#i have FEELINGS about book 22 of the iliad ok
whiskeysorrows · 30 days
you ever think about how the ancient greeks likely viewed the iliad as a celebration of their war culture but from a modern perspective we're able to question if the text is actually criticising the social shame and ideals that can lead to senseless slaughter far beyond the realm of thumos or time
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Tag! Get to know me!
Rules: Always post the rules. Tag 11 new people you’d like to know better!
Tagged by @verbose-vespertine, thanks!
Tagging (geez, it’s not even 7 people, i don’t know anybody): @swtorpadawan, @jedi-master-megan, @oakstar519, @shabre-legacy, @icertainlydidnotexpectthis (no pressure, of course, and forgive me if you’ve been tagged before)
1. Dogs or Cats?
Cats. When I was a kid, I was afraid of dogs. I don't know why. Over time, I've outgrown this fear, but I still prefer cats. They're cute, even when they're annoying by scratching the ceiling.
2. YouTube celebrities or normal celebrities?
I don’t follow celebrities at all (Keanu Reeves memes don’t count).
3. If you could live anywhere where would that be?
A place with a continental or harsh continental climate. That is, a warm enough summer, but not hot (for me even +25°C is already hot), and cold winter (bc I like winter). I wish -20-40°C, a lot of snow, and that it lasted at least more than 3 weeks. I think somewhere like Canada or Siberia.
4. Disney or DreamWorks?
Both, I think. Both studios made cartoons that I like.
5. Favorite childhood TV show?
Wizards of Waverly Place, Xena, Phineas and Ferb, Jackie Chan Adventures, almost everything that was on Disney Channel (because I hadn’t much choice).
6. The movie you’re looking forward to most in 2020?
Cats. Ok, I’m kidding. Wonder Woman 1984. And Onward.
7. Favorite book you read in 2019?
I've read a lot less this year than usual, unfortunately. I don't even remember reading fiction this year. Let it be “I morgen var jeg alltid en løve” by Arnhild Lauveng (idk if there is an English name of this book).
8. Marvel or DC?
I’m not big fan of comics, but not because I don’t like them, but bc I haven’t read Marvel ans DC comics, only have seen movies. Judging by movies, both.
9. If you choose Marvel favorite member of the X-Men? If you choose DC favorite Justice League member?
Since I don't know much about them, let it be Wolverine and Professor X of X-Men and Wonder Woman and Flash of the Justice League.
10. Night or Day?
I used to be day person, but this year my sleeping schedule has gone wild, so honestly, I don’t know.
11. Favorite Pokemon?
I haven’t watched or played Pokemons.
12. Top 5 bands/artists:
For next 3 questions remember this: I have a strange taste. In everything.
Mostly I listen to music (movies, videogames soundtrack), not songs. And it’s a list, not top.
Imagine Dragons
Adele (though I’ve listened to only 3 her songs, but I love love love her voice)
Evanescence (I'm just starting to listen to them, but I really like her voice)
13. Top 10 books.
I’m stupid and boring as hell (and also SW fan). Again, a list, not top.
Harry Potter (every one of them, but faves are the Goblet of Fire and the Order of the Phoenix)
Bloodline by Claudia Gray
Darth Bane trilogy by Drew Karpyshyn
Revenge of the Sith by Matthew Stover
The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov
Crime And Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky
Greek Myths compilation (can’t say which one. One day I’m gonna read The Iliad)
The Thrawn Trilogy by Timothy Zahn
Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan
Sorry, can’t remember more.
14. Top 4 movies.
Again, a list, not top (there are more, of course, i had to choose).
Schindler's List
The Incredibles
Revenge of the Sith
15. America or Europe?
I haven't been to America or Europe, and given my financial situation, I don't think I ever will. I would have visited America to satisfy my inner pop-culture fan (Star Wars in particular), to Europe to study if I had learned the language.
16. Tumblr or Twitter?
Tumblr. I love this weird place.
17. Favorite vacation destination?
I don't even go out of town on vacation (reasons why in 15). Cinema, cafe - these are my best vacation spots.
18. Favorite YouTuber?
zanny. He’s funny (imho).
19. Favorite author?
I don’t have one (but I have a feeling it's until I get to Stephen King and Agatha Christie).
20. Tea or Coffee?
Both. One cup of coffee at morning, after this, depends on mood.
