#i hate it bc. i feel like a kid who had candy shoved in their face and then had it taken away from them
hexplaything · 2 months
happy two years to the worst decision i've made in my two decades alive and probably the worst decision i'll have made for the rest of it too
sorry for the big ass vent in the tags feel free to ignore it
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manjiropie · 3 years
Hello! I really like your blog… could we have maybe some Angry, Mitsuya, Inupi and Rindou and some fluffy cuddles?
stop, you'll make me blush
:: warnings: none, just love and peace today <3
:: pairings : Souya (Angry), Mitsuya, Inupi & Rindou - aged x reader
a/n: I don't know about this but I hope you like it. I've been busy with school and shit but I love to imagine how it'd be cuddling with them (Souya was longer bc I have a special place for him in my heart, sorry sorey)
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It was a really pleasant weekend, the holidays came with a nice weather. You liked the holidays, which meant you had a break from school/work finally. However... It also meant that your two-years boyfriend, Souya, would spend the weekend working at the ramen shop he owned alongside his twin brother.
You pout helplessly as it hit five o'clock that Sunday. The previous day you'd spend with Hina, wandering around the streets and listening to her rambling about how excited she was for her wedding. You were proud of your boyfriend, of course. The shop was a success! But... You couldn't help but him there with you. Suddenly, you had an idea.
Souya would probably be worn out when he arrived home from work, so you, an exceptional girlfriend, decided to prepare him a little surprise. It wasn't going to be much because it were the last minutes, but you knew he'd like it.
You were in your most comfortable pajamas; the bed you shared with him had bowls of candy and popcorn– caramel flavored, it is his favorite. If you couldn't go out with him, you'd have your time chilling in bed then.
You awaited for him eating some candies here and there because you couldn't wait. Finally, when it already felt like ages but had only been twenty minutes, you hear the sound of keys coming from the other room. You jumped out of the bed and ran barefoot to meet him. Souya was putting down his keys when you came and embraced him from behind.
"Hi!" he greeted. It was so cute when you two started dating how you'd catch his lips turning upwards slightly whenever he saw you. It is still cute, who are you kidding? "Sorry I couldn't be with you this weekend." He apologized in a small voice.
"Oh no, no, no," you grabbed his hand and started yanking him to the bedroom. "I have something for you!" You spoke like a kid leading their parents to the living room on Christmas morning.
You turned on the bedroom lights and watched him as he squinted his eyes, adjusting to the bright light. Oh God, his messy curly blue hair reflected the amount of work he must have had... He looks so cute though, serious face with a frown, like a little kid with cotton candy hair.
"Let's watch a movie, I already chose your favorite one!" You pushed him to the bed where he sat leaned back. His face was of pure confusion, which made you giggle.
"Fruitvale Station." Souya said to himself. He loved the movie, it always made him shed some tears. You get up from the bed and turn off the lights, kissing him in the mouth briefly before sitting down and hand him the popcorn.
Despite the fact you literally shoved him into the bed and shoved the popcorn bowl onto his face, Souya appreciated it dearly! He liked to watch movies with you, unlike his twin brother, who'd ask something every five minutes, you watched the movie and he enjoyed it.
But when you look at him when the sad part of the movie comes up, you see that his eyes are drifting close and the bowl– now half empty –is almost slipping from his hands. You put the bowls aside, carefully taking the one from him. He blurts out something when you slowly pokes him on the shoulder to make him lay down.
"Uh... The movie's over?" he opens a lazy eye.
"Yes, love."
"Didn't even cry this time." he adjusts his he's don the pillow, the sound of your laugh makes him a bit more awake and all of sudden you feel two hands pulling you to his side. He lays on top of your stomach and snuggles his head down on the soft fabric of your clothes. You smile to yourself and plays with his hair.
"Sing for me?" You hear his sleepy voice.
You open your eyes and stare at the ceiling, that's new. You don't sing, you just hum a soft melody your grandfather used to sing for you. You hope that it'll content him and all your doubts are cleared when you listen to his soft breathing and incoherent mumbles as he hugs your waist like a plush toy.
Mitsuya is the king of cuddling, change my mind. You can't. It doesn't matter if he's had a tough day at work or it was a lazy day at home, he will look forward to cuddling you in any circumstances.
Mitsuya likes to hold you with your back on his chest. But he won't go to sleep immediately, no. You two will lay in that position (most of the times he's the big spoon, he likes holding you and you love how you feel sheltered in his arms) and will talk about your day. Mitsuya takes this moment very seriously. He wants to know about your day, what were the things you did, what did you eat, if you enjoyed it... All of it while rubbing your back/arms/waist or fiddling with your hair. He also leaves feather kisses on your shoulders.
Cuddling with him is always so good even if you're not going to sleep. Whenever he's not so busy sewing he will grant you your wishes and will lay down with you talking about all and nothing.
He likes it though, it's not like he's doing it just because you asked, he enjoys it. The proximity of you two and how he's showed you that there are other ways to love without being sexual. You love that about him.
At first it was complicated to bring Inui to cuddle. It still is sometimes, but he is working on it.
From the very beginning you've noticed that whenever you'd be talking to him and looking him right in the eye he'd look away or turn his head away. He probably didn't his burn scar. It didn't matter how many times you'd tell him you thought it made him look tougher and cooler, he wouldn't believe you.
As you two lay down, the way you like to stay is face to face, very close. You will put a leg over his and throw an arm over his shoulders, caress his hair or trace his features.
Inui knew what he had gotten himself into, but when you two made your relationship official it became much clearer how clingy and touchy you are. He still doesn't like this much touch but he allows you because of how you'll smile until you're asleep. He likes the view so he makes an effort.
He's a pretty good listener, so you will mess with his hair and sneak some kisses here and there as you tell him whatever it's in your mind. He'll listen carefully while examining your sleepy face. You always fall sleep first and he watches you with puppy eyes.
Rindou is another hard case. Rindou HATES cuddling. He pretty much would rather have his own blanket and turn to the wall than sleep tangled with you. The reason to that it's because he sweats a lot. I'm not kidding. And it's not in a bad connotation, it's just that he sleeps with the blanket covering all of himself leaving out only his nose –sometimes not even the nose. He's just in a silly goofy mood every night and likes to pretend he's a butterfly in a cocoon 🤪
He will cuddle with you in the couch though, with you on top of him or in a large armchair. No talking though, he reads a lot so you can sneak into his lap and enjoy his warmth in deep silence while he reads and adjusts his glasses on his nose every seven minutes.
He likes to hold you close, and will rub whatever part of your skin that's showing. But remember, don't talk while he reads or he'll push you to the floor!
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strxwberrylemonxde · 3 years
Hello, i would like to request 13. and 16. for Katsuki Bakugo as fluff for your Halloween extravaganza. Thank you.
SWEETER THAN CANDY - Katsuki Bakugou
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Warning: Light cursing, Bakugou w/ a low social battery
Word Count: 0.51k
A/N - Hello my dear! Thank you so much for the request <3 This one took a bit to write bc I had so many different ideas I could've used and I kept changing stuff 💀 but it's finally finished! I used a bit of my own headcanon in this, I hope that's okay. Without further ado, please enjoy :)
Lynn’s Halloween Extravaganza
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“Tch, this is so stupid, I hate Halloween parties” Bakugou complained as he placed the wolf ears over his head. “I have no interest in being around these damn extras.”
“Oh come on Katsu, it won’t be that bad, I promise!” You laughed as you placed the final touches on your own costume. “We’ll laugh, and dance, and have the best night of our lives!”
“Whatever dumbass, let’s go.”
You don’t remember who suggested it first, but your classmates had decided to throw a Halloween party in celebration of the Halloween season. It was a night meant to feel like kids again, no more quirk training, and no more hero working.
The music could be heard the moment the two of you stepped out of your dorm. The rhythm of the bass could be felt under your feet and the chatter began to echo along the walls as you drew near. The first words that seemed to greet the two of you as you entered the common room were “Bakubro! Didn’t think you’d show, man!” from an eager Kirishima.
“Shut it shitty hair.” Bakugou snarled.
“Did Y/N actually convince you to come, dude?” Kaminari smirked, wiggling his eyebrows. “Who knew Bakugo was wrapped around their finger like tha-”
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Hours seemed to tick by as the party went on, laughing and talking to many of your friends. At one point, Kaminari and Kirishima held an eating contest to see who could eat the most candy. (Neither of them won)
“Idiots are definitely gonna puke later on,” Jirou said as she watched them shove candy bar after candy bar into their mouths.
It didn’t take you long to notice the figure standing in the corner of the room, looming in the back with his arms crossed.
“I’ll be back, you guys.” You excused yourself.
Walking over to him, you could feel his irritation exuding from him, and you knew well enough what that meant.
“Everything okay Katsu?”
“Yeah dumbass, I’m fine. Go have fun.” He mumbled as he leaned against the wall.
You knew he wasn’t having a good time as his eyes held a glow of annoyance at the rowdiness of the party. Wordlessly, you gently grabbed his hand and gave him a soft smile as you led him back to your dorm.
“Dumbass, go back to the party. Stop trying to baby-” He rolled his eyes as you opened the door.
You shushed his complaints with a kiss, as gentle as a feather and as sweet as candy as you cupped his face.
“I’m sorry for making you go Katsu, I know how much you don’t-”
It was his turn to hush you as he placed another kiss on your lips.
“Shut up idiot, it’s fine.”
