#i have Not been able to stop thinking about him on his fckn knees
caninecowboy · 2 years
i am thinking about chuck taylor again :/ i am also being horny on main about it (again)
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benhardyisdaddy · 6 years
the breakup - part 6
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WARNING: sexual assault 
Word Count: 1,913
(OKAY SO i had to cut this chapter in half bc it was gonna be way too long omg but I HOPE U GUYS LIKE IT ILY also ik the gif isn’t roger or even has ANYTHING 2 do with this chap but i had to use it cuz he’s so fckn cute oK & all i can say is get ready for the next chap OOF)
You were hardly able to sleep last night. You weren’t sure what you were most nervous about: the art show or Roger showing up. You had finally managed to only focus on the art show and not Roger. You couldn’t get distracted right now. This was important to you. You woke up earlier than usual. You rolled over and stretched your aching muscles. You didn’t want to get up, but you might as well. You weren’t going back to sleep. The butterflies in your stomach made it impossible. You slip from bed and slowly open your door. You take a few steps and peer over to the couch. Roger wasn’t there. You check around and he wasn't home at all. You feel your shoulders fall, but this is a good thing. You wouldn’t be even more distracted by him.
You walk to your painting and smile at it. It was really good. Realistic and different. Something inside you told yourself that Philip would like this. You turn and head to shower. You still needed to pick out your outfit for tonight. You wanted to call Mary, but she’s out of town with Fred. She was your fashion go-to person. You finish showering and walk to your closet. You need something cute yet elegant. This was an extremely fancy plaza you were going to. You did not want to be under-dressed,
You saw a certain dress buried deep in your closet and smile. It was a long, flowy gray dress that had a slit by your leg on the left side. It was tight on top as the straps fall down your shoulders. The top was angled a bit down, revealing a tiny portion of your chest. You held it up to yourself and cocked your head. This will do. You silently thank Roger for buying you all of these beautiful dresses for the parties he takes you to. Took you to. You walk to your bed and lay it down. You had hours to go until you needed to leave. You hoped maybe Roger would come home soon. You hoped he would go to the show, but you weren’t going to get your hopes up again. One heartbreak was enough.
You were making yourself a cup of tea when there was a sudden knock at your door. You place the kettle down as you rush to answer it, hoping it was maybe Roger. You fling it open and your smile half drops.
“Who’s excited?” asks Flynn, a smile plastered on his face.
He takes a step inside and looks around. He spots your painting and walks over to it.
“Is this it?” he asks, whispering. He looks to you and you nod.
“It’s… It’s beautiful. And sad. It’s perfect.” Sad. That had been what Roger said when he saw it. Flynn gently picks up the painting and looks to you.
“I’m going to go get this set up at the plaza for tonight. Remember 6 O’clock sharp. Is Roger going to be there?” he asks.
Oh that’s right. You hadn’t told him that the two of you were taking a break. You weren’t about to tell him that.
“Oh, um, I’m not sure if he is. You know, really busy.” you quickly say.
“Like last time.” he says, looking at your painting still. You cross your arms and look away. “Well,” he starts. “Big day today!” he says as he walks to your front door and closes it behind him. You take in a deep breath and rub your face.
You walk around the apartment half the day, not knowing what to do. You cleaned almost every inch of it out of pure anxiety. You couldn’t sit still. It was nearing 4 O’clock now when your phone goes off. You rush to it and answer.
“Hi, sweetheart!” says Mary. You smile at her friendly voice.
“Mary! How are you and Fred doing?” you ask, plopping down on the couch.
“We’re doing fantastic! He’s just currently arguing with someone about about the difference between maroon and burgundy.” You can’t help but laugh.
“That sounds like Fred.” you say still giggling. “Hey, Mary?” you ask.
“Yes, love?”
You pause for a second before talking. “Um, have you talked to Rog today? He wasn’t here when I got up.” You can hear Fred saying something in the background.
“Oh, no babe. I haven’t. Maybe he’s at practice with the others?”
You look down and and nod your head. Maybe he was just at practice. Maybe he will show up. “You alright?” she asks, sounding worried.
“Oh, yeah. No, I’m fine. Just curious.” you say, clearing your throat. The two of you talk for forever about little things when you realize it’s almost 5 O’clock. You quickly say goodbye to Mary and rush to your room. You opt to leave your hair down so you saved time. You start on your makeup and make sure to get every little detail right. Not too heavy, but enough to bring out your eyes.
You feel accomplished with your looks as you slip on your dress. It clings to your body perfectly and is beautiful. You run your hands over it to smooth it out and look at yourself in the mirror. You look stunning. You half smile to yourself and walk to put on your heels. You grab your clutch and phone and lock up the apartment behind you. Your nerves were insane right now. Your heart was racing and you were almost shaking. You were taking deep, slow breaths as your cab pulls up. You climb in and give the man the address. You watch the city lights pass by as you think about Roger. What was he doing? And why are you so worried about him showing up? He owes you nothing. You were the one who wanted the break. He didn’t owe you anything. You rub the back of your neck as the plaza comes into view.
