish." He sneered, but genteelly. "If I wanted to hear someone be a snob about my people, I'd waste my time with... well, honestly, anyone except you and the others. But its worse, coming from an elf."
Adaar nodded gloomily. "Like when a 'real' qunari says anything about Vashoth like me."
"Yeah. You get it." Mahanon shook his head.
"Listen," Adaar said. "I like Solas, but sometimes it's like listening to my grouchy grandpa complaining about the good old days. It's kind of depressing."
Mahanon grinned. He looked thoughtful. "Thought your family was too young generation to have grandparents."
"Okay, fine, fair enough, but there's an old dwarf that hangs out at the farm and complains to mama and papa and all my dozen littler siblings about how much he liked it when he still lived in Orzammar. He's like a grandpa. I guess." Adaar raised a hand. "One of these days I want to introduce Varric to him. Just for the snark."
"Please let me be there, I want to hear all the sarcasm." Mahanon chuckled. "...Solas. Solas. Even the name is weird. Who takes a name like that when you're trying not to creep out the shems?"
Adaar gave him a look. "Come again?"
"Solas." Mahanon grunted. "Come on, friend. I know you've been trying to learn my people's languages. His name doesn't sound weird to you?"
"No? Should it?"
"Huh. Must not have seen it, I suppose. Look." Mahanon gestured vaguely, a sign that he wasn't as together as he liked to pretend. "Solas, it... ah, it translates somewhat into a few words in the common tongue. Hard to convey it. Arrogance, overwhelming ambition... ah." He snapped his fingers, happy at working it out. "Pride is a good analogue. Solas basically means pride."
"Wait. Our elvish apostate - besides your sister, I mean - is literally named pride?"
"Yup." Mahanon gulped down another mugful of rum. "That doesn't seem strange to you?"
"I dunno. It's only a name." Adaar waved a hand with the slightly fussy, extremely precise movements of a mage still knew to the particulars of being a Knight-Enchanter. "Look at my folks. Named ourselves Adaar. I know Bull probably translated it to you as 'weapon', but it specifically refers to those giant things the followers of the Qun use. Big, loud, make a lot of fire? Those things." She grunted. "Doesn't mean much, does it now?"
"You're named after big things that shoot fire," Mahanon said slowly, giving her a wry grin. Adaar sniffed, aware that she was so big, even among the Qunari, that sitting down Mahanon did not even come up completely to her elbow. Standing upright, he wouldn't be much higher than her gut. "You're big. And you like the magic that makes things burny and explodey."
"I'm the exception that proves the rule?"
He laughed at that. "I'm just saying that, if that is his real name, that's very unusual for him to claim so." Mahanon looked thoughtful. "Granted. Shems don't speak my language well too often - Josie does her best, bless her - so he'd be justified in figuring no one would notice. But he still uses it around elves. Dalish and otherwise. You'd think if he was trying to be harmless, what with being an apostate surrounded by grumpy ex-templars with big shiny swords, he'd be trying to present himself less ominously."
Adaar sighed. "In my experience, a lot of humans refuse to take elves seriously at all. Sorry. They're little shitheads that way."
Mahanon nodded sagely. "I find that a couple swords in the face usually sets them straight. I mean. Typically they're dead but it gets the point across." he wiggled a finger. "So, if my sister wants to get her hands all over him, good for her. I like seeing her not get all gloomy and vengeful against the shems for once. But I'm just real suspicious of anyone that goes around calling themselves pride incarnate. It's weird."
Adaar took a drink. A Vashoth who cheerfully followed the religion of Andraste, even if her overall opinion of the Chantry was 'watch it burn with a big smile', she was hardly one to criticize being unusual by local standards. "I don't think anyone here is really normal. This Inquisition thing is weird."
"On that, my big horny friend, we are agreed."
"Please don't call me that in mixed company. It gives the wrong impression."