Rather than ending the night partying down the hall, you cuddled up to your dear lover as a Halloween movie played on the TV. You felt a sweet peck on your temple as Bakugou murmured into your ear.
“I take it back, maybe Halloween isn’t so bad after all.”
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passmethemolly · 4 years
dteam + friends as old navy employees
 Bad is the manager. a very tired one, but he keeps everyone in check
bad: guys please make sure we’re asking for cards today- we’re behind and-
dream: its georges fault
george: it’s not! i ask and everyone says no-
dream: thats because you aren’t asking them right 
george: how the hell do you ask for a credit card right???
bad is long gone by that point. he’s quietly sitting in the office watching george and dream bicker
he has a photo of his dog on his desk and will smuggle her into the workplace sometimes 
will deal with the difficult customers but will feel bad for being mean even though its his job
sapnap is on the floor bc he can perfect fold things
hates every second of it and always hides in the fitting room or goes up to cash wrap to bother george
purposefully messes up piles of clothes so dream has to refold it
scares tommy whenever he hides in said fitting room
overall, super chill and will go where ever he needs to but folds like a sloth
once caught someone stealing but he didn’t say anything
george is always up at the registers and he absolutely hates it
he will never ever ask people to open up a credit card unless bad is there or unless dream gets put up there with him and they compete against each other
as soon as a customer has an issue with something, george calls bad up to the register to deal with it and he walks away
george will ignore customers and let wilbur take them instead
he steals the candy all the time
dream is tossed around all over the place
doesnt do anything, yet still manages to meet his credit card goal which annoys the fuck out of george and sapnap
he hits george with hangers 
george will always hit him back
the kids are fighting again ft. hangers 
he attracts the weird customers which makes for good stories
he once fell off a ladder and george saw that and he will never let dream live that down
a BOPIS beast- not a single order goes unnoticed by him
sapnap likes to fold the kids clothes since theyre easy and bad never checks kids
dream is a huge wingman to sapnap through the walkies 
dream: sapnap, tell that girl that the boyfriend jeans are 100% off at your place.
sapnap: dude i have a girlfriend 
dream: okay, say it for me then
sapnap: dream im not saying that-
george: will you please shut up i can’t hear anything but you two idiots
alternatively- also the biggest instigator
dream: george, i dare you to not talk to the next customer
george: what? no, i have to it’s literally my job to talk to them-
dream: do it, trust me
george: im not gonna ignore them as i check them out
dream: if you dont, im telling bad that you dont ask to open credit cards and you didn’t count the money from last night and youve been stealing the kitkats
long story short, they got a complaint and george was tasked with cleaning the bathrooms that night as punishment
tommy is in fitting room and he loves it 
he was put there since he was “too aggressive” to be on sales floor
but hes the only person at the store that can open more credit cards than dream due to his aggression 
he gets to go on his phone and drink coke whenever
once locked sapnap in the fitting room for three hours 
whenever he has to return the ‘go back’ clothes, he sprints through the store. he literally runs the clothes. 
once fought a customer that told him he was wrong about a price. 
tubbo is holding him back while bad is apologizing to the customer and offering them 70% their entire purchase
wilbur is on register with george and they gossip about the customers 
wilbur is the best dressed there 
everyone swoons for him, which racks up sales since everyone wants to be checked out by the cute cashier
him and george are lowkey the power duo on register 
he cares very much about sizing and taking proper care of the clothes
he drives tommy and tubbo to work
dream and george go get lunch together on their break
dream will occasionally bring george mcdonalds if he feels like it
george, in return, won’t do anything special <3
jk- george just helps dream fold the floor after closing instead of hiding behind the cash wrap counter
george will always bring dream a starbucks cookie on fridays
one time, bad wouldn’t let george wear one of his supreme shirts and he had to wear dreams hoodie to cover it up
techno is a ghost at this old navy. hes never scheduled to work but when he comes it- everything is perfectly folded and they have a spike in customer satisfaction- but people rarely see him do these things
small rivalry between dream and techno obviously 
they will always make a competition out of everything
always a closing time employee- he never opens the store. 
dream is obsessed with how he perfect folds and will stalk him around the store when he does work
techno just wants to work tbh  
tubbo is in fitting room with tommy 
hes more…passive… with the customers 
will always wish everyone a nice day even if they leave the room a mess
will take the time to clean each room while tommy sprints in and out with his arms full of clothes
does whatever tommy wants to do
except when it comes down to who is cleaning the bathrooms at closing time- then its a battle
(just rock paper scissors) 
tubbo and dream sometimes trade places, but tubbo always goes back to the fitting room since he has no idea how the sales floor works 
dream ROCKS old navy clothes 
he abuses the fuck out of his employee discount 
sometimes he’ll get george to give him a bigger discount 
george always wears stuff with brands even though its against dress code (he will not give up his hypebeast shirts) 
bad will let it slide most of the time but not all the time yk?
sapnap shoves his phone into clothes and plays games 
on the quiet days- everyone is on sales floor except tommy. tommy is forbidden from being on sales floor.  
tommy watches from afar as his friends slap each other with hangers and talk shit about the public
his time will come. he will get out of the fitting room
at closing time, dream and george hide in a blind spot and talk for the rest of their shift
sapnap: can you guys please stop flirting and go fold in mens? bad says if we fold everything we can leave early-
dream throws a bundle of socks at sapnap 
george wants to be on sales floor so bad, he complains about register everyday
dream wants to be on register since sales floor is boring to him
bad wont let them switch 
tommy, tubbo, and wilbur always start fights with george, dream, and sapnap
a ‘war’ broke out one night when they were closing
bad made them stay an extra two hours to refold the entire store since they trashed it
george once parkoured over a jean table
sapnap is always friendly to the customers and will ask them how theyre doing as soon as he sees them
scares the shit out the customers at the same time. he’s a ninja
tommy got out of the fitting room once and hid in a rack of dresses so bad couldn’t find him
bad just wants people to open up credit cards
sapnap would bring his girlfriend in a lot and now bad is considering hiring her since shes here so often
on their breaks, they will all sit in a circle and watch the cameras and make fun of people
they have a groupchat called “the navy soilders” and they literally just send the same video of dream falling off the ladder that george pulled from the cameras
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trouvelle · 4 years
PB & (Alcoholic) Punch
i d e k  let me start by apologizing ;-; I have no idea what made me do this bc it just wrote itself in the middle of the night. For any grammatical and punctuation errors, pls add them to my growing list of apologies! Me is sorry if you don’t like it and hate it TuT
Fandom: DCMK Pairing: mostly Heiji/Kazuha and Kaito/Aoko, side Shinichi/Ran and Makoto/Sonoko Rating: NC-17 Genre/Tags: Comedy, Crack, College!AU Warnings: crack!fic, mild sexual content Summary: Sonoko throws a party and when a Truth-or-Dare game takes off, certain things comes into light. (a.k.a Kaito and Aoko finally kiss and Kazuha finds out about Heiji’s daddy kink)
“Kuroba is so drunk,” Heiji slurs, pointing towards the other side of the room where Kaito currently has his arms stretched across the window, “Look at him.”
“I know, right?” Shinichi leans back against the wall, and takes a swig from his beer bottle, lazily waving his hand over at another corner of the house. “Look at those two. No, not the dudes in tank tops, there—those two with the bleached hair by the kitchen island. Don’t they know what peanut butter is for?”
“I can think of thirty different ways to use that jar of peanut butter, and none of them involve sandwiches.”
“Wait, Hattori, look at that guy hugging the window. I’m so glad we’re not friends with these weirdos here. ”
“How drunk are you, Kudo? He is our friend. That’s Kuroba, you idiot. Now look at those two over there.”
“That’s us in a mirror, you idiot.”
“Oh yeah.”
Makoto picks his way through the crowd of drunken fools, cringing every time he accidentally steps on some trash or a limb. Wait—was that the crunch from some spilled food on the floor that he stepped on or was it someone’s body part? “This party is such a bad idea,” he mutters. He probably wouldn’t have been here if it’s not his girlfriend who’s hosting the party.
Shinichi and Heiji snicker at his dismay.
Making his way to stand beside them, Kaito sighs into his red cup, already looking like the world’s ended thrice over. “This cruel, sad existence of mine,” he sighs, for the thirty-ninth time, and he downs the cup, already reaching for another on the table he’s conveniently placed himself next to. 
“You’re one of the saddest drunk people I’ve ever met,” comments Makoto mildly. Kaito doesn’t even react, he just sighs again. He’s at the point where it hurts to not let his pent-up feelings out. If anyone wants to make fun of him, so be it.
“Yeah. What’s up your ass?” Shinichi slurs.
“I think I like Aoko,” utters Kaito dolefully, staring out into the crowd, where Kazuha and Ran are teamed up against the horrendously inebriated Sonoko and Aoko for a beer pong challenge, to a group of cheering spectators. “Since you guys said that it’s troublesome to fall in love with girls you grow up with, I have come to the conclusion that I will live my life in pain and sorrow and never again see the light of day as I bury myself in a cave of my own despair.”
Heiji blinks. “God, that is depressing. Let’s get out of here.”
As they move through the crowd, ignoring Kaito’s sighs, and the agonized shrieks that come from a few unfortunate people who they shoved out of their way, a person pops up in front of them suddenly, and Makoto nearly trips over himself in surprise. No more people-stepping for him. “Gah!”
“Holy shit,” says Shinichi, eyes wide, clutching at his chest, “What are you doing here?”