There were giant spotlights on either side of the building as people surrounded it, inside and out. The cab comes to a stop and you thank and pay the man. You get out and look up to the building. You were intimidated by the amount of people here. It was nearly doubled by the amount of people that were at the masquerade. You looked around and begin walking inside. As you enter inside, everyone’s eyes fall on you. You look like something straight from a fairy tale, with your long beautiful dress. You hold your head high and continue walking. You walk up to a few pieces of the art and admire them. There’s so many on the walls. Your piece suddenly feels very tiny and pathetic compared to theirs.
You walk around for a while longer when a waiter walks up and offers your champagne. You quickly think him and start sipping it. You catch yourself glancing around the room as you search for Roger. You force yourself to focus on the paintings instead. You turn a corner and suddenly spot Flynn. His eyes catch yours as you walk towards him.
“There she is!” he says loudly, causing a few other people to look at you. Your cheeks turn red as he hugs you.
“Y/n, I would like to introduce you to someone,” he says, taking your hand and leading you forward. “I think you know who this gentleman is.”
Standing before you is the one and only Philip Chartier. He’s taller than you expected and even more handsome as well. He has lushes blonde hair and the most charming smile. He reaches out his hand towards you and you take it. He pulls your hand up to his mouth and kisses the back of it. Was this really happening?
“It’s very nice to meet you.” he says, still holding your hand.
You smile as your heart races.
“It’s nice to meet you as well.” you whisper.
“You are the reason why y/n wanted to be an artist, Philip.” says Flynn.
You look to him then back to Philip.
“Is that so? Well I’ve seen your work and it was breathtaking.”
He thought your work was breathtaking!? This was most definitely a dream. You were so starstruck right now. You didn’t even know what to say.
“You know,” he starts again. “I would love to go over some advice with you. If you would like?” he asks.
You perk up at his offer and smile.
“I- I would love!” you say.
He smiles and reaches out his hand for you to take. You slowly take it and look to Flynn. He watches you and raises his brows. Philip slowly leads you in between the ocean of people. You look around once more very quickly to look for Roger. You didn’t see him. You continue walking as Philip leads you to a blocked off section of the building. There was a red rope that he had moved to allow you access. You were far away from everyone as you glance around the odd area. Pieces of art filled the walls.
“Wow,” you whisper looking around.
“They’re all mine.” he says, watching you. “You see,” he starts. “This one reminded me of the piece you did. Do you see how sad her eyes are? How lost she looks. Yours resembled the same thing to me. Painting’s like these can only be created by those who feel it.”
You look up to him, your brows slightly furrowing.
“I knew when I saw your painting tonight,” he says, taking a step forward. “That the girl who made this was very sad.” You stare at him, slightly shivering. You were sad when you created it. You had put your heart and soul into it.
“And now that I’ve met you, y/n,” he pushes a piece of hair behind your ear and looks you up and down. “I can see it in your eyes just how truly sad you are.”
You shiver at his touch and slightly take a step back. The way he’s looking at you makes you uncomfortable. You peak over to the exit and then back to him. He takes a step forward as you take another step back, your back meeting the wall.
“Tell me, madame,” he starts. “Why is a girl like you so sad?”
Just then you can feel his hand on your knee and slightly raises up. You freeze in fear and finally try to shove him away.
“Please stop,” you whisper.
He doesn’t move, his hand only goes further up. You can feel tears pool into your eyes as you feel helpless. There’s nobody around. Nobody to witness what’s happening. You just wanted to leave. His hand moves behind your thigh as he raises it up even further. You turn your head and without hesitation you bring your knee up harsh in between his legs. He lets out a guttural groan and grabs himself. He backs up and leans over. You turn and make your way around the corner. You’re sobbing at what had just happened. You can’t catch your breath. The person you had looked up to for years had turned out to be the most horrible person you had ever met.
You whip around the corner fast and run into someone. Their arms wrap around you tight as you continue to sob.
“Y/n?” asks the person.
You look up to them and blink away a few tears.
Tag List: @sweetlygwilym @rogerinascigarette @basics-andthesimplelife @through-faith @myprincesoftheuniverse @scoobydoosbooty @beanut-putter @pg-taylor-fltchr @shadycupcakefox @loudxxstar @zcars777 @amostpeculiarmademoisellerp @borhapqueen92 @lovethis-lovethat @queen-darlin @dashlilymark @schniiipsel @perriwiinkle @rogertayolr @llcalumllhoodll
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