21. OTP?
Poe/Finn, Exile/Atton. I like OTPs, but I’m a mess about them.
22. Do you play an instrument/sing?
When I was in school, I played the violin and sang. I also tried to play the piano, but it didn't work out. Unfortunately, I haven't played music in a couple of years (well, except for the violin performance in 2017, and it was the only time in several years I performed on stage). Now I'd like to go back to the violin and singing and learn the guitar, but that's not going to happen until I move to another apartment. My current apartment has a terrible soundproofing in it.
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raganandhersurveys · 6 years
1. Do you enjoy rhododendrons?
•I looked them up and they are very beautiful flowers. so yeah sure
2. Have you ever met someone who supports nazism?
•not really. kids used to kid about that which is totally wrong and not ok but none of them are for the nazi party
3. If you’ve ever been to another country, what was the best thing you did there?
•unfortunately I haven’t
4. What is your favorite print: Plaid, animal, stripes, spots, other?
5. Have you ever owned a cellphone for over a year? If so, was it still working?
•yes. I never have a phone for less then 2 years
6. What’s the worst sickness you’ve ever had?
•it’s a tie between phnemonia and the stomach bug
7. What do you enjoy more: Fairs or circuses?
8. Is your favorite animal something you can have as a pet?
•unfortunately not
9. Are you good at gardening?
•i’ve never really tried
10. What was the last classic novel you read? Did you enjoy it?
•Fahrenheit 451. and yeah I really liked it. Ray Bradbury is an amazing writer
11. So you think you would actually read any of the epic poems, such as Beowulf or The Iliad?
•yes just because i’ve read them for school, like The Odessey
12. Are you the type of person that feels guilty after eating junk food?
• no lol yolo
13. Tell me about a time where you felt like you had no real friends:
•I think the beginning of 8th grade was really the time when I felt like I had no friends. my schedule got all messsed up and I didn’t have any classes with my friends
14. Have you ever felt betrayed by someone?if so, what did they do to make you feel that way?
•tried to get with my bf at the time
15. Which is better: Xbox 360 or PS3? Or are you someone that doesn’t care?
•I don’t care
16. Have you gotten registered to vote yet?
17. What do you like best about your favorite actor? How about actress?
•both of them are very talented and are passionate about theit careers
18. Tell me how you are feeling in another language?
•maso manos
19. Would you rather drink water all day or Coca Cola all day?
•water definitely! I hate soda
20. Name three movies that have a soundtrack you really love:
•fifty shades of grey, the breakfast club, black panther
21. Do you think Gatorade tastes refreshing or just gross?
•I mean I don’t think it’s refreshing but it’s not gross
22. What’s the scariest video game you’ve ever played?
•mario kart lol
23. Do either of your parents get angry over small things?
24. What’s the mot dramatic tv show you watch?
•mad men
25. Do you still watch VHS tapes?
26. Have you ever visited one of the states that didn’t have sales tax? Was it a nice change?
27. Have you ever had Dutch Brothers’ coffee?
28. What are your grandparents like? Are they nice or mean?
•very very sweet all of them
29. Do you own a pet fish? What kind of fish are they?
30. Do you have a turntable and vinyls that you regularly play?
•yes and I love it! it’s my favorite way to listen to music
31. What’s the most irritating thing that a boyfriend or girlfriend has ever done to you?
•clingy stuff. ughhh I hate it
32. Have you ever thrown up from being so nervous? What was happening that made you so nervous?
•before taking a test and before a cheer competition
33. Would you rather be uncomfortable and fashionable or comfortable and unfashionable?
•honestly I don’t know. like obviously I don’t wanna be uncomfortable but I wanna be cute
34. When was the last time you took your pet to the vet? What was wrong with it?
•just for a groom
35. Have you ever known someone who was in an abusive relationship?
•unfortunately yes
36. If you smoke/drink/do drugs, do you feel insulted when someone tells you it’s bad for you?
•I don’t do any of those
37. Do you like skiing or snowboarding?
•i hate it
38. Do you find government buildings dreary and uncomfortable?
•no lol
39. Name the last horror story you read? If you can’t remember any, name the last horror movie you saw?
•I can’t remember the last book but the last movie was Insidious 4
40. What happened the last time you were embarrassed?
•I called someone the wrong name
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