Shiho is bouncing on her heels, smiling wider than a kid at a candy store. “Sonoko dragged me here, duh!” she says, and her voice is high and squeaky. This is rather alarming. “Did you know that there is a secret stash of Red Bull in the pantry? She told me I can make a punch with it. A lot of people like it. I also dropped a bottle of Absolut in there. Do you guys want some? Wait here.”
And she slips away, giggling, leaving the four of them standing in profound silence.
“I’m scarred for life,” says Kaito.
“Never drinking again,” says Shinichi, but then he looks down at his half-full bottle, and he raises it to them, “Cheers!”
“Hey boys!” Sonoko calls out to them in a sing-songy voice, Makoto immediately zig-zags across the room to her side, “Wanna play Truth or Dare with us?”
“Sign us up!” shouts Heiji, and he drags Shinichi and Kaito, who’s still downing his last bits.
The girls and some others are seated in a circle, already playing, and Aoko says, “Truth,” voice cracking due to her skyrocketing anxiety at the anticipation.
“Who here, do you really want to get into bed with?” asks Sonoko cheekily, ignoring the obvious fact that probably, literally, everyone else already knows her answer. Aoko turns even redder, if it’s even possible. “Come on, answer!”
“Can I just switch to dare, please?” begs Aoko under her breath, looking at everyone but at a certain boy.
Sonoko is not giving up. People don’t call her Cupid-sama for no reason. “I dare you to kiss Kuroba-kun!” She says gleefully. Maybe too much glee. Kaito’s eyebrows flew mile-high to the ceiling.
“Well, here goes.” Despite the fact that she’s stuttering, she makes her way to Kaito and plants a shy kiss on Kaito’s mouth, taking him aback. The rest of the room whoop extremely loudly around them.
Kaito, his head spinning and his entire body going red, still reeling from the kiss, goes, “... Aoko?”
She offers him a shy smile and takes the empty space next to him before dropping her voice an octave lower so only he can hear her, “Later,” she promises. “We have to make the best of this game right now.”
“Okay, Kazuha!” Aoko’s eyes glint, and Kazuha gulps, thinking back on all that she’s ever done to Aoko, and what kind of revenge might be swirling around in her head right now. “Truth or dare?”
“Dare,” says Kazuha, because she can do anything that anyone dares her to, because she is a fierce, independent woman. When Kaito leans down to whisper something to Aoko, her confidence wavers. But nevertheless, she has made up her mind. “What do you have for me, Aoko-chan?”
“I dare you to call Hattori-kun ‘daddy’ for the rest of the night,” says Aoko, and the rest goes ‘uuuuuh oooooh~’ in the most annoying, drunken voices possible.
Kazuha blinks. This is the easiest dare that anyone has had, as of tonight. There’s literally no harm that can come out of this. “Done!” But then when she turns to Heiji, she sees that his eyes are wide, and still staring at Aoko and Kaito. “What’s up with you?”
“Nothing,” stutters Heiji, but he’s already glancing nervously between Kazuha’s confused face, and Aoko’s girlish grin and Kaito’s evil eye, tries to distract himself by averting his gaze to Shiho, who just reemerged from the kitchen.
She is walking her way to the group, juggling four cups, and accidentally knocking over a random guest who falls over Sonoko’s beautiful leather couch. 
“Is that her special punch?” Ran observes slowly, who’s been sitting on Shinichi’s lap. 
“Don’t drink her punch,” comes a feeble voice from behind the sofa, who sounds suspiciously like Saguru.
“So, daddy,” tries Kazuha casually, and Heiji freezes in place. “Are you okay? You look a bit flushed, daddy.”
“I’m fine.” Heiji tugs at his t-shirt, and fans at himself. “I need to… go get some fresh air. Or something.”
Kazuha watches in confusion as he dashes away, and she follows, not even noticing the drunken cackle that escapes Kaito’s throat. For a guy who’s a sad, lovesick drunk not half an hour earlier, Kaito sure recovers really fast. Thank Aoko for that.
Kazuha manages to find Heiji pretty easily. She speeds up her pace and catches him just as he is about to close the bathroom door. He nearly jumps, spinning around to face her. “Are you okay? You don’t usually—Oh my God, Heiji! When did that happen?”
Heiji has pitched a rather big tent, clearly visible through the line of his jeans.
“Uh,” says Heiji, and he looks flustered. “Just now?”
“What do you mean just now? We barely even touched each other tonight! We were only playing—“ Kazuha stops herself there, and a flashback of the game runs through her mind. “Oh. I see.” Her lips curl up into a sneaky grin, and she adds for a good measure, “Daddy~”
Heiji quickly pulls her in and locks the door.
“Do you like it when I call you that?” She takes a few steps forward, and Heiji exhales, not taking his gaze away from hers. 
“Christ,” whispers Heiji, just as Kazuha’s fingers trail lightly up the expanse of skin under his t-shirt.
“Come on, daddy,” She whispers in return, snaking a hand around his neck to pull his head down, “I’m all yours, always.”
She can see something in Heiji’s eyes just break, and then he crashes their mouths together in a hot, searing kiss, backing her up against the nearest flat surface, knocking down some things in the process. He kisses like he’s in control, and she lets him. 
Resistance is futile, Heiji realizes, when it comes to Kazuha.
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idea: the reader is jacob barber’s older sister (only by 2 or 3 years) and she was secretly seeing ben’s older brother (just iMaGiNe that he has one) and they get caught holding hands when andy goes to find her and then they tease her on the way back (yk the scene in their house when he goes to find jacob bcs they’re leaving? i hope that makes sense but don’t get pressured bcs you don’t have to do it, it was just an idea)
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Andy Barber x Daughter!Reader
Warnings: Language To be honest, I absolutely love this idea! I just have a thing for a father Andy Barber thing. Its horrible to think I want him to be my dad.
  The day was starting to go great so far, you were going through your locker to find your books for your next class. You started looking over those polaroid photos on your locker as you smiled at them.
“Hey, Y/N!” A girl shouts, you turn to wave at the girls, “Hey, guys-” You felt a pair of arms pull you letting you squeal. “Jonathan! Put me down!” You laughed as he spun you and trapped you on the lockers. 
“Morning,” He says, you laughed, “Morning.” Jonathan Rifkin. One of the best athletes in the High School. 
He has a little brother in Middle school still along with mine. “Do you want to go grab scoops at the ice cream parlor? I heard they added cotton candy,” He says. You slightly gasped, “As much as I would like that cotton candy, I have homework.”
“I can help you with that. Drop some ice cream off, too?”
“You’re not dropping by, remember my dad?” You asked, he didn’t seem to care about your dad. Almost everyone’s parents were lawyers. “Pfft, your dad’s not scary.”
“He is when he can be, come on. It’ll only be just for today. I can facetime you,” You slightly shove him and Jonathan grins. “You know I hate this distancing thing you do.”
“Oh stop, complaining isn’t gonna get you anywhere.”
“Get to class love birds!” A girl calls in a sing songy voice. You rolled your eyes at your best friend and closed your locker. “Come on, I’ll go to class with you.” You two made your way to your next class, his arm holding you close as you did.
The teacher spoke his lecture as you wrote down the notes he had to list. Glancing up to see Jonathan staring at you. You look at him weirdly. What?
He shrugs back at you. Nothing. You ignored him as you smiled, looking back down at your notes. After a few seconds, the comm goes off.
“Attention Archer High is now on lockdown, effective immediately,” The horn blares in the classrooms as the windows began to use the lockdown covers, “All students are to remain in their classrooms.” Everyone began to stand up in panic. 
Your heart would’ve collapsed when Jonathan came for you first and helped you over to the wall as one of the earlier procedures from the beginning of the school year. “All right, everyone stay calm.”
Your teacher began to turn off the lights and closed the door and locked it. You sat next to Jonathan, “I’m gonna call Ben, see if he’s okay.” You nod at him as you stayed close to Jonathan.
If your brother is also in lockdown. What is happening? Everyone was on their phones, possibly contacting their parents or gossiping what they’re assuming is happening.
Jonathan groans, “He’s not picking up.”
You look over, “Do you want me to call him?” Jonathan shakes his head, “I called him three times, he’s not picking up.” You reached for your phone and pulled it out. 
Finding your dad’s contact, you pulled the phone up to your ear.
“Pick up, dad...”
“Y/N, sweetheart. You okay?” He asks.
You looked around, “Yeah, I’m okay.The high school’s on lockdown, have you heard from Jacob?”
“I did. He’s okay. I was wondering when you’ll call, but you two will be okay,”Your dad said. You sighed, “Who is it? What’s happening.”
“I can’t talk about it right now, sweetheart. Just... Just stay calm and listen to your teachers, do what they say, okay?”
“Is it a psycho shooter, dad?”
“No, it’s nothing like that, honey. You’re safe,” He says, you felt Jonathan pull you closer as you nod, “Okay.”
“All right, I love you,” He said. You lowered your head, “Love you, too.” Then you hung up.
You huddled closer to Jonathan as he rubbed your shoulders. 
You returned home not too long after. The police cleared from whatever happened and you walked back home after Jonathan got a call from his parents and he left early. 
He didn’t tell you what happened but he left before he could.
You returned home and tried to message Jonathan. He would reply late but you only left it to one message because you didn’t want to stress him. Your mom, Laurie drove you back home along with Jacob’s friend, Derek.
Derek was gonna play video games with him. You sat in your room and looked at your phone. Everything from the news was popping up. A 14-year-old boy was murdered in the Cold Spring Park.