"Well. Now I feel obligated to do so in really mixed company, for maximum effect. You've gone and challenged me, falon!"
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stillwinterair · 7 years
Hey Nick, out of curiousity, whenever the next draogn age is announced, is there anything in particular you'd be interested in it having? Personally I'm hoping at least for playable city elves again, and... better camera work for dwarves and qunari if both are palyable as well (qunari being more in doubt)
Yesss, I'd also much prefer city elves. I've never been much into the Dalish, and city elves are fascinating and easy for me to connect with. I'd also much prefer if a human PC had, like, no connection to nobility whatsoever. There are a lot of theories that we're going to be starting as a slave in Tevinter and I REALLY want that, and it'd be a lot better if you didn't have, like, a secret rich family waiting for you in the Free Marches or something.A very small gameplay detail I've always wanted to make it into a DA game is something where the PC always takes up the exact same amount of space on the screen no matter the race. So like, if you're a dwarf, the camera is zoomed in enough to where you just look like a human with different proportions, and then everybody else is just really big. If you're in a room full of other dwarves, someone unfamiliar with the game might not even notice because the camera would be low enough to where it just looks normal. It'd also help with immersion a lot, if everybody just looked bigger. And obviously, the opposite would go for qunari.Also I just... really want a good villain. Loghain, the Arishok, and Meredith were all reeeeally close, but fell short in some way or another. Loghain's story ends before the finale for most players, the Arishok's ends at the end of the story's second act, and Meredith gets that good ol' switcheroo where, instead of her complex political opinions motivating her, it was the mysterious magical artifact manipulating her the whole time!!!! And then she randomly turns into an evil golemancer for some reason and everything goes to shit and it's a lot of... well, in Varric's words, "weird shit."DA keeps getting so close but missing the mark only slightly. I just really want them to really focus on the antagonist as a foil for the player. Especially after Corypheus, who just spends half of Inquisition monologuing, and the other half just LOSING. He loses ground, and soldiers, and... god. He comes off like such a chump.Also I just want sidequests to come back. I'm so Tired of collecting 10 rabbit ears, or escorting someone's lost pet, or clearing out a cave full of hostiles. The Witcher 3 and Horizon: ZD have fucking spoiled me, and I want that level of quality in games like Dragon Age. Sidequests shouldn't be menial tasks, they should use the game mechanics to tell a story--not through walls of text in journal entries and codex pages, but through characters and dialogue. Hell, they can even get away with those bland quest designs as long as they make them interesting with characters, cutscenes, and choices. And twists!! What happened to the twists?? Have a farmer send us on a quest to kill a blood mage, only to have us discover--if we try to take nonviolent means--that the blood mage is using their blood magic to heal the sick from an illness sweeping the countryside!! Reveal that the farmer KNOWS this, but didn't tell you because blood magic is illegal and he's a Good, Maker-Fearing Chantry Man who'd rather let people shit themselves to death than let a blood mage go free!! Who would your character side with? How would they resolve the situation? Did you talk the farmer down, simply refuse to do anything, or kill the blood mage anyway? No matter what you do, shit can still happen! The blood mage might kill the farmer, or the farmer might call in templars to kill the blood mage AND you, or the spreading illness might become a plague, whomst fucking knows, just anything's better than another "hey, this guy is causing Real Problems, go and kill him," and then you do, and then it's over.Second-to-last, I'm tired of being The Chosen One. I really love the concept of Hawke; just some fucking kid and their friends absolutely ruin a city by getting swept up into all its bullshit. Lemme be someone without the touch of fate. And if I fall into shit by accident, please, Maker, don't make my foot the key to stopping an apocalypse, and don't put an Old God's one weakness in my bones. When I do shit, I wanna do it because I earned it. Lemme be a hero by circumstance, not by fate.And last, but CERTAINLY not least... Maevaris Tilani as a companion, voiced by Jamie Clayton. Boom, mic drop, not even proofreading
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