The park where Jacob comes through. You were interrupted by a knock on the door and you shot up, “Come in.”
The door opens to Laurie and Andy. “Hey, sweetheart,” Laurie says, she comes over to sit on the edge of your bed so you lift your knees up. Andy leans on the wooden edge of your bed as they look over.
“How you doing?” Andy asked.
You look up to them, “Who was it? The body, I mean...” Andy had his arms crossed as he looks at Laurie. “It was a kid from Jacob’s school, Ben.”
“Rifkin?” You asked. Andy doesn’t nod but the look on him knew you were right. You dropped your head into your hands. “Honey, what’s wrong?” Laurie asked, you felt her hand on your knee.
“I just...” You sniffled, “I know Ben’s brother and... he must be...” Laurie looks up to Andy heartbroken. He looks at you and walks over, “Hey...” He sits down on the bed and wraps his arm over your shoulder. 
“We’re sorry about this. If there’s anything you want to say to us, we’re here for you, okay?” Laurie says, your head gets pulled to Andy’s chest as he rubs his hand down your arm. “We love you. Very much,” Andy said.
You nod, “I know. I love you, too,” Andy smiles as he placed a kiss on her head and then Laurie does. “We’ll talk to Jake about this, okay? We’ll have dinner in 30 minutes.” 
The two leave your room and you reached for your phone, going to Jonathan’s contacts and you looked at the message.
Hey, you okay? Read at 8:07
You bite your lip and pulled the phone away before laying flat on your bed. That night you skipped dinner.
The next morning you got up, after not eating dinner, you had a big breakfast. Laurie was packing a few things for you and Jacob while Andy was throwing on a tie.
“How come you didn’t come down for dinner?” Andy asked, you turn to him but looked away. “I wasn’t hungry. I was doing homework.” Laurie and Andy look at each other afterwards and he turned away.
Laurie continues her packing, “I’ll drive you two to school, okay?” Jacob nods while you packed your bag and looked at your phone. Still no messages from Jonathan.
“We’re gonna be late,” Laurie says, rushing over to Andy. “I’ll see you later,” Laurie kisses Andy as he sighs, “Okay. Be good, guys.” 
Laurie dropped you off first, stopping just at the front of the school. “Okay, sweetheart, I love you.” You stepped out and grabbed your bag, “Love you too. Bye Jake.”
“Bye,” Jacob said. You closed the door and walked up to the front. “Y/N!” Someone calls out, your best friend, Rose rushed up. “You heard about Ben-?”
“Yeah, have you seen Jonathan?” You asked, Rose looks around, “I saw him with his friends, he seemed pretty upset. I mean by the look on his face, I’m sure he won’t mind you.”
You walked forward and headed down the halls. You went to find his locker. He’s usually by his locker during the mornings with his friends. You walked over to his locker and spotted him with his friends.
You saw his friends leave him on his own, giving you the chance to talk to him. Just him.
Jonathan opens his locker and you leaned next to it. “Hey...” You said, Jonathan looks over and you could see the agony, his eyes were almost red from possibly late night tears and lack of sleep.
You gazed up at him, “Come here.”
He fully turns towards you and you pulled him into a hug. Your arms were pulling his neck down so his head nuzzled in your neck as his arms held your waist. “It’s gonna be okay,” You run your hand through the brown locks in his hair to soothe him.
“I’m sorry I didn’t text you back,” He muttered.
You grinned, “I’m not mad about that. I understood what you were feeling. It’s okay.”
He pulls away and sniffles, “I was... thinking to have you over.”
“For Ben?” You asked, he nods, “My mom was gonna talk to yours about that, I was thinking you’d hear it from me.” You nod as you took his hand. “Of course, I wanna be there for you.”
“Your dad was there when it happen, right?” He asked, you nod. “No more, okay? I don’t want you to feel any worse than now. I’m sure I can go and get ice cream with you after school.”
Jonathan managed to smile as he leans down. You feel his lips on yours and he pulls away. “I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
After that day, Laurie had taken you and Jacob to the Rifkin’s house. You were the first one to walk in. People looked at you and your family. You turn to Laurie, “When is dad coming?” You asked. Laurie looks around, “He’ll be here in a few minutes, you and Jacob can go hang out with the kids in the other room. Here, Jake, I can take your coat.” 
Jacob removes his coat and Laurie takes it upstairs as you walk into the other room filled with middle school kids.
They all looked at you as you and Jacob walked in. You were the only high school kid in the room. Not till Jonathan came in and he wore a suit and tie. “Hey,” He says, you looked at him and smiled.
“Hey,” You look over to Jacob who sat down on the couch, Jonathan followed your gaze. “Do you want to go up to my room?” He asked. You nod, “Yeah, sure.” You’ve never been to his house but you wanted to. Not like this.
Not for his brother’s murder. 
“Hey, dad,” Jonathan says, he entered what looked like Ben’s room. His father, Dan looks over, “This is-uh, Y/N, from school.” You waved softly, “Mr. Rifkin.”
Dan smiles, “You’re Andy’s kid are you?”
You nod, “I’m his oldest. Jacob is my brother.” Dan nods, “You two must be very good to your parents, are you?” He asked.
You nod once again, “We try not to give him a hard time.” Dan smiles sadly as he turns away. A few seconds in, Jonathan cuts the awkwardness, “I’m gonna go show her around in my room.”
“Okay, son.”
You followed Jonathan over to his room, seeing the posters on his wall. His jersey from the school team on his bed with the desk that had controllers and a game console. 
You looked around and smiled, “It’s really cool. I like it,” You say, taking a seat on his bed.
Jonathan smiled, “It’s not that cool, I guess. I took hours to clean it.” You laughed lightly as you looked over to him when he sat. 
Andy was looking around for Jacob once he got there. People were staring and asking questions about Ben’s case. He didn’t want to give them anything so he wanted to take Jacob with him while Laurie was getting a ride from Toby.
He looks in the room filled with kids as he spotted Jacob in the chair, “Hey.” Jacob looks up and spots his dad, “You ready to go?” He asked.
“Yeah, sure,” Jacob replied. Andy nods at him, “Did you bring your coat?” Jacob nods, “Uh, mom put it upstairs.” Andy nods, “Where’s your sister?”
Jacob looks over to the right, “She went up with some boy, I’m pretty sure she’s upstairs, too.”
“Okay, I’ll go find your coat and sister. Meet me at the front door.”
You held the photo book in your hands as you flipped through the pages. “This is when I first got on a coaster, when I was tall enough.” You laughed, “You were so cute,” You looked over the photos.
“Then I took baseball practice in this picture. Our first game, I scored two home runs,” You hear Jonathan say, you smiled and closed the book. You stood up with Jonathan and held his hands in yours.
He looked down at them and ran his thumbs over them. “You know... every time when I’m alone... I think of him,” You look up to him but his eyes never looked at yours. “But when I’m with you,” He lifts up his head and smiles, “Every thing goes away. It’s just you who I think of.”
You smiled at him and kissed his cheek, “I love you.”
He grins, “I love you, too.”
You heard someone walk over and you both look to his door and saw your father come in view. “Y/N, you here?” He asked as he stops to see you and Jonathan. “Oh,” He says, spotting your hands laced with Jonathan’s, “Hi.”
You cleared your throat and pulled your hand out of Jonathan’s, “Hey, dad.” Andy nods at her, “You ready to go? I was gonna take you and Jake back home.” You saw Jake’s coat in his arms and you look at Jonathan.
You can go.
You nod at Jonathan and nodded at your dad, Andy smiles at Jonathan, “I’ll see you at the front door,” He says to you before leaving. Once he left, you see Jonathan’s eyes go wide. 
“Shit, he knows now.”
You smiled, “It’s okay. Even if he was upset, I’d talk him out of it. Now I have to go.”
“Wait!” Jonathan pulls you back and placed a kiss on your lips. You smiled, “Bye.” You stopped and reached over to the jersey on his bed. “I’m stealing this by the way,” You say.
He chuckles, “Just go.” You trotted out of the room with his jersey as you head down the stairs and spotted Andy at the door. Andy looks up to see Jonathan on the stop of the stairs. He gives him a nod and the Barber family walks out.
Andy had his hand on top of the wheel as he glanced over to you. Your hands clicking on the phone, texting what might have been Jonathan. “No texting while I’m driving, Y/N. I’m sure the boy would complain.”
“Dad, don’t start,” You say. He smiles, “Hey, your mother and I were the same, I’m just saying, he’s a good kid. He’s Ben’s brother?”
“Yeah, he is,” You say. Jacob laughs, “Did you catch them in the act?” You turned in your seat and glared at Jacob. Andy chuckles, “Some high school sweethearts.”
“Can you guys stop!” You asked, Andy smiles. “Is he a good kisser?”
You shrugged, “Oh, why don’t you find out, dad!” You say. Jacob cackles in the back as you grew red. Andy looks over, “I scared him, didn’t I? He looked like he saw a ghost.”
“Dad, stop...” You covered your face.
Andy shakes his head as he sighs, “Did you guys get something to eat?” He  asks. “Not much,” Jacob replied. You look over to Andy who looks at you for an answer.
“Did you?” He asked, “And don’t tell me it was J-”
“Dad,” You say, “No. Just go to the diner.” Andy grins as he keeps driving. You were red as a tomato through the whole drive.
And none of those boys never ended the teasing ever since.
Thank you so much for that request! TAGS:
@jtargaryen18 @joannaliceevans-fanficblog @ifuseekamyevans @princess-evans-addict @donutloverxo @axen-gers @iguessweallcrazyithinktho @bucksgoat @elliee1497 @rororo06 @sweater-daddiesdumbdork @patzammit
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star-shuttle-scout · 7 years
i bet that like jon and steve would both have crushes on the other but not wanna admit it until one day steve cant take it and he just kisses jonathan bc hey he wants to + jonathans too unsure and scared and never would've on his own
(I like the way you think anon)Steve can’t stand Jonathan’s stupidly cute face, it’s disgusting. At first he was unsure whether or not he’d actually get along with the guy, they seemed to be from two separate worlds in his perspective. But after spending a little time together (with Nancy there to mediate of course), he was shocked to find that Jonathan wasn’t as annoying and weird as he thought.Of course he was still annoying and weird, but in a way that Steve actually liked… What sort of alternate universe was this, anyway? He made sarcastic comments and kept his distance, sometimes he could barely make eye contact with them. But over time it seemed to fade, and then Steve realized very quickly that he didn’t like where things were going.Nancy had left for college early, which was possibly one of the saddest days of Steve’s young life. He’d sat on the curb with Jonathan after saying their goodbyes, eyes burning a little and postures slumped. Jonathan seemed just as bummed as Steve was, but he wasn’t the one that had been dumped! After that, things were all downhill.There was a few incidents with some gross monsters, which was stressful and not to mention scary enough to make even grown men cry. But they held up under the pressure, Joyce, Hopper, and the kids were all dealing with the same thing. There was a mutual comradery between himself and Byers, and really neither of them had any friends but each other.It was bound to happen eventually, he supposed. But he quickly recognized the signs of a stupid, stupid, stupid crush forming. Jonathan Byers was stupidly loyal and stupidly cute, and Steve didn’t want to do anything but shove him around until he got the hint and either kissed him or left him (He really didn’t want to be left, but his slightly damaged emotions offered him no other options). However, Jonathan wasn’t like that, he didn’t respond to being roughed up. Steve hated to admit it, but he didn’t want to tease Jonathan (past their normal limits of course, he had to have fun on occasion) or hurt him in the slightest. So he decided to go the extra mile and be nicer than usual.“Here, Byers.” He grumbles when the young man answers the door, practically shoving the box of candy into his arms before stepping past him inside. “Happy Valentine’s Day.”“You got me candy?” Jonathan splutters as he follows Steve closely towards his room. Steve hated that his mind compared him to a lost puppy sometimes, some stray Nancy had picked up and Steve came to love and got stuck with instead.“We’re lonely losers, Byers, who else is gonna get you candy? Besides, Valentine’s Day is over, that was on clearance.” He explains it away, flopping down on Jonathan’s messy bed ungracefully.Jonathan seats himself on the edge of the bed, staring down at the box of candy with his cheeks tinged a red color. Always embarrassed and flustered, damn him, why’d he have to be so cute?“Thanks, I guess.” Jonathan turns to him when Steve sits up slowly, and then they’re too close to each other. Neither of them are moving away, and Steve feels like there’s a magnet in his lips that is drawn to the one in Jonathan’s (what sort of lovesick crap is that anyway?). He leans in and mashes their lips together, Jonathan doesn’t really respond but he doesn’t pull away either. When Steve pulls back, he can tell that his face is the same color if not brighter than Jonathan’s. They both stare at each other for a moment, and Steve scowls.“Why’d you gotta be so damn attractive?” He huffs, irritated and mortified with himself. Jonathan’s face scrunches up in adorable confusion for a moment before his lips twitch with an amused smirk.“Steve Harrington likes Jonathan Byers, who would have thought?” Jonathan whispers finally, and Steve rolls his eyes. “C’mere, Harrington.” He pulls Steve back in with a hand on the back of his neck, clumsily kissing him.It wasn’t experienced or even that good of a kiss, but damnit Steve enjoyed every second of it. Maybe his stupid crush wasn’t so bad after all.
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allhallows-art · 7 years
So, I’ve decided to redo this shit I did a while back. A long time ago, I compiled a huge list of AU’s and I’ve decided to repost it. If you want a bit of writing done for the following people:
SuperMega Game Grumps Markiplier ( and crew including Tyler and Ethan ) HatFilms Sidemen Cow Chop CancerCrew Then all you have to do is pick from the list below, send the number to me along with who you want it to be about. I’ll try and get through them as soon as I can. They’ll probably all be shit and jokey bc that’s my writing style but I hope you enjoy Thanks to @apocalypto-12​ for rekindling my love for writing and feel free to pick some Au’s and I'll write them for you babe
1. ‘my parents are rly religious and forced me to this meeting I hate everything the entire world is against me what the actual fuck did a stranger just send me nudes’ 2. I’m passionate about this cause and I will give you this flier if I must shove it down your throat 3. all our friends are drunk 4. it’s 3 am and I’m still in the library studying for finals and I’m losing my grip on reality and I think I just saw a ghost 5. We’re studying in the library and there are two people very obviously fucking in the stacks and we keep sharing embarrassed glances 6. You decked me in the head while you were playing frisbee golf 7. I’ve been sitting in this seat all semester why did you decide to sit in it today 8. my friend dragged me to this party and I just saw my ex quick make out with me 9. it’s 3am, in the dead of winter, some motherfucker pulled/set off the fire alarm and I am being very vocal about how I’m gonna make that fucker pay 10. you’re the fucker who set off the fire alarm with your awful cooking (or) I’m the fucker who set off the fire alarm with my awful cooking 11. dude your headphones are loud like I can make out most of Kayne’s lyrics and I’m sitting across the fucking room 12. you live above me and I’m going to murder you if you don’t stop throwing parties Sunday night 13. ‘me and my roommate decided to decorate our house for Halloween but got really into it, and ended up re-enacting several scenes from nightmare on elm street so loud the neighbours called the police to investigate screams’ 14. I broke your nose at a mosh pit 15. “You were chased by the cops, got in my car and just yelled ‘Drive!’” 16. “You broke into my apartment drunk thinking it was your friend’s house and I should call the cops but my cat kinda likes you so we’re good” 17. “You saw me reading the same book you did and we got into a heated discussion on how much it sucks 18. “My cat steals underwear and I come home to find you chasing my cat to get your underwear back.” 19. “This horrible umbrella won’t extend! Oh, shit I just hit you in the stomach/crotch! I’m so sorry.” 20. “I drunkenly tried to fight you and knocked myself out but you were kind enough to take care of me till I woke up.” 21. “I thought you were my friend so I slapped your ass in greeting.” 22. “I’m watching The Lion King on my phone and I’m trying to hide the fact I’m sobbing uncontrollably but you notice anyway.” 23. cat person and dog person meet at petco and their pets won’t stop hissing and growling at each other 24. we’re both ‘team leaders’ at a summer camp for little people and you may be hot but goddammit my collection of twelve-year-olds are going to beat yours into the dust 25. a mutual friend invited us to their laser tag party and we’re the last two alive on opposite teams and goddammit if I’m going down you’re going down with me 26. ‘I met you last night when you were drunkenly patting my dog in my backyard at 3 in the morning and when I asked you what the hell you were doing you slurred something about dogs being great and then you threw up on my feet and then fifteen minutes later you were passed out on my couch so that’s why you’re here right now also what the fuck is your name and why were you patting a dog in a stranger’s backyard in the middle of the night’ 27. 'last night was a haze for both of us and somehow we woke up hungover in a bed that isn’t either of ours and neither of us recognize this apartment we should probably get out of here before someone calls the cops on us’ 28. 'i found you sleeping on my balcony when I went out to water my plants why are you here and more importantly how did you get here we’re eighteen floors up’ 29. ‘I called the wrong number and started talking about my life and you only interrupted me after a few a few minutes of me revealing some pretty personal stuff and now your invested in my life troubles’ 30. ‘we’re two thirds of the threesome we had last night and we’re walking awkwardly out of the last person’s apartment together’ 31. ‘I’ve had a really awful day so I started kicking a car out of frustration and it turned out to be your car I’m so sorry’ 32. I always see you doing weird shit at ridiculous hours of the night and it makes me feel better because I do weird shit in the middle of the night too 33. “I’m going to need you to put on some underwear before you say anything else." 34. “So why did I have to punch that guy?” 35. “I hope you know that my name is actually ________.” 36. "That is the tenth demon summoning this week holy shit.” 37. “Why exactly do you need chloroform at 2AM?” 38. “You need to stop leaving dead bodies in my kitchen.” 39. I asked you to babysit one time and now my child keeps asking when you will spend time with them again 40. “I’m so sorry that my child pointed out how your shirt- actually never mind I agree, that shirt is horrendous” 41. “You’re drunk and walked into the wrong apartment and fell asleep on my couch oh god you’re going to be so confused in the morning” 42. “I’m at work and my son needs to be picked up from school do you mind?” 43. “Okay well it turns out you’re really good with kids and my son has started calling you daddy and insists we move in so ‘we can be a real family’” 44. “Our dogs whine whenever they’re apart so we spend pretty much every day together” 45. “I walked in on your ex yelling at you so you grabbed me and kissed me so she’d go away and I’m kind of freaked out I literally just met you last week” 46. I’m giving out candy for Halloween and you brought your little sibling trick or treating and I think that’s sweet 47. I accidentally egged the wrong house and I’m trying to apologize but it’s one in the morning and you’re pissed off and I’m so sorry 48. “I live below you and I was minding my own business watching the snowfall out the window WHEN I SAW A BODY FALL ARE YOU REALLY PUTTING UP CHRISTMAS LIGHTS NOW” 49. “our Christmas party turned into a tropical theme because the radiator is broken and it’s hotter than hell in here - damn you look good without a shirt I never noticed before asgdhfjgkhl” 50. You’re allergic to cats but my cat really likes you my bad 51. You caught me having a Barbie movie marathon and now I’m trying to keep you from telling anyone about this! 52. met at a family reunion but not related to each other 53. your kid hates my kid 54. Accidentally “parkoured” through your window and I must pay you back but I’m dead broke 55. It’s a rainy day and I see you get side-splashed by a car and I’m laughing so hard until I get hit too 56. Drunkenly sold my soul to a demon and now I’m their bitch but this might be not so bad 57. Work at the same shitty restaurant and have all the same shitty shift times 58. 'What the fuck are you doing its midnight why are you playing 'My Heart Will Go On' on the piano' 59. “I came up to your apartment to ask you to turn down your music and have quieter sex, but it turns out that you’ve just been jumping up and down on your bed in your underwear listening to music alone 60. 'I heard you singing backstreet boys at 3am and decided to sing along oops’ (other old boybands can be substituted) 61. 'I was walking by the roller coasters and SOMEONE’S SHOE FLEW OFF AND HIT ME IN THE HEAD 62. you’re the drummer for my brother’s band and I find you hot (bonus: the band is really shit and the drummer doesn't want to be there so uses the other person as an excuse to get out of practice) 63. we go to the same coffee shop every evening to do homework but we never speak to each other until today 64. I’m only your friend because we smoke weed and get high together 65.
66. “I want to blame my young child from accidentally breaking your window with a baseball, but it actually was in fact me, and I was aiming for your roof I am sorry 67. we have apartments next to each other and sometimes you’re blasting shitty music but other times you’re jerking off and that’s even louder than the music please quite down 68. “I’m a biker and one day I was biking in your neighborhood while you just happened to be outside watering the plants and since you’re so goddamn cute I accidentally steered into a pole and now you’re giving me first aid (holy shit you’re even cuter up close)” 69. “I’m at a karaoke bar and I’m sober enough to realize that your voice singing my absolute favorite song is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever heard, and you caught me staring and winked at me oh shit" 70. “it’s 2 in the morning and I was just trying to get home but I left my sunroof open all day and now there’s a squirrel in my car and it scared me and I drove into a pole – would you please stop laughing you’re a cop. you’re supposed to be helping” 71. “you can’t get tattooed drunk, come back in the morning and if you still want my name on your ass we’ll talk" 72. ‘I walked into the public bathroom at a mcdonalds and you’re dangling halfway out of an air vent do I even want to know what you were doing’ 73. ‘I found you on the roof of my house passed out with a black eye holding a fire extinguisher’ 74. I accidentally texted the wrong number with a cat meme and you replied back with a different one unexpectedly and we just kept going ‘till I was convinced I would marry you 75. I’m best friends with your brother and when we were face-chatting you walked past in your boxers and bent over to pick something up and I tried averting my eyes but that ass 76. Detective partners 77. Reincarnation 78. Childhood friends with adjoining houses/rooms 79. This is the end of the world and we’re all we’ve got 80. I keep calling tech support because you’re helpful and your voice is cute 81. Competitive buskers who eventually for a band 82. Pen pals who vent to each other every week 83. Working at a theatre together during midnight premiere of a blockbuster 84. Meeting while waiting for hours in the a&e 85. Panicked yelling in unison because of lost baggage between connecting flights 86. Book store 87. Reluctant team mates who save the world together 88. Stuck in an airport because our flights were very delayed and it’s like 2am 89. Pretending to be siblings because of reasons 90. Teaming up to rescue respective abducted children 91. Trapped in a bank during a robbery 92. I’m pretending to be your bff bc you look very uncomfortable with that person at the bar 93. New fbi partner is hot 94. You accidentally shipped this weird thing to my apartment 95. Inappropriately timed confessions 96. At a ski lodge somehow got stuck outside in a storm hey look an abandoned cabin logically thinking go inside for warmth 97. Oops friend looks like the only place to sleep in this house is this small twin sized bed guess we are sharing 98. Inappropriately timed proposals 99. Called the wrong number while drunk 100. Hitchhiker 101. Arranged marriage 102. Fallen angel 103. Fashion designer 104. Zombie apocalypse 105. Backpacking across Europe 106. Mermaid 107. Band on tour 108. Small town lovers 109. Ice skaters 110. Dancing partners 111. Singing partners 112. Lawyers/ detectives 113. Writer and editor 114. Photographer and model 115. Stuck in a lift together 116. Phycologist and a patient 117. Partners in crime 118. Dystopian 119. Utopian 120. We both got kicked out of our rooms bc our room mates are hooking up and we are now avoiding each other 121. Laser tag 122. Walked by a rollercoaster and got hit in the head by a shoe 123. Swim team 124. Got mistaken for a celeb by their biggest fan 125. Sorry I set the fire alarm off for like the forty ninth time I tried to cook 126. I’m a werewolf but I’m embarrassed to tell you bc my wolf form is more like a Chihuahua 127. We both tried to rob a bank at the same time 128. Mistaken identity 129. Trapped on a desert island 130. Lab partners 131. Runaway royalty and a confused commoner 132. Android ad human 133. Immortal and non-immortal 134. Detention 135. Time travel 136. Came to the wrong Halloween party 137. Pranked the wrong person 138. Accidentally scared a kid and their adult is angry at me 139. Rival super heroes trying to save the same small town 140. Neighbours who only met because “I cannot get this stupid jar open can you help?” 141. We made a bet at the beginning of laser tag guess who won pay up 142. I’m on the FBIs most wanted for killing a ton of people but dw I just wanna date you bc your face is smoochable and you give me butterflies 143. Life sized version of clue in an old abandoned manor 144. Reunited after surviving zombie apocalypse 145. “are we both robbing the same house?” 146. Kissed them as a distraction to steal their wallet 147. “you know you’re singing out loud to your headphones, right?” 148. “I think my dog likes your dog” 149. Little kids getting way caught up in make believe 150. Lives alone in the woods next to a waterfall finds a confused lost person walking round 151. Fighting a squirrel 152. Spy 153. Private security 154. Angry biologists 155. Historians 156. Crazy cat hoarder and frustrated allergic to cats neighbour 157. Modern royalty 158. Got up at 2am for snacks at the store and found you trying to sleep in the hallway bc your roommates have his fiancée over and I guess I’ll lend you my couch 159. My cat went into your apartment through an open window and likes to piss everywhere and ruin furniture and now your back home from the store and you found me in the middle of your living room but I promise I’m not a burglar 160. Its 3 am and as much as you have a great music taste people are trying to sleep 161. My best friend somehow broke me to and tonight it the season finale of my fav to show and no internet streams are working can I watch it on you to please I promise I’ll go back to my apartment once it’s over 162. “I moved into the apartment next door and its totally haunted crash I crash here tonight” 163. “I may or may not have just robbed a bank and please help me get away I will pay you in sexual favors also cash” 164. “I don’t know you but you were at that party last night and long story short I now have your name tattooed on my ass2 165. “my friends dared me to go on this rollercoaster and now we are at the top and it looks hella scary and hello hot person next to me careful I might puke” 166. You thought you were alone at the bus stop early this morning so you started singing fall out boy loud but your Patrick stump impression could use some work and I’m not afraid to point that out 167. We’re rival up and coming singers and every time one of us releases a song the other covers it to try and make it better. We’re also always trying to out cute each other and top each other but half our fans ship us; our agents use this to their advantage and decide we should do a duet bc it would be popular but now we are in the studio together and I know and I kinda wanna know how your lips feel 168. Help I cannot find my cat and I know its 3 am but me and Neil cat rick Harris would appreciate the help 169. I’m a computer hacker trying to hack government systems but accidentally hacked your computer as you were searching up sex positions and looking at questionable porn 170. I’m a fandom blogger and you’re an aesthetic/fashion blogger and I accidentally followed you through that Tumblr radar thing but you’re too cute to unfollow 171. I sent you one of those ask memes Reponses saying that I would date you but we’ve never talked and you live half way across the world but now you’re interested whoops 172. You started banging on my door at 3 in the morning bc you got the wrong apartment and now I’m inviting you in for tea to bitch about the person you thought lived here 173. Person A accidentally falls in the pond trying to reach something and person B is a bystander who can’t help but laugh 174. Person B must grab person A from falling into the t6raintracks because they did stay behind the yellow line 175. you’re a store clerk and oh no I just spotted my ex can I hide behind your desk thingy 176. We’re neighbors and we’ve never talker but your cat may have gotten my cat pregnant guess we’ll have to raise a kitty family together. 177. A toddler broke your nose and I may or may not have snapped my thumb n an intense game of Mario kart and now we are sitting next to each other in A&E 178. I tried to rescue you from being robbed but got knocked out and you had to take me to the hospital after getting your wallet stolen 179. I purposefully get your coffee order wrong so you will talk to me again 180. I work at the checkout ad you are clearly not old enough to buy that 181. We are both con artists scamming each other 182. My hamster escaped and I think he went under your door 183. “Hey we hooked up last night and it turns out you’re my child’s teacher” 184. “we are neighbors and every night at 3;14 you start yodeling?? Why?? Is that you yodeling?? Its been two months??” 185. “I woke up this morning to find you in my living room with a goat wearing a poncho who are you?? Why is the goat wearing a poncho?? How did you get the goat here I live on the 12th floor?? 186. “I was playing beer pong with a coin and accidentally threw it in your eye at a party” 187. “okay I get that you’re a good thief and you don’t want to go to jail but I’m the tired af detective sent to catch you I stg if you let me bring you in I can get you a good deal” 188. “We’ve been nothing but friends our whole lives but then we played seven minutes in heaven on a dare and now I think I’m in love with you” 189. “My guitarist quit the night before a gig that could be my bands big break and apparently, you are really good but if you screw this up for us I will hunt you down and slit your throat” 190. “it’s the middle of the night and I’m walking in the dark and there’s this guy following me and he’s gaining on me and I found a phone booth with a lock on and tried to call my sister but my hand was shaking so now I’ve ended up calling you and I don’t know who you are but please help” 191. They captured you and put you in a room with me because I can suppress other people’s powers so you hate me but I’m just lonely and bored and want to talk to you 192. Esteemed rival chefs who find each other shamelessly buying ramen at 3am 193. “I know it’s the apocalypse but please can we keep this stray dog” 194. We’re at a murder mystery party and I’m sure you’re the killer 195. Your grandma is forward even though we are just friends 196. “We got into a really heated Wii tennis match and the rec and now I wanna bang you” 197. “you are literally the last person I would expect to see at Disneyland but hey wanna ride space mountain” 198. “YOU LIKE GAME OF THRONES TOO?!” 199. “in interviewing you for a newspaper can you please stop flirting with me and we can get coffee afterwards” 200. “we’re enemies by day but league of legends allies by night” 201. Ancient gods 202. Whoops I accidentally summoned a demon 203. Co captains who always argue 204. “I didn’t mean to throw the water balloon at you I meant to hit my friend behind you” 205. There was a food fight and I accidentally threw spaghetti at the scariest kid in school 206. “I happened to glance in your window when you did some air guitar and then you caught me looking” 207. “I live a block away from the pizza place that’s open until 2 am and you’re like always here which is nice because I get to see you but, um is you sleeping here because you’re literally always here” 208. “I swear to god if I hear you taking a shower at 3 in the morning I will fight you, the pipes in this building are right above my room WHY are you taking a shower at THREE IN THE MORNING” 209. 210. “I can literally hear you sneezing through the walls and I bought you some chicken soup because I have exams to study for and your sneezing is seriously distracting” 211. “Im the poor loser you lent your umbrella to yesterday and my cat scratched through the fabric I’m sorry” 212. “we were partnered for this project and both forgot to do it and now have to pull an all nighter at my house” 213. “I came to this Halloween part as Frankenstein and you came as frankenstein’s wife and now everyone thinks we are dates” 214. We’re the only ones at this tiny bus shelter and you’ve been crying for the past ten minutes and id give you privacy but its pouring down with rain outside so “do you want to talk about it?” I guess 215. You’ve just moved into my apartment and I want a drink but you’ve been in the kitchen for an hour and you will judge me for drinking whiskey at noon on a Sunday 216. We’re both in the brass section of the marching band and you won’t stop making ‘horny’ puns 217. You work in construction and I walk by every day to give you a bagel 218. I sit behind you in lecture and bio1102 is not the place to watch porn 219. We were the only idiots who showed up to ballroom dance class without a partner 220. We are in class and you keep throwing paper balls at me why 221. Its 2am and I’m knocking on your window, wake up let’s go on a late-night walk or something idk can we hold hands already 222. Our kids got paired up for a project and I meant just drop my kid off at your house but now we are at the end of a three hour talk 223. Battle of the bands 224. Our grandparents are in the same nursing home and hate each other whereas we don’t. 225. Arrested at the same protest 226. How do you keep getting my name that wrong on my coffee cup? 227. Only two people who bought tickets to this movie 228. Our manager is making us push this crappy item no one needs but you thought my campaigns was funny so you bought it 229. I desperately need you to fix my laptop but please don’t judge me for my browser history 230. My kid’s hamster died while she was at school and I don’t know how to tell her 231. I made a dumb science joke in class and you’re the only one who laughed 232. Everyone in our dorm has gone out but I have the flu and hear you coughing pathetically from the next room wanna share my stash of cough drops and have Netflix marathon 233. Got into a seriously heated argument in the comments of a mutual friends post 234. Rival street performers 235. My kid shoplifted from your store and I marched her right back to apologies 236. Why didn’t you tell me this place was haunted before I rented it from you? 237. My band plays at the same restraint every Friday and you always make obscure requests and I know you’re trying to stump me but you have rally underestimated how much of a music geek I am 238. m the caterer and you’re the florist for this wedding and we bond over talking about how bad of a person the bride’s mother is 239. We’re chaperoning these kids at an ice skating rink and that last couples skate was pathetic how about we show them how it’s done? 240. We both work at rivalling gossip magazines and keep trying to outdo each other ridiculous stories 241. I accidentally caught the neighbor’s yard on fire and I didn’t think it could get worse but the volunteer fireman reprimanding me is gorgeous and probably thinks I’m an idiot 242. I didn’t mean to get you arrested I thought I was helping 243. Your pizza keeps getting delivered to my house and I need to talk to you about your choice of toppings 244. Graffiti artist/ mural painter 245. You’re the only major film critic who’s hated my movie and I need to talk to you about it because I agree
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pavlovers · 6 years
unusual asks: 2, 6, 14, 26, 31, 32, 35 (or name a couple bc i already know a deal of yours), 36, 41, 51, 55, 73, 76, 80, 94, 97 (sorry to send so many asdlfiasg they were interesting)
2. is your room messy or clean?
oh you bet… it’s not that it’s cluttered with a ton of stuff or anything it’s just that i tend to leave clothes all over my bed instead of putting them where i should and plus my closet and wardrobe are extremely disorganized because i just like shove random clothes in there,, same with other drawers full of school supplies and stuff, i can never put away stuff neatly it seems
6. describe your personality in 3 words or less
bore, bored, and boring
14. if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why?
oh man idk, i think i’d just like to live somewhere where it’s not easy to be isolated, like right now i live in a small house where there’s no sidewalks in my neighborhood and it’s impossible to walk down the street without a car zooming past and i’ve lived here for about 11 years and i only know one of my neighbors and i just hate it a lot. i remember before i moved when i was 5, i lived in a small city in a multi-residential house, and me and the three other kids who lived in it would always hang out together, and my grandma would like to take us to the small little cluster of grocery stores and bodegas less than a mile from our house and buy us candy and fun-yuns and stuff, and maybe i just remember it so fondly because i was just a little kid, but i really do miss that. 
26. how many pillows do you sleep with?
i’m a one pillow kinda person, more than that bothers my neck
31.  3 favorite boy names
um elijah, oliver, and leo i guess
32. 3 favorite girl names
mia, alexandra, and uhh natalie ? take all of those with a grain of salt because like honestly i dont think i feel strongly enough about names enough to have favorites
35. who is your celebrity crush?
if you follow me you pretty much know who all of them are,, uhh lemme think who don’t i post about too much
brandon flowers is,, a big one like i don’t get how he just looks!! like that!!
ooh alexa chung is lovely and gorgeous and alex turner never deserved her 
and um,, yeah i guess i do post about him frequently, but gerard way is truly one of the most beautiful people to exist
36. favorite movie? 
um idk honestly, but i guess i’ll say either the breakfast club or heathers
41. top 10 favorite songs
currently: fob’s cover of i wanna dance with somebody by whitney houston, there is a light that never goes out by the smiths, flaming hot cheetos by clairo, empty by kevin abstract, don’t panic by coldplay, music when the lights go out by the libertines, pale shelter by tears for fears, desert song by mcr, the numbers by radiohead, and isolation by john lennon
51. how old were you when you found out santa wasnt real? 
well my parents never really gave me presents for christmas, and whenever i got stuff from other relatives or whatever they wouldnt tell me it was from santa so i guess i always knew he wasn’t real
55. what is your dream job?
i’m not really sure what i’d like to do yet, but if i was good at it, i think it’d be cool to be a baker, my cousin is one, and he has the quaintest bakery and makes the best chocolate croissants, and idk it just sounds fun
73. do you want to get married?
idk, i guess it depends if i ever find someone i want to marry
76. what color looks best on you? 
oh lol idk i don’t put nearly enough effort into how i look to notice… black maybe? sjdnjdfjhfdjj
80. what is your biggest pet peeve? 
i think pretty much all my pet peeves boil down to people who are narrow-minded and can’t listen to or respect other people, while it’s talking over/ignoring others in conversation, or being inconsiderate of people’s feelings. 
94. favorite lyrics right now
I’m big, humongous, enormous and smallAnd it’s not fair that I am nothing and nobody’s there
- Declan McKenna, Humongous
so i decided to finally check out his stuff at the beginning of this month because he was showing up in my recommended a lot, and man for being pretty young (18? 19? im not quite sure) he’s putting out some insightful stuff. this is probably my favorite song of his i’ve heard thus far, and it just like, hits the nail on how frustrating it is to be a teenager. you’re bigger, and you have to make big decisions about the future, but older adults still look down on you like you’re small, and oftentimes don’t value your opinion. it’s enough to make you feel worthless and that “no one truly understands”. 
97. dark, milk, or white chocolate? 
milk definitely, i think dark chocolate is so bitter, and i havent had white chocolate since i was little so i honestly cant have an opinion on it
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Ask me: all
JESUS answers under the cut hopefully bc holy shit [[READ MORE]]1) What images do you have set for your desktop/cell phone wallpapers?I'll do cell phone since I'm on it right now: lock screen is a duck and her ducklings, home is sylveon2) Have you ever had a crush on a teacher?Nope3) What was your last text message?Tbh something personal to my friends expense so not gonna copy and paste 4) What do you see yourself doing in 10 years?I'd like to be helping my communities. I have several dreams... Photoshoots for trans kids, bringing ASL further into the spotlight and performing musicals in asl, making clothing lines for plus size and trans people5) If you could be anywhere else right now, where would you be?Cuddling in bed in some gay ass nerds arms 6) What was your coolest Halloween costume?Lmao I never really had 'cool' halloween costumes but the funniest definitely was this year where my friends and I all went as different aesthetics/ tropes- "emo" "hipster" "jock" stuff like that and then "space gay" "plant gay" and I was manic pixie dream girl 7) What was your favorite 90s show?"Friends" or "Freaks and Geeks" 8) Who was your last kiss?Ex and he forced me lmao so it was uncomfortable and my friend had to intervene9) Have you ever been stood up?I've been on like two dates in my life so no10) Favorite ice cream flavor?Chocolate with brownie chunks and fudge- so basically chocolate on chocolate on chocolate 11) Have you been to Las Vegas?Nop12) Your favorite pair of shoes?My Converse I hand painted a galaxy on 13) Honestly, have you ever cheated on your significant other?Nope. One time someone grabbed me by the hair at the back of my head and kissed me and I shoved them off but I've never been an instigator 14) What is your favorite fruit?Pear or apple, I'm boring :v 15) Have you talked to anyone on tumblr that you could see yourself dating/having sex with? If possible?I already did that twice so... yes16) Are you into hookups? Short or long term relationships?Nope I'm Demisexual so hookups aren't a thing for me. Long term typically, but if I know it's really not working out I'm not afraid to end things. 17) Do you smoke? If so, what?Nop18) What do you do to get over your anger?Bike, mediative breathing, kick boxing 19) Do you believe in God?Eh? I believe in several deities and powers and ideals 20) Does the person you're in love with know it?I mean I'd hope so I've said it a million times 21) Favorite position?Cowgirl 22) What's your horoscope sign?ITS THE AGE OF AQUARIUS, THE AGE OF AQUARIUSSSSSSS- AQUIRIUUUUUUSSSSSSSSSSS...... AQUIRIUSSsSsSsS 23) Your fears?Being manipulated, being raped, someone breaking into my house, being followed, running into past people who have hurt me 24) How many pets do you have? What kind?Right now I just have Luna my cat who doesn't meow but just yells really loudly 25) What never fails to turn you on?Grabbing or biting 26) Your idea of a perfect first date?Seeing a movie, walking on the boardwalk and going to a fun restaurant (good food, not stuffy and fancy) and walking on the beach feeling the water and sand on our feet 27) What is something most people don't know about you?That I suffer/ed from an eating disorder and I'm mostly recovering 28) What makes you feel the happiest?Laughing with my friends 29) What store do you shop at most often?Does Amazon count or...? 30) How do you feel about oral? Giving and/or receiving?I think it's a way of showing you care about your partner and their pleasure so I'm for it; I like both 31) Do you believe in karma?I think that people should strive to do what they believe is right without harming others, but I don't think the universe goes around righting wrongs considering so many who do wrong never face punishment32) Are you single?Not really? I'm not officially in a relationship but I'm also not looking33) Do you think flowers or candy are a better way to apologize?I think that either one can serve as a good way to apologize in addition to an actual thought out apology; provided the flowers or candy are thought out 34) Are you a good swimmer?I've swam since I was like 6 months old so yes 35) Coffee or Tea?Depends, I love both though. Typically I only like homemade tea and cafe made coffee 36) Online shopping or shopping in person?Online shopping I hate irl shopping 37) Would you rather be older or younger than your current age?If I had to choose, older 38) Cats or Dogs?Both? I guess cats if I had to choose because I like cuddling 39) Are you a competitive person?Yeah but I try not to be by avoiding competition40) Do you believe in aliens?Definitely 41) Do you like dancing?Fuck yes I'm always dancing 42) What kind of music to you listen to?Honestly I listen to a really wide spread I like a little bit of everything, only thing I can't always get into is screamo and similar genres 43) What is your favorite cartoon character?Marinette maybe? I have many 44) Where are you from?Florida 45) Eat at home or eat out?Depends what I have st home lmao 46) How much more social are you when you're drunk?Don't know don't drink 47) What was the last thing you bought for yourself?Rainbow boxers yesterday st pride! 48) Why do you think your followers follow you?Memes 49) How many hours do you sleep at night?Typically 6 50) What worries you most about the future?Succeeding in my field 51) If you had a friend that spoke to you the same way you speak to yourself, how long would you be friends?I would drop them so fast fuck 52) Are you happy with yourself?I think mostly I am 53) What do you wish you didn't know?Knowledge is power so I don't regret that, I only wish certain things hadn't happened perhaps 54) What big lesson could people learn from your life?Recognize when you're being manipulated and stay true to yourself 55) If you could live in any home on a television series, what would it be?Maybe the Gilmore house from Gilmore girls? It's such s beautiful house and I love the aesthetic of the town 56) What's your favorite Website?Shopmissa if not a social media website 57) What's the habit you're proudest of breaking?Cutting58) What was your most recent trip of more than 50 miles?I think Gainesville s few months ago for my sisters graduation 59) What's the best bargain you've ever found at a garage sale or thrift store?2.50 blazers at good will 60) What do you order when you eat Chinese food?Dumpling soup, egg rolls, crab Rangoon 61) If you had to be named after one of the 50 states, which would it be?I already am sort of, kali and cali(fornia) if not I guess Dakota? It's a pretty name 62) If you had to teach a subject to a class, what would it be?History, psychology, sexed, or any kind of art lmao? 63) Favorite kind of chips?Sour cream and onion or plain salted kettle cooked chips 64) Favorite kind of sandwich?Turkey, muenster, honey mustard etc 65) Which do you use more often, the dictionary or the thesaurus?Dictionary 66) Have you ever been stung by a bee?Nope I've never been hurt by any animal67) What's your favorite form of exercise?Dance or swimming 68) Are you afraid of heights?Maybe a little but not really 69) What's the most memorable class you've ever taken?Informal geometry it was a fuckin messssssss 70) What's your favorite breakfast?Waffle, eggs, toast, hash browns, coffee, bacon. Aka what I get every time o go to Waffle House 71) Do you like guacamole?Fuck yeah72) Have you ever been in a physical fight?Not really no, I've been hit though 73) What/who are you thinking about right now?Not gonna lie I'm just thinking about how periods suck but I'm so glad I'm not pregnant 74) Do you like cuddling?Most of the time yeah but I have to be very comfortable with that person 75) Are you holding onto something you need to let go of?Probably I have a lot of trauma 76) Have you ever experienced one of your biggest fears?Almost all of them77) Favorite city you've been to?Gainesville, it's so beautiful 78) Would you break the law to save a family member?Depends on the law and depends on the family member- maybe for my older siblings 79) Talk about an embarrassing moment?Oh god I had one yesterday. So I was with friends and I was taking a bunch of pictures and my friend next to me and I starting goofing around and I took a bunch of silly pictures of them and after they grabbed my phone and deleted them and then went to my deleted photos and I was screaming for them to give back my phone and like I'm 99% sure they saw my personal photos I had in there sooo I wanted to die 80) Are there any causes you strongly believe in?LGBT rights, Deaf rights, Autistic and Aspergers people's rights, Black lives matter 81) What's the worst injury you've ever had?I had to get a really shitty surgery in an emergency hospital for an abscess on my labia minora and I was screaming in agony with no anesthesia as doctors flooded in and out. It was really traumatic and painful 82) Favorite day of the week?Saturday. I get to sleep in, be productive in the morning, hang out with friends, have time for myself, and it's very stress free 83) Do you consider yourself sexually open minded?Very, even though I'm Demi once I am comfortable with someone I'm open to try anything almost and I have a lot of kinks 84) How do you feel about porn?I think that while the industry is fucked up and corrupt I support sex workers and sex work in general as a form of entrepreneurship 85) Which living celebrity would you like to know?Maybe Emma stone? 86) Who was your hottest ex?I haven't dated a lot of people really but someone who isn't quite an ex? 87) Do you want/have kids?Not sure. I've gone back and forth but I know I want to experience my life first before I do anything. 88) Has anyone ever told you that they wanted to marry you?Yes89) Do you get easily distracted?YES90) Ass or titties?titties all the way 91) What is your favorite word?Prejudice 92) How do you feel about tattoos?I think they're a beautiful art form 93) Do you have any pets?Yes 94) How tall are you?5'2 and a half 95) How old are you?17 96) 3 physical features you get complimented on a lot?Eyes, boobs, ass 97) Is there anything you're really passionate about?Activism and cosmetology 98) Do you have trust issues?Yeahhhh a little bit not gonna lie99) Do you believe in love at first sight?No not really? I think that you can have attraction but you have to get to know someone to love them 100) What are some words that you live by? Why?Everything happens for a reason. Because while shitty things happen in our lives we can learn from them to make the world a better place. I've had a lot of shitty things happen to me and they have only driven me further in life to help others